To: Learning & Leisure Services Subject: Review of Primary Committee School and Chryston Primary School Catchment Zones From: Head of Educational Resources Date: March 201 1 Ref: MMlBMlFC

Purpose of Report

This report details the outcome of the consultation on the proposed amendment to the catchment zones of Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School.


The learning and leisure services committee is recommended to approve that:

(a) at the end of school session 2010/2011 area A which is zoned to both Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools be zoned exclusively to Chryston Primary School and

(b) all pupils from area A who are due to enrol for non-denominational primary education in August 201 1 enrol at Chryston Primary School.


Members wishing further information please contact: Murdo Maciver, Head of Educational Resources on 01236 812269 Christine Pollock, Executive Director of Learning & Leisure Services on 01236 812336


Review of Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School Catchment Zones

Report by Head of Educational Resources


1 .I At its meeting on 2"d November 2010 the learning and leisure services committee approved the issue of a consultative document which proposed that the Mount Ellen area, currently zoned to both Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools, be rezoned exclusively to Chryston Primary School.

1.2 The original consultation paper is attached as Appendix A.


2.1 The learning and leisure service consulted the communities affected by the proposal. The proposal was advertised in the press and copies of the document were issued to interested parties, including council members, other council services, MPs, MSPs, parents, parent councils, school staff, unions and community groups.

2.2 Public meetings were held in both Chryston Primary School and Gartcosh Primary School.

2.3 The consultation period was extended until Friday 14'h January 2011 because of weather related disruption in December 2010 which had resulted in the need to re- organise public meetings.

2.4 Representatives of learning and leisure services met with Gartcosh Primary School Parent Council, Chryston Primary School Parent Council and the respective head teachers.

2.5 Written comments on the proposal were invited in terms of the Schools (Consultation) () Act 201 0.

2.6 All the submissions are available for public reference, by appointment, in Learning and Leisure Services Headquarters, Kildonan Street, .


3.1 Nine responses were received from individuals and groups. These included the following:

0 Gartcosh Primary School head teacher and staff 0 Chryston Primary School head teacher Gartcosh Primary School Parent Council 0 Chryston Primary School Parent Council

0 Roads and Transportation 0 Housing and Social Work Services

3.2 The main issues raised on the responses are summarised in section 4 and 5.


4.1 Gartcosh Primary School head teacher and staff

The head teacher and staff suggested that the proposal will not solve the issue of capacity in the long term and that the effect of rezoning the Mount Ellen area will have minimal impact. They did not see any detriment to the educational opportunities of Mount Ellen children who would now enrol at Chryston Primary School but suggested that additional support be provided at transition time for both pupils and parents. Concern was expressed regarding the ability of the Gartcosh Primary School building to be able to cope with future growth in the school roll if more housing developments were approved in the Gartcosh catchment area.

4.2 Gartcosh Primary School Parent Council

The parent council expressed their gratitude to Gartcosh Primary School staff for their efforts to maximise the limited resources of space available in order to provide an excellent educational experience for pupils in Gartcosh Primary School. They emphasised the sense of community within the school and the importance of this. The parent council was sympathetic to those families who would be affected by this proposal and noted that there may be issues regarding transport especially for Mount Ellen pupils who may make a placing request to attend Gartcosh Primary School. However, the Parent Council did accept that action was required to deal with the current over-crowding and that the realities of the economic climate had to be taken in to conside rat ion .

4.3 Chryston Primary School head teacher

The head teacher was happy to accept the proposal. She stated that currently many of the Mount Ellen pupils choose to enrol at Chryston Primary School and that there is the space for additional pupils at no detriment to the educational experience offered at Chryston Primary School.

4.4 Chryston Primary School Parent Council

The parent council had no objections to the proposal and would be delighted to have new pupils joining the school.


AMICUS offered no comment as they do not have any members affected by the proposal.

4.6 Corporate Services

No comment was made on the proposal from the perspective of Corporate Services.

4.7 Housing and Social Work Services

This service agreed with the proposal but made comment about practical difficulties in transporting children to different schools.

