K190371-2 22 June 2020


Prepared For: MOAA Architects Level 1, 3135 Ward Street Hamilton 3204

KGA Geotechnical Group Limited Supporting the Construction Industry since 1990 7A William Pickering Drive | Albany | Auckland Unit 3, 201 Opawa Road | Hillsborough | Christchurch P O Box 302 361 | North Harbour | Auckland 0751 P O Box 7630 | Sydenham | Christchurch 8240 09 478 6655 03 343 5302


Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Proposed School Redevelopment 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension Mount Roskill

Geology Auckland Volcanic Field deposits

Lithology , clayey silt and basalt CONDITIONS Groundwater depth at time 3m to 6.7m (As per percussion at the time of (See logs for of investigation drilling) details) Shrink/swell classification Class S (Wesley Intermediate) and Class H (CASS) (NZBC Structure B1/AS1) classification as per Class B (Wesley Intermediate) and Class C (CASS) NZS 1170.5:2004

SITE STABILITY Provided the foundations are designed using the suggested geotechnical parameters in COMMENT this report, permanent site stability is deemed not to be a concern at the site.

 Any proposed excavation or cuts should consider the presence of basalt rock at the development,  Excavation into the fractured slightly weathered to unweathered basalt rock may be difficult using standard methods and consideration for more rigorous excavation SITE FORMATION methods such as ripping and hammer methods may be required. CONSTRAINTS  Where non-engineered fill is present beneath proposed structures, it should either be removed and replaced with engineered fill to NZS4431:1989 standards, or the structure designed to found below any non-engineered fills,  Public underground services are present at the site, and their location will need to be considered in the design of the foundations for the relevant structures.

Wesley Intermediate: We recommend that the proposed three storey structure be supported on foundations taken onto or into the underlying basalt rock. Based on our site investigation the depth of rock in this area ranges from 1m to 3m, however this may vary PRELIMINARY away from the points explored. RECOMMENDATIONS CASS: Structures are anticipated to be single level to two storeys. For preliminary design (see Section 8.5 for purposes we recommend that the structures be supported on shallow foundations. Due complete text) to the potential for the structures to span areas of deep and shallow basalt, perimeter and isolated foundations should either be founded to a depth of 900mm below lowest cleared adjacent ground or be founded onto the underlying basalt rock, if encountered at shallower depths.

We recommend that prior to construction, and following demolition of the existing FUTURE WORKS structures, proof drilling (percussion drill) be undertaken across the proposed building platforms to confirm the presence / depth of rock.

REPORT A full copy of this report must be provided to all relevant parties involved in the project. This should include, but not be limited to, owner, architectural designers, engineers (civil DISTRIBUTION and structural) and the /building contractor.

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension, Mount Roskill 22 June 2020

CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 2. SITE DESCRIPTION ...... 1 3. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ...... 2 4. DESK STUDY ...... 3 5. SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION ...... 4 6. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ...... 5 6.1 Strata Encountered ...... 5 6.2 Geological Model ...... 8 7. GEOHAZARDS AND GEOTECHNICAL ASSESSMENT ...... 8 7.1 Liquefaction Potential ...... 8 7.2 Seismic Site Classification ...... 9 7.2.1. Wesley Intermediate ...... 9 7.2.2. CASS Development ...... 9 7.3 Expansive ...... 9 8. GEOTECHNICAL RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 10 8.1 General ...... 10 8.2 Geotechnical Constraints ...... 10 8.3 Site Formation Works ...... 10 8.3.1. General ...... 10 8.3.2. Excavations ...... 10 8.3.3. Filling ...... 14 8.4 Geotechnical Design Parameters ...... 14 8.5 Foundation Recommendations ...... 15 8.5.1. Wesley Intermediate Structure ...... 15 8.5.2. CASS Structures ...... 15 8.5.1. Settlements ...... 16 8.5.2. Expansive soils ...... 16 8.5.3. Bridging Over Public Underground Services ...... 17 8.6 Retention ...... 17 8.7 Pavement Design...... 18 8.8 Construction Considerations ...... 18 9. STORMWATER ...... 18 10. FUTURE WORKS ...... 19 11. LIMITATIONS ...... 19 REFERENCES ...... 20

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension, Mount Roskill 22 June 2020

Drawings: Sheet 1 Site Plan Sheet 2 Geological Sections A-A’ and B-B’

Appendices: Appendix A MOAA Architects Draft Master Plan Design Drawings Appendix B Machine Borehole Logs with Core Photographs Appendix C Percussion Borehole Logs Appendix D Borehole Logs from Previous Feasibility Assessment Investigation Appendix E Relevant NZGS Historic Machine Borehole Data

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension, Mount Roskill 22 June 2020


At the instruction of MOAA Architects (MOAA) we have undertaken a geotechnical engineering investigation for the proposed school redevelopment at 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension, Mount Roskill.

The scope of the current investigation was to build on existing geotechnical data available for the site from our previous site investigations (summarised in Section 4). As part of this investigation we have conducted further subsurface investigation using a combination of machine operated rotary drilled boreholes and percussion drilled boreholes systematically across the site.

The information has been used to further refine the geological model across the site and to identify the presence (or absence) and the continuity of basalt rock that underlies the proposed structures. This report also provides geotechnical parameters for use in structural design of foundations.

This report presents our findings and conclusions and has been prepared in support of the detailed design stage. This report does not include for any aspects of stormwater disposal, or any aspects of chemical contamination that may or may not apply to the site.


The property (766-778 Sandringham Road Extension) is legally described as Lot 142 DP 39105 and has an area of 44,667m2. It is bounded by Sandringham Road Extension to the northwest, War Memorial Park to the northeast and by existing residential properties on all remaining sides, as shown on the Site Plan attached as Sheet 1.

The ground profile at the property generally falls towards the northeast at gentle grades, with the exception of locally moderately sloped banks up to approximately 2.5m high and at gradients of up to approximately 1 vertical on 5 horizontal within the central northern portion of the property.

The area(s) subject to this investigation comprises the northern, eastern and western areas of the property, with the exception of the existing school rugby field located in the southeastern extent of the property, which, at the time of writing this report, is to remain.

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For a more detailed site description reference should be made to our Feasibility Assessment report reference K190371-1, dated June 2019.

Public wastewater and stormwater services are shown to underlie the site. The approximate locations of the services are shown on the Site Plan, attached as Sheet 1. The site is also underlain by multiple private services which are not indicted on the site plan.


We have been provided with the Draft Master Plan Design drawings by MOAA. The following relevant drawings are attached as Appendix A:

 ‘Site Plan’, drawing No: A.101,  ‘Proposed Site Plan’, drawing No: A.103,

The drawings show that it is proposed to construct two new Schools and associated private roadway through the centre of the property following demolition of the existing structures presently occupying the site.

Access is proposed from Sandringham Road Extension (to the west) via two entrances leading into carparking for both Wesley Intermediate and CASS. A southern carpark is shown to exit via William Blofield Avenue to the south. The private roadway is shown to divide and traverse centrally through the site (east to west), with entrances via both Sandringham Road Extension and Denny Avenue to the east.

To the south of the proposed private roadway, it is proposed to construct a three-level structure (Wesley Intermediate), whilst to the north of the proposed private roadway, it is proposed to construct six single-level learning pods and a two-level administration structure (Central Auckland Specialist School ‘CASS’ learning). We understand the structures will consist of steel frames with any intermediate floors to be concrete slab on steel deck. The proposed floor systems are understood to comprise concrete slab on floors.

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At the time of writing this report we are not aware of any proposed site formation cuts and fills at the site. However, based on the current topography at the site and the proposed development, some amount of earthworks (up to 0.5m) are likely to be required to form near-level building platforms.


For detailed information on our geotechnical desk study, please refer to our Feasibility Assessment report, reference K190371-1, dated June 2019.

Our original geotechnical desk study comprised:  Review of existing geotechnical reports pertinent to the site held by the Auckland Council;  Review of the relevant information New Zealand Geotechnical Database (NZGD);  Review of existing in house records.

A summary of the findings from our Feasibility Assessment report are provided below:

 Drilled ten shallow hand auger boreholes, where they met refusal between the depths of 0.6m and 2.25m below existing ground surface, level. Basalt boulders/rock head has been inferred from refusal depths,  No groundwater encountered in the shallow hand auger boreholes,  For preliminary design purposes, the site may be classified as moderately reactive (Class M) in accordance with AS2870:2011,  Seismic site subsoil Class B or C (Rock or Shallow Soil Site), as per NZS1170.5:2004, to be confirmed by further input.  Further geotechnical investigation to be carried out at detailed design stage to determine depth and extent of dense material and suitability of this stratum as a founding layer.  Recommend further investigations should be carried out to confirm the nature and continuity of basalt rock beneath foundation locations.

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Scope of Investigation The purpose of our supplementary ground investigation is to provide geotechnical design parameters for use in structural design, and outline any geotechnical/geological site constraints for the proposed development.

Our subsurface investigation drilling program consisted of rotary machine and percussion boreholes to provide further information on ground conditions over the site. Due to the nature of the drilling, the geological model has been able to be refined; where previous investigations consisted of hand auger drilling methods which were unable to penetrate through the basalt rock materials, therefore expectantly reducing development risks.

Rotary Cored Boreholes Four rotary cored boreholes were drilled by DCN Drilling on 19 and 20 May 2020. MH1 to MH3 were drilled in the area of the proposed Wesley Intermediate School development, and MH4 drilled in the area of the proposed CASS development to assist with correlating materials encountered within the percussion drill methods in this location. HQ triple tube type barrels were used for the recovery of the drilled core.

The recovered core was logged by a KGA Geologist and copies of borehole logs and core photographs are presented in Appendix B. In situ SPT testing was carried out within the soils encountered in MH2. At the completion of the drilling the holes were backfilled and ground reinstated.

The core from the machine drilling was logged in accordance with ‘The guidelines for the classification and description of soil and rock for engineering purposes’, December 2005 as outlined by the NZ Geotechnical Society.

The boreholes were backfilled upon completion.

Rotary Percussion Boreholes Nine rotary percussion boreholes were drilled using a 75mm diameter down the hole hammer bit, driven by compressed air, up to a maximum depth of up to 10m depth. The percussion drill holes were spaced across the proposed development areas to provide coverage of ground conditions across the site. Interpretations of the encountered materials were made by the driller during drilling.

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A KGA geologist visited site to confirm selected drilling interpretations during this period. Copies of the borehole logs from the percussion drilling are presented in Appendix C.

The boreholes were backfilled upon completion.


6.1 Strata Encountered

The general subsurface ground conditions encountered during the drilling is summarised in Table 1 and briefly described below. For a full detailed description of the subsurface conditions encountered, reference should be made to logs appended as Appendix B and C.

A summary of our previous investigation data and relevant third party test information to the site is summarised in Table 2. For a detailed description of the subsurface conditions encountered, reference should be made to logs appended as Appendix D.

Table 1 - Summary of Subsurface Information

Metres Below Existing Ground Surface Level Borehole ID Topsoil / Fill Auckland Volcanic Soils Fractured Basalt MH1 1.5 - 1.5 > 8.8 MH2 1.9 1.9 – 5.5 5.5 > 8 MH3 0.2 0.2 – 0.9 0.9 > 6 MH4 0.2 0.2 – 1 1 > 6 PBH1 * 0 – 1.5 1.5 > 10 PBH2 * 0 – 2 2 > 10 PBH3 * 0 – 4.2 4.2 > 10 PBH4 * 0 – 0.5 0.5 > 6 PBH5 * 0 – 0.7 0.7 > 6 PBH6 * 0 – 0.1 0.1 > 10 PBH7 * 0 – 2.3 2.3 > 10 PBH8 * 0 – 1.5 1.5 > 10 PBH9 * 0 – 2.1 2.1 > 5.8 *Topsoil and possible fill materials likely present in PBH boreholes overlying either Volcanic soils or fractured basalt

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Table 2 - Summary of Relevant Past Investigation Data

Below Existing Ground Surface Level (m)

Tauranga Borehole ID Topsoil / Recent Auckland Fractured Waitemata Group Fill Alluvium Volcanic Soils Basalt* Group Rock Alluvium AH1 0 – 0.2 - 0.2 – 1.2 >1.2 - - AH2 0 – 0.2 - 0.2 – 1.7 >1.7 - - AH3 0 – 0.2 - 0.2 – 1.3 >1.3 - - AH4 0 – 0.2 - 0.2 – 1.2 >1.2 - -

AH5 0 – 0.3 - 0.3 – 1.1 >1.1 - -

AH6 0 – 0.7 - 0.7 – 1.2 >1.2 - - AH7 0. – 0.6 - 0.6 – 0.8 >0.8 - - AH8 0 – 1 - - >0.1 - - AH9 0 – 0.6 - 0.6 – 0.9 >0.9 - - AH10 0 – 0.3 - 0.3 – 0.5 >0.5 - - Relevant Third Party Test Information from NZGD Jacobs 0 – 1.3 - - 1.3 – 28.2 28.2 – 36.5 36.5 – 73.5 BH234a

* inferred from refusal of Scala penetrometer and/or auger

Fill Materials consisting of with varying , , and topsoil content considered to be fill underlie a thin veneer of topsoil in previous investigation auger boreholes AH5 to AH9 to depths of up to 0.1m and within MH1 to 1.5m and MH2 to 1.9m. The soil strengths range from 78kPa up to 172kPa with some readings unable to penetrate (UTP). Due to the topsoil inclusions, the material is considered to be non-engineered.

