Rockland Gazette : February 14, 1856
B a tit la n h anti printing. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY EVEXING, BY Having made 'large additions tolou r T former/variety ’ o f JOHN PORTER,::::::::::::::::Proprietor. PLAIN AND FANCY — Office, No. 5 Custom-House Block, JO B T Y B B , W e are now prepared io execute with nutxsss and oxa- patch, bvkby DBscKiPTioN of Job W ork, aucb aa TERMS, Circulars, BiU-heads, Cards, Blauks, If paid strictly in advance—per annum, Sb5O Catalogues, Programmes, If payment is delayed 6 mos. “ If not paid till the close of the year, 2,00 Shop Bills, Labels, Auction aud Hand O* No paper will be discontinued until all arreara Bills, &c., &c. ges are paid, unless at the option of tue puplisher. Particular attention paid to ET Single copies, three cents —for sale at the office. VOL. 11. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, 1856. N o . y [T7* All letters and communications to be addressed PRINTING IN COLORS', to the Publisher. BRONZING, &.C. For the Gazette. The Late Commodore Morris. Ano3 Lawrence’s P ocket-Boox.—We find SEVEN YEARS. best in New York, 1 can tell you. Simon Pride balcony which overlooked the gardens, came You are considerate and gentle with them, much in a stray newspaper the following good Btory, and Sons. The oid man is dead now, and the forward, blushing deeply. This distinguished veteran officer of the Uni more so than 1 am, and your endeavor, I see, to THE DREAM OF CHILDHOOD. but know not where it originated, consequently BV THE AUTHOR OF “ UNHOLY WISH.’ three sons carry it on.
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