61 4.8 Environmental Services : Roads and Transportation

This service made no specific comment about the proposal but stated that it was helpful that learning and leisure services had considered the implications of the Gartcosh/ Community Growth Area. Detailed information was given regarding possible future growth. Walking routes may have to be re-assessed.

4.9 Individual Response

One individual response was received which was countersigned by 6 additional people. This response did not pertain to the area within the consultation proposal and asked for the removal of a street from the proposed rezone. The street was not included in the proposal. The person who submitted the response was contacted and the consultation paper was explained to her. She was happy to withdraw her original response.


5.1 The responses to the proposed rezoning of the Mount Ellen area to Chryston Primary School were generally supportive. The reservations expressed, either by letter or at the public meetings, focussed on the following issues.

1. The need for a new Gartcosh Primary School.

2. The historical connection between the Mount Ellen area and Gartcosh Primary School.

5.2 The need for a new Gartcosh Primary School

The service acknowledges the need for a new Gartcosh Primary School including funding for a site and a rebuild. The current building and site will not be able to cope with the demands of future growth in the Gartcosh area, especially with its designation as a community growth area. The current proposal is a short term solution only.

5.3 The Mount Ellen area has traditionally been an area where parents had the option of enrolling their children at either Gartcosh Primary School or Chryston Primary School. This flexibility can no longer be sustained because of accommodation difficulties in Gartcosh Primary School. In addition, the service considers that the proposal will bring educational and social benefit to the pupils enrolling in Chryston Primary School. Firstly, all non-denominational pupils living in Mount Ellen will attend one local school thus building a stronger sense of community. Secondly, pupils will have access to more spacious accommodation and a wider range of facilities. Thirdly, the larger team in Chryston Primary School allows greater flexibility in the deployment of staff and can support a wider menu of extra curricular activities. If this proposal is accepted additional support will be offered to those parents and children who had expected to enrol at Gartcosh Primary School in order to make the transition from nursery to enrolment at Chryston Primary School as smooth as possible.


6.1 In line with the requirements of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010, a report was provided by HM Inspectorate on the educational aspects of the proposed amendment to the catchment zones of Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School. It is attached to this report as Appendix B.

62 6.2 In summary, the HMle statement recognises the merits of the proposed amendments to the catchment zones for Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools. HMle acknowledge that there should be no adverse effect on the educational experience of children in the two schools and that there should be a number of benefits including the prevention of overcrowding or further pressures on resources in Gartcosh Primary School and the potential for developing a stronger sense of community for non- denominational pupils living in Mount Ellen because they would now attend one local school.

6.3 HMle recognises that learning and leisure services has expressed its commitment to ensuring appropriate pastoral and educational support for children affected by this proposal.

6.4 HMle endorses the position of learning and leisure services that this proposal offers a short term solution to the capacity issues in Gartcosh Primary School.

6.5 Learning and Leisure Services accepts the recommendation of HMle that it should continue to consider how best to address capacity issues at Gartcosh Primary School as part of the wider educational and economic planning associate with the school estate.


The main conclusion from this consultation is that there is support for the proposal as detailed in the consultation documents. Therefore it is proposed that the revision be implemented.


The learning and leisure services committee is recommended to approve that:

(a) at the end of school session 2010/2011 area A which is zoned to both Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools be zoned exclusively to Chryston Primary School and

(b) all pupils from area A who are due to enrol for non-denominational primary education in August 201 1 enrol at Chryston Primary School.

63 Appendix A

.A .A



To: Learning & Leisure Services Subject: Formal Consultation on the Proposed Committee Amendment to the Delineated Areas of Gartcosh Primary School and From: Head of Educational Resources Chryston Primary School Date: 23" September 2010 Ref: MMlRDlBMlFC

Summary of the Proposal

In summary, the proposal is that the Mount Ellen area which is zoned to both Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools be rezoned exclusively to Chryston Primary School. Detailed information about the proposal is contained in the consultation document attached to the report,


The learning and leisure services committee is recommended:

1. to approve formal consultation based on the proposal that:

(a) at the end of school session 201012011 area A which is zoned to both Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools be zoned exclusively to Chryston Primary School and

(b) that pupils from area A who are due to enrol for non-denominational primary education in August 201 1 enrol at Chryston Primary School.

