Kesolves, 1909.— Chaps. 131, 132, 133. 917 buildings at the leper hospital on Penikese island, the same to be expended under the direction of the state board of charity. Approved June 18, 1909.

lobster Resolve relative to the improvement of (J]ia7).\^\ AND ANNISQUAM RIVER IN THE CITY OF GLOUCES- TER.

Resolved, That the board of harbor and land commis- Lobster cove, sioners shall cause a survey to be made of Lobster cove Gloucester. in the city of Gloucester so that a may be dredged from the main channel of Annisquam river in the said city to Lobster cove, and shall otherwise improve the said cove and river in such manner as it deems neces- sary, and for these purposes may expend a sum not ex- ceeding twenty-five hundred dollars. Approved June 18, 1909.

Resolve to provide for the completion of the im- CJiap.Vd2 PROVEMENT OF THE HARBOR OF CUTTYHUNK IN THE TOWN OF GOSNOLD.

Besolved, That there be allowed and paid out of the Cuttyhunk treasury of the commonwealth the sum of ten thousand cosnoyr dollars, to be expended under the direction of the board of harbor and land commissioners in completing the im- provement of the harbor of Cuttyhunk, in the town of Gosnold, by dredging the channel or in such other man- ner as said board may deem best. This sum shall be in addition to the amounts heretofore authorized to be expended for said improvement. But no part of the money hereby appropriated shall be expended unless the town of Gosnold shall pay into the treasury of the com- monwealth the sum of five thousand dollars and shall secure land for a public landing place on the shores of the said harbor. Approved June 18, 1909.

Resolve to provide for dredging the upper part of Chap.l^^ WEYMOUTH fore RIVER.

Resolved, That the board of harbor and land commis- weymouth Fore river. sioners is hereby directed to dredge the shoals which have formed in the upper part of Weymouth Fore river in the channel excavated by the United States government, in 918 Eesolves, 1909. — Chaps. 134, 135, 136.

accordance with the provisions of chapter one hundred and three of the resolves of the year nineteen hundred and five, whereby the commonwealth agreed to maintain the channel dredged in said river by the United States govern- ment. For this purpose the board may expend a sum not exceeding ten thousand dollars. Approved June 18, 1909.

Chap.lS4: Resolve to authorize an additional appropriation FOR THE DREDGING OF A CHANNEL IN AT ORIENT HEIGHTS.


Chap.1^35 Resolve in favor of the smith agricultural school AND NORTHAMPTON SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY.

Smith agri- Resolved, That there be allowed and paid out of the cultural fir-i'i school, etc. treasury oi the commonwealth to the trustees oi the Smith agricultural school and Northampton school of technology, the sum of seven thousand dollars, to be expended by them

Proviso. toward the maintenance of the school : provided, that no part of this sum shall be paid until satisfactory evidence has been furnished to the auditor of the commonwealth that an additional sum of three thousand dollars has been paid to said trustees by the city of ISTorthampton. The city of jSTorthampton is hereby authorized to raise by taxa- tion and pay to said trustees the said sum of three thou- sand dollars. Approved June 18, 1909.


Bridge over Resolved, That the highway commission Parker river •" • i • • l. in Newbury, jg hereby directed to make substantial repairs m the Parker river bridge, so-called, on the state highway in