

0 WONDER STOPS USE OF NaME ON WON­ ience was Karl Freund, cameraman of DER COMICS METROPOLIS - who was interviewd from the floor by the Secy of the cinema THRILLING WONDER STORIES settled society, himself n scientifictionist, out of court, with WONDER COMICS,ir who ihformd the elite gathering that relation to the use of the name n group of fans was WONDER on WONDER COMICS. WONDER attending the performance! (to clear COMICS has agreed to drop the name up any cdhfusion concerning'the .NEW ?nd use WONDERWORLD COMICS as then FANDOM statements . . . that its is title. They, WONDER COMICS, will the only print of METROPOLIS.avail- also have to change quite a bit th­ able in the USA, this is" no dout so eir ‘feature Cartoon, -WONDER MAN be­ ns that shown in Los Angeles was a. fore presenting it again- as it is lean from the N Y Museum of Modern n-direct copy of THE SUPERMAN car­ Art) 2 super scrap bks of stills toon, in ACTION■COMICSi You’ll note irom METROPOLIS - personal property that in the current second issue, af Director Fritz were on dis­ which must be off the stands by play, Enthused 4SJ: ”1 CAN’T WAIT June 15. that THE WONDER MAN is not TO GET TO ’TH CONVENTN & SEE IT in itj. but that another science AGAIN!” * : ww fiction, cartoon takes it’s place,- YARKO THE ’GREAT. The second issue of... W0NRE.R .COMICS wns allowed to OTHE VISASCREEN appear -because it had already been print.edyand the company faced the Eando Binder has placed DELAYED, loss of thousand of dollars had it VISION with , and V been stopped from appearing on the Campbell has taken Leiber’s TWO stands,, jvt ADVENTURE for UNKNOW. Leiber'is the son of the famous, screen .star, Fritz Leiber, (remember him in 0 LASEL ’’METROPOLIS PaRTY" HUGE ■ LOUIS PaSTEUR”?) ' ■•..SUCCESS’. 0 CONSENSUS (A NEW REGULAR DEPT) Turnout of 22 imagi-Natives- includ­ by Dale Tarr ing Henry Kuttner, Russ Hodgkins, T. Bruce Yerke, Pogo, Paul Free- Perhaps I should explain just ’ hafer, Pred Shroyer, Ray Bradbury,' what I am going to try to do in Franklyn Brady, Perry Lewis & - - this column, before launching it/ ’ from out of the past, & ’Frisco - - Briefly it is, this; I shall try to‘ Jim Nicholson, a name of fame ;10 yi gpresent as interesting as possible-, ago. a greatirne was had by nil nt my personal.viewpoints, forecasts, the ’’Metroparty” arranged by F JA- and reviews of the science fiction" • ckerman’ nt the Academy Thrhter, field in general. So to work. Hollywood, 28 Apr* One face- in 6 w- 3About the MayJ39 Astounding: Would a stfan’sl for the intimate show­ it-he out of order for me to fore­ house seats only 150.' In the nud-- - cast that a coming (Continued P 3) PAGE TWO FANTASY-NEWS FANTASY-NEWS is proud to present have otherwise not been written# a new news column: There will be a new contest be­ gun shortly in AMAZING. It will


UNKNOWN' MAY 1939 Volume One Number Three

RETURN FROM HELL T 4% C 17^ P 33% N 33% Total 87% DANGER IN THE DARK 2 16 31 36 85 THE MISSING OCEAN 4 16 26 34 v80 V THE CLOAK 3 18 34 37 92 THE PIPING DEATH 1 15 24 35 751 V V/HATEVER 4 16 25 36 81 DIVIDE AND RULElp2 5 19 32 36 92 total for the entire magtiziite 89% / title T * narration N - characterization’C - plot P / •? » o TO THE ST F,‘CONVENTION OR BUST ruot GOLDEN FLEECE with his’ first continued-- story, A TORCH IS LIGHTED. It is •’Hollerbochen” Bradbury, can & will not 'iltogether inpossible thnt we mny have some science fiction by accompany Brady; & that old-timer him,t on. Pavl; Freehafer of Pasadena may be able to-make it, ns well as. Perry Nelson Bond has knocked success­ Lewis of Glendale, pal of Squires© fully at the door of THRILLING 4SL plans something in the way of WONDER STORIES with a short. He is a Convention publication, which turning diligently to stf . . probably will be PREPOSTEROUS j-uess