— \, A .^^^^..-.••^-.^^---. --'-' -••'^

M. & G, INNES,

4^ Cabinetmakers, Upholsterers, <^ nul Bedding* Manufacturer* T lOl MONTAGUE STREET, ROTHESAY. 4 ff ~~ 4 4-

I i' ^4- 1 . : ': Window

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Visit this Old Curiosity Shop. %

^ Eetabllshed 1880. P. i . One Shilline:.



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UttQd up Be^t Cenl with all v-.^"Tt; for > . I .1. I' the latest «^ RTEAMER Improve- fv^.«' RSIONS ments iio Clyde




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ONLY FROM M, F. THOMPSON, M.P.S., Homoepathie & Dispensing Chemist, 17 aOHDOlT STREET, GLASaOW.

SCOICH MOUNTAIN HEATHER PERFUME. Exquisite MIVX.l-F .-1T'S ^^^ Refpeslling. a lovely Present from .

Prices, 2/, 3/6, 5/6, and 10/6. Postage, 3d.

. Digitized by the Internet Archive

in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland

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The Local Dipectopy.

(A Few Opinions of Previous Issue.)

" The Bute County Directoiy being now a long-established publication, it is well- known to those interested.'"--Rothesay Chronicle, July 30th, 1904.

" Indeed in this book is to be found all the information which the most inquiring person requires to know about the county. The matter is well arranged and there is a map. Such a book is a necessary part of the equipment of every office which does business with islands whose interests are so closely associated with those of ." —J]vening Times, Glasgow, 3rd August.

" It is really a valuable little volume for the inhabitants of the ."— Largsand Millport Weekly News, 6th August.

"The Bute County Directory is tlioroughly replete with Bute information and up- to-date."~ Observer, 6th August.

An Arran Postmaster writes: —" I am much obliged for your courtesy in sending me the Bute County Directory, and the Coast Guide, but do not think it reasonable that I should have all the benefit of the information you have compiled with so much care and expense, entirely free of charge, so I take the liberty of enclosing postal order for Is 4d for cost and postage.

HIGGIE & COY., PUBLISHERS, ROTHESAY. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Published Annually. Ppice, One Shilling-. ^ ¥ ^ ^ THE ^ ^ ^ P BUTE'^COUNTYoDIREGIORY @ 4^ ^ Fop 1905-6. ^ ^ ^ 4^ ^ USEFUL ^ COUNTY and BURGHAL INFORMATION, ^ ANNIVERSARIES, &e., ^ OFFICIALS, ^ ^ HOUSEHOLDERS ^ and TRADERS. ^ ^ ^ \ AUU 'Wiib ^J ROTHES AY ' n ^ ^ HIGGIE k CO., PUBLISHERS. 4^

. , ^ ^ , , . . ^ ^ ^ ^i^*^«^«|^^<|^«^«^i^t^ ^t^ ^t^ ^t^ ^«^«^ ^^ ^«^ ^^ ^«^ ^*^*^ NHNNNN ^*^^ MAP OF U T E PBEFACE TO 1905-6 EDITION.

TW'K have again much pleasure in producing another ^^ edition of this popular Buteshire reference book, thoroughly overhauled and brought up to date.

All the former sections are continued, and to locate them, and facilitate the search for information, the

printing of each part on a different coloured paper is maintained.

Our desire is to overlook no one, and with that view we respectfully solicit notices of alterations, or possible omissions, so that such may be rectified.

This Directory is a more important work than many imagine. It is not only found at all times throughout the county, but also in the libraries of Glasgow, , , Dublin, Cambridge Oxford, &c,, and in numerous business houses and agencies in busy centres, so we are anxious that nothing of benefit to Buteshire may be omitted, and that everything be up-to-date.

Our best thanks are again given to those who have in any way helped this compilation for the public good. It takes a long and careful vigilance to secure and give effect to the continual changes, and prompt information and orders are, consequently, particularly acceptable and valuable.

[An extra List of Householders specially arranged in Streets is still held in abeyance.]

HIGGIE & CO., Publishers.

Rothesay, July, 1905. . .


Papt I.

LOCAL CALENDAR, .. .. 5—16

Papt II.—Officials. COUNTY OF BUTE 17


Parish and Burgh of Rothesay ... 35

Parish OF North Bute ...... 59

Parish of ...... 63


Parish OF Kilbride...... 69

Parish of Kilmory ...... 73


Burgh of Millport ...... 79

Papt III.—Householdeps.


Rothesay ...... 81

North Bute ...... 119

Kingarth ...... 125

Papt IV.—Tpadeps.

Rothesay ...... 129

North Bute...... 137

Kingarth ...... 139


Millport, ...... 140


Postal Information, . . . . . 57

Useful Memoranda, . . . . . 143-4 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

July, 1905. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc.

1 Sat Sovereigns first issued, 1817. 2 Sun 3 Mon Opening of A and Ph Society's Museum, Chapelhill, 1874. 4 Tuos American Independence declared, 1776. 5 Wed Formation of Bute Cycling Club, 1895. 6 Thui- Marquis of Bute married, 1905. 7 Fri (6) Duke of Eothesay married, 1893. 8 Sat (6) Ex-Bailie Bryce ]\Iartin, J.P., Rothesay, died 1903. 9 San Resolution to supply Rothesay with gravitation water, 1855 10 Mon In earthly mire philosophy may slip.—Scott 11 Tues (14) Rothesay Pier New Waiting Rooms opened, 1904. 12 Wed Heritors agi-eed to excamb St. Mary's Chapel, Roth., 1880. 13 Thur United Free Parish Church opened by Dr Guthrie, 1845. 14 Fri Ihauguration of Albert Memorial Fountain, Rothesay, 1864. 15 Sat Saint Swithin's day. (14)Kilchattan Bay Pier opened, 1880 16 Snn (15) Captain Harding appointed Chief Constable, 1898. 17 Mon (16) Cromwell entered Scotland, 1650, 18 Tues Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.—Pope 19 Wed (20) Captain Webb swam in the Clyde. 20 Thur Saint Bruix day fair instituted, 1585. 21 Fri Robert Burns died, 1796. 22 Sat Rev John Saunders, Kingarth, inducted, 1879. 23 San (22) Stout Stuart of Bute killed at Falkirk, 1298. 24 Mon 25 Tues Rev D. M^Cormick, Chapel'l U. F. Ch., Ry., inducted, 1877. 26 Wed (25) St Blane's Bowling Green, Kilchattan Bay opened, 1903. 27 Thur 28 Fri Who ever loved that loved not at first sight .'--Marlowe 29 Sat 30 Sun Poll Tax for building Rothesay Parish Church, 1692. 31 I\Ion Annual Game and Gun licenses expire. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Aug., etc. 1905. Calendar—Anniversaries, House of Lords decided in favour of Wee Frees, 1904. (1) St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Millport, opened, 1848. (2) Slavery ceased in British Dominion, 1838. First book printed, 1457. Chief of Bute Family appointed hereditary keeper of Roth- esay Castle, 1498. Dugald M'Corkindale, J.P., Glendemiot died, 1903. A work of real merit finds favour at last.—Alcott King's Coronation (postponed from 26th June), 1902. St Blane canonised, 1000. Rev Jas. Graham ordained first dissenter in Rothesay, 1784. Grouse Shooting begins. 13 Sun Ballard Fountain, West Esplanade, presented, 1861. 14 Moll Rothesay Electric Tramways Inspected by Bd of Trade, 1902, 15 Tues Sir Walter Scott born, 1771. 16 Wed King's first visit to Rothesay, 1847. 17 Thur (16) Rothesay Esplanade Band Stand opened, 1873. 18 Fri Electric Lighting Act passed, 1882. 19 Sat Rothesay Electric Tramways Opened for Trafiic, 1902. 20 Sun Black Game shooting begins. 21 Mon Archd. Brown, banker, Rothesay, died, 1903. 22 Tues Presbyterianism established in Scotland, 1507. 23 Wed Sir Wilham Wallace beheaded, 1305. 24 Thur First Telegram received in Rothesay, 1865. 25 Fri Port-Bannatyne United Free Church opened, 1879. 26 Sat Market Cross removed from Rothesay Tolbooth, 1768. 27 Sun Sheep Dog Exhibition before the King in Arran, 1902. 28 Mon God helps them that help themselves.—Franklin 29 Tues Rev. James E. Mackay, Craigmore Parish Cnurch died, 1902 30 Wed He's armed without that's armed within.—Pope 31 Thur BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Sept., ete. 1905. Calendar—Annivepsaries, ljFri~'~IPrincess Louise and Marquis of Lovne visited Rothesay, 1874. 2 Sat (1) Partridge shooting begins. 3Suh Freedom of Rothsy. to A. B. Stewart and Thos. Russell, 1875. I 4'Mon i 5Tues:Royal Charter to Fullertons of Arran, 1400. Wed iScottish Rebellion began, 1715. 7 Thur|Committees appointed to promote Sabbath observance, 1837

8 Fri I Nativity of Mary. 9 Sat Ichapelhill Free Gaelic Church, Rothesay, opened, 18C0. 10 Sun llMon The confidence of ability is ability.—Maclaren. 12 Tues Rothesay public street lighting by electricity, 1899. 13 Wed Chapelhill bought by Town Council, 1-858. 14ThurRo'say Tn. Council accepted Lord Bute's gift of Meadows, '8. 15 Fri Institution of Rothsy. Parliamentary Debating Assoc, 1880, 16 Sat St. Ninian died, 432. 17 Sun Peter AFBride of United West Free Church died, 1860. • 18Mon Opening of new Esplanade at Dunoon, 1880. 19 Tues (20) General rendezvous of armed Butemen, 1678. 20^ Wed Conscription resorted to in Rothesay, 1670. 21 Thur Rothesay Police Bill received Royal Assent, 1846. 22 Fri Ex-Provost Brown, Rothesay, died, 1878. 23 Sat Day and night equal. 24 Sun 25 Mon Opening of " Lady Margaret" Hospital, Millport, 1900. 26 Tues Adversity is the only balance to weigh friends.— Plutarch 27 W^ed Welcome home to Rothesay soldiers in Hotel Victoria, 1901 28 Thur Freedom of Rothesay to first barber, 1764. 29 Fri Use of Iron Harrow Pins inacted in Bute, 1720. 30 Sat Prince Leopold visited Rothesay, 1876, BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Oct., 1905. Calendar—Anniversaries, ete.

