
Integrating into the Urban A Design Guide


Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape










We would like to thank the following parties for their thoughtful feedback on the draft document: Google’s Team California Native Plant Society, Santa Clara Valley Chapter; Committee for Green Foothills; Living Classroom; Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society; Sierra Club Loma Prieta, Sustainable Use Committee; and Canopy.

The funding sponsor for this document is Google, Inc. All photos were provided by H. T. Harvey & Associates staff. Native planting area in San Jose, CA

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | iv Introduction 1 2

In our increasingly developed world, substantial to manage are the primary habitat is being lost to development at an alarming intended users of this document. However, even 3 rate, putting native plant and wildlife populations small landscapes that prioritize habitat creation at risk and reducing overall health. will provide benefits to wildlife, increasing habitat Who are these Incorporating wildlife habitat into urban and structure and (including shelter, nesting, Guidelines primarily for? 4 suburban systems can help counteract these forces, and foraging). Every landscape project – regardless Any person or organization sustaining native plant and wildlife populations of size – offers valuable opportunities to incorporate that manages or makes decisions while enhancing the human experience. More and habitat elements and add to the overall urban 5 about landscapes at a substantial more companies, educational institutions, public habitat matrix, maximizing benefits to wildlife. scale, including: agencies, and municipalities are recognizing that 6 there is significant value in implementing ecological Increasing urban habitat benefits people by • Local Agencies design in urban and suburban areas. Entities with increasing interaction with and connection to • Municipalities nature, including multi-sensory experiences. • Corporations 7 People experience a more profound sense of place, • Academic Institutions increased ecological awareness, and improvements • Commercial Developers in physical and psychological well-being. Urban • Non-Governmental 8 habitat can also offer a unique opportunity for Organizations environmental education in the , and fosters a greater appreciation of natural spaces.

Integrating Nature into the Monarch Urban Landscape: A Design Guide butterflies February 2018 | 1 Introduction

Urban habitat can be implemented in many ways. on projects of all sizes across the urban matrix,

1 Projects will need to be assessed on a case-by- substantial habitat will be created. case-basis to determine the level of priority given to habitat creation. In some areas, opportunities for These guidelines are intended to promote and People 2 valuable habitat areas may lead design teams to explore opportunities for urban habitat creation Nature give habitat creation a high priority. In other areas, in areas throughout the South San Francisco Bay & As humans, we have an “innate tendency to a delicate balance will need to be struck that allows region, where the creation of urban habitat areas focus on and life-like processes” (Wilson 3 for habitat creation in areas designed to maximize would restore some of the ecosystem features that 1984), and depend on nature in ways that are human use. If habitat design can be implemented have been lost through development. In order to essential to our physical and psychological help users understand how to implement this vision, 4 health and wellbeing. In addition to material these guidelines discuss how to leverage plant and physical resources, nature can provide us selection and layout to maximize wildlife habitat with intellectual, cognitive, emotional, and value. While the habitat design principles may be 5 spiritual meaning and satisfaction. Humans applicable to Central California and beyond, the are part of, rather than separate from, nature, plant list features that will be most suitable to

S a n and consistent exposure to the natural world F the San Francisco Peninsula, the South San Francisco ra 6 n c is benefits us in myriad ways. co B Bay, and the East San Francisco Bay areas. ay

7 For the purposes of this document, “wildlife” should be considered to mainly refer to birds and expertise and project implementation experience be insects, who are the primary animals benefiting involved throughout the design process — from site 8 from urban habitat plantings. The plant palette assessment to final design — to ensure habitat value also provides guidance on that are is maximized. Good habitat design is very site specific, beneficial to pollinators. and it is not possible to capture all of the ecological Although many of the principles in these Guidelines are applicable considerations that should be incorporated into the to Central California and beyond, the plant list features species that are most suitable for the South San Francisco Bay area. These guidelines are intended to give users general design process in these guidelines. A recommended

Integrating Nature into the direction on native habitat design. However, it is checklist to assess and guide the design of urban Urban Landscape: A Design Guide recommended that advisors with local ecological habitat projects can be found in Appendix A. February 2018 | 2 Ecological Approach 1 2

The following premises are fundamental to a science-based ecological approach (an 3 “ecological philosophy”) for do ecological and design. The approach articulated in this What enhancements achieve? document seeks to establish sensitively designed, Nature and people are joint beneficiaries of ecological enhancement. The immediate beneficiaries are 4 functional wildlife habitat that allows for human the native fauna and flora and their constituent . As natural ecological systems and processes use and enjoyment of these habitats. are established, benefits accrue to the local human community directly and indirectly (experiences with nature, cleaner and air, moderated temperature, shaded and restful environments, etc.). 5


is it important to invest in ecological 7 Why enhancements such as habitat planting? The establishment of sustainable habitat areas, intelligently interwoven into the urban

, is mutually beneficial to ecosystems and humans, and therefore is an enterprise worthy of 8 investment (i.e., of , money, and limited physical resources such as land and water). The challenge is how to invest limited resources wisely to achieve the maximum benefit. Despite the challenges, we assert that the potential of urban and suburban landscapes to be beneficially transformed can be realized through locally appropriate restoration and management projects.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 3 Ecological Approach


2 can science-based design be successfully implemented? 3 How The goals and priorities for incorporating habitat Project longevity should be taken into account when elements in urban settings should be driven by a planning habitat development projects. Shorter term

4 sound understanding of biological science and the projects that may be disturbed within 20-30 years local and regional ecological and physical context. will benefit from the establishment of fast growing This understanding should encompass local historical shrub and understory plantings, while projects that 5 ecology, existing ecosystems, and anticipated may remain undisturbed for 30 to 50 years or longer changes in the ecosystems over time. A science- should prioritize creating urban /overstory. based approach is the best way to ensure that habitat This is reflective of the time it takes for forested 6 development projects, including retrofitting existing habitats to achieve a level of vegetative maturity landscapes with native plantings in an urban setting, that can support significant wildlife and aesthetic are selected and designed objectively. Ideally, projects values, while shrub and understory plantings can 7 would include a monitoring program to assess the be established quickly and produce a measurable effectiveness of urban habitat improvements to benefit in the near term. contribute to a broader understanding of how urban 8 habitats function over time.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 4 Ecological Approach


2 resources and investments are to be anticipated, and how can return on investment be tracked? What 3 In creating self-sustaining habitats (i.e., habitats subjected to cost/benefit analyses during the that persist and regenerate over time with design process. Likewise, post-implementation

minimal intervention), initial investments may analyses should be conducted when the resources 4 be large, but long-term costs will be low. Initially, are available. Restoration ecology is a newly funds would be needed for site assessment, emerging science, and it is particularly challenging

development of healthy , management of to accurately anticipate what wildlife benefits new 5 appropriate to the habitat type (and habitats might provide in an urban environment. vice versa), training of maintenance personnel, Therefore, conducting studies on existing and new and other needs. Also, even with such investment, habitats to quantitatively assess the ecological 6 self-sustaining projects can be successful in the response is encouraged, as they will inform long term only if the design anticipates changing future design decisions. Such studies present physical conditions (e.g., level rise). an opportunity for landowners, designers, and 7 ecologists to partner with non-profits and academia Habitat development projects that represent a to leverage the unique research opportunities 8 substantial investment of resources should be presented by urban ecological restoration.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 5 Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 6 Goals and Priorities 1 2 The overarching goal of designing 3 landscapes for habitat value is to contribute to the of the region. 4

Supporting Objectives: 5 • Develop complex and diverse ecosystems at the scale needed to provide key functions and landscape resilience over time. • Develop habitat areas that persist and regenerate over time. 6 • Plan habitat enhancements that will synergistically complement other conservation and restoration plans at a regional level. 7 • Interweave habitat areas in the urban context in a manner that provides a variety of benefits to the community and educates the public about the value and functions of natural ecosystems. 8 • Prioritize the use of native species (which support high wildlife value) in new . • Create and enhance habitat for wildlife.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 7 Goals and Priorities

In the Santa Clara Valley, the priority is to reestablish ecosystem 1 elements historically present that have been virtually eradicated from the region, and which provide important wildlife habitat.


What type of habitats are priorities

3 (both in wildland and in urban settings)? • Oak dominated landscapes (including other complementary native tree species).

4 • Native grassland and wildflower meadow patches.

• Willow thickets, as large as possible, where soils 5 and hydrology are suitable; where possible, these should be part of freshwater marsh/wet

6 meadow complexes. • Riparian (creek) areas, dominated by willow and cottonwood, with substantial width and 7 appropriate hydrology.

• Tidal marsh and transition zones along the The San Francisco Estuary Institute offers bayward edge (e.g., seasonally flooded 8 many resources on the current and historical habitats) and creek interfaces. ecological context of the bay area, including:

Resilient Silicon Valley http://resilientsv.sfei.org/

Historical and Drainage Patterns Clockwise from top left: Tidal marsh along the of Western Santa Clara Valley (SFEI 2010) Integrating Nature into the edge of the San Francisco Bay; Oak dominated http://www.sfei.org/scvheproject Urban Landscape: A Design Guide landscape in the East Bay; Riparian . February 2018 | 8 Goals and Priorities

What groups of wildlife species • Where ornamental landscaping with low should be targeted for habitat benefits? habitat value can be replaced with higher- 1 • Resident and migratory birds value native habitat.

• Rare wildlife species, although we • City and greenways 2 recommend that a qualified biologist be • Rooftop consulted if these species are targeted • Urban streetscapes • Pollinators (vertebrate and invertebrate) and 3 other floral visitors What types of habitat development projects present multiple benefits to the most recipients • Insects and other small animals that are (natural communities and the human community)? for birds 4 • Project design teams (landscape architects, Where should the habitat be located? biologists, ecologists, and planners) should

Native habitat is worth creating virtually anywhere assess project opportunities on a case-by- 5 in the urban landscape, but some special case basis to balance human needs/benefits opportunities are listed below. and wildlife habitat creation opportunities. 6 • Where possible, on sites connected to existing, • Some projects will trend towards a wildlife established, higher-quality habitat areas—this habitat focus (core habitat areas) and in will reinforce the value of both habitat areas more dense urban settings human elements 7 and further buffer them from disturbance. This may be emphasized. should synch with a long term vision towards creating connectivity between habitat areas. 8 • Within 300 feet of watercourses where revegetated habitats will improve Above right: Bees and other pollinators benefit from native planting in San Jose, CA. and maximize wildlife functions and values. Below right: The oak titmouse and other oak associate birds would benefit from increased • Where storm drains can be daylighted and numbers of native oaks in urban areas. revegetated to achieve habitat and water Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide quality benefits. February 2018 | 9 Restoration efforts enhance the user experience and complement natural areas at Crissy Field in San Francisco

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 10 Design Parameters 1 2

Native Plant Selection Several key factors will influence the selection of Sun/ Tolerance plants: type, drainage and hydrology, available The plant list in Section 7 provides general guidance 3 When selecting plants for any particular location, soil volume, sun/shade conditions, and other design on the sun and shade tolerance of individual it is vital that site conditions and plant preferences constraints including those imposed by adjacent plant species. It is vital that landscape designers are taken into account in addition to the ecological and the project’s programmatic understand how much sun/shade a planting area 4 goals. Placing the “right plant in the right place” is goals. This section provides a very brief summary of will receive, both throughout the seasons and over crucial to the long-term success of any landscape. ecological issues relating to plant selection. time as the plants grow, particularly where multi- level canopies and dense plantings are established. 5 Designing a plant palette to allow for succession will ensure that plants thrive both at the time of 6 installation and over time as tree canopy develops and the amount of shade increases.