that’s enough for an opener. dt a large-size mimeod collection of •w reproductions of original drawings of baroque - beings of imaginary 0 U A R V E L FACTS worlds, selected from the private by John Giunta works of the late Geo Herbert Wymnr w Here is the complete contents of the^5th issue of MARVEL SCIENCE a CONSENSUS continued STORIES, now on the press. A book- lenght novel, OARK INVASION by F Analytical Lab will place them as A Kummer, an’ unusal novellette, follows: ONE AGAINST THE LEGION, HOUK OF JUDGEMENT by R DeWit Miller MELODY AND MOONS, THE DAY IS DONE, Short stories ire DISAPPEARING SAM EMPLOYMENT, COILS OF TIME, SPECIAL by RR Winterbothim, DUST by L a FLIGHT. But personally I place the Eshback and LIGHTNING STRIKES ONCE story EMPLOYMENT in third place. I by Hari Vincent, the cover, this liked it along with de Camp*s ar­ issue is by J w SCOTT. The third ticle which is being rather well issue of DYNAMIC SCIENCE FICTION liked around here. Incidentally is being delayed, reason unknown. de Camp has given us the futuristic Jg eqivalent of the modern heeby-jeeb- ies or d. t.’s. While I’m thinking of de Camp I might wonder just who O COME TO THE CONVENTION ON IULY 2 Lyman Lyons is - - - or am I wrong? and have the time of your life* Arthur’Tanner, brother of the stf If you are a science fiction fan author, Chirles R Tanner, has ‘st- L you’ll not want to miss this rrpnt event. Make arrangements now.-5 PAGE POUR FANTASY-NEWS

0 AUSTRALIAN TOPICS • > -people, one of whom had never rend by Marshall L McLennan ' any of the Conan stories, and the other of whom said he didn’t care The Australian radio weekly, RADIO much for hhm.However, the latter TIMES'is featuring H G TOLS famous seem interested in the introductory story, WAR'OF THE"WORLDS. Gaudy red .letter by Lovecraft., and took down circulars advertising the. storyl'pic the^address of the publisher. ture giant’'robots and the- banner, STORY THAT ROCKED AMERICA - - - h . Jab The first Australian fan magazine THE SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW will definitely appear. It will b e o CONVENTION ' FACTS hectographed, and Moskowitz will, be among thsse contributing t h.:e. ; Tohn^ V ;Bnlta.doni’s announces that he AMERICAN TOUCH. John Devern, its intends to publish an issue of editor also pj.nns a large.vo-lume IIvLAulNATIVE FICTION for the convene of fan fiction. ‘ mlm ' tian* Twenty pages 'or more. .Louis *• «* M Kuslan announces that, he plans to publish COSMIC TALES SPECIAL* or □ o OUTSIDERS MEETING OF APRIL 29 ’39 magazine- by some similar name. He* s by JcRn A Bristol net yet certain how many pages it c°ntain. Louie also, announces tha-ne will attempt'th get the Close to thirty present at the Ap­ original manuscript of Doc Keller’s ril 29 meeting of the Outsiders story,. THE-MOON ARTIST to contribute Club of Washington, Event of'the to the auction Willard Dewey evening was the showing was tne o. Washington State hopes to be able showing.-of an old 1029 silent fi.lm to contribute a number of items to the last performance, with 'a n e the convention for auction. - - Conrad Veidt taking the role tof uack. Speer announces that his”His- , The Mah Magician.'The picture*act­ tory of Fandom” will also be refer­ ually was not fantastic nt all; red to as- his memoirs, because he nothing more outre than .some nigh- a/^,11 deal largely with the period powered hypnotism, and the magician which he spent in fandom, but will not at all mad. Ordinary triangle- attempt to include ns general and -quadrangele-, rather, with three f hr an account of the entire his­ men and a girl - - terminating in tory ns is available to him. sm "" a murder and reenactment of the crime in court, the magician con­ o NOTE: The liit of CONVENTION fessing and committing suicide. BOOKLETS will not