LOUISE LAMPHERE Department of December, 2017

Education: 2015 L.H.D. , Doctor of Humane Letters 1968 Ph.D. 1966 M.A. Harvard University 1962 B.A.

Professional Appointments

2009- Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Emeritus, Department of Anthropology University of New Mexico

2001-08 Distinguished Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology University of New Mexico

2007 Visiting Fellow, Department of Anthropology, Princeton University

2004-06 Visiting Professor, Departments of Anthropology and Sociology, University of California, Berkeley (Spring semesters)

2001-02 Visiting Scholar, Russell Sage Foundation, New York, New York.

1999-02 University Regents Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico

1986-99 Full Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico

1998-99 Visiting Senior Researcher, University of California, Berkeley, Center for Working , Arlie Hochschild, Director

1994-95 Academic Coordinator, Women Studies Program, University of New Mexico

1993-94 Acting Director, Women Studies Program, University of New Mexico

1985-86 Full Professor, Brown University

1 1985-86 Research Professor, University of New Mexico (on leave from Brown University). Writing monograph on “Sunbelt Working Mothers: Reconciling and Factory.” Funded by Russell Sage Foundation.

1984-85 Faculty Fellow, Pembroke Center for Research and Teaching on Women. Completion of book manuscript, From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Immigrant Women in a New England Industrial Community.

1981 Fellow, Wellesley College Center for Research on Women, Faculty Development Program. January - June 1981.

1979-85 Adjunct Associate Professor, University of New Mexico.

1979-85 Associate Professor, Brown University.

1976-79 Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico.

1975-76 Fellow, Radcliffe Institute. Faculty Research Fellowship on the Role of Women in Society, July 1, 1975 - January 31, 1976, Ford Foundation.

1971-72 Academic Visitor, London School of Economics, Department of Anthropology. NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship, September 1971- September 1972.

1968-75 Assistant Professor of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, Brown University.

1967-68 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Rochester.

Elected Offices

1999-01 President, American Anthropological Association.

1997-99 President Elect, American Anthropological Association.

1995-97 Chair, Association for .

1987-89 President, American Ethnological Association.


2017 Bronislaw Malinowski Award for Exemplary Professional Achievements in Pursuit of Solving Human Problems Using the Social Sciences. Awarded by the Society for Applied Anthropology, March 31, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

2 2013 Award for Exemplary Service to Anthropology. Awarded by the American Anthropological Association, November 21, Chicago Hilton.

1998 The Squeaky Wheel Award, American Anthropological Association Committee on the Status of Women in Anthropology.

1997 Annual Research Lecture, University of New Mexico. “From Mill Town to Multinational: Gender Family and Policy in U.S. working Class Communities.”

1995 SANA Prize for Critical Study of North America. Executive Board of the Society for the Anthropology of North America for research on social organization, studies on women's work, and directorship and editorship roles in the Changing Relations project.

1994 Conrad Arensberg Award. Society for the Anthropology of Work for outstanding contributions to the field.

Snead-Wertheim Lectureship through the University of New Mexico Board of Regents.

Publications: Books, Special Issues and Edited Collections

2007 Weaving Women’s Lives: Three Generations in a Navajo Family. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

2005 Providers and Patients Respond to Medicaid Managed Care: Ethnographic Insights from New Mexico, editors and Nancy Nelson. Medical Anthropology Quarterly for Special Issue, vol 19, no. 1, March 2005

1997 Situated Lives: Gender and Culture in Everyday Life. edited with Helena Ragone' and Patricia Zavella. New York: Routledge Press.

1994 Newcomers in the Workplace: Immigrants and the Restructuring of the U.S. Economy, co-edited with Guillermo Grenier. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

1993 Sunbelt Working Mothers: Reconciling Family and Factory, co-authored with Patricia Zavella, Felipe Gonzales and Peter B. Evans. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

1992 Structuring Diversity: Ethnographic Perspectives on the New Immigration, edited by Louise Lamphere. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

3 1987 From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Immigrant Women in a New England Industrial Community. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.

1977 To Run After Them: The Social and Cultural Bases of Cooperation in a Navajo Community. Tucson: University of Arizona Press.

1974 Woman, Culture, and Society, co-edited with Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo. “Introduction” co-authored with Michelle Zimbalist Rosaldo. Stanford: Stanford University Press.


2002 Interim Editor, American

1993-95 Associate Editor, Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies

1990-93 Editor, Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies, published three times a year by University Press of Colorado.

1990 Editor, Special Issue on Navajo Ethnology. Journal of Anthropological Research 45(4) Winter.

Publications: Articles in Journals

In Press “The Transformation of Ethnography: From Malinowski’s Tent to The Practice of Collaborative and Activist Anthropology” Bronislaw Malinowski Distinguished Lecture for Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 28-April 1. Human Organization.

2012 “The Impact of State Behavioral Health Reform on Native American Individuals, Families, and Communities.” with C. E. Willging, Jessica Goodkind, Gwendolyn Saul, Shannon Fluder, Paula Seanez. Qualitative Health Research, 2012 22(7): 880- 896.

“"Providers Just Don't Get It": The Politics of Recovery and Responsibility in Statewide Systems Change.” with C.E. Willging, B. Rylko-Bauer, in preparation.

2010 “Child Sexual Abuse and the Cultural Construction of the Female Body.” Voices. A Publication of the Association for Feminist Anthropology 10(1): 38-40.

2009 “Personal Reflections on a Career as a Squeaky Wheel.” Voices. A Publication of the Association for Feminist Anthropology 9 (1): 9-12.

4 “David Maybury-Lewis and Cultural Survival: Providing a Model for Public Anthropology, Advocacy, and Collaboration.” Anthropological Quarterly 82(4):1049-1054.

“Transforming Administrative and Clinical Practice in a Public Behavioral Health System: An Ethnographic Assessment of the Context of Change.” with C. E. Willging and Howard Waitzkin. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 20:866-883.

2007 “Migration, Assimilation and the Construction of Identity: Navajo Perspectives.” Ethnic and Racial Studies For special issue “New Directions in the Anthropology of Migration and Multiculturalism” edited by Steven Vertovec, Director, Center on Migration, Policy and Society, Oxford, Pp. 1132-1151.

are Talking about Feminist Anthropology.” with Rayna Rapp and Gayle Rubin. Ethnos 72 (3): 408-426.

2005 “Providers and Staff Respond to Medicaid Managed Care: The Unintended Consequences of Reform in New Mexico.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 19(1): 3-25.

“Replacing Heteronormative Views of and .” American Ethnologist 32 (1): 34-36.

2004 “The Convergence of Applied, Practicing and Public Anthropology in the 21st Century.” Human Organization 63(4): 431-443. (Winter)

“Unofficial Histories: A Vision of Anthropology From the Margins.” 2001 American Anthropological Association Presidential Address. 106(1):126-139.