Native planting areas complement nearby natural areas on the Bay Trail in Menlo , CA

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 11 Design Parameters

Hydrology willow and cottonwood thickets is of particular suite of native birds that were once common in the

1 Hydrologic conditions are a key consideration when value, even in very urban locations and very small Valley but that are oak-dependent and thus in decline. selecting native plant communities for installation. planting areas. This habitat type requires relatively Depth to , flows, and soil shallow groundwater (no deeper than 6-8 feet in the Urban soils are often highly variable, with clay, , 2 type all influence how much water will be accessible summer) or a source of near perennial surface flow. imported fill, and contaminants all potentially present. to plants without perpetual . Therefore, soil testing is a vital part of the design process. In drier, well drained areas, select upland species. These In some areas where soils have heavy clay content, sub- 3 In wetter areas, create high value riparian and species often prefer well drained soils and do not drainage features or surface mounding can be wetland components by selecting hydrophytic tolerate saturated soils or ponding. Oak implemented to provide suitable drainage for species (water dependent) plant species. Establishing would be of particular value, providing habitat for a less tolerant of soil saturation. (For more information, 4 see subsection Soils and Drainage below).

Invasive Species 5 When selecting plant species, it is important to ensure that any invasive weeds are excluded from the plant list. The California Invasive Plant Council ranks the 6 invasiveness of nonnative plant species. All plants to be installed per a new design, or left in place as part of

7 a redeveloped landscape, should be checked against the Cal-IPC list (which can be found at http://www.cal- ipc.org/plants/inventory/), and any species listed as

8 moderate or high should be removed from the project.

Water-loving plants thrive in a recently installed bioretention area between a bike path and a pedestrian path in View, CA

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 12 Design Parameters

Recycled Water

When selecting plant species, it is vital that the 1 Other reference materials that may be of use to Landscape Standards, Rescape California. designer take into account the planned irrigation native plant design teams include the following: http://rescapeca.org/resources/for-community- source, and that he or she know whether the planting leaders-landscape-professionals/landscape- area will receive potable or recycled water. The use At Home, Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society. standards/ 2 http://www.scvas.org/page.php?page_ of recycled water is now mandated or strongly id=6694&name=At_Home Santa Clara Valley Water District Guidelines encouraged for all new landscapes in the of and Standards for Near Streams. Mountain View and Sunnyvale. The use of recycled California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC) Plant https://www.valleywater.org/contractors/doing- 3 Profiles. http://www.cal-ipc.org/ip/management/ water is also an environmentally responsible goal businesses-with-the-district/permits-for-working- plant_profiles/index.php on-district-land-or-easement/guidelines-and- for all projects. That being said, recycled water is standards-for-land-use-near-streams 4 not available in all areas and often has high levels of Calscape. California Native Plant Society. salinity. If recycled water will be used for irrigation, http://calscape.org/ City of Mountain View North Bayshore Precise Plan Plant Palette Recommendations. Available care should be taken to select plants with moderate Re-Oaking Silicon Valley, San Francisco Estuary upon request from the City of Mountain View 5 to high salt tolerance particularly if and Institute. http://www.sfei.org/documents/re- Community Development Department Planning drainage are poor. oaking-silicon-valley Division.

6 Cultivars Many native plant species have been bred over time in nurseries to develop cultivars. Cultivars are “straight” native species. Some studies have found 7 often selected because they predictably exhibit that cultivars are visited less frequently by wildlife specific traits, such as brightly colored flowers, a (White 2016, Williams et al. 2011, and Morandin & specific form, or a reduction in seeds or pollen. Kremen 2013), and the long term impacts of cultivar 8 Although native cultivars are often more readily use have not been studied (Shröder and Prasse available in nurseries, their use should be limited or 2013, White 2016). Cultivars may hybridize with avoided where possible, because they are less likely native species in the landscape (Byrne et al 2011), to provide the same benefits to wildlife than the potentially creating long-term problems.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 13 Design Parameters

Soils and Drainage analysis). Based on the laboratory results and 1 recommendations, site soils can be amended to Generally, standard techniques improve their suitability for planting. As many should be employed to improve soil texture/ urban soils are compacted, measures to decompact 2 chemistry and drainage to a level suitable for native soils prior to planting should be considered plants. However, many urban areas are built on large standard operating procedure. In cases of severely areas of imported fill with heavily compacted and compromised soils it may be necessary to remove 3 degraded soil. Developing healthy soil and drainage poor soils and import suitable topsoil. conditions for native plantings in this environment can require considerably more upfront investment design should also account for 4 than conventional landscaping. the extent of the open soil surface available as a receiving area for rainfall and surface flow, and to The first step is to conduct a site soil assessment. allow healthy aeration of the soil. Ideally, each tree 5 For very small planting areas, a field assessment would be planted in an open soil surface equal to of site conditions may be adequate, particularly if 80% of the surface area covered by the species’ the site already supports healthy plants. For larger mature canopy. Especially in urban planting areas, 6 planting areas with greater investment at risk, the this ideal condition may not always be achievable, soils should be manually assessed for compaction in which case permeable hardscape or other

7 by digging pits and gathering representative soil methods should be considered to provide a healthy samples. The samples should be sent to a qualified tree planting situation. Avoid selecting species that soils laboratory for testing of texture, chemistry and are particularly sensitive to constrained planting

8 drainage characteristics (horticultural suitability conditions.

Developing healthy soil and drainage conditions to support native plants is an important component of habitat design.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 14 Design Parameters



35 ft dia 50 ft dia 3 20 ft dia canopy canopy canopy 4

5 3 ft min, typ 500 cu ft 6 soil volume 875 cu ft cu ft soil volume 1250 soil volume 7

Figure 1. Soil Volume

8 The volume of soil available for tree rooting must cubic feet of soil to enable healthy canopy growth of also be considered in any constrained planting at least 20 feet in diameter (see Figure 1). Providing situation. Generally, two cubic feet of healthy soil for adequate rooting volume for trees will allow for each square foot of expected mature tree crown area achievement of maximum mature tree size, more

(the area within the tree’s dripline) is recommended resilience to stresses such as , and less Integrating Nature into the (Hewitt 2012). Thus, a small tree might require 500 dependence on prolonged irrigation. Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 15 Design Parameters

Planting Configuration 1 OVERSTORY 15 FT + Vegetation structure, placement, and density are three physical elements of a native landscape that 2 translate into varying degrees of habitat function.

Vegetation Structure MIDSTORY 3-15 FT 3 Vegetation structure refers to the vertical and horizontal of plants. Generally, high wildlife function is associated with habitats with the 4 UNDERSTORY vertical structure of a multi-layered canopy – a diversity 0-3 FT of overlapping vertical layers (understory, midstory, and overstory). In areas where approximating a 5 woodland plant community is possible, creating Figure 2. Vertical Vegetation Structure multi-story canopy by using plants with a variety of different heights should be prioritized (see Figure horizontal structural diversity – both very dense areas which cites the growth forms of individual species to 6 2). As is common practice in most projects, existing as well as some small open areas. help designers create appropriate habitat structure large trees on a project site should be preserved and with plantings. It is recommended that a person Providing planting structure that maximizes habitat with local biological expertise assist design teams 7 protected to the extent feasible. value is specific to the ecological context of each with plant species selection and layout to maximize

Plant placement can increase wildlife value by creating planting area, and depends on proximity to other wildlife values. habitats, sources of disturbance, and other factors. 8 varying plant density (refuge and buffering from disturbance) and diversity of foraging opportunities. Planting layout and density will have to balance Generally, wildlife responds best to considerably higher This can be achieved by using plants with a variety of the establishment of wildlife values (through planting densities than those found in conventional widths, and varying the planting density to provide dense planting configurations) with public safety commercial landscaping. Higher density translates (the ability to see into plantings near public use to higher initial planting cost, different management areas). See Figure 3 for an example of vertical and requirements (see Section 5), and a different visual Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide horizontal structure. See Section 7 for the plant list, aesthetic than conventional landscaping as well. February 2018 | 16 Design Parameters

Visual Aesthetic habitat areas that have a rougher appearance. It can also help to provide visual and educational cues that 1 The visual aesthetic of native habitat planting areas the habitat area is special (Nassauer 1995). This could is generally different than that of conventional include subtle signage, bird/bat houses, or other manicured landscapes. Native habitat areas should easily perceived indicators. Over time, as people are 2 not be maintained in the same fashion as conventional exposed to native habitat plantings in the urban landscapes. For example, it is recommended to allow context, it is expected that their appreciation of these 3 leaf litter and fallen branches to accumulate (see also areas will grow, and the expectation of a manicured below under Soil Development). Designers can soften landscape will diminish. It will of course take time to the more rugged appearance of native planting areas establish the native habitat plantings, and for people 4 by planting the edges with aesthetically pleasing to experience the new benefits (wildlife, new sights, species, clustering them densely to mask interior sounds and smells, etc.) these areas can provide.




8 Top Right: Simple fences and other features can be used to delineate planting areas, communicating that they are spaces that are cared for. Middle Right: Brightly colored flowers are massed in high use areas for visual interest. Bottom right: careful placement of stones, logs, or other elements can add interest to planting areas.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 17 Design Parameters

Concentrate plants with bright flowers or other Maintain sight lines along visually interesting features near high use areas. roadways to ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety Preserve existing large trees when they are in by minimizing midstory good health and provide some habitat value. plantings that block views.

Leave bare soil gaps for bird foraging.

Plant upland species in dry, well drained soils.

Allow dense vegetation to grow in the interiors of planting areas.

Plant water-loving species bioretention areas and in low-lying areas with access to groundwater or perennial flow,

Figure 3. Planting Configuration Considerations

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 18 Design Parameters

Re-oaking 1 In addition to the structure and density of individual planting areas, habitat value can be improved by viewing the regional landscape as a systemic whole. 2 Historically, the Santa Clara Valley landscape was dominated by scattered oaks – both as individuals and in clusters. Re-oaking is a concept built on 3 research by the San Francisco Estuary Institute that entails re-introducing oaks across the landscape. 4

A simple rule of thumb is to create a network of native oaks by planting native oaks close to other 5 native oaks (a good goal is 75-100 feet between oaks or at least one oak per acre) and striving to plant an oak as part of every project that has 6 conditions appropriate for oaks. This network can support a variety of oak-associate bird species Valley Oak () currently absent from the landscape, and also bring 7 back a historical landscape typology that has all Supporting re-oaking through the maintenance of but disappeared from the valley. The use of native existing oaks is also important. Wherever possible, For more information on native oaks and re-oaking, read San Francisco Estuary Institute’s oak species or other species associated with oak- development should be configured in a way that 8 Re-Oaking Silicon Valley: dominated landscapes should be prioritized in avoids removing existing native oaks, especially Building Vibrant Cities with Nature all projects where conditions are met for oaks to large specimen trees, which are uniquely valuable http://www.sfei.org/documents/re-oaking- survive (see plant list for appropriate species). ecologically. silicon-valley

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 19 Design Parameters

Soil Development retention, and reduce irrigation needs. However, Such materials significantly reduce bird foraging 1 organic mulch does create a “wilder” visual aesthetic habitat in planting areas by impeding direct access Planting designs should plan for allowing the to which users may need to become accustomed. to the soil (and the insects living there). accumulation of leaf litter and fallen branches. This 2 organic mulch will provide wildlife value, assist in Use of bark, mulch, gravel, or landscape fabrics When using natural mulch is not feasible, carefully the evolution of healthy living soils, moderate soil should be avoided except immediately around the consider what type of mulch to use. Try to reduce or temperature, improve moisture absorption and base of new plantings, and then only during the first eliminate the use of mulch as plants become more 3 few years while the plant is becoming established. established.


Leaf litter accumulates in a native planting area in Mountain View, CA

5 Types of Mulch 6 Organic : Fully composted organic chips and avoid buoyant chips that can wash mulch. Provides excellent nutrients for plants away during rainstorms. Maintain occasional but requires frequent replacement and may bare soil gaps in the mulch (approximately 3’ x 7 encourage weeds. 4’) for bird foraging.

