Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-45386-8 - Henry James: The Contemporary Reviews Edited by Kevin J. Hayes Index More information Index Academy [England), xii, xxiii nn. 25 and 27, Balzac, Honore de, 3, 4, 7 n. 1,21,41,51, 12, 16,41,45,4~ 101, 113, 153, 194, 70,184,230,333,348,449; Eugenie Gran­ 200,211,241,253,270,279,297,313, det, 112, 113 n. 1 319,342,384,385,410,469 Bangs, John Kendrick, 251; A Houseboat on Ackermann, Edward, 313 the Styx and Three Weeks in Politics, Advance, 410, 432 252 n. 1 Aeschylus, Prometheus, 117 Barrie, J. M., 420 Aide, Hamilton, Poet and Peer, 135, 137 n. 2 Ba trers by, F. Prevost, 368 Ainslee's Magazine, 313 Beach, Burton T., 432 Albany Evening Journal, 149, 172, 195,469 Beckford, William, Vathek, 350, 352 n. 1 Albany Review, 469 "Beldonald Holbein, The," 413 Allen, James Lane, 348 Bellman, 469 "Altar of the Dead," 409 Bennet, Arnold, 270 Ambassadors, The, xix, 387-410, 418, 465, Berkeley, Elizabeth M., xxi n. 1 466 Better Sort, The, 413, 417 n. 1 American [periodical], 149, 208, 240, 259 Bicknell, Percy F., 469 American, The, xi, xii, xxi, 19-45,55,60-63, Blackwood's Magazine, 78, 149, 194 82,91,104,105,117,143,147,202,266, Blake, William, 390 327,341,391,393,397,418,458 Book Buyer, 240, 279, 298, 313, 357 American Literature, xx Book News, 279, 298, 384, 410, 432 American Monthly Review of Reviews, 307, Book Notes, 313, 333 432 Bookman [England], 258, 275, 297,330,371, American Scene, The, xix-xx, 433-469 448,469 Appleton's Journal, 8, 42, 55 Bookman [New York], 255, 273, 298, 334, Aristotle, Metaphysics, 355 357,384,410,432 Arnold, Matthew, 364 Boothby, Guy, 425 Aspern Papers, The, xiii, xiv, xv, 209-217 Bootr, Francis, xxii n. 20 Athenaeum [England), xv, xvii, xviii, xix, 15, Boston Beacon, 159, 194, 208 41,81,106,121,154,175,208,217,227, Boston Book Bulletin, 97 248,272,287,302,324,345,384,410, Boston Daily Advertiser, 17, 64, 208, 217, 427,454 240,356,410,469 Atlanta Constitution, 149, 194,334,410 Boston Evening Journal, 45, 97, 217, 240, Atlantic Monthly, 17,26, 28, 31, 40 n. 1, 60, 278 61,64,68,96,118,134,137 n. 1, 145, Boston Evening Transcript, 17,45,64, 117, 168,191,221,222 n. 2, 228, 238, 241, 194,278,333,339,410,418,444 259,263,264 n. 1,329,385,410,432, Boston Evening Traveller, 117, 149, 157 469 Boston Herald, 217 Austen, Jane, 237; Pride and Prejudice, 231 Boston Sunday Post, 333, 356, 384 Awkward Age, The, xviii, xix, 315-334, 337, Bostonians, The, xiii, xiv, xv, 151-172,221, 373,375 369,418 Boynton, H. W., 413 Babcock, W. H., 172 Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, xv 471 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-45386-8 - Henry James: The Contemporary Reviews Edited by Kevin J. Hayes Index More information Bridges, Robert, xiv, 203, 213, 298 Clap, Henry Austin, 356 British Quarterly Review, 18,45,78,91, 137, Clare, Ida, 148 160 Clark, Kate Upson, 241 British Weekly: A Journal of Social and Chris- Cleveland Plain Dealer, 117, 172, 194, 240, tian Progress, 469 278,357,384,410,432,469 "Broken Wings;' 413 Clough, Arthur Hugh, "Amours de Voyage," Bronte, Charlotte, Jane Eyre, 108 85,86 n. 1 Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 278, 298, 334, 356 Colby, Frank Moore, 384 Brooks, John, xxii n. 18 Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, "Rime of the An- Brown, Alice, 332 cient Mariner," 454 Brown, Edith Baker, 255 Collins, Wilkie, 15 Brownell, W. c., 90, 145 Colorado Springs Weekly Gazette, 149 Browning, Robert, 351, 413, 428, 457; Bishop Colson, Ethel M., 432 Blougram's Apology, 394; The Ring and the Confidence, xiii, xiv, xv, 79-97 Book, 320, 378,415 Congregationalist, 259, 298, 357 Bryce, James, 458 Congregationalist and Christian World, 410, Buchanan, Robert, 216, 217 n. 1 469 Buckstone, John Baldwin, 301 Connolly, Terence L., 432 "Bundle of Letters, A," 107, 115,227 Conrad, Joseph, 406 Burke, Edmund, 143, 146 Contemporary Review [England], 171,385 Burlingame, Edward L., 45 Coolidge, Susan, 92 Cooper, Frederic Taber, 410, 465 c., H., 405 Cooper, James Fenimore, The Pioneers, 156 Caine, Hall, 284 Corelli, Marie, 284 Californian, 97, 138 Cornhill Magazine, 70 Calvin, Jean, Institutes, 378 Correspondance of Henry James and the Cambridge Review, 217 House of Macmillan, 1877-1914, The, xxii Carlyle, Thomas, 146,372 nn. 6, 14-16, and 21, xxiii n. 23 Carpenter, Millie W., 334 Correspondence of William James The, xxi n. Cary, Elizabeth Luther, 462 1, xxii nn. 2, 4, 7, 18, and 22, xxiii n. 24 