Hellenic J Cardiol 2014; 55: 411-421

Review Article Diabetic : From Pathophysiology to Treatment

1 1 2 2 Konstantinos Trachanas , Skevos Sideris , Constantina Aggeli , Emmanouil Poulidakis , 2 2 1 Konstantinos Gatzoulis , Dimitrios Tousoulis , Ioannis Kallikazaros 1Department of Cardiology, Hippokration General Hospital, 2First Department of Cardiology, National University of Athens, Hippokration General Hospital, Athens, Greece

Key words: Diabetic he close relationship between di- As was demonstrated in the Framingham cardiomyopathy, abetes mellitus and Heart Study, is a strong and in- diastolic dysfunction, has been known for many years dependent risk factor for developing heart myocardial , Tand includes many mechanisms. In 1881, failure, leading this group of patients to systolic dysfunction. Leyden first claimed that diabetic cardio- a worse prognosis. The risk of heart fail- myopathy is a common complication of ure was 2.4-fold and 5-fold higher in dia- diabetes and one worthy of attention. In betic men and women, respectively, than 1888, Mayer reported that diabetes is a in non-diabetic subjects. The incidence of disorder of metabolism that can lead to heart failure in diabetic patients is still in- heart disease. Finally, the term “diabet- creased even after adjustment for age, hy- ic cardiomyopathy” was introduced by pertension, obesity, coronary artery dis- Rubler in 1972, after post mortem stud- ease or dyslipidemia.5 The close correla- ies in diabetic patients with heart failure tion between diabetes and heart failure Manuscript received: in whom alcohol, , coronary has been demonstrated in many studies. November 21, 2012; disease and other structural heart disease In the United Kingdom Prospective Dia- Accepted: had been ruled out as possible causes.1 betes Study (UKPDS) an increased preva- June 1, 2014. lence of heart failure was recorded in pa- Epidemiology tients with diabetes mellitus type 2, cor- Address: relating with levels of glycosylated hemo- Skevos Sideris Diabetes mellitus has reached an epidem- globin (HbA1c).6 The incidence of heart ic level worldwide, with a prevalence of failure is 2.3 cases per 1000 person-years State Cardiology Division Hippokration Hospital 4% in 1995 and an anticipated prevalence in patients with HbA1c<6% in contrast 114 Vasilissis Sofias Ave. of 5.4% in 2025, corresponding to 300 mil- to 11.9 per 1000 person-years in patients 115 28 Athens, Greece lion adults with diabetes worldwide.2 Car- with significantly high HbA1c (>10%). [email protected] diovascular diseases represent the primary There are identifiable risk factors for de- cause of death in this population, due to veloping diabetic cardiomyopathy, such as coronary artery disease3 or associated hy- increased HbA1c,6 high body mass index, pertension, but also because of a direct advanced age, use of , proteinuria, adverse effect of diabetes mellitus on the the coexistence of heart, the so called diabetic cardiomyop- and/or peripheral target organ diseases athy. In diabetic patients the prevalence such as retinopathy and nephropathy.7,8 In of diabetic cardiomyopathy is 12% and a large case-control study, Bertoni et al9 reaches 22% in people over 64 years old.4 tested the hypothesis that diabetes melli-