AVF Soils/Ash These materials were observed across the site, generally as a surface layer (varying in thickness) overlying basalt rock. In the northern and eastern extents of the site this material was more widely encountered, and typically was observed to be the thickest. It was generally logged as silt with fine to silty clay. The soils were generally stiff to very stiff in strength with corrected shear vane strength values ranging from 94 kPa up to 179 kPa with some tests unable to penetrate (UTP) with the hand operated equipment.

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An uncorrected SPT ‘N’ value of 14 was obtained within the ash materials. The SPT ‘N’ value indicates the ash materials are medium dense based on the density index provided in the NZGS field description of soil.

Basalt Rock Vesicular to massive basalt rock of the AVF deposits was encountered in all machine holes (MH1- MH4) all the percussion boreholes (PBH1-PBH9) to termination depth, and the historic machine borehole BH234a from 1.3m to 28.2m depth. The basalt was generally encountered across the investigation site with the thicker basalt deposits observed (and inferred) at the western and southern portion of the investigation area. The basalt was inferred to thin out and become more spatially variable where it was observed at the northern extents of the site. The basalt varied in strength from strong to very strong and was generally unweathered to slightly weathered with common oxidised fractures and some fractures containing clay fill material with joint surface roughness generally undulating and rough. Where the basalt was near surface it was more highly variable in composition where it was observed to be intermixed with ash deposits.

Puketoka Formation Silty clay and fine sands interpreted to be alluvium of the Puketoka Formation soils were encountered in BH234a beneath the AVF basalt deposits. The soils have been described as being stiff to very stiff sandy organic silts to silty clays with trace organics and moderately dense silty sand and sand. No in-situ testing was undertaken in the formation.

Waitemata Group Rock Very weak to moderately strong, slightly weathered to unweathered interbedded sandstone and mudstone considered to be Waitemata Group rock were encountered in machine borehole BH234a below the Puketoka Formation soils at depths from 36.5m to the end of hole at 73.5m below ground surface level. No in-situ testing was carried out in these materials.

Groundwater Groundwater encountered in historic borehole BH234a at depths of 2.5m to 4m below existing ground level. Percussion drillers logs indicate water was encountered between depths of 3.1m to 7.3m depth. It is considered possible that the site has variable perched water tables within the variably permeable volcanic deposits, particularly after periods of heavy rainfall. Groundwater was not encountered in the recent machine boreholes.

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6.2 Geological Model

In order to assist with an assessment of the lateral and vertical extent of the underlying strata, and the variability in the AVF deposits, we have prepared a geological section, attached as Sheet 2.

The section is indicative only as there is still an amount of uncertainty to the vertical and lateral boundaries of the underlying strata. The section indicates a mixture of fills and volcanic AVF ash and soils generally overlying basalt. The basalt is variable in nature and the layers likely represent multiple eruption sequences at the site. The thickness and consistency of the basalt varies substantially across the site, with both the fractured and massive basalt varying both spatially across the site and in thickness.

Based on the above the proposed Wesley Intermediate structure is inferred to be situated over an area where basalt rock is closer to ground surface; locally with zones of thin ash deposits. Within the area of the CASS development the ash deposits are variable and have been observed to be between 0.5m (PBH4) and 5.5m (MH2) in thickness overlying basalt flows.

It is important to note that the nature of the basalt flows and volcanic deposits mean that the material is inherently spatially variable. The volcanic deposits can change laterally in a rapid nature from intact, massive basalt rock to ash (silt).


7.1 Liquefaction Potential

Due to the cohesive nature of the volcanic ash deposits and the granular to intact nature of the basalt lava, the site is considered to have very low susceptibility to liquefaction under a ULS design level event.

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7.2 Seismic Site Classification

7.2.1. Wesley Intermediate For the purpose of seismic design, we generally consider the of the site to be ‘Class B – Rock Sites’, in line with NZS 1170.5:2004. This is based on the thickness of basalt encountered in historic and recent machine boreholes that underlie the development area. The limited extent of subsurface materials at the site and materials with a compressive strength of less than 0.8 MPa underlying the near surface basalt (up to approximately 29m depth based on Jacobs borehole), which is considered to have a compressive strength in excess of 0.8MPa.

7.2.2. CASS Development For the purpose of seismic design, we generally consider the soil classification of the site to be ‘Class C – Shallow Soil Sites’, in line with NZS 1170.5:2004. This is based on the soil thickness and the variability of the basalt encountered in the historic and recent machine boreholes at the development area.

7.3 Expansive Soils

Our experience of similar soils encountered elsewhere in the Auckland region indicates that the near surface clayey silt materials of the weathered AVF, as noted in the boreholes, are susceptible to swelling and shrinking under seasonal variations of . The November 2019 Amendment 19 of NZBC Structure B1/AS1, clause 3.2 “slab-on-ground in expansive soils” provides a new Clause 7.5.13, of the same name, into NZS3604. For the purposes of design, the site may be designated as highly reactive (Class H) in accordance with Clause within this document.

Based on the site soils identified, they can be assumed to have a 500-year design characteristic surface movement of up to approximately 65mm.

The basalt rock is considered to not to be expansive in nature and conservatively may be classified slightly expansive (Class S) in accordance with NZBC Structure B1/AS1.

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8.1 General

Recommendations and opinions contained within this report are based on relevant nearby historic machine borehole data our site appraisal, four machine boreholes, nine percussion boreholes, ten hand auger boreholes and our experience and knowledge of the surrounding area.

8.2 Geotechnical Constraints

It is important to note that the nature of the basalt flows and volcanic deposits mean that the founding materials are variable in composition. The volcanic deposits can change from intact massive basalt rock to ash (silt) in a short space in any direction. The site is suitable for the proposed development provided the recommendations contained in this report are appropriately considered.

8.3 Site Formation Works

8.3.1. General The extent of specific future site formation works at the site is unknown at this time. Any excavations and filling are anticipated to be minor (less than 0.5m).

Given the sensitive nature of the volcanic ash deposits at the site, disturbance and trafficking across the soils should be kept to a minimum to reduce the potential for disturbance.

Any soft spots, existing non engineered fill materials, and remnant materials from demolished buildings under the structural areas will need to be removed and replaced with suitable compacted hardfill. Where significant depths of existing non-engineered fill are identified alternative foundation solutions may be more cost effective than removing and replacing the materials.

8.3.2. Excavations

Following excavations, the exposed ground will largely comprise of fractured basalt across the southern and eastern parts of the site, whereas the western and northern portions of the site will generally comprise ash deposits with sporadic rubbly basalt at the exposed ground surface.

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Geological Strength Index (GSI) values have been assigned to the different geological units at the site (see Figure 1) to assist with determining the potential methods of site excavation if required.

A summary of the recommendations are as follows:

 The following three GSI ranges have been used to differentiate the geology into methods of excavation: o AVF ash deposits (with rubbly basalt boulders) – 0 – 10 () o Fractured basalt – 20 - 40 (Digging and Ripping) o Less fractured to massive basalt – 40 – 80 (ripping, hammer and potential blasting)

We have assumed the above ranges from observation of both historic rotary machine drill core (photographs) and recent drill core and percussion borehole cuttings. The data collected from the percussion drilling has been assigned a GSI range based on the drill logs provided by the drilling company.

It is anticipated that shallow excavations (up to 0.5m depth) for the CASS development will generally be within the AVF ash deposits and the near surface fractured rubbly basalt. However more intact basalt cannot be excluded entirely.

The upper materials up to 1m to 2m depth are likely to be readily excavatable by conventional excavators (digging and ripping), noting that the extent of feasible excavation will depend on the nature of the local materials and the plant used for construction.

Should excavation for the Wesley Intermediate development be required it is anticipated that more intact massive basalt may be encountered.

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Figure 1 - Proposed GSI chart for the assessment of excavatability of rock masses (G. Tsiambaos & H. Saroglou 2010)

Hammer rock breaking may also be required to fracture rock at the site to allow excavation. The proposed scope and extent will be covered in the construction management plan.

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The excavation methodology could comprise the following:

 Removal of topsoil and any uncontrolled fill material to expose the basalt rock and natural volcanic soils.  Inspection of the rock/soil surface to determine the rock strength and method of excavation.  If basalt rock is determined to be less fractured, rock breaking equipment will be required, with the broken basalt rock to be removed with a digger. These should be equipped with appropriate mufflers to reduce the noise impact. We also suggest talking to specialist companies such as Red Bull Powder Company to discuss alternative options to rock removal that involves less vibrations and noise.  Considerations should be given to undertake the rock removal activities within a short timeframe so any disruptions to any neighbours/other potentially affected parties are kept to a minimum.

For any rock excavation, the vibrations must meet the limits for residential structures in accordance with E25.6.30 and E25.6.30.1of the Auckland Unitary Plan, which references DIN 4150-3 (1999). In addition, noise levels for the proposed excavation method will need to be assessed. If noise and vibrations exceed permitted limits, alternative methods may include using expanding/chemical agents to break the rock.

Rock overbreak is a condition where unwanted removal of rock mass may occur due to the massive nature of the basalt rock in some areas. As part of the excavations required for the formation of the strip footing foundations, there is a chance that fractured basalt rock will be encountered. Where it is encountered, it is anticipated that due to the blocky/fractured nature the basalt will come out as varying boulder sizes. Due to this irregular nature of the boulders, excavations may be possible to get over breakage. If more solid intact basalt is encountered over breakage may be up to 1m. Over breakage should be factored into the development program for time and costing purposes.

We recommend that prior to construction, and following demolition of the existing structures, proof drilling (percussion drill) be undertaken across the proposed building platforms to confirm the presence / depth of rock.

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8.3.3. Filling If filling is required to form up to foundation levels, it is recommended that compacted granular hardfill such as GAP40 be used. Depending on the nature of the exposed soils, provision for a separation cloth (BIDIM A27 or equivalent) may be utilised. The separation cloth will reduce the chance of the hardfill materials from ‘silting up’ (fines from the subgrade ash from entering the hardfill) and reducing the strength and integrity of the hardfill materials.

The existing fill soils and volcanic ash soils are not considered suitable for use as structural fill, however may be suitable for use as landscape fill on the site.

8.4 Geotechnical Design Parameters

Geotechnical design parameters suitable for the volcanic deposits at this site are summarised in Table 3 below. Note that these parameters are generalised for the unit(s) as a whole, and due to the inherent variable nature of the deposits means that different areas may perform differently to the adopted design values. It is important that exposed excavations be checked for consistency with these values.

Table 3 - Summary of Geotechnical Soils Parameters (deposits encountered during investigation)

Auckland Volcanic Ash deposits Basalt (fractured rock)

SPT(N) 14 50+ Unit Weight 18 19  (kN/m³) 5 0 c (kPa) Angle 32 40 ɸ’ (°) Undrained 75 - Su (kPa) Drained Young’s Modulus 10 100 E' (MPa) Poisson Ratio 0.35 0.25 '

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8.5 Foundation Recommendations

As discussed in Section 6.2 the founding conditions for the different development areas are expected to vary across the building footprints due to the variable ground conditions identified at the site. Once detailed design information for the structures is known further geotechnical input will be required to confirm foundation recommendations and geotechnical design parameters.

