Vol. XXXI, No. 3 September 2014 PUBLISHED BY THE ABRAHAM LINCOLN BRIGADE ARCHIVES PODEMOS: Spain’s New Political Hope GarzónGarzón onon UniversalUniversal JurisdictionJurisdiction Hoover’sHoover’s SecretSecret FBIFBI SongsSongs ofof thethe SpanishSpanish CivilCivil WarWar Cover photo: Pablo Iglesias, leader of PODEMOS, photo courtesy of pabloiglesias.org Founded by the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade 799 Broadway, Suite 341 New York, Dear Friends, NY 10003 (212) 674-5398 www.alba-valb.org When things seem bleakest, hope often sparks. Editor Print Edition Peter N. Carroll Editor Online Edition The victims of Francoism have waited long enough for justice. It’s time for www.albavolunteer.org action—and the United Nations agrees. In a scathing report on the country’s Sebastiaan Faber thousands of disappeared lying in unmarked mass graves from the Civil War, Associate Editor Aaron B. Retish the UN Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances has given Spain 90 days to produce a working timeline to assist the victims’ families. The Book Review Editor Gina Herrmann report—issued in late July following a fact-finding mission last year—calls for Graphic Design “a comprehensive, coherent, and permanent state policy” with regard to the www.eyestormonline.com disappeared. Editorial Assistance Phil Kavanaugh The UN report vindicates the work of Emilio Silva, who, for more than a Manuscripts, inquiries, and letters to the decade, has denounced Spain’s disregard for international law. (Last July, editor may be sent by email to Emilio attended the International Brigade Commemoration in London; see
[email protected] The editors reserve the right to modify texts his stirring speech on page 8).