(Hellenic Journal of Cardiology) HJC • 411 K. Trachanas et al tus was independently associated with idiopathic car- sequence of the adverse effects of diabetes mellitus diomyopathy. After adjusting for age, sex, race, and in the heart.21 Newer echocardiographic techniques hypertension, diabetes mellitus was significantly as- should be used in order to evaluate the myocardial sociated with idiopathic cardiomyopathy (relative risk collagen content and its pivotal role in cardiac func- 1.58, 95% CI 1.55–1.62). Similarly in a large popula- tion. Backscatter is an ultrasound tissue characteriza- tion-based cohort study, the Reykjavik Study, Thrains- tion technique, based on the measurement of myocar- dottir et al10 explored the associations between heart dial tissue echoreflectivity, that is related to myocar- failure and abnormal regulation (impaired dial collagen content.22 Di Bello et al23 demonstrated glucose tolerance or ). The an increase in myocardial echodensity, as assessed by odds ratio was 2.8 (95% CI 2.2–3.6) for the associa- the integrated backscatter index, in 26 insulin-depen- tion between diabetes mellitus type 2 and heart fail- dent diabetic normotensive patients compared with ure and 1.7 (95% CI 1.4–2.1) for the association be- 17 age- and sex-matched control subjects. Fang et al24 tween abnormal glucose regulation and heart failure. confirmed these results using backscatter in a larger study. Biomarkers of collagen synthesis (procollagen Pathophysiology type I carboxy-terminal peptide [PICP], aminotermi- nal propeptide of procollagen type I [PINP], carboxy- There are two main types of cardiomyopathy: (1) pri- terminal propeptide of procollagen type III [PIIICP], mary cardiomyopathy, where the cardiac function is aminoterminal propeptide of procollagen type III aggravated by a defect in the heart itself, and (2) sec- [PIIINP]), collagen degradation (CITP), markers ondary cardiomyopathy, where cardiac performance of extracellular matrix turnover (such as MMP) and is affected because of a systemic syndrome.11 Cardio- their inhibitors (TIMP, tissue inhibitors of MMP), myopathy leads to heart failure, which can be either can be used as markers in detecting myocardial fi- diastolic heart failure, with preserved ejection frac- brosis.25 Diabetic patients with diastolic dysfunction tion, or systolic heart failure, with reduced ejection demonstrated an increase in MMP-9 and a decrease fraction.12 Diabetes can lead to heart failure, not on- in TIMP-1/MMP-9.26 Finally, in a small group of dia- ly by augmenting the impact of classical cardiovascu- betic patients, a correlation was found between PICP lar risk factors (e.g. accelerating the appearance and and left ventricular (LV) systolic parameters (frac- progression of coronary artery disease through mac- tional shortening and midwall fractional shorten- roangiopathy), but also via a direct deleterious effect ing). More specifically, in diabetic patients, corrected on the myocardium per se. This condition is known endocardial (r=-0.56) and midwall shortening (r=- as diabetic cardiomyopathy, defined as the presence 0.38) was correlated with PICP, whereas the systol- of myocardial involvement in patients with diabe- ic and early diastolic velocities of the mitral annulus tes, characterized by dilatation and of were correlated with glutathione peroxidase (both the left ventricle, with the concomitant appearance r=0.44).27 of diastolic and/or systolic dysfunction, and its pres- ence is independent of the coexistence of ischemic or Hypertrophy of myocardial cells hypertensive or .13,14 Myocar- dial fibrosis and myocyte hypertrophy are the most Studies of cardiac tissue from diabetic animals under frequently proposed mechanisms to explain cardiac the electron microscope have shown multiple abnor- changes in diabetic cardiomyopathy. Several studies malities in the structure of myocardial cells: (i) loss have shown that diabetes causes defects in cellular of microfibrils; (ii) loss of cell-to-cell connection in calcium transport,15 defects in myocardial contractile the intermediate discs; and (iii) increased lipid depo- proteins,16 and an increase in collagen formation,17 sition in the cytoplasm and loss of components of the which result in anatomic and physiological changes in endoplasmic reticulum.28 Furthermore, it has been the myocardium. reported that LV hypertrophy and concentric remod- eling are associated with diabetes mellitus, indepen- Myocardial fibrosis dently of other confounding factors such as age, obe- sity, and hypertension.29-32 Additionally the NOMAS Myocardial fibrosis, as initially described by Rubler Study described diabetes mellitus as an independent et al and confirmed in histological studies in both ex- determinant of LV mass, in addition to central obesi- perimental subjects and humans,18-20 is a major con- ty as assessed by waist circumference.33 Fischer et al,

412 • HJC (Hellenic Journal of Cardiology) Diabetes Mellitus and Heart Failure working with cardiac tissue samples from patients un- oxygen radicals (ROS-reactive oxygen species). The dergoing coronary artery bypass grafting, demonstrat- AGEs, for example, produced by of colla- ed no differences in LV hypertrophy and fibrosis be- gen lead to its accumulation in the extracellular ma- tween diabetic and non-diabetic patients. They point- trix and eventually in fibrosis of the heart, resulting ed out that the only differences observed in cardiac in diastolic dysfunction. Furthermore, soluble AG- tissue were related to swelling of endothelial cells and Es connected in related receptors (RAGEs), trigger basement membrane thickening of .34 NADPH oxidase, leading to the production of per- oxide and ultimately of free oxygen radicals. These 41 Mechanisms of heart failure in diabetes mellitus in turn cause direct damage to myocyte DNA.

