
Situated in Rosemarkie, the house has accommodation for up to 7 residents who wish to live in a quiet location with added support and secure living. The house has a large garden with a summer house, and private parking. The house is situated near to public transport, shops and the town centre. Page 1 of 2  Location: Hawkhill Road, Rosemarkie, IV10 8UJ

 Features:

 Private accommodation with toilet  Guest room for family and friends facilities to use

 Communal shower facilities  Home cooked lunches and evening meals  Communal lounge, dining room and laundry facilities  Communal gardens with a large summerhouse  Community alarm service  Housing support planning  Secure door entry system

 Activities: Social activities are encouraged and enjoyed regularly and are an important aspect of the well-being of our residents. See our special posts on specific events to find out more.

 Cost: We provide a high quality housing service at Black Isle, which is unique in the Ross-shire area. Our all-inclusive charge covers rent, food, heating, lighting, the services you receive from the staff at the house, and the community alarm system. Please contact us using the details below discuss our prices in more detail.

 Availability: As availability is subject to change, contact the Area Supervisor on 0300 303 3193 for further details or complete our online enquiry form.

  0131 225 7801  [email protected]  @ScotAbbeyfield Abbeyfield Scotland Ltd,14 New Mart Road, EH14 1RL.  /AbbeyfieldScotland Page 2 of 2