Tochigi Prefecture

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Tochigi Prefecture Spring TOCHIGI PREFECTURE Summer Autumn Winter ■Prefectural Overview ■Industry and Commerce ■Agriculture and Forestry ■Sightseeing Prefectural Symbols 栃木県のシンボル TOCHIGI PREFECTURE The Prefectural Emblem The emblem is an abstraction of the Chinese character 栃(Tochi), and the three arrow heads allude to the ancient style of writing 木(ki). 県章 栃木県の「栃」の字を抽象化した ものです。三本の矢印は「木」の古代 文字です。 CONTENTS Prefectural Overview 3 栃木県の概要 Industry and Commerce 5 工業と商業 ◆Flower:Rhododendron Albrechtii ◆Tree:Japanese horse chestnut Agriculture and Forestry 6 The pink, white and indigo blossoms of this Also called the "Marronnier", this deciduous 農林業 Azalea can be seen in Tochigi's mountainous tree blooms red and white with the advent of regions during the spring. summer. Sightseeing 7 ◆県花「やしおつつじ」 ◆県木「ト チ ノ キ 」 観 光・祭 り 春、県内の山岳地にピンクや白、紫色の花が 初夏、街路などに白い花の咲く落葉樹です。 History 9 咲きます。ツツジの仲間です。 紅色などの花もあり、まとめてマロニエと呼 歴史 んでいます。 Craft goods and Taste of Tochigi 10 工 芸 品・味 International Relations 11 国際交流・国際協力 Education and Data 13 教育・データ Organization and Administrative Mechanism 14 組織・行政のしくみ・県の予算 ◆Animal:Japanese Serow ◆Bird:Blue-And-White Flycatcher Slightly smaller than a deer, the horned Slightly larger than a sparrow, the Oruri has a Kamoshika is found in the north western vivid emerald back. It migrates from Southern mountains of Tochigi, where it lives on small regions in May and then lives primarily in the buds and tree leaves. Nasu Valley, Shiobara, and Nikko until early October. ◆県獣「カモシカ」 ◆県鳥「オオルリ」 体はシカよりやや小さく、オス・メス両方に 体はスズメよりもやや大きく、頭から背中の 短い角が生えています。北西部の山地に住 ルリ色があざやかです。5月頃に南方から渡っ み、草木の葉や木の芽を食べています。 てきて、10月はじめまで、山地の谷川ぞいの 森林に住んでいます。 1 ■History ■Craft goods and Taste of Tochigi ■International Relations ■Education and Data ■Organization and Administrative Mechanism A Message from the Governor Tochigi, which is located in the northern part of the Kanto region, is the largest prefecture in Kanto. Tochigi's capital of Utsunomiya is located within a 50 minute Tohoku Shinkansen (Bullet Train) ride from metropolitan Tokyo. Thanks to its advantageous location, Tochigi continues to develop, balanced in both agriculture and industry. Aside from its grand towering mountains of Nikko and Nasu, abundant greenery and beautiful nature, Tochigi has also inherited numerous traditional art, crafts, folk entertainment, and is historically represented most notably by the "Temples and Shrines of Nikko" which are inscribed in the World Heritage List. I pray that you all will have an opportunity to see the beauty of Tochigi. Tomikazu Fukuda Governor of Tochigi Prefecture 知事あいさつ 栃木県知事 栃木県は、首都東京の北に位置し、県庁所在地である宇 都宮市は東京から約100キロメートル 、東北新幹線で約5 福田 富一 0分という有利な地理的条件のもと、農業・工業がバランス よく発展しています。 また、日光・那須等の雄大な山々など美しい自然にも恵 まれ、世界遺産に登録された日光の社寺に代表される歴 史的に価値のある数々の文化財や民族芸能・伝統工芸が 今日に至るまで受け継がれています。 私は、ぜひ多くの外国の皆様に、栃木県の魅力を知って いただきたいと思っています。 このパンフレットを通して栃木県に対する理解を深めて いただき、皆様と県民の交流がさらに深まることを心から 願っています。 2 TOCHIGI PREFECTURE ■Prefectural Overview ■Industry and Commerce ■Agriculture and Forestry ■Sightseeing Prefectural Overview ○ Utsunomiya Weather 栃木県の概要 宇都宮の気候 Temperature (2013) Normal Geographical Location temperature Situated among the inland prefectures of the Northern 平均気温 気 温 (2013年) portion of the Kanto region, Tochigi is contiguous with the four Maximum temperature prefectures of Ibaraki, Gunma, Saitama, and Fukushima. 