2003 “Perils and Prospects for an Engaged Anthropology: A View From the U.S.” 2002 Plenary address of the meetings of the European Association of . Social Anthropology 11 (2): 143-51.

2000 “Comments on the Navajo Healing Project.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly. 14(4): 598-602.

1993 “The Gendered Nature of Workplace Culture: Comparing Male and Female Anthropology of Work Review Volume XII, Number 4, volume XIII, Number 1.

5 1991 “Women, Anthropology, Tourism, and the Southwest.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 12(3): 5-11.

“Gladys Reichard Among the Navajo.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies 12(3): 79-115.

1990 Journal of Anthropological Research 45(4). (Winter)

1989 American Ethnologist 16(3):518-533. 1989 American Ethnological Society Distinguished Lecture, presented at the Spring Meeting, Santa Fe, New Mexico.

1986 “From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Production and Reproduction in an American Ethnologist 13(1):118-130.

1985 “Bringing the Family to Work: Women's Culture on the Shop Floor.” Feminist Studies Vol. II (3):519-540.

Urban Anthropology 14(1-3): 259-268.

1977 of 1975 publications on women's roles by anthropologists. SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 2(3): 612-627.

1976 Southwest Economy and Society 1(1): 6-14.

1970 “Ceremonial Cooperation and Ne Man 5(3):39-59.

1969 Southwestern Journal of Anthropology, 25:3:279-305 (Autumn)

1967 “Time, Resources, and Authority in a Navajo Community.” Joint article with Terry Reynolds and Cecil Cook. American Anthropologist, 69(2):188-99.

1964 “Loose-Structuring as Exhibited in a Case Study of Navajo Religious Learning.” El Palacio, 71(1):37-44.

Publications: Articles in Books and Collections

2017 “The Domestic Sphere of Women and the Public World of Men: The Strengths and Limitations of an Anthropological Dichotomy” in Brettell, Caroline Brettell, and

6 Carolyn F. Sargent Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Seventh edition. New York: Routledge.

2016 “Feminist Anthropology Engages Social Movements: Theory, Ethnography and Activism” in Ellen Lewin and Leni Silverstein Mapping Feminist Anthropology for the 21st Century. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press.

2015 “Public Anthropology and the Transformation of Anthropological Research” in Public Anthropology in a Borderless World.Sam Beck and Carl A. Maida, eds. New York: Berghahn Books, pp. 162-191.

2014 “Afterward.” Spaces of Identity: Constructing and Contesting Belonging among Children of Immigrants, editors Faith Nibbs and Caroline Brettell. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press.

2013 “Feminism in Anthropology,” International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition. James D. Wright, editor. Oxford: Elsevier Press Ltd.

2007 “Complex Negotiations: Gender, Capitalism and Relations of Power” by Anglin, Mary and Louise Lamphere, in Ann Kingsolver and Nandina Gunewardena, eds. Gendered Globalizations: Women Navigating Economic Marginality. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, pp. 279-290.

2006 Foreword to Feminist Anthropology and the Shifting Sands of Time: Perspectives on Our Past, Present, and Future. Miranda K. Stockett and Pamela L. Geller, eds. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. (in press)

Foreword to Patterns of Culture by . New York: Houghton Mifflin Company.

2002 “The Long-Term Study among the Navajo” In Chronicling Cultures: Long-Term Field Research in Anthropology. Robert V. Kemper and Anya Peterson Royce, eds. Walnut Creek: Altamira Press, pp. 108-134.

2001 Foreword to Navajo Lifeways: Contemporary Issues, Ancient Knowledge. by Maureen Trudelle Schwarz. University of Oklahoma Press. Pp. ix-xiii.

“Understanding American Diversity: Where Do We Go From Here?” in Cultural Diversity in the United States. Ida Susser and Thomas C. Patterson, eds. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers.

7 “Rereading and Remembering ” in Gender Matters: Rereading Michelle Z. Rosaldo. Alejandro Lugo and Bill Maurer, eds. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press. pp.1-15.

“Gender Models in the Southwest: Sociocultural Perspectives” in Women & Men in the Prehispanic Southwest, ed. Patricia L. Crown. Santa Fe: School of American Research Press. pp. 379-402.

“Whatever Happened To Kinship Studies?: Reflections of a Feminist Anthropologist” in New Directions in Anthropological Kinship. ed. Linda Stone. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield. pp. 21-47.

1997 Situated Lives: Gender and Culture in Everyday Life. Lamphere, Ragone' and Zavella, eds. New York: Routledge Press.

Spider Woman by Gladys Reichard, Reprinted by University of New Mexico Press, pp.v-xxvii.

Silence and Memory: The Production and Destruction of Histories. Gerald Sider and Gavin Smith, eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

1996 “Women's Resistance in the Sunbelt: Anglo and Mexican American Women Respond to Managerial Control,” in Elizabeth Higgenbotham and Mary Romero eds., Women and Work: Race, Ethnicity and Class, pp. 76-100. Beverly Hills: Sage Publications.

1996 “ and Feminist Anthrop Gordon, eds., : A Reader in Feminist Ethnography, pp. 85-104. Berkeley: University of California Press.

The Encyclopedia of . David Levinson and Melvin Ember eds.

1994 “Expanding our Notions of 'Critical Qualitative Methodology': Bringing Race, Power and Method. ed. Andrew Gitalin, New York: Routledge.

1993 Hidden Scholars: Women Anthropologists in the American Southwest. Nancy Parezo, ed. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press.

8 “Introduction” co-authored with Guillermo Grenier for Newcomers in the Workplace: Immigrants and the Restructuring of the U.S. Economy pp.1-21. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.

“The Domestic Sphere of Women and the Public World of Men: Strengths and

Carolyn F. Sargent, eds. Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective. NY: Prentice-Hall, Inc.

1992 “Introduction: T Structuring Diversity: Ethnographic Perspectives on the New Immigration. Chicago, University of Chicago Press. pp.1- 34.

1991 Gender at the Crossroads of Knowledge, Micaela Di Leonardo, ed. Berkeley: University of California Press, pp. vii-ix.

1988 with Guillermo Grenier, in Women and the Politics of Empowerment: Perspectives from the Workplace and the Community, Ann Bookman and Sandra Morgen, eds. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, pp. 227-256.

1987 “Feminism and Anthropology: The Struggle to Reshape Our Thinking About The Impact of Feminist Research in the Academy, Christie Farnham, ed. Bloomington: University of Indiana Press, pp. 11-33.

“Navajo Religion in Mircea Eliade et al.” Encyclopedia of Religion. New York: MacMillan Publishing Company.

1986 “Working Mothers and Family Strategies: Portuguese and Colombian Immigrant International Immigration: The Female Experience, Rita J. Simon and Caroline Brettell, eds. Totowa, N.J.: Rowman & Allenheld (Division of Littlefield, Adams & Co.) pp. 266-283.

