Massachusetts Medical Society

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Massachusetts Medical Society Massachusetts Medical Society. tions for restoration were read, and the follow- ing committees were appointed to consider Stated Meeting of the Council. them : E. H. Ferguson: G. W. Winchester, L. S. McQuade, A stated meeting of the Council of the Mas- T. E. Guild. sachusetts Medical was held in Society John Joseph Shehan : W. C. Howe, Percy Brown, R. B. Ware Hall, Boston Medical Library, Wednes- Osgood. day, February 2, 1916, at 12 o'clock noon. The G. W. Ellison : A. F. Peck, Alexander McNeish, J. C. president, Dr. Charles F. Withington, was in Austin. the chair and the following 72 councilors pres- ent: The president nominated and the Council elected these delegates and alternates to the l'.i'.uusii i in-:. NOBFOLK. American Medical J. H. Kiley. M. V. Pierce. House of Delegates of the E. H. Brigham. Association for a term of two years from June 1, Bristol North. A. N. Broughton. Sumner Coolldge. G. W. Kaan. 1916: Bradford Kent. Bristol South. Delegate, J. B. Blake. Alternate, Gilman Osgood. Joseph Kittredge. " A. Jones. W. A. Dolan. W. H. Robinson. H. G. Stetson. L. " " J. R. W. Jackson. E. P. Starbird. L. F. Woodward. F. Burnham, H. G. Wilbur. Norfolk South. In the same manner, W. P. Bowers, of Clin- Essex North. C. S. Adams. a to the Annual R. V. Baketel. ton, was appointed delegate T. R. Healy. Plymouth. Congress on Medical Education, Public Health G. E. Kurth. A. E. Paine. and Medical Licensure, at the Congress Hotel, E. H. Noyes. F. G. Wheatley. F. W. Snow. Chicago, February 7 and 8, 1916, also these dele- Suffolk. to the annual meetings of state medical Essex South. J. D. Barney. gates G. M. Kline. E. S. Boland. societies : C. II. Bangs. H. I. Bowditch. R. E. Bicknell. G. W. W. Brewster. Vermont: I. J. Clarke, Haverhlll; A. D. Bush, Burl- N. P. Breed. E. M. Buckingham. ington, Vt. W. L. Burrage. Connecticut : A. J. Abbe, Fall River; S. A. Lord, Franklin. H. A. Christian. Cromwell, Conn. G. P. Twitchell. A. L. Chute. New Hampshire : P. P. Johnson, Beverly ; H. K. E. A. Codman. Faulkner, Keene, N. H. IlAMPDEN. J. A. Cogan. S. W. York Har- J. M. Birnie. E. G. Cutler. Maine: C. H. Bangs, Lynn; Allen, Albert Ehrenfried. bor, Maine. M. B. Hodskins. L. C. M. Green. ItiionE Island: Godfrey Ryder, Maiden, W. Mun- Middlesex East. J. B. Hawes, 2d. ro, Providence, R. I. C. J. Allen. W. C. Howe. New Jersey : To the one hundred and fiftieth anni- W. H. Keleher. J. L. Morse. versary of the founding of the Society, July 23, R. Abner Post. 1706 : L. M. Palmer, Framingham ; H. Ferguson, Middlesex North. Anna G. Richardson. East Orange, N. J. C. E. Simpson. R. M. Smith. I H. F. Vickery. The treasurer read his report for the year Middlesex South. C. F. Withington. re- Albert August. 1915, and the secretary read the following M. H. Bailey. Worcester. of the Auditing Committee : H. T. Baldwin. F. H. Baker. port F. E. Bateman. W. P. Bowers. "Boston, January 28, 1916. C. H. Cook. David Harrower. hav- G. O. Ward. "The undersigned, a duly appointed committee, H. F. Curtis. of Treasurer, find them A. A. Jackson. C. D. Wheeler. ing examined- the 'books the Woodward. correctly cast and properly vouched, and also that he S. F. McKeen. S. B. called for. C. E. Mongnn. Has in his possession the securities Godfrey Ryder. Worcester North. "Edward O. Otis, E. H. Stevens. E. A. Sawyer. "William H. Robey, Jr." Julia Tolman. C. T. Warner. Voted, To accept the reports and place them The reading of the minutes of the last meet- on file. was had been ing dispensed with as they printed for the Committee in full in the Journal and had been sent to Dr. J. D. Barney reported that the committee every Fellow. of Arrangements, stating The reports of the committees appointed to have prepared plans for holding the annual consider the petitions of J. J. Sullivan, of Law- meeting in the Copley-Plaza Hotel, Boston, as M. of for res- rence, and O. Deems, Springfield, last year, sketching the details and asking for to the of were toration privileges fellowship suggestions from the council. There were no read and accepted, and it was voted that they be and no discussion. restored on the usual conditions. Three peti- suggestions The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal as published by The New England Journal of Medicine. Downloaded from at SAN DIEGO (UCSD) on July 8, 2016. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. From the NEJM Archive. Copyright © 2010 Massachusetts Medical Society. 4. Committee the Dr. Green presented this report on member- That the Advisory representing Massachusetts Medical on the Board of Man- and it was and its recommenda- Society ship accepted agement of the Boston Medical and Surgical Jour- tions adopted by vote : nal be authorized by the Council to secure pledges towards the maintenance of the Journal. The Committee on Membership and Finance makes For the Committee on Membership and Finance, the following recommendations as to membership: Charles M. Green, Chairman. 