Compiled by: 29-Mar-l0 Summary of cedar in Texas Mark C. Black, Extension Pathologist, Texas Agrilife Extension Service, Uvalde

Family Species Common name Vegetational areas 1 Juniperus ashei Ashe's , Ashe juniper, blue-berry juniper, 5,7,8,9,10 mountain cedar Juniperus dappeana alligator juniper 10 Juniperus erythrocarpa 10 Juniperus flaccida weeping juniper, drooping juniper 10 Juniperus monosperma one-seeded juniper 7,8,9,10 Juniperus pinchotii Pinchot's juniper, redberry juniper 5,7,8,9 Juniperus scopulorum rocky mountain juniper 8,9,10 Juniperus virginiana eastern red-cedar (only in eastern edge of area 7) 1,2,3,4,7 fF Juniperus horizontalis creeping juniper introduced ornamental '( .Juniperus chinensis var. procumbens Japanese garden juniper introduced ornamental Juniperus conferta shore juniper introduced ornamental Juniperus chinensis var. chinensis 'Compact pfitzer' compact Pfitzer juniper introduced ornamental Juniperus chinensis var. chinensis'Pfitzerana' Pfitzer juniper introduced ornamental Juniperus chinensis var. chinensis 'Blue Point' Blue point juniper introduced ornamental Juniperus chinensis var. chinensis 'Torulosa' Hollywood juniper introduced ornamental Juniperus virginiana 'Canaertii' Canaert eastern red cedar introduced ornamental

lVegetational areas of Texas (from S.l. Hatch, K. N. Gandhi, and l.E. Brown. 1990. Checklist of the vascular of Texas. MP-1655. Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, College Station, TX) 1 Pineywoods 2 Gulf Prairies and Marshes 3 Post Oak Savannah 4 Blackland Prairies 5 Cross Timbers and Prairies 7 Edwards Plateau [southern Uvalde County is in area 6 (South Texas Plains); northern Uvalde County is in area 7] 8 Rolling Plains \ 9 High Plains 10 Trans-Pecos Most introduced ornamental (most are adapted to high rainfall and cooler climates) exhibit stress symtpoms are short lived in Uvalde County, apparently due to high night time temperatures in summer, low rainfall, high soil pH, etc.
