OP25 Persley Den, Woodside Masterplan Prepared by Halliday Fraser Munro on behalf of GSS Developments (Aberdeen) Ltd, Aberdeen Lads Club and Aberdeen City Council April 2014 P e r s l e y D e n M a s t e r p l a n 1 The Persley Den Development Framework was produced prior to the adoption of the Aberdeen Local Development Plan 2017, however its content remains valid and the document is still relevant in informing decision making. As part of the publication of the Local Development Plan 2017, an appraisal of the document has been undertaken and, as part of this process, policy references within the document have been reviewed and updated. Any queries concerning the text of the document should be directed to Planning and Sustainable Development (03000 200292 or
[email protected]) for clarification. ‘A northern linear suburb of Aberdeen drawn out along the south bank of the River Don between Old Aberdeen and Bucksburn, Woodside developed as a separate mill village from the late 18th century in association with cotton spinning, bleaching, papermaking, iron founding and the Aberdeenshire Canal, which gave the settlement its linear morphology.’ (www.scottish-places.info) H a l l i d a y F r a s e r M u n r o 1 Contents Persley Den—the Vision 1. The Masterplanning Process 6. The Masterplan 1.1 Process 6.1 Affordable Housing 1.2 background 6.2 Density 1.3 Engagement 6.3 Topography 1.4 Process Diagram 6.4 Landscape 1.5 Project Team 6.5 Open Space 1.6 Ownership 6.6 Sports Provision 6.7 Access and Connectivity 2.