Catholic World, 142, 172, 195,208 Cosmopolis, 259,318 Century Magazine, 157, 166,451 n. 2 Cottage Hearth, 241 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, Don Quixote, "Covering End, The," xvii, 301, 303, 305, 90 307-10,312 Chamberlain, Joseph Edgar, 339 "Coxon Fund, The," 270 Chap Book, 286, 287 n. 1,295 n. 1 Crawford, F. Marion, 265, 353 Charleston News and Courier, 149, 194 Crebillon, Claude, 107, 129; Tanzai et Nead­ Chautauquan, 240, 259, 312 arne, 129, 130 n. 2 Cherbuliez, Victor, 54, 55 n. 2 Critic, xiii, 126, 149, 164, 190,208,215, Chicago Evening-Post, 259, 264, 326, 356, 229,240,254,276,295,313,330,352, 363,404,432,469 376 Chicago Inter-Ocean, 17,64,118,149,172, Crowley, J. Donald, xxiii n. 31, 384 217,240,258,278,384,469 Current Literature, xix, xxiii n. 25, 257, 353, Chicago Record-Herald, 384,410,432 469 Chicago Times, 45, 97, 172, 195, 208, 240 Chicago Times-Herald, 298, 333 Daisy Miller, xii-xiii, xvi, xxi, 16,49,59,65- Chicago Tribune, xiii, xvii, xix, 8,45,52, 78,87,94,95, 101, 106, 110, 117, 125, 101,149,160,240,251,266,290,320, 143,147,205,227,236,258,323,328, 346,384,402,417,468 331,348,389,397,418,466 Christian Union, xvi, 64, 94,204,217,221 Dankleff, Richard, "The Composition, Revi­ Churchman, 149,208,217,240,279,334, sions, Receptions, and Critical Reputation 357,384,410,432,469 of Henry James' The Spoils of Poynton," xx Cincinnati Commercial, 149 Dante Alighieri, 457 Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, 172, 195, Daudet, Alphonse, 153; Le Petit chose, 54, 55 208,240 n.l,229 Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, 298 Davies, James, 97 472 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-45386-8 - Henry James: The Contemporary Reviews Edited by Kevin J. Hayes Index More information Dear, Mary, 354 Fuller, Henry B., 363 Defoe, Daniel, 133 Fullerton, William Morton, 217 Detroit Evening News, 172, 194,356 Detroit Free Press, xxii n. 12,45,97,149, 161,176,217,312,329,356,384,410 G., Asi. 469 Dial, 102, 149, 172, 195,240,279,334,410, "Gabrielle de Bergerac;' 27,28 n. 1 469 Galaxy, 3, 7 n. 1,32,40 n. 1 "Diary of a Man of Fifty, The," 143 Gard, Roger, Henry James: The Critical Heri­ Dickens, Charles, 5, 182, 184,212,286,348, tage, xxi, xxiii nn. 28 and 31, 18, 64, 97, 449; Great Expectations, 132; Martin Chuz­ 118,149,172,194-195,208,240,241, zlewit, 60, 201; Pickwick Papers, 128 297,313,333,334,357,384,385,410, Disraeli, Benjamin, 101,319 432 Dixie, 313 Garfield, James A., 128 Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 153, 175 Gargano, James W.: Critical Essays on Henry Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, The Adventures of James: The Early Novels, xxi, xxii n. 18, Sherlock Holmes, 350, 351,420 17, 18,45,64,97, 118, 149, 172, 194, "Droch," see Bridges, Robert 195,241; Critical Essays on Henry James: Dublin Review, 195,206,238 The Late Novels, 334, 356, 384, 410, 432 Du Bois, W. E. B., Souls of Black Folk, 459 Garnett, Edward, xix, xxiii n. 32, 399 Dumas, Alexandre, 3, 184, 348 Gasparin, Agenor, Comte de, 63, 64 n. 1 Du Maurier, George, 101, 102,293,294 n. 1, Gautier, Theophile, Captain Fracasse, 94 326 Gilbert, Sir W. S., The Mikado, 364 Gilder, Jeannette L., 468 Gissing, George, Demos, 185, 186 n. 1 E., E. E, 418 Godey's Lady's Book, 228 Eclectic Magazine, 44, 56, 94 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 128, 458 Edel, Leon, xxii n. 1; A Bibliography of Henry Golden Bowl, The, xix, 411-432 James, 295 n. 1, 442 n. 1 Goldsmith, Oliver: She Stoops to Conquer, 38 Egan, Maurice E, 195 n. 1; The Vicar of Wakefield, 234 Eliot, George, 117, 122, 132, 139, 140, 146; Gosse, Edmund, xv, xix-xx, xxii n. 19, xxiii Daniel Deronda, 38 n. 1; Middlemarch, n.34,437 111,147,257,258 n. 1; Mill on the Floss, Graphic [England], 17,45,53, 75, 172, 184, 140; The Spanish Gypsy, 43, 44 n. 1 199,217,241,259,313,410,432 Eliot, T. S., xxiii n. 33 "Guy Domville," 391 Embarrassments, 246-247, 251 n. 1,255,318 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 146, 398 Epoch,195,208,217,241 H., J. A., 443 Europeans, The, xi-xii, 16,47-64,71,91, Hackett, Francis, 469 104,106,111,143,397,418 Hall, Basil, 450 Hardy, Thomas, 109, 146,348,390,420; E, E., 278 Jude the Obscure, 285; A Laodicean, Feuillet, Octave, Julia de TTI?coeur, 50 130-131 Fielding, Henry, 122; Tom Jones, 146 Harper's New Monthly Magazine, xxii n. 18, "Figure in the Carpet, The," 317, 318 n. 1 64,78,97,101,102 n.
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