1985 Foreword to All Day Every Day by Sallie Westwood, University of Illinois Press.

1984 “On the Shop Floor: Multi- My Troubles are Going To Have Trouble With Me: Everyday Trials and Triumphs of Women Workers, Karen Sacks and Dorothy Remy, eds. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, pp. 247-263.

1983 Southwest, Handbook of North American Indians, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, pp. 744-763.

9 1980 “The Economic Struggle of Female Factory Workers: A Comparison of French, Poli and Christina Simmons. Conference on the Education and Occupational Needs of White Ethnic Women. National Institute of Education. Washington: Government Printing Office. pp. 129-152.

“Kin Networks and Strategies of Working Class Portuguese Families in a New The Versatility of Kinship, Linda Cordell and Stephen Beckerman eds. New York: Academic Press. pp. 219-250.

1979 “Fighting the Piece-Rate System: New Dimensions of an Old Struggle in the Case Studies in the Labor Process, Andrew Zimbalist, ed. New York: Monthly Review Press, pp. 257-276.

Economic Development and Indian Reservations in New Mexico, Roxanne Ortiz, ed. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, Native American Studies Monograph 1, pp. 78-90.

1975 “Women and Domestic Power: Political and Economic Strategies in Domestic Being Female: Reproduction, Power and Change. Dana Raphael, ed. The Hague: Mouton Publishers. (This is a shortened and revised version of the paper in Woman, Culture and Society). pp. 117-130.

1974 “Strategies, Cooperation and Conflict Among Women Domestic Groups,” in Woman, Culture and Society. Michelle Rosaldo and Louise Lamphere, eds. Stanford: Stanford University Press, pp. 97-112.

1973 “ as Ethnographer and Student of Navajo Ceremonialism” E. Z. Vogt, in Culture and Life. W. Taylor, J. Fischer, and E. Z. Vogt, eds. Carbondale: University of Southern Illinois Press, pp. 94-135.

1971 “The Navajo Cultural System: An Analysis of Concepts of Cooperation and Autonomy and Their Relation Apachean Culture History and Ethnology. Keith Basso and Morris Opler, eds. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, pp. 91-114.

Publications: Reviews and Newsletter Articles

2009 “Closing the Circle & Moving Forward.” Brown University Faculty Bulletin, vol. 10, no. 1, February.

2008 Review of Scientists and Storytellers: Feminist Anthropologists and the Construction of the American Southwest by Catherine J. Lavender.

10 Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. (submitted to American Anthropological Association, in press).

Review of New Jersey: Capital, Culture and the Class of ’58 by Sherry B. Ortner. Journal of Anthropological Research, 64:4, pp. 556-558.

2006 “A Call to an Anthropology of Health Policy.” by Sarah Horton and Louise Lamphere, Anthropology News, January 2006.

2005 Review of Blood and Voice: Navajo Women Ceremonial Practitioners by Maureen Trudelle Schwartz. Journal of Anthropological Research, 61:1, pp. 100-102.

Review of Ruth Landes: A Life in Anthropology by Sally Cole. Current Anthropology, vol 46 (3): 485-486.

2003 Review of Navajo Trading: the End of an Era by Willow Roberts Powers. American Anthropologist 106:1: 202-203.

1999 Review of Memories of Migration: Gender, Ethnicity and Work in the Lives of Jewish and Italian Women in New York, 1870-1924 by Kathie Friedman-Kasaba, Shofar: Journal of Jewish Studies, Fall 1999, p. 141.

Review of Imagining Indians in the Southwest by Leah Dilworth. Current Anthropology. December, 1999, p. 739-740.

1998 Review of Out of the Shadows by Vicki Ruiz. Women’s Review of Books. September, p. 24.

Review of Kinship and Gender by Linda Stone. Anthropological Forum (submitted September).

1997 Review of Desert Capitalism by Kathryn Kopinak. American Anthropologist 99:3:677-78.

1996 Review of Beyond the Four Corners of the World Emily Benedek. Women’s Review of Books.

1995 Review of Little Brazil: An Ethnography of Brazilian Immigrants in New York City by Maxine Margolis. Journal of American Ethnic History, Summer 1996, pp. 74-7

Review of Workshop to Office: Two Generations of Italian Women in New York City, 1900-1950 by Miriam Cohen. Submitted to Anthropological Quarterly.

11 Review of The Political Economy of North American Indians edited by John H. Moore. Ethnohistory, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 176-179, Winter 1995.

Review of Apache Reservation: Indigenous People and the American State by Richard J. Perry. American Anthropologist, Vol. 97, No. 2, June 1995.

1994 Review of Anthropology and the Global Factory: Studies of the New Industrialization in the Late Twentieth Century edited by Frances Abrahamer Rothstein and Michael L. Blim. American Ethnologist 21(4):905-906.

Review of Wealth and Rebellion: Elsie Clews Parsons, Anthropologist and Folklorist by Rosemary Lévy Zumwalt. American Anthropologist 96(1):214-215.

1993 Review of Translated Woman: Crossing the Border with Esperanza's Story by Ruth Behar. The Women's Review of Books 10(8):14.

1991 Review of Marriage & Inequality in Classless Societies by Jane F. Collier. Gender & Society, 5(4): 616-618.

1990 Review of Feminism and Anthropology by Henrietta L. Moore. American Anthropologist, 92(3):815.

Review of Contested Lives by Faye Ginsburg. American Ethnologist, 17(2):391.

1988 Review of Falling from Grace: The Experience of Downward Mobility in the American Middle Class, by Katherine S. Newman. Journal of Anthropological Research, 44(2):225-228.

Review of Gender and Kinship Essays toward a Unified Analysis, by Jane Fishburne Collier and Sylvia Junko Yanagisako, eds. Women's Review of Books (February).

1985 Review of The Anthropology of Space: Explorations into the Natural Philosophy and Semantics of the Navajo, by Ingrid van Dooren and Frank Harvey. American Indian Quarterly 9(1): 99-100.

1984 Review of Return to Sovereignty: Self Determination and the Kansas Kickapoo. American Anthropologist 86:4: 1059-1060 (Dec. 1984).

Review of The Four Corners: A National Sacrifice Area. American Anthropologist 86(3):78-90 (Sept. 1984).

Review of Navajo Sandpainting: From Religious Act to Commercial Art, by Nancy J. Parezo. American Ethnologist 12(4):811-812.


Review of Navajo Religion and Culture: Selected Views. Edited by David M. Brugge and Charlotte J. Frisbie. Journal of Anthropological Research 40(4):608- 609.

Review of Holy Wind in Navajo Philosophy by James K. McNeley. Religious Studies 20(4):718-720.

Review of Women versus Men: A Conflict of Navajo Emergence. American Indian Quarterly Vol. 8, No. 3:250-252.