Many pathophysiological mechanisms are involved Systolic dysfunction in diabetic cardiomyopathy in the stepwise progression from diabetes mellitus to heart failure. These include direct myocardial inju- Novel echocardiographic techniques, such as tissue ry (e.g. in myocardial or cardiomyopathy), Doppler imaging (TDI) and speckle tracking imag- volume overload (e.g. in insufficien- ing (STI), can be used to detect early subclinical im- cy), and pressure overload (e.g. in arterial hyper- pairment of LV or right ventricular (RV) function in tension). Diabetes not only intensifies the process asymptomatic diabetic patients without overt heart of in epicardial coronary arteries, disease. Longitudinal dysfunction was demonstrated but also promotes the appearance of structural and in many studies using both TDI and STI.42-49 Sever- functional disorders in smaller vessels, resulting in al authors demonstrated that longitudinal strain de- an increased ischemic burden for the myocardium. crease was correlated with diabetes imbalance (gly- Furthermore, diabetic cardiomyopathy aggravates cated hemoglobin) or microvascular complications hypertension, resulting in increased afterload and (microalbuminuria).50 However, longitudinal altera- pressure overload, and, by contributing to the oc- tion is independently associated with diabetes mel- currence of renal failure (), it litus, regardless of LV hypertrophy or other conven- leads to fluid retention and eventually volume over- tional risk factors. On the other hand radial systolic load.35-37 From the pathophysiological point of view, function has been less investigated, and with conflict- in diabetes, because of the lack of insulin or because ing results.43-45 The initial studies suggested that ra- of in the tissues, the body does not dial function was increased or preserved to compen- use glucose but instead uses fatty acids as fuel. Al- sate for alterations in longitudinal function. Howev- though the heart tissue of normoglycemic people er, most of these studies were based on TDI and its prefers free fatty acids as fuel rather than glucose, derived velocity and strain rate measurements, which in diabetic patients this phenomenon is accentuat- depend on Doppler angle. STI as an angle-indepen- ed even further. On the other hand, myocardial cells dent method could allow a more robust and extensive of normoglycemic patients with heart failure or pa- evaluation of radial function in diabetic as well as in tients who have suffered a use non-diabetic patients.51 glucose as an energy source rather than fatty acids. It seems that in this case glucose exerts a protective 38,39 Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction in diabetic role against ischemia. The almost exclusive use cardiomyopathy of fatty acids in diabetes patients leads to their accu- mulation into the heart muscle, which is followed by LV diastolic dysfunction, as evaluated from the the appearance of lipotoxicity. Of particular note is transmitral LV filling pattern (i.e. abnormal relax- palmitic acid, the accumulation of which influences ation and/or pseudonormal filling), was observed in myocardial contractility and also induces apoptosis 47-75% of asymptomatic normotensive patients with of myocardial cells. It has been found that persistent well-controlled diabetes mellitus type 2.52-54 TDI, in the myocardium of diabetic rats as a more sensitive technique for the detection of stimulates the expression of muscle carnitine palmi- LV dysfunction, enables the measurement of myo- toyltransferase enzyme 1.40 On the other hand, the cardial tissue velocities in the longitudinal direc- main feature of diabetes, hyperglycemia, can cause tion, and the peak early diastolic myocardial velocity damage to the myocardium via modified proteins (e΄) reflects the global LV diastolic function. Stud- (advanced glycation end products, AGEs) and free ies by Kosmala and Di Bonito55,56 reported that e΄