2. to approve that the consultative document attached to this report be issued and made available to all interested parties.

3. to approve that all interested parties be invited to make written representation to Gartcosh Primary SchoollChryston Primary School Delineated Area Consultation, Learning & Leisure Services, Municipal Buildings, Kildonan Street, Coatbridge no later than Friday 17th December 2010, Alternatively comments can be submitted by e-mail to gartcosh- These views will be taken into account by the learning & leisure services committee in deciding on the proposal,

4. to request that the head of educational resources submit a report on the responses to the consultation to a future meeting of the Learning and Leisure Services Committee.

Members wishing further information please contact: Murdo Maciver, Head of Educational Resources on 01236 812269 Christine Pollock, Executive Director of Learning & Leisure Services on 01236 812336


Formal Consultation on the Proposed amendment to the delineated areas of Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School

Report by Head of Educational Resources


1.1 A consultation paper on the proposed change to the zoning arrangements for Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School is attached to this report. It suggests that the Mount Ellen area be exclusively zoned to Chryston Primary School.

1.2 The main reason for this proposal is the pressure on accommodation at Gartcosh Primary School because of increasing pupil numbers.

1.3 In due course it is anticipated that new school provision to replace Gartcosh Primary School will be established as part of the proposed Gartcosh Community Growth Area. This is unlikely to happen in the immediate future.

1.4 This proposal, although not a long term solution, is considered to be a best value means of addressing the capacity problem at Gartcosh Primary School in the short term.


2.1 The requirements for consulting on proposed changes to school provision, including delineated areas are set out in the legislation, Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 201 0.

2.2 In summary the salient requirements for this consultation are:

(1) a 6 weeks consultation period. (2) consultation with a wider range of interests. (3) the inclusion of an educational benefits statement in the consultation document. (4) a statement from HMIE on the educational aspects of the consultation. (5) a report on the consultation to be published at least three weeks before a final decision is taken on the proposal.

2.3 Should the council decide to proceed with the proposal after consultation there is no requirement to refer the proposal to the Scottish Ministers for possible call-in.


3.1 The learning and leisure services committee is recommended:

1. to approve formal consultation based on the proposal that:

(a) at the end of school session 2010/2011 area A which is zoned to both Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools be zoned exclusively to Chryston Primary School and

(b) that pupils from area A who are due to enrol for non-denominational primary education in August 201 1 enrol at Chryston Primary School.

2. to approve that the consultative document attached to this report be issued and made available to all interested parties.

65 3. to approve that all interested parties be invited to make written representation to Gartcosh Primary SchooKhryston Primary School Delineated Area Consultation, Learning & Leisure Services, Municipal Buildings, Kildonan Street, Coatbridge no later than Friday 17th December 2010. Alternatively comments can be submitted by e-mail to [email protected]. These views will be taken into account by the learning & leisure services committee in deciding on the proposal.

4. to request that the head of educational resources submit a report on the responses to the consultation to a future meeting of the Learning and Leisure Services Committee.





This document has been issued by Learning and Leisure Services Committee of North Lanarkshire Council for consultation in terms of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010


Proposed amendment to the delineated areas of Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School


1.1 Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School share a small area, Mount Ellen, within their respective delineated areas where parents can opt to send their children to either Gartcosh Primary School or Chryston Primary School (See Appendix 1 and 2).

1.2 The Gartcosh area is designated as a major growth area in the local plan and this will generate a very significant increase in the school population. At the moment there is uncertainty about the phasing and extent of the development. A significant impact on school rolls is not anticipated until after 2015. Even without this expansion there is major pressure on school provision in the village. Gartcosh Primary School is already operating at beyond its ideal capacity as shown in table 1 and action is required in the short term to ensure that it can accommodate the catchment area pupils.