1 Sail Present Cumbrae Lightliouse first lighted, 1793. 2 Moil Pheasant shooting begins. Jewish New Year begins. 3 Tues Battle of Largs, 1263. 4 Wed Rthsay. Magis. and Tn. Coun. discharged by the King, 1686 6 Thur A. Graham Murray, M.P., appd. Secy, for Scotland, 1900. 6 Fri Every man is the architect of his own fortune.— Salluts 7 Sat 8 Sun Rothesay Town Council allowed Coal Digging at Ascog, 1664, 9 Mon Printing introduced into Scotland, 1507. 10 Tues Freedom of Roth, to G. R. Stephehson of Glen Caladh, 1869. 11 Wed Boer War began, 1899. 12 Thur Order for dressing and fixing Militia arms, 1688. 13 Fri 14 Sat Glasgow Water works opened, 1859. 15 Sun No life can be dreary when work is delight.— Havergal 16 Mon 17 Tixes Roth. Burgesses asked to contribute twrds repairing sts, 1665. 18 Wed 19 Thur Ex-Provost Jamieson, Rothesay, died, 1872 20 Fri Boundaries of Rothesay burgh fixed, 1859. 21 Sat Andrew Dodds, joiner, Rothesay died, 1903. 22 Sun (21) Battle of Trafalgar. -Nelson killed, 1805. 23 Mon Ordination and Induction of Rev Wm. Galbraith, Roth., 1888. 24 Tues Last execution (for witchcraft) in Rothesay, 1673. 25 Wed (24) First British Parhament, 1707. 26 Thur (25) James VI styled King of Great Britain, 1664. 27 Fri (28) Weekly market instituted in Rothesay, 1678. 28 Sat Home Squadron arrived in Rothesay Bay, 1903. 29 Sun Freedom of Rothesay to Marquis of Lome, 1874. 30 Mon Opening of Rothesay New Gas Works, 1896. 31 Tues New Stand. Weights and measures got, 1825. (cost £108 5s. BUTE COUJJTY DIRECTORY,

Nov 1905. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc. 1 Wed Fox hunting begins. Thur Fri Sat Institution of Anc. Order of Forresters, Court Bute, 1871. Suii Whale caught in the Kyles, 1880 Mon Tues How soon " now now," becomes never. --Luther Wed 9 Tfur King Edward |born, 1841 10 Fri Bute Fire Assurance Coy. estaWished, 1873. 11 Sat Martinmas Term. 12 Sun First Newspaper in Ghisgow, ]715. 13 Mon A flattering mouth worketh ruin. --Solomon 14 Tues 15 Wed Rothesay Gaelic Church adopted new postures, 1903. 16 Tluir 17 Fi-i A favourite has no friend.— Gray 18 Sat 19 Sun 20 Mon Paisley Bank discontinued, 1833. 21 General Assembly sanctioned Roth. Chapel of Ease, 1796. 22 Wed Roth. celebr.;union of Free and U.P. Churs., [31st Oct.] 1900, 23 Thur 24 Fri John Knox died, 1572 25 Sat First newspaper printed in Bute, 1839. 26 Sun Extraordinary take of Herrings in Kyles (200 boats), 1902. 27 Mon Rothesay Town Council took over Gas Works, 1843. 28 Tues Removal Term. 29 Wed (30) Bute Burns Club instituted, 1887. 30 Thur St Andrew, the Apostle, patron saint of Scotland and Russia. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Dec. 1905. Calendar—Anniversaries, ete. l|Fri Queen Alexandra born, 1844. 2 Sat (i) Bronze coinage issued, 1860.

3^ Sua Old Mountstuart House destroyed by fire, 1877. 4 Mon Opening of new school at Ballanlay, 1876. 5 Tues General Barrington Campbell apptd. Gov. of Guerensey,1902, 6 Wed Telephone connection with mainland, 1898 Thur Mary Queen of Scots born, 1542. Fri Public Halls', built byex-Prov. Chas Duncan, opened, 1879. 9 Sat First Lighthouse in Clyde (Cumbrae), opened 1757. 10 Sun Grouse and Black Game shooting ends. 11 Moil 12 Tues Nothing will profit you which is dishonest. --Cicero 13 Wed "Buteman" Jubilee Celebration and Presentation, 1904. 14'Tliur Custom doth make dotards of us all.— Cai'lyle 15 Fri (16) Rothesay Advertising Association instituted, 1903. 16 Sat Rothesay Council passed resolution against dancing, 1807. 17 Sun Resuscitation of Prov Grnd Ldge of Argyle and the Isles, 1875,

18:: Mon Rothesay public records lost when being returned, 1660. 19 Tues Opening of Robertson Stewart Hospital, 1873. 20 Wed First General Assembly of Church of Scotland, 1560. 21 Tliur Shortest Day. 22 Fri 23 Sat 24 Sun Lady Margaret Stuart born, 1876. 25 Mon Christmas Day. Imperial penny postage, 1898. 26 Tues 27 Wed StJohn's Day 28:Thur First Tay Bridge blown dowli, 1879, 2 9 Fri 50'Sat 3l*Sun Hogmanay. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Jan-, 1906. Calendar—Annivepsapies, etc. 1 Mon New Year's Day. 2 Tues (1) M^Kirdy & M'Millan, Lmtd., Rothesay, formed, 1898. 3 Wed Absence of occupation is not rest.—Cowper

4 Thur Love with hfe is heaven ; and hfe unloving, hell.~Tupper 5 Fri James Heron, Eothesay merchant and Volunteer, died 1903. 6 Sat Bridge over Lade^ Rothesay, opened, 1769, Cost £41 3/6. 7 Sun Birgidale New School opened, 1874. 8 Mon Induction of Kev. J. Nelson Allen, Craigmore, 1903. 9 Tues Rothesay Magistrates appointed by Privy Council, 1687 10 Wed Penny Post inaugurated, 1840. 11 Thur

12 Fri Rothesay erected into a Royal Burgh, 1400. - 13 Sat Memorial Stone of Millport Hospital laid, 1901. 14 Sun Very Rev Bishop Gray died, 1872. 15 Mon 16 Tues A Christian is the highest style of man. —Young. 17 Wed 18 Thur Henry Bell's s.s. " Comet," sailed to Rothesay, 1812. 19 Fri John Leitch, Ardbrannan, died, 1880. 20 Sat (19) James Watt born 1736. 21 Sun Nothing with God can be accidental.— Longfellow 22 Mon Lord Bannatyne, of Karnes, admitted advocate, 1765 23 Tues (22) Queen Victoria died, 1901. 24 Wed Freedom of Rothesay to first local Shipbuilder, 1765. 25 Thur Robert Burns, Scotia's Darhng Bard, born 1759. 26 Fri Complry. Dinner to M.P. on attaining Cabinet rank, 1904. 27 Sat Roth. Town Clerk's Appeal dismissed, Crt. of Session, 1903. 28 Sun

29 Mon Progress ^^ the law of life.—Browning 30 Tues 31 Wed A. G. Murray appointed President, Court of Session, 1905. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Feb. 1906. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc. 1 Thur City of Glasgow Bank Directors sentenced, 1879. 2 Fri Provost Munn, Rothesay, died, 1868. 3 Sat

4 Sun Man, know thyself ! all wisdom centres there. —Young 5 Mofl Order of Victoria Cross instituted, 1856i. 6 Tues Life is not measured by the time we live.—Crabbe 7 Wed John Blain elected Town Clerk of Rothesay for life, 1788. 8 Thur Mary Queen of Scots beheaded, 1587. 9 Fri 10 Sat Pb. Meeting at Port-Ban. agst. Ettrick B. Sund. Traffic, 1903, 11 Sun Fashion is the great governor of the world.—Fielding 12 Mon Board of Trade inquiry, at Rothesay, into Tramways, 1880. 13 Tues Massacre of tjlencoe, 1692. 14 Wed St Valentine's Day. 15 Thur 16 Fri God made the country, man made the town.—Cowper 17 Sat Presentation of Weights and Measures by Marquess, 1816. 18 Sun It requires a long time to know anyone.—Cervantes 19 Mon Rothesay's Privileges confirmed by James VI, 1584. 20 Tues (19) DowagerMarchioness of Bute's Birthday. 21 Wed First Hydropathic in Scotland (Glenburn, Rothesay), 1843. 22 Thur Robert II, Stuart, began to reign, 1371. 2 Fri 24 Sat It is wisdom alone that can recognise wisdom.— Carlyle. 25 Sun 26 Mon Rev. Dr Somerville, late of Rothesay, died 1903. 27 Tues He who ordained the Sabbath loves the poor.--Holmes 28 VVed Order of St Patrick instituted.

Pleasure is the greatest incentive to evil.—Plato BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Map., 1906. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc. lIThur St David's Day. 2lFri (1) Mrs Black, School of Cookery, Glasgow, died 1903. 3 Sat (3) Formation of Liberal Club at Rothesay, 1900. Sun Forth Bridge opened, 1890. Mon Tues Holiness is the regeneration of innocence.—Lynch Wed Better waste out than rust out.--Bishop Cumberland Thur Late Lord Bute's Wedding Dowry intimated, 1897. Fri (10) Resuscitation of Bute Primrose Leagne, 1903. Sat King married, 1863. lllSun Bute Agricultural Society established, 1806. 12|Mon 13 Tues AH healthy things are sweet tempered.—Emerson 14iWed £10 Rothesay tenants -allowed to keep beeskeps, 1678. ISjThur Silence is an excellent remedy against slander.— Steele 16 Fri (17) Roth. Tn. Clk's dismissal conf. by Ct. of Session, 1903. 17lSat St Patrick's Day. 18'Sun Marquess of Bute recommended Rothesay gas lighting, 1834 l9!Mon Employment gives health, sobriety and morals.—Webster 20 Tues You never know what you can do till you try.—Maclaren 21 Wed Day and Night equal, 22 Thur Reading is seeing by proxy. —Spencer 23 Fri Openiiig of Roth. Post Office by late Marquess of Bute, 1897 24 Sat Consecration of St Blane's Royal Arch Chapter, 173, 1876. 26 Sun General Hector Macdonald died in Paris Hotel, 1903. 26 Mon Parliamentary Commission issued for Bute, 1647. 27 Tues Unto the pure all things are pure.— St Paul 28jWed James VI of Scotland ascended the British Throne, 1603. 29 Thur Buy the truth and sell it not.— Solomon SOjFri Craigmore Pier, Rothesay, opened, 1877. 3l!Sat Very Rev Dean Hood died at Rothesay, 1872. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

