Parishodh Journal ISSN NO:2347-6648

“Real Picture of Indian Society in Q &A –Novel by Vikas Swarup”

Prof. Rameshwar B. Dusunge Dr. R. S. Nitonde

Research Scholar Research Supervisor

Sawmi Ramanad Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded. Marathwada,


Abstract: The Nature or super power has created many creatures on the Earth. Other creatures don’t have any kind of discrimination. They live life as per the law of nature. But human being started to differentiate each other in several aspects such caste discrimination, colour discrimination, gender discrimination, racism, socio- economical discrimination etc. Racism is the major problem of European Countries but socio-economical discrimination is the universal problem. It is always found that the reflection of society and social structure is the part of literature. Talking about , Indian literature has a rich heritage with numerous regional languages as well as it is available in English also. Ninth and twentieth century has seen an emerging change in Indian English literature. Rabindranath Tagore to recent writers as Mahsesh Dattani, Vikas Swarup and many more have contributed their writings in English . They all tried their best to represent the social structure of India. Vikas Swarup is the one who represented the socio-economical discrimination of India. The best example of his this representation is his novel Q&A. the current work is an attempt to focus on Vikas Swarup’s novel Q &A and representation of socio- economical discrimination.

Key Words: Literature, novel, socio-economic, discrimination, Q&A, etc.

Volume IX, Issue III, March/2020 Page No:9876 Parishodh Journal ISSN NO:2347-6648


Literature is always seen is always as the reflection of society in Indian English literature. In the realm of world literature, Indian English literature has attained its own and independent status. The same scenario is of Indian literature which represents Indian culture, Indian tradition, Social structure of India, religious structure, political issues and so on. Indian English writing founds in translation form as from regional language to English language and direct writing in English. Girish Karnad, Chetan Bhagat, Mahesh Dattani, Vikas Swarup etc are the most popular Indian English writer. The reflection of social structure of India in different approach and with different style all these writers depicted in their writing. Current work is an study of Vikas Swarup and his special quality to reflect the socio-economical discrimination in his novel Q&A.

Vikas Swarup - an Introduction:

Vikas Swarup is the great Indian Novelists in English with having good rank at international level. Their writings are notable. Amongst which Vikas Swarup is one of the great Indian English Writer. The Film Slumdog made him more popular. The same debut novel from Vikas Swarup was translated into eighteen languages, and is actually the basis for the Academy Award-winning film . The narration starts in , India, where Ram Mohammad Thomas is being held in a jail cell. Vikas Swarup is an Indian writer and diplomat who formerly served as the official spokesperson of the Ministry of External Affairs of India and currently the High Commissioner of India to Canada.

Vikas attended University and studied History, Psychology and Philosophy. He also showed his potential as a champion debater, winning National level competitions. After graduating with distinction, he joined the in 1986, motivated by an interest in international relations and a desire to explore different cultures. Vikas studied History, Psychology and Philosophy at Allahabad University.

Many have seen it, but unlike the movie, which is still a popular representation of the Indian underdog, the book’s tone is altogether darker. Scene after scene is recounted where the worst of humanity experiences are faced by Ram and other underprivileged

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individuals. These kinds of glimpses in his hard life made harder by horribly corrupt individuals, but Ram used the stepping stones to learn about existence and survival. The author to say anything critical about 's hit adaptation of his first novel, about a impoverished orphan who wins India's Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Not a chance. Swarup, you see, is a diplomat. His extravagant commerce license, imprinted with three fair-haired lions, informs and he is priest and assistant elevated representation of India, bottom in . Vikas has been posted to a variety of countries such as (1987-1990), the (1993-1997) (1997- 2000) and the (2000-2003). From August 2006 he has been posted in Pretoria as India’s Deputy High Commissioner in his ambassadorial profession.

Vikas Swarup’s Writing Techniques:

Vikas Swarup has given the picture of real life of common people, sufferings of common man etc. Hence, Current research is an attempt to focus on the narrative techniques of Vikas Swarup specially concern with Vikas Swarup’s novels Q&A, Six Suspects and The Accidental Apprentice will be included in the present chapter with his ways of storytelling. Vikas Swarup’s stories revolve around inhumane actions and fatalism, and include instances of child molestation, rape, torture and maiming for financial gain, brutalization, and murder. And yet these complex events are not used by Swarup just to show. In their own way, each act represents a way forward for Ram. The novel approaches the weighty tomes of survival, love and sacrifice through the lenses of comedy, drama and heartbreak this way. As a tale about good and evil and how these apparent binaries influence people and the kind of choices they make, it is easy to see how Swarup’s book was made into a widely popular film with universal appeal. The uniqueness of Vikas Swarup is his method of Story Telling in Novels.