Table 1 Gartcosh Primary School Current Capacity and Roll Projection

Roll Projection 2010 I 201 1 201 2 I 2013 I 2014 I 2015 157 175 181 186 183 194

1.3 Gartcosh Primary School is a traditional sandstone building with a pitched and slated roof built in the early 1900s. There is a central general purpose area surrounded by enclosed teaching spaces. A small annexe is the dining facility.

1.4 An expansion to the school to increase the capacity is not considered to be a viable option because of the physical constraints of the building and the site. For a limited period, the school is able to operate over its ideal capacity on the basis of a careful structuring of classes and the re-designation of a general purpose space as a classroom. The highest practical capacity will be around 170 and this will be reached in August 201 1,

1.5 Chryston Primary School is currently operating under capacity. In addition there is the potential to increase capacity from 195 to 212 through changes to class groupings.

Table 2 Chryston Primary School Current Capacity and Roll Projection

Roll Projection 2015 195 2010 201 1 201 2 2013 2014 184 170 166 157 155 150


2.1 The proposal in this consultation paper is that the Mount Ellen optional area which is zoned to both Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School be zoned exclusively to Chryston Primary School and be no longer associated with Gartcosh Primary School. The area is shown on the maps attached as appendices. It is proposed that the change would take effect from August 2011 for the PI enrolment. These pupils would all enrol at Chryston Primary School.

68 2.2 Education provision for pupils already in attendance at Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School will not change. Any pupils from Mount Ellen currently attending Gartcosh Primary School can be accommodated at Chryston Primary School if parents decide to transfer.

2.3 Should the council decide to proceed with the proposal after consultation there is no requirement to refer the proposal to the Scottish Ministers for possible call-in.


3.1 The service considers that Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School are excellent schools. Attainment in Reading, Writing and Maths is very good in both schools. They provide safe, happy and stimulating learning environments that deliver high quality education for their pupils. The headteachers along with a skilled workforce are successfully implementing the Curriculum for Excellence. Recent HMle inspections confirmed that both schools are performing exceptionally well. The pupils are making good progress and becoming successful and confident learners. They contribute well to the life of their schools and the wider community. However, there are important differences between the schools, particularly in the rolls and pupil capacity. Historically Gartcosh Primary School was a small rural school. In recent years extensive house building has increased the school roll. Chryston Primary School has the greater pupil capacity and more spacious accommodation. Classroom facilities and outdoor space allow greater flexibility in the delivery of effective learning and teaching.

3.2 Educational impact on Mount Ellen pupils moving to Chryston Primary: The service considers that the proposal will bring educational and social benefit to the pupils enrolling in Chryston Primary School. Firstly, all non denominational pupils living in Mount Ellen will attend one local school thus building a stronger sense of community. Friendships formed at school would be further strengthened at home. On the basis of the current transport policy, all the pupils will have the benefit of free transport to school. Secondly, the pupils will have access to more spacious accommodation and a wider range of facilities. In Chryston Primary School, classes are located according to stages allowing for more collaborative working approaches. This also allows greater flexibility in grouping pupils as appropriate to their individual needs. The additional space allows more active learning opportunities, including interdisciplinary work and cooperative learning, and the general purpose room supports the delivery of the curriculum across a range of subjects. The large hall and stage area enables pupils to participate in physical activity and school social and curricular events. The outdoor environment provides active learning and play opportunities across the curriculum. Thirdly, the larger team in Chryston Primary School allows greater flexibility in the deployment of staff and support a wider menu of extra curricular activities. Amending the optional delineated area has no educational detriment or disadvantage to pupils living in Mount Ellen.

3.3 Educational impact on pupils remaining at Gartcosh Primary School: The proposal will also enhance the learning and teaching experiences available to the pupils attending Gartcosh Primary School. The reduction in roll will reduce the pressure on the accommodation allowing for more flexible and active approaches to the delivery of the curriculum. Amending the optional delineated area will have no educational detriment or disadvantage for the pupils remaining at Gartcosh Primary School

3.4 Educational impact on the existing pupils attending Chryston Primary School: Pupils already attending Chryston Primary School will continue to benefit from effective learning and teaching. The range of teaching approaches to meet the needs of all learners, and the existing levels of performance will not be affected. They will also have the opportunity to form new friendships in school and in the community. No educational detriment or disadvantage is anticipated.