April Anniversaries, ete. 1906. Calendar— 1 Sua Robert III died in Eotbesay Castle, 1406. 2 Mon 3 Tues What is justice ? To give every man his due. -Aristotle 4 Wed Employment is Nature's physician.—Galen 5 Thur 6 Fri Thomas Russell elected M.P., for Bute, 1880. 7 Sat "Bute" Tent, I. 0. Rechabites formed, 1893. 8 Sun (7) First Daily Paper in Scotland, 1847. 9 Mon Not one false man but does unaccountable mischief.—Carlyle 10 Tues Mahomedan New Year begins. 11 Wed 'Tis impious in a good man to be sad.—Young 12 Thur Glasgow Local Steamers commenced, 1884. 13 Fri Robert III began to reign, 1390. 14 Sat Buteshire Liberal Association inaugurated, 1879. 15 Sun 16 ^lon Buteshire Conservative Association formed, 1880. 17 Tues (16) Induction of Rev. Samuel Nicolson, Rothesay, 1903. 18 Wed A good heart's worth gold.--Shakespeare 19 Thur Primrose Day, Lord Beaconsfield died, 1881. 20 Fri Enjoyment stops where indolence begins.—Pollok 21 Sat Rev. Joseph Traill called to Roth. U. F. Parish Church, 1902 22|Sun 23 Mon St George's Day. 24 Tues 120 Butemen raised to Lieut. -Colonel Drummond, 1685. 25 Wed /-24) Union of Scotland.and England ratified, 26 Thur 27 Fri Dhu Loch Water Works, Rothesay, opened, 1880. 28 Sat (27) Memorial Stone of St Brendan's Church laid, 1889 29 Snn 50 Mon 106 Butemen offered service to the State, 1798. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY

Calendar—Anniversaries, etc.

Union of Scotland and England, 1707.

Consecration of Cumbrae Cathedral, 1876. (3) Craigniore U. F. Church Organ inaugurated, 190o J'ardon, not \yrath, is God's best attribute. --Taylor

Generosity should never exceed ability.--Cicero

Daniel Duncan of " the Thin Red Line," died, Rothesay, 1902. Craigmore Parish Church Organ inaugurated,- 1903. Foundation Stone of Rothesay Academy laid, 1868. Ascog Water Supply for Rothesay adopted, 1856. (12) Provost Walker, Rothesay, presented to the King, 1903 King Edward's State Entry into Glasgow, 1903. Lord Ninian StWart, born 1883. (15) Hotels, closed 10 o'cIock by Rothesay Magistrates, 1872.

To err is human ; to forgive, divine.--Pope Disruption in Church of Scotland, formation of Fr. Ch., 1843 Instrumental music introduced into New Roth. Pr. Ch.,l876. Liberal Club-House at Millpoit opened by Mr Lamont, 1905 John Duncan elected Bishop of the Isles, 1347. Friendship is a sheltering tree. --Coleridge (24) Custom House boat with Bute merchants lost, 1766. Victoria Day. Queen Victoria born, 1819. Millport New Post Ofhce opened, 1902. Duchess of Rothesay's birthday A. B. Stewart, Convener of the County, died 188*^. (27) Ardbeg Tennis Courts opened by Mrs Salvcsen, 1905. Diamond Wedding of John Mackinlay, ex-Postmaster, 1903 (29) Cumbrae Women's Unionist Association opened, 1905 (30) Rothesay Shorthand Writers' Association formed, 1872. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

June, I ete. 1906. Calendar—Annivepsaples, 1 Fri Opening of Tramway hue to Port-Bannatyne, 1882, 2 Sat Rothesay i^ew Parish Church opened 1878. 3 Sun Duke of Eothesay born, 1865 4 Mon Be wise worldly but not worldly wise.—Quarles 6 Tues Rothesay U. F. Free Parish Chui'ch Organ opened, 1904. 6 Wed Feu Charter granted for first Rothesay Gas Works, 1842. 7 Thur First Reform Bill passed, 1832. 8 Fri 9 Sat He that gathereth in summer is a wise son.—Solomon 10 Sun Bustle is'not industry, nor is impudence courage. 11 Mon Robert the Bruce born, 1274.

12 Tues Portrait of 2nd Marquess placed in Roth. Town Hall, 186 . 13 Wed 14 Thur Nothing succeeds like success.—Tallyrand 15 Fri Idleness is the sepulchre of a living man.—Anselm 16 Sat Justice is blind, he knows nobody.—Drydeu 17 Sun 18 Mon Battle of Waterloo, I8I5. 19 Tues (20) Marquess of Bute born, I88I. 20 Wed Foundation Stone of Rothesay Public Buildings laid, 1832. 21 Thur Wee Frees got interdict against Roth. West congregn., 1905 22 Fri (2 1)1 Victoria Hospital Rothesay, opened, 1897. 23 Sat Battle of Babirockburn, 1314. 24 Sun Rev Joseph Trail inducted to U. F. Parish Ch., Roth., 1902. 25 Mon (24) King's Official Birthday _ 26 Tues Rev. J. J. Dawson, St Andrew's K C Ch, Roth., died 1903. 27 Wed 28 Thur Keep good humour still whatever we lose.- -Pope 29 Fri 30 Sat Rothesay Aquarium opened, 1875. —



The County of Bute comprises the seven islands in the , viz.: —

BuTio, the most populous ; Aruan, the largest ; the Great and Little Cumbraes, off Ayrshire Coast; Holy Isle and Pladda, oiF Arrau; and Inchmau.nock, off Bute.

The total Area of the County (land and water, exclusive of tidal water) is 139,658 acres, of which 53,510 are mountain and heath lands used for grazing. 3,806 acres are under plantations, and 794 are covered with water There are 25,981 acres under all kinds of crops, bare fallow and grass, which is a gradual inroad on the mountain heath and hitherto uncultivated land.

The principal iNDtJSTRiES are"agricuIture,'horticuIture, and fishing The islands possess great and varied natural attractions, and are in the forefront as holiday resorts.

The Population of the County (including its Burghs, of Rothesay and

Millport) in 1801 was 11,791 ; 1831, 14 151 ; 1861, 16,331 ; 1881, 17,657. In

1891 it was 18,248 (8,057 males and 10,197 females) ; and in 1901, 18,786 (8,412 males and 10,374 females) — being an increase of 255 in the ten years— 2.1 per cent. There were 4,270 inhabited houses in the islands.

The recent Census showed that in Buteshire there were 86 persons to the square mile, 7 '4 acres to each person, and 204 yards approximate or distance in linear yards is 123"32 between person and person. The proportion of females to every 100 males ; 4*25 the number of famihesis 4,422 5 inhabited houses, 4,263; rooms, 19,433 ; persons 4'56 to each family; 1'04 families to each house ; 4*41 persons to each house; rooms to each house ; 4*40 rooms to each family ; 1-97 persons to each room, and 20 persons speak Gaelic only.

VALTJATION.—The Rental, as ascertained at the recent Valuation Courts, is as follows : 1901-2 1902-3. 1903-4. 1904-5. North Bute Parish, £15,414 £16,164 15 £16,075 £l6,425 4 Kingarth „ 10,479 7 10,429 17 10,502 II 6 10,482 1 6 Cumbrae „ 21,527 21,623 12 6 21,748 17 2i,792 6 Kilbride ,, 15,142 1 11 i.^552 2 9 15,878 12 2 15,920 1 6 Kilmory „ 13,019 16 4 13,040 19 5 13,218 16 li 13,264 4 5

County of Bute, £75,582 5~1 76,811 6 8 £77,420 17 7 £77,823 17 5 Burgh of Rothesay, 73,787 76,183 76,3l9 77,981 11 7 Tramways, Eothesay, 885 835 855 445 North Bute, 548 526 1,045 l,f 05 B 17 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. THE

21 Victoria Street,

The Old Post Office, Rothesay.

JOHN MACKINLAY, Libpaplan, Bookseller, Stationer, and New^sag^ent.


Bookbinding' in all its Branches.

THE LARGEST VARIETY IN TOWN OF Photographs of Local and Scottish Scenery. —

Statistics -County of Bute.

AGRICULTURAL RETURNS issued by the Board of Agriculture.— ]^vt Ac?e*'. Total Acreage under Crops and Grass, ...... 25,9-56*25,928 *25,066 of which are occupied by tenants, and 890 occupied by the owners. Corn Crops— 1903. 1904. 1903. 190<. Wheat, — —.Rye, 72 96 Barley or Bere, ... 37 35 Beans, ... .. 60 53

Peas, .. 4 Oats, 4,833 4,734 ! ... % 2

Kohl Rabi, Rape, 102 Potatoes, ...... 974 974 | Cabbage, 84 or Tare^, ... 2 Turnips and Swedes,.. 1,367 1,369 | Vetches 3 Crops, ... 44 Mangold, ...... 10 9 1 Other Green 54 Clove K, Sainfoin, and Grasses under Rotation,— for Hay, ... 6,355 6,938 For Hay, 2,171 2,173 | Not Permanent Pasture or Grass, not broken up in notation,— ... 74 64 For Hay 835 904 I Small Fruit, Fallow, ... 274 119 Not for Hay, ... 8,744 8,236 | Bare

1092—No,. 1903— No. 1904—No . 977 964 Horses used solely for Agriculture, \... j Unbroken Horses—1 year and above,^.. 156 190 | 1,259 ... 86 96 ,, ,, under 1 year,

Cows and Heifers in milk or in calf, f... 3,745 3,625 / Other Cattle —2 years and above, ... 1,669 1,606 J nrraA 2.194 ^'^'^^ „ „ 1 year and under 2, ... 2,141 1 I „ „ Under 1 year, ... 2,305 2,318

Ewes kept for Breeding, ...... 19,051 19,118 / ... 10,791 10,323 43,367 Other Sheep—1 year and above, J „ „ Under 1 year, 16,279 16,285 I

Sows kept for Breeding ...... 58 64 / 611 Other Pigs, ... 520 571 \ Total produce and yield per acre of the principal crops in 1904: —The acreage under Barley was 35, producing 1,316 bushels, and the estimated yield per acre was 37-60 bushels, being fully two bushels under the average of the preceding ten years. Of Oats, 172,977 bushels were produced from 4734 acres, and the yield per acre of 36-54 was about a bushel and a half above the average." Beans were a long way above the average. Potatoes covered- 974 acres, yielding 7823 tons, and with full eight tons to the acre compared well with the average of 5|. Turnips yielded 21,129 tons, and with 21-28 tons to the acre showed a rise of 15-59 on the ten years' aver- age. Hay was just an average, the total of all kinds being 5339 tons.

