7. Muir, R. AA. and C. Hansch. 1951. The relationship of 11. Veldstra, H. and H. L. Booij. 1949. Researches on structure and growth activity of substituted benzoic plant growth regulators. XVII — Biochem. and Biophys. and phenoxyacetic acids. Plant Physiol. 26:369-378. Acta. 3:278. 12. Whiting, A. G. and M. A. Murray. 1948. Abscission 8. Poole, R. T. 1960. Work unpublished. University of and other responses induced by 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid Florida, Gainesville, Florida. in bean . Bot. Gaz. 109:447-472. 9. Snyder, W. E. 1949. Some responses of plants to 13. Zimmerman, P. W. and A. E. Hitchcock. 1942 Sub 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. Plant Physiol. 24:195-203. stituted phenoxy and benzoic acid growth substances and 10. Taylor, J. B. and J. N. Joiner. 1959. Vegetative pro the relation of structure to physiological activity. Contr. pagation of Feijoa sellowiana and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa Boyce Thompson Inst. 12:321-336. as affected by various combinations of 3-indolebutyric acid, 14. Zimmerman, P. W. and A. E. Hitchcock. 1942. Flower arginine, sucrose and thiamine. Proc. Fla. StateHort. Soc. ing habit and correlation of organs modified by triiodoben- zoic acid. Contr. Boyce Thompson Inst. 12:441-504. 72:366-368.


Edwin A. Menninger Cuban Pink Trumpet, is evergreen and it flowers on and off all year, usually with the The Flowering Man ovate-lanceolate but often while change is in process. The T. pallida Stuart (sometimes called T. pallida No. 2) drops its The most satisfactory flowering trees for linear-obcordate leaves (which havean irri- parkway and yard planting in southern Florida descent oily sheen) once a year and while belong to the . This Brazilian bare, blooms profusely, then puts on its new native name applies to about 150 of foliage. Many specimens of both trees are in broad-leaved, mostly evergreen trees from the common cultivation. The third tree, which too West Indies and Central and South America. Some of them were formerly included in Tecoma2, some still are; in this article correct botanical names are retained, but all are lump ed together as Tabebuia trees. Almost without exception they are showy- flowered and precocious, with trumpet-shap ed blossoms, white, pink, lavender, purple, red and yellow, frequently in great profusion. F. C. Hoehne, dean of plantsmen in Sao Paulo, , in his book City Planting of Trees, sums up the utility of the Tabebuia group when he says: "To name the species most worth culti vating is easier than to exclude those not worth while", and then he suggests ten outstanding kinds for street planting in Brazil; about half of his choices are now growing in Florida too. Of the dozen or more species under culti vation generally in Florida now, commonest is the Paraguayan silver-trumpet tree (T. ar- gentea3 Britton; Syn.. argentea Bur. & K. Schum.) which owes its common name to the silver-gray cast of its evergreen leaves. Also commonly cultivated are three species that are much confused, even by botanists. Two quite different trees have been introduced into Florida under the name of T. pallida Miers. One of these, commonly called the

(1) Based in part on an article by the author in the Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, June 1949. (2 Without any apparently valid reason, Tecoma stans YELLOW POUI (Tabebuia serratifolia) from Trinidad is a is referred by HORTUS SECOND to Stenolobium Stans big timber tree at home but in Florida it is a difficult treeto grow and consequently is rare. It has spectacular yellow and therefore is so treated here. „„,„. (3) In this article the Abbreviation T. stands for TABEBUIA flowers. MENNINGER: TABEBUIA 367

is often seen, is T. pentaphylla Hemsl., na densely covered with flower panicles so as to tional tree of Salvador, with leaves three times form a giant bouquet .... an unsurpassed as big as those of either T. pallida. Standley display of color varying from nearly white to says that in Central America this tree "is deep rose; in their tints the flowers recall the

CUBAN PINK TRUMPET () is a small tree, rarely 25 feet, evergreen, with heaviest bloom in April, a few flowers all year. The flowers vary from a shell pink to a deep rosy pink. 368 FLORIDA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1960