(Hellenic Journal of Cardiology) HJC • 413 K. Trachanas et al was significantly lower in diabetic patients without dition to the increase in collagen deposition, cross- hypertension than in normal subjects. Additionally, linking of collagen fibers may be increased by diabe- Boyer et al53 found that TDI revealed LV diastolic tes, contributing to a reduction in ventricular com- dysfunction in 63% of patients with asymptomatic pliance.64-66 Interstitial fibrosis in diabetic hearts can diabetes mellitus type 2, while conventional Doppler be assessed by integrated backscatter (myocardial was abnormal in only 46% of the ultrasound reflectivity) in two-dimensional echo- subjects. Diastolic variables are related to prognosis cardiography and by late gadolinium (Gd) enhance- in diabetic patients without patent heart disease.57-59 ment in cardiac MRI.67-69 Diabetes (mostly diabetes A study by From et al56 demonstrated that the E/e΄ mellitus type 2) is associated with LV hypertrophy ratio was associated with an increase in global mor- or concentric LV remodeling (i.e. increased ratio tality, after adjustment for age, sex, coronary artery of LV mass to LV end-diastolic volume). This find- disease, hypertension, LV ejection fraction, and left ing was previously observed mostly in females us- atrial volume. ing transthoracic echocardiography. However MRI studies have demonstrated that it is not age- or sex- 70 The right ventricle specific. The most frequent echocardiographic finding in patients with asymptomatic diabetes mel- It is known that dysfunction of the RV is associated litus is LV diastolic dysfunction with preserved LV with a worse prognosis in a variety of cardiovascular ejection fraction. Diastolic dysfunction is also de- diseases, including acute myocardial infarction and tectable in diabetic hearts without hypertrophy.71 heart failure. Although most investigators studied There is also evidence that diabetic patients are at the effect of diabetes on the functionality and geom- increased risk of , including sudden car- etry of the LV, there are also scanty data indicating diac death. The underlying arrhythmogenic mecha- that diabetes is equally detrimental for the RV. We nisms include imbalance in autonomic tone, silent can assume that in patients with diabetic cardiomy- ischemia, slowed conduction, heterogeneities in atri- opathy the RV is influenced by both the LV, via a bi- al and ventricular repolarisation, and the extent of ventricular interaction mechanism, and the diabetes myocardial damage and scar formation.72 Currently, mellitus per se. Interestingly, it has been demonstrat- the best approach to the diagnosis of diabetic car- ed that in diabetic patients both the systolic and dia- diomyopathy is detection of functional, structural stolic function of the RV are affected.60 In addition, and metabolic changes in the LV and the exclusion van den Brom et al have shown that in diabetic mice of other heart diseases being responsible for these the changes caused by diabetes in the functionality of changes in a diabetic patient: Structural changes in- the RV are in line with those observed in the LV, but clude: (i) LV hypertrophy, assessed by 2D echocar- the changes in geometry and remodeling are not simi- diography or cardiac magnetic resonance imaging lar. More specifically, LV changes are characterized (CMR); (ii) increased integrated backscatter in the by hypertrophy of myocardial cells without dilation, LV (septal and posterior wall); and (iii) late Gd- while the opposite was observed in the RV.61 These enhancement of the myocardium in CMR.73 Func- interesting findings have also been reported by other tional changes are due to: (i) LV diastolic dysfunc- investigators.62 tion, assessed by pulsed Doppler echocardiography and TDI; (ii) LV systolic dysfunction, demonstrated Clinical presentation and diagnostic approach by TDI/SRI; and (iii) limited systolic and/or diastol- ic functional reserve, assessed by exercise TDI.74-78 In the early stages of diabetic cardiomyopathy the Finally metabolic changes are primarily associated patients are usually asymptomatic. In advanced stag- with: (i) a reduced ratio of cardiac phosphocreatine es of diabetic cardiomyopathy overt heart failure to adenosine triphosphate; and (ii) elevated myocar- occurs. Patients develop symptoms due to forward dial triglyceride content.79,80 Catheter-based diagno- heart failure (weakness, fatigue, , syncope) sis of diabetic cardiomyopathy is rarely employed at and backward heart failure (dyspnea, raised jugular present, because other more sensitive and specific vein pressure, lower extremity edema, hepatomega- noninvasive techniques are used instead. Coronary ly).63 Interstitial and perivascular fibrosis is a histo- angiography is useful for the diagnosis of coronary logical hallmark of diabetic cardiomyopathy, and the artery disease that may coexist with and complicate extent of fibrosis correlates with heart weight. In ad- diabetic cardiomyopathy.

