84 (2007) 159–169 www.elsevier.com/locate/geomorph

The perfect landscape ⁎ Jonathan D. Phillips

Tobacco Road Research Team, Department of , University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506-0027, Received 3 December 2004; received in revised form 2 January 2006; accepted 2 January 2006 Available online 17 July 2006


The “perfect storm” metaphor describes the improbable coincidence of several different forces or factors to produce an unusual outcome. The perfect landscape is conceptualized as a result of the combined, interacting effects of multiple environmental controls and forcings to produce an outcome that is highly improbable, in the sense of the likelihood of duplication at any other place or . Geomorphic systems have multiple environmental controls and forcings, and degrees of freedom in responding to them. This allows for many possible landscapes and system states. Further, some controls and forcings are causally contingent. These contingencies are specific to time and place. Dynamical instability in many geomorphic systems creates and enhances some of this contingency by causing the effects of minor initial variations and small disturbances to persist, and grow disproportionately large, over time. The joint probability of any particular set of global controls is low, as the individual probabilities are <1, and the probability of any set of local, contingent controls is even lower. Thus, the probability of existence of any landscape or surface system state at a particular place and time is negligibly small: all landscapes are perfect. Recognition of the perfection of landscapes leads away from a worldview holding that and landscapes are the inevitable outcomes of deterministic laws, such that only one outcome is possible for a given set of laws and initial conditions. A perfect landscape perspective leads toward a worldview that landforms and landscapes are circumstantial, contingent results of deterministic laws operating in a specific environmental context, such that multiple outcomes are possible. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Perfect landscape; Contingency; Geomorphic system; Instability; Probability

1. Introduction convergence or coincidence of several different forces or factors to produce an unusual outcome. While the In his book by the same title, journalist Sebastian colloquial use of the perfect storm metaphor often Junger (1997) used the term “perfect storm” to refer to a connotes potential trouble or disaster, in this essay, I rare convergence in space and time of three different wish to pursue the other aspect of perfect storms: the systems to create a rare, if not unique, improbable combination of several individual factors to meteorological event. Since the publication of Junger's create a singular outcome. The “perfect landscape,” in book and a movie based on it, “perfect storm” has come this sense, would be the result of the combined, into general use as a metaphor for the improbable interacting effects of multiple environmental controls and forcings to produce an outcome that is highly ⁎ Tel.: +1 11 859 257 6950. improbable, in the sense of the likelihood of duplication E-mail address: [email protected]. at any other place or time.

0169-555X/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.01.039 160 J.D. Phillips / Geomorphology 84 (2007) 159–169

The idea that no two landscapes are identical in (iv) The joint probability of any particular set of local, minute detail is hardly novel. The argument developed contingent controls is very low, as the individual here seeks to go beyond this common wisdom to outline probabilities are ≪1. a view of geomorphology (and indeed field-based (v) The probability of existence of any landscape or environmental sciences and geography in general) that earth surface system state at a particular place and integrates local, contingent, historical explanation with time is negligibly small: all landscapes are perfect. global, nomothetic, deterministic explanation. This (vi) Recognition of the perfection of landscapes leads approach shifts the focus from a search for common, away from a worldview holding that landforms general universal laws which attempt to bring different and landscapes are the inevitable outcomes of landforms and landscapes under a common explanatory deterministic laws, such that only one outcome is umbrella, to an attempt to explain the spatial variability possible for a given set of laws and initial of earth surface systems. Models, generalizations and conditions. A perfect landscape perspective laws are based on the principle of ceteris paribus, all leads toward a worldview that landforms and other things being equal. In a perfect landscape, all other landscapes are circumstantial, contingent results things are never equal. of deterministic laws operating in a specific Despite the fact that no two locations are exactly environmental context, such that multiple out- alike, similarities do exist, commonalities can be comes are possible. identified, and there are physical and chemical laws (vii) These different worldviews are associated with that apply everywhere and always—and a far larger set fundamentally different research approaches. of looser laws, principles and generalizations that are widely if not universally applicable Culling (1987, 2. Multiple controls 1988) pointed out that landforms, landscapes and