Skylight News and Notes from the GTU Spring 2018 CJS at 50 Marking Fifty Years of Innovative Scholarship with the Center for Jewish Studies ALSO IN THIS ISSUE: Celebrating President Alumna of the Year Can Pedagogy and Religion Riess Potterveld Virginia Burrus Address Climate Change? Page 12 Page 14 Page 16 Spring 2018 1 News and Notes from the GTU • Spring 2018 President: Riess Potterveld Dean & Vice President for Academic Affairs: Uriah Y. Kim Dean of Students and Vice President for Student Affairs: Kathleen Kook Skylight Chief Operating Officer: Jeff Pace Chief Financial Officer: Ellen Peterson COVER: CJS@50 Library Director: Clay-Edward Dixon 4 Looking Ahead to New Community, New Skylight Editor: Doug Davidson Partnerships, and New Understandings of Designer: Ellen Moore Osborne What Jewish Means We welcome your feedback. by Deena Aranoff Please send comments, suggestions, alum updates, or address changes to
[email protected]. 6 Remembering Our Beginnings and Becomings by Naomi Seidman Graduate Theological Union 2400 Ridge Road 9 A Place to Discover Your Voice Berkeley, CA 94709 by Glennis Lamm 510-649-2400 FEATURES Member Schools 8 Taube Gift Expands Conference and Learning American Baptist Seminary of the West Church Divinity School of the Pacific Possibilities Dominican School of Philosophy & Theology Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara 11 Naomi Seidman Wins Inaugural Borsch-Rast University Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary of California Book Prize Lutheran University 12 For Such a Time as This Pacific School of Religion San Francisco Theological Seminary by Arthur Holder Starr King School for the Ministry 14 Ancient Texts, Fresh Insights GTU Centers and Affiliates Asia Project by Doug Davidson Black Church/Africana Religious Studies Center for the Arts & Religion 16 Teaching and Religion: Keys to an Equitable Center for Islamic Studies and Ecological Future *Center for Swedenborgian Studies Francisco J.