8.5.1. Wesley Intermediate Structure For the Wesley Intermediate development, we recommend that the proposed 3-level structure be supported on foundations taken onto the underlying basalt rock. Based on our site investigation the depth of rock in this area ranges from 1m to 3m, however this may vary away from the points explored. An ultimate unfactored of 1MPa may be assumed for foundations founding onto the rock. As mentioned previously the surface of the rock is undulating and the foundation platforms may need to be levelled using compacted hardfill or site concrete.

If piles are to be utilised in design we recommend these are taken a nominal 3 x pile diameters into competent less fractured basalt rock, at which depth an ultimate unfactored end bearing capacity of 5MPa can be adopted, skin friction of 250kPa can be assumed within the rock, but should be ignored within the soils. Suitable drilling equipment would need to be utilised to drill through the rock.

Non engineered fill under the building footprint should be removed and replaced with certified graded hardfill (GAP 40 or similar). Non-engineered fill up to approximately 1.5m depth was identified in the area during our investigation. The fill appears to be localised, however the extent and depth may vary, and fill/debris from any demolished structures will need to be removed and replaced.

8.5.2. CASS Structures The CASS structures are anticipated to be single level to two storeys. For preliminary design purposes we recommend that the structures be supported on shallow foundations. Due to the potential for the structures to span areas of deep and shallow basalt, perimeter and isolated foundations should either be founded to a depth of 900mm below lowest cleared adjacent ground or be founded onto the underlying basalt rock, if encountered at shallower depths.

Shallow strip foundations for the CASS structures can be founded directly onto fractured basalt and ash deposits and can be designed assuming an ultimate unfactored bearing capacity of 450kPa. It is imperative that the ash soils are not exposed to wet weather during construction as this may degrade the soils.

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Where the building footprint spans both rock and soil materials we recommend a nominal 300mm undercut beneath the proposed floor slabs which are within the soil area which is to be replaced with well graded and compacted hardfill. This well help minimise potential differential movements of the floor slabs.

A degree of cutting and backfilling maybe required to finished foundation levels. Provision should therefore be made for backfilling with either granular backfill or flowable concrete fill.

8.5.1. Settlements The volcanic materials at the site are generally not significantly compressible under normal foundation loadings. As previously stated, the nature of the founding materials will be variable and irregular, ranging from intact to fractured basalt and volcanic ash deposits. While foundation conditions are generally favorable and relatively incompressible, there may be changes in stiffness between foundation elements; this is more relevant for the CASS buildings that can be founded on a combination of ash soils and rock.

Based on our preliminary assessment, we expect that the structures will incur some amount of settlement, but are expected to be within generally tolerable levels of between 20mm-30mm.

KGA should be given the opportunity to work with the structural engineers once detailed design loads and foundation dimensions are known, to more accurately estimate the degree of differential settlement that may affect the structures.

8.5.2. Expansive soils As stated in Section 7.3 the volcanic ash soils at the site are considered to be expansive site Class H (highly expansive). Foundation design for the CASS buildings must be checked to confirm that it can accommodate this site class.

Alternatively, perimeter and isolated footings can be embedded into the soils a minimum 0.9m into the founding soils (following topsoil removal), or taken to found directly onto top of fractured basalt if encountered at shallower depths.

For Wesley Intermediate, given the recommendation for foundations to be taken to rock, we deem the site can be classified as Class S.

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8.5.3. Bridging Over Public Underground Services

Foundations must be designed to bridge across public services (where in soil) in accordance with current Watercare requirements. Where the foundations are within a 45° line of influence extending upwards from a point 0.5m below the invert level of the pipeline, we recommend that the foundations adjacent to the pipeline be located appropriately to avoid loading the service. Structural strengthening of foundations to cantilever across the service should be considered.

Where existing / proposed services are excavated into the volcanic , it is unlikely that any nearby foundations will impose any additional loads onto the services. Once foundation layout is known and the depth of services confirmed, we can provide further geotechnical comment on potential bridging requirements.

8.6 Retention

Low height retaining walls may be required to support cuts and filling at the development. Due to the variable nature of the volcanic deposits, it is recommended that concrete block retaining be used at the site as opposed to embedded cantilever walls which may be difficult to construct due to the locally shallow rock at the site.

Provided granular backfill is used behind the retaining walls, they may be designed assuming the following parameters.

 Bulk unit weight (γ) for the retained soils 18kN/m³  Cohesion (c) 0kPa  Internal friction angle (Ø) 30°  Ultimate Unfactored Bearing capacity (undisturbed volcanic ash*) 450kPa  Coefficient of earth pressure (K) 0.5 *Volcanic ash is sensitive to water content and reduces in strength when wet. Subject to confirmation at the time of construction.

The retaining walls must take account of any sloping ground above or below the wall and any surcharges that may apply. Adequate drainage must be incorporated behind all retaining walls to prevent the build-up of hydrostatic pressures on the wall(s).

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension. 22 June 2020 17

8.7 Pavement Design

For the purposes of pavement design, a (CBR) of 2% be adopted for pavements founded on the Auckland Volcanic soils or a CBR of 7% for insitu rock, but it is important that exposed surfaces are inspected and tested to mitigate the risk of variability at the site. The volcanic ash soils must not be exposed and trafficked on in wet weather as they are susceptible to significant degradation.

8.8 Construction Considerations

The material at the site is inherently variable and it is important that this element is considered in the detailing, checking and working at the site. Exposed soil and rock for foundations, retaining walls, pavements and slabs should be inspected, tested and proof rolled where appropriate to confirm the ground conditions meet the design requirements.

Any excavations that are likely to encounter basalt may not be able to be dug using a conventional excavator plant. The proposed earthworks and landscaping at the site should consider these restrictions.

During excavation and construction, the site should be examined by a geotechnical engineer of engineering geologist who is familiar with this report and is competent to judge the exposed materials are compatible with the inferred geotechnical parameters given within this report.


Stormwater from the structures and all hard standing areas must be collected and discharged in a controlled manner in accordance with current Council requirements. To ensure that stormwater does not adversely affect site stability, it is important that all stormwater runoff from roof, deck, driveway and other sealed areas, together with discharges from perforated draincoils behind retaining walls, is collected by means of sealed pipes and discharged into the stormwater reticulation system. Under no circumstances is stormwater allowed to discharge directly the building platforms or into soakpits.

Careful consideration should be given to the of the site surface to channel any stormwater runoff away from the dwelling and towards a suitable connection point.

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension. 22 June 2020 18


At the time of writing this report, specific structural details of is the proposed structures to be built on the site are unknown.

Following detailed design, further geotechnical comment should be provided on the following:

 Proposed earthworks;  Retaining walls;  Differential settlements;  Bridging detail.

Therefore, before construction commences, we must be allowed to review the development proposal to ensure that the recommendations of this report remain valid. Provision must be allowed for our recommendations to change once we have reviewed the development plans.

We recommend that prior to construction, and following demolition of the existing structures, proof drilling (percussion drill) be undertaken across the proposed building platforms to confirm the presence / depth of rock.


This report was prepared in the context defined in Section 1 above and must not be relied upon by any other party other than that for whom it was prepared and the relevant Territorial Authority. It has been compiled with respect to the brief given to us, and must not be relied upon in any other context or recreated for any other purpose.

This report has been prepared specifically for the development shown in the attached drawings. If any changes are made, we must be allowed to review the new development proposal to ensure that the recommendations of this report remain valid.

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension. 22 June 2020 19


Auckland Council. (2020). GeoMaps (GIS viewer). Retrieved from

Kermode, L.O. (1992). Geology of the Auckland urban area. Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences 1:50 000 geological map 2. 1 sheet + 63 p. Lower Hutt, New Zealand: Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences Limited.

Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment (2019). Acceptable Solutions and Verification Methods for New Zealand Building Code Clause B1 Structure. Wellington, NZ

New Zealand Geotechnical Society. (2001). Guideline for Hand Held Shear Vane Test.

New Zealand Geotechnical Society. (2005). Field description of soil and rock - Guideline for the field classification and description of soil and rock for engineering purposes.

New Zealand Geotechnical Society. (2016). Earthquake geotechnical engineering practice – Module 1: Overview of the guidelines.

Standards New Zealand. (1989). Code of Practice for Earth Fill for Residential Development (NZS 4431: 1989). Wellington, NZ: Standards New Zealand.

Standards New Zealand. (2004). Structural design actions – Part 5: Earthquake actions – New Zealand (NZS 1170.5:2004). Wellington, NZ: Standards New Zealand.

Standards New Zealand. (2011). Timber Framed Buildings (NZS 3604:2011). Wellington, NZ: Standards New Zealand.

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension. 22 June 2020 20


MOAA Architects Relevant Drawings

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension. 22 June 2020 FENCE

x FENCE POOL - GROUND: 225 m2 x 225 8,828 8,744 8,828 1,882

5,000 100 5,288 256 8,416 256 8,544 256 8,416 256 4,663 2,000

x 7,124 FENCE 256 2,750

x 13,934 2,000 10,385 9,929 6,810 2,384 1,816

x x 4,862 2,200 3,964 5,944 200 1 x x x 7,574 10,282 2,556 5 2,745

PUDO 2,745 x 118 3,321 118 1,000 8,993 118 POD 5: 375 m2 4,062

x x x x x x x x x x x x

x 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 POD 1 256 516 m2 x FENCE FENCE FENCE

x x x x 256 8,416 256 8,544 256 8,416 256 5,000 5,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x 4,775 FENCE FENCE - WINDSCREEN x 256 256 x 2,925 2,925 ADMIN - GROUND: TECH- GROUND: HALL - GROUND: 501 m2 192 m2 289 m2 x 200 10,400 10,400 9,929 9,929 5,769 5,510

x x 118 200 256 2 3 4 2,730 2,730 2,745

5,454 x 5,336 FENCE FENCE 18,000 118

x 118 4,439 11,810

2,926 FENCE 8,270 8,270 FENCE 118 118 6,777

4,062 2 2

3,474 FENCE - WIND SCREEN 6 m 6 m x

x POD 3: POD 4: 200 POD 2: 256 2 2 200 3,575 118 1,600 118 3,754 118 3,452 118 3,312 118 8,249 118 2,894 200 4,738 118 5,798 200 15,750 200 518 m2 516 m 516 m

2,100 2,100 1,306 4,535 256 13,199 118 6,730 256 x 3,725 27,844 10,812 16,092 2,254 3,725 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 8,800 8,800 8,800




1 1

2 2 PUDO

Existing pool

Add. Learning 184 m2

3 3

4 4

2,222 m2

5 5

6 6

7 7

9 9








DRAFT Monday, 04 May 2020


project client drawing no. 186 CASS + Wesley Intermediate School Ministry of Education drawing project status A.101 Site Plan 1:500 @A1 (half at A3) Master Plan

© MOAA. Do not scale from drawings, all data to be verified on site prior to construction. Printed:04/05/2020 File:186 CWS - PD_CASS [PUDO]_20200502.pln FENCE

x FENCE POOL - GROUND: 225 m2 x 225 8,828 8,744 8,828 FILTRATION USB/CHANGE 1,882

5,000 100 5,288 256 8,416 256 8,544 256 8,416 256 WET THERAPY 4,663

CHANGE 2,000

x 7,124 FENCE 256


2,750 LOBBY

x 13,934



9,929 STAFF PREP STORE 6,810 2,384 COMMONS DWC 2 Lobby Staff WC W DR


x x POD 2 4,862 2,200 3,964 5,944 CIRCULATION 200 1 x x x 7,574 10,282 2,556 5 2,745