69 3.5 Conclusion: The service considers that the proposed amendment to the optional delineated area will result in education benefits particularly for the Gartcosh Primary School community. No educational detriment or disadvantage for all pupils. Both schools will continue to deliver high quality education.


4.1 Gartcosh Primary School roll and capacity

Currently, 13 pupils from the Mount Ellen area attend Gartcosh Primary School. Over time this proposal will reduce the roll to be more in line with the existing working capacity of school. Given the anticipated future house building in the delineated area associated with the Community Growth Area the proposal is considered to be a short term solution. In the longer term it is envisaged that new provision will be required. The growth will be carefully monitored to ensure that future school provision is planned in conjunction with that development.

The projected roll for Gartcosh Primary School, taking account of the proposed rezoning and housing developments, is shown in table 3.

Table 3 : Gartcosh Primary School roll projection

I I Roll Projection I Capacity 151 (170) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 157 169 175 176 171 178

4.2 Chryston PS : roll and capacity

As indicated in 1.4 the school can easily accommodate 212 pupils. The projected roll for Chryston Primary School, taking account of the rezoning, is shown in table 4. Even with the rezoning spare capacity remains to accommodate significant roll increases.

Table 4 : Chryston Primary School roll projection

Roll Projection Capacity 2013 2014 201 5 195 2010 2011 2012 184 173 171 167 167 166

4.3 Secondary Education

The proposal will have no impact on secondary school provision. All pupils will continue to be zoned to Chryston High School.

4.4 Transport

Under the current council policy, all children from the Mount Ellen area receive free transport to Chryston Primary School. The proposal will not affect this provision. Most pupils from the area who opt for Gartcosh Primary School live within the 1 mile threshold and free transport is not provided.

70 4.5 Class Sizes

Class sizes will not necessarily be affected by the proposal. Class structures are decided by the head teacher in accordance with authority advice and take account of a range of factors, including the availability of accommodated, class size limits, staff deployment and numbers at each primary stage. The proposal will ease slightly the pressure on accommodation at Gartcosh Primary School.

4.6 Staffing

The allocation of teachers to all schools is in accordance with the agreed staffing standards which are roll related, These will be implemented at Gartcosh and Chryston to reflect the new rolls.


The proposals have been quality impact assessed. These indicate that there is no adverse impact or any disproportionate effect on any section of the community.


6.1 At its meeting on November 2 the learning & leisure services committee agreed to issue this document for consultation. The proposals are listed in appendix 4.

6.2 In summary the salient requirements for this consultation are:

(1) a 6 weeks consultation period. (2) consultation with a wider range of interests. (3) the inclusion of an educational benefits statement in the consultation document, (4) a statement from HMlE on the educational aspects of the consultation. (5) a report on the consultation to be published at least three weeks before a final decision is taken on the proposal.

6.3 As part of the consultation a public meeting will be held at Gartcosh Primary School on Tuesday November 30 and at Chryston Primary School on Wednesday December 1. Officers from the service will be present to answer questions about the proposal. Interested parties are invited to submit question in advance for answering at the meeting. These should be addressed to Gartcosh/Chryston Delineated Area Consultation, Learning and Leisure Services, Municipal Buildings, Kildonan Street, Coatbridge, ML5 3BT

6.4 All interested parties are invited to send their views on the proposal to Gartcosh Primary SchoollChryston Primary School Delineated Area Consultation, Learning and Leisure Services, Municipal Buildings, Kildonan Street, Coatbridge, ML5 3BT no later than Friday 17” December 2010. Alternatively, comments can be submitted by e-mail to aartcosh- These views will be taken into account by the learning & leisure services committee in deciding on the proposal. Comments and responses will be held in Learning and Leisure Services, Kildonan Street, They will be available for public scrutiny after the end of the consultation.

6.5 It is very important to emphasise that the learning & leisure services committee has not taken a final decision on the proposals. This will happen at its meeting early in 201 I.