indeed spatial patterns in general virtually always have That geomorphic systems are affected by multiple regularities or identifiable patterns which can be controls is axiomatic. While particular controls such as explained with general laws, overlaid or combined lithology, or -level change may be empha- with irregularities and complexities. The focus on one or sized, even the simplest conceptual frameworks of the other–for instance the general concavo-convex landscape evolution implicitly or explicitly view - hillslope profile or the fractal irregularities of the scapes as product of a combination of factors. W.M. detailed topographic profile–is largely a function of Davis (1909), for example, viewed the land surface as purpose and/or personal preference. Analogously, one the result of the combined effects of structure, process, can legitimately focus on those aspects of earth surface and stage (time). Davis' structure–process–time frame- systems explicable on the basis of general principles and work was implicitly and explicitly adopted by numerous common to other systems, or on those aspects that are earth scientists, regardless of the extent to which they local and historically contingent. adhered to Davis' cyclical model of landscape evolu- The argument here will be developed as follows: tion. Recognizing that “structure” can represent a variety of geological controls, that there are multiple processes (i) Landscapes and earth surface systems have in most landscapes, and that even the time factor can be multiple environmental controls and forcings, conceptualized in various ways, the structure–process– and degrees of freedom in responding to them. time trinity is fully consistent with notions of multiple This allows for many possible landscapes and controls and forcings. system states. Similarly, the “clorpt” model of Jenny (1941), (ii) Some of the controls and forcings are causally ultimately derived from the pedological work of contingent. These contingencies are specific to Dokuchaev (1883), sees as the product of the time and place. Dynamical instability in many combined, interacting effects of climate, organisms, geomorphic systems creates and enhances some relief (), parent material (), time and of this contingency by causing the effects of other factors which may be locally important. Johnson minor initial variations and small disturbances to and Hole (1994), Retallack (1994) and Holliday (1994) persist, and grow disproportionately large, over have outlined how this conceptual and operational time. model has been influential not just in pedology and (iii) The joint probability of any particular set of global geomorphology, but in geomorphology more generally, controls is low, as the individual probabilities are Quaternary geology, palaeoenvironmental studies, ≤1. geoarchaeology and . A more recent J.D. Phillips / Geomorphology 84 (2007) 159–169 161 development which recognizes not only multiple Conditionality occurs when an earth surface system causality but also mutual adjustment is the “brash” can proceed along two or more different developmental model of Huggett (1995, 1997), which views the pathways, according to the occurrence or magnitude of a (b), toposphere (r, relief), atmosphere (a), particular phenomenon—for instance, whether fires are pedosphere (s, soil) and (h) as a dynamical suppressed or not. Whether or not thresholds are system where each component may influence, and be exceeded can result in different developmental path- influenced by, each of the others. ways in geomorphic systems and contingent outcomes, termed singularities by Begin and Schumm 2.1. Degrees of freedom (1984). Johnson and Watson-Stegner (1987) provide several examples of how soils might follow regressive It is equally axiomatic that many geomorphic or progressive pedogenetic trends according to whether systems have numerous degrees of freedom, modes or or not particular events occur. mechanisms to respond to environmental controls and Instability in this case refers to dynamical instabil- external forcings. Barrier , for example, may ities, whereby the effects of small perturbations or respond to sea-level rise by landward migration and/or variations in initial conditions persist or grow over time, drowning in place. In the case of landward migration, resulting in divergent evolution. This is a form of the necessary sediment transfer may be accomplished by historical contingency because it means landscapes have storm overwash, tidal delta formation and inlet a “memory” of perturbations that is disproportionately migration, and aeolian processes—or some combination large or long-lasting relative to the magnitude or (Davis, 1994; Bird, 2000; Woodroffe, 2002). longevity of the disturbance. Dynamical instabilities Hydraulic geometry–stream channel response to are common enough in earth surface systems that changes in imposed flow–is a canonical example of Scheidegger (1983) formulated the “instability princi- multiple degrees of freedom. Even in the most simplified ple” of geomorphic equilibrium, and Huggett (2003) models, there are at least nine variables at the reach scale incorporated instability in a set of principles of and five at a single cross-section which may be adjusted, geomorphic systems in a geomorphology textbook. alone or in innumerable combinations, to a given change The theory and mathematics of dynamical instability (Hey, 1978, 1979; Ferguson, 1986; Phillips, 1990, 1991; in a geomorphic context have been discussed exten- Miller, 1991; Huang and Nanson, 2000). sively elsewhere, along with the link between instability Exactly how will barrier islands respond to sea-level and deterministic chaos (Slingerland, 1981; Scheideg- rise, or stream channels respond to changes in flow? The ger, 1983, 1990; Phillips, 1992, 1999a). Specific answer, as in many analogous questions in geomorphol- examples of dynamical instability and chaos based on ogy, is “it depends.” While the responses are certainly field measurements (as opposed to models) are constrained by invariant laws that apply to any barrier numerous, and include fluvial and aeolian bedforms or stream channel, there remain many possibi- (Nelson, 1990; Seminara, 1991; Rubin, 1992), evolution lities that are determined by local, specific, factors of gully systems (Haigh, 1989), planform change linked to particular places and —that is, by (Hooke and Redmond, 1992; Hooke, 2003), fluvial contingencies. sediment transport (Gomez and Phillips, 1999; Sivaku- mar and Jayawardena, 2002), solute transport (Kempel- 3. Contingency and instability Eggenberger, 1993), karst processes (Baker and Bruns- don, 2003), salt marsh response to sea-level rise 3.1. Inheritance, conditionality and instability (Phillips, 1992), evolution of fluviokarst landscapes (Phillips et al., 2004; Phillips and Walls, 2004), beach Historical contingency exists where the current state dynamics (Holman, 2001), proglacial sedimentation of the landscape is uniquely dependent on a specific past (Richards et al., 2000), glacial cycles (Liu, 1995), and event or sequence of events. Historical contingency development of rock weathering features (Viles, 2001; arises from inheritance, conditionality and instability. Turkington and Phillips, 2004) and weathering profiles Inheritance involves features inherited from parent (Phillips, 2000, 2001). These are only a few examples, material or from previous environmental regimes and the list grows even larger when instability in related which differ from the contemporary environment. hydrological, pedological, climatic and ecological Many landscapes include inherited landforms, for phenomena is considered. example, and Twidale (1999) argues convincingly that Spatial contingency occurs where the state of a such inherited forms are relatively common. landscape depends on local conditions unlikely to be 162 J.D. Phillips / Geomorphology 84 (2007) 159–169 duplicated or closely approximated elsewhere. Spatial stressing the search for applicable process laws within contingency is partly a straightforward function of the local and regional contexts (Ibanez et al., 1995; Haines- geographical variability in environmental processes and Young and Chopping, 1996; Goovaerts, 1999; Christa- controls. In addition, geomorphic systems may exhibit kos, 2002). Walsh et al. (1998) have explicitly addressed spatial contingency due to local histories and thus the relevance of this approach in geomorphology. The historical contingency. It is unlikely that any two sites techniques in these subfields typically focus on very far apart have the same history of environmental quantifying landscape fragmentation and variability as change and disturbances. Just as a particular landform opposed to teasing out underlying regularities, and the may be dependent on its history up to that time, the Bayesian maximum entropy technique, for example, is spatial variation of landforms may be dependent on intended to explicitly incorporate local or problem- variable local histories that are independent of con- specific “soft” knowledge into statistical models (Chris- temporary geographic variations in environmental takos, 2002). controls. If history is anisotropic, historical contingency Within geomorphology, the undeniable role of must lead to spatial contingency. Contingency can also history has increasingly come to the forefront as concern arise from processes, which create and modify spatial over global change has rejuvenated research into structures. This includes processes leading to spatial palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. The contingent, persistence or contagion (for example catenary relation- path-dependent of landscape and environmental ships linked to hillslope processes), processes associated evolution calls for an approach to science fundamentally with spatial aggregation (for instance, the development different from that of the reductionist ideal (e.g., Baker, of non-eroding vegetated “islands” in otherwise ero- 1996; Spedding, 1997; Bishop, 1998; Harrison, 1999). sional landscapes) and those promoting dispersal (for Examples which explicitly address the need to address example, spacing of river meanders). These phenomena historical contingency in geomorphic problems include may lead to environmental characteristics at a location Lane and Richards (1997) and Fryirs (2002) on fluvial which are sensitively dependent on those at other geomorphology, Bishop (1998) on highland landscape locations, and a change at any point may be spatially evolution, Sauchyn (2001) on disturbance of soil propagated through the landscape. landscapes, Thomas (2001) on landscape sensitivity, and Vandenberghe (2002) on palaeohydrology. Corol- 3.2. Contingent convergence lary are an increasing number of studies which show that a synoptic