03.01.21. News Articles and Concerning Media Leaks

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03.01.21. News Articles and Concerning Media Leaks Carr, Peter (OPA) From: Carr,Peter(OPA) Sent: Monday,February27,201711:25AM To: Carr,Peter(OPA)(JMD) Bcc: etucker@ap.org;Gurman,Sadie;julia.ainsley@thomsonreuters.com; cstrohm1@bloomberg.net;Matthew.Dean@FOXNEWS.COM; Evan.Perez@turner.com;pamela.brown@turner.com;pete.williams@nbcuni.com; pierre.thomas@abc.com;Mike.Levine@abc.com;ReidP@cbsnews.com; CJohnson2@npr.org;ericl@nytimes.com;Aruna.Viswanatha@wsj.com; matt.zapotosky@washpost.com;Sari.Horwitz@washpost.com; Del.Wilber@latimes.com;kjohnson@usatoday.com;ryan.reilly@huffingtonpost.com; jgerstein@politico.com;david.lynch@ft.com;SarahIsgurFlores Subject: AGdropbythepressroomtoday Hieveryone, IwantedtogiveyouaheadsupthattheAGiscurrentlyplanningtodoaquickdropbythepressroomtodayat4:30 foranon-the-recordpreviewofhisNationalAssociationofAttorneysGeneralspeechtomorrow.Hedoesn’thavea lotoftimebutwillbeavailableforafewquestions. Best, Peter DocumentID: 0.7.22207.10489 Carr, Peter (OPA) From: Carr, Peter (OPA) Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 5:30 PM To: Zapotosky, Matt; Creighton, Kelly M (OPA) Subject: RE: FOR PLANNING PURPOSES- ONLYPRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP MEDIA LOGISTICS FOR MARCH 1, 2017 Adding Kelly Creighton, whocan help with the new credential. But asng lo as yohaveu a WashingtoPo n stredential, c that sho uld wo rkr fo the Secret Service. From: Zapotosky, Matt [mailto :matt.zaposky@washpoto st.co m] Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 5:24 PM To: Carr, Peter (OPA) <Peter.Carr@usdoj.go v> Subject: RE: FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY - PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP MEDIA LOGISTICS FOR MARCH 1, 2017 Hey Peter Me and Sari’s badges seem tohave expired. Is that go ing to be a pro blem, o r canI get in just sho wing the old b adge and getting this new credential? I’ll also try to work o ut with the ID o ffice to morroearly w a reso lution. From: Carr, Peter (OPA) [mailto :Peter.Carr@usdo j.gov] Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 5:20 PM To: Carr, Peter (OPA) Peter.Carr@usdo< j.gov > Cc: Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA) <Sarah.Isgur.Flores@usdo j.go v> Subject: FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY - PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP MEDIA LOGISTICS FOR MARCH 1, 2017 Yoareu invited toinjo reporters co vering the White House and the Department o f Ho meland Security to attend the event below. Additio nal informatioabo n ut the event will be provided to morro w; we donothave anything further at this time. Please note that the White Ho use is co o rdinating TV and still cameras,so u yodono t needto o rdinatec o TV crews. This is just toparticipate as a co rrespondent. The White Ho use also asked that we de-co nflict multiple invitations to the same news outlet, so not all ofDOJ’s beat repo rters will be attending, as some o f theutlets o will be pro viding a DHS reporter. Finally, U.S. Secret Service will be issuing a press credential tothe repo rter receiving this email. Please bring yo ur press credential with yosou canthey checku yoo ff their list and give yotheu credential needed to participate. uIf yoare unabletoattend, pleaseletmeknoas w ons as poo ssible the namef the o persofroyo n utletm who ur o ur will take yo place. Thank you, Peter **FOR PLANNING PURPOSES ONLY***INFORMATION IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE** PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP MEDIA LOGISTICS FOR MARCH 1, 2017 Who: Document ID: 0.7.22207.10712 President Donald J. Trump Where: Department ofJustice Conference Center | 7th Flo ro 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 * Main Entrance oCon nstitutioAve.n NW between 9th St. NW & 10th St. NW.* Media Schedule: 11:00 AM 12:00 PM: Media must pre-set all equipment in the nferenceCo Centern othe 7tho Fl r.o All media are encouraged to preset as much equipment asssible po to speed up re-entry. 