1983 Review of Women versus Men: A Conflict of Navajo Emergence by Father Haile edited by Karl Luckert. Reviews in Anthropology 10(4)37-42 (Fall 1983)

1979 Review of The Underside of History by Elise Boulding. America Ethnologist 6(2):398-400.

1977 Review of The Mountainway of the Navajo by Leland C. Wyman. Ethnohistory 24(1):77-78.

Review of Aborigines in White Australia: A Documentary History of the Attitudes Affecting Official Policy and the Australian Aborigine 1697-1973 by Sharmon Stone, Man 12(1):204-205.

“Women in Film: special section of Audiovisuals Reviews” for the American Anthropologist. Selected the films for review, coordinated the review section, wrote introduction to section, reviews of films by Liane Brandon and several film notes. American Anthropologist 79(1):192, 203-25, 214.

1974 Review of The Long Walk (film directed by Phillip Greene), with Thomas Kiefer. American Anthropologist 76:3:722-723.

1972 Reviews of: Indian Man: The Biography of Oliver La Farge, by D'Arcy McNickle. Man 7(3):505-506.

The Changing Pattern of Hopi Agriculture, by Maitland Bradford RAI Occasional Paper, no. 30. Man, 7(3):504.

Dreamers Without Power, by George and Louise Spindler, Man 7(4):666-67.

Red Man Reservations, by , Man, 7(4):667.

The Albuquerque , by William H. Hodge. Ethnohistory 19(2):178-79 (Spring 1972).


Fort Defiance and the Navajos, by Maurice Frink, Ethnohistory 19(1):76 (Winter 1972).

1971 Reviews of: Blessingway, by L. C. Wyman. Man, 6(1):139.

The Navajo Mountain Community: Social Organization and , by Mary Shepardson and Blodwen Hammond. American Anthropologist 73(6):1325-1326.

1968 Review of Kinaalda: A Study of the Navajo Girl's Puberty Ceremony, by Charlotte J. Frisbie. American Anthropologist 70(4):779-780.

Invited Lectures

2017 “The Transformation of Ethnography: From Malinowski’s Tent to The Practice of Collaborative and Activist Anthropology” Bronislaw Malinowski Lecture. Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 28-April 1.

2015 Conversation with Louise Lamphere, moderated by Amy Goldstein. Feminist Change and the University: Academic Symposium. Brown University, March 6.

2014 “Woman, Culture and Society—Forty Years Later.” Keynote Address, Conference on Gender/Culture/Society: Feminism as Theory, Project, Movement. Organized by Florence Babb, University of Florida. March 6-8.

2013 “Weaving Together Women’s Lives: Building Identities Across Navajo Generations.” Steiglitz Memorial Lecture, Wooster, College, Wooster, Ohio. April 9.

2011 “Becoming an Anthropologist.” Commencement Address, Department of Anthropology, University of New Mexico. May 14.

2011 "Towards a More Collaborative Anthropology: A Discussion of Contemporary Research on Critical Social Issues." Colloquium, Department of Anthropology, University of West Georgia, Carrolton, Georgia. January 28.

"Weaving Women's Lives: Three Generations in a Navajo Family." Waring Distinguished Lecture Series in Anthropology, University of West Georgia, Carrolton, Georgia. January 27.

2008 “Rethinking our Past, Imagining our Future: Gender Studies and Anthropology.” The Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University. October 25.

14 2007 “Migration, Multiculturalism, and Identity: Navajo Perspectives.” Department of Anthropology, Princeton University. November 15.

“Migration, Multiculturalism, and Identity: Navajo Perspectives.” School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University. November 1.

2006 “Migration, Multiculturalism and Identity: Navajo Perspectives.” Seminar on “The Anthropology of Migration and Multiculturalism” Centre on Migration, Policy and Society, University of Oxford, 58 Banbury Road, Oxford, June 3.

2002 “Perils and Prospects for an Engaged Anthropology: A view from the U.S.” Plenary address of the meetings of the European Association of Social Anthropology. Copenhagen, August.

2001 “Unofficial Histories: A View of Anthropology From the Margins” Presidential Address, American Anthropological Association, December 1, Washington, D.C.

2000 “Buffering the Impact of Medicaid Reform in the Health Care Work Place: Strategies from New Mexico.” Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, September 26.

“Weaving Together Women’s Lives: Navajo Narratives and the Ethnography of Race, Class, and Gender.” Department of Anthropology, University of California, Berkeley, January 25.

“Navajo Narratives: The Ethnography of Gender, Generation and Schooling.” School of Education, University of California, Berkeley, January 27.

1999 “Women, Work and Poverty: New Research Approaches.” Department of Anthropology, Princeton University, April 9.

“Gender and Local Economies: Lessons from Navajo and Hispano Lives.” PLAS series on Gender and Latin America, Princeton University, April 8.

“The Cultural Construction and Practice of Care: Lessons From New Mexico.” Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Conference on Work and Family, Chicago, IL, May.

1997 meeting, “Beyond Hunt Valley: Research on Women's Health for the 21st -23.

1996 esota, Department of Anthropology, November 7.

15 “Institutions, Networks, or Communities: Conceptualizing the Intersection of

Southwestern University, February 22 and 23, 1996.

1995 “Bringing Navajo Women into History: Personal Narratives of Eva Price, Navajo -Wertheim Lecture, Departments of History and Anthropology, University of New Mexico, April 6.

“Race, Class, and Gender: Anglo and Hispana Women in the La Invited lecture for the Departments of Anthropology and Women Studies, University of North Carolina. Raleigh, North Carolina, March 28.

1994 “Interdisciplinary and Intradisciplinary Research: Creating an Anthropology of the Twenty-first Cent Anthropology. Evanston, Illinois, April 18.

Arizona State University. Tempe, Arizona, April 4.

“Gender, Famil lecture for the Michigan State University Department of Anthropology Symposium

Lansing, Michigan, February 28.

1993 “ University of California, San Diego Ethnic Studies Department. San Diego, California, May 13.

Latina Workers Symposium” for the George Meany Memorial Archives. Silver Spring, Maryland, February 23.

1992 Invited lecture at the Sociocultural Studies Program of the Graduate School of Education, University of California, Berkeley, March 12.

Gender and Global Issues Program,” University of California, Davis, February 21.

“Women, Unions, and 'Participat Invited lecture at the Institute for Industrial Relations, Political Economy Seminar Series, University of California, Berkeley, February 19.

16 1990 “Living With Contradictions: Married Women in Sunbelt Industries.” Invited Lecture and Brown Bag Symposium presented at Women's Studies Program University of Kansas, November 12 and 13.

High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology, April 20.

Address, New Mexico Women's Studies Conference. Las Cruces, NM, February 24.

1989 “Working Mothers and Sunbelt Industrialization: Contradictions in the Work Place and Fa Colloquium, November 20.

With Patricia Zavella. “Working Mothers and Sunbelt Industrialization: Contradictions in the Work place and Family.” Paper presented at Stanford University, May 8.

Ethnological Society Distinguished Lecture, Santa Fe, New Mexico, April.

“Working Mothers and Sunbelt Industrialization: Contradictions in the Work Place nted at the Department of Anthropology Colloquium, University of California at Irvine, March 2.