Japanese cherries and are equally beautiful." though the flowering periods are usually two Bailey's Hortus Second confounds the confus to three weeks, the evergreen T. pallida blooms ion surrounding these three trees by calling almost continuously for eight or ten weeks — them identical. March to May — and repeats with a shorter Other Tabebuia trees now commonly plant period later in the year. Several species flower ed in Florida, though on a smaller scale be when only three or four feet high. Most species cause more recently introduced and not so of Tabebuia are evergreen, but even those that drop their leaves do so when flowers are ready well known, are: to bedeck the limbs, so that the trees are al T. palmeri Rose. Bright Pink. . most never bare, even in winter. T. guayacan (Seem.) Hemsley. Yellow. Panama. (2) With the exception of T. donnell-smithii*, T. rosea (Bertol.) DC. Pink. Colombia. all the species being grown in Florida are T. serratifolia (Vahl) Nicholson. Yellow. small enough to find place in the average Trinidad. yard and not to outgrow their location. T. chrysantha (Jacq.) Nicholson. Yellow. (3) No diseases or pests of any kind appear Colombia. to attack the Tabebuia now in cultivation. T. avellanedae (Tecoma ipe Mart.) y T. (4) The glossy-leaved Tabebuia are suf Dugandii. Rose to purple. Northern ficiently salt-resistant to permit their use in South America. landscaping of waterfront homes. A consider Here are seven reasons why these Tabebuia able number of the trees are in successful trees are termed most satisfactory in Florida: (4) Several Tabebuia have been transferred to the genus (1) They produce their floral display in and three of these are cultivated in Florida. C. winter or early spring when the tourist popu donnell-smithii F. N. Rose (Syn. T. donnell-smithii J. N. Rose) often grows to 100 feet; in Mexico it is called Prima Vera. lation is at its height. T. palmeri begins bloom C. chrysea (Blake) Siebert (Syn T. chrysea Blake) with lovely ing in December and the other species keep yellow flowers, is much used as a street tree in Barran- quilla, Colombia. The green-flowered C. antisyphilitica up the procession of beauty through May. Al Mart, is a strange and beautiful Brazilian tree.

BRAZILIAN TRUMPET (Tabebuia ipe, or T. avellanedae) is a smaller yard tree, bearing deep pink to purple flowers leafless branches in March. MENNINGER: TABEBUIA 369

cultivation around homes in Palm Beach where per cubic foot. (Compare balsa 7 pounds, cork salt spray from the trade winds over the Gulf 13, oak 40, mahogany 45, ebony 73.) Stream is a considerable factor. (7) Some species of Tahebuia are suffici (5) Some species of Tabehuia withstand in ently hardy to thrive in central and north undation for extended periods without damage. Florida. This has long been known to be true At Fort Lauderdale, Fla. in June 1947, speci of T. argentea. In Orlando, Florida mature mens of T. rosea and T. pentaphylla were cov specimens of T. umbellata Sandwith, thrive ered by flood waters for six weeks without in despite occasional low temperatures of 26° or jury. T. aquatilis (E. Mey.) Sprague & Sand- a little less. This species was brought from with of northern Brazil, grows naturally in in Brazil by Mulford Foster, distinguished auth undated savannas and reaches a height of 100 ority on bromeliads, and is now much used feet or more. T. insignis (Miq.) Sandw. is in as a street tree by the City of Orlando Parks digenous to swampy forests of the Guianas department. It flowers extravagantly in April. and . There are a few trees of other species of Tabe- (6) Other species are particularly suited to buia in cultivation experimentally in other dry regions. T. leucoxyla DC. thrives in Trini parts of northern Florida and preliminary con dad in "very dry and exposed situations," and clusions are that the deciduous types that T. serratifolia is a very slow-growing Trinidad grow at high elevations in their native habitats forest tree, found only on dry hillsides with (and therefore are in some measure inured to gray so hard that it weighs 70 pounds cold spells during their dormant periods) will

MEXICAN TRUMPET (Tabebuia palmeri) bears a profusion of wine red flowers from December fitfully into March when heaviest. Temperatures to 32 degrees three times n winter of 1958-1959 failed to check bloom. 370 FLORIDA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1960