Arborist mulch: Chipped leaves and branches Cardboard sheet mulch: Uses layers of from various sources. Inexpensive, but of 8 organic compost, cardboard, and bark or inconsistent quality. woodchip mulch or variations thereof. Great for Bark or chips: If using bark or wood areas that were lawn in the past because it can chips is unavoidable, use naturally colored stop the lawn from growing back.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 20 Landscape Management 1 2

Management of native landscapes is different Nonnative (weed) plant control from that for traditional landscapes. Generally, 3 conventional landscapes can be maintained by Control of invasive nonnative plants (weeds) is standard landscaping crews, whereas native important to support wildlife functions, maintain landscapes can require more specialized knowledge a natural aesthetic, and decrease competition 4 of and native plants. Over with native plant species. The California Invasive time, native landscapes can reduce maintenance Plant Council (Cal-IPC) ranks the invasiveness of efforts, such as through reduced irrigation where nonnative plant species. Typically, invasive weeds 5 drought tolerant species are used, less trimming are targeted if they are rated as Limited, Moderate, and clearing of leaves, reduced weeding due to or High, with the highest priority control targeting 6 natural mulch accumulation, etc. Moderate and High rated species.

Maintenance Crews and Education 7

Most landscape maintenance crews are not adequately trained in the management of native For information on how to maintain 8 landscapes. It is recommended that all maintenance trees for optimal habitat value, visit the crews receive training in native plant identification Tree Care for Birds and other Wildlife and management procedures from a restoration website at http://treecareforbirds.com/ ecologist or other appropriately trained person.

Integrating Nature into the A recently installed native Urban Landscape: A Design Guide landscape in Menlo Park, CA February 2018 | 21 Landscape Management

The use of chemical herbicides, pesticides, or

1 other chemicals in native landscapes is strongly discouraged. The primary approach to weed control is through manual treatment (hand pulling, 2 mowing, excavation, flaming, solarization, mulch, sheet mulch, etc.). Dense plantings and natural leaf mulch can help reduce weed infestations while 3 also supporting good habitat values. Chemicals should be applied as a last resort. Weeds in native planting areas should not be controlled by the 4 pervasive placement of bark mulch, gravel, or landscape fabrics. These materials deprive the planting areas of most of their foraging value 5 for birds. During the initial plant establishment period, the use of such groundcover materials With the right management native plants can thrive in is acceptable in limited areas around the base a variety of urban landscapes, including parking lots. 6 of new plantings. However, over time leaf and branch litter should be allowed to accumulate and period. In the second and third year, irrigation ensure plants are receiving an appropriate amount 7 decompose, thereby protecting and enriching the soil and supporting wildlife values. should be tapered off to acclimate the plants to of water. Some plantings may require longer term local conditions. It will be necessary, however, for irrigation, while others may more quickly become

8 Irrigation qualified maintenance crews to carefully monitor self-reliant, such as willow or cottonwood trees the adaptation of the plants to determine an that tap into groundwater. As mentioned above, Many native species are fairly hardy and drought appropriate irrigation regime. Grouping plants by allowing the accumulation of large amounts of tolerant once established. Irrigation will generally be their water needs (see “WUCOLS” column in the natural leaf litter on the ground surface will reduce necessary during a three-year plant establishment plant list at the end of this document) will help irrigation demands.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 22 Landscape Management

Recycled Water many cultivated varieties of conventional landscape plants, native plants have not been bred to tolerate 1 Although the use of recycled water is often harsh urban conditions (extensive hardscape, highly desirable from a and altered drainage patterns, compacted soils, environmental perspective, its constituent parts trampling, etc.). Therefore, anticipate replanting 2 can build up in the soil over time and negatively until native planting areas are fully established. affect plant growth. In particular, higher levels of Even after establishment, occasional replanting will salts, boron, heavy metals, and chlorine can affect be necessary to “refresh” the visual appeal of native 3 plant growth and soil quality over time. Periodically planting areas in the urban environment. flushing soils with a large quantity of water may 4 help mediate this issue.

Replanting Strategies for Native 5 In more natural environments, native plantings Landscape Management can be very resilient and not require ongoing • Let leaf litter accumulate 6 maintenance or replacement. However, unlike • Minimize use of wood chips

• Do not use plastic or recycled tire mulch 7 • Minimize use of herbicides and pesticides

• Leave dead trees as snags for 8 woodpeckers and other birds where safe Top Left: Recycled water is being used more and more for irrigating urban landscapes. • Do not deadhead plants Middle Left: Native species will often spread within a planting area. This should be encouraged. • Let plants spread naturally Bottom left: A maintenance crew maintaining a native planting area in Mountain View, CA.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 23 Lesser goldfinch on a bird feeder

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 24 Bird-Safe Design 1 2

Making urban areas safer for birds is of the utmost windows. Attracted to the vegetation and unable importance in places where new habitat is being to perceive glass, they fly toward the building and 3 created that will encourage them to spend more time collide with the window. in developed areas. A common issue that birds face in developed areas is fatality or injury due to collision Birds migrating at night can be attracted to lights 4 with glass, but additional risks include habitat loss and in buildings, causing them to collide with lit degradation (through development, light , windows during the night and the next morning. , and other factors), fatality or injury Inclement , foggy conditions, and relatively 5 due to construction activities, and risk of predation tall structures increase nighttime bird strikes by feral cats or other common urban wildlife. These (Gauthreaux and Belser, 2006). This can involve 6 risks can be mitigated by ensuring bird-safe design large numbers of birds, even at a single building on guidelines are implemented throughout the design a single night under certain conditions. and construction of buildings, and the design 7 construction, and management of landscapes. In response to concern over bird collisions with buildings, many cities, including San Francisco Bird-Safe Design for Buildings and Oakland, California, have adopted building 8 guidelines for reducing risks to birds. These

Avian collisions with glass fall into two primary guidelines advocate minimizing the use of glass in Nuttal’s Woodpecker (Picoides nuttallii) categories: birds making daily movements (for architecture, and also often address two aspects of foraging, etc.), and birds migrating at night. During architectural design: designing glass surfaces that the day, birds may see vegetation reflected in have reduced reflectivity and are visible to birds, glass windows, or see interior vegetation through Integrating Nature into the and reducing visible light at night. Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 25 Bird-Safe Design

Bird-Safe Architectural Pull shades after dark.

1 Links to more detailed bird-safe building Turn lights off at night. Block interior light from being emitted through design guidelines, including examples and Reduce artificial light at night to only that required windows at night by blinds, curtains, etc., references to scientific studies can be found at: for safety or human functioning. For example, all over windows in lit spaces. 2 interior building lighting can be turned off except in Bird Friendly Building Design. areas with active human activity (automatic lights Direct lighting downwards. http://www.abcbirds.org/abcprograms/ out function) or areas requiring lighting for safety Design lighting so that it is directed downward, 3 policy/collisions/pdf/Bird-friendly_Building_ purposes. Many cities in the and Canada rather than up or outwards. Guide_WEB.pdf have now adopted bird-safety “lights out” programs. Such programs are particularly effective at reducing Use blue or green light. 4 City & County of San Francisco nocturnal bird collisions when implemented during the Blue or green light has been experimentally Standards for Bird-Safe Buildings. main migratory periods (which vary by location; consult demonstrated in limited lab and field experiments http://www.sf-planning.org/index. an ornithologist with detailed knowledge of local to be safer for birds than white or red light (Poot, 5 aspx?page=2506 migratory patterns to help establish these periods). Of et al, 2008). Similarly, strobe or non-static lighting is course, such programs conserve as well. safer than static light, especially white light. Audubon Society 6 Bird-Safe Building Guidelines. http://www.nycaudubon.org/pdf/

7 BirdSafeBuildingGuidelines.pdf

B3 Guidelines: Bird-Safe Building.

8 http://www.b3mn.org/guidelines/s_14.html

Note that there is an LEED Pilot Credit (#55) for Bird Collision Deterrence.

Anna’s Hummingbird (Calypte anna) Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 26 Bird-Safe Design

Bird-Safe Architectural Surfaces Experimental approaches to determining safety Eliminate atria and courtyards.

Avoid highly reflective glass coatings throughout thresholds in pattern density of visual clues in glass There should be no atria or courtyards that can 1 all glazing systems. Birds can perceive reflected are relatively limited. Currently, based on research trap birds, especially if they are heavily planted and landscape images as actual landscape features conducted on deterring avian collisions, glass fritted bordered by glass walls, windows or skywalks. and attempt to fly to them, colliding with the glass. in patterns spaced at about 2x4-inches (5 to 10 cm) 2 Although it is not possible to eliminate all reflections has been effective at deterring collisions (Klem, 1990). on glass assemblies, high performance coatings and In areas where hummingbirds are common, 2x2-inch glass treatments can be carefully selected to avoid patterns have been used to mitigate hummingbird 3 vivid reflections of the sky and foliage. While highly – glass interactions. Opaque or translucent glass reflective coatings are often used to help mitigate features represent excellent options for reducing 4 heat gains across the building envelope, the latest avian collisions (ibid). developments in ultra-high performance coatings allow for improved thermal performance with very While exterior visual obstacles and patterns 5 low reflectivity. that cover the entire external glass surface are highly effective, interior visual obstacles are not Create fine-grained visual obstacles. necessarily effective in deterring bird collisions as 6 Visual obstacles may include: permanent patterns they do not decrease the reflectivity of the exterior on the glass in the form of ceramic frit or printed glass. Visual cues on the second or other interior interlayers, external shading louvers or fins, exterior layers of the glass have been determined to be 7 fabric or metal mesh shades, blinds or shades located effective at deterring bird strikes, but placing the exteriorly, or shading integrated within the insulating pattern on the outer surface is preferable if possible glass units. Such visual obstacles help birds understand (there are constraints to which layer can support frit 8 that the glazed assemblies are physical barriers. depending on the glass features).

Fritted or patterned glass can be effective at deterring avian colisions with buildings.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 27 Bird-Safe Design

Bird-Safe Design for Landscapes Taking care to incorporate strategies for bird-safe spills over into, sensitive habitats, can impact birds 1 landscape design at an early stage in the design and other wildlife. It interferes with activity patterns More developed urban landscapes have lower bird process will ensure a healthy bird population can be and increasing predation pressure, among other diversity and the species composition is less reflective sustained in urban and suburban areas. factors. Careful design can diminish these issues. 2 of the native bird population. As more and more greenery is incorporated into the landscape, species Bird-Safe Landscape Design Reduce the use of artificial light. diversity increases and native species increasingly Strategically place vegetation to minimize collision Artificial light in landscaping should be minimized 3 utilize these habitats. The vegetation species risk. The goal should be to avoid placing vegetation to that necessary for safety and function (i.e., composition and configuration within the landscape in areas where it will be reflected in a building’s unnecessary lighting should be turned off at night). represent important variables in determining avian glass façade in such a way that a bird might fly into Sensitive habitats such as restored native habitats 4 species composition, richness and abundance. the glass trying to reach the reflected vegetation. should be subject to low-lumen lighting and no San Francisco’s bird-safe design guidelines state lighting where possible. Bird-safe lighting installed in Mountain View, CA that trees and shrubs should be located directly 5 adjacent to the building (within three feet) to slow Direct light downward. down a bird’s approach, or placed far enough from should be low, directed the building to avoid reflecting the vegetation in downwards, and shielded above. 6 the glazing. The risk potential associated with each building should be analyzed independently by a Use colored light. qualified ornithologist because overall risk to birds Blue and green monochromatic light sources 7 is a function of many variables. have been experimentally demonstrated to be less disruptive for migrant birds in lab and field Bird-Safe Landscape Lighting Design experiments (ibid). However, light in the red/yellow 8 In addition to collisions and habitat loss, habitat range has been shown to be better for insects degradation because of is a major (Longcore and Rich, 2016). Use red and yellow light concern in urban and suburban areas. Light at low levels ( lights and lower) and blue and pollution, in which artificial light is directed at, or green light on taller light fixtures.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 28 Bird-Safe Design