1988 workshop for SIROW Summer Institute on “Teaching Women's Studies from an International Perspective”, University of Arizona, June 20-21.

“Working Women and Sunbelt Industrialization: Issues of Class, Ethnicity and

Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Minnesota, November 1.

1988 Foundation Conference on “The Production of History: Silences and -September 7.

1987 “Women's Unions and Part Loyola University, Women's Studies Program, November 17.

“Anthropological Pioneers: Women's Research on Native Americans in the

Lecture, October 23.

17 1985 “Bringing the Family to Work: Women's Culture on the Shop Floor,” plus Workshop with Anthropology Faculty on “Incorporating Recent Research on Women into the Anthropology Curriculum.” Northern Arizona University, March 7 and 8.

Lecturer, Skidmore College, April 12.

1984 “The Balancing Act: Curricular Change in the Social Sciences,” presentation at University of Connecticut, sponsored by Women's Studies and Project for a Balanced Curriculum, April 9.

1983 Invited panelist for conference on “Dealing with Difference: How Can Feminist

13-15, Cornell University, Women Studies Program.

“The New Scholarship on Women: The Social Sciences” for Women's Day '83 Program, Marymount College, Tarrytown, New York, April 27.

1981 conference on Looking at Women in 20th Century America, Office of Special Studies, Brown University, October 23.

1980 -81 Interdisciplinary Series on Women, Work and Social Change, sponsored by the Yale University Council on West European Studies in Cooperation with the Women's Studies Program. Yale University, December 11.

College, Center for Research on Women, Luncheon Seminar Series, November 18, 1980. Also presented to Women's Studies Faculty Seminar, Brown University, November.

“Sexual Asymmetry: Cross- University of Rhode Island, October 23.

“Kin Networks and Family Strategies: Working Class Portuguese Families in New

University, April 1.

1978 Educational and Occupational Needs of White Ethnic Women, Boston, October 11- 13.

18 “The Urban Working Mother: Strategies for Coping with Work and Family.” Colloquium presented to the Department of Anthropology, UC Riverside, May.

“Power, Purity and the Position of Women: The Implication of Sex-Role Ideologies

Riverside, May.

1976 presented at Cornell University, April 16, 1976 and a revised version at Department of Anthropology colloquium, University of Minnesota, May 24.

1975 “London Working- presented to the Women's International Seminar, Radcliffe Institute, Cambridge, Massachusetts, October 17.

“The Roots of Cultural Diversity Among American Women.” Conference on “The Challenge of the Women's Movement: American Diversity,” sponsored by the Institute on Pluralism and Group Identity of the American Jewish Committee.

Papers Read at Professional Meetings and Conferences

2017 Discussant “Dying, End of Life Care, Death: Anthropological Perspectives.” Betty Wolder Levin, and Yvon Van Der Pijl Chairs. Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 28-April 1.

2016 Discussant “Anthropological Engagements in Implementation Science: Critical Reflections on Evidence-Based Intervention in Complex Service Systems.” Cathleen Willging Chair. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Minneapolis, MN, November 16-20.

2016 Discussant “Problematizing the Clinical: Critiquing Therapeutic Approaches to Gender-Based Violence.” Sameena Mulla, and Karin Friederic chairs. Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Vancouver, BC, Canada, March 29-April 2.

2015 “Cohorts, Networks and Gender: A View from Harvard in the 1960s.” Paper presented in session on Schools of Anthropology, Literally and Figuratively, Alice B. Kehoe and William P. Mitchell, Organizers. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Denver, November 18-22.

2015 Participant in Roundtable “Following in Piven’s Footsteps: Negotiating the Scholar/Activist Role” Merrill Eisenberg, Organizer. Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings Pittsburgh, March 24-28.

2014 Participant Invited Roundtable, “Producing Feminist Activist Ethnography”

19 Dana-Ain Davis, Organizer and Christa C. Craven, Chair. American Anthropological Association Meetings. Washington, D.C. December 5.

2013 Discussant for session “Feminist Publics, Current Engagements: Gender/Culture/Society Forty Years Later. Chair Florence Babb. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Chicago, November 20-24.

2013 “Cultural Anthropology”. Paper presented in session on and Feminism: Our history, Our Present, Our Future. Ellen Lewin and Leni M. Silverstein chairs. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Chicago, November 20-24.

2012 “Implementing Health Care Reform: How Can we build better institutional structures and Encourage Effective Patient/Citizen Collaboration/Input” Roundtable on Implementing Public Policy Research: Constraints and Successful Strategies. Linda Basch, Chair. American Anthropological Association Meetings, San Francisco, November 14-18.

2011 “The Rhetoric and Realities of Mental Health Reform in New Mexico” with Cathleen Willging and Barbara Rylko-Bauer. Paper presented in session “Redefining Insurance, Redefining Governance: US Health Insurance Reform in Global Perspective,” Sarah B. Horton, Chair. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Montreal, November 16-20.

Discussant for session on “The Children of Immigrants/Second Generation Youth: Barriers and Bridges to Citizenship” Caroline Brettell and Faith Nibbs, Co-Chairs. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Montreal, November 16-20.

Discussant for session on ”Forging an Engaged Anthropology in Halls of Power”, Linda Basch, Organizer; Lee D. Baker and Yolanda T. Moses Co-Chairs. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Montreal, November 16-20.

2010 Discussant for session on ”Secrets of the Tribe: Film Screening and Ethics Caucus”. Barbara Rose Johnston, organizer. American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA, November 17-21.

“David Maybury-Lewis, Cultural Survival and Public Anthropology”. Paper presented in session “Legacies in Motion: A Consideration of the Work and Impact of David Maybury-Lewis.” Paulette G Curtis, chair. American Anthropological Association, New Orleans, LA, November 17-21.

2009 Discussant for session on “Endings and/or New Beginnings? Feminist, Medical, and Public Anthropology in the Work of Louise Lamphere.” Cymene Howe, Chair. American Anthropological Association, Philadelphia, PA, December 2-6.


“Weaving Together Women’s Lives: Building Identities Across Navajo Generations.” Paper presented with Carole Cadman and Valerie Darwin. Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 17-21.

2008 “The Squeaky Wheel Squeaks Again: Reflections in the Status of Women in Anthropology.” Paper presented in session “The Squeaky Wheel Squeaks Again: Reflections in the Status of Women in Anthropology.” Carla Guerron-Montero, Chair. American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, November 19– 23.

Discussant for “Mothering (in) the Field: A Roundtable Discussion.” Colleen Scanlan-Lyons, Chair. American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, CA, November 19–23.

2008 Discussant for session on “New Challenges in Feminist Political Ecology: Multi-Sites, Multi-Scale, and Studying Up.” Lisa Gezon and María Cruz-Torres, Chairs. Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Memphis, Tennessee, March 25-29. Discussant for session on “Policy Under the Influence: Addressing Substance Abuse in New Mexico.” Cathleen E. Willging, Chair. Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Memphis, Tennessee, March 25-29.

