Controlling Wasps, Bees and Hornets Around Your Home Dr
Bringing information and education into the communities of the Granite State Controlling Wasps, Bees and Hornets Around Your Home Dr. Alan T. Eaton, Extension Specialist, Entomology Wasp encounters can be painful, even life-threatening, for a few highly sensitive people. Yet some New Hampshire species are not very aggressive and they also serve as valuable predators of soft-bodied insects. A hands-off policy might be better for some situations, while others might require careful, direct action. The choice you make should depend on the species and situation. Aggressive species New Hampshire is “blessed” with at least nine species of yellow- jackets, along with two other aggressive wasp species, the bald- faced hornet and giant European hornet. All these members of the wasp family Vespidae live in colonies and have similar life cycles. We also have a moderately aggressive, large solitary wasp, called the cicada killer. Most yellow jackets are about ½ inch long, with yellow and black banded bodies, and clear wings. Bald-faced hornets grow up to ¾ Yellow jacket wasp. Wasps and hornets are im- inch long, with stout, black bodies marked with gray or white bands. portant predators of soft-bodied insects, such Giant European hornets grow up to one inch long, resembling giant as caterpillars. yellow jackets, with a stout body, but colored yellow, brown and black. Only the mated females of Vespidae species survive the winter. These females overwinter individually, usually in deep leaf litter in the woods. In the spring, those that survived emerge and search for a site to start a tiny nest. Bald faced hornets prefer eaves of buildings, horizontal branches, or some similar site protected from rain.
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