Curriculum Vitae Dr. Rahim Heydari Chianeh (PhD) Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geography and Planning P.Box 23 29 Bahman Av., University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran Fax: + 98 411 333 56 013 Phone: 333 62 330 (Home) 333 92 298 (Office) Mob.: 09144194700 Email:
[email protected] Kimlik no 2909074277 Personal Data: Name Surname Date of Birth Nationality Sex Marital Status RAHIM HEYDARI-CHIANEH 1974/4/22 IRAN M Mar. Telephone Fax E-mail +98 41 33 36 23 30 +98 41 33 35 60 13
[email protected] Educational Background: Certificate Degree Field of Specialization Name of Institution Attended Date Received URBAN UNIVERSITY OF TABRIZ, IRAN 1999 M. A. PLANNING AND GEOGRAPHY URBAN UNIVERSITY OF TABRIZ, IRAN 2004 Ph.D PLANNING AND GEOGRAPHY Title of Doctorate Thesis: AN EVALUATION OF IRANIAN TOURISM INDUSTRY PLANNING Title of Post-Graduate Thesis: ROLE OF GREEN SPACES IN URBAN PLANNING CASE STUDY: TABRIZ METROPOLIS 1 Teaching Experiences: Over than 25 Course in B.A, M.A., and PhD degrees from 1999 up to now, some of them are in the table below: Dates Title of Course Level Name of Institution From To Urban Tourim Ph.D 2009 Up Dept. of Geography and Urban to Planning, University of Tabriz now Tourism Marketing B.A 2001 - Dept. of Tourism Management, University of Tabriz Tourism Geography B.A 2000 - Dept. of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Tabriz Urban Geography “ “ - “ Philisophy of Geography “ 2002 - “ Reginal Planning M.A 2007 - “ Population Geography ,, 2003 - “ Demography ,, 2003 - “ Urban Development ,, 2002 - “ Tourism Geography M.A 2007 - “ Tourism in Iran 2001 2009 ITTO Philisophy of Geography M.A 2010 - Aras International Campus University of Tabriz Population Geography M.A 2010 2014 “ Analysis Ecotourism Planning M.A 2011 - Dept.