12:00 PM 2:00 PM: A security sweep willco be nducted at this mediatime. willNo be allowed on site. 2:00 PM 2:30 PM Media can re-enter the Conference Centern othe 7th Flo or through Elevator Bank #9. Credentials will be issuedn osite at this time. All approved media must enter by 2:30 PM. Noexceptio ns. 3:00 PM: Event Begins. Additional Informatio n: Camera throw 20 feet Cable run 10-20 feet. Provided oSiten Mult box, electricity, ando l ptransmissiois o hardwired.n Document ID: 0.7.22207.10712 Carr, Peter (OPA) From: Carr, Peter (OPA) Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 10:01 PM To: Zapotosky, Matt Cc: Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA) Subject: RE: terrorism data? We’re checking… From: Zapotosky, Matt to:matt.zapotosky@washpost.com[mail ] Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2017 9:21 PM To: Carr, Peter (OPA)<Peter.Carr@usdoj.gov> ; ores,Fl Sarah Isgur. <Sarah.Isgur.Fl(OPA) ores@usdoj.gov> Subject: terrorism data? Hey Peter and -Sarah- I see Trump is going to say tonight that the "vast majority of individuals convicted for terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country," per Justice Department data. Are you able to point me toward the data to which he's referring (or, if it's not public, send it along)? Many thanks, Matt Zapotosky | The Washington Post (b) (6) (cell) Document ID: 0.7.22207.10801 Carr, Peter (OPA) From: Carr, Peter (OPA) Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 11:00 AM To: Carrie Johnson; Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA) Cc: 'Hornbuckle, Wyn (OPA)' Subject: RE: NPR today Thanks, Carrie. Adding Sarah so you .have Thanks her foremail fl agging this for us. icHe doesn’t have another publ event today. From: Carrie Johnson to:CJohnson2@npr.org][mail Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2017 10:59 AM To: Carr, Peter (USAVAE)Peter.Carr@usdoj.gov) ( <Peter.Carr@usdoj.gov> Cc: 'Hornbuckle, Wyn (OPA)' <Wyn.Hornbuckle@usdoj.gov> Subject: NPR today Hey there Would emailSarah too but I don’t have her new emailyet! Just FYI I’m doing a shortl thing for A lThings Considered tonight withbasica l somel tape of the AG y an audio retread of the story I wrote the other day for the NPR web site about his remarksent on crime,viol gun prosecutions, partnering with icepol and the ike.l Wanted toag fl for you in advance. I don’t think the ic AGspeaking has anotherengagement publ today l thiswhere a l might come up et butme l know if I am wrong. THANKS Carrie Document ID: 0.7.22207.10820 Zapotosky, Matt From: Zapotosky, Matt Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 4:26 PM To: Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA); Carr, Peter (OPA) Subject: RE: terrorism data? Maybe can you clarify exactly what you’re defininga“terrorism or terrorism-related charge” as. Is that any material support case (travelers, would-be travelers, etc.)? Just people who actuallyunded planned attacks? or f Something else? From: Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA) [mailto:Sarah.Isgur.Flores@usdoj.g ov] Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2017 2:30 PM To: Zapotosky, Matt <matt.zapotosky@washpost.com>; Carr, Peter (OPA)<Peter.Carr@usdoj.g ov> Subject: RE: terrorism data? No, I don’t have a spreadsheet of them. Sorry! From: Zapotosky, Mattma [ ilto:matt.zapotosky@washpost.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 12:40 PM To: Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA)<Sarah.Isg ur.Flores@usdoj.g ov >; Carr, Peter (OPA)<Peter.Carr@usdoj.g ov> Subject: RE: terrorism data? You didn’tenerate g a spreadsheet or something that would just list the cases? I was hopingthere was somethingthat would even break it down by country, etc. From: Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA)ma [ ilto:Sarah.Isgu r.Flores@usdoj.gov ] Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2017 12:35 PM To: Zapotosky, Mattmatt.zapotosky@washpost.com < >; Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA)<Sarah.Isg ur.Flores@usdoj.g ov>; Carr, Peter (OPA)Peter.Carr@usdoj.g < ov> Subject: RE: terrorism data? You mean the file for every conviction?