Inco Triangle
I... I c/ Appointments MAY f 1976 Divisional: Jim Balleny, supervrsor, analytrcal Gordon Gerrish, protectron supervmsor. servrces, process technooQy Copper Chff Shebandowan mmne copper refrnery Ronald Gilchrist, fmrst ard attendant, Editor, Kjeld Bech, foreman eectrownn mg Copper Chff sme'ter Rudolph Kneer, Copper Cliff Copper Clmff copper refmnery Helen Gordon, employment assmstaflt, Associate Editor, Louis Bernache, general foreman, Port employee relatmons, Sudbury offmces, Les Lewis, Port Colborne Coborne nickel refmnery Gerald Gorman, tankhouse foreman. Marcel Bigras, senior tmmekeeper, Copper Cliff copper refinery. Copper Chff nmckel refinery Gregory Greenough, geological Royce Blackwood, training supervmsor, assistant, Levack West mine. Copper Cliff South mine Wally Gretton, manager, rndustrmal Richard Bontinen, acmd plant foreman, relatmons, Copper Clmff, Copper Clmff copper refinery. Melvin Guse, mine general foreman, Robert Bozzato, industria' relations Levack mine, representative, Port Colborne nickel Bennett Higgins, buyer, purchasmng and refmnery. warehousing, Copper Cliff. Gary Briscoe, accounting system Guy Hunter, safety foreman, Stobie mine, analyst, Copper Cliff. Fred Johannes, project team leader, Ron Brown, assistant to the vice-president, divisional shop project team, Copper mining and milling. Copper Cliff. Cliff. Bernard Cadieux, plant protection offmcer, James Keir, geological assistant, Shebandowan mine. Copper Cliff South mine. Norm Carriere, planner, mines John Kennedy, specialist, engineering, engineering, Creighton No, 5 shaft. Copper Cliff. Debbie Caverson, receptionist, Copper Wayne Kenyon, monthly payroll clerk, ON THE COVER Cliff nickel refinery. division comptrollers office, Copper Cliff. Gordon Chisholm, maintenance foreman, Veteran pflot Len MacTaggart of Roger Kitching, maintenance foreman Copper Cliff copper refinery. Dominion-Pegasus HeUcopters, at the Levack mine. Gloria Cochrane, general accounting John Kramer, assistant safety supervisor, controls of the Jet Ranger, a he clerk, Copper Cliff.
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