In Q & A Vikas Swarup used the character Ram Mohammad Thomas to tell the story of own life and ups and downs of life.

Experience of Hero of the Novel:

The hero is of just eighteen year old but he has experienced one hell of a roller- coaster ride of a life, its rapid and unexpected falls and rises leaving the reader dizzy and whiplashed. Swarup himself is very persistent, he never simplifies up on the pace or the back and forth between good and bad fortune. In different ways, the book is

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similar to one long heave, with those brief misleading time of comforting calm between otherwise inexorable flows.

Ram's Supreme Victory:

Ram contributed in Who Will Win a Billion? It is an Indian TV quiz show which is also known as. He became the first contestant to answer all twelve questions correctly and grabs the prize, even though he is an uneducated waiter,.

Economy and Victory:

Ram is arrested for this impressive achievement, the television producer charging that he must have cheated and that they wouldn’t have to pay up at the beginning. He gets a official pardon when a lawyer is eager to at least pay attention to his side of the story, Tortured by the police, demanding to hear the full story of how Ram could have answered all these questions. By telling episodes from his life Ram gradually discloses what he has experienced and, Co-incidentally, how he came to know the answers to these particular questions.

It's not a terrible bordering machine, and for the most part it works astonishingly well. Some of the superior thoughts in the novel -- all the way down to a theatrical final argument over the last problem also work quite well.

Ram's Crowded Life Story:

All of Dicken’s books put together don't seem to contain this much misery, evil, heartbreak, retribution, reversals and re-reversals of fortune. Ram isn't merely orphaned once, but several times he has to fend for himself from a relatively early age, and every time he seems to have found a place where he is safe storm strikes. From the mysterious murder-suicide of the priest who had raised him as a young child to his going to work for someone he discovers is a contract killer, there's blood and gore and danger everywhere.

Series of Death:

This book is full of murders, with a couple of suicides thrown in for good measure too -- as well as additional horrific demises (death by rabies !) -- not to forget sexual violations galore, the intentional maiming of children, theft, corruption, international

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espionage, all -- except the last -- in numerous (it sometimes seems: countless) variations.

Lucky Coin:

There's one very lucky coin. Ram creates few nice acquaintances and unavoidably falls in love with a prostitute and he attempts to do good and sometimes give up of doing bad. There’s a small bit of drenched blood from his hands too, by the end.

Life of Poor: There are many incidents which portray the life of the poor and their particular hard lives, the lives of the rich he encounters are hard too, just differently and Swarup introduces all sorts of characters suffering all sorts of Indian fates. The book is approximately all a vague impression unfortunately, as he only quickly narrates the stories or rather miseries till stepping up off to the next episode.

The surface and doesn't ponder upon any depths, murky or clear is skimmed by this book. There are few funs in all this, further it dresses in a bit slender. Swarup is creative in his invention, but the book is more of a cartoon than anything resembling a novel.

Narrator with 18 Years old: Swarup gamely drives ahead and ahead and ahead, all the way to well, we won't give it away, but you can guess how most things turn out. His narrator is only eighteen years old, and Swarup doesn't offer a fully convincing voice, but it's adequate for his purposes. Q & A is decipherable, and on some level bit interesting, but it's too enthusiastic and too simple and eventually only a fling away read.

Everyone wants to tell their story. Even in the drama Hamlet, when Hamlet is dying, he lastly requested to Horatio is that his story be told. He expressed his wish in all of us. Storytelling permits us not only to tell stories, but also to tell our story. Thus, Stories generate the supernatural and an intelligence of speculate at the planet. Stories educate us about our life, about ourselves and about others. Storytelling is a distinctive way for scholars to develop a sympathetic, respect and appreciation for other cultures, and can endorse a positive attitude to people from different lands, races and religions. Humans are touching creatures bearing in mind. Vikas Sawrup’s notion is that storytelling with showing the real picture of society permits us to digest in sequence more easily because it communicates that information to emotions. Storytelling is

Volume IX, Issue III, March/2020 Page No:9880 Parishodh Journal ISSN NO:2347-6648

important because it is an effective way at teaching in a way that people can easily remember, and at helping people relate to one another.

Conclusion: Thus, Vikas Swarup has described the main characters from the slum of poor part of the area for example Ram Mohammad Thomas as an orphan, ho he won the KBC competition but because of his slum condition, he has been punished in the imprisonment rather than getting the reward of winning.


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