appear in this However, better things are promise:, issue due to lack of room, but will for.future occasions; a Lon Chaney picture slated for -next time is be continued in the next issue.If said by those who have already seen you haven’t ns yet mailed in com­ plete details of your Convention it to be definitely weird. There Booklet ,' do sp nt once. -jyt is also hope of -a larger screen to show it on. The meeting took place in a pent­ o ITEM: tTames V Taurnsi will do house atop the Albee building,where lwing of his own picture ffor President Hopper’s animated car­ the ne»t "issue of FAN FAQTS. This* tooning school usually meetseSnow second issue has been slightly de­ White and the Seven Dwafs were hery layed. FANTASY DIGEST will go bi­ much in evidence. monthly and large size with its 4 th We had my copy of the HYBORIAN AGE . issue. Firn Avery will quit stf for along, but it was seen by only two. . a while. His magazine will be dis- FANTASY-NEWS PAGE FIVE continued. All who payed for the 2nd issue will hive their money The third anniversary issue of the returned. Jim is not sure nt pres­ “Science-Fiction Collector” will ent if he’ll join with NOVA or not procably be delayed a bit because of exceedingly stiff college work#. The feature article of the number DEEP PURPLE covers no less than o ENGLAND BECOMES ACTIVE 5,000 words or 17 small size pages;- by Snm Moskowitz The staff of FANTASY NEWS wishes to extend their congratulations England is waking up into t®emer>d- to ivi.Tlton A. Rnthmnn on receiving ous activity. In the lost week we his iirst two acceptances from hove received information to the ASTOUNDING Science-Fiction. May effect that THE FANTASTx, a mimeo­ you receive many more, Milt4 - - graphed publication of 19 large From Louis KusInn we receive the size pages is being published by following information: ”As you C S Youd of 244 Desbcrough Road, know, COSMIC TALES is now a FAPA Snstleigh. Hants, and is a sister magazine. The next issue is half magazine to the popular "Satellite" completed or rather, two issues both magazines have formed what are completed, and the third is they call A FANTASY REFORM PUBLI­ half-done. The two completed issues; CS rlCN. Secondly, a WEEKLY are two pages apiece and the third inn magazine titled SCIENCE FANTA­ is half done, I’ve a pretty good SY REVIEW will begin publication line-up too. Lowndes, Speer, Gard Viy 15, 1939 with Leslie J Johnson ner, Miske and various others.” ■;S editor. The English certainly AJ1 we can say is, you know am waking up - - - $rom J M Rosen your own mind, Lou, but we think b.um we learn that the fourth iss­ your foolish to give up so swell ue of his printed THE FUTURIAN wil 1 a publication ns COSMIC TALES was b tne last distributed thru the for two page driblits.- - - - ~ PAPA. All following issues can be obtained thru exchange or subscrip Walter E, Marconette, editor of ti.ui only. He is having a special ■ . SCIENTI-SNAPS is attempting to work up n feasible plan whereat intoductory rate for American sub­ he can print the "Better” stories scribers of four issues for 20;A from the more obscure hektogrnph- Ted Carnell has asked us to broad­ ed mags and present them to the cast the fact that he is looking public. Maybe my "Last Fan" sup­ for articles with an American sl­ plement ide.a may help?. - - - - ant for NEW WORLDS in other words Buck Rogers, definitely goes on articles Dy American fans. sm the air in the North over Mutual net-work (WOR) early in May. It’s sponsored by POPSICLE; and the new a FAN FACTS series will be titled WAR OF THE PLANETS, oh goody. - - - Walter The Ph illy group tentatively prom, Sullivan has requested me to ask ises the following: Halt-adonis through this column, that if any will probably take the PSFS NEWS fans are passing through Oklahoma nff of Oswald Trains hands and is (by car, rail, etc.) on their way sue again with the aid of Robert to the CONVENTION, to please ar­ A. Mable.