May Follow Policies . Which Lead to War

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May Follow Policies . Which Lead to War 2' ^y ^ TS^y- vV ^ , r f - ' MARY CHENEY LIBRARY. j - WEDNESDAY, OCTOBEKV, IM I n PAOIE SIOHTVEA fflanrh?0t»r toftilng Itfralft DbOf CbrndatloB - - - r. IBM Tim WaatlNr a than one entrance to soaas of tec I oC U. B. Weateer Bmeae houses Three Stores Cut Board Against The selectmen approved tee oth­ 9,109 About Town er 28 matten up nr aetlca next r Breet hi a l Their Open Hours Tuesday night and wlO offer mo­ s >1 FHA’s Request tions favoring tealr anaaaga by tee America’ s Most DlGllictive Ladies’ Luggage Tbt aBau&l Mtteck Uurnai&«nt | town meeting. It wiB take a total ManehtuUr^A Cfty •/ Ff8of# CfcarB» of Om R»d M«n’» Social club will The following atorei in Man- nf 77 such motloaa to aceompUah rheater, MonUoroeiy Ward A the business o f the aweUng. bMln tWa avtnlnjr at al»ht o’clwk. Selectmen Reeommenil AdverBstog eo Bags 14) All membart ahouM aoaka an affort Oo The W. T. Grant Co., and VOL. LXVL, NO. S MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY^ OCTOBER S, 1040 (SIXTEEN PAGES) Wwdv.orth a are reducing their Rejection of Pclilinn PRICE TRHEB CBMIE to be rroaent. rtore opening houra to 40 boura per week effective to­ On Orford Village Ura. Rebecca W rifht of Holl morrow Ott S. Thia win mean •treat and Ura. Jamaa McCann of that Ibeae atoroa will open It tee Federal Public Hourirs V Foreign. Min isters Vt'etlwrell atreet, attended the dmiv at 9:30 Inalead of 9 in Authority wishes to liqindate it* meatlnc in New Tork Sunday, the m'wninf and on Saturdaya Byrnes Says Nation - Persons on Plane honorlns Oenetal Oabome of the cloae at 5:80 inatead of 6 p. m. Orford Village development by Salvation Army. • ^ selling tee 300 bouses in It to pil- I vata owners, it may first hsvr to To Ponder Issues The quartaWy meeting o f the ; undertake complete compllancf . •* ■htberculoaia and Cancer rree Bed Priaea to be given away by the j with tee town's building co«ie. U rang of Chaney Brotbera wlU be Barbar HUl Gun Club are on dia- May Follow Policies Peru, OcL" 8.—(B)—-A P ren ch f akm of tee Peace eoafersBce Ttol- Die in Flaming Crash; held In the main office. Wednee* play at the McGlIl-Converae atore developed at Iasi night's mcetlnr; •ource sold the four power torelgn' tan PoUtlca]: commloeloa which gay. Oct. • at S:1A rtank Iron* on Main aUeet, The Oub'e annual I of the Board of Selectmen. ministers would ONst st'BiBB p. adopted a set of prtnetpleo tor tlw to preaident of the Aaaociatton. fall «eld triala will be held Satur­ The board voted to reconiiiicnd at., 13:80 p. m„ eA.U. tonight tor, projected free state at Trtesto aft­ day and Sunday. OcU>ber 12 and 13 to the annual town meeting next a Coordinated oeoault on remain­ er days at eometlmea angry do- at the flub arounda in South Wind- Tuesday night rejection of ing Ueucs ta tea pooea trootlaa The Woodrtdga Community Aa- ' Mouaing Authority’s petition ih*t . Which Lead to War with AxU aatedltaaL- In the midst of teta protroctad Six Victims Children •odaUon wUI have a meaUng thia aor. I exceptions which the town approv- debate, YugOaUv dele^too re­ r^ a g at eight o'clock at the Oeaftr Mom -num nodr I ed aa an emergency measure <iur- American officials dtacloaod peatedly oeaerted they woaM not home of Mr. and Mra. Jamea Plro, The Infant Jeaua of Prague \ Ing tee war-time need for housing sign a treaty with Italy or wlte- 71 ian ^ road. It will be the an­ Mothera Circle will meet thia eve­ Greateft Care Miut Be BritUb PorelgB goeretory Bmeot continue to receive the town ap­ Timge Moment in Film Strike Berln conferred for aeon than on draw their troope from nortewaot< Brief Message Received nual meeting with reporta and elec­ ning at the home of Mra. Anthony proval In the event of sale of the Battki om Istris unlsee their rteioanils Fire Sweeps Luna Park tion of officera for the coming D’ Avancn of M Koxrroft Drive, Taken Not to Plaiit hour thU oftacMoon with Bacre By Coast Guard Tell­ houses Involved to private imiivirt- taiy of stata Jamas P. Byrnes at were m et y n r. A aoclal time with refreah- uals. AVAILABLE for every mode of travel... Seeds of Fntnre Con- Ualtod States HehaBeS menta will follow. tee American delagatlon notsL ing of Worst Gommerv The official-board of the Concor­ Particulars In which the Orford in rich supple leathers, superbly styled and Some backstage move to solve The United Statea was rebuffod, Village housing does