71 6.6 Copies of this consultation document are available from Learning and Leisure Services at the above address, the schools affected and at local libraries. It is also available on the council’s website. The report on the consultation will also be available at these locations no later than 1lth February 201 1.


The proposals are that:

(a) at the end of school session 201012011 area A which is zoned to both Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools be zoned exclusively to Chryston Primary School and

(b) that pupils from area A who are due to enrol for non-denominational primary education in August 201 1 enrol at Chryston Primary School.

73 AppendixC urre n t 1 1:28,374 -+*$ Catchment Areas

74 Appendix 2 Optional Area A Streets Affected

75 76 Appendix B

Consultation proposal by North Lanarkshire Council

Report by HM Inspectorate of Education addressing educational aspects of the proposal to review part of the catchment areas of Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools.

1. Introduction

1 .I North Lanarkshire Council proposes that the Mount Ellen area, currently zoned to either Gartcosh Primary School or Chryston Primary School, be rezoned exclusively to Chryston Primary School from August 201 1. The Learning and Leisure Services Committee approved consultation on these proposals in November 2010. The council extended the consultation period to take account of difficulties associated with adverse weather conditions in December 2010.

1.2 Under current catchment arrangements, which have existed for many years, Mount Ellen parents have had the option of enrolling their children at either Gartcosh Primary School or Chryston Primary School. The Mount Ellen housing area is equidistant from both schools.

1.3 Based on the council’s projections, the role at Gartcosh Primary School will exceed the school’s capacity from August 201 1. Whilst the number of children affected by the proposal in any one year is likely to be small, for example, approximately two or three children in 201 1, the cumulative total over the seven years of primary education would be significant.

1.4 Several children from Mount Ellen currently attend Chryston Primary School, which has ample capacity to accommodate all of those children who might be affected by the council’s proposal over coming years. The proposal does not affect children’s transfer to secondary schooling since both schools fall within the catchment for Chryston High School.

1.5 The council believes the proposal offers an essential but short-term solution to capacity issues in Gartcosh Primary School. The area around Gartcosh has seen substantial housing development in recent years, putting pressure on the limited accommodation in the school. Gartcosh is designated as one of the council’s Community Growth Areas, and further house building is expected when economic conditions permit. The school building dates from the early 20thcentury, and the current site does not lend itself to extension or adaptation sufficient to address projected capacity demands. The council believes that the only appropriate long-term solution to the school’s capacity issues is to build a new school, but this option is unrealistic in the current economic climate.

1.6 The report from HM Inspectorate of Education (HMIE) is required under the terms of the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2070. It has been prepared by HMIE in accordance with the terms of the Act.

77 1.7 HM Inspectors undertook the following activities in considering the educational aspects of the proposal:

0 consideration of all relevant documentation provided by the council in relation to the proposal, specifically the educational benefits statement and related consultation documents, comments from parents and others;

0 attendance at the public meetings held on 10 and 11 January 201 1 in connection with the council’s proposal; and

e visits to Gartcosh Primary School and Chryston Primary School, including discussion with relevant individuals and groups.

1.8 HMlE considered:

e the likely effects of the proposal for children and young people of the schools; for any other users; children likely to become pupils in future years; and for other children and young people in the council area;

0 any other likely effects of the proposal;

0 how the council intends to minimise or avoid any adverse effects that may arise from the proposal; and

0 benefits which the authority believes will result from implementation of the proposal, and the council’s reasons for coming to these beliefs.

2. Consultation process

2.1 North Lanarkshire Council undertook the consultation on its ..proposal with reference to the Schools (Consultation) (Scotland) Act 2010.

2.2 Overall, stakeholders from both schools understood and accepted the logic of the council’s proposal. They recognised the pressure on accommodation at Gartcosh Primary School, and the need to take prompt action to address the issues in the short term. They agreed with the council’s view of the constraints of the current accommodation and site at Gartcosh Primary School, and supported strongly the longer term aspiration for a new school. They understood, however, that a new school was unlikely in the prevailing economic conditions. Stakeholders accepted that there was high-quality accommodation available at Chryston Primary School, sufficient to the needs of the council’s proposal.