2007 “Where are all the Feminists?,” paper presented with Jocelyn DeHaas in session “Engendering the Discipline: This is what a Feminist Anthropologist Looks Like (Part 1).” Florence Babb, chair. American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., Nov. 28-Dec. 2.

Discussant for session on “Collaborative Anthropologies, Public Engagements, and Epistimologies of Equity.” Luke Eric Lassiter, Organizer and Chair. American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., Nov. 28-Dec. 2.

Discussant for session on “Local Democracy under Siege I and II: Activism, Public Interests and Private Politics.” Don Nonini and Dorothy Holland, Organizers. American Ethnological Society Meetings, Toronto, May 8-12.

Discussant for session on “Transforming Behavioral Health Care: Policy Ideals and Reform Realties.” Jill Reichman and Gwendolyn Saul, Organizers. Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Tampa Bay, Florida, March 28-31.

2006 Organizer/Chair for session “High Table Discussion on Labor Issues: Organizing Service Workers in an Era of Globalization.” American Anthropological Association Meetings, San Jose, CA, Nov. 15 -19.

21 Chair for “AAA Commission on Labor Relations Open Forum,” American Anthropological Association Meetings, San Jose, CA, Nov. 15 -19.

Discussant for session “Critical Intersections/Dangerous Issues: Anthropological Perspectives on Sexual Violence and Bodily Health,” Lea McChesney, Chair. American Anthropological Association Meetings, San Jose, CA, Nov. 15 -19.

“David Aberle’s Research on Navavjo Kinship and Its Policy Implications,” paper presented in session, “David Aberle: Advocacy and Applied Anthropology,” Eric Henderson, Chair. Society for Applied Anthropology Meetings, Vancouver, British Columbia, March 28 - April 2.

2005 Discussant for session “Experience-Based Learning and Public Anthropology in the 21st Century University,” Sam Beck, Chair. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington, D.C., Nov. 30- Dec. 4.

Discussant for session sponsored by COSWA “Women and Work: Contributions from the Four Fields of Anthropology,” Pamela K. Stone and Christina Wasson, Chairs. American Anthropological Meetings, Washington, D.C., Nov. 30- Dec. 4.

Participant, “Public Ethnography Planning Seminar,” Barbara Tedlock and Nancy Owen Lewis, Chairs. School of American Research. Santa Fe: February 22-24.

Discussant, “Seminar on Gendered Globalization,” Nandina Gunewardena and Ann Kingsolver, Chairs. School of American Research. Santa Fe: April 7.

“All Our Kin: Female Networks and the Welfare on the Navajo Reservation,” for session entitled “Making Homes, Making Change: Honoring the Contributions of Carol Stack to Anthropology.” Karen Brodkin and Sandra Morgen, Chairs. Society for the Anthropology of North America Meetings, Merida, Yucatan, May 4-8.

2004 “Women at the Center: A View from the Navajo,” paper presented in session, “Author Meets Colleagues: Peggy Sanday and Women at the Center.” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Chicago Illinois, November 19-23.

1999 Discussant for session on “Three Countries, One Struggle: Indigenous Peoples and the Politics of Natural Resources and Ecology in North America.” Charles Robert Menzies, Chair. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Chicago, IL, Nov. 17-21.

Discussant for session on “AAA Public Policy Forum: Is Time Running Out for Affirmative Action?” Frances Winddance Twine and Sandra L. Morgan, Chairs. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Chicago, IL, Nov. 17-21.


1998 Discussant for session on “Restructuring Democracy,” Catherine Lutz, Chair. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Philadelphia, PA Dec. 2-6.

Co-Organizer and Chair, Invited Session on “AAA Public Policy Forum on Anthropology and Middle Class Working Families.” American Anthropological Association Meetings Philadelphia, PA, Dec. 2-6.

1998 “Looking Forward, Looking Backward: New Directions in Feminist Anthropological Theory,” Invited Session on “Gender Theory in the Social Sciences” for Section on Gender and Sexuality. Ronnie Steinberg, Chair. American Sociological Association Meetings, San Francisco, August 25.

1997 “Whatever Happened to Kinship Studies?” for session entitled “New Directions in Kinship Studies” organized by Linda Stone and Nancy Levine at the American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington DC, November 19-23.

Discussant for “Ritual Healing in Contemporary Navaho Society,” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington D.C. November 19-23.

1996 Chair and Discussant for “The Welfare State and Native North America in an Era of Public Sector Downsizing,” Society for the Anthropology of North America Panel at the American Anthropological Association Meetings, San Francisco, CA, November 20-24.

Discussant for “Invoking Anthropological Wisdom to Turn the Tide: How Women Effect Institutional Change” Council on Anthropology and Education Panel at the American Anthropological Association Meetings, San Francisco, CA, November 20-24.

1995 Participant in “Humanistic and Scientific Dimensions of Anthropology: Roundtable Discussions” panel at the American Anthropological Association meetings, Washington, DC, November 15-19.

“Looking Forward, Looking Backward” with Rayna Rapp for session entitled “From an Anthropology of Women to the Gendering of Anthropology” American Anthropological Association, Louise Lamphere and Rayna Rapp, Organizers. Washington, DC. November 15-19.

1994 Discussant for “Critical Perspectives on Emerging Family and Household Forms in the United States” session at the American Anthropological Association meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 30-December 4.

23 Discussant for “Network-Mediated Migration into Labor Enclaves: The Experience of Latinos and Caribbean Immigrants” session at the American Anthropological Association meetings, Atlanta, GA, November 30-December 4.

Discussant for “Anthropology in the 'Culture Wars': Multiculturalism, Anti-Racism and Anthropological Practice” session at the American Ethnological Society meeting, Los Angeles, CA, April 14-17.

“Gender, Family, and Immigration: Comparative Research in the United States.” Distinguished Address, Society for Cross Cultural Research meetings, Santa Fe, NM, February 16-20.

1993 “Staying on the Job: Strategies for Obtaining Contract Renewal and Tenure in Anthropology” for the session, “Women's Career and Individual Strategies Against Sexual Harassment and Discrimination at Work.” American Anthropological Association meetings, Washington, D.C., November 17-21.

Discussant for “Reproducing Reproduction” session at the American Anthropological Association meetings, Washington, D.C., November 17-21.

Participant in the Society of the Anthropology of Work Wine-and-Cheese Roundtable at the American Anthropological Association meetings, Washington, D.C., November 17-21.

1992 “Participative Management: New Tactics for Incorporating Gender and Ethnicity in Sunbelt Industrial Workplaces” Session on “Exploiting Diversity: Gender, Race, Ethnicity in Low-Wage American Industries,” Janet Benson, organizer. American Anthropological Association Meetings, San Francisco, CA, December 2-6.

“Mediating Contradictions and Differences: Women's Work in the Sunbelt.” Conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, University of California, Irvine, March 28.