• No• From: Zapotosky, Mattma [ ilto:matt.zapotosky@washpost.com] Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 12:07 PM To: Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA)<Sarah.Isg ur.Flores@usdoj.g ov >; Carr, Peter (OPA)<Peter.Carr@usdoj.g ov> Subject: RE: terrorism data? Thanks, Sarah. Are you able to provide the raw dataset? I’m sure you’ve seen some of the reports out there su g estingotherg fig ures, and I’d just like to compare your data to theirs. (Cato, etc.) From: Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA)mai [ lto:Sarah.Isgur .Flores@usdoj.gov ] Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2017 10:43 AM To: Zapotosky, Mattmatt.zapotosky@washpost.com < >; Carr, Peter (OPA) <Peter.Carr@usdoj.gov>; Flores, Sarah Isgur. (OPA) <Sarah.Isgu r.Flores@usdoj.gov > Subject: RE: terrorism data? Document ID: 0.7.22207.10025 Here’s ouronthe recordstatement: The DepartmentofJustice maintains informationaboutpublic international terrorismandterrorism-relatedconvictions obtainedsince September11, 2001. Since 9/11, convictions have beenobtainedagainstover500defendants orterrorismorterrorism-relatedcharges f infederalcourts. Areview ofthatinformationrevealedthatasubstantialmajorityof those convictedwere borninforeigncountries. From:Zapotosky, Matt[mailto:matt.zapotosky@washpost.com] Sent:Wednesday, March1, 201710:41 AM To:Carr, Peter(OPA)Peter.Carr@usdoj.g < ov>;Flores, SarahIsgur. (OPA)Sarah.Isg < ur.Flores@usdoj.g ov> Subject:RE:terrorism data? HeyPeterand Sarah Justcheckingin aboutthisagain. Wedida quickhitin ourliveblogon itlastnight, butI thinkwe’regoing tospin itinto aseparatestorytoday. Anychanceyou couldpointmetowardthatdata? Manythanks, Matt From:Zapotosky, Matt Sent:Tuesday, February28, 20179:21PM To:Carr, Peter(OPA)Peter.Carr@usdoj.g < ov>;Flores, SarahIsgur. (OPA)Sarah.Isg < ur.Flores@usdoj.g ov> Subject:terrorism data? HeyPeter and Sarah-- IseeTrumpis going tosaytonig htthatthe "vastmajorityofindividuals convictedfor terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside ofour country," per Justice Departmentdata. Are you able to pointmetoward the data to whichhe's(or, referring ifit's notpublic, senditalong)? Manythanks, MattZapotosky| The Washington Post (b) (6) (cell) DocumentID: 0.7.22207.10025 Horwitz, Sari From: Horwitz, Sari Sent: Wednesday, March 1, 2017 5:11 PM To: Flores, Sarah Isgur (OPA) Subject: RE: Poststory Okay, thatwouldreat, beg Sarah.
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    PERIODICALS REPRESENTED IN PRESS GALLERIES House Gallery 225–2941, Senate Gallery 224–0265 ADOLESCENT MEDICINE—(301) 770–1884; 5901 Montrose Road Suite 408 North, Rockville, MD 20852: Nathaniel Polster. ADWEEK MAGAZINE—(202) 833–2551, 910 17th Street NW., Suite 215, Washington, DC 20005, Wendy Melillo, Todd Shields. AFRO AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS—(202) 319–1292; 3200 13th Street NW., Washington, DC 20010: Hazel Trice Edney. AIRLINE BUSINESS—(703) 836–7442; 333 N. Fairfax Street, Suite 301, Alexandria, VA 22314: David Field. AMERICAN LAWYER MEDIA—(202) 457–0686; 1730 M Street NW., Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036: Vanessa Blum, Bethany Broida, David L. Brown, Debra Bruno, Joel Chineson, Elizabeth Engdahl, Ted Goldman, Lily Henning, Antony Mauro, Jason McLure, Andrew Metzger, James Oliphant, Anna Palmer, Eva Rodriguez, Robert Rogers, Tom Schoenberg, Emma Schwartz, Roberto Westbrook. AMERICAN SHIPPER—(202) 347–1678; National Press Building, Room 1269, Washington, DC 20045: Christopher Gillis. ARMY TIMES PUBLISHING CO.—(703) 750–9000; 6883 Commercial Drive, Springfield, VA 22159: Nicholas L. Adde, Nicole Gaudiano Albright, Lance M. Bacon, Laura Bailey, David Brown, Gina Cavallaro, Christopher Cavas, Laura Colarusso, Robert Colenso, Matthew Cox, David Brian Craig, Vince Crawley, Kathleen A. Curthoys, Daniel Davidson, Mark Faram, Deborah M. Funk, Glenn W. Goodman, Matthew Hilburn, Tichakorn Hill, Robert Hodierne, Bryant Jordan, Karen Grigg Jowers, Tim Kauffman, Patricia Kime, Stephen Losey, Christian Lowe, Gordon Lubold, Brain MacKeil, Sidney William Matthews, Richard Maze, Jane Claire McHugh, W. Kent Miller, Christopher Munsey, Vago Muradian, Sean D. Naylor, Alex Neill, Brad Peniston, David Phinney, Gopal Ratnam, Jenn Richardson, Bruce Rolfsen, John Roos, Andrew Scutro, Eileen Sullivan, James S.
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