approach is necessary in many instances; e.g., Several distinct paths of inquiry in the geosciences the geomorphic processes and responses cannot be are converging toward an increasing recognition that understood without reference to the specific temporal historical and spatial contingencies are ubiquitous and and spatial context. Examples include Knox's (2000) must be engaged on their own terms (that is, the work on , Knighton and Nanson (2001) on arid contingencies cannot be subsumed under global laws). stream systems, Miller et al. (2003) on stream sediment In quantitative geography, the focus has shifted from a fluxes, and Slattery et al. (in press) on agricultural runoff search for global laws and generalizations within spatial and soil . data to attempts to explain spatial variability by Another line of inquiry leading toward contingency explicitly incorporating local factors, using methods is the study of the geomorphic effect of high-magnitude, such as the expansion method and geographically low-frequency events. With respect to floods, for weighted regression. This shift has been motivated example, factors such as event timing, sequence, and chiefly by a cumulative failure to uncover global laws, initial conditions–inherently and irreducibly historically and the difficulty–or inability–to transfer results from and spatially contingent controls–are often found to be one location, situation or data set to any other without of comparable or greater importance in determining explicit adjustments for local contingencies (Fothering- geomorphic impacts than factors such as event magni- ham and Brunsdon, 1999). Examples of fruitful tude or force/resistance relationships which can be applications of these techniques in geomorphology addressed with global laws. Magilligan et al. (1998) and physical geography include Atkinson et al. (2003) provide a case study along with a review of the relevant and Nelson (2001). literature on this theme, which also applies to events Soil geography, pedometrics and landscape such as hurricanes (Phillips, 1999b). have likewise focussed on modeling and explaining Perhaps most convincing to geomorphologists, who local spatial variability rather than a search for global tend to believe empirical evidence first and foremost, is laws, and in fact have developed based on paradigms the cumulative failure of (strictly) law-based approaches J.D. Phillips / Geomorphology 84 (2007) 159–169 163 to provide adequate explanation, or the aggregate factors). The state of the dune (as defined, for example, difficulty in developing reliable generalizations. by its size, shape, mass balance, and rate, direction or Schumm et al.'s (2000) book on tectonic influences on mode of movement) is also partly determined by a alluvial , for example, relies heavily on four case number of local, contingent (L) factors such as current studies, but generalizations are hard to come by: state and history, proximity to sand sources, “Because the four rivers are subjected to different juxtaposition with other dunes, moisture status and types of active tectonism and each river is different, the history, and storm climatology and history, faunal only firm conclusion that can be reached is that trampling, and numerous other factors. deformation causes river variability” (p. 151). Likewise The probability of any given specific system p(S)isa for a comprehensive, multinational effort to link land- function of the joint probabilities of the Gi, Lj: “… slides to climate change in Europe: the complexity of n m the relationship between climate and landsliding seems pðSÞ¼PpðGiÞ PpðLjÞ; pðGiÞ; pðLjÞ < 1 ð2Þ to make it not feasible to establish ‘universal laws’ all over Europe” (Dikau and Schrott, 1999, p. 1). Even in a In some cases, p(Gi)=1 in theory—for example, relatively restricted regional context (U.S. Great ), shear stress vs. shear strength principles should always Friedman et al. (1998) could discern no generalizations apply. In analytical and predictive practice, however, re downstream geomorphic effects of on large there is a significant amount of uncertainty (for example, rivers, concluding that each must addressed case by several different sediment transport laws), and the vast case. majority of predictive equations or models are char- Finally, returning to the instability theme, nonlinear acterized by contingencies built into parameters or dynamical system-based analyses in geomorphology coefficients and/or by simplifying assumptions. Even if have become increasingly common, and repeatedly all applicable global laws are known and can be ap- show that dynamical instability and deterministic chaos plied with certainty, however, all p(Lj)<0 and typically are common and relevant to many geomorphic systems p(Lj)≪0. The joint probabilities show that p(S)<0. and related phenomena (see reviews by Phillips, 1999a; Even an unrealistically simple situation illustrates the Sivakumar, 2000; Paillard, 2001; Hergarten, 2002; point. Suppose that for a given landscape all p(Gi)=1 Phillips, 2003). The persistence and growth of minor and that p(S) is thus determined by the a local variations in initial conditions, or of disturbance effects, combination of structure, process-regime and age, with is the source of many of the contingencies noted by each of these having a 50–50 chance of occurrence geomorphologists, and no doubt exacerbates many anywhere on