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Treatment and fluid retention in 5-10% of patients who use this drug. As a consequence, it might worsen heart fail- The pillars in the treatment of diabetic cardiomyopa- ure and increase the number of hospitalizations.92 thy are related to lifestyle changes, the regulation of There is growing evidence to support the use of in- blood glucose levels, modification of risk factors for cretin-based therapies (GLP1 agonists and antago- , and the treatment of heart nists of DPP4) for reducing cardiovascular compli- failure. cations in diabetes. In an animal model of athero- sclerosis, GLP-1 significantly reduced plaque bur- Lifestyle den.93 Apart from anti-atherogenic effects, the GLP- 1 pathway may also have cardioprotective proper- Smoking cessation, healthy eating habits, reduction ties.94,95 Increased activation of the GLP-1 axis can in body weight and aerobic exercise are the corner- improve weight loss and lipid profile, and can lower stones in terms of lifestyle change. It has been shown blood pressure. Moreover, in a small, non-random- in people with diabetes mellitus type 2 that, following ized study, GLP-1 infusion was associated with a reduction of their body weight and increased aerobic significant improvement in ejection fraction in pa- activity, the incidence of diabetic cardiomyopathy de- tients who presented with acute myocardial infarc- 81-84 creased significantly. tion and reduced LV function.96 Additional data are needed to provide important information about the Glycemia and other risk factors use of these agents for the prevention and treatment of diabetic cardiovascular complications. One of the The setting of the level of blood glucose is an im- most hotly debated clinical questions in diabetes portant target for the treatment of diabetic cardio- is whether intensive glycemic control is associated myopathy. Achieving euglycemia reduces the risk of with better cardiovascular outcomes, and how low major cardiovascular events, such as myocardial in- we should go in pursuing glycemic targets. The Dia- farction or stroke, and the likelihood of developing betes Control and Complication Trial (DCCT) and diabetic cardiomyopathy.85 The modern therapeutic the United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study arsenal has several effective medications to treat di- (UKPDS) provided consistent evidence that inten- abetes, such as metformin, sulfonylureas, glitazones, sive glycemic control prevents the development and insulin, and some modern drugs, such as GLP1 ago- progression of microvascular complications in pa- nists and antagonists of DPP4. Although these drugs tients with type 1 or .97 However, the appear effective in treating diabetes in people with- Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes out concomitant heart failure, in patients with heart (ACCORD), the Action in Diabetes and Vascular failure there are some limitations. The classic exam- Disease (ADVANCE), and the Veterans’ Adminis- ple is metformin, which has been previously contra- tration Diabetes (VADT) trials revealed no signifi- indicated in heart failure because of the risk of lac- cant effect of intensive glycemic control on mortality tic acidosis. However in clinical practice and use, it or on amelioration of cardiovascular events.98 The turns out that the risk of lactic acidosis associated 2013 ESC Guidelines on diabetes, pre-diabetes, and with metformin in people with diabetes and heart cardiovascular diseases consider tight glycemic con- failure is not so great.86 Additionally, metformin can trol (HbA1c<7%) as a class I indication to decrease upregulate cardiomyocyte , which plays microvascular complications and class IIa for the an important role in the prevention of diabetic car- prevention of cardiovascular disease.99,100 diomyopathy in animal models.87 Metformin has al- so been reported to reduce mortality rates and low- Heart failure treatment er all-cause hospital admissions.88,89 According to some studies, insulin use was considered to be a risk According to the 2013 ESC Guidelines on diabetes, factor for developing heart failure.90,91 However, pre-diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases, three neu- those studies were retrospective and non-random- rohormonal antagonists—an angiotensin-converting ized. Consequently, it is not possible to determine enzyme inhibitor (ACE-I) or angiotensin receptor whether insulin treatment truly increases the risk of blocker (ARB), a beta-blocker, and a mineralocorti- heart failure, or identifies a higher-risk diabetic pa- coid receptor antagonist (MRA)—are the most im- tient. Pioglitazone causes an increase in body weight portant pharmacological agents for the treatment of