The Fiars Prices, by which the parish ministers' stipends are regulated, were struck in the Sheriff Court, Rothesay, for crop of the previous year, as follows: 1904. 1905. J90?. 1903. , Barley, per quarter £13 3 £1 3 4^ £13 4* £1 3 9J Oats ... 1 6 19 li 19 8 19 0^ Beans ... no return no return no return 1 3 5| Oatmeal ... 16 3 16 1 16 6 8 16 Wheat ... no return no return no return no return 1903 1904, Fishery. —The total number of crans landed in the district was— 28,361 7,540 Proportionate decrease in the value, ...... • ... =£19,550 £8,958 Total quantity in cwts. of all kinds of fish caught, ... 104,631 32,359 Total value ... 23,622 12,953

Value of shellfish taken, ...... £1015 £786 In the district there are 198 boats, aggregating 488 tons, and manned by 292 resident ..'"'"'^ fishermen. 19 , !


BERMALINE. (With apologies to IF. H. Longfellow.) The century was dying fast As through a northern city passed A man, who bore as in a vice, A brown leaf with a strange device, Bepmaline. In many homes he saw the light Of household fires gleam warm and_bright, Yet indigestion claimed its own For there that bread was still unknown, Bepmaline.

" Try not this place," the bigot said, "The people here but eat white bread, And any other will be decried," But loudly that valiant voice replied, " Bepmaline." " Stay," the dyspeptic cried, "'and blest Be he who can at all arrest Dyspepsia, and make life a pleasure. For that," he said, " this bread's a trea'^ure," " Bepmaline,' " Beware of imitations poor. They follow, but can not endure, The bread to make Dyspepsia flee. And universally used shall be, " Bepmaline." Bepmaline Bread,

Without a Rival I A Tpiumph of Excellence Its Absolute Security a Byewopd — • — ;

OFFICIALS-County of Bute.

Assessments.— The following local rates are imposed by the County Council, viz On the County —General Valuation of Lands, Registration Own- Occu- of Voters, Lunacy, Police, Diseases of Animals, and ers. piers. General Purposes, ___-- 5id Ofd On the Burgh of Rothesay—Registration of Voters, •20d On the BuTis District— Roads, 5d 5d On the Arran District— Public Health, - - Ofd Ofd Roads, - - - 6d 6d Port-Bannatyne Drainage, O^d 0|d Health, - - - id id Kilchattan-Bay Drainage, Id Id Brodick Scavenging, - 4|d Kilchattan Bay Water Supply, 6d Gd On the CuAiRRAE District Ascog Lighting, - - 3d 3d Roads, &c., - - Id Id

Lieutenancy. —Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff, John Crichton Stuart, Marquess of Bute. Deputy Lieutenants—Ex-Provost Sharp, Rothesay; James Lamont,

Knockdhu ; Thomas Russell, Glasgow ; Archibald Louis Fullarton Robertson-

Fullarton ; Sir Charles Dalrymple, Bart, m f ; Richard Carnaby-Foster ; and the Provost of Rothesay Clerk, Adam D Macbeth, Rothesay.

Member of Parliament.—Norman Lament, yr. of Knockdhu. Owing to the ele- vation of Lord Dunedin to the Presidentship of the Court of Session and the Peerage, a bye-election took place on 3rd March, with the following result : —

Norman Lamont, (Liberal), 1460 ; Edward T. Salvesen, Solicitor-General, (Con- servative), 1426—majority, 34. The votes recorded at the General Election on 6th October, 1900, were as follows: — Right Hon Andrew Graham Murray, k c,

Secretary for Scotland, (Conservative), 1241 ; Mr Norman Lamont, younger of

Knockdlau, (Liberal), 1046 ; majority, 195.

Constituency—The Roll of Parliamentary Voters is as follows :—Cumbrae, 631

North Bute, 372 ; Rothesay, 1601 ; Kingarth, 218 ; Kilbride, 389 ; Kilmory, 367 —total, 3578: increase, 15'2. Supplementary voters for County Councils, 880.

Auxiliary Forces. West of Scotland Royal Garrison Artillery (Militia). Meets annually for drill at Glasgow. Lieut-Colonel, Walker Joaes. Instructor of Artillery, Canfain J A C Younger. Major, J T Nichol. Adjutant, Lieut, R W Dale, R A. Lieutenant Quarter-Master, H Vincent. 1st RoYxVl Garrison Artillery (Volunteers). — Head-Quarters, Rothesay—Hon Colonel, The Duke of Argyll, k t, k c m g, vo. Colonel Commandant, Johli Windsor Stuart v d., Foley House, Rothesay. Adjutant, Captain J Mackenzie, r a. Lieutenant and Quarter-Master, A R Peacock, Rothesay. Chaplains, Rev J F Macpherson, v d, b d, Greenock; and Rev Canon Matthews, Rothesay. Surgeon-Captain, David J Penney, Rothesay. Brigade Sergeant-Major, W Diniocks, r G a, Rothesay. Companies 8th and 12th, Rothesay—Captain and Hon Major, James Stewai-t, VD. Captains, R D Macmillan and Andrew M M'Kinlay, Lieutenants, W A Stewart, George Hicks and W T Esplin. Drill-Instructor, Sergeant-Major, W Dimocks, rga. Bandmaster, Jas Y Gilchrist. Company 9th, Millport—Captain, Colin Macleod Robertson. Drill Instructor, Company Sergeant-Major E Powell.

Rifle Volunteers.~1st (Renfrewshire) Volunteer Battalion (Princess Louise's) Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. — Hon Colonel, Sir Hugh Shaw Stewart, Bart, Adjutant, Captain J. M. Reddie 21 BUTE COUNTY DIEECTOEY ADVEETISEMENTS.

Steam, Gas, Electricity, and Shorthand, are powers which have transformed the World

As ^ JBitabliahed 1879. Common Writ- ^ ing and the 1^ School of Arabic % Numerals 5 d:c. SShopthandS (1 2 3U ), AND are 4^ <3|^ indspensible I^TYPE WRITING^ for the So Business, Profit ^ 22 Bpicig:e Street, ^ Shorthand and Rothesay. and Pleasure ^ ^ Type-Writing of the georgFUiggie, ivill be as Present Day, % ^ indispensible X (SHORTHAND WRITER, for the REPORTER, and ^ ^ Business,Profit CERTIFICATED TEACHER), ^ ^ ^ ^ and ^ and Assistants. X Pleasure of the ^ ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, and ^ -^ ADVANCED CLASSES. Immediate ^ Future. ^^ Prospectuses on Application. '^T

Study with an Eye to

Business. ; i OFFICIALS—County of Bute.

Sheriff Court. —Bute is joined with Renfrew. The Court meets at Rothesay on Thursday forenoons at 11 o'clock. Circuit Small Debts Courts meet quarterly at Brodick, Arran, on the third Wednesdays in March, June and November, and

about the end of September ; and at Mh.lpokt, Cumbrae, in March and Sep- tember. Sheriff, Sir John Cheyne, Kt, MA, KG, lld, advocate. Sheriff-Substitute, Thomas J Martin, m.a, advocate. Hon SberifF-Substitutes, Robert Sharp and

John Windsor Stuart, Rotbesay, Dr J A Jamieson, Brodick ; and Patrick Murray, Strabane, Brodick.

Clerk, Thomas W Alexander. Clerks-Depute—Rothesay, Wm Watson ; Lamlash*

Wm Munro ; Millport, James Ross. Procurator-Fiscal, Robert D Macmillan- Depute Procurator- Fiscal, W Alexander Stewart. Nautical Assessors for Butei William Krskine, Partickhill, Glasgow; Capt. Joiin D Clink, Greenock; and Capt.

John Young, Irvine. Sheriff-Officers, Alexander Campbell, Rothesay ; James Boyd, Dairy; John Albert Carston, 8 Duke street, Kilmarnock; and John Steven- sou, Dunoon. Auditor, T W Alexander, Keeper of Court House and Bar Officer, Angus M'Intosh.

The Circuit Court for Buteshire meets six times a year in Glasgow

Justices of the Peace.— Quarter Sessions are held at Rothesay on first Tuesdays of

March, May, and August, and last Tuesday of October ; and Courts of Petty Sessions are held as required.

Isle of Bute — Ex-Provosts Orkney, Sharp, Thomson, M'Millan Milloy and

Mcintosh ; Provost Walker; Bailies Burness -and Miller; ex-Bailies Fisher, Hicks,

M'Bride and Squair ; John Mackirdy, J. Windsor Stuart, John Mackinlay, Wm.

Cuthbertson, seedsman; Wm. Hunter, builder ; J. R. Metcalf, Marine place;

John Porter, Marine place ; capt. Joseph Ritchie, James Smith, Ferguson place

and John Thomson, banker, Rothesay : William Spencer Ascog ; John Cumming

Kilchattan Bay; Robert Laidlaw, Balmory, Kingar.th : James Duncan, Banna-

tyne Mains ; Colonel Michael R. Gray Buchanan, Ettrickdale ; John Ferguson, builder; and Alex. Sim, Port-Bannatyne, North Bute: Thomas Russell, Glas-

gow ; A. R. C. Pitman, w.s., Edinburgh ; and H G F Newall, St Andrews

Spiers, Island of Arran—Patrick Murray, Brodick ; John Bennecarrigan ; John

Morton, Machrie ; Dr J A Jamieson, Brodick; Robert Hamilton, piermaster,

Brodick ; James McGregor, quarrymaster, Corrie ; John Wallace, Glenkill ; Dr Neil Fullarton, John B Sweet, banker, and James Hodge, piermaster, Laralash;

James Allan, Balnacoole ; Wm Hamilton, shipmaster; Jas M'^Kinnon, farmer: Jas Campbell M'Gill, joiner; and Thomas Miller, piermaster, Whiting Bay,

Alex M'Bride, Sh'skine; Robert Crawford, farmer, Glenscorradale ; Archibald

Kelso, .James M'Kinnon, Finlay Kerr, yachtmaster ; Malcolm Watson, farmer, and Robert Kerr, jun., piermaster, Lochranza: and James Auldjo Jamieson w s, Edinburgh, Commissioner for the Duke of Hamilton, Whitehouse, Arran.