the land surface. Even here p(S)=0.125; others. real probabilities are likely to be far lower. Eq. (2) also shows that introducing more variables, 4. Probabilities and perfection factors or controls can only reduce p(S). The key to identifying commonalities among landscapes or geo- Geomorphic systems are characterized by multiple morphic systems (i.e., to identifying landscapes with controls and influences, multiple degrees of freedom, greater p(S), or conditions under which p(S) may and significant effects of both governing laws and increase) is not identification of new and more variables contingencies. We can therefore conceptualize a land- or controls, but the reduction or elimination of Gi and scape or geomorphic system (S) as a function of multiple Lj. general (global, or place- and time-independent) con- An example is the development of karst fractures. trols, and local, contingent, place- and time-dependent Dreybrodt and Gabrovsek (2002) present a model of controls. Symbolically, karst fracture evolution starting with a single isolated fracture with constant hydraulic head driving Ca- ¼ ð ; ; N ; Þð ; ; N ; ÞðÞ S f G1 G2 Gn L1 L2 Lm 1 aggressive . The system is characterized by instabilities associated with nonlinear dissolution where there are i=1,2, …, n general or global controls kinetics and positive feedbacks between fracture widen- Gi, and j=1,2, …, m local or contingent controls Lj. ing and flow. A breakthrough event occurs when the An aeolian dune, for example, is determined in part positive feedbacks between widening and flow lead to by global laws pertaining to the physics of sediment rapid widening along the entire length of the fracture. transport and deposition, interactions of wind flows and Breakthrough time is a function of the aperture size, surface properties, and relationships between aeolian hydraulic head and three chemical parameters (Drey- sediment movement and soil moisture and vegetation (G brodt and Gabrovsek, 2002). These represent the global 164 J.D. Phillips / Geomorphology 84 (2007) 159–169 factors—physical and chemical laws that would apply in erosion resistance are highly variable in space and time, any karst fracture at any time. However, Dreybrodt and the qualitative link (more vegetation cover=greater Gabrovsek (2002) note that the same chemistry and resistance) applies everywhere and all the time. In the physics produce different results under different bound- perfect landscape context, this can be viewed as model ary conditions; these different results are manifested not formulation to minimize L factors (parameterizations merely as quantitatively different passages, but as specific to places, times and situations) in favor of G qualitatively different modes of cave formation. Because factors (qualitative relationships that are universally or boundary conditions are local factors, each p(Li)<1, and widely applicable). Qualitative stability models, as one the probability of any given mode of cave formation is example of qualitative models, have been successfully less than one even under the simplified model, and the applied in coastal, fluvial, hillslope and soil geomor- probability of any given passage geometry is even lower. phology (Slingerland, 1981; Trofimov and Moskovkin, 1984; Phillips and Steila, 1984; Phillips, 1992; Men- 5. The pursuit of imperfection doza-Cabrales, 1994; Phillips, 1999a, 2001) as well as in ecology and climatology. The perfect landscape model shows that the more In , the dominant processes concept (DPC) factors that are considered, the less likely is any is a response to the recognition that there are difficulties particular landscape. In modelling language, the more in trying to model all potentially relevant hydrological variables and parameters included, or the more pro- processes, the field observation that often only a few cesses we attempt to model, the more singular the processes dominate hydrological responses in any given outcome. This suggests that the way to increase watershed, and the experience of hydrologic modellers generality of models, explanations or conceptual frame- that simple models with a few dominant factors can works is by reducing rather than increasing the number capture the essential features of hydrologic response. of explanatory factors. The DPC therefore points to hydrological analysis based Though motivated by different concerns, several on simpler models and fewer processes, with the approaches to this issue have emerged in recent years. In included processes based on observations within modeling landforms, Werner (1999) and Hergarten individual watersheds. (2002) argue that the fundamental qualitative behavior The DPC is primarily motivated by the goal of of the system (a dune, river channel, beach, etc.) is more producing more efficient representations of hydrological important than the quantitative details, and argue for response, but could also be viewed in light of the perfect what is fundamentally a phenomenological approach landscape concept as using the local, contingent that captures essential relationships and behaviors. This idiosyncrasies of a hydrologic system to prune the method has had some success in modeling and number of factors or variables considered. This explaining aeolian dunes, soil erosion, beaches, conditioning of the global factors included in the and fluvial systems, among others (Werner and Fink, model