1. That the following named Fellows be allowed to retire, under the provisions of Chapter I, Section 5, Dr. C. H. Cook read the following proposed of the by-laws : amendment to Section of the Carleton, Charles Greenleaf, of Lawrence. Chapter IV, 1, by- Fisher, Chester Irving, of New York. laws, and action on it was postponed until the 3. That the following named Fellows be allowed annual meeting of the Council, in June : to resign, under the provision of Chapter I, Section 7, of the by-laws: Chapter IV, Section 1. Bianco, Joseph Anthony, of East Boston. In the second line after the word, "president" in- Cain, William George, of Nashua, New Hampshire. sert the word, "ex-presidents", and in the third line Clark, James Colby Dorr, of Medford. omit the word "and", and after the word "treasurer", Johnson, Herbert Shattuck, of Maiden. insert the words, "and librarian", so that the section Kelley, Michael, of Fall River. shall read as follows : of San Langnecker, Harry Leslie, Francisco, Cal., Section 1. The Council shall consists of councilors to take effect March 1, 1916. and the ex- of South Caro- chosen by the district societies, president, Laws, Sophie Goudge, Spartanburg, presidents, vice-president, vice-presidents ex offlciis, lina. librarian of the so- Boston. secretary, treasurer and general Nagle, Evelyn Wyman, of chairman of each standing committee. Parker, Albert Munro, of Santa Maria, California. ciety, and the Quennell, Willard Leslie, of Lynn. Smith, Theobald, of the Rockefeller Institute, At the request of the president the secretary Princeton, N. J. read a letter from Dr. Joseph C. Bloodgood, sec- Vosburgh, Stephen Earle, of Augusta, Maine. retary of the American First Aid Conference, on Williams, Harry Edwin, of Mount Vernon, Maine. the importance of the subject of First Aid, and 4. the That following named Fellows be allowed on nomination the president the following to change their district membership, without change by committee was to represent the Mas- of legal residence, under the provisions of Chapter III, appointed Com- Section 3, of the by-laws: sachusetts Medical Society as a First Aid Boutwell, Horace Keith, from Norfolk to Suffolk. mittee : Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll, from Norfolk to Suffolk. F. B. J. B. Blake, R. P. Strong. Chamberlain, Myron Lev!, from Essex South to Suf- Lund, folk. read the resolutions Hartwcll, John Bryant, from Norfolk to Suffolk. Dr. Abner Post following Marshall, Herman Weston, from Norfolk to Suffolk. on the death of Dr. James Clarke White, on be- Pratt, Joseph Ilersey, from Norfolk to Suffolk. half of a committee appointed by the president : Richardson, Frank Linden, from Norfolk to Suffolk. Bobbins, Chandler, from Middlesex South to Suffolk. Resolved, That the Council of The Massachusetts Walker, Clifford Black, from Suffolk to Norfolk. Medical Society hereby express its sense of loss in the Walker, Irving James, from Middlesex South to death of Doctor James Clarke White,—a loss which Suffolk. affects not only the community in which he lived but Wernick, Benzion G, from Norfolk to Suffolk. the whole nrofession. For the Committee on Membership and Finance, Doctor White was graduated from Harvard College Charles M. Green, Chainnan. in 1853 and from the Medical School three years later. He then spent two years abroad, lnrgely devoted to the study of skin diseases, in Vienna under Professor Dr. Green presented the accompanying report life for the Hebra, and returned to Boston to take up his on finance Committee on Membership work. During his youth and college days, he had been and Finance, and it was accepted and its recom- greatly interested in natural history and scientific mendations adopted : study and on his return to Boston he was made Ad- junct Professor of Chemistry in the Medical School The Committee on Membership and Finance makes and a little later Visiting Physician to the Massachu- the following recommendations as to Finance: setts General Hospital. These positions he' resigned, in to take charge of a newly-ereated department 1. That a dividend of from the balance re- 1871, $4000, of dermatology in the same hospital. in the treasury on December be maining 31, 1915, In the same year, he was made Professor of Derma- apportioned among and paid to the district societies, in the Harvard Medical School, a chair which in accordance the of tology with provisions Chapter VII, he occupied for thirty-one years. It was the first pro- Section 3, of the by-laws: fessorship of the kind In Boston and, indeed, the first 2.
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