最高気温平均 ℃ Minimum temperature 35 最低気温平均 Climate 30 The climate of Tochigi may be classified as a humid 25 temperate zone in which there are broad variations in 20 temperature. Winters are arid with dry winds, while summers are humid and punctuated by frequent thunderstorms. 15 10 5 Population-Area-Municipalities 0 (as of Sep. 1st, 2017) -5 The population of Tochigi is 1,962,081. The area of Tochigi Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec prefecture is only approximately 6,408 (20th largest in Japan), but the largest in the Kanto region. About 520,000 people live in the prefectural capital city of Utsunomiya, with the remainder dispersed over 14 other cities and 11 towns. Rain Fall (2013) Rain Fall Pyongyang 降水量 (2013年) 降水量 Average Annual Topography mm Precipitation Situated in the center of the prefecture is the largest open 平年値 (1981年から plain in the Kanto region. To the north stand the mountains 300 2010年まで) Shirane (2,578m), Nantai (2,486m) and Nasudake (1,915m). 250 Furthermore, originating in this region are the Kinugawa, Nakagawa, and Watarase Rivers, which flow across the Kanto 200 plain before emptying into the Pacific Ocean. 150 100 50 0 Month 位置 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 関東地方の北部に位置する内陸県で、茨城、群馬、 埼玉、福島の4県と接しています。 気候 寒暖の差が大きく、冬は空気が乾燥し、夏は湿度が ○ Tochigi Population 高く、年間を通じ雨量が多い、温帯湿潤気候に属します。 栃木県の人口 また、夏期は雷の発生が多く、冬季は空っ風が吹きます。 Change of Population 人口・面積・市町 (2017年9月1日現在) 人口は、1,962,081人です。 県人口の推移 面積は、6,408.09㎢(全国第20位)で、関東地方 Day/Month/Year PopulationDay/Month/Year Population では最も広大です。 年月日 人口年月日 人口 市町の数は、人口約52万人の県都宇都宮市をはじ 1/10/1990 1,935,168 1/10/2005 2,016,631 め、14市11町からなっています。 1/10/1995 1,984,390 1/10/2010 2,007,683 1/10/2000 2,004,817 1/10/2015 1,974,720 地形 ・ Residential Alien 35,721(2016.12.31) 栃木県は、中央に関東最大の平野部を有し、北部は 外国人住民数 白根山(2,578m)、男体山(2,486m)や那須岳 ・ Total Fertility Rate 1.46(2016.12.31) (ranked 35th in Japan) (1,915m)等の山々が連なっています。 合計特殊出生率 また、ここに源を発する鬼怒川、那珂川、渡良瀬川 が平野部を流れ、太平洋に注いでいます。 3 ■History ■Craft goods and Taste of Tochigi ■International Relations ■Education and Data ■Organization and Administrative Mechanism Location of Tochigi Prefecture 栃木県の位置 Russia Mongolian People's Republic People's Republic of China Vladivostok Beijing North Korea PyongyangPyongyang Seoul Korea Shanghai Sendai Taipei Niigata Kan-etsu Tohoku Expressway Expressway Tohoku Shinkansen (bullet train) Joetu Shinkansen (bullet train) Fukushima Airport Utsunomiya 500km 400km 300km 150km 100km Hitachinaka Port Kita-Kanto Expressway Ibaraki Airport Narita Tokyo Airport Metropolitan Inter-City Tokaido Shinkansen Expressway (bullet train) Haneda Airport Nagoya Tomei Osaka Expressway 4 TOCHIGI PREFECTURE ■Prefectural Overview ■Industry and Commerce ■Agriculture and Forestry ■Sightseeing Industry and Commerce 工業と商業 Taking advantage of the fact that it is located in the area near Tokyo, Tochigi has been pushing to attract companies to the area by promoting industrial infrastructure including the Kiyohara Industrial Complex, one of the largest inland industrial complexes nationwide. Globally powerful industrial giants in various fields such Stir of