or analysis by the local factors in the system of 1994; Werner, 1995; Favis-Mortlock, 1998; Masselink, interest could have the effect of increasing the generality 1999; Bahr and Meier, 2000; DeBoer, 2001). of results—but in a synoptic context. In other words, the Qualitative modeling, based on the set of positive, results of a DPC-based analysis could potentially be negative or negligible interrelationships among the key applied to other watersheds where the local, contingent components of a geomorphic system, has long been conditions point to the same set of dominant processes. viewed as a fall-back option in the absence of the data or Michael Walls and I (Phillips and Walls, 2004) knowledge necessary to fully specify the quantitative essentially took this approach (but without specific relationships. However, Escultura (2001), Harrison reference to the DPC or the perfection of landscapes) in (1999), Mendoza-Cabrales (1994), Phillips (1992, our study of divergent evolution of fluviokarst land- 1999a), Phillips and Walls (2004), Slingerland (1981) scapes in central Kentucky. We used a model of flow and Trofimov and Moskovkin (1984) have pointed out partitioning between surface and subsurface, and that qualitative models actually increase the generality between concentrated and diffuse, flow to attempt to of the results. The qualitative features of a phenomenon explain the tendency of the most highly eroded portions are often universal, while the quantitative features are of the study area to diverge into either highly karstified quite variable (for example fully developed turbulence; zones with little or no surface flow or fluvial erosion, or Tsinober, 1998; Escultura, 2001; weathering and ero- fluvially dissected zones with few or no solutional sion; Phillips, 2005). For instance, while the specific landforms. Our qualitative model is highly general in quantitative relationships between vegetation cover and that it does not depend on specific, necessarily local, J.D. Phillips / Geomorphology 84 (2007) 159–169 165 parameterizations. On the other hand, some of the links brium beach profiles or post- achievement of a in the model are not universal, and we chose the sign of new equilibrium river channel. those links based on conditions and field observations • Similar boundary conditions will produce similar within our study area. The model is thus not applicable outcomes. to all fluviokarst landscapes, but is potentially relevant • History matters most in the initial stages of landscape to those where the positive and negative links in the flow evolution or soon after a disturbance, and increas- partitioning model are the same as in the inner Bluegrass ingly less so thereafter. region of Kentucky. • Landscape evolution is mainly convergent, with There is a wide potential for expanding a DPC initial variations or the effects of disturbances approach in geomorphology based on synoptic typolo- gradually reduced in a progression toward a steady- gies. Dreybrodt and Gabrovsek (2002), for instance, state adjustment to environmental conditions. present a review of modeling of karst evolution based on universally applicable chemical and physical laws, but 6.2. Historical note that different local factors (boundary conditions) may result in different modes of cave formation. By Historical approaches in geology and geomorphol- developing a catalog of sets of boundary conditions ogy, and traditional regional geography, are often associated with particular modes of cave formation characterized as being concerned primarily with the (ideally both in the model context and in field-based particulars of place and history, and as viewing reconstructions of cave development), prediction and landforms and landscapes as singularities, with little generalization could potentially move forward in a regard for general principles except as they apply to synoptic context. Note that a traditional, reductionist specific situations. While this is a caricature that is both approach to this problem would typically involve oversimplified and sometimes unfair (as is the equili- introducing more variables, a more complex model brium worldview described above), it serves here to and a more detailed representation of dissolution outline an alternative worldview, based on the ideas that: kinetics. The synoptic framework, by contrast, empha- sizes more attention to local case studies to provide a • Landforms and geomorphic systems are local basis for applicability of the simpler, more general products of specific chains of historical events. process model. • Equilibrium states are relevant only in the short term, pending the next leg of the historical journey. 