Cumbrae —Ex-Provost Allan, James Ross, banker; Wm Allan, John Cunningham,

baker ; Robert Cockburn, engineer ; Thomas Duncan, joiner ; J Y King ; Dr

John M^Gown ; Andrew Ritchie, manufacturer; J C Sharpe and Duncan M^'Dougall, Ballochmartin.

Ex-Officiis—The Sheriff and Sheriff-Substitute; the Provost, Bailies, and Dean

of Guild of Rothesay ; the Baron Bailie of Mountstuart ; the Chief Magistrate

of Millport ; and the Chairmen of District Committees and Parish Councils

23 —


North British and Mercantile INSURANCE COMPANY.

See Cover of Directory.

Agent in Rothesay J. L. MASTEKTON, Bank of Scotland.

AGENCY FOR THE ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPY., Limited. Established 1824. Authorised Capital, £5,250,000. Invested Funds exceed £10,500,000 Life and Fire Business transacted.

For Prospectuses, etc., apply to JOHN THOMSON, Agent, Royal Bank of Scotland, Rothesay. ROCK LIFE Established ASSURANCE COMPANY. 1806. Totul Bonus Additions, £4,402,680. | Total Claims Paid, ... £12,533,000 Life Assurance.—Moderate Premiums. Large Bonuses.

Accident Insurance.— Policies are issued to Employers covering their full legal liability under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1897, &c Personal Accident and Burglary Insurance also transacted, and Fidelity Guarantee Bonds issued,

George Smith, Agent, Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., Rothesay.

r n jem s t a. t es FIRE INSURANCE CO., Ltd., of LIVERPOOL with which is incorporated The Bute Insurance Company. Capital - - - - One Million. Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal may be obtained from any of the Agents of the Company, or at the Rothesay Branch Office, 28 Castle Street, A. D. MACBETH, District Secretarj^. Chief Office for Scotland, 141 West George Street, Glasgow, D. W. MACLENNAN, District Manager. —

OFFICIALS— County of Bute.^

Clerk, Thomas W Alexander. Depute, William Watson. Procurator-Fiscal, R D Macmillan. Water Bailiff, Charles Wright Morris, 24 Charlotte Sq., Edinburgh.

Licensing Court.- County James Allan, Millport; Alex. Sim, Port-Bannatyne ; James Smith, Rothesay; J. Russell Thomson, Rothesay; John Morton. Machrie,

Shiskine, Arran ; John Windsor Stuart, Rothesay; James Duncan, Bannatyne Mains, Port-Bannatyne; and Dr John M 'Gown, Millport.

County Licensing Appeal Court. —Ex-Provosts Sharp and McMillan and Bailie Burness, Rothesay; John Ferguson, Pointhonse (.^rescent, Port-Bannatyne;

William Spencer, Ascog ; John Cnmming, Kilchattan Bay ; Wiliiam Allan, John Cunningham, Duncan M^Dou all, Ballochmartin, and Andrew Ritchie, Millport;

Robert Crawford, Glenscorrodale. Lamlash ; Robert Anderson, Penrioch, Loch-

ranza; William Hamilton, Whiting Bay ; and Thomas Russell, Glasgow. Clerk, Tho W Alexander, Rothesay.

County Council. — Convener, John Windsor Stuart, Rothesay. Vice-Convener, Pat- rick Murray, Brodick. Elected by District of Brodick voters — Patrick Murray, Strabane. Corrie — R W P'orsyth, Corrie. Cumbrae — Duncan M'Dougall, Balloch- martin. Dougarie—John Morton, Machrie. Kilchattan Bay—John Gumming. Lamlash—John Bannatyne. Lochranza- Robert Anderson. Millport (East) —William Allan. (West") —^John M^'Gown, m D.Mountstuart— J. Windsor Stuart. North Bute — MR Gray Buchanan, Ettrickdale. Port-Bannatyne (East) — John Ferguson. Port-Bannatyne (West), James Duncan. Shedog Robert Crawford, Glenscorrodale. Southend — Peter Crawford, Torrylinii. Whiting Bay—William Hamilton. Appointed by Town Council of Rothesay provost Wallcer, Treasurer Burnie and aressrs Maekinnon and Harvey. Repre- sentatives to County Council Association—Messrs Stuart and Murray.

Officials.— County Clerk and Treasurer—Robert D. Whyte, Rothesay. Clerks and Treasurers of District Committees: Bute — Robert D. Whyte, Rothesay. Arkan— George Laidler, Brodick. Cumbrae—Wm Hunter, Millport. County Medical Officer—Dr Thomas Rutherford, Shiskine, Arran. County Sanitary Inspector —Wm Dunlop Brown, Rothesay. Valuation Assessor and Assessor under County Voters Registration Act, Wm M'Intosh, Glasgow. Auditor—Robert Paterson, c a, Glasgow. Inspector of Weights and Measures — Wm Clark, Paisley. Veterinary Inspector—Wm Moodie, m r c v s, Rothesay. Agricul- cultural Analyst, John W Biggart, Greenock.

County Eoad Board. — Bute — James Duncan, (chairman), John Cnmming, John Ferguson, and J Windsor Stuart Abran— Patrick Murray, R W Forsyth, Robert Anderson, and William Hamilton Cumbrae— Dr John M'Gown and Duncan M'Dougall.

Collectors —North Bute, Arch Brown ; Kingarth, W T Esplin ; Cumbrae, Wm

Hunter ; Kilmory and Kilbride, John B Sweet, Lamlash

Surveyors—Bute, Wm M'Intyre, Kerrylamont ; Arran, Peter Jenkins, Lamlash; Cumbrae, Wm Hunter, Millport

Committees. — Joint STANDiNG—Sheriff Martin (chairman), County Councillors Johh Windsor Stuart, John Morton, Dr M*Gown, John Bannatyne and Duncan

M^Dougall Commissioners of Supply—John Ferguson, Patrick Muriay ; M R 25 .


The Bute County Directopy

is the only Publication ot the kind printed and published in Buteshire. Its data is carefully compiled, and much time and attention is devoted each year to the careful investigation and noting the necessary alterations in the personnel ef the occupants of public offices, the correct addresses of the general inhabitants, and the latest changes amongst those engaged in trade.

The earliest publications connected with Kothe- say were Directories, and they are interesting reading even at this time of day. Our publication not only includes Rothesay, but embraces the whole County of Bute, and though it has increased in usefulness and circulation, its price and advertisement tariff have remained the same.

Whole-Page Advertisement, .. .. £10 (Special Positions by arrangement). Half-Page, ...... 12 Quarter, ...... ^. 7 6 Eighth, ...... 5

Lines, each, . . . . . ^. 1 Prominent Names, each, .. .. 10

. 2cl) . Copy of Directory (postage . . . 10


Gray Buchanan, James Duncan, John Gumming, John M Lament, the Provost of Rothesay, and the Provost of Millport. Ex-Officiis, Sheriff Cheyne, or in

his absence, Sheriff Martin ; and Chief Constable Harding Valuation—Patrick Murray, John Bannatyne, John Morton, Robett Crawford, John Windsor Stuart, James Duncan, M R Gray Buchanan, John Gumming, Wm Allan, Dr M'Gown and Duncan M'Dougall. Appeal Courts held in September at Brodick, Millport, and Rothesay Secondary Education — Thomas Russell (convener), J. Windsor Stuart* Patrick Murray, John Bannatyne, Duncan M'Dougall, Wm Hunter, Rev James Frame and James Allan Technical Education- —Patrick Murray (convener), J Windsor Stuart, John Morton, Robert Crawford, M R Gray Buchanan, James Duncan, John Ferguson, Duncan M'Dougall and William Hamilton. Prison Visiting— -John Gumming and M R Gray Buchanan

Clerk and Treasurer, Robert D Whyte, Rothesay

Commissioners of Supply. — Convener, John Windsor Stuart. Clerk, -Robert D^ Whyte, Rothesay

County Police. —-The annual report shows that the force consists of 1 chief, 2 in- spectors, 1 sergeant and 9 constables. It is efficient and popular. There is an absence of serious crime in the county. There are 24 licensed premises in Arran,. Cumbrae, and Bute outside of Rothesay Chief Constable, Charles Harding, Rothesay. Depute, Wm Munro, Lamlasb. In- spector, Alex Stewart, 37 High street, Rothesay

I District Lunacy Board. —J. Windsor Stuart, Rothesay, (chairman) ,• Provost

Walker, Treasurer Burnie and James Fisher, Rothesay ; James Duncan, Banna-

tyne Mains ; M R Gray Buchanan, Ettrickdale ; and ex-Provost Allan, Millport. Clerk, John M Lamont, Rothesay

Property and Income Tax Commissioners. —Sir Charles Dalrymple, Bart, m p ;

ex-Provosts Orkney, Sharp, and Thomson, Rothesay ; Thomas Russell, Glasgow

and James Duncan, Port-Bannatyue ; Sheriff Cheyne, or, in his absence. Sheriff Martin, ex-officio. Clerk, Tho W Alexander, Rothesay. Surveyor, D' Lawrie, Greenock. Collector, J A Tannahill, Greenock Sub-Distributor, John Thomson, Royal Bank

Royal Northern Yacht Club. — Club House, Argy>e Street—Patron, His Majesty the King. Commodore, Lord Inverclyde, Castle Wemyss. Secretary, T F Donald, 104 West George street, Glasgow. Club-Master, John Henderson

Inland Revenue.— Collector and Distributor of Stamps, Jno, A. Tannahill, Custom House, Greenock. Supervisor, John S Turner, Dalmuir. Officer, James M'Lay,. Rothesay.

Stamps.—Sub-Distributor of Stamps and Sub-Collector of Legacy and Succession Duties, John Thomson, Royal Bank, Rothesay

Fishery -Office, 15 Bishop Street, Rothesay. Officer, Frederick S Eraser


SPACIOUS BILLIARD ROOM. Two Buppoughs & "Watts Tables.