SILVER TRUMPET (Tabebuia argentea) gets its name from the silver-gray foliage. The flowers are brilliant yellow in March, so that the tree is sometimes referred to as Gold tree .

probably survive the winter temperatures of and recognize three degrees of hardness and all parts of Florida and areas with similar durability: climate. (a) The White Cedar group, in which the Because some of the Tabebuia provide lum wood resembles birch. (T. insignis, T. aquata- ber of exceptional beauty of grain and color, lis). and because others furnish timber of great (b) The Roble group, with brownish, med durability, many of the natural stands of the ium hard wood resembling plain sawed oak, trees in Central America and elsewhere have not very durable in contact with the ground been slaughtered. In Salvador at least one (T. pentaphylla.) species has been saved from extinction only by (c) The Lapacho group, embodying a large the organization of the Society for the Beauti- number of species with olive-brown, more or fication of the Highways of Salvador, which less oily, very dense timbers containing an has grown many thousands of seedlings and abundance of sulphur-like deposits (lapachol planted them along the roadsides of the na compound). The wood is highly resistant to tion. decay. Standley records of T. guayacan: "Some Timber experts, not interested in the orna of the beams of the cathedral of Old Panama mental quality of the trees, classify Tabebuia are said to have been of this wood and to on an economic rather than a botanical basis, have remained sound although exposed to the MENNINGER: TABEBUIA 371 weather for 250 years." Other important T. impetiginosa (Mart.) Standley—Large members of this group are T. avellanedae, T. tree of rapid growth. Red flowers. palmeri, T. serratifolia, T. lapacho (K. T. lapacho—Pink flowered. Of most beau Schum.) Sandwith, T. barbata (E. May) tiful appearance. Sandwith. T. leucoxyla—Wonderful in possessing Although it is beyond the scope of this white flowers in great number. (The presentation to refer to all known species of flowers of the West Indian species are Tabebuia, attention can be drawn to those sometimes rosy pink, and in Trinidad the offering most promise for color is described as "pale mauve with ing in the warmer parts of the United States. yellow throat). The ten Brazilian species selected by Hoehne T. ochracea (Cham.)—Very elegant; for street planting are: large yellow flowers. T. alba (Cham.) Sandwith-Specific name T. umbellata—Yellow flowers, medium is from the white fuzzy leaves. Yellow height, slow growth, but easiest of all to flowers. transplant. Tecoma caraiba. Mart.—A very beautiful There are a number of Central American tree, with large yellow flowers. species that are described in glowing terms but which have never been introduced into the Tecoma chrysotricha Mart.—A beautiful United States. These include T. spectabilis, of tree of good form and abundant yellow Colombia which is described by Macmillan5; T. flowers. (5) Armando Dugan of Colombia, S. A. an authority on the T. eximia (Miq.) Sandwith-Dark red Tabebuia, writes. "Of course, T. spectabilis (PI. et Lind. ex. flowers. PI.) Nicholson, which you call Showy Trumpet Tree was originally described from the mountains of northeastern T. avellanedae-Red, reddish or purple Colombia at 8000 feet, a rather high altitude for Tabebuia. The tree reported under spectabilis has only been found flowers, precocious and ornamental when in Colombia once or twice since it was described in 1887. I in bloom. have seen no Venezuelan specimens corresponding to the original description."

ROSY TRUMPET () flowers with the leaves for three weeks about the first of March The tree has a tendency toward fastigiate growth. Flowers are China rose, fading to crimson. 372 FLORIDA STATE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, 1960 aesculifolia Hemsl. described by Render as T. glomerata. Urb.—Puerto Rican tree having "orange red flowers with yellow spots with clustered bright yellow flowers. on three lower lobes'* (this may be confused There are at least 50 other species in the with Godmania aesculifolia, a related tree with West Indies. Britton describes two red-flower greenish-yellow flowers); and T. stenocalyx ed species in Puerto Rico with simple leaves. Sprague and Stapf., with large white flowers- T. rigida. Urb. and T. schumanniana, Urb. The one of the few species of Tabebuia with simple Harvard Botanical Garden in has found leaves; most species have 3, 5 or 7 leaflets. special merit in three other West Indian species. T. heterophylla, DC. Britton, and T. Other West Indian species which have al lepidota (H. B. K.) Britton both with pale ready been brought into cultivation include: pink blossoms, and T. sauvattei Britton. a shrubby patio type with tiny mauve flowers. T. haemantha DC—Puerto Rican tree with small red or crimson flowers. This Because Tabebuia trees sparingly or has been hybridized with T. pallida to not at all in Florida and because the papery produce a tree with large burgundy red must be caught before the pods fly open, flowers. propagation of some species is slow. Some