Bird-Safe Construction Practices habitat areas with greater extents than the minimum Guidelines for protection of nesting native birds required for mitigation. from project construction activities are listed below. 1 Birds can be impacted by construction activities, These guidelines are an example of an approach including both direct impacts (for example, During construction, actions leading to bird or egg that protects nesting birds during the breeding destruction of a nest) and indirect impacts (reduction fatalities of most bird species are prohibited by the season (February 1 through August 31 for most 2 or loss of foraging habitat). Habitat degradation Migratory Bird Treaty Act (FWD, n.d.). Although the Act species) to avoid the incidental loss of eggs or and loss represent the most serious threats to the covers “migratory” birds, enforcement branches of the nestlings, either directly through the destruction or conservation of wild birds. Therefore, habitat loss due U.S Fish and Wildlife Service and various state wildlife disturbance of active nests or indirectly by causing 3 to project construction should be minimized to the agencies, including the California Department of Fish the abandonment of nests. extent possible and mitigated for when impacts are and Wildlife, interpret this as covering essentially all 4 unavoidable. Ideally, provide higher quality habitat or native species, whether migratory or not. This particular approach is the recommended approach for avoiding code violations as well as violations of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). 5 To the extent feasible, construction activities It was developed for projects in northern California, should be scheduled to avoid the nesting season. but the approach can be modified (for example, with respect to the timing of nesting) and applied broadly. 6

Measure 1: Avoidance. To the extent feasible, construction activities 7 should be scheduled to avoid the nesting season. If construction activities are scheduled to take place

outside the nesting season, all impacts to nesting 8 birds protected under the MBTA and California Fish and Game Code should be avoided.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 29 Bird-Safe Design

Measure 2: Pre-construction / be conducted no more than seven days prior to the ornithologist will determine the extent of a

1 Pre-disturbance Surveys. the initiation of construction activities. During construction-free buffer zone to be established If it is not possible to schedule construction this survey, a qualified ornithologist will inspect around the nest (typically 300 ft. for many raptors activities outside the nesting bird season, then all trees and other potential nesting habitats (e.g., and 100 ft. for other species), to ensure that no nests 2 pre-construction surveys for nesting birds should trees, shrubs, ruderal grasslands, buildings) in, and of species protected by the MBTA and California Fish be conducted by a qualified ornithologist to immediately adjacent to, construction impact areas and Game Code will be disturbed during Project ensure that no nests will be disturbed during for nests. If an active nest is found sufficiently close implementation. Consultation with a qualified 3 project implementation. These surveys should to work areas to be disturbed by these activities, ornithologist is recommended to determine if buffer modification is appropriate (and when implemented, reduced buffers are often monitored 4 by an ornithologist to ensure that construction activities do not impact nesting).

5 Measure 3. Inhibition of Nesting. If construction activities will not be initiated until after the start of the nesting season, we recommend 6 that all potential nesting substrates (e.g., bushes, trees, grasses, and other vegetation) that are scheduled to be removed by the Project be removed 7 prior to the start of the nesting season. This will preclude the initiation of nests in this vegetation,

8 and prevent the potential delay of the Project due to the presence of active nests in these substrates.

White-breasted Nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis) Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 30 Bird-Safe Design

Bird-Safe Landscape Management Install bird feeders. Feeders also allow for close observation of often Native birds benefit from bird feeders. Non-native otherwise difficult to see birds, which creates an 1 Avoid the use of chemicals. birds can benefit as well, however typically the educational opportunity for people to see and Avoid or minimize use of pesticides, fungicides, more extensive and native the vegetation, the fewer appreciate birds at a much closer than normal herbicides, or other chemical treatments. the nonnative birds. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology scale. However, care must be taken to avoid 2 manages a citizen-science program called “Project unintended problems from feeders; they must be Take care to avoid impacting nesting FeederWatch”. Over 15,000 people count birds at cleaned regularly to avoid disease transmission; birds while managing the landscape. their feeders for this effort and FeederWatchers they should be placed where they will not be a 3 Landscape management such as vegetation removal have contributed valuable data for monitoring focal point for cats to prey on birds, and spilled and trimming should take care to avoid harming changes in the distribution and abundance of birds seed should be minimized to avoid boosting rat 4 nesting birds. Strategies for protecting nesting birds (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology, 2015). and squirrel populations. can be found above in Bird-Safe Construction Practices.

5 Reduce wildlife access to human food (garbage etc.). Many “pest species” of birds are attracted to, and 6 benefit from human food sources, including garbage and purposeful feeding (bread crumbs, etc.). Some of these species, including corvids (ravens and crows) 7 and gulls, have increased greatly due to access to garbage, and these species prey upon other species of birds – including special- status birds and birds 8 listed as threatened and endangered. Thus, wildlife- proof garbage receptacles should be used, and people should be discouraged from feeding human food to birds (educational approach). This should not be confused with using bird feeders to feed avian Rufous and Anna’s hummingbirds congregate at a feeder. Integrating Nature into the food to birds, which benefits many native species. Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 31 Bird-Safe Design

Install bird baths and water features. birds, such as owls, can be an effective natural

1 Adding water sources for birds and other approach for controlling local rodent can be very beneficial (DeCecco and Brittingham, populations (for example, barn owl nest boxes 2015), especially in semi-arid and arid regions. are widely used to control rodents in agricultural 2 Although they can extract some water from food, settings). An example of a corporately sponsored most birds drink water daily. They also use water to nest-box project is IBM Corporation’s IBM Research clean feathers and remove parasites. Guidelines on center in California’s Santa Clara Valley where 3 providing appropriate bird baths and water features almost 300 western bluebirds were successfully are provided by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. fledged from over 100 bluebird nest boxes in 2013. This program has been highly successful in 4 Install nest boxes. helping to restore the local bluebird population The installation of nest boxes is a widely used (The Conservation Registry, 2015). conservation measure for cavity-nesting birds of 5 all sizes and nest boxes can significantly benefit Minimize pet encroachment into habitats. these species in areas where appropriate sized Domestic and feral cats can have highly significant cavities are limited (Rodriguez, 2011). However, negative effects on bird populations. Domestic pets 6 nest boxes should be placed in the correct location should be kept indoors and on leash when outdoors (height, compass direction, light exposure, etc.), near sensitive habitats. Educational signage about and a qualified ornithologist should be consulted the impacts of domestic and feral animals on 7 with respect to placement. In addition, an sensitive habitats could be included as part of an ornithologist should be consulted to provide next educational program on local ecology. Information

8 boxes that do not provide suitable nesting sites derived from refereed scientific publications on for introduced species such as European starlings the impacts of domestic and feral cats on bird and house sparrows. Nest boxes for predatory populations should be included in this program. The Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s NestWatch Program provides excellent information on nest box design and installation

Integrating Nature into the https://nestwatch.org/learn/all-about- Top right: Tree swallows birdhouses/ Urban Landscape: A Design Guide use a nest box. February 2018 | 32 Plant List and Photos 1 2

The attached plant palette includes native species The majority of plants selected fall into Sunset that provide high-value habitat for native wildlife. Zone 17 (marine effects in California), 3 For the purposes of these guidelines, a “native” which encompasses most of the Valley floor plant is defined as a plant species that is native nearest the San Francisco Bay. This area also falls to the San Francisco Bay Region, with a special into USDA Hardiness Zone 10a, and plants have 4 emphasis on those “natives” suited to the South been selected with this in mind (see Section 8 for Bay and its environmental conditions. The plant references). Consideration can also be given to palette also includes a selection of nonnative plants expected climate change, by taking into account 5 that provide wildlife value. It is recommended that that future conditions may be warmer and drier designers prioritize native species unless they have at . Given the complexity of climate change Some native plants may be less 6 a compelling reason to include nonnative species. projections, however, it is very difficult to provide predictable than conventional landscape plants. simple guidance on this issue. For example, some species of grasses (such as With assistance from an expert in local ecology, triticoides) spread rhizomatously, and can 7 the designers should strive to select suites of plant An indication of each species’ water needs is included take over planting areas in specific conditions. species that closely mimic plant communities seen on the plant lists (WUCOLS value). Designers should Other plants like deergrass need plenty of space in nature and thus attract and support the most strive to use plants that can sustain themselves with to grow, so should not be planted too densely 8 native wildlife species. To assist in this the plant as little irrigation as possible on their project site. to avoid future shearing by maintenance crews. list has been organized to identify major plant High water use plants should be used in riparian Consultation with local plant experts can help communities that are appropriate to the Santa Clara areas or where they have easy access to address these considerations. Valley: mixed oak woodland, mixed riparian forest, groundwater. Plants with low water use should be oak , and wet and dry meadows. prioritized in upland, well drained areas. Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 33 California sycamore Valley oak live oak Platanus racemosa Quercus lobata

California buckeye Fremont cottonwood Red willow Populus fremontii Salix laevigata Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 34 UNDERSTORY


Scientific Name Common Name Native Tolerance Color/Seasonality Canopy Width Salt Tolerance WUCOLS Woodland Riparian Mixed Oak Woodland Mixed Oak Savanna Bayside Scrub Meadow Wet Dry Meadow Birds Hummingbirds Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) Beneficial Insects Observations


provides moderate food resources for seed-eating birds and small

50 ft L M X X - - - - X - - - mammals, and good seasonal cover and nesting sites for a variety of MIDSTORY boxelder Y Sun / Part shade Golden fall foliage bird species

yellow to pink big leaf maple Y Sun / Part shade flowers 65 ft M X X - - - - X Io moth host, pollinated April to May

provides food resources for seed-eating birds and small mammals, white to pale rose 20- nectar for butterflies, food for butterfly larvae, and moderate seasonal Aesculus californica California buckeye Y Sun / Part shade S VL X X X - - - X - X X flowers; May-Jun 30 ft cover for birds; seeds may be safety hazard near bike path;pollen toxic to non-native honey bees

catkins 40- food for birds; seasonal cover and nesting sites for birds; mature tree white Y Sun / Part shade R H X - - - - - X - - - Jan-Apr 70 ft provides tall perching sites for birds OVERSTORY TIER 1: NATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE Showy pink or white Food for insect and seed-eating birds, nectar plant for adult butterflies; Pacific madrone Y Sun / Part shade 50 ft L - X - - - - X - X X flowers in spring year-round cover and limited nesting sites for birds

Although this species often hybridizes with London plane tree, and thus nursery stock is often a hybrid of the two species, it can be appropriate in urban settings and has good wildlife value. Strongly recommend that an expert assess nursery stock prior to purchase, because a well-trained 20- Platanus racemosa California sycamore Y Sun / Part shade Bronze fall foliage R M X - - - - - X - X - eye can often detect (and reject) hybrids based on leaf shape, bark and 50 ft branch morphology. Food for butterfly larvae; seeds for birds and small mammals; moderate seasonal cover and nesting sites for birds; mature trees provide tall perching sites for birds

high wildlife habitat value - provides food resources that would be used UNDERSTORY Fremont 30- Populus fremontii Y Sun Golden fall foliage S M X - - - X - X - X X by birds and butterfly larvae, tall perching and nesting sites for birds, cottonwood 50 ft including cavity-nesters, and moderate seasonal cover for birds

food for butterfly larvae, acorns for birds and small mammals; mature Evergreen glossy Quercus agrifolia coast live oak Y Sun / Part shade 50 ft S VL X X X - - - X - X X trees provide tall perching sites for birds; high-quality year-round cover dark green leaves. and nesting sites for birds

Evergreen inconspicuous scrub oak Y Sun / Part shade 15 ft VL - X X X - - X X X yellow flowers Feb-Apr MIDSTORY blue oak Y Sun / Part shade March to May 30 ft VL - X X - - - X Host for CA sister and mournful duskywing, wind pollinated

high wildlife habitat value - provides food resources that would be Bronze or gold fall used by butterfly larvae, birds, and small mammals, tall perching sites Quercus lobata valley oak Y Sun / Part shade 50 ft S L X X X - - - X - X X foliage for birds, and moderate seasonal cover and nesting sites for a variety of bird species

high wildlife habitat value - provides food resources that would be used Salix laevigata red willow Y Sun Catkins Dec-Jun 5-10 ft L H X - - - X - X - X X by insect and catkin-eating birds, butterfly larvae, and adult butterflies, and seasonal dense cover and nesting sites for a variety of bird species

high wildlife habitat value - provides food resources that would be used TIER 2: NONNATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 2: NONNATIVE Salix lasiolepis arroyo willow Y Sun / Part shade Gold foliage in fall 15 ft S H X - - - X - X - X X by insect and catkin-eating birds, butterfly larvae, and adult butterflies, OVERSTORY and seasonal dense cover and nesting sites for a variety of bird species