6. Worldviews • In theory, similar boundary conditions will produce similar outcomes, but only in the unlikely event of The perfect landscape concept circumscribes a history repeating itself. geomorphological worldview that may be compared • History is the predominant explanatory factor in and contrasted with existing, more familiar worldviews. landscape evolution. • Landscape evolution may be convergent or diver- 6.1. Equilibrium gent, depending on whether or not certain cyclical theories of landscape evolution are subscribed to. While equilibrium is variously and often poorly defined in geomorphology, the most common frame- 6.3. Nonequilibrium works are based on a concept of a steady-state resulting in a dynamic balance between force and resistance. As Yet a third worldview is often characterized as they have evolved over the years, worldviews derived “nonequilibrium” to contrast it with traditional equili- from this notion are based on the ideas that: brium worldviews, even though this perspective typically recognizes the presence of steady-state • Landforms and geomorphic systems move toward, equilibria—just not that equilibrium is necessarily and given enough time achieve, a steady-state that is more common or important than nonequilibrium. characteristic of or adjusted to environmental con- Arising chiefly out of nonlinear dynamical systems straints and boundary conditions; for instance, the approaches to geomorphology and related fields, the equilibrium river channel or hillslope. nonequilibrium worldview is based on the ideas that: • Equilibrium states are steady-states that are stable and can maintain themselves in response to small • There are multiple possible equilibrium states for disturbances, such as post-storm recovery of equili- many geomorphic systems. 166 J.D. Phillips / Geomorphology 84 (2007) 159–169

• Equilibria may be unstable, and thus sensitive to the ultimate goal of explaining landscape evolution small disturbances, as well as stable. requires the integration of global and local • Geomorphic systems are overwhelmingly nonlinear, approaches. raising the possibility of complex nonlinear dynamics—particularly associated with dynamical 7. Concluding remarks instability. • Due to dynamical instability (equivalent to determi- In a review of sandstone weathering research, nistic chaos), similar boundary conditions may Turkington and Paradise (2005) identified seven factors produce different results. contributing to scale issues in stone durability studies. • History matters, because unstable geomorphic sys- These are geographical and temporal variability of tems may be path-dependent. external forcings and controls, heterogeneity of internal • Landscape evolution may be divergent, with pro- properties, inheritance, inconsistent responses, the gressive differentiation over time, as well as episodic nature of weathering processes and responses, convergent. singularity and inherent complexity arising from processes and interactions emerging at larger scales 6.4. Perfect landscapes that are not derivable from smaller scales. These seven factors can be applied to geomorphology as a whole and Can we articulate a worldview tied to the perfect make a convenient framework for summarizing the landscape concept? Such a perspective should have perfect landscape concept. some affinity to the nonequilibrium view, with its The multiplicity and variability of external forcings emphasis on the possibility of instabilities. There are in space and time, heterogeneity of internal conditions also affinities with the historical worldview, as landscape and episodicity of landform change indicate that even perfection emphasizes the role of historical contingency. when applicable global laws and principles are known The basic tenets of the perfect landscape concept are that: and can be confidently applied, the boundary conditions are irreducibly variable. This reinforces the notion that • Landscapes are strongly influenced by laws, princi- global laws should be applied with due attention to local ples, relationships and rules that are independent of conditions and constraints. Inheritance, along with place and time, and that operate within their domains variability in external and internal conditions, points to everywhere and always (global factors). important influences of historical contingency. The • Landscapes are strongly influenced by historically dynamical instability in many geomorphic systems is and geographically contingent factors that are responsible, in many cases, for the inconsistent particular to place and time and thus idiosyncratic responses and inherent complexity (Turkington and (local factors). Paradise, 2005). • The probability of encountering any specific set of With respect to singularity, the explanation given by applicable global and local factors is extremely low; Turkington and Paradise (2005, Table 2) is remarkably thus, landscapes have elements of uniqueness. consistent with the perfect landscape concept: “Each • The key to increasing the generality of models, weathering system displays particular combinations of concepts and research results is to reduce the number conditions at instances in space and time; specific, or of variables and factors considered. contingent, properties may be regarded as unique, or unpredictable.” These lead to a worldview based on the notions that The perfection of landscape is inextricably entwined with dynamical instability. It is the (possibility of) • Landscapes are circumstantial, contingent outcomes disproportionate responses to initial variations and to of deterministic laws operating in a specific environ- disturbances that makes many geomorphic systems mental and historical context. path-dependent and historically and spatially contin- • A landscape is only one possible outcome of a given gent. It is the exaggeration of differences, divergent set of processes and boundary conditions, which is evolution, that dictates that local differences matter so determined by a specific, perhaps irreproducible set much. of contingencies. 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