2.3 A few stakeholders in Gartcosh Primary School expressed regret that the proposal would result in a break in the tradition of successive generations of some families attending the school. Stakeholders recognised the need for the council to adhere fully to its policy on placing requests. However, some expressed the wish that council officials might look favourably on placing requests, which might be submitted for some specific children affected by the proposal, at least in the initial transition period. Some stakeholders were concerned to ensure that children affected by the proposal received appropriate pastoral support, and that any

78 children’s additional support needs were fully addressed. A few stakeholders were disappointed that discretionary places for free transport to Gartcosh Primary School might not continue to be available. These places are currently offered, where space permits, on the free bus transport provided for pupils entitled under the council’s policy.

2.4 Stakeholders identified some clear benefits which should derive from the proposal. These included avoiding overcrowding in Gartcosh Primary School, and improved access to resources, for example, computing facilities, for the children remaining in the school. The proposal would also safeguard the limited flexible accommodation remaining in Gartcosh Primary School, allowing a better quality of education for the pupils. Some stakeholders also believed that, in time, the fact that all the children from Mount Ellen would attend Chryston Primary School could lead to a further strengthening in the sense of community in Mount Ellen. The closer access to the facilities in Chryston High School, for example, for physical education, science and craft subjects, could also be beneficial for the children affected by the proposal. Some stakeholders commented on the general benefits from balancing the roll in both schools in this way, at a time when the council might be seeking further efficiencies in its school estate. Stakeholders in Chryston Primary School, including pupils, staff and parents, were positive about the proposal. They were committed to welcoming the new pupils, integrating them fully into the school community and meeting their pastoral and learning needs.

3. Educational aspects of the proposal

3.1 The proposal should have no adverse effect on the experience of children in the two schools and should bring a number of benefits. The proposal should prevent overcrowding of accommodation or further pressures on other resources in Gartcosh Primary School. Non-denominational pupils living in Mount Ellen would now attend one local school, contributing to developing an even stronger sense of community.

3.2 HMlE inspection reports from recent years identify a number of strengths in provision in both schools. The report on Chryston Primary School confirms the high quality of education which pupils receive, ensuring no deterioration in the educational experience of those additional children who would now come from Mount Ellen. Pupils would have access to high-quality accommodation and facilities, in Chryston Primary School and, at appropriate times, in Chryston High School.

3.3 The council’s arrangements for children’s transition from pre-school provision to primary school are effective with respect to both Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools. The council has expressed its commitment to ensuring extra support for children transferring from pre-school to PI in Chryston Primary School wherever necessary.

3.4 The proposal should help safeguard the educational resources available to children and young people, in both Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools, but also across the whole of the authority. There would be no adverse effects on the facilities available to the wider communities.

79 3.5 The council has made clear its commitment to ensuring appropriate support for the children affected by its proposal, for example, in respect of their pastoral and educational needs, and to avoiding any adverse effects on their experience. 3.6 The council takes a positive view of the quality of education provided by both schools, based in part on the information from HMlE inspection reports and partly from the knowledge of its own staff. The council’s proposal is likely to lead to a number of educational benefits as described in paragraphs 3.1 to 3.5 above.

4. Summary

4.1 The council’s proposal will bring a number of important educational benefits to the children attending both schools, and those who will do so in coming years. The proposal offers an effective solution to a pressing issue, which appropriately focuses on ensuring a positive and improving educational experience for the children in both Gartcosh and Chryston Primary Schools.

4.2 The council has demonstrated its commitment to work with children, staff, parents and other stakeholders to support a positive transition to the proposed new arrangements. Council staff should continue to engage with stakeholders to encourage their positive support for the proposed change, should it proceed.

4.3 The council and all stakeholders recognise that the proposal offers only a short-term solution to the capacity issues in Gartcosh Primary School. The council should consider how best to address these issues in the longer term, for example, through continuing to develop plans for replacement accommodation for Gartcosh Primary School, in the context of its wider educational and economic planning framework.

HM inspectorate of Education February 201 1