LEGEND Salt Tolerance WUCOLS (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species) An ‘X’ in any category indicates that the plant is either Integrating Nature into the S: plant has moderate or high salt tolerance H: high water use; M: moderate water use associated with that habitat type or provides a benefit to Urban Landscape: A Design Guide R: plant is tolerant of recycled water L: low water use; VL: very low water use the indicated wildlife. L: plant has low salt tolerance February 2018 | 35 Manzanita Buckbrush Common snowberry Chaparral current Arctostaphylos spp. cuneatus Ribes malvaceum

Black sage California coffeeberry Blue elderberry nigra ssp. caerulea

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 36 UNDERSTORY


Scientific Name Common Name Native Tolerance Color/Seasonality Canopy Width Salt Tolerance WUCOLS Woodland Riparian Mixed Oak Woodland Mixed Oak Savanna Bayside Scrub Meadow Wet Dry Meadow Birds Hummingbirds Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) Beneficial Insects Observations


Sun (some VL White to pink food for butterflies and birds, provides cover for birds and Arctostaphylos sp. manzanita Y species tolerate - S or X X - X - - X X X X MIDSTORY flowers other wildlife part shade) L

Silvery light green coastal sagebrush Y Sun - - L - X - X - - X - - - foraging and nesting for birds, insects, and mammals to gray foliage

White to cream food for insect eating birds; dense year-round cover and nesting sites coyote brush Y Shade tolerant - S L X X X X X - X - X X flower for birds and small mammals

White flowers Baccharis salicifolia mulefat Y Shade tolerant - S L X - - - X - X - X X food and shelter for birds, butterflies, insects, and other wildlife year round

Calycanthus Burgandy flowers spicebush Y Sun / Part shade - - M X - - - X - X X X occidentalis Apr-Aug OVERSTORY TIER 1: NATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE White, pale blue, Ceanothus cuneatus buckbrush Y Sun blue, or lavender - - L - X ------X attracts bees flower

lavender flowers Host for several moths and possibly Erynnis skippers, favored by bees hairy ceanothus Y Sun - - na - X - X - - X X March to May and early flowering.

provides food resources that would be used by butterfly larvae and blue blossom Evergreen; blue Y Sun / Part shade - S L X X - X - - X - X X nectar-eating birds and butterflies, and year-round dense cover for ceanothus flowers in spring. birds

showy purple flowers in spring; occidentalis western redbud Y Sun / Part shade red, gold, or - S VL X X - X - - - X - X attracts bees multicolored fall UNDERSTORY foliage

Evergreen; green, mountain betuloides Y Sun / Part shade red, or white flowers - - VL - X ------X X attracts bees mahogany in spring

white to cream glabrata brown dogwood Y Part Shade flowers - - M X X - - - - X X Can be host for echo blue butterfly, will attract bees as well May to June

Red-brown bark,

Cornus sericea red osier dogwood Y Part shade white flowers in - L H X - - - X - X - - - birds feed on fruits MIDSTORY summer/fall

Inconspicuous shade-tolerant; provides food resources that would be used by nut- hazelnut Y Shade tolerant yellow flowers; - - L - X - X - - X - - - eating birds and small mammals, and seasonal cover and possible Jan- Mar nesting sites for birds TIER 2: NONNATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 2: NONNATIVE OVERSTORY

LEGEND Salt Tolerance WUCOLS (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species) An ‘X’ in any category indicates that the plant is either Integrating Nature into the S: plant has moderate or high salt tolerance H: high water use; M: moderate water use associated with that habitat type or provides a benefit to Urban Landscape: A Design Guide R: plant is tolerant of recycled water L: low water use; VL: very low water use the indicated wildlife. L: plant has low salt tolerance February 2018 | 37 TIERTIER 2: 2:NONNATIVE NONNATIVE PLANT PLANT PALETTE PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE PLANT PALETTE

OVERSTORY MIDSTORY UNDERSTORY OVERSTORY MIDSTORY UNDERSTORY February 2018|38 ADesignGuide Urban Landscape: Integrating Nature into the Scientific Name Garrya californicum Fremontodendron Frangula californica arbutifolia Lonicera interrupta Morella californica Morella Lonicera subspicata cerasiformis Rhamnus crocea ilicifolia Prunus gracillimum var. Common Name coast silktassel flannelbush coffeeberry California toyon cream bush honeysuckle chaparral myrtle California wax honeysuckle southern oso berry redberry buckthorn redberry holly leafcherry fragrant sumac lemonade berry golden currant Native Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Shade tolerant Shade tolerant Sun/Shade Part Shade Tolerance Full sun Sun Small creamy white prolific red berries Evergreen; Showy to pinkishflowers Color/Seasonality flowers; Feb-May flowers; flowers inwinter.flowers Evergeen, showy generally yellow; Flowers Mar-AprFlowers Showy cream or green oryellow Yellow flowers; yellow flowers yellow flowers yellow to pink March to May white flowers, white flowers, purple drupe. White to pink prolific red or Feb to March white flowers Flower petals small yellow April to Aug May to Aug Feb to April April -Jun Evergreen Evergreen Mar-May flowers, flowers, flowers

------Canopy Width R R S S - - - Salt Tolerance VL na M M L L L L L L L L L L WUCOLS X X X X X X X X - - - - - Mixed Riparian Woodland X X X X X X X X X X X X X - Mixed Oak Woodland X ------Oak Savanna X X X X X X X X X X - - - - Bayside Scrub X ------Wet Meadow ------Dry Meadow - X X X - X X X - X X Birds - - - X - - - - - Hummingbirds - X - X - - X X X X Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) X X X X X X X - X X X X Beneficial Insects limited nesting sites forbirds butterflies, fruitforbirds andsmallmammals; year-round cover and nectarplantforadult attracts insects,foodplantforbutterfly larvae, Observations year-round cover andnestingsites forbirds provides foodresources thatwould beusedbyfruit-eating birds, and and nestingsites foravariety of bird species;attractsbees fruit-eating birds andsmallmammals,moderate year-round cover provides foodresources thatwould beusedbyadultbutterflies and attracts bees Only mothhosts,butbeeslike it. in MtnViewarea Host plantforcheckerspots butmainlyforthosenotexpected to occur year-round densecover andnestingsites foravariety of bird species provides foodresources thatwould beusedbyfruit-eating birds, and year-round cover andnestingsites forbirds fruitforbirdsfood forbutterfly andsmallmammals;moderate larvae, pollinators host forafewmothspecies.Isuspectmostlyattractsnightflying rare butimpressive sphinxmoth. butterfly notcommoninsouth bay. Alsohostforceanothussilkmoth,a cover foravariety of bird species.Hostplantforpale swallowtail- a Provides foodresources forfruit-eating birds, anddenseyear-round and nestingsites forbirds food forinsects,nectarplantadultbutterflies; seasonaldensecover birds year-roundadults andlarvae, densecover andnestingsites forvarious provides berriesforbirds andsmallmammals,foodsource forbutterfly bees butoften too sparse to attractmany. ground-foraging birds. candraw Hostforsomemoths,ifdenseflowers Provides foodresources forfruit-eating birds, andsomecover for UNDERSTORY


Scientific Name Common Name Native Tolerance Color/Seasonality Canopy Width Salt Tolerance WUCOLS Woodland Riparian Mixed Oak Woodland Mixed Oak Savanna Bayside Scrub Meadow Wet Dry Meadow Birds Hummingbirds Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) Beneficial Insects Observations

whilte to pink Provides food resources for fruit-eating birds, and some cover for California Y Part Shade flowers - VL X X - - - - X ground-foraging birds. Host for some moths, if dense flowers can draw gooseberry Jan to March bees but often too sparse to attract many.

Pink to purple/ MIDSTORY Ribes malvaceum chaparral currant Y Shade tolerant - - VL - X - X - - - - - X attracts bees white flowers

White, pink, or red provides food resources for nectar-eating birds and butterlies; berries flowering currant Y Shade tolerant - - L X - - X - - X X X - flowers provide food for birds

Inconspicuous Salix exigua sandbar willow Y Shade tolerant - - H X - - - X - X - X X yellow flowers

White to pale blue or lavender (pale Salvia mellifera black sage Y Sun - S L - X - X - - X X X X attracts bees rose; Mar- Jun OVERSTORY showy cream or PLANT PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE ssp. yellow flowers, food for insects, nectar plant for butterflies and birds, fruit for birds and blue elderberry Y Sun / Part shade - - L X X - - X - X - X X caerulea prolific black or small mammals; seasonal dense cover and nesting sites for birds purple berry

Provides some nectar for bees and butterflies. Host plant for a few small violet to purple blue witch moths. Bees sometimes drawn to this if flowers prolifically, and they Solanum umbelliferum Y Sun / Part shade flowers - L - X - X - X X X nightshade make a cool noise to make the pollen spray out of pores in the anthers Jan to June like a tuning fork.

Bell shaped pink Symphoricarpos albus common snowberry Y Shade tolerant - - L - X - - - - - X - - flowers; May-Jul

Part shade / white flowers Host to several moth species. Have not observed to attract many bees, Viburnum ellipticum common viburnum Y - na - X - - - - Shade May to June also not native to this area UNDERSTORY MIDSTORY TIER 2: NONNATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 2: NONNATIVE OVERSTORY

LEGEND Salt Tolerance WUCOLS (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species) An ‘X’ in any category indicates that the plant is either Integrating Nature into the S: plant has moderate or high salt tolerance H: high water use; M: moderate water use associated with that habitat type or provides a benefit to Urban Landscape: A Design Guide R: plant is tolerant of recycled water L: low water use; VL: very low water use the indicated wildlife. L: plant has low salt tolerance February 2018 | 39 California poppy Douglas iris Columbine California Aquilegia formosa Eriogonum fasciculatum

California fuschia Sticky monkey flower Blue eyed grass Yarrow Mimulus aurantiacus millefolium Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 40 UNDERSTORY


Scientific Name Common Name Native Tolerance Color/Seasonality Canopy Width Salt Tolerance WUCOLS Woodland Riparian Mixed Oak Woodland Mixed Oak Savanna Bayside Scrub Meadow Wet Dry Meadow Birds Hummingbirds Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) Beneficial Insects Observations


Intermediate White to pink yarrow Y - S L X X X X X X - - X X flowers attract many insects and bees Shade Tolerance flowers; Apr-Sep MIDSTORY

Texture spike bentgrass Y Sun / Part shade - - na - - X - X X X - - - late spring

Part shade / one leaf Y May to June - VL - - - - - X X bees love it if dense, but will smell of Shade

Red to yellow requires higher soil moisture, use in low spots that receive regular Aquilegia formosa columbine Y Shade tolerant - - L - X - X X - - X - X flowers; Apr-Sep water. attracts bees

Artemisia douglasiana mugwort Y Sun to shade May-Nov - - L X - - - X X - - - X can look weedy, best for backdrop groundcover

Purple OVERSTORY California milkweed Y Sun - - L - X X - - X - - X X PLANT PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE April-July

narrow leaf attracts butterflies and insects, food source for butterfly larvae, spreads Y Sun white/pink - L L x X - x x X - - X X milkweed easily via underground stems; attracts bees

attracts butterflies and insects, food source for butterfly larvae, spreads showy milkweed Y Sun rose purple - yellow - - L X X - - X X - - X X easily via underground stems

white marsh baccharis Y Part shade - - na X - - - X - - - X X July-Oct

yellow flowers American rocket Y Part Shade - na X - - - X - X X host for white butterfly, bees like it Feb to April

yellow Berberis pinnata California barberry Y Sun to shade - - M - X - X - - X - - - UNDERSTORY Feb-May

Bromus carinatus California brome Y Shade tolerant Textural - S/R na X X X - - X X - - -