Lobby USB 3,321 DWC 2


Lobby Staff WC POD 5 1,000 8,993 118 POD 5: 375 m2


x x x x x x x x x x x x

x 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 8,800 POD 2 POD 1 256 516 m2 x FENCE FENCE FENCE

x x x x 256 8,416 256 8,544 256 8,416 256 5,000 5,000 x x x x x x x x x x x x 4,775 FENCE FENCE - WINDSCREEN x 256 256 x 2,925 2,925 ADMIN - GROUND: TECH- GROUND: HALL - GROUND: 501 m2 192 m2 289 m2 x



x x 118 200 WC WC LOBBY 256

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 2 3 4 10

FOOD TECH 2,730 2,730 11






RECEPTION Lobby Lobby Lobby

11,810 Staff WC Staff WC Staff WC


ACCOUNTS 4,062 2 2

3,474 DWC FENCE - WIND SCREEN 6 m 6 m x


POD 2 POD 3: POD 3 POD 4: POD 3 200 POD 2: 256 2 2 200 3,575 118 1,600 118 3,754 118 3,452 118 3,312 118 8,249 118 2,894 200 4,738 118 5,798 200 15,750 200 518 m2 516 m 516 m

2,100 2,100 1,306 4,535 256 13,199 118 6,730 256 x 3,725 27,844 10,812 16,092 2,254 3,725 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 5,700 8,800 8,800 8,800



DRAFT Monday, 04 May 2020


project client drawing no. 186 CASS + Wesley Intermediate School Ministry of Education drawing project status A.103 Proposed Site Plan 1:250 @A1 (half at A3) Master Plan

© MOAA. Do not scale from drawings, all data to be verified on site prior to construction. Printed:04/05/2020 File:186 CWS - PD_CASS [PUDO]_20200502.pln


Machine Borehole Logs with Core Photographs

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension. 22 June 2020 Generated by GEROC Core-GS REMARKS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'Theguidelines fortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoilrockengineeringpurposes'December2005,NZGS Notes &Abbreviations TCR (%) 25 100 100 97 90 80 70 95 85 85 50 50 75 CO-ORDINATES: SITE LOCATION: RQD 25 (%) 60 16 47 50 75 PROJECT: Fracture DATUM: CLIENT: Spacing

(min/av/max) RIG:

SPT Trailer Mounted Ground Surface 0mE, 0mN(NZTM) 776-778 SandringhamRoad,MtRoskill Geotechnical Investigation MOAA Architects

Vane Shear MACHINE BOREHOLELOG Strength (kPa) Ground Groundwater Not Encountered Water

Rotary cored Method


9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Depth DEPOSITS ) closely spacedjoints,slightlyvesicular.(AUCKLANDVOLCANICFIELD Slightly weathered,grey,vesicularBASALT.Strong;roughstepped, plasticity. Withoccasionalbasalticclasts.(FILL) Sandy SILT;reddishbrown.Firmtostiff,moistwet,non-plasticlow ASPHALT. (ASPHALT) EOH: 8.8m 2.1m -3.4m:Veryclosleyspacedjoints,someclayinfillonfracture 5.8m -8.0m:Subhorizontalmoderatlytowidleyspacedjoints In Flow Drilling Water LevelAtTimeOf Standing WaterLevel OPERATOR: Water 3.7m -4.2m:Subverticaljointingwithclayinfill Out Flow Description DCN Drilling 3.4m -3.7m:basaltgravelwithclayinfill - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableToPenetrate Vane No.: Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines 7.0m: Largevessicles(>20mm) Shear Vane CHECKED BY: LOGGED BY: START DATE: HOLE NO.: JOB NO.: surfaces END DATE: K190371 HOLE DEPTH: Created: 25/06/2020 2:33:14pm MW TV 19/05/2020 19/05/2020 MH1

A Graphic Log Page 1of 1 S P H Geological AUCKLAND VOLCANIC FIELD DEPOSITS FILL A Unit L 8.8m T


Wesley Intermediate - Machine Borehole Photos – May 2020


0.0m – 3.7m Tray 1 of 3

3.7m – 6.7m Tray 2 of 3

KGA Geotechnical Limited 6 Omega Street | Albany | Auckland | New Zealand | P O Box 302 361 | North Harbour | Auckland 0751 Phone 09 478 6655 | Fax 09 478 6169 | [email protected] |

6.7m – 8.8m EOH Tray 3 of 3

25 June 2020 2

Generated by GEROC Core-GS REMARKS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'Theguidelines fortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoilrockengineeringpurposes'December2005,NZGS Notes &Abbreviations TCR (%) 25 100 85 100 40 30 70 100 100 50 75 CO-ORDINATES: SITE LOCATION: RQD 25 (%) 45 45 50 75 PROJECT: Fracture DATUM: CLIENT: Spacing

(min/av/max) RIG: for for for N N mm 5 2 mm 4 2 2 15 = = , , , , , , Trailer Mounted Ground Surface 0mE, 0mN(NZTM) 776-778 SandringhamRoad,MtRoskill Geotechnical Investigation MOAA Architects 50 14 45 75 6 4 5 3 2 SPT

Vane Shear MACHINE BOREHOLELOG Strength (kPa) Ground Groundwater Not Encountered Water

Rotary cored RO Method


9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Depth Occasional gravelclasts. Clayey SILT;brownishorange.Firmtostiff,moist,non-plastic. DEPOSITS ) Occasional finegravelclasts.(AUCKLANDVOLCANICFIELD Clayey SILT;brownishorange.Verystifftohard,moist,non-plastic. moist, non-plastic.Occasionalrootlets.(FILL) SILT withfinesand;brownishgreytoreddishbrown.Stiffverystiff, Gravelly SILT;brownishgrey.Stiff,dry,non-plastic.(FILL/TOPSOIL) EOH: 8m closely-closely spaceddiscontinuities,somevesicles. Unweathered, grey,vesicularBASALT.Strong;roughstepped,very plastic. Occasionalgravelclasts. Clayey SILTwithtracefinesand;reddishbrown.Verysoft,wet,non- No samplerecovered. Very soft,wet,non-plastic.Occasionalgravelclasts. Clayey SILTwithtracefinesand;brownishorangeandreddishbrown. In Flow Drilling Water LevelAtTimeOf Standing WaterLevel OPERATOR: Water 5.8m: Jointsetsbecomemoreclosleyspaced Out Flow 1.4m: Largerock/basalticbomb(>200mm) 1.0m: Largerock/basalticbomb(>75mm) Description DCN Drilling - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableToPenetrate Vane No.: Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines 1.8m: Topsoil(organicmaterial) 7.0m: Largevessicles(>20mm) 5.5m: Lossofwatercirculation Shear Vane CHECKED BY: LOGGED BY: START DATE: HOLE NO.: JOB NO.: END DATE: K190371 HOLE DEPTH: Created: 25/06/2020 2:33:16pm MW TV 19/05/2020 19/05/2020 MH2 FI Graphic Log Page 1of 1 L L/ T Geological AUCKLAND VOLCANIC FIELD DEPOSITS FILL O P Unit

8m S O IL Installation


0.0m – 5.9m Tray 1 of 2

5.9 – 8.0m EOH Tray 2 of 2

25 June 2020 3

Generated by GEROC Core-GS REMARKS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'Theguidelines fortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoilrockengineeringpurposes'December2005,NZGS Notes &Abbreviations TCR (%) 25 95 95 95 100 75 60 50 75 CO-ORDINATES: SITE LOCATION: RQD 25 (%) 84 35 39 52 50 75 PROJECT: Fracture DATUM: CLIENT: Spacing

(min/av/max) RIG:

SPT Trailer Mounted Ground Surface 0mE, 0mN(NZTM) 776-778 SandringhamRoad,MtRoskill Geotechnical Investigation MOAA Architects

Vane Shear MACHINE BOREHOLELOG Strength (kPa) Ground Groundwater Not Encountered Water

Rotary cored RO Method


9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Depth oxidation/clay infill. moderately widelytospaceddiscontinuitieswithsome Unweathered, grey,vesicularBASALT.Strong;rough,stepped, oxidized fracturesurface. closely spaceddiscontinuities,gentlytosteeplyinclined,clayinfill, Slightly weathered,grey,vesicularBASALT.Strong;rough,stepped, plastic. (AUCKLANDVOLCANICFIELDDEPOSITS) Silty CLAY;lightbrownishorange.Verystiff,moist,moderatelytohighly SILT; brownishgrey.Stifftoverystiff,moist,non-plastic.(FILL) Silty TOPSOIL;brownishgrey.Stiff,dry,non-plastic.(FILL/TOPSOIL) EOH: 6m 2.5m -5.0m:Subhorizontaljoints/discontinuities,becomesmore In Flow Drilling Water LevelAtTimeOf Standing WaterLevel OPERATOR: Water Out Flow Description DCN Drilling - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableToPenetrate Vane No.: Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines 5.5m -5.7m:45degreejointsets Shear Vane weathered -clayinfill CHECKED BY: LOGGED BY: START DATE: HOLE NO.: JOB NO.: END DATE: K190371 HOLE DEPTH: Created: 25/06/2020 2:33:17pm MW TV 20/05/2020 20/05/2020 MH3 FI Graphic Log Page 1of 1 L L/ T FIL Geological AUCKLAND VOLCANIC FIELD DEPOSITS O L P Unit

6m S O IL Installation


0.0m – 3.0m Tray 1 of 2

3.0m – 6.0m Tray 2 of 2

25 June 2020 4

Generated by GEROC Core-GS REMARKS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'Theguidelines fortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoilrockengineeringpurposes'December2005,NZGS Notes &Abbreviations TCR (%) 25 100 100 100 100 90 96 46 50 75 CO-ORDINATES: SITE LOCATION: RQD 25 (%) 56 62 65 50 50 75 PROJECT: Fracture DATUM: CLIENT: Spacing

(min/av/max) RIG:

SPT Trailer Mounted Ground Surface 0mE, 0mN(NZTM) 776-778 SandringhamRoad,MtRoskill Geotechnical Investigation MOAA Architects

Vane Shear MACHINE BOREHOLELOG Strength (kPa) Ground Groundwater Not Encountered Water

Rotary cored RO Method


9.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 Depth moderately widelyspaceddiscontinuities. Unweathered, grey,vesicularBASALT,strong,roughstepped, plastic. (AUCKLANDVOLCANICFIELDDEPOSITS) SILT; reddishorangeandbrownishorange.Verystiff,moist,highly SILT; brownishgrey.Stifftoverystiff,moist,non-plastic.(FILL) rootlets andsamplecompressed.(FILL/TOPSOIL) Silty TOPSOIL;brownishgrey.Firm,moist,non-plastic.Occasional EOH: 6m 3.7m -6.0m:Subhorizontalfractures,closleytomodertalywidley 2.7m -3.0m:Subverticalfracture,3mmappaturewithclayinfill In Flow Drilling Water LevelAtTimeOf Standing WaterLevel OPERATOR: Water Out Flow Description DCN Drilling - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableToPenetrate Vane No.: Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Shear Vane CHECKED BY: LOGGED BY: START DATE: HOLE NO.: JOB NO.: END DATE: spaced K190371 HOLE DEPTH: Created: 25/06/2020 2:33:18pm MW TV 20/05/2020 20/05/2020 MH4 FI Graphic Log Page 1of 1 L L/ T FIL Geological AUCKLAND VOLCANIC FIELD DEPOSITS O L P Unit

6m S O IL Installation


0.0m – 3.26m Tray 1 of 2

3.26m – 6.0m EOH Tray 2 of 2

25 June 2020 5


Percussion Borehole Logs

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension. 22 June 2020 Investigation Drilling

Date: 18/05/20

Client: KGA Geotechnical

Address: 766 - 778 Sandringham Rd ext, Mt Roskill (Wesley Intermediate)

Borehole location: As directed

Description of work: Drill investigation bores

Method of boring: Percussion DTH

PBH1 PBH5 0.0m - 1.5m Ash 0.0m - 0.7m Ash 1.5m - 1.8m Ash & Boulders 0.7m - 6.0m Basalt Rock 1.8m - 2.2m Fractured Rock E.O.B 2.2m - 3.1m Basalt Rock 3.1m - 4.5m Broken Rock, Water & Silts PBH6 4.5m - 10.0m Basalt Rock & Water 0.0m - 1.1m Ash E.O.B 1.1m - 3.7m Fill (clay) 3.7m - 5.9m Basalt Rock PBH2 5.9m - 10.0m Silts & Ash 0.0m - 2.0m Ash E.O.B 2.0m - 3.3m Basalt Rock 3.3m - 4.6m Broken Rock, Water & Silts PBH7 4.6m - 9.4m Basalt Rock & Water 0.0m - 1.2m Ash 9.5m - 10.0m Silts 1.2m - 3.5m Boulders & Ash E.O.B 3.5m - 9.0m Basalt Rock E.O.B PBH3 0.0m - 1.2m Ash PBH8 1.2m - 4.2m Fill (clay) 0.0m - 5.2m Ash (stiff) & Fill (clay) 4.2m - 9.7m Basalt Rock 5.2m - 7.3m Basalt Rock 9.7m - 10.0m Silts 7.3m - 10.0m Fractured Rock, Silts & Water E.O.B E.O.B