--Baltadonis is also plar range to_pick him up. He cnn be ning to deprive Train of SCIENCE contacted through this magazine. A DVENTURE-STORIES, aM'plans "a A main route runs past his resid­ third, and possibly, though not ence (Route 1)..Sullivan states definitely, a last issue this sum that McPhail may have trouble in me i1. . making the CONVENTION. PAGE SIX FANTASY-NEWS FANTASY-NEWS is published every । o S C I E N T I F I L M S week by J nines V Tnur'nsi, 137-07* by Mirio Racic Jr 32nd Ave, Flushing, New York.., W'.-’ 3 issues 10/ - 6 for 1/- by Inter­ Two words in the "Tongue of Tomore" national Money Order in" ENGLAND e -scientifictionnlingunge Esperan­ ADVERTISEMENT: §1.00 full pngs.dOjg to—'Will be spoken in the forthcom half. page and 25/ i PXge. Advertise ing He iy Lnmarrvelous movie, "Lady in FANTASY-NEWS. It pays* of the Tropics". Most important: *• *• **» 3y in L«Ae stf renderl, who has beenn to the Leng & borrow! most 0 F ;A. N - A - MAA G REVIEW of Merritt's work, rend "Brite Il­ by Louis KusInn lusion", "List & First Men". Inc- . ide,ntly, she his ipenrd in many ' THE; FANT AST "Vol,!#!. April 1939. the "Mr« Moto pix. Listen, then, .22 'l?rge site, fairly well mimeod for this:"ESTAS BONE" (pronounced ptge.s. Excelltent cover. The cont­ bo’niy, meaning "It’s all x.") ents include one of the most .excel when Robt Taylor speaks to...."Jin" lent short stories I've rend in i Rader., (Thank. to ,4Sf forthe above.) long time, "The parson and the Foil Latest PIC. May 16th, devotes 4 ry’’ by Dove'Mclllwoin. There ore pages to the story and many pict­ articles ini stories, by JFBurke, ures from the new TARZAN IN EXILE. ini Harriet Hawkins. There is ilso Facts from old stfi1ms; THE BIRTH good poetry by Clarke, Youd, and OF THE ROBOT, a fantasy film set nAstrn" is well ns i few more art­ to the music of Gust iv Holst’s icles nnd deportments■ This mag is Planet Suite, was made in 1936. 10/ from CeS. You!,.244 Desborough I don’tthink it was shown in US.. Rd, Eastleigh, Hints, ENG. THE TEMPLE OF VENUS, a film by Fox. VOICE OF IMAGINATION: 10 pgs of in in 1924, was possibly fantasy, sin teresting letters nnd comments bv ce in the cast .we find The Immort­ the' LASEL, VcE 1 # 2, AprilJ 39. als ;Venus, Juno, Jupiter, Neptune 10/ from Ex 6475; Met. Sir, LA, Gul and others. - - -Gustap Froelich and Briggitte Helm, made their 'MZKROS: 10 pages. A very interest­ film debut .in the great "METROPuLIS" ing article nn Technocracy by £rB - -Mischa Auer, Jack Mulhall & Mar­ Yerke. Also excellent poetry. 5g jorie Beebe once stirred(1924) in frnm’Bx 6475, Met, Stn. LA, G'.Iif. "DEATH RAY" fnntafilm by Pathe. - Scenes from this stfilm may be found in the FEB. 1925, SCIENCE & _ I WENT ION» - -TH E BLIND SPOT(???) ..©ATTENTION FANS 'was - film by Warner’s-First NvU- some years ago. (Has anybody any We ire now accepting booster ads. info on this film??). LE PENSEUR, fo.r.ibe CONVENTION Souvenir Prog-' film by Leon Poirier, in 1920, — rim, to help pay the Urge sum, --discovers how to read other peo which the CONVENTION will amount pies thoughts-—-"A MACHINE FOR RE to. We hove already received doz­ CREATING LTFE1,’ circa 1925. A film ens booster ids., this week, the about the movies, which had scenes honor of being the first goes to from old films, including some N. Gilbert Dancy. Lets hive ypurs, from DR CALIGARI. NOW. Ynur name will be printed on the SCIENTIFICTIONISTS' page for .0 FOR SALE: STILLS FROM THE STFILM Other ids,-. ire priced, "METROPOLIS" nt 1CW0 for 1 full pige;. 5*00 for SEND IN YOUR ORDERS FOR STILLS,NOW. half page, nnd 2,50 for A' pig©. WE HAVE THREE DIFFERENT SCENES, nt TEN CENTS EACH, THREE FOR 25/. F-N