Calamagrostis reed grass Y Part shade Textural - - M X - - X X - X - - - nutkaensis

white flowers bitter cress Y Sun / Part shade - na - - X - X X will be visited by bees, but I have not witnessed in great numbers Feb to April

Brown inflorescence Santa Barbara sedge Y Sun / Part shade - L na X - - - X - X - - - and fruit; May-Aug MIDSTORY Part shade / Textural torrent sedge Y - - na X - - - X - X - - - Shade April-July

Textural clustered field sedge Y Sun - S M X - - - X X X - - - May-Jun

Carex tumulicola foothill sedge Y Sun / Part shade Textural - - L X X X X - X X - - -

Actinorhizal plant may benefit from innoculation with Frankia sp. Ceanothus thyrsiflorus blue flowers Carmel ceanothus Y Sun / Part shade - - L - X - X - - X - X X Consider incorporating native soil known to contain Frankia sp., var. griseus March to May because such inoculum is not commercially available. TIER 2: NONNATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 2: NONNATIVE Chlorogalum OVERSTORY soap plant Y Sun / Part shade May to Aug - VL - - X X X X X X Good for bumblebees. Major host for brown elfin pomeridianum

LEGEND Salt Tolerance WUCOLS (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species) An ‘X’ in any category indicates that the plant is either Integrating Nature into the S: plant has moderate or high salt tolerance H: high water use; M: moderate water use associated with that habitat type or provides a benefit to Urban Landscape: A Design Guide R: plant is tolerant of recycled water L: low water use; VL: very low water use the indicated wildlife. L: plant has low salt tolerance February 2018 | 41 TIERTIER 2: 2:NONNATIVE NONNATIVE PLANT PLANT PALETTE PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE PLANT PALETTE

OVERSTORY MIDSTORY UNDERSTORY OVERSTORY MIDSTORY UNDERSTORY February 2018|42 ADesignGuide Urban Landscape: Integrating Nature into the Scientific Name Clarkia rubicunda Claytonia eragrostisCyperus Deschampsia caespitosa danthonioides Deschampsia capitatum Dichelostemma Elymus condensatus Elymus triticoides Epilobium canum Eriogonum nudum Eriogonum Eriogonum fasciculatum Eriogonum Eriogonum latifolium Eriogonum confertiflorum Eriophyllum Eschscholzia californica Common Name western goldenrod farewell to spring elegant clarkia miner's Chinese houses tall flatsedge hairgrass annual hairgrass wild hyacinth giant bluerye blue wildrye creeping wildrye California fuchsia naked buckwheat buckwheat California seaside daisy sulfur buckwheat Coast buckwheat golden yarrow California poppy Native Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Shade tolerant Shade tolerant Sun/Shade Part Shade Part Shade Tolerance Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun small white flowers White, pink, purple White, pink, lavender/purple to Color/Seasonality white, yellow, red white, pink, rose white, pink, orange, yellow blue to purple pink to purple June to Sept blue flowers pink flowers Red-orange May to Aug May to Aug Feb to April Feb to May year round white, pink May-Nov Feb-April Mar-Aug Feb-Aug Aug-Oct Aug-Oct Aug-Oct Jun-Aug Apr-Sep May-Jul Textural Textural Textural Textural Textural Textural flowers flowers Apr-Jul Jun-Jul Yellow yellow

------Canopy Width R S S S S S S L L ------Salt Tolerance VL na na na na na VL na VL na H L L L L L L L L L WUCOLS X X X X X X X X X ------Mixed Riparian Woodland X X X X X X X X X X X X X X ------Mixed Oak Woodland X X X X X X X ------Oak Savanna X X X X X X X X X X X X ------Bayside Scrub X X X X X X X X X X X X ------Wet Meadow X X X X X X X X X X X X ------Dry Meadow - - X X - X X X ------Birds ------X - - - - Hummingbirds - X X X X ------X X X X X X - Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) X X X ------X X X X X X X Beneficial Insects after seedsetto avoidafter weedy appearance annual wildflower, addscolor to meadowsinspring, requires mowing Observations common large sphinxmothyou willseeinurban areas around here. great forbees,hostwhite-lined sphinxmoth,oneof themore common large sphinxmothyou willseeinurban areas around here. great forbees,hostwhite-lined sphinxmoth,oneof themore attractiveness forbees. sphinx mothyou willseeinurban areas around here. Notmuch host forwhite-lined sphinxmoth,oneof themore common large after seedsetto avoidafter weedy appearance annual wildflower, addscolor to meadowsinspring, requires mowing seed provides foodforbirds andsmallmammals Bees willvisit,butisnotcorucopianspeciesinmostsettings seed provides foodforbirds andsmallmammals seed provides foodforbirds andsmallmammals seed provides foodforbirds andsmallmammals flowers attractmanyinsects flowers hummingbird andbutterfly foodsource, attractsbees Favored bybeesandbutterflies fornectaring. flowers attractmanyinsectsandbees flowers flowers attractmanyinsects flowers UNDERSTORY


Scientific Name Common Name Native Tolerance Color/Seasonality Canopy Width Salt Tolerance WUCOLS Woodland Riparian Mixed Oak Woodland Mixed Oak Savanna Bayside Scrub Meadow Wet Dry Meadow Birds Hummingbirds Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) Beneficial Insects Observations

Textural California fescue Y Sun / Part shade - S L X X X - - X X - - - shade tolerant, great choice for under oaks Feb-Apr


Festuca idahoensis Idaho fescue Y Sun / Part shade - L VL - X X - - X X - - - MIDSTORY Jun-Jul

Textural red fescue Y Shade tolerant - S L X X X X X X - - - - Apr-May

White Fragaria chiloensis beach Y Sun / Part shade - L M X - - X X X X - - X Feb-Nov

woodland White Y Shade tolerant - - M X X X - - - X - - X strawberry Jan-Jul

white annual wildflower, adds color to meadows in spring, requires mowing Gilia capitata globe gilia Y Sun - L na - - - X X - - - - X Feb-Apr after seed set to avoid weedy appearance OVERSTORY Glycyrrhiza lepidota American licorice Y Sun June to Aug - na - - - - - X X If dense enough, will draw bees PLANT PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE

Yellow Grindelia camporum common gumplant Y Sun - S ? X - - - X X - - - X attracts bees May-Nov

Yellow Grindelia stricta gumplant Y Sun / Part shade - S L X - - X X - - - X X May-Oct

Yellow annuus sunflower Y Sun - S na - - - - - X - - - X attracts bees Jun-Oct

common white flowers Y Part Shade - na X - - - X - cowparsnip June to July

white, pink Heuchera micrantha alum root Y Shade tolerant - - M - X - - - - - X - X shade tolerant, great choice for under oaks or in shady rock outcrops UNDERSTORY Apr-Jul

Hordeum Texture meadow Y Sun - S na X X X - X X X - - - brachyantherum Jun-Jul

lavender, red- purple, pale cream, Iris douglasiana Douglas iris Y Sun to shade - L L X X X X X X - - - X shade-tolerant veined purple May-Jul

brown, texture common rush Y Sun - L M - - - - X - X - - - Jun-Aug MIDSTORY spreading rush Y Sun / Part shade Texture - L L - X X X X X X - - -

Texture iris leaved rush Y Part Shade - L na ------X - - - May-Jul

Yellow annual wildflower, adds color to meadows in spring, requires mowing Lasthenia californica California goldfields Y Sun / Part shade - S na - - X - X X - - - X Feb-Jun after seed set to avoid weedy appearance

yellow, white annual wildflower, adds color to meadows in spring, requires mowing Layia platyglossa tidy tips Y Sun - L na - X - - X X - - - X Feb-Jul after seed set to avoid weedy appearance

white, yellow annual wildflower, adds color to meadows in spring, requires mowing meadowfoam Y Sun / Part shade - - na - - - - X - - - - X TIER 2: NONNATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 2: NONNATIVE Mar-Jul after seed set to avoid weedy appearance OVERSTORY

LEGEND Salt Tolerance WUCOLS (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species) An ‘X’ in any category indicates that the plant is either Integrating Nature into the S: plant has moderate or high salt tolerance H: high water use; M: moderate water use associated with that habitat type or provides a benefit to Urban Landscape: A Design Guide R: plant is tolerant of recycled water L: low water use; VL: very low water use the indicated wildlife. L: plant has low salt tolerance February 2018 | 43 TIERTIER 2: 2:NONNATIVE NONNATIVE PLANT PLANT PALETTE PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE PLANT PALETTE

OVERSTORY MIDSTORY UNDERSTORY OVERSTORY MIDSTORY UNDERSTORY February 2018|44 ADesignGuide Urban Landscape: Integrating Nature into the Scientific Name Lomatium californicum albifrons Lupinus nanus Mimulus aurantiacus Mimulus cardinalis Mimulus guttatus hookeri ssp. heterophyllus Penstemon Polystichum munitum Ranunculus californicus Rosa californica 'gro-low' Rhus aromatica Common Name California lomatium silver bushlupine sky lupine mallow coast melicgrass California melicgrass sticky monkeyflower monkeyflower scarlet seep monkeyflower coyote mint baby blueeyes primrose common evening beard tongue Kellogg's yampah phacelia leafed sword fern California buttercup California rose fragrant sumac California blackberry Native Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Shade tolerant Shade tolerant Part shade/ Sun/Shade Tolerance Shade Shade Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Blue, lavender, pink, pale yellow flowers yellow, orange,red corolla orange,red white, pink, purple white, pink, Color/Seasonality lavender/purple March to April yellow flowers pink to purple yellow flowers yellow flowers cream flowers March to May June to Aug purple, blue Aug to Sept Feb to May white, blue Feb to July June-Aug May-Sep Mar-Aug Feb-Nov Feb-Mar Jun-Aug Mar-Jun Apr-July Mar-Jun May-Jul Apr-Jun textural textural Mar-Jul Texture flowers flowers Yellow White violet white pink

------Canopy Width S/R L/R L L L L L L L L L - - - Salt Tolerance VL VL VL na na na VL na na M M H H L L L L L L L WUCOLS X X X X X ------Mixed Riparian Woodland X X X X X X X X X X X ------Mixed Oak Woodland X X X X X ------Oak Savanna X X X X X X X X X X ------Bayside Scrub X X X X X X X X X X ------Wet Meadow X X X X X X X X X X ------Dry Meadow X X X X X ------X Birds - - - X - X X - - - X - - Hummingbirds X - X X X X X - - X - X X X - Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) X X - - X X X X X X X X X X Beneficial Insects Observations Host forAniseSwallowtail attracts bees attracts bees after seedsetto avoidafter weedy appearance annual wildflower, addscolor to meadowsinspring, requires mowing profusely. Painted Lady, outstandingforhummingbirds. Grows fastandflowers formerly Lavatera assurgentiflora. Hostforthe West Coast Ladyand seeds andcover forbirds, foodsource butterfly larvae attracts bees after seedsetto avoidafter weedy appearance annual wildflower, addscolor to meadowsinspring, requires mowing Mostly night-visiting pollinators attracts bees Host forAniseSwallowtail and nestingsites forbirds food forinsects,nectarplantadultbutterflies; seasonaldensecover Favorite of bees,alsoprovides earlyseasonresources andcolor. attracts bees UNDERSTORY


Scientific Name Common Name Native Tolerance Color/Seasonality Canopy Width Salt Tolerance WUCOLS Woodland Riparian Mixed Oak Woodland Mixed Oak Savanna Bayside Scrub Meadow Wet Dry Meadow Birds Hummingbirds Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) Beneficial Insects Observations

purple, dark violet Cleveland sage Y Sun - S L - X - - - - X X X X flowers attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and many insects Apr-Jul

Salvia leucophylla purple sage Y Sun rose, lavender - S L - X - - - - X X X X flowers attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and many insects MIDSTORY

Blue to lilac or Sonoma sage Y Sun / Part shade purple flowers; - - L - X - X - X - - X X Mar-July