(Hellenic Journal of Cardiology) HJC • 415 K. Trachanas et al all patients with heart failure and reduced LV ejec- none116 on mortality did not differ between patients tion fraction, including those with diabetes mellitus. with and without diabetes mellitus type 2 and heart They are usually combined with a diuretic for reliev- failure. Monitoring of kidney function and potassi- ing congestion and may also be supplemented by iv- um is mandatory, because of the increased risk of ne- abradine. phropathy in patients with diabetes mellitus.

Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and Diuretics angiotensin receptor blockers These drugs are useful for the relief of dyspnea and An ACE-I is indicated in diabetes mellitus type 2 and edema in heart failure with fluid retention, irrespec- heart failure, since it improves symptoms and reduc- tive of the ejection fraction, although there is no evi- es mortality.101-104 The beneficial effects of ARBs are dence of a reduction in mortality or morbidity. Loop equivalent to those of ACE-I, according to subgroup diuretics are recommended, rather than thiazides, be- analyses of clinical trials, and therefore an ARB can cause of their better glycemic profile. be used as an alternative in ACE-I-intolerant pa- 105 tients. When ACE-I and ARBs are used in patients Ivabradine with diabetes mellitus, monitoring of kidney function and potassium is mandatory ,since nephropathy is a The SHIFT trial, involving 6558 patients with heart frequent occurrence. failure, in sinus rhythm and with heart rate ≥70 bpm (3241 on ivabradine; 30% with diabetes mellitus type Beta-blockers 2), demonstrated that ivabradine significantly re- duced cardiovascular deaths and hospital admissions Beta-blockers are the standard of care in patients for worsening heart failure. The beneficial difference with systolic heart failure.106,107 A subgroup analy- was similar in a pre-specified subgroup analysis of pa- sis of the MERIT-HF trial showed that beta-block- tients with and without diabetes mellitus.117 ers reduce mortality and hospital admissions and Finally, the presence of diabetes mellitus is not a improve symptoms, without significant differences contraindication for cardiac resynchronization thera- between diabetes mellitus type 2 and non-diabet- py and/or cardiac transplantation in patients with ad- ic patients.108 Beta-blockers recommended in heart vanced systolic heart failure. failure and diabetes mellitus type 2 are metoprolol Heart failure with preserved LV ejection fraction succinate in the slow release form (MERIT-HF), is a primary phenotype in diabetes, and therapy to im- bisoprolol (Cardiac Insufficiency Bisoprolol Study prove the prognosis of this type of heart failure is in [CIBIS II]), and carvedilol (Carvedilol Prospec- general still under intensive investigation.118 tive Randomized Cumulative Survival [COPERNI- CUS] and Carvedilol Or Metoprolol European Trial Conclusions [COMET]).109-112 Adverse effects of beta-blockers in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2 and heart Diabetes mellitus, a worldwide epidemic disease, af- failure include: a) , especially with non fects the heart not only through the intensification cardioselective regimens, and b) negative metabolic of the classic predisposing factors for the develop- effects (hypoglycemia, dyslipidemia and decreased ment of heart failure, but also through the direct insulin sensitivity).113,114 involvement of the myocardial tissue. This entity is called diabetic cardiomyopathy. Newer imaging Mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists techniques offer significant information leading to the diagnosis of diabetic cardiomyopathy. Among An MRA is recommended for all patients with per- these, echocardiography should be the main modal- sisting symptoms (New York Heart Association Class ity involved in the diagnosis and follow up of this en- II-IV) and an LV ejection fraction ≤35%, despite tity. Treatment of diabetic cardiomyopathy is based treatment with an ACE-I (or, if not tolerated, an on the general therapeutic rules of heart failure and ARB) and a beta-blocker, to reduce the risk of heart no specifications have yet been addressed for this failure hospitalization and premature death (Class entity. Therefore, more studies are required to im- IA).98 The benefit of spironolactone115 and eplere- prove our knowledge of this complex syndrome.

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