not come up flict* Secretary Telb 7 to 8, by a Peace confWenoe oom- cial Airline Aeeidcat dia Lutheran church will haVe a crafted. the Trieste (esue oo tee Big Pour John B. and Arthur R. Benaon, thia avtning at tight to town standards Include wiring, A m JMtHAM c o u Lm^ecm Qab at level was Indicated ta the aeries mUeion today In on attempt to In History; Helicopters of 20 Myrtle alrect. will attend the o'clock plumbing, and the lack of more MsMawm Ciim of top rank meeting yesterday ■laBi $100,000,000 from Nungar- firat of the World Sertea gamea, to PariB Today; DisputeB and Tuesday. American aourcea tan reparsUone to Rueoia and two En Route to Steph^- be played In Boaton neat Week. Airplane... aald Bymea hod beao aaeWwg te other SUv countrUo. after a So­ Anumg AlUea on V i^ - call another eiiilnii viet delegate oeealled tee proposal ville to Take eWI- Tlie American Legloa Auxiliary — Light and Room^. points Seen as SeriiNiB Byrnes yesterday colled on So­ as on "unfriendly act." Snrlng group will n ^ t ^ ‘tay viet Foreign Minister V. M. Molo­ U. S. State deportment Repre­ cials to Crash Scene evening of thia week at 7;30 with tov at tee Ruaetaa embosay. Tha sentative WtUord Thorp, who sold Mra. Harry Sweet, of 48 Putnam H A LE ’S Checkroom... Parii, Oct 8.- day before Byme% In company he presented the omendmant ta on New York, Oct. 8.— atreet ___ tsry ctf State ^fraes F. with tee State department's ex­ attenmt to save Hungary’s eeon- — Rugged and Durable pert on Trieste, Samuel Reber, omy Rom coilapoe, ana aeught to An American Overseas air* Byrnia declared today * that ealled oo French president—For­ cut $100,000,000 from the rapors- ines plane plunged in flames Mr. and Mra. John Kotach. of the dUHculty facing the id ! Autumn atreet are expected Available In Several Leathers eign Minuter George WdeulL tftms to be paid by Finland. n the wilds of Newfoundland home today after a five weeka* and Siises worid’B pea^makerfi waa Atopt Set ef Prtaelplee Tlw Amerioon defeat quickly uoday, and hours latsr the vacation In the Weat They vpent that, **wlule no nation wants The ceu for tee meeting come after on eight-hour aU-nl|^t (Ceattoeed Oa 1 ^ BMiht) I ;oost Guard said rescue psrw ■erne time in Loo Angelea, went to war, nations may pursue poll* Jes reported the 89 penone ' Banco Canyon National Park In dmTANDiNG Values ciea of eouDNS of action tltali. and vlaltod with ralatlvea of 18" Size $16.85 aboard were dead. The , Mia. Kotach, who waa the former which lead to w m i.** iSuord laid the brief mao- Halaat HeubiMr, In South Dakota. EUBm Staan’e Stotaamat ■og# tolling at the worst ceesiastw f / LUGGAOE — HOUSEWARES DEPT., Bscretery Bynee helled tee re­ lan Urges All rial airline oeeldent la hlotecv was IN 21" Size $16.85 cent atatoment at Soviet PrtaM roj^vod at 1:80 p. « . (#A,i). ft ■TA1BMBNT OF THB OWNIUi* BASEMENT. Mtntator StaUn that there wee aa wUd toUoroptera were ea route ta SHIP, MANAOBMENT. C1B> Immediate danger of new armed Btephenvilie, 10 mUto fkoos the ODLA'nON. BTC, RBQUnUBD 26" Size $19.55 coattet, but be eold teat “natkxw crM . to take olritae, Oeost Guard may mak poUtloal and oconomle Best to Keep and Army officiala to tha i-sai BT THB ACTS OP OONORB88 Phis Federal Excise Tax. o r AUGUST 94. 19U, AND odvoatafea which they cannot ob- an tha m- MARCH 9. IMS The J W H A L C CORK tain wlteout war. fated ptoM wars chUdron. oosom- o r Manchaatar Bvantng Harald, Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales "That la why. If we wieb to, psnylng thslr mothors ako w«ta puMMiad d a te aacapt Sunday at MSNCMBSTSa- COMN- avoid war, wa atoot dtety not Industrial Peace en route to Burops to lota, their Maaebeatar, OoimaeUcut, fOr Oc only war but tee things vrtitah hush^ Therowsrofi^.^ tabar 1. IS4S. lead to war," ha said ta aa oddreoa- KwOff PO* atata ar Ooasiactlcut, aa. to the American Ixmcheon club CalU on BoflineflB, Labor No Mga oC Ula Nsochr OooBty or Hartford. iMre. Cattle, An Air Franoa transport —f - <■« Bedara ma^ a Notary Public la "Just because war is not now And Conflumera to aad dor Urn State aad county Firemen h*tUa floMss whldi swept through the abandoned eectton ef who flew over tec wrsOcoga two iauaiaonL wo must taka tee great­ hours after tha crash sold am ar­ pwaoaally amoorad est core not to plant tee seeda of ‘Maintain |Voduction’ Luna Park on the noi‘th elde of Ooney leland. New York, deetirojrlng who, h a v lu Killings Low a numbfr n f buUdtnga.
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