Joanna (Duke) Lucio School of Public Affairs Arizona State University 411 N

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Joanna (Duke) Lucio School of Public Affairs Arizona State University 411 N Joanna (Duke) Lucio School of Public Affairs Arizona State University 411 N. Central Ave., Suite 450, Phoenix, AZ 85004 (t) 602.496.0449 [email protected] EDUCATION PhD Urban and Public Administration, 2006 School of Urban and Public Affairs, University of Texas at Arlington Dissertation: “Invasion of the Poor”: Beliefs and Perceptions of the Receiving Community MPA Public Administration, 2002 School of Urban and Public Affairs, University of Texas at Arlington Certificate in Non-profit Management BA Psychology, 2000 The University of Texas at Austin Honors thesis: The Evaluation of the Juvenile Offenders Substance Abuse Treatment Services ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Arizona State University, School of Public Affairs Associate Professor (with tenure), 2016-present Assistant Professor, 2006-2016 Arizona State University, Southwest Interdisciplinary Research Center (SIRC) Affiliated Faculty, 2008-present The University of Texas at Arlington, School of Urban and Public Affairs Instructor University of Texas at Arlington, School of Urban and Public Affairs Research Associate, summer and fall 2005. The University of Texas at Arlington, School of Urban and Public Affairs Graduate Research Assistant, 2000-2004 The University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology Instructor Lucio 1 PUBLICATIONS1 PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES Lucio, J. (2016). Public Administration and Noncitizens. Administration & Society, DOI:10.1177/0095399713509246. (Impact factor: 0.94) Herbst, C. and Lucio, J. (2016). Happy in the Hood? The Impact of Racial Segregation on Happiness Journal of Regional Science; 56(3): 494-521. (Impact factor: 2.50) Pfeiffer, D. and Lucio, J. (2016). Foreclosures and Section 8 Vouchers: Implications for Residential Mobility. Housing Policy Debate. 26(2): 362-379. (Impact factor (2014): 1.14) Lucio, J., Jefferson, A., and Peck, L. (2016). Dreaming the Impossible Dream: What Low- income Families Think about their Future. Journal of Poverty; 20(4): 359-379. Lucio, J and McFadden, E. (2015). Leveraging Resilience: Evidence from the Management of Senior Low-Income Housing. American Review of Public Administration doi:10.1177/0275074015616868 (Impact factor: 1.43) Pfeiffer, D. and Lucio, J. (2015). An Unexpected Geography of Opportunity in the Wake of the Foreclosure Crisis: Low-Income Renters in Investor-Purchased Foreclosures in Phoenix, Arizona. Urban Geography, 36(8): 1197-1220. (Impact factor: 1.55) McFadden, E. and Lucio, J. (2014). Aging in (Privatized) Places: Affordable Housing Policy and Seniors. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 28 (3), 268-287. Lucio, J., Hand L. and Marsiglia, F. (2014). Designing Hope: Rationales of Mixed-Income Housing Policy. Journal of Urban Affairs, 36: 891–904. (Impact factor: 1.42) Lucio, J., Auer, J. and Johnston, E. (2013). Neighborhood Diversity: Framework for Municipalities. State and Local Government Review, 45(1), 48-56. Lucio, J. and Wolfersteig, W. (2012). Political and social incorporation of public housing residents: challenges in HOPE VI community development. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society, 43(4): 476-491. (presented as a webinar for an urban revitalization series hosted by the Community Development Society and Heartland Center for Leadership Development) 1 Underline denotes doctoral student co-author; first author contributed to the majority of the work unless otherwise noted. Impact factors (where available) were obtained in October 2015 from Web of Science and represent 5-year values unless otherwise noted. Lucio 2 Peck, L., Kim, Y., and Lucio, J. (2012). An Examination of Validity in Evaluation: Reflections Inspired by House (1980). American Journal of Evaluation, 33(3): 350-365. (Impact factor: 2.36). Lucio, J. and Ramirez de la Cruz, E. (2012). Affordable Housing Networks: A Case Study in the Phoenix Metropolitan Region. Housing Policy Debate, 22(2): 219-240. (Impact factor (2014): 1.14) Lucio, J., Ramirez de la Cruz, E., and Denham, S.C. (2011). Liberty for Whom? The Effect of Gated Communities on Urban Spaces. Gestión y Política Pública, 20(2): 459-484. Lucio, J. and Barrett, E. (2010). Community Lost and Found: Satisfaction and Collective Efficacy Among Relocated Public Housing Residents. Journal of Poverty, 14 (4): 403- 422. Duke-Lucio, J., Peck, L. R. and Segal, E. A. (2010). The Latent and Sequential Costs of Being Poor: An Exploration of Housing, Poverty & Public Policy, 2(2), 83-102. Duke, J. (2010). Exploring Homeowner Opposition to Public Housing Developments Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 37(1): 49-74. Duke, J. (2009). Mixed Income Housing Policy and Public Housing Residents’ ‘Right to the City.’ Critical Social Policy, 29(1): 100-120. (Impact factor: 1.53). Lucio, J. (2009). Customers, Citizens and Residents: The Semantics of Public Service Recipients. Administration & Society, 41(7): 878-899. (Impact factor: 0.94). ARTICLES UNDER REVIEW Freidman, R., Bruening, M., Lopez, S. and Lucio, J. Mindful eating among parents and adolescents in public housing (revisions requested at Mindfulness; Impact factor: 3.69) Bruening, M., Lucio, J. and Brennhofer, S. Parent and adolescent eating in the context of food insecurity: Findings from urban public housing Lucio, J. and Meg Bruening. Exploring the Co-production of Food Security among Public Housing Residents. WORK IN PROGRESS Lucio, J. and E. McFadden. Co-Production of Public Housing: Evidence from Public, Private, and Hybrid Management Models. Ramirez, E. and J. Lucio. A Hedonic Price Model for a Redevelopment Effort in Mexico City: Lucio 3 The Case of Las Granadas. Lucio, J. and Warnicke, M. Citizens Enforcing Administrative Accountability: Bureaucratic Oversight as a New Form of Civic Engagement in State Immigration Policy. Lucio, J. The Public Value of Public Housing, Lucio, J. How Increasing the Right to the City Increases Community Resilience. Lucio, J. and D. Pfeiffer. Section 8 Vouchers and Light rail Expansion: Exploring Demographic Data BOOK CHAPTERS Duke-Lucio, J., Peck, L., and Segal, E. The Latent and sequential costs of being poor: An exploration of housing. In Max J Skidmore (ed). Poverty in America: Urban And Rural Inequality in the 21st Century. PEER-REVIEWED CHAPTER IN PROGRESS Lucio, J. Housing Governance in America. Chapter for Governing Collaboratively: How the Central,Local, and Pseudo Governments Interact for Public Service Excellence Edited by Heungsuk Choi (Under Review January 2016) NON-PEER REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Duke, J., Nickel, P.M. and Skiles-duToit, S. (2001). University Partnership. Public Administration Times, 24(2). PROFESSIONAL REPORTS Lucio, J. (Ed.), Ahern, A., Castaneda, C., Damian, D., Jensen, E., Looney, G., Martin, B., Nichols, N., Rodarte, J., Smith, A., and Tucker, C. (2010) Brownfields for the Arts: A Feasibility Study for the City of Phoenix, Arizona, URB 400 professional Seminar Available: Duke, J. and Wyman, S. (2005). Final Report for the Department of State University Partnership Grant between the University of Texas at Arlington and the University of Kragujevac. Duke, J. (Ed.). (2002). Strategies for the Far Greater Northside of Fort Worth, prepared for the Center for Economic Development, Research and Service (CEDRAS), School of Urban and Public Affairs. Lucio 4 Duke, J. (Ed.) (2002).Economic Development of Quanah, Texas, prepared for the Center for Economic Development, Research and Service (CEDRAS), School of Urban and Public Affairs. PRESENTATIONS REFEREED Lucio, J. (2016). What is the impact of urban redevelopment on the price of housing? A hedonic pricing model for the housing area of “Las Granadas” in Mexico City? Urban Affairs Association. San Diego, March 2016. Lucio, J, E. McFadden. (2015). Co-Production of Public Housing: Evidence from Public, Private, and Hybrid Management Models. Public Management Research Association conference, Minnesota, MN. Lucio, J, X. Zhang (2015). Surviving the “in-between time”: Food insecurity and resilience among public housing residents. American Society for Public Administration, Chicago, IL Lucio, J., X. Zhang. (2015). Managing Programs for Food Insecurity and Resilience in Public Housing, Urban Affairs Association, 2015, Miami Florida. Pfeiffer, D. and J. Lucio. (2014). Low-Income Renters in the Phoenix Foreclosure Crisis. Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning conference. Philadelphia, PA. Pfeiffer, D. and J. Lucio. (2014). Low-Income Renters in the Phoenix Foreclosure Crisis. Urban Affairs Association conference, March, San Antonio, TX Lucio, J. and Herbst, C. (2013). Happy in the Hood? The relationship between racial segregation and happiness. APPAM, Washington, DC. Lucio, J. and Herbst, C. (2013). Happyhoods: The Impact of Racial Segregation on Happiness. Urban Affairs Association, San Francisco, CA. Mcfadden, E. and Lucio, J. (2012). Social equity and the Privatizations of Public Housing Services for the Elderly and Persons with Disabilities. Poster presentation. APPAM, Baltimore, MD. Lucio, J. (2012). The Right to the City of HOPE VI Residents. Urban Affairs Association, Pittsburgh, PA. Lucio, J. and Warnicke, M. (2012). The Citizen Enforcer. American Society for Public Administration, Las Vegas, Nevada. Lucio 5 Lucio, J. and Warnicke, M. (2012). Citizens Enforcing Administrative Accountability: Bureaucratic Oversight as a New Form of Civic Engagement in State Immigration Policy, Public Administration Theory Network, South Padre, Texas. Lucio, J. and Wolfersteig, W. (2011).
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