excitement in shopping center (Utsunomiya) as automobiles, electronics, and precision machinery have 中心商店街のにぎわい(宇都宮市) placed their centers of research and development and manufacturing in this prefecture with shipment of products reaching 8,809.7 billion yen in value (ranked 13th nationwide in 2015). Commercial and Service industry has also been an important part of developing our charming community. In Tochigi there are 17 universities and colleges including those for science and technology, literature, medicine, education, and art. They have been contributing to fostering excellent human resources and providing them to various fields including industry. The Kiyohara Industrial Complex (Utsunomiya) Development of Robot Tochigi also established and opened the ‘Tochigi Industrial 清原工業団地(宇都宮市) /ロボットの開発 Creation Plaza’ in April 2003 to support research, development, and businesses by establishing industry-academia-government cooperation, aiming to create and foster next generation industries. 栃木県では、首都圏に位置する有利な立地条件を 活かし、内陸型としては国内で有数規模の清原工業団 地をはじめとする産業基盤を整備し、企業の誘致を進 めてきました。 現在、県内には、自動車産業や電器・精密機器等の 大手企業の生産・研究開発拠点が立地し、製造品出荷 額等は8兆8,097億円(2015年・全国第13位)と Tochigi Industrial Creation Plaza /とちぎ産業創造プラザ なっています。 また、地域に根ざした商業・サービス業の振興を図 り、活気に満ちた魅力あるまちづくりを進めています。 こうした産業界に対して、県内にある17の大学等 が、理工系、文科系、医療系、教育系、芸術系等の多様 な分野において、優秀な人材を供給しています。 また、2003年4月にオープンした「とちぎ産業創 造プラザ」では、産・学・官の連携により研究開発や事 業化を支援し、次代を担う産業の創出と育成に努めて います。 Car Factory Plant/自動車製造工場 ■ Industrial Products/製造品出荷額等(産業別割合) 〈2015〉 Automobiles Production Machinery 21.2% 18.5% 輸送機械 生産機械 4.0% Beverage/Tobacco Metals 12.0% 飲料・たばこ 金属 5.2% 8.9% Electrical Machinery Non-ferrous Metals 4.4% 5.2% 6.0% 7. 3 % 7. 3 % 電気機械 非鉄 Business Use Chemicals Machinery 化学 業務機械 Foods Other 食料品 その他 Plastics 5 プラスチック ■History ■Craft goods and Taste of Tochigi ■International Relations ■Education and Data ■Organization and Administrative Mechanism Agriculture and Forestry 農林業 Rice, vegetables, and livestock continue to be the heart of Tochigi’s agricultural products. Its annual gross agricultural output is roughly 272 billion yen and its products are supplied to a number of localities nationwide. Notably, Tochigi boasts national leadership in the production of strawberries, gourd, etc. Tochigi’s various agricultural products are sold throughout the prefecture and the metropolitan area. The prefecture’s specialties such as strawberries and Japanese pears, however, are of such high quality that they are sold nationwide and exported to various countries. Approximately 55% of Tochigi is forest. Not merely a ready supply of timber, these forests enrich the quality of our citizen’s lives by hosting healthy recreation and preserving vital water and soil resources. In order to improve the quality of Tochigi’s forestry, we have approached the ‘Tochigi Tree’ stable supply system. Although raw timber accounts for a large portion of our forest industry, we also sell products such as a variety of mushrooms. The annual gross output of the forest industry is approximately 8.4 billion yen (2015). Paddy Field /田園風景 農業生産の中心は、米、野菜、畜産物などで、農業産出 額は約2,723億円(2015年 全国第9位)となっていま す。中でも、いちごやかんぴょう等は全国一の生産量を 誇っています。 農産物の主な出荷先は、県内や首都圏です。本県特産 の品質の高いいちごやなし等は海外にも輸出されてい
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