Green to purple shade-tolerant; provides food source for nectar-eating birds; attracts hummingbird sage Y Sun / Part shade inflorescence; - S L - X X X - - X X - X bees Mar-May

maroon flowers snakeroot Y Part Shade - na - X X X - X March to May

red to maroon attracts bees; California bee plant Y Shade tolerant - - L - X - X - X - - X X OVERSTORY flowers; Mar-Jul can spread aggressively by underground stems PLANT PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE

Blue-purple or pale Sisyrinchium bellum blue eyed grass Y Sun / Part shade blue/ white flowers; - - VL - X X X X X - - - X Mar-May

Solidago velutina ssp. yellow flower attracts bees; California goldenrod Y Sun / Part shade - - M X X - X X X - - X X californica July to Oct spreads by rhizomes, can be aggressive if over irrigated

nodding needle textural Stipa cernua Y Sun / Part shade - - VL - X X - X X grass Feb to July

Intermediate Stipa pulchra purple needlegrass Y Textural - S VL - X X - X X X - X - seeds and cover for birds, butterfly larvae food source Shade Tolerance

Symphyotrichum Violet flower; provides flowers in late summer and early autumn; attracts bees; can UNDERSTORY pacific aster Y Sun / Part shade - - M X X - X - X - - X X chilense Jun-Oct spread aggressively if over-irrigated

Blue to pink or woolly bluecurls Y Sun white flowers; - - VL - X - - - - - X X X Apr-Jun

purple to pink tomcat clover Y Sun flowers - na - - X - X X X liked by larger bees April to May

lavender/purple to Ithuriel's spear Y Sun to Shade blue flowers - VL - X X - X X Bees will visit, but is not corucopian species in most settings MIDSTORY April to July

Yellow flower; Wyethia angustifolia mules ears Y Sun / Part shade - - L - - X - - X - - X X Apr-Aug


Aristolochia californica California pipe vine Y Part Shade Jan to April - L X X - X - - X Host plant for Pipevine Swallowtail

white to cream Clematis lasiantha chaparral clematis Y Sun to Shade flowers - L - X - X - - X Will draw lots of bees when the flowers are dense March to July TIER 2: NONNATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 2: NONNATIVE OVERSTORY

LEGEND Salt Tolerance WUCOLS (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species) An ‘X’ in any category indicates that the plant is either Integrating Nature into the S: plant has moderate or high salt tolerance H: high water use; M: moderate water use associated with that habitat type or provides a benefit to Urban Landscape: A Design Guide R: plant is tolerant of recycled water L: low water use; VL: very low water use the indicated wildlife. L: plant has low salt tolerance February 2018 | 45 TIER 2: NONNATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIERTIER 1: 1:NATIVE NATIVE PLANT PLANT PALETTE PALETTE

OVERSTORY MIDSTORY UNDERSTORY OVERSTORY MIDSTORY UNDERSTORY February 2018|46 ADesignGuide Urban Landscape: Integrating Nature into the Corymbia Aesculus xcarnea Scientific Name phaenopyrum Crataegus Callistemon viminalis Callistemon Arbutus x'' NONNATIVE OVERSTORY Lagunaria patersonii Callistemon citrinus citrinus Callistemon English hawthorn red-flowering gum Chinese hackberry red-horse chestnut Common Name tuliptree hawthorn Washington weeping bottlebrush Marina madrone red maple trident maple primrose tree Australian willow California ash crimson bottlebrush Native N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun to shade Sun to shade Sun/Shade Tolerance Full sun Sun Showy white to pink orange, pink, red, or orange, pink, Showy pinkorrose flowers, prolificflowers, red spring, goldorred Bronze orgoldfall Gold foliageinfall spring orsummer spring orsummer Color/Seasonality Evergreen, showy Evergreen, showy Evergreen, showy Showy red flower multi-colored fall Yellow in flowers multicolored fall gold, orange,or Red, orange,or red in flowers red in flowers white flowers white flowers pink to white March -June foliage infall Showy white flowers; flowers; red, rose flowers flowers flowers foliage foliage foliage pome 40 ft 40 ft 15 ft 40 ft 40 ft 20 ft 25 ft 25 ft 35 ft 25 ft 20 ft 12 ft 30 ft 40 ft 25- 25- 20- 10- 25- Canopy Width S L L L Salt Tolerance M M M M M M M L L L L L L L WUCOLS

Mixed Riparian Woodland

Mixed Oak Woodland

Oak Savanna

Bayside Scrub

Wet Meadow

Dry Meadow X X X X X X X X X X X X X Birds X - X - - - - X - - - - X Hummingbirds X - X - - - X X X - - X X Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) ------Beneficial Insects dense cover andnestingsites foravariety of bird species food fornectarandinsecteatingbirds andadultbutterflies; year round sites forbirds moderate seasonalcover andnestingsites forbirds; andtallperching provides foodresources thatwould beusedbyfruit-eating birds; and bees;year round cover andnestingsites foravariety of birds provides foodfornectarandinsecteatingbirds, nectarforbutterflies and tallperching sites forbirds small mammals,moderate seasonalcover andnestingsites forbirds, provides foodresources thatwould beusedbyseed-eatingbirds and and tallperching sites forbirds small mammals,moderate seasonalcover andnestingsites forbirds, provides food resources thatwould beusedbyseed-eatingbirds and tall perching sites forbirds round densecover andnestingsites fora variety of bird species,and provides foodresources thatwould beusedbyfruit-eating birds, year- variety of bird species eating birds, andmoderate seasonalcover andnestingsites fora provides resources andfruit- thatwould beusedbybutterfly larvae and bees;year round cover andnestingsites foravariety of birds provides foodfornectarandinsecteatingbirds, nectarforbutterflies larvae andadults)birds andseasonalcover forbirdslarvae provides foodresources thatwould beusedbybutterflies (including and tallperching sites forbirds small mammals,moderate seasonalcover andnestingsites forbirds, provides foodresources thatwould beusedbyseed-eatingbirds and Observations year-round cover and nestingsites foravariety of bird species provides foodresources thatwould beusedbyfruit-eating birds, and variety of bird species eating birds, andmoderate seasonalcover andnestingsites fora provides resources andfruit- thatwould beusedbybutterfly larvae cover forbirds eating birds, suchashummingbirds, as well asmoderate year-round provides foodresources thatwould beusedbybutterflies andnectar- UNDERSTORY


Scientific Name Common Name Native Tolerance Color/Seasonality Canopy Width Salt Tolerance WUCOLS Woodland Riparian Mixed Oak Woodland Mixed Oak Savanna Bayside Scrub Meadow Wet Dry Meadow Birds Hummingbirds Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) Beneficial Insects Observations

Magnolia grandiflora provides food resources that would be used by fruit-eating birds and ‘Sam Sommers,’ ‘St. Showy flowers, 20- southern magnolia N Sun / Part shade S M X - - - small mammals, and moderate year-round cover for a variety of bird Mary,’ ‘Majestic Beauty,’ prolific fruit 50 ft species ‘Little Gem’, 'Russet' MIDSTORY provides food resources that would be used by nectar- eating birds, Evergreen; Yellow to swamp paperbark N Sun / Part shade L X X X - bees, and butterflies, and insect-eating birds, as well as year-round white flowers dense cover and nesting sites for a variety of bird species

provides food resources that would be used by nectar- eating birds, Evergreen; white cajeput tree N Sun / Part shade L X X X - bees, and butterflies, and insect-eating birds, as well as year-round flowers dense cover and nesting sites for a variety of bird species

provides food resources that would be used by nectar- eating birds, Evergreen; white prickly paperbark N Sun / Part shade L X X X - bees, and butterflies, and insect-eating birds, as well as year-round flowers dense cover and nesting sites for a variety of bird species TIER 1: NATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE OVERSTORY

provides food resources that would be used by nectar- eating birds, PLANT PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE New Zealand Evergreen; red N Sun / Part shade L X X X - bees, and butterflies, and insect-eating birds, as well as year-round Christmas Tree flowers dense cover and nesting sites for a variety of bird species

Showy pink flowers; provides food resources that would be used by fruit-eating birds and Japanese flowering 25- N Sun / Part shade Bronze or gold fall M X - - - small mammals, and limited seasonal cover and nesting sites for a 'Kwanzan' cherry 30 ft foliage variety of bird species

provides food resources that would be used by butterfly larvae and 40- cork oak N Sun / Part shade Evergreen S L X - X - acorn-eating birds and small mammals, and moderate year-round cover 70 ft and nesting sites for a variety of bird species.


California false Larval food source for the California dogface butterfly, flowers attract UNDERSTORY californica N Part sun / Shade purple flowers - L X indigo adult butterflies and bees

Evergeen; showy provides food resources that would be used by nectar- eating birds and white flowers, strawberry tree N Sun to shade 15 ft S L X X X - butterflies, and year-round dense cover and nesting sites for a variety prolific orange or of bird species red berry.

Lilac to purple attracts butterflies and bees, flower with central davidii butterfly bush N Sun - - L - - X X can naturalize in riparian areas and should only be used in the campus orange spot; interior May - Sept

Ceanothus arboreus x provides food resources that would be used by butterfly larvae and MIDSTORY Ray Hartman blue to purple 10- thyrsiflorus var. griseus N Sun - L X - X X nectar-eating birds and butterflies, and year-round dense cover for ceanothus flowers 20 ft 'Ray Hartman' birds; attracts bees

Cephalanthus common cream flowers N Sun / Part shade - M X X Flowers attract butterflies, plant provides some cover for birds occidentalis buttonbush Aug to Oct

Cornus nuttalli Pacific dogwwod N Part Shade showy white flowers - - M X X X

Small white to rose Eriogonum giganteum St. Catherine's lace N Sun - - L - - - X attracts bees flowers

red flowers TIER 2: NONNATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 2: NONNATIVE Keckiella cordifolia climbing penstemon N Sun / Part shade - L X X X Flowers attracts hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies OVERSTORY March to Aug

LEGEND Salt Tolerance WUCOLS (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species) An ‘X’ in any category indicates that the plant is either Integrating Nature into the S: plant has moderate or high salt tolerance H: high water use; M: moderate water use associated with that habitat type or provides a benefit to Urban Landscape: A Design Guide R: plant is tolerant of recycled water L: low water use; VL: very low water use the indicated wildlife. L: plant has low salt tolerance February 2018 | 47 TIER 2: NONNATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIERTIER 1: 1:NATIVE NATIVE PLANT PLANT PALETTE PALETTE

OVERSTORY MIDSTORY UNDERSTORY OVERSTORY MIDSTORY UNDERSTORY February 2018|48 ADesignGuide Urban Landscape: Integrating Nature into the Heuchera maxima Creek Grey' Creek Lavandula 'Goodwin Heuchera caespitosa Gaillardia xgrandiflora Scientific Name rubescens grandeEriogonum var. Rhus ovata Eriogonum crocatumEriogonum Erigeron karvinskianus involucratusCyperus Bouteloua gracilisBouteloua Berberis aquifolium Berberis Peaks' Baccharis pilularis'Twin Achillea 'Moonshine' NONNATIVE UNDERSTORY Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' foliosa corral bells lavender alumroot urn-flowered blanket flower Common Name rosey buckwheat sugar bush buckwheat saffron /conejo Alpine currant Santa Barbara daisy umbrella plant blue grama Oregon grape brush groundcover coyote moonshine yarrow matilija poppy sageleaf rockrose reed grass leafy Native N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun /Part shade Sun to Shade Sun/Shade Tolerance Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun Sun White to pinkpetals Yellow, orange,red pale blueto white pale pinkto white Color/Seasonality winter to spring Greenish yellow with red sepals; White flowers; pink, red, rose pink, Yellow flowers violet flowers bright yellow May to Aug year round white, pink year round white, pink June-Sept evergreen Feb-April Mar-May Apr-Aug Apr-July Apr-Sep Jun-Sep Textural Textural Textural flowers; Mar-Jul flowers flowers yellow spring white April Apr

------Canopy Width S/R S/R S S S S L ------Salt Tolerance VL na na na M H L L L L L L L L L L L L WUCOLS

