The state of large carnivores

dott. Stefano Filacorda University of

Regional Workshop, , 12-13 October 2017 The ecological status

Two countries and two different “system of utilisation of natural resources”, with common wildlife populations and carnivores

Different livestock presence and Different hunting systems farming systems

Different tourism and Different attitude of the local people human presence to the large carnivores Different legislations Different use of habitats

EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores A lot of differences in respect the two sides, Italian and Slovenian, but common natural and seminatural heritage A “sink “ areas for the large carnivores: the example of the brown bear

560 50-60


The study areas is located 500-560 between two sources of bear populations: Trentino and Dinaric populations Corpo Forestale Regionale- stazione di From genetic analysis : 7-10 bears , all males, constant ( increasing ?)

Female(s) disappearead Research on the movements of the Alessandro Bear has showed no fragmentation and high ecological values for brown bear of the Julian Alps, but not outside

High risk of predation on the livestock especially on the Slovenian side

Bear presence and conflicts: different types of interaction in relation to the different presence of livestock and In red the intensity of farming systems negative interactions The high level of suitability confirmed by telemetry Lynx

In 2003-2010 the Lynx (signs of presence) was relative common

3-5 individuals in Venezia Giulia Region Lynx

But Now ?

In the last years , not stable presence and not clear situation

But evident decreasing of the signs of presence Wolf


In the last years the Wolf has showed a The Julian alps are evident positive between the Dinaric trend especially for and Italian wolf the Italian Alpine populations population wolf Increment in the Western Italian Alps (around 150-160 individuals)

Stable in (40-50 individuals)

Increment in the Region and presence in the western part of Region, in Padania plane Sporadic presence of the wolf. Not permanent

Stable presence of Golden Jackal, the small wolf


In respect to the high natural values, the presence of carnivores is low

Not reproductive (sub)populations

Why ?

EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores Conclusions

What do we want ?

source of carnivores ?

and the men and livestock ?

A «nice» sink ?

EU Platform on Coexistence between People and Large Carnivores