1991 “The Gendered Nature of Workplace Culture: A Comparison of Male and Female Experiences.” Session on Women's Work Cultures, Nancy Foner, Organizer. American Anthropological Association Meetings, Chicago, IL, Nov.20-24.

1990 “Specificity, Plurality, and Experience.” Chair and Commentator for Invited AES Session “Anthropology's Interlocutors: Joan Scott on History and Experience,” American Anthropological Association. New Orleans, LA, November, 30.

1986 “Piece Rates, Quotas and Incentives in Apparel and Electronics: Pay Systems as They Affect Women Workers” for Conference on Piece Rates, University of Utah, Department of Economics, October 10-11.


1986 “Keynote Address” for “Conference on Daughters of the Desert: Women Anthropologists in the Southwest, 1880-1980,” March 14, University of Arizona.

“Gladys Reichard Among the Navajo” for “Conference on Daughters of the Desert” March 15-23, Wenner Gren Symposium, Tucson, Arizona.

1985 “Authority, Status and the Power of Women: The State of the Art,” Sponsored by Committee on the Status of Women in Anthropology/National Women's Caucus, American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington, D. C. December 6.

“Historical and Regional Variations in Women's Roles,” School of American Research “Seminar on Variability and Change in Navajo Culture,” Santa Fe, October 7-11.

“From Working Daughters to Working Mothers: Production and Reproduction in an Industrial Community.” American Ethnological Society Meetings, Toronto, May

1984 “Women, Unions, and 'Participative Management': Organizing in the Sunbelt,” presented in a symposium on “U. S. Women and Resistance in the Community and the Workplace” at the American Anthropological Association Meetings, Denver, Colorado, November 17.

1983 “Nature, Nurture and Gender: Lessons from Anthropology” Symposium on “Gender: Perspectives on the Nature Versus Nurture Debate.” American Studies Association. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. November 3.

1982 “Bringing the Family to Work: Women's Culture in an Apparel Factory,” presented in symposium on “Women, Work and Family: Towards a Complex Society.” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington, D. C., December 6.

“Women in the Apparel Industry” presented at “Conference on Women and Work,” George Washington University, January 5 and 6, sponsored by the Business and Professional Women's Foundation, Service Employees International Union and Women's Studies Program, George Washington University, Washington, D. C.

1979 “Women Workers in the Apparel Industry: Fighting the Piece Rate.” Presented in a Symposium on “Women in Industry: The Search for Cheap Labor,” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1977 “Class, Strategy and Conflict at Work: Responses on Urban Working Women,” presented in a Symposium on “ and Conflict and in Western

25 Europe: Anthropological Perspectives.” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Houston, Texas. December.

“Women, Work and Ethnicity” prepared for the Center for the Study of Metropolitan Problems (NIMH) Seminar Series on “The Urban Struggle: Women and Work,” Rockville, Maryland, April.

“Women and History - The View from Other Disciplines” presented on Anthropology and Women's History, using material from NIMH project. Organization of American Historians Meetings, Atlanta, Georgia, April.

1976 “Family and Work Place: The English Working Class” paper presented at symposium on “The Family National Policy and Industrial Capitalism,” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington, DC.

1975 “Navajos and Anthropologists: Forty Years of Community Research,” Burg Wartenstein Symposium No. 67: The Theoretical and Methodological Implications of Long-Term Field Research in Social Anthropology.

1973 “Women's Work, Alienation and Class Consciousness,” American Anthropological Meetings, New Orleans, Louisiana.

1972 “The Navajo as a Case Study in Internal Colonization,” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Toronto.

“Women in the Family and Domestic Group,” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Toronto. (Symposium on Women in Anthropological Theory).

1970 “A New Look at Navajo Witchcraft, Gossip, and Cooperation,” American Anthropological Association Meetings, San Diego, California.

1968 “Symbolic Elements in Navajo Ritual,” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Seattle, Washington.

1967 “Cooperative Activities in a Navajo Community,” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Washington, D. C.

1965 “Residence Group and Sibling Group Cycle among the Navajo,” American Anthropological Association Meetings, Denver, Colorado.

Academic Honors: Research Grants, Fellowships, and Awards

26 2007 Co- PI Andrew Mellon Foundation. “Building Future Leadership for the Advancement of Native American and Latino Humanistic Social Science at the University of New Mexico.” Principle Investigator with Michael Graves (Chair, Anthropology, University of New Mexico). $700,000.

San Raphael, New Mexico, Oral History Project. UNM Research Allocations Committee. $3660.

Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies. $3,000.

2006-11 Senior Anthropologist. Multi-Method Ethnographic Assessment of Behavioral Health Reform in New Mexico. National Institute of Mental Health Program on “Research on Rural Mental Health and Drug Abuse Disorders.” Cathleen Willging, PI. $449,072 (annual direct costs).

2004-07 Co-PI. National Endowment for the Humanities Challenge Grant awarded to UNM Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies. $1.38 million.

2003-05 Co-Investigator/Senior Anthropologist. An ethnographic study of the mental health needs and the help-seeking processes of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in rural and urban regions of New Mexico. National Institute of Mental Health. Catherine Willging, P.I. $180,000.

1998-00 Coordinator for Ethnographic Team and Co-PI. “Multi-method Assessment of Medicaid Managed Care.” Agency for Health Care Policy and Research/NIH. Howard Waitzkin, UNM Department of Family and Community Medicine, PI. $896,906.

1995 Research Allocations Committee, UNM grant for continuing research on “Bringing Navajo Women into History: The Personal Narratives of Eva Price and Her Family.” $2,230

1994-95 Awarded the 1994 Snead-Wertheim Lectureship through the University of New Mexico Board of Regents for research on the life history of a Navajo woman, award of $2,900.

1994 Awarded the 1994 Conrad Arensberg Award given by the Society for the Anthropology of Work for outstanding contributions to the field.

1987-91 Project Board Member and Co-Director, Changing Relations in U.S. Communities: Newcomers and Established Residents. Selection and administration of six team research projects with Ford Foundation Grant of $1,800,000.

27 06/1985- “Working Families and Sunbelt Industrialization: Changes in the Home 12/1986 and Work Place,” funded by Russell Sage Foundation for $100,809.

09/1981- Research on “Women's Work and Family Strategies in the Context of 08/1983 'Sunbelt' Industrialization” funded by National Science Foundation, Anthropology Program for total $63,988. Peter B. Evans and Louise Lamphere, Co-Principal Investigators.

06/1975- Research on “Women, Work and Ethnicity in an Urban Setting,” funded by 05/1978 National Institute of Mental Health, Center for the Study of Metropolitan Problems. Direct costs $69,000.

07/1975- Research on “Women, Work and Ethnicity in an Urban Setting,” funded by 01/1976 Ford Foundation, Faculty Research Fellowship on the Role of Women in Society.