Splendid Bar in Connection loith Hotel.


I^HIS Establishinent is situated in front of the Pier, where Steamers arrive and depart almost every half-hour, and affords magnificent Views of the Bay, Loch Striven, and the Kyles of Bute. Tourists by the " Columba," " lona," " Lord of the Isles," or other Steamers will find the Bute Arms one of the most comfortable resting-places on the West Coast of Scotland, and being under the direct superintendence of the Proprietor. Visitors may depend on every attention. The Sanitary Arrangements have been entirely remodelled, and are now certified as perfect. BILLIARDTable d'Hote, 6 30 p.m.ROOM. Parties Boarded by the Week or Month. Golf Course in close proximity to Hotel. ROBERT SMITH, Ppoppietop. — — —

OFFICIALS—County of Bute.

Bute Insurance Company Limited (merged in the State Fire Insurance Co, Ltd) Ctiairman, ex-Provost McMillan. Local Secretary, and Treasurer, A D Macbeth. Rothesay.

Political Associations. Buteshire Liberal Associatiox. established 1879 — President, William Brown. Secretary, D Grant. Treasurer, Councillor D Buchanan. Club-master, D M^Intyre Conservative Associations—see Districts.

Miscellaneous Associations —Buteshire Wine Spirit and Beer Trade— President, Jas Heaton. Secretary, Alexander Campbell, auctioneer. Treasurer, John Cunningham

Bute County Cricket Club— President, M Gray Buchanan. Secretary and Treasurer, John A Miller. Match Secretary, J. Coates Buteshire Junior Football, established 1896. —President, J Walker. Secre- tary, John Lister. Treasurer, C M'Aulay. Knockdow Charity Cup Committee—Chairman, Bailie Burness. Secretary, W* Edgar Treasurer, John M'Donald

Salvesen Challenge Shield. —Chairman, John Lister ; BuTESiiiUE Kennel Clup. (Established 1904). — President, John A. Urquhart. Secretary and Ti-easurer, Urquhart Innes.

Outside Societies. Edinburgh, Akgyle, Bute, and Wesitsrn Isles Associa- tion. --President, Hon Secretary, G A Munro, s s c, 6 Rutland sq, Edin- burgh. Hon Treas, J Maclachan of Maclachlan, w s, 48 Castle St, Edinburgh.

Glasgow Bute Beni:volent Society, instituted 1867, for the aid of indigent persons belonging to Bute, particularly such as are of advanced age and of respect- able character. No persons in receipt of parochial relief to receive benefit unless in extraordinary circumstances. The single payment of £2 2s constitutes a life membership. Ordinary members admitted as life members on a single payment of £1 Is. President, A C Black. Secretary, Alexander Robertson, 243 West George street, Glasgow. Treasurer, James A M'Leish, 194 St Vincent street, Glasgow. The funds in hand amount to £2000.

' Glasgow Bute AssociATioN.—President, W L Thomson. Secretary, Kobert M McMillan, 46 Albert Drive, Crossbill, Glasgow. Treasurer, Lachlan McNeill

London Bute Association—President, Secretary, Richard P Miller

(For District Officials see District Lists.)


Table dJHote Breahfastj

Luncheon and Table cVBofe Dinner,

Open to Non-Residents.

Telephone No* 44. Moderate Tariff. JOHN MACKAY, Proprietop.

M a e k i n 1 ay's TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Fronting the Pier.

Splendid Outlook from Sitting- Room Windows. HOTEL MADEIRA, Opposite the Band. Stand, Eothesay.

This First- Class Temperance Hotel is best situated, and commands unrivalled view ofthe Bay and Cowal Hills. Fitted tliroughout with all Modern Improvements.

DAVID LAW^SON, Jun., Proprietor.

Entrance—Tower Street. Telephone 0198. The Isle of Bute

Is 16 miles long, -with an average breadth of 4 miles. It is rocky in the north and south, but fertile in the intervening districts. The climate is milder and more equable than on the mainland ; and the place is, in consequence, a favourite health resort lord of the Manor—John Grichton Stuart, fourth Marquis of Bute, Mountstuart House. Factor on Bute Estate, Jj Windsor Stuart, High Street, Rothesay

Societies, Clubs, &e. — Bute Agricultural Society. — President, William Montgoraerie. Secietary and Treasurer, James Fisher, grain merchant.

Bute Conservative Association, established 1880. — President, ex-Provost Milloy. Secretary, Arch S Maclea. Treasurer, Archibald Montgomerie

Bute Auxiliary of the National Bible Society of Scotland— President, Rev Samuel Crabb. Secretary, Rev Wm Galbraith. Treasurer, A M Burnie

Bute Sabbath School Union—Meets fortnightly in the Norman Stewart Institute — President, Rev Wm Galbraith. Secretary, Miss Jolly, Barons road. Treasurer, Robert Hunter. Representatives to the Glasgow Union,

Bute Womens' Temperance Prayer Union. —Meets in the Stewart Institute every Thursday afternoon at 3.30. President, Miss Thomson, Ardbeg. Secre- tary, Mrs Storrer, Rosebank, Argyle st. Treasurer, siiss Scott, Ardbeg

Bute Women's Liberal Association. —President, Mrs Walker; Secretary, Miss

Burnie ; Treasurer, Mrs Lyle

Archaeological and Physical Society of BuTE.~Museum, Chapelhill. Secre- tary, A D Macbeth. Treasurer, Wm Mcintosh. Meteorologist, R. Henderson

Bute Botanical Society. — Meets during Winter session every alternate Tuesday in the Science Room of the Academy. President, Secretary and Treasurer, Robt D Whyte

Bute Primrose League.— Habitation No. 1182.— -Dame Pre!^ident, Mrs Laidlaw Balmory. Ruling Councillor, J Windsor Stuart. Secretarj, Mrs M'Bride, Craig- more. Treasurer, Miss Swan

Bute Association of Arts and Crafts. —President, i-ady Margaret Stuart. Secretaries, Misses Duncan, Elm villa, and Miss Stuart, Foley

Bute Maternity Association.—To provide a trained midwife to work among the poorer classes. —Hon. President, Mrs Windsor Stuart. Hon. Treasurer, Mrs F Gray Buchanan. Hon Secy, Mrs M^Kay, 1 Elysium. Nurse, Bain

Bute and Cowal Colportage MissiON.---Bute Chairman, Thomas Gilmour Kilchattan Bay. Secretary, Rev J W Anderson. Treasurer, J L Masterton.

Bute Burns Club.— President, John M'Kirdy. Secretary and Treasurer, George Higgle, 22 Bridge street, Rothesay


1 John Street, Rothesay.

Telephone N?. 0191. Robept M'Bpide, BliACKIS JffilTH,

1 John Street, Rothesay.

Horse Shoeing and GeneralSmith Work. Telephone No. 0191. Heetop Maekinnon, Bookseller, S^tatloiier, I^lbrarlan, and fPaney €iOods Iflerehaat, 11 Victopia Street.

Established 1SU5. Miss M. M*L. Higgle, (Successor to Miss M'LEA), I>re§s and Mantle Maker, 20 Bpidg'e street.

Trimmings, Linings and Furnishings Kept in Stock, OFICIALS—Isle of Bute.

Bute Cycling Club.— President, A Scott-King. Captain, Councillor Johh Cun- ningham. Secretary, Joseph D Wilson Treasurer, Robert Lauder

Bdte Highland Gathering, to be held in the Public Park, Rothesay, on last

Friday of August. — Chieftain, the Marquis of Bute ; President, es-Bailie Aitchi-

son ; Secretary, John McDonald ; Treasurer, James C Sinclair

Bute Golf Club.—Links, Kingarth. Secretary, Rev John Saunders

Bute United Fanciers' Society.—President, John Holmes Secretary, Thos. Napier. Treasurer, T. Falconer.

Scottish Red Cross Society, Bute Centre.— Presidenr, Marchioness of Bute. Hon Secretary, Mrs Windsor Stuart, Foley House

Bute Photographic Club.— Club-room, Y M C A Hall, Castle street— Pre.>>i- dent, Alex Rankin. Secretary and Treasurer, Arch Montgomerie.

Bute Dramatic Sketch Party.— Chairman, Thos Falconer. Manager, George Jarvie

Bute Angling Club.— President, R Chrystie

Lloyd's Agent. —John Orkney, Orcadia.

.Coast Guard—John Andrews, David T Robertson and . Head-quarters, 15 Bishop street, Rothesay.


AUSTRALIAN BURGUNDY, in Flagons, 2s 2d, Bottles Is 6d. It is impossible to speak too highly of this Excellent Wine. The Best Brands only kept Whisky. Liqueur Scotch. —Exceptionally Choice Old Highland Whisky. It is quite 10 years old, wonderfully soft, and charming flavour. 3s 6d per bottle. Finest Old North Country— Soft and Mellow, and of Finest Quality. Hs per Bottle. Good Old Scotch— Excellent Quality, Fair Age. 2s 6d per Bottle. ' Agent for Glendinniiig Beef and Malt Wine and Vibrona (?in ideal Tonic Wine). Spratt^s and Calabar Dog Biscuits. Dog Medicines and Poultry Food. Trj' my Oatmeal for Feeding, Is 3d per stone. Thorley's Ovum for Poultry, in Id packets. Coverdale's Poultry Powder in tins, 66. and Is. JOHN A. URQUHART, GROCER AND WINE MERCHANT 13 ARGYLE STREET.


The Finest in tlie Mapliet.

7 Victoria St., Rothesay. ) . ;

Parish and Bupg'h of Rothesay.

Rothesay, the carital of Buteshire, was originally a village in connection with the Castle, and was created a. Royal Burgh by Robert III in 1400. It became a place of considerable importance in fishing, coopering, and cotton spinning and weaving, and now it is noted as the most populai- summer resort in Scotland. Ten years ago the landward portion of the Parish of Rothesay being amalgamated with North Bute, henceforth, for secular purposes, the boundary of the parish is the same as that of the burgh. Duke of Rothesay—The Heir Apparent to the throne, H R M Prince George Prince of Wales. H R H has apppointed C A Cripps, kc, ji p, to be his Attor- " ney-General ; and the Right Hon. Andrew Graham Murray, to be Keeper of the Great Seal of his Principality of Scotland."

