Active Surface Salt Structures of the Western Kuqa Fold-Thrust Belt, Northwestern China
Active surface salt structures of the western Kuqa fold-thrust belt, northwestern China Jianghai Li1, A. Alexander G. Webb2,*, Xiang Mao1, Ingrid Eckhoff2, Cindy Colón2, Kexin Zhang2, Honghao Wang1, An Li2, and Dian He2,† 1The Key Laboratory of Orogenic Belts and Crustal Evolution, Ministry of Education, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 2Department of Geology and Geophysics, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803, USA ABSTRACT fold-thrust belt display a variety of erosion- dynamics of salt motion. Although geo scientists tectonics interactions, with nuances refl ect- have interpreted thousands of salt sheets in The western Kuqa fold-thrust belt of Xin- ing the low viscosity and high erodibility of more than 35 basins worldwide (Hudec and jiang Province, China, hosts a series of surface salt, including stream defl ections, potential Jackson, 2006, 2007), subaerial preservation of salt structures. Here we present preliminary tectonic aneurysm development, and even halite salt structures is rare (Talbot and Pohjola, analysis of the geometry, kinematics, and sur- an upper-crustal test site for channel fl ow– 2009; Barnhart and Lohman, 2012). A fraction face processes of three of these structures: the focused denudation models. of these subaerial salt structures occur in active Quele open-toed salt thrust sheet, Tuzima- settings, where boundary conditions of ongoing zha salt wall, and Awate salt fountain. The INTRODUCTION deformation can be geodetically characterized. fi rst two are line-sourced, the third appears The Kuqa fold-thrust belt of Xinjiang Prov- to be point-sourced, and all are active. The Among common solid Earth materials, salt is ince, northwestern China, offers a new prospect ~35-km-long, 200-m-thick Quele open-toed distinguished by uncommonly low density, low for subaerial investigation of a range of active salt thrust sheet features internal folding, viscosity, near incompressibility, high solubil- salt structures.
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