Mixed Riparian Woodland

Mixed Oak Woodland

Oak Savanna

Bayside Scrub

Wet Meadow

Dry Meadow ------X - X - - - X X Birds ------Hummingbirds - - - X X - - - X X - - X - - Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) X X X X X X X - X X X X X - - - Beneficial Insects attracts bees shade-tolerant shade-tolerant attracts bees flowers attractmanyinsectsandbees flowers flowers attractmanyinsects flowers Observations attracts bees fruits provide foodforbirds andsmallmammals interior can naturalizeinriparian areas andshouldonlybeusedinthecampus flowers attractmanyinsects flowers shade-tolerant usually onlymaleplantsare cultivated forlandscaping attracts beesandmanyinsects flowers attractmanyinsectsandbees flowers spreads byrhizomes,canbeaggressive ifover irrigated attracts bees; attracts birds andbutterflies seed provides foodsource forbirds andsmallmammals



Scientific Name Common Name Native Tolerance Color/Seasonality Canopy Width Salt Tolerance WUCOLS Woodland Riparian Mixed Oak Woodland Mixed Oak Savanna Bayside Scrub Meadow Wet Dry Meadow Birds Hummingbirds Butterflies (Larvae and/or Adult) Beneficial Insects Observations

lavender to purple spike lavender N Sun flowers - - L - - - X flowers attract many insects summer MIDSTORY Spanish lavender N Sun Purple - - L - - - X flowers attract many insects

Texture deer grass N Sun / Part shade - S/R L X - - - seed provides food for birds and small mammals Jun-Sep

White Nepeta cataria N Sun / Part shade - - L - - - X attracts bees Jul-Sep

blue to violet Nepeta x frassenii cat mint N Sun / Part shade flowers - - L - - - X attracts bees May to Sept


scarlet bugler N Sun - L L - X X X PLANT PALETTE TIER 1: NATIVE centranthifolius Apr-Jul

firecracker Intermediate Red Penstemon eatonii N - - L - - - X attracts bees penstemon Shade Tolerance Jun-Jul

Red Ribes viburnifolium Catalina currant N Part Sun / Shade - - L - X - X attracts bees Feb-Apr

Rosmarinus 'Prostratus' creeping rosemary N Sun blue flowers - - L

white, lavender white sage N Sun - L VL - - - X attracts bees Apr-Aug

Salvia 'Bee's Bliss' bee's bliss sage N Sun purple flowers - S L - X X X flowers attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and many insects UNDERSTORY

red flowers sage N Sun - - M - X - X Aug to Oct

Salvia greggii autumn sage N Sun / Part shade pink to red flowers - - L - X - X attracts bees

Salvia leucantha Mexican sage N Sun white and purple - S L X X X X flowers attract hummingbirds and many insects

Salvia microphylla red / white flowers little-leaved sage N Sun / Part shade - - ? - - - X attracts bees 'Hot Lips' Apr-Jun MIDSTORY culinary sage N Sun purple - - L - - - X attracts bees

Sporobolus airoides alkali sacaton N Sun Textural - S L X - - - seed provides food for birds and small mammals

purple-pink lamb's ears N Sun - - L - - - X attracts bees May to July TIER 2: NONNATIVE PLANT PALETTE TIER 2: NONNATIVE OVERSTORY

LEGEND Salt Tolerance WUCOLS (Water Use Classification of Landscape Species) An ‘X’ in any category indicates that the plant is either Integrating Nature into the S: plant has moderate or high salt tolerance H: high water use; M: moderate water use associated with that habitat type or provides a benefit to Urban Landscape: A Design Guide R: plant is tolerant of recycled water L: low water use; VL: very low water use the indicated wildlife. L: plant has low salt tolerance February 2018 | 49 References

Bauer, Nancy. The California Wildlife Habitat . Berkeley and California Native Plant Society. 2017. Calscape. http://www. Hewitt, A. 2012. Root Management Challenges in Urban Sites: Achieving Los Angeles; University of California Press, 2012. Print. calscape.org. Accessed October 2017. a Healthy Root Crown Balance. Arborist News 21(6): 16-19. 1 Byrd, K. B. and M. Kelly. 2006. Salt marsh vegetation response CalPIF (California Partners in Flight). 2005. Version 1.0. The Jepson Flora Project (eds.) 2014. Jepson eFlora, http://ucjeps. to edaphic and topographic changes from upland sagebrush bird conservation plan: a strategy for protecting berkeley.edu/IJM.html, accessed March 2015. sedimentation in a Pacific estuary. Wetlands. 26(3):813-829. and managing sagebrush habitats and associated birds Keator, G. 2002. Introduction to Trees of the San Francisco Bay 2 in California. PRBO Conservation Science, Stinson Beach, Byrne, M., Stone, L., & Millar, M. A. 2011. Assessing genetic risk in CA. [online] http://www.prbo.org/calpif/plans/The Region. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University of revegetation. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48(6), 1365-1373. Conservation Registry | California. January 20, 2015. “IBM California Press. Research - Almaden,” . Accessed March 2015. 3 and prevention. Journal of Field Ornithology 61:120-128. Cornell Lab of Ornithology. 2015. Mission: Citizen Science, . Accessed March 2015. faculty/klem/ACO/Field%20Journal%20-Mortality%201990. pdf> and other studies cited in California Division of and Natural Resources. Kook, C. 1997. Distribution of riparian trees in tidal streams of the DeCecco, Jennifer and Margaret C. Brittingham. 2015. Water for South San Francisco Bay. San Jose State University. Master’s 5 Wildlife: Bird Baths and Backyard . . Accessed March 2015. Kratsch, H., S. Olsen, L. Rupp, G. Cardon, R. Hefelbower. 2008. Soil Salinity and Ornamental Plant Selection. Utah State University European Commission. 2015. The Birds Directive – About the Birds Cooperative Extension 6 Directive. . Accessed March 2015. Longcore, T., and C. Rich. 2016. Artificial night lighting and protected : Ecological effects and management Fish and Wildlife Service. n.d. Digest of Federal Resource Laws of approaches. Report NPS/NRSS/NSNS/ 7 Interest to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service . Accessed March 2015. Colorado.

Gauthreaux and Belser. 2006. Effects of artificial light on migrating Morandin, L. A., & Kremen, C. 2013. Bee preference for native versus birds. Pages 67-93 in C. Rich and T. Longcore [Editors] exotic plants in restored agricultural hedgerows. Restoration 8 Ecological consequences of artificial night lighting, Island Ecology, 21(1), 26-32. Press, Washington D. C.

Western bluebird

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 50 References

Nassauer, Joan Iverson. 1995. Messy ecosystems, orderly frames. Riparian Habitat Joint Venture. 2004. The Riparian Bird Sunset. 2007. Western Garden Book. Menlo Park, California: Sunset Landscape Journal. 14(2): pp. 161-170. Conservation Plan: A Strategy for Reversing the Decline of Publishing Corporation. Riparian Associated Birds in California. California Partners 1 National Audubon Society. 2007. Field Guide to Trees, Western in Flight. United States Department of Agriculture. Natural Resources Region. United States: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc. Conservation Science. Plants Profiles - Wildlife Habitat Values. Rodriguez, J., J. M. Aviles, and D. Parejo. 2011. Ibis 123:735-745 [online]: http://plants.usda.gov/java/. Accessed March 2015. Natural History Museum, London. 2017. HOSTS – a Database of the 2 World’s Lepidopteran Hostplants. . Accessed plants have the ability to outperform their wild relatives?. Map. [online]: http://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/PHZMWeb/ November 2017. PLoS One, 8(8), e71066. InteractiveMap.aspx. Accessed March 2015.

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University of California Davis. List of Plant Salinity Tolerance, Douglas iris (Iris douglasiana) provided by Golden Associates 5

White, A. 2016. From Nursery to Nature: Evaluating Native Herbaceous Flowering Plants Versus Native Cultivars for Pollinator Habitat Restoration. 6 Williams, N.M. et al., 2011. Bees in disturbed habitats use, but do not prefer, alien plants. Basic and Applied Ecology, 12, pp.332–341.

Wilson, E. O. Biophilia. Harvard University Press, 1984. 7 Wu, Lin and Linda Dodge. 2005. Landscape Plant Salt Tolerance Selection Guide for Recycled Water Irrigation. Davis, CA: Department of Plant Sciences, University of California. 8

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 51 Appendix A: Landscape Design and Management Checklist

Design Parameters Project Name: 1 Select plants that are suited to how wet or dry the site is. Project Owner: Project Designer: Select plants that are suited to the sun/shade conditions on the site. Location: Ensure that the soil is suitable for the proposed plant palette, and make any necessary improvements 2 Date: to soil texture, chemistry, and drainage to ensure long term plant health. Ensure soil volume is sufficient to support healthy mature trees. Determine whether recycled or potable water will be used in the irrigation system, and ensure that Goals and Priorities 3 selected plants are tolerant of recycled water if it will be used. 1. What type of habitats will this project establish (e.g. oak woodland, shrub understory, wetland, etc.)? Prioritize trees and midstory plantings for wildlife value, where compatible with space and proposed uses. What is the estimated acreage for each habitat type? Create visual interest in high use areas and allow the interiors of planting areas to have a more natural aesthetic. 4 Protect public safety by preserving sight lines in heavily used areas and in areas where conflicts may exist 2. What types of wildlife might benefit from between pedestrians, bicyclists, and/or vehicles. these new habitats? Incorporate native oaks (re-oaking). 5 When possible, choose plant combinations that mimic locally native habitats. 3. What percentage of the plants proposed are native to the area? Prioritize use of trees that provide high habitat value (willow, oak, cottonwood, etc.). Prioritize the use of native plants, but if a native plant does not meet the project needs, use a non- 6 4. What measureable native landscape goals native plant with some wildlife value. do you hope to achieve, and when? Landscape Management 7 5. Describe any opportunities your project provides Utilize a landscape maintenance crew that has training in the management of native landscapes. for a “peoples’ science” approach to involve the community, or other community outreach benefits. Develop a strategy for nonnative and invasive plant control that does not rely on the use of chemical herbicides, pesticides, or other chemicals. 8 6. Are there any programs or organizations in your Ensure that the project’s irrigation regime aligns with the water-use needs of the plants. community that recognize/celebrate habitat and/or Periodically flush soils if using recycled water for irrigation. pollinators and the associated educational value? If so, Carefully consider the factors that may have led to plant mortality when re-planting, and adjust the can your project engage such programs? species composition if necessary.

Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 52 Appendix A: Bird-Safe Design Checklist

Bird-Safe Design for Buildings Bird-Safe Construction Practices Bird-Safe Architectural Lighting Schedule construction to avoid the nesting bird season. 1 Turn lights off at night (except in areas with human activity or areas Conduct pre-construction/pre-disturbance surveys. requiring lighting for safety purposes). Remove potential nesting substrates that are scheduled to be removed by Pull shades after dark to reduce light pollution. the project prior to the nesting bird season in areas where construction is 2 Direct lighting downwards rather that up or outwards. planned to occur. Use strobe or non-static lighting if possible. Use blue or green light instead or white or red light. Bird-Safe Landscape Management 3 Avoid or minimize use of pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, or other Bird-Safe Architectural Surfaces chemical treatments. 4 Avoid highly reflective glass coatings throughout all glazing systems. Take care to avoid impacting nesting birds while managing the landscape. Create fine-grained visual obstacles with patterned glass, external blinds or shades, or shading integrated into the glass. Reduce wildlife access to human food (garbage, etc.). 5 Eliminate atria and courtyard designs that trap birds. Install bird feeders. Install bird baths and water features. Install nest boxes. Bird-Safe Design for Landscapes 6 Minimize pet encroachment into habitats. Strategically place vegetation to minimize the risk of birds colliding with buildings. Reduce the use of artificial light in the landscape. Direct landscape lighting downward an shield the light from above. 7

Consider the color of the project lighting.


Project Name: Project Owner: Project Designer: Location: Integrating Nature into the Date: Urban Landscape: A Design Guide February 2018 | 53 Integrating Nature into the Urban Landscape A Design Guide