FOSTER'S TRUMPET (Tabeboia umbellata) was introduced to Florida by Mulford B. Foster of Orlando, the bromelaid specialist, and the tree has proved so hardy in that area that the Orlando park de partment plants it extensively as a street tree. Flowers are bright yellow. MAGIE: GLADIOLUS ROT 373

however, can be grown from cuttings. The tree and enjoying the dazzling beauty of its number of trees planted in Florida is rapidly golden blossoms. increasing as public interest in their winter- The end of every branch has a large panicle blooming quality mounts. with as many as 60 open flowers at one time. The buds at the ends of the panicles continue Two other handsome yellow-flowered trum to open as the old flowers drop, extending pet trees are grown extensively in Florida, the blossoming season over a period of four and must be included here. or five weeks. The yellow flowers are bell- One is Tecoma gaudichaudii DC, which shaped with a two-inch tube, five rounded and was introduced from Colombia 30 years ago reflexed lobes as well as orange stripes run by the U. S. Department of Agriculture as P. ning down the throat. The flowers are frag I. 107836. It is an arborescent or small rant and attract humming birds and . The tree with simple, coarsely serrated leaves and leaves are compound with five to seven nar large yellow flowers in ample terminal clus row sharp-pointed serrate leaflets three inches ters. It blooms several times a year, is excel in length and yellow-green in color. lent for street planting, does not get too big. This small tree, which has a spread and a It is often is confused with the next entry height of 20 feet has narrow seed pods which (contributed by Irma R. Byers). are six to eight inches long. When these pods are cut off before maturing it will bloom in The Yellow Elder (Stenolohium starts Seem.; termittently throughout the year. Tecoma starts (L.) if. B. K.; Tecoma mollis Propagation is accomplished by seed. The H. B. K.; Tecoma starts velutina DC.) is the plants begin to bloom when about a year old. glory of southern gardens in autumn. It is a When used as cut flowers the stems should large upright shrub or small tree which must be split or crushed and put into deep water in be kept in the background because of its size. a cool, dark place for three or four hours before A glimpse of its brilliant color from the street being arranged in a vase. They have a lum is so enticing that one finds oneself invading inous quality that makes these sprays seem yards and alleys in order to stand near this like liquid gold in the house.



R. O. Magie are most severe in winter and spring months. Gulf Coast Experiment Station Recommended spray programs are effective in controlling the disease on leaves and on the Bradenton outside of buds. However, conidia are often carried inside the flower buds and between the In the cool, damp weather of the past three by rain. Fungicidal sprays are then in Florida winters, Botrytis blight of cut flowers effective because they cannot be forced inside has been severe. Freeze-damaged gladiolus the buds in time to prevent many of the in were especially vulnerable because the fun fections. After infections are visible, fungi gus, Botrytis gladiolorum Timm., attacked the cides do not cure them and the rot spreads damaged tissue and produced clouds of seed- to other flowers in the package, even though like conidia which lodged in the flower buds held in cold storage. (3). The fungus invaded the tender petals often causing a rot which developed after the Since flowers with bud rot are unmarket apparently healthy flower spikes were packed able, gladiolus growers lost about one million and shipped. dozen flower spikes during the past three Botrytis diseases of gladiolus, chrysanthe years. Several fungicidal dips have been recom mums, lilies and other cut flowers in Florida mended during the past 10 years for con trolling the bud rot (1, 2, 3). After the spikes rlda Agricultural Experiment Station Journal paper, arrive in the packing house, the flower heads