09/1971- Research on networks and urban social relationships, including a pilot 07/1972 study of dual worker families, in conjunction with Drs. Robert and Rhonda Rapoport, Institute of Family and Environment, London, England (Supported by NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship).

06/1965- Eastern Reservation Navajo (Sheep Springs): Study of kinship cooperation 09/1966 and norms. Supported by NIMH Graduate Fellowship and Research Grant Attachment.

06/1964- Ramah Navajo: Study of residence patterns. Supported by NIMH 08/1964 Fellowship.

06/1963- Ramah Navajo: Study of religious learning in a Navajo family. Member of 08/1963 NSF Harvard-Columbia Field Institute of Ethnology.

Service to the Profession: Review Panels and Editorial Boards

2017-2020 Board Officer, School for Advanced Research, New Mexico Highlands University, New Mexico State University, and the University of New Mexico.

2014-17 Awards Committee Member, American Anthropological Association

2015,2017 Book Prize Committee Chair, Society for the Anthropology of North America

2015,2017 Awards Committee Member, Society for Applied Anthropology

2015 Internal Review Panel for Residential Fellowships, School of Advanced Research Santa Fe.


2010 Mentor for the first Campbell Fellow, School of Advanced Research, Santa Fe.

2010 Member Committee to Review Department of Anthropology, Southern Methodist University

2008-11 Chair, Resource Development Committee, American Anthropological Association

2006 Member, Committee to Review Department of Anthropology, University of Oregon

2006 Member, Committee to Review Department of Anthropology, University of Nevada-Reno

2005-09 Chair, AAA Labor Relations Commission

2002-Pres Culture Contact Committee, Russell Sage Foundation

2001- 05 AAA Commission on Status of South American Indigenous Peoples

2001- 05 SfAA/AAA Commission on Applied Practicing Anthropology

2000 Committee to Review Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan

1994-98 Advisory Editorial Council, American Anthropologist

1992 Special Review Board, National Institute of Mental Health

1991-96 Editorial Board, SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture & Society

1991-96 Editorial Board, Annual Review of Anthropology

1984-00 Editorial Board, Women & Work. An Annual Review.

1984-89 Associate Editor, American Ethnologist.

1983- Pres Associate Editor, Journal of Anthropological Research.

1987-88 Project Advisory Board, Gender and the Anthropology Curriculum. Evaluator of textbooks and project modules. Project funded by FIPSE and sponsored by the American Anthropological Association.

1985 Panelist, School of American Research, Consultation for Bandelier Medal, December 3, Washington, D. C.


Program Coordinator and Organizer, AES Spring 1985 Meeting on “Culture, History and Political Economy.” May 9-12.

1984 Member Sociology/Anthropology Selection Committee, reviewing applications for the Bunting Institute, Radcliffe College, January.

1981-83 Panelist for National Science Foundation Anthropology Subprogram, Senior Grants for Scientific Research. Feb, May, Nov 1981; Nov. 1982; Feb, May 1983.

1978 Panelist for evaluation of NSF Postdoctoral Fellowships in Science Education.

1975-89 Editorial Board, SIGNS: Journal of Women in Culture & Society.

1975 Panelist for evaluation of NSF Graduate Fellowship Applicants (February 17- 21, Washington, D. C.).

1973 NSF Consultant to the Lake Powell Research Project, evaluation of sections of project dealing with Anthropology, Epidemiology, Law and Political Science (June 14-18, Flagstaff, Arizona).

Service to the Profession: Manuscript Reviews and Tenure/Promotion Reviews (recent)

2017-2020 Wenner-Gren Foundation Review Panel.

2017-2020 Review Committee: Dissertation Completion Fellowship, Center for Engaged Research, Berkeley, California.

2014 Review of book manuscripts for University of Pennsylvania Press, Vanderbilt University Press and Lexington Books.

2013 Review of book manuscript for National Association for Practicing Anthropology (NAPA) , Annuals of Anthropology Practice.

2012 Review of book manuscripts for NYU Press; review of article for American Anthro- pologist.

2011 Manuscript review for University of Arizona Press, NYU Press, Altamira Press. Articles reviews for American Indian Quarterly and Feminist Formations. 30

2011 Tenure Review, Department of Anthropology, University of Oklahoma

2010 Manuscript reviews for books for University of Arizona Press and University of New Mexico Press

2010 Tenure Review, Department of Anthropology/Women Studies, University of Michigan

2009-10 Review of articles for American Ethnologist

2009 Review of Book manuscript for Vanderbilt University Press

Scientific and Honorary Societies

Society for the Anthropology of North America-Secretary, 2014-5; Chair of Committee to Select Delmos Jones and Jagna Scharff Memorial Book Award. 2015.

American Anthropological Association - Executive Committee, 1987-89, 1997-99; President Elect 1997-99; President 1999-2001.

Association for Feminist Anthropology - Board Member at Large 1989-91, Chair Elect 1993- 95, Chair 1995-97.

American Ethnological Society - President, 1987-89; President Elect, 1986-87; Counselor 1981-84

Society for Cultural Anthropology – Fellow

Phi Beta Kappa

Royal Anthropological Institute – Fellow

University Service - University of New Mexico

2015-16 Salary Review Committee, Department of Anthropology

2014 Internal Review Panel to review candidates for Distinguished Professor, UNM.

2006-07 Member, College of Arts and Sciences Senior Faculty Promotion Committee


2006 Chair, Department of Anthropology Committee to Review Tenure for Joe Watkins

2005-06 Member, Department of Anthropology Search Committee for Department Chair

2005 Chair, Department of Anthropology Committee to Review the Promotion of Sylvia Rodriguez to Full Professor.

2004-10 Chair, Advisory Board, Alfonso Ortiz Center for Intercultural Studies

2004-08 Member, Women Studies Executive Committee

2003 Chair, 75th Diamond Jubilee Committee, Department of Anthropology

2002-03 Blue Ribbon Committee on Minorities

1997 Director of the Feminist Research Institute

1996-98 College of Arts and Sciences Senior Faculty Promotion Committee

1995-98 University of New Mexico Planning Council; Sub Committee on Tuition and Enrollment Management

1992-95 Department of Anthropology, Ethnology Faculty Convenor

1994-95 Academic Coordinator, Women Studies Program

1993-94 Interim Director Women Studies Program

1992-94 Women's Studies Operations Committee, Women Studies Curriculum Committee

1992-93 College of Arts and Sciences Junior Faculty Promotion Committee

1990-91 Core Curriculum Committee

1989-91 Long Range Planning Committee

1986-91 Department of Anthropology, Ethnology Faculty Convener

1986-92 Women Studies Advisory Board 32

1986-88 Women Studies Committee

1989 Dean's Committee on Principles, Policies and Procedures for the Evaluation of Candidates for Promotion and Tenure, Department of Anthropology

1987-88 Department of Anthropology Graduate Committee

1986-89 Dean's Committee on Promotion & Tenure, Chair 1987-89