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists. Heritors Committee—Provost Walkei* (convener), J Windsor Stuart, John Cruick- shanks, James Fisher, James M^Bride, Robert Sharp and James Smith Clerk—A D Macbeth, Castle Street

Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths—Hector Mackinnon, 13 Victoria street

Assistant, Wm Grant. Births, 226 ; Deaths, 148 marriages, ; 42 in 1904.

,, 179; ,, 145; ,, 52 1903. Session Clerk—Andrew Clark, Stewart Institute

Constituencies.—Parliamentary, l.iOl. For Municipal, see Wards—pages 39-41.

Valuation of BUKGH. 1901-2 1902-3 190 3-4 L8904-5 Ward No. I, - £9,837 £10,334 £10,371 £10,807 1 n, - 9,431 9,541 9,018 9,950 6 in, - 12,198 12,272 12,277 12 ,391 6 IV, - 15,276 16,060 16,207 16 ,706 10 V, - 12,110 12,234 12,352 12,498 8 4 VI, - 14,935 14,907 15,194 15 ,566 5

£73,787 75,348 £76,319 £77 981 11 7 Tramways, 885 835 855 445 £77,174 £78 363 11 7 Population.--In 7 1871, ,760; 1881 , 8,291; 1891 ,9034; 1901 as follows ^_ • Houses. Inhabitants. WARD. ^r "» Number Windowed Un- Building. Males. Inhabited Rooms. inhabited. Females . Total. No. I 250 1512 90 7 344 629 973 II 334 1276 119 7 534 792 1326 ill 503 1600 103 959 1133 2092 IV 396 1269 104 30 872 1007 18V9 V 402 1541 104 4 782 944 1726 VI 266 2134 48 460 867 1327

Total, 2151 9332 568 48 3951 5372 9323 1891, „ 2036 8628 467 ... 3794 5240 9304 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS M-MILLAN, Midlands and West Coast BILLPOSTER. OVER TOO ADVERTISING STATIONS. Head Offices, Greenock. London Eepresentative— E. Greenwood, 130 Fleet Street, E.G. Ofl&ces at Greenock, Saltcoats, Largs, Dunoon, Ardrossan, Hamilton, Motherwell, and at 48 High Street, Rothesay.


The Largest Billposting- Firm in Scotland. Greenock Telephone, 296.

Norman Stewart Institute, Montague Street, Rothesay. Reading* Rooms, Reepeation Rooms,

For Billiards, Draughts, &c., ifec. Open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m Consulting* and Lending* Library, Containing upwards of 6000 Volumes. Open Monday to Friday, 10 to 1 o'clock and 3 to 8 o'clock.

Saturdays, 1 to 1 o'cloek, 3 to 5 o'clock, and 6 to 9 o'clock.

Members' Weekly Tickets (admitting to all privileges, including the use of Lending

Library) 6d ; Monthly, Is; Quarterly, Is (id; Half-Yearly, "is 6d ; Yearly, 5s.

Ladies' Half-Yearly Tickets, 2s ; Yearly, 3s 6d, Non-Members, Id per visit.

Apprentices' Yearly Tickets, 2s 6d. Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Yearly Tickets are issued as from 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October. Monthly Tickets from any date. SPACIOUS REFRESHMENT ROOMS. Cup of Tea or Coffee, Id; Breakfasts, Dinners and Teas at equally Mode'ate Prices. :

Assessments, Benefactions, &c., Parish and Burgh, Rothesay.

Assessments. —Parocuial—The following have been imposed by the Parish Council

Poor Rate (less 10 per cent.) 8|(1 per £1 ; School Rate, &c, 8d — equally divided between landlord and tenant

Bdrgijal—The Town Council have imposed 2s 2^d per £1 for Burgh General and other Assessments-^equally divided between landlord and tenant.

Land Tax and Registration of Births, &c, |d ; County Voters Registration, .20d —payable by proprietors only. Water, 8^d per £1. Gas, 2s lid per 1000 cubic feet (less discount)

Benefactions —Mrs Ann Taylor or Jackson's Bequkst. —The annual interest of £100 is expended by the Provost and Magistrates in providing coals for per- sons of the name of Taylor, and natives of Skipness or Rothesay.

Miss Janet Gibson's Bequest.—Tiie interest of £200 is invested with the Min- ister of the parish, and Provost and Magistrates of the burgh, for the benefit of

, old and infirm poor, and applied -annually at Candlemas.

The James Duncan Charity~£2000 bequeathed by the late James Duncan of Valpariso and Rothesay, for the annual benefit of 10 old women.

Bute Wedding Dowry.—£1000 bequeathed in commemoration of the silver wed" ding of John Patrick Crichton- Stuart, 3rd Marquess of Bute, to be given by the Provost and Magistrates annually to enable some girl or girls of tlie poorer classes to be married. Educational Grant. — In terms of a 'grant made by the Town Council, and arrangement with the School Board, six children are entitled to free education in the Academy

Duncan Thomson Bequest.—£2000 is bequeathed to the Provost, Magistrates and Town Council of the burgh, and the Parochial Boai-d of the parish, for the erec- tion of a statutory poor house. Paterson Bequest.—The interest of £300, bequeathed by the late Miss Jalie Paterson, Whinny Brae, is divided annually at Candlemas, through the Town Council, among aged and infirm persons.

Mrs Mary Miller Bequest.- --The interest of £60 is, also through the Town Council, applied for coals to the poor. Archibald I^vrown Bequest.—The interest of £100 bequeathed by the late Archibald Brown, banker, is annually divided by the Provost and Magistrates at Candlemas amongst tlie poor and infirm of the town.

TOWN COUH'CIL.—Meets at noon on second Monday of every month. Provost, James A Walker. Bailies—Robert Burness, Robert Craig Miller, and James Cunningham. Dean of Guild, David Fred Dalziel. Treasurer, Archd. M'Indoe Burnie, Councillors — James Brown, Donald Buchanan, Malcolm Buchanan, John Cunnmgham, Robert Fife, James Fisher, Thomas H. Harvey, William Lyle, John Mackinhon, William Moodie, Charles Muir, and Samuel Thompson.

The Magistrates and Town Council are also Police Commissioners Six members (one representing each ward) retire annually on the first Tuesday of November — when new elections take place.

Officials—Town Clerk and Legal Assessor, J. Scrymgeour Hepburn, ll b, bl. Depute, James Rose, llb, ws. Collector of Rates and Valuation Assessor, James Colquhoun Sinclair. Burgh Prosecutor, Robert Duncan Macmillan. Master of 37 —


'PHOSE Advertisers who realise the importance of having their Printing Embellished witii lUustratione, should see our lists of several Hundreds of Electros for use by dealers in

Boots and Shoes Jewellery Carpets Music Clothing Optical Goods Coals Perambulators China and Glass Photography- Cycles Sewing Machines Dentistry Sport Drapery Tailoring Drugs Tobacco, (fee Furniture Toys General Goods Trunks Groceries Umbrellas Hosiery Wallpapers Ironmongery Waterproofs

METAL PRICE TICKETS. PA T E NT Beautifully Lithographed in Colours and Gold, For Automatic AttacliEiieiit. Always Neat, Bright and Clean. Price Lists and Samples from' HIGGIE & CO., ROTHESAY. —-


Works, AViiter Manager, Sanitary Inspector, and Inspector under the Food and Drugs Act, John Morrison. Cliief Constable, William M^Kay. Gas Manager, William Whyte. Electrical Engineer, E Baxter Stiven. Medical Officer, Andrew J Hall, M A, M D Analysts, J W & W L Biggart, Greenock.- In- spector of Weights and Measui-es, Wm Clark, Paisley. Slaughter-Houte Super- intendent, Robert Cameron, Town Crier, Robert Chrystie. Town Weigher, John Cochrane Conductor, Esplanade Band, James Manning. Auditor, Wm Hardie, ( A, Greenock.. Veterinary Surgeon, J D Pottie, Greenock

PAKISH COUNCIL — Meets on the first Tuesday of every Month. Ex-provosts Sharp (chairman), Thomson and M'^Millan. Messrs Andrew Clark, Michael Cuthbertson, James Heaton, George Innes, George Shiells, John Slaven, James Smith, Francis H. Squair, J. Windsor Stuart, and Daniel Thompson. The mem- bers are elected every three years Officials — Inspector of Poor, Clerk, and Collector—A Ross Thomson. Medical Officer, James Burnett Lawson, M D The Burgh Police consists of 1 chief constable, 2 sergeants, 1 acting sergeant, and 6 constables. The last annual report shows that the force is efficient and popular. There was an absence of serious crime during the yeai*. There are 40 licensed premises in the burgh, and 526 houses are closed during winter.

Wards —The Burgh was, in 1886, divided into wards for municipal purposes. No. I —Ardbeg road, Ardmory road,Argyle place, Argyle terrace, Landward, Marine

place, Mackinlay street, Macnab's brae, Westwood, Wyndiiam road. . Valuation,

£10,807 Is. Constituency—Males, 184; females, 182 ; total, 366. Represen-

tatives : Town Council—Treasurer A M Burnie, Dean of Guild D Fred Dalziel, and Mr Chas Muir. Parish Council—Ex-provost Thomson, and Mr Shiells. No. 2— Alma terrace (part of), Bridgend street (west side), Argyle street, Ballochgoy terrace, Bridge street, Chapelhill road, Gallowgate (west side), Havelock terrace, Hillhouse road (west side), Inkermau terrace. Landward, Lilyoak terrace, Stafta place, York terrace, Westland road. Valuation, £9,950 Os 6d. Constituency

— Males, 244; females, 166; total, 400. Reprej-entatives : Town Council provost Walker, ex-Bailie Fisher, and Mr Donald Buchanan. Parish Council Messrs Andrew Clark and F H Squair

No. 3 — Alma terrace (part of), Barone road (west side), Bridgend street (east side) Castlehill street, Columshill place, Columshill street, Gallowgate (east side)? Glenhead place, Gowanfield place, Hillhouse road (east side), John street, King street, Ladeside street, Landward, Macalister's court. Mill street (west side), Montague street (from Gallowgate to Tower street). Tower street (west side), Victoria street (from Gallowgate to Tower street), West Castle street. Valuation, total, ^17. £12,391 Os 6d. Constituency—Males, 348; females, 169 ; Repre-

sentatives : Town Council— Bailies Miller and Cunningham, and Mr James Brown. Parish Council —Messrs Heaton, Slaven and Thompson. No. 4—Castlehill street, part of Castle street, Guildford square. High street, (from Guildford square to Castle street), i-iigh street (west side), Landward, Meadow cap, Montague street (from Tower street to Watergate), Mill street (east side), Russell street, Stuart street, Tower street (east side), Union street, Victoria street; (from Tower street to Guildford square), Watergate (west side), Ascog Loch road (south side). Valuation, £16,706 Os lOd. - Constituency—Males, 359; females, 129; total, 488. Representatives: Town Council —Messrs Malcolm Buchanan, John Mackiiinon and Harvey. Parish Council —Messrs Innes and Stuart. 39 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS.