PBH4 PBH9 0.0m - 0.5m Ash 0.0m - 3.0m Ash (stiff, red) 0.5m - 6.0m Basalt Rock 3.0m - 6.7m Basalt Rock E.O.B 6.7m - 9.2m Basalt Rock & Water 9.2m - 10.0m Fractured Rock & Water E.O.B


Relevant Borehole Logs Previous Feasibility Assessment Investigation

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension. 22 June 2020 Produced with Core-GS Coordinates: Location: Project: Client: rock forengineeringpurposes'December 2005,NZGS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'The guidelinesfortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoil Notes &Abbreviations 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Time OfDrilling Water LevelAt Level Standing Water Depth (m) Water RL FIELD] moist, lowplasticity.[AUCKLANDVOLCANIC sized Tuff.Darkorangemottledlightgrey,verystiff, SILT withsomeclayandfinetomediumsand VOLCANIC FIELD?] staining, verystiff,moist,highlyplastic.[AUCKLAND Silty CLAY.Orangeandlightgreywithbrown Topsoil. [TOPSOIL] See SitePlan 776-778 SandringhamRoadExt,MtRoskill KGA GeotechnicalGroupLtd 1.2m: EndofBorehole,unabletopenetrate 1m: WithpocketsofdarkorangeClayeySilt. , - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableTo Penetrate Vane No.:GEO2026is1.568 Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Subsurface Conditions HAND AUGERLOG Shear Vane


set locationonly. Flat, Lawn.Holedataisfora L A

Other Comments N D Groundwater Not Encountered V Groundwater O

L AUCKLAND VOLCANIC TOP Geological Ground Level: C FIELD ? SOIL Unit A N Graphic Log I C F

I 50 Vane ShearStrength E: [email protected] - E (refer notesfordetails) M: 0273688832 SOIL DYNELTD AUCKLAND

L 100 D

(kPa) 150 Sheet: Logged By: Date: Hole No.: Job No.: 200 Values UTP 157 154 Printed: 12/06/2019 3:29:51p.m. 66 75 - (blows /50mm) Penetrometer Depth 1.25 (m) 11/06/2019 190371 AH01 1 of Scala SR Bounce Blows Produced with Core-GS Coordinates: Location: Project: Client: rock forengineeringpurposes'December 2005,NZGS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'The guidelinesfortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoil Notes &Abbreviations 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Time OfDrilling Water LevelAt Level Standing Water Depth (m) Water RL FIELD] At 1.4m;Withsomeclay.[AUCKLANDVOLCANIC saturated, lowplasticity. minor clay.Darkorangemottledlightgrey,wetto SILT withfinetocoarse,looseSandsizedTuffand FIELD] moist, lowplasticity.[AUCKLANDVOLCANIC sized Tuff.Dullorangemottledlightgrey,verystiff, SILT withsomeclayfinetocoarsesand highly plastic.[AUCKLANDVOLCANICFIELD] Silty CLAY.Orangeandlightgrey,verystiff,moist, Topsoil. [TOPSOIL] See SitePlan 776-778 SandringhamRoadExt,MtRoskill KGA GeotechnicalGroupLtd 1.5m: EndofBorehole,unabletopenetrate 1m: Stiff. 0.7m: Wet, , - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableTo Penetrate Vane No.:GEO2026is1.568 Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Subsurface Conditions HAND AUGERLOG Shear Vane set locationonly. Flat, Lawn.Holedataisfora Other Comments

Groundwater Not Encountered Groundwater TO Geological Ground Level: AUCKLAND VOLCANIC FIELD PS OIL Unit Graphic Log 50 Vane ShearStrength E: [email protected] - (refer notesfordetails) M: 0273688832 SOIL DYNELTD AUCKLAND 100 (kPa) 150 Sheet: Logged By: Date: Hole No.: Job No.: 200 Values UTP 113 Printed: 12/06/2019 3:29:52p.m. 19 94 16 - (blows /50mm) Penetrometer Depth 1.70 1.65 1.60 1.55 (m) 11/06/2019 190371 AH02 1 of Scala SR Bounce Blows 5 3 2 Produced with Core-GS Coordinates: Location: Project: Client: rock forengineeringpurposes'December 2005,NZGS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'The guidelinesfortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoil Notes &Abbreviations 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Time OfDrilling Water LevelAt Level Standing Water Depth (m) Water RL FIELD] moist, moderatelyplastic.[AUCKLANDVOLCANIC 0.95m; ClayeySILT.Orangemottledbrown,hard, low plasticity.[AUCKLANDVOLCANICFIELD] to traceofclay.Dullorangemottledbrown,wet,very sized andfineangularGravelTuffwithminor 0.8m; SILTwithfinetocoarse,mediumdenseSand [AUCKLAND VOLCANICFIELD] orange, hard,moist,moderatetohighlyplastic. Silty CLAY.Dullorangemottledorangeybrownand plastic. [AUCKLANDVOLCANICFIELD] Clayey SILT.Dullorange,hard,moist,moderately Topsoil. [TOPSOIL] See SitePlan 776-778 SandringhamRoadExt,MtRoskill KGA GeotechnicalGroupLtd 1m: EndofBorehole,unabletopenetrate 0.4m: WithClayinclusions. , - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableTo Penetrate Vane No.:GEO2026is1.568 Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Subsurface Conditions HAND AUGERLOG Shear Vane set locationonly. Flat, Lawn.Holedataisfora Other Comments

Groundwater Not Encountered Groundwater TO AUCKLAND VOLCANIC Geological Ground Level: PS FIELD OIL Unit Graphic Log 50 Vane ShearStrength E: [email protected] - (refer notesfordetails) M: 0273688832 SOIL DYNELTD AUCKLAND 100 (kPa) 150 Sheet: Logged By: Date: Hole No.: Job No.: 200 Values UTP UTP Printed: 12/06/2019 3:29:53p.m. - - (blows /50mm) Penetrometer Depth 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 (m) 11/06/2019 190371 AH03 1 of Scala SR Bounce Blows 7 4 3 4 3 Produced with Core-GS Coordinates: Location: Project: Client: rock forengineeringpurposes'December 2005,NZGS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'The guidelinesfortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoil Notes &Abbreviations 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Time OfDrilling Water LevelAt Level Standing Water Depth (m) Water RL VOLCANIC FIELD] With occasionalshinyflecks[AUCKLAND reddish orange,verystiff,moist,moderatelyplastic. Clayey SILT.Orangeybrownmottledand Topsoil. [TOPSOIL] See SitePlan 776-778 SandringhamRoadExt,MtRoskill KGA GeotechnicalGroupLtd 0.8m: EndofBorehole,unabletopenetrate and moderatetohighlyplastic. coarse sandsizedandfinegravelTuff 0.6m: WithClaypockets,pocketsoffineto , - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableTo Penetrate Vane No.:GEO2026is1.568 Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Subsurface Conditions HAND AUGERLOG Shear Vane location only. Flat, Field.Holedataisforaset Other Comments

Groundwater Not Encountered Groundwater AUCKLAND TOP Geological Ground Level: VOLCANIC SOIL FIELD Unit Graphic Log 50 Vane ShearStrength E: [email protected] - (refer notesfordetails) M: 0273688832 SOIL DYNELTD AUCKLAND 100 (kPa) 150 Sheet: Logged By: Date: Hole No.: Job No.: 200 Values UTP 179 Printed: 12/06/2019 3:29:54p.m. 66 - (blows /50mm) Penetrometer Depth 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 (m) 11/06/2019 190371 AH04 1 of Scala SR Bounce Blows 5 4 3 3 2 2 Produced with Core-GS Coordinates: Location: Project: Client: rock forengineeringpurposes'December 2005,NZGS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'The guidelinesfortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoil Notes &Abbreviations 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Time OfDrilling Water LevelAt Level Standing Water Depth (m) Water RL VOLCANIC FIELD] fine tomediumgravelsizedTuff.[AUCKLAND minor finetomediumsandsizedTuffandoccasional moist, moderatetohighlyplastic.At0.7m;With Clayey SILT.Orangemottledlightgrey,verystiff, [FILL] orangey brown,verystiff,moist,moderatelyplastic. Clayey SILTwithTopsoil.Brownmottledorangeand Topsoil. [TOPSOIL] See SitePlan 776-778 SandringhamRoadExt,MtRoskill KGA GeotechnicalGroupLtd 0.75m: EndofBorehole,unabletopenetrate , - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableTo Penetrate Vane No.:GEO2026is1.568 Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Subsurface Conditions HAND AUGERLOG Shear Vane location only. Flat, Field.Holedataisforaset Other Comments

Groundwater Not Encountered Groundwater AUCKLAND TO FIL Geological Ground Level: VOLCANIC PS L FIELD OIL Unit Graphic Log 50 Vane ShearStrength E: [email protected] - (refer notesfordetails) M: 0273688832 SOIL DYNELTD AUCKLAND 100 (kPa) 150 Sheet: Logged By: Date: Hole No.: Job No.: 200 Values UTP 135 Printed: 12/06/2019 3:29:55p.m. 47 - (blows /50mm) Penetrometer Depth 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 0.85 0.80 (m) 11/06/2019 190371 AH05 1 of Scala SR Bounce Blows 0.5 0.5 2 1 3 3 Produced with Core-GS Coordinates: Location: Project: Client: rock forengineeringpurposes'December 2005,NZGS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'The guidelinesfortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoil Notes &Abbreviations 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Time OfDrilling Water LevelAt Level Standing Water Depth (m) Water RL [AUCKLAND VOLCANICFIELD] very stiff,moist,moderatetohighlyplastic. Silty CLAY.Orangemottledlightgreyandbrown, orangey brown,verystiff,moist,lowplasticity.[FILL] Topsoil withSiltandsomeclay.Brownmottled Topsoil. [TOPSOIL] See SitePlan 776-778 SandringhamRoadExt,MtRoskill KGA GeotechnicalGroupLtd 0.85m: EndofBorehole,unabletopenetrate , - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableTo Penetrate Vane No.:GEO2026is1.568 Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Subsurface Conditions HAND AUGERLOG Shear Vane is forasetlocationonly. Gentle Slope,Field.Holedata

Other Comments AU CK Groundwater Not Encountered LA Groundwater ND

VO TOP Geological Ground Level: FILL LC SOIL Unit ANI C Graphic Log FIE LD 50 Vane ShearStrength E: [email protected] - (refer notesfordetails) M: 0273688832 SOIL DYNELTD AUCKLAND 100 (kPa) 150 Sheet: Logged By: Date: Hole No.: Job No.: 200 Values UTP 157 Printed: 12/06/2019 3:29:56p.m. 47 - (blows /50mm) Penetrometer Depth 1.20 1.15 1.10 1.05 1.00 0.95 0.90 (m) 11/06/2019 190371 AH06 1 of Scala SR Bounce Blows 3 2 2 1 2 2 Produced with Core-GS Coordinates: Location: Project: Client: rock forengineeringpurposes'December 2005,NZGS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'The guidelinesfortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoil Notes &Abbreviations 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Time OfDrilling Water LevelAt Level Standing Water Depth (m) Water RL Buried Topsoil.[TOPSOIL] pockets ofTopsoil.[FILL] very stiff,moist,highlyplastic.At0.55m;With Silty CLAY.Lightgreymottledorangeandbrown, plasticity. [FILL] dark orangeandorangeybrown,verystiff,moist,low sand sizedandfinegravelTuff.Brownmottled SILT withTopsoil,someclay,finetocoarse Topsoil. [TOPSOIL] See SitePlan 776-778 SandringhamRoadExt,MtRoskill KGA GeotechnicalGroupLtd 0.7m: EndofBorehole,unabletopenetrate , - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableTo Penetrate Vane No.:GEO2026is1.568 Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Subsurface Conditions HAND AUGERLOG Shear Vane location only. Flat, Field.Holedataisforaset Other Comments

