BANYULE THEMATIC ENVIRONMENTAL HISTORY Revised draft report 7 June 2018 Prepared for City of Banyule Context 2018 [GML Heritage Victoria Pty Ltd, trading as Context. ABN 31 620 754 761] Project Team: Dr Helen Doyle, historian Annabel Neylon, project manager Report Register This report register documents the development and issue of the report entitled Banyule Thematic Environmental History undertaken by Context in accordance with our internal quality management system. Project Issue Notes/description Issue Date Issued to No. No. 2276 1 Draft 10 May 2018 Nicola Rooks 2276 2 Revised draft 14 May 2018 Nicola Rooks 2276 3 2nd revised draft 7 June 2018 Nicola Rooks Context 22 Merri Street, Brunswick VIC 3056 Phone 03 9380 6933 Facsimile 03 9380 4066 Email
[email protected] Web ii CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Purpose and scope 1 The study area 1 The scope of this report 1 The time scale 2 1.3 Limitations and constraints 2 1.4 Acknowledgements 3 1.5 Abbreviations 3 2.0 HISTORICAL THEMES 4 2.1 Overview: using historical themes in heritage practice 4 2.2 Developing historical themes for Banyule 4 Table 1: Banyule historical themes and examples of heritage places 5 Table 2: Comparing Victorian themes with Banyule themes 7 Table 3: Place ‘types’ associated with Banyule’s historical themes 8 2.2 Banyule Thematic Environmental History 13 1. Aboriginal Country 14 2. Settling on the land 19 3. Transport and communication 23 4. Developing industries 27 5. Suburban development 30 6.