W^. M. LECKIE, JifjAXa^II and


D. T. COLQUHOUN, Criterion Vaults, 27 Gallowg»ate, Rothesay.

Family Orders Punctually Attended to. JAMES PARK,


. . . . SPIRIT STORES, 4 Bridg'e-end Street, Rothesay.

Wines and Spirits of Best Quality. Orders Punctually Attended to.

Glasgow and West of Scotland Society FOR THE Ppevention of Cruelty TO ANIMALS.

THE SOCIETY has during the Season a Resident Officer in Rothesay for the purpose of inquiring and investigating into all ACTS of CRUELTY to ANIMALS through- out the County ofBute. Complaints left at his residence, 3a Victoria Street, or Police Office, will receive immediate attention. —


No. o—Albert place, Bishop street, Bishop terrace. Bisliop terrace brae (west side) Castle street, Croft lane, East Princes street (to number 21), High street (east side, from Castle street to Minister's brae), Landward, Minister's brae (north side), Store lane, Watergate (east side), West Princes street, Mountpleasant road, Serpentine road. Valuation, £12,498 8s 4d. Constituency— Males, 328; females, 14-1; total, 4tU'. Representatives: Town Council - nailie Burness, and iMessrs John Cunningham and S Thompson. Parish Council: Kx-rrovost McMillan and Mr M Cuthbertson. No. 6 —AUany road, Ardencraig road, Battery place, Bishop terrace brae (east side)» Craigmore road, Crichton road, East Burgh Lands, Eatet Princes street (from No 21), Eastlands road, Landward, Mountstuart road. Valuation, £15,506 Os 5d.

Constituency — Males, 138; females, 18i> ; total, 327. Representatives :—Town Council - siessrs Fife, Lyle and Moodie. Parish Council—Kx-in-ovost Sharp and Mr James Smith.

Dean of Guild Court. — Dean of Guild Dalziel, (chairman), r.ailie Cunningham, Treasurer Burnie, and M«ssrs Mackinnon and Muir.

Town Council Committees Burgh Lands— Bailie Burness (convener) Mr Donald

Buchanan (sub- convener), Messrs IVl Buchanan, John Cunningham Fife, Harvey, Lyle, and Thompson.

Gas — Mr S. Thompson (convener) Mr W Moodie (sub-convener), provost Walker, Messrs Hfe, Fisher, Harvey, Mackinnon and Muir. Water — Bailie Miller (convener), Mr Muir (sub-convener), Treasurer Burnie, Messrs Brown, D Buchanan, John Cunningham, Harvey and Lyle.

Finance — Treasurer Burnie (convener), provost Walker (sub-convener). Bailie^ Burness, Miller and Cunningham, and Messrs D Buchanan, M Buchanan an

For First-Class Teas, Spirits and Provisions, Buy from Mrs J. Cpaig Stewart, Family Grocer, li¥ine and Spirit Mercliant, 11 HIGH STREET, ROTHESAY.

Telephone No. 6. Telegrams, Laundry, Rothesay. Bute Steam Laundryv Ladeside Street.

Goods Called for and Delivered by Van.

C. MtConnell & Co., li A » I E »' OUTFITTERS, 21 Montag-ue Street. The Newest and Most Fashionable Goods,

Comprising Ladies' and Childrens' Underclothing, Hosiery, Gloves, Wools, Furnishings, etc.

George Stuart, fr.hs Fruiterer, Florist and Seedsman, 100 Montague Street and Dean Hood Place.

Chapelhill Nuesery and Chapelfield Nursery (near the Chapelhill Museum).

Catalogues, with Prices of his Choice Garden Seeds and Plants Post Free on application. Iw^pection and Correspondence Invited. — — —


Repkeskntative Eldeu to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland Mr Harvey Sanitary, Representatives to Congress at Inverness in September—Messrs Lyle and D Buchanan i: Accounts—Harbour Trust and Town Council

Licensing Appeal Court _ provost Walker, Bailies Burness and Miller, ex- provost Sharp, ex-Bailie Hicks and Mr Thomas Russell.

Harbour Trust —The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council, along with the fol-

lowing shipowner' representatives : Messrs John C Buchanan, John Carswell, John Rodger and L H Gilchrist Officials—J S Hepburn. Depute, James Rose. Harbour-Master, Captain David M^Nair Master of Works, John Morrison Harbouk CoMMiTiEK — provost Walker (convener), ^ir Brown (sub-convener), Bailies Miller and Cunningnam, Messrs D Buchanan, Carswell, Fisher, Muir, Rodger and Gilchrist

Parish Council Committees Law — The Chairman (ex-provost Sharp), Messrs Geo Innes, F H Squair and D Thompson. Finance — The Chairman, Messrs J R Thomson, J Heaton, J Windsor Stuart and M Cuthbertson Cemetery—Messrs James Smith, Geo Shiells, Andrew Clark Donald McMillan and J R Thomson Visiting —The Chainnan, Messrs Heaton, Shields, Slaven, Smith, and D Thompson

School Board^Meets on the first Monday of every month.—AVilliam HwatCT (chair- man), provost Walker, Kev Dugald M^Cormack, or Hall, Dr Lawson, George Shiells, and Arch. Montgomerie. (The members are elected every three years). Officials—Clerk, Robert D Whyte. Treasurer, John Thomson. Officer, Edwisrd M^Nab

CHURCHES. in Parish, High street (Hours of worship, 12 noon ; also at 6.30 Summer. Minister, Rev James King Hewison, D d. Session-Clerk, Andrew Clark. Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Rev. Dr Hewison. Conductor of Psalmody, James M'Arthur. Harmoniumist, Miss M*"Arthur. Church Officer, Wm Cunningham New Parish, Argyle street (hours of worship, 11 a.m and 6.30 p.m)—Rev James Brady Meek. Session Clerk, Angus Spiers. Clerk and Treasurer, James C. Sin- clair. Seat-Letter, J A Urquhart. Organist, Arthur S Christie. Superintendent of Sabbath School, S Dickson. Church Officer, Robert Brown, Chapelkill road Craigmore Parish (St Brendan's), (hours of worship 11 a.m and 6.30 p.m)—Rev Thomas Nelson Allen, b d. Clerk, Thomas W Alexander. Treasurer, James Stewart. Organist, W Alex Clapperton. Church Officer, Alex P'erguson, 20 West Princes st

Established Gaelic, Russell street (hours of worship, Gaelic at 11 a m, and

English at 2 p m)— . Precentors (Gaelic), D Mackechnie, and (English), Treasurer, C. Currie. Church Officer, Wm Clerk United Free Parish, Castle street (hours of worship, 11 a m and 2 p m)—Rev Joseph Traill. Missionary, Rev R. Webster m a. Session-Clerk, John 43 .

BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. Ang^us Speips, Clotliierancl JCai^Utin^ Outlltter, Hosier and Olover, lO GALLOWGATE, ROTHESAY. John Cpuiekshanks, Plumber, CJasfitter& zinc Worker 9 39a High stpeet, Rothesay,

Wasli-Hand Basins, Plunge, Spray and Shower Baths fitted up for Hot or Cold Water, Drain, Soil or Waste Pipes Tested.

Agent for W. & A, Giltaey's Wines and Spirits. Joseph M ait land, (Successor to Hugh Morton), Family Grocer and 11 Ine Merchant,

62 Montag-ue st op;,tek1 iilflSd, Rothesay

Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered.

VOIiUJVTEGR ARliai», 5 Cuildfopd; Square and, 12 Montague Street. William H. Red fern, WIXTE and SflBIT LIEECHAITT.

Wines and Spirits. Bass's Beer in Pints and Half-Pints, also the Famous Oat Meal Stout—Recommended for Invalids. Yachts Supplied. ——

OFFfCIALS- Rothesay.

R Thomson. Clerk to Deacons' Courts John M'lvaV. Treasurer, A M Burnie.' Seat-Letters, James Cunningham and Donald Buchanan. Superintendents o Sabbath Scbools, John M'^Kay and Andrew Hohnes. Organist, Chas Nutton" Church Officer, Robert Young, Castle street

United Wkst Frek, Argyle street (hours of worship, 11am and 6 30 p m Rev John Urquhart. Session-Clerk, Hector Mackinnon. Clerk to Deacons' Court, George Shiells. Treasurer, John Alexander. Seat-Letter, R AMackinlay. Superintendent of Sabbath School, George Shiells. Organist, .John Wiiyte, alcm. Officer, Robert Paterson, 24 Argyle street

United Fiiee Gx\.elic, Chapelhill (hours of worship. Gaelic at 11 am, and English, at 2 p m)— Rev Dugald M'Cormick. Session-Clerk, Hugh Anderson. Clerk to Deacons' Court, Peter M'Lean. Superintendent of Sabljath School, E M'Nab. Precentors, Dugald Gillies, (Gaelic), and Edward M'Nab, (English). Church Officer, Duncan Currie, High street

Bridgend United F'ree, Bridgend street (hours of worship, 11 a ra and 6"30 pm —Rev William Galbraith. Session-Clerk, Alex M'Xab. Chairman of managers; Peter . Clerk, Andrew Gilchrist. Treasurer, Wm Lyle. Seat-letter, H P M'Culloch. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev Wm Galbraith. Harmonium- ist, George Dryden. Church Officer, Thos McLean, Ladeside street

Craigmore United Feee, Crichton road (hours of worship, 11 a.m and 6.30 p.m.) —Rev James Cameron M A, b d. Session-Clerk, William M'Intosh. Preses of Congregation, David Robertson. C],erk, Ales Rankin. Treasurer, A Ross Thomson. Organist