Groundwater Not Encountered T Groundwater O

P TOP Geological Ground Level: FILL S SOIL Unit OI L Graphic Log 50 Vane ShearStrength E: [email protected] - (refer notesfordetails) M: 0273688832 SOIL DYNELTD AUCKLAND 100 (kPa) 150 Sheet: Logged By: Date: Hole No.: Job No.: 200 Values UTP 132 Printed: 12/06/2019 3:29:57p.m. 50 - (blows /50mm) Penetrometer Depth 0.75 (m) 11/06/2019 190371 AH07 1 of Scala SR Bounce Blows Produced with Core-GS Coordinates: Location: Project: Client: rock forengineeringpurposes'December 2005,NZGS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'The guidelinesfortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoil Notes &Abbreviations 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Time OfDrilling Water LevelAt Level Standing Water Depth (m) Water RL plastic. [FILL] Orange mottledbrown,verystiff,moist,moderately Clayey SILTwithTopsoilandminorfinegravels. [FILL] Brown mottledorange,verystiff,moist,lowplasticity. SILT withTopsoil,someclayandClayeyinclusions. very stiff,moist,lowtomoderatelyplastic.[FILL] Clayey SILTwithTopsoil.Brownmottledorange, Topsoil. [TOPSOIL] See SitePlan 776-778 SandringhamRoadExt,MtRoskill KGA GeotechnicalGroupLtd 0.9m: EndofBorehole,unabletopenetrate , - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableTo Penetrate Vane No.:GEO2026is1.568 Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Subsurface Conditions HAND AUGERLOG Shear Vane for asetlocationonly. Near Level,Field.Holedatais Other Comments

Groundwater Not Encountered Groundwater

TOP Geological Ground Level: FILL SOIL Unit

Graphic Log 50 Vane ShearStrength E: [email protected] - (refer notesfordetails) M: 0273688832 SOIL DYNELTD AUCKLAND 100 (kPa) 150 Sheet: Logged By: Date: Hole No.: Job No.: 200 Values UTP 172 Printed: 12/06/2019 3:29:57p.m. 44 - (blows /50mm) Penetrometer Depth 0.95 (m) 11/06/2019 190371 AH08 1 of Scala SR Bounce Blows Produced with Core-GS Coordinates: Location: Project: Client: rock forengineeringpurposes'December 2005,NZGS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'The guidelinesfortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoil Notes &Abbreviations 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Time OfDrilling Water LevelAt Level Standing Water Depth (m) Water RL highly plastic.[AUCKLANDVOLCANICFIELD] Clayey SILT.Dullorange,stiff,moist,moderateto At 0.6m;Withdarkbrowninclusions.[FILL?] orangey brownmottledbrown. At 0.5m;Withsomebasalticgravels(<15mm)and orangey brown,stiff,moist,lowplasticity. Tuff andminorfinegravelsizedTuff.Brownmottled SILT withsomeclay,finetocoarsesandsized Topsoil. [TOPSOIL] See SitePlan 776-778 SandringhamRoadExt,MtRoskill KGA GeotechnicalGroupLtd 0.75m: EndofBorehole,unabletopenetrate , - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableTo Penetrate Vane No.:GEO2026is1.568 Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Subsurface Conditions HAND AUGERLOG Shear Vane

A U C location only. Flat, Field.Holedataisforaset K L Other Comments A Groundwater Not Encountered N Groundwater D V TOP Geological Ground Level: O FILL ? SOIL L Unit C A Graphic Log NI C FI 50 Vane ShearStrength

E: [email protected] E - (refer notesfordetails) M: 0273688832 SOIL DYNELTD L AUCKLAND D 100 (kPa) 150 Sheet: Logged By: Date: Hole No.: Job No.: 200 Values UTP Printed: 12/06/2019 3:29:58p.m. 25 78 - (blows /50mm) Penetrometer Depth 0.85 0.80 (m) 11/06/2019 190371 AH09 1 of Scala SR Bounce Blows 3 Produced with Core-GS Coordinates: Location: Project: Client: rock forengineeringpurposes'December 2005,NZGS Soils loggedinaccordancewith'The guidelinesfortheclassificationanddescriptionofsoil Notes &Abbreviations 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 5.0 4.5 4.0

Time OfDrilling Water LevelAt Level Standing Water Depth (m) Water RL highly plastic.[AUCKLANDVOLCANICFIELD] Silty CLAY.Orangeandlightgrey,hard,moist, Topsoil. [TOPSOIL] See SitePlan 776-778 SandringhamRoadExt,MtRoskill KGA GeotechnicalGroupLtd Drilled severalholesallshort. 0.4m: EndofBorehole,unabletopenetrate. , - =NoResult + =PeakExceeded UTP =UnableTo Penetrate Vane No.:GEO2026is1.568 Corrected asperNZGSGuidelines Subsurface Conditions HAND AUGERLOG Shear Vane for asetlocationonly. Flat, GardenArea.Holedatais

Other Comments AU CK Groundwater Not Encountered LA Groundwater ND

VO TOPS Geological Ground Level: LC OIL Unit ANI C Graphic Log FIE LD 50 Vane ShearStrength E: [email protected] - (refer notesfordetails) M: 0273688832 SOIL DYNELTD AUCKLAND 100 (kPa) 150 Sheet: Logged By: Date: Hole No.: Job No.: 200 Values UTP Printed: 12/06/2019 3:29:59p.m. - (blows /50mm) Penetrometer Depth 0.45 (m) 11/06/2019 190371 AH10 1 of Scala SR Bounce Blows


Relevant NZGS Historic Machine Borehole Data

Geotechnical Engineering Investigation K190371-2 Proposed School Redevelopment - 766-778 Sandringham Road Extension. 22 June 2020 Preliminary Log of Investigation

Project: CentralWestern InterceptorInterceptor Borehole

Location: Site W: Wesley Intermediate School Project No: AE04725 Hole ID: BH234a

Client: Watercare Date: 26/02/2015

Description of Strata Defect Description BOUNDARY TYPE SURFACE APERTURE Well defined CS Clay seam C Clean T 0mm Gradational C Clevage Mc Mineral coat Vn 0-2mm Poorly defined CR Crushed zone Si Soil infill N 2-6mm DZ Decomposed zone Sn Surface stain Mn 6-20mm DB Drilling induced fracture V Veneer Mw 20-60mm FL Foliation W 60-200mm FZ Fracture zone PLANARITY Vw >200mm IF Incipient fracture P Planar Grade JT Joint St Stepped Relative Strength R.L. (m) Sampling SC Schistosity U Undulating / Backfill Return (%) Weathering Defects (mm) Defects Depth (m) Installation SH Shear Comments Drilling Flush Drilling In-Situ Testing In-Situ

Drilling Method Drilling SZ Shear Zone ROUGHNESS GroundWater Geology Legend Geology Spacing of Natural of Spacing

SL Sill R Rough Geological Unit VN Vein Ss Slickensided TCR (SCR) % [RQD] VW VS MS SW HW RW 255075 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 VD Void Sm Smooth 500 100 50 10 EW W S UW MW CW Shift Details & Standing Water Level Water Standing & Details Shift Gravelly SILT; dark orange brown. Soft, dry, non plastic. Gravel; fine to coarse, angular, scoria and basalt

100 COBBLES, dark grey mottled orange. Moderately weathered, MG HQ3 (13) porphyritic BASALT, very strong. 1 [13] 51 Gravelly SILT; dark orange brown. Soft, dry, non plastic. Gravel; fine to coarse, subangular, scoria and basalt Slightly weathered, dark grey, porphyritic BASALT, massive, very strong, vesicular. Core loss Slightly weathered, dark grey, porphyritic BASALT, strong, vesicular 50 2

50 HQ3 (50) 1 [49] Core loss 2.40: Jt 70° R, P, Vn, Si of clay.

49 3 Slightly weathered, dark grey, porphyritic BASALT, very strong, 70

HQ3 vesicular. (70) [70] Core loss Slightly weathered, dark grey, porphyritic BASALT, very strong, 70 2 vesicular. HQ3 (70) Core loss 4 [70] 48 Slightly weathered, dark grey, porphyritic BASALT, very strong, vesicular. 4.20: Jt 30° R, St, N-Mn, Si of clay. 4.30: Jt 45° R, St, N-Mn, Si of clay. 4.40: Jt 50° R, P, T-Vn, C. 4.50: Jt 45° R, P, T-Vn, C.

47 5 100 HQ3 (100) [80] AVFb 5.90: Fz 5° R, St, T, Sn. 46 6 6.10-6.50: Fz 5° R, St, T, Sn.

6.50: Jt 30° R, St, Mw-W, Sn.

100 6.70: Jt 30° R, St, N-Mn, Si of clay. HQ3 (100) 6.75: Jt 30° Sm, P, T, Sn. [68] 6.80: Jt 30° Sm, P, T, Sn. 45 7 7.20: Jt 50° R, P, N-Mn, Si of silt/clay.

44 8

100 HQ3 (100) 8.30: Jt 30° R, St, N-Mn, Sn, orange [85] staining. 8.40: Jt 30° R, P, N, Sn. 8.45: Jt 30° R, P, N, Sn.

43 9

9.40: Jt 40° R, St, N-Mn, Sn, orange staining.

100 HQ3 (98) 9.80: Jt 40° R, P, N-Mn, Si of clay. 10 [80] Started: 26/02/2015 Groundwater Observations Co-ordinates: No. Struck (m) Date Standing (m) Observations 5914380.02mN Finished: 31/01/2015 1 2.5 29/01/2015 1754218.33mE Driller: McMillan Remarks Elevation: 52.07mRL Hole location determined by survey. Plant: Rig N107 Inclination: -90° (McMillan) Logged: E. Fifield

Checked: LAK Page 1 of 8 Data Template: AE04725 CI MASTER (NEW TEMPLATE).GPJ Output Form: COMPILATION BOREHOLE Project File Name: AE04725 CI LOG INPUT.GPJ 13/4/16 INPUT.GPJ CI LOG AE04725 Name: File Project BOREHOLE Form: COMPILATION Output TEMPLATE).GPJ (NEW CI MASTER AE04725 Data Template: R.Roberts - 09/07/2015 1.10 CI Version See key sheet for an explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Material descriptions as per NZGS Guidelines - December 2005. Preliminary Log of Investigation

Project: CentralWestern InterceptorInterceptor Borehole

Location: Site W: Wesley Intermediate School Project No: AE04725 Hole ID: BH234a

Client: Watercare Date: 26/02/2015

Description of Strata Defect Description BOUNDARY TYPE SURFACE APERTURE Well defined CS Clay seam C Clean T 0mm Gradational C Clevage Mc Mineral coat Vn 0-2mm Poorly defined CR Crushed zone Si Soil infill N 2-6mm DZ Decomposed zone Sn Surface stain Mn 6-20mm DB Drilling induced fracture V Veneer Mw 20-60mm FL Foliation W 60-200mm FZ Fracture zone PLANARITY Vw >200mm IF Incipient fracture P Planar Grade JT Joint St Stepped Relative Strength R.L. (m) Sampling SC Schistosity U Undulating / Backfill Return (%) Weathering Defects (mm) Defects Depth (m) Installation SH Shear Comments Drilling Flush Drilling In-Situ Testing In-Situ

Drilling Method Drilling SZ Shear Zone ROUGHNESS GroundWater Geology Legend Geology Spacing of Natural of Spacing

SL Sill R Rough Geological Unit VN Vein Ss Slickensided TCR (SCR) % [RQD] VW VS MS SW HW RW 255075 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 VD Void Sm Smooth 500 100 50 10 EW W S UW MW CW Shift Details & Standing Water Level Water Standing & Details Shift

10.40: Jt 70° Sm, P, T, C.

10.70: Jt 40° Sm, P, N, Si of clay. 10.74: Jt 40° Sm, P, N-Mn, Si of clay. 41 11

100 HQ3 (95) [77] 11.60: Jt 50° Sm, P, N, C. 11.70: Jt 50° Sm, P, N, C, fractured core. 40 12

12.30: Jt 30° R, P, T-Vn, Sn.

100 HQ3 (100) 12.80: Jt 70° Sm, U, T-Vn, C. [89] 39 13 13.00: Jt 70° Sm, U, T-Vn, C. 13.10: Jt 70° Sm, U, T-Vn, C.

13.50m: Becomes unweathered

13.90: Jt 45° R, P, N, C. 38 14

100 HQ3 (98) 14.30: Jt 75° R, P, T, C. [89] 14.50: Jt 45° Sm, P, T-Vn, C.


37 (Contd.)

15.30: Jt 75° R, P, N, Si. AVFb

100 15.70: Jt 55° Sm, P, N, Si of clay. HQ3 (94) 15.75: Jt 75° Sm, P, N, Sn. [75] 36 16 16.00: Jt 75° Sm, P, N, Sn.

16.60: Jt 75° Sm, P, N, Sn.

17 35 17.00m: Becomes highly fractured, multiple high angled joints 17.00: Jt 50° Sm, P, Sn. 17.05: Jt 75° Sm, P, Sn. 100 17.10: Jt 45° Sm, P, Sn. HQ3 (100) [87] 17.50: Jt 75° Sm, P, N, C.

34 18 18.10: Jt 85° R, P, N, C.

18.40: Jt 50° R, P, N, C. 18.55: Jt 50° Sm, P, N, C. 18.60: Jt 50° Sm, P, N, C. 100 18.70m: Becomes highly fractured, multiple high angled joints

HQ3 18.70: Jt 50° Sm, P, N, C. (100) [67] 33 19

19.40: Jt 85° R, P, N, C. 19.60: Jt 85° R, P, T-Vn, C.

20 Started: 26/02/2015 Groundwater Observations Co-ordinates: No. Struck (m) Date Standing (m) Observations 5914380.02mN Finished: 31/01/2015 1 2.5 29/01/2015 1754218.33mE Driller: McMillan Remarks Elevation: 52.07mRL Hole location determined by survey. Plant: Rig N107 Inclination: -90° (McMillan) Logged: E. Fifield

Checked: LAK Page 2 of 8 Data Template: AE04725 CI MASTER (NEW TEMPLATE).GPJ Output Form: COMPILATION BOREHOLE Project File Name: AE04725 CI LOG INPUT.GPJ 13/4/16 INPUT.GPJ CI LOG AE04725 Name: File Project BOREHOLE Form: COMPILATION Output TEMPLATE).GPJ (NEW CI MASTER AE04725 Data Template: R.Roberts - 09/07/2015 1.10 CI Version See key sheet for an explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Material descriptions as per NZGS Guidelines - December 2005. Preliminary Log of Investigation

Project: CentralWestern InterceptorInterceptor Borehole

Location: Site W: Wesley Intermediate School Project No: AE04725 Hole ID: BH234a

Client: Watercare Date: 26/02/2015

Description of Strata Defect Description BOUNDARY TYPE SURFACE APERTURE Well defined CS Clay seam C Clean T 0mm Gradational C Clevage Mc Mineral coat Vn 0-2mm Poorly defined CR Crushed zone Si Soil infill N 2-6mm DZ Decomposed zone Sn Surface stain Mn 6-20mm DB Drilling induced fracture V Veneer Mw 20-60mm FL Foliation W 60-200mm FZ Fracture zone PLANARITY Vw >200mm IF Incipient fracture P Planar Grade JT Joint St Stepped Relative Strength R.L. (m) Sampling SC Schistosity U Undulating / Backfill Return (%) Weathering Defects (mm) Defects Depth (m) Installation SH Shear Comments Drilling Flush Drilling In-Situ Testing In-Situ

Drilling Method Drilling SZ Shear Zone ROUGHNESS GroundWater Geology Legend Geology Spacing of Natural of Spacing

SL Sill R Rough Geological Unit VN Vein Ss Slickensided TCR (SCR) % [RQD] VW VS MS SW HW RW 255075 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 VD Void Sm Smooth 500 100 50 10 EW W S UW MW CW Shift Details & Standing Water Level Water Standing & Details Shift 20.00: Jt 85° Sm, P, T-Vn, C. 20.02: Jt 50° Sm, P, T-Vn, Sn. 100 20.10: Jt 50° R, P, T-Vn, Sn. HQ3 (93) 20.20: Jt 85° Sm, P, T-Vn, Sn. [47] 20.45m to 20.53m: Becomes highly fractured, multiple high angled 20.45: Jt 85° Sm, P, T-Vn, Sn. joints 20.60: Jt 85° Sm, P, T-Vn, Sn.

20.90: Jt 50° R, P, T, C. 31 21 20.90m to 21.00m: Becomes highly fractured, multiple high angled joints 21.10: Jt 85° Sm, P, C.

21.40: Jt 50° R, P, C. 21.60: Jt 85° Sm, P, C. 100 HQ3 (89) 21.80: Jt 85° Sm, U, C. [68] 30 22 22.00: Jt 85° Sm, P, C. 22.10: Jt 50° Sm, P, C.

22.40m to 22.50m: Becomes highly fractured, multiple high angled joints

29 23 23.00: Jt 85° Sm, P, T-Vn.

100 23.20: Jt 85° Sm, P, C. HQ3 (79) [79]

23.80: Jt 50° Sm, P, C. 28 24 (Contd.) AVFb 24.50: Jt 80° Sm, P, C.

100 HQ3 (69) [69] 27 25

25.2m: Core 25.50: Jt 50° Sm, U, C. dropped down the barrel 26 and was 26 26.00: Jt 50° Sm, P, N. recovered 26.10: Jt 50° Sm, P, N. 80 HQ3 (78) [60]

Core loss Unweathered, dark grey, porphyritic BASALT, very strong, vesicular. 25 27 27.10: Jt 50° Sm, P, N.

27.40: Jt 65° Sm, U, N.

100 HQ3 (98) [89] 24 28

Core loss Sandy Organic SILT, dark grey. Stiff to very stiff, dry, organic odour. Sand is fine.

Silty CLAY, trace organics; light brownish grey, mottled black. Stiff to 23 29 very stiff, moist, slightly plastic. Tp 100 HQ3

30 Started: 26/02/2015 Groundwater Observations Co-ordinates: No. Struck (m) Date Standing (m) Observations 5914380.02mN Finished: 31/01/2015 1 2.5 29/01/2015 1754218.33mE Driller: McMillan Remarks Elevation: 52.07mRL Hole location determined by survey. Plant: Rig N107 Inclination: -90° (McMillan) Logged: E. Fifield

Checked: LAK Page 3 of 8 Data Template: AE04725 CI MASTER (NEW TEMPLATE).GPJ Output Form: COMPILATION BOREHOLE Project File Name: AE04725 CI LOG INPUT.GPJ 13/4/16 INPUT.GPJ CI LOG AE04725 Name: File Project BOREHOLE Form: COMPILATION Output TEMPLATE).GPJ (NEW CI MASTER AE04725 Data Template: R.Roberts - 09/07/2015 1.10 CI Version See key sheet for an explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Material descriptions as per NZGS Guidelines - December 2005. Preliminary Log of Investigation

Project: CentralWestern InterceptorInterceptor Borehole

Location: Site W: Wesley Intermediate School Project No: AE04725 Hole ID: BH234a

Client: Watercare Date: 26/02/2015

Description of Strata Defect Description BOUNDARY TYPE SURFACE APERTURE Well defined CS Clay seam C Clean T 0mm Gradational C Clevage Mc Mineral coat Vn 0-2mm Poorly defined CR Crushed zone Si Soil infill N 2-6mm DZ Decomposed zone Sn Surface stain Mn 6-20mm DB Drilling induced fracture V Veneer Mw 20-60mm FL Foliation W 60-200mm FZ Fracture zone PLANARITY Vw >200mm IF Incipient fracture P Planar Grade JT Joint St Stepped Relative Strength R.L. (m) Sampling SC Schistosity U Undulating / Backfill Return (%) Weathering Defects (mm) Defects Depth (m) Installation SH Shear Comments Drilling Flush Drilling In-Situ Testing In-Situ

Drilling Method Drilling SZ Shear Zone ROUGHNESS GroundWater Geology Legend Geology Spacing of Natural of Spacing

SL Sill R Rough Geological Unit VN Vein Ss Slickensided TCR (SCR) % [RQD] VW VS MS SW HW RW 255075 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 VD Void Sm Smooth 500 100 50 10 EW W S UW MW CW Shift Details & Standing Water Level Water Standing & Details Shift

Silty SAND, trace organics; light brownish grey. Moderately dense, 85

HQ3 moist. Sand is fine. 21 31

Core loss

Silty SAND, trace organics; light brownish grey. Moderately dense, moist. Sand is fine to coarse, angular to sub-angular.

20 32

80 HQ3

Silty CLAY, trace organics; light greyish brown, speckled black. Firm to stiff, slightly plastic, moist. Core loss 33 19 SAND, some silt, trace organics; light brownish grey, speckled orange and black. Moderately dense to dense, moist. Sand is fine. (Contd.) Tp

100 HQ3

18 34

17 35

100 HQ3

36 16 Core loss

Water Slightly weathered, dark grey, interbedded MUDSTONE and fine to : coarse SANDSTONE, very weak. Bedding is very thin to thin Greyish black 30 : HQ3 37 15 Core loss Flush Type Flush Flush Colour Flush Slightly weathered, dark grey, fine to coarse SANDSTONE, very weak.

14 38

80 HQ3 (80) Wuw [80]

Core loss 39 13 Unweathered, dark grey, fine to coarse, SANDSTONE, very weak.

39.40m: Trace fine to coarse gravel sized lithics, sub rounded to sub angular. 100 HQ3 (100) 40 [100] Started: 26/02/2015 Groundwater Observations Co-ordinates: No. Struck (m) Date Standing (m) Observations 5914380.02mN Finished: 31/01/2015 1 2.5 29/01/2015 1754218.33mE Driller: McMillan Remarks Elevation: 52.07mRL Hole location determined by survey. Plant: Rig N107 Inclination: -90° (McMillan) Logged: E. Fifield

Checked: LAK Page 4 of 8 Data Template: AE04725 CI MASTER (NEW TEMPLATE).GPJ Output Form: COMPILATION BOREHOLE Project File Name: AE04725 CI LOG INPUT.GPJ 13/4/16 INPUT.GPJ CI LOG AE04725 Name: File Project BOREHOLE Form: COMPILATION Output TEMPLATE).GPJ (NEW CI MASTER AE04725 Data Template: R.Roberts - 09/07/2015 1.10 CI Version See key sheet for an explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Material descriptions as per NZGS Guidelines - December 2005. Preliminary Log of Investigation

Project: CentralWestern InterceptorInterceptor Borehole

Location: Site W: Wesley Intermediate School Project No: AE04725 Hole ID: BH234a

Client: Watercare Date: 26/02/2015

Description of Strata Defect Description BOUNDARY TYPE SURFACE APERTURE Well defined CS Clay seam C Clean T 0mm Gradational C Clevage Mc Mineral coat Vn 0-2mm Poorly defined CR Crushed zone Si Soil infill N 2-6mm DZ Decomposed zone Sn Surface stain Mn 6-20mm DB Drilling induced fracture V Veneer Mw 20-60mm FL Foliation W 60-200mm FZ Fracture zone PLANARITY Vw >200mm IF Incipient fracture P Planar Grade JT Joint St Stepped Relative Strength R.L. (m) Sampling SC Schistosity U Undulating / Backfill Return (%) Weathering Defects (mm) Defects Depth (m) Installation SH Shear Comments Drilling Flush Drilling In-Situ Testing In-Situ

Drilling Method Drilling SZ Shear Zone ROUGHNESS GroundWater Geology Legend Geology Spacing of Natural of Spacing

SL Sill R Rough Geological Unit VN Vein Ss Slickensided TCR (SCR) % [RQD] VW VS MS SW HW RW 255075 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 VD Void Sm Smooth 500 100 50 10 EW W S UW MW CW Shift Details & Standing Water Level Water Standing & Details Shift

40.30m: Becomes extremely weak.

11 41 41.10m: Becomes very weak 100 HQ3 (100) [100]

10 42 42m: Core loss Change in drill run catcher

100 HQ3 (100) [100] 9 43

Unweathered, dark grey, homogenous, fine to coarse SANDSTONE, very weak.

8 44

100 HQ3 (100) [100]

45 7 Core loss (Contd.) Wuw

10 HQ3 (10) [10] 6 46

Unweathered, dark grey, fine to coarse SANDSTONE, very weak.

5 47

100 HQ3 (100) 47.30m: Becomes weak. [100]

47.85m: Black organic laminations; sub horizontal. 4 48

Unweathered, dark greenish grey, laminated MUDSTONE, weak. Black organic laminations.

100 Unweathered, dark greenish grey, fine SANDSTONE weak. HQ3 (100) [100] 3 49

50 Started: 26/02/2015 Groundwater Observations Co-ordinates: No. Struck (m) Date Standing (m) Observations 5914380.02mN Finished: 31/01/2015 1 2.5 29/01/2015 1754218.33mE Driller: McMillan Remarks Elevation: 52.07mRL Hole location determined by survey. Plant: Rig N107 Inclination: -90° (McMillan) Logged: E. Fifield

Checked: LAK Page 5 of 8 Data Template: AE04725 CI MASTER (NEW TEMPLATE).GPJ Output Form: COMPILATION BOREHOLE Project File Name: AE04725 CI LOG INPUT.GPJ 13/4/16 INPUT.GPJ CI LOG AE04725 Name: File Project BOREHOLE Form: COMPILATION Output TEMPLATE).GPJ (NEW CI MASTER AE04725 Data Template: R.Roberts - 09/07/2015 1.10 CI Version See key sheet for an explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Material descriptions as per NZGS Guidelines - December 2005. Preliminary Log of Investigation

Project: CentralWestern InterceptorInterceptor Borehole

Location: Site W: Wesley Intermediate School Project No: AE04725 Hole ID: BH234a

Client: Watercare Date: 26/02/2015

Description of Strata Defect Description BOUNDARY TYPE SURFACE APERTURE Well defined CS Clay seam C Clean T 0mm Gradational C Clevage Mc Mineral coat Vn 0-2mm Poorly defined CR Crushed zone Si Soil infill N 2-6mm DZ Decomposed zone Sn Surface stain Mn 6-20mm DB Drilling induced fracture V Veneer Mw 20-60mm FL Foliation W 60-200mm FZ Fracture zone PLANARITY Vw >200mm IF Incipient fracture P Planar Grade JT Joint St Stepped Relative Strength R.L. (m) Sampling SC Schistosity U Undulating / Backfill Return (%) Weathering Defects (mm) Defects Depth (m) Installation SH Shear Comments Drilling Flush Drilling In-Situ Testing In-Situ

Drilling Method Drilling SZ Shear Zone ROUGHNESS GroundWater Geology Legend Geology Spacing of Natural of Spacing

SL Sill R Rough Geological Unit VN Vein Ss Slickensided TCR (SCR) % [RQD] VW VS MS SW HW RW 255075 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 VD Void Sm Smooth 500 100 50 10 EW W S UW MW CW Shift Details & Standing Water Level Water Standing & Details Shift 50.00: Jt 60° R, U, N, C.

100 50.20: Jt 50° R, P, T, C. HQ3 (100) [100]

Unweathered, dark greyish green, interbedded MUDSTONE and fine to coarse SANDSTONE, weak. Bedding is thin to moderately thin. 1 51 51.15m to 53.20m: With some black organic laminations

100 51.65m: Becomes extremely weak, bedding is thin. HQ3 (100) 51.80m to 52.50m: Becomes very weak [100] 0 52

52.50m: Becomes very weak (Contd.)

-1 53 Wuw

100 HQ3 [60]

-2 54

100 54.70: Jt 45° Sm, P, T, C. HQ3 54.80: Jt 45° T, C. [82] -3 55 55.00: Jt 45° T, C.

Unweathered, dark greenish grey, coarse CONGLOMERATE, weak, matrix supported. Lithics are fine to coarse gravel and cobble sized, angular to sub rounded. Wpvc 55.60m to 55.63m: Recovered as Silty fine to coarse SAND; dark grey. Wuw -4 56 Loose, moist. 55.70m to 55.72m: Recovered as Silty fine to coarse SAND; dark grey. 100 Loose, moist. HQ3 Unweathered, dark greenish grey MUDSTONE, very weak. Some black [83] organic laminations, inclined, closely spaced. 56.00m to 57.30m: Becomes extremely weak

-5 57 57.10m: Bedding becomes thin, gently inclined

100 HQ3 (100) 57.80: Jt 45° Sm, P, T, C. [96] -6 58

Core loss 58.50: Jt 45° Sm, P, T, C. Unweathered, dark greenish grey, interbedded MUDSTONE and coarse SANDSTONE, weak. Bedding is very thin to moderately thin. -7 59

45 HQ3 (45) [39] Core loss

60 Started: 26/02/2015 Groundwater Observations Co-ordinates: No. Struck (m) Date Standing (m) Observations 5914380.02mN Finished: 31/01/2015 1 2.5 29/01/2015 1754218.33mE Driller: McMillan Remarks Elevation: 52.07mRL Hole location determined by survey. Plant: Rig N107 Inclination: -90° (McMillan) Logged: E. Fifield

Checked: LAK Page 6 of 8 Data Template: AE04725 CI MASTER (NEW TEMPLATE).GPJ Output Form: COMPILATION BOREHOLE Project File Name: AE04725 CI LOG INPUT.GPJ 13/4/16 INPUT.GPJ CI LOG AE04725 Name: File Project BOREHOLE Form: COMPILATION Output TEMPLATE).GPJ (NEW CI MASTER AE04725 Data Template: R.Roberts - 09/07/2015 1.10 CI Version See key sheet for an explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Material descriptions as per NZGS Guidelines - December 2005. Preliminary Log of Investigation

Project: CentralWestern InterceptorInterceptor Borehole

Location: Site W: Wesley Intermediate School Project No: AE04725 Hole ID: BH234a

Client: Watercare Date: 26/02/2015

Description of Strata Defect Description BOUNDARY TYPE SURFACE APERTURE Well defined CS Clay seam C Clean T 0mm Gradational C Clevage Mc Mineral coat Vn 0-2mm Poorly defined CR Crushed zone Si Soil infill N 2-6mm DZ Decomposed zone Sn Surface stain Mn 6-20mm DB Drilling induced fracture V Veneer Mw 20-60mm FL Foliation W 60-200mm FZ Fracture zone PLANARITY Vw >200mm IF Incipient fracture P Planar Grade JT Joint St Stepped Relative Strength R.L. (m) Sampling SC Schistosity U Undulating / Backfill Return (%) Weathering Defects (mm) Defects Depth (m) Installation SH Shear Comments Drilling Flush Drilling In-Situ Testing In-Situ

Drilling Method Drilling SZ Shear Zone ROUGHNESS GroundWater Geology Legend Geology Spacing of Natural of Spacing

SL Sill R Rough Geological Unit VN Vein Ss Slickensided TCR (SCR) % [RQD] VW VS MS SW HW RW 255075 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 VD Void Sm Smooth 500 100 50 10 EW W S UW MW CW Shift Details & Standing Water Level Water Standing & Details Shift Unweathered, dark greenish grey, fine to coarse SANDSTONE, weak. With minor fine lithic . Core loss Unweathered, dark greenish grey, interbedded MUDSTONE and SANDSTONE, weak. Bedding is steeply inclined, moderately thin to 73 HQ3 (73) thick. [73] -9 61

-10 62

66 HQ3 (66) [66] Core loss

63 -11 Unweathered, dark greenish grey, fine to coarse SANDSTONE, weak.

80 HQ3 (80) [80] -12 64 Core loss, likely due to sand as described below

Recovered as Silty fine to coarse SAND; dark grey. Loose, moist. Unweathered, dark greenish grey, interbedded, MUDSTONE and fine to coarse SANDSTONE, weak. Bedding is moderately thin to thick -13 65 64.80m: Mudstone beds become moderately thin 65.00m to 65.03m: Black organic laminations 100 HQ3 (80) [100]

-14 66

66.52m: Sandstone becomes fine grained, 50mm calcite cemented 100 sandstone bed, moderately strong HQ3 (100) 67 [100] -15 66.97m to 70.75m: Trace black organic laminations

-16 68

100 HQ3 (100) [100]

68.90-68.90: Jt 65° Sm, P, T, C. -17 69

100 HQ3 (100) 70 [95] 69.88m to 69.98m: 100mm calcite cemented sandstone bed, Started: 26/02/2015 Groundwater Observations Co-ordinates: No. Struck (m) Date Standing (m) Observations 5914380.02mN Finished: 31/01/2015 1 2.5 29/01/2015 1754218.33mE Driller: McMillan Remarks Elevation: 52.07mRL Hole location determined by survey. Plant: Rig N107 Inclination: -90° (McMillan) Logged: E. Fifield

Checked: LAK Page 7 of 8 Data Template: AE04725 CI MASTER (NEW TEMPLATE).GPJ Output Form: COMPILATION BOREHOLE Project File Name: AE04725 CI LOG INPUT.GPJ 13/4/16 INPUT.GPJ CI LOG AE04725 Name: File Project BOREHOLE Form: COMPILATION Output TEMPLATE).GPJ (NEW CI MASTER AE04725 Data Template: R.Roberts - 09/07/2015 1.10 CI Version See key sheet for an explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Material descriptions as per NZGS Guidelines - December 2005. Preliminary Log of Investigation

Project: CentralWestern InterceptorInterceptor Borehole

Location: Site W: Wesley Intermediate School Project No: AE04725 Hole ID: BH234a

Client: Watercare Date: 26/02/2015

Description of Strata Defect Description BOUNDARY TYPE SURFACE APERTURE Well defined CS Clay seam C Clean T 0mm Gradational C Clevage Mc Mineral coat Vn 0-2mm Poorly defined CR Crushed zone Si Soil infill N 2-6mm DZ Decomposed zone Sn Surface stain Mn 6-20mm DB Drilling induced fracture V Veneer Mw 20-60mm FL Foliation W 60-200mm FZ Fracture zone PLANARITY Vw >200mm IF Incipient fracture P Planar Grade JT Joint St Stepped Relative Strength R.L. (m) Sampling SC Schistosity U Undulating / Backfill Return (%) Weathering Defects (mm) Defects Depth (m) Installation SH Shear Comments Drilling Flush Drilling In-Situ Testing In-Situ

Drilling Method Drilling SZ Shear Zone ROUGHNESS GroundWater Geology Legend Geology Spacing of Natural of Spacing

SL Sill R Rough Geological Unit VN Vein Ss Slickensided TCR (SCR) % [RQD] VW VS MS SW HW RW 255075 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 VD Void Sm Smooth 500 100 50 10 EW W S UW MW CW Shift Details & Standing Water Level Water Standing & Details Shift moderately strong 70.10-70.15: Jt 30° R, U, T, C. 70.15-70.50: C.

70.75m to 72.00m: Trace fine to coarse volcaniclastic gravels; sub angular to rounded. -19 71

100 HQ3 (100) [100]

-20 72 72.05m to 72.40m: Minor fine to coarse volcaniclastic gravels; sub angular to rounded. 72.40m to 72.45m: 50mm calcite cemented sandstone bed, moderately strong 100 HQ3 (100) [100] -21 73

BH234a terminated at 73.50m. Target Depth

Started: 26/02/2015 Groundwater Observations Co-ordinates: No. Struck (m) Date Standing (m) Observations 5914380.02mN Finished: 31/01/2015 1 2.5 29/01/2015 1754218.33mE Driller: McMillan Remarks Elevation: 52.07mRL Hole location determined by survey. Plant: Rig N107 Inclination: -90° (McMillan) Logged: E. Fifield

Checked: LAK Page 8 of 8 Data Template: AE04725 CI MASTER (NEW TEMPLATE).GPJ Output Form: COMPILATION BOREHOLE Project File Name: AE04725 CI LOG INPUT.GPJ 13/4/16 INPUT.GPJ CI LOG AE04725 Name: File Project BOREHOLE Form: COMPILATION Output TEMPLATE).GPJ (NEW CI MASTER AE04725 Data Template: R.Roberts - 09/07/2015 1.10 CI Version See key sheet for an explanation of symbols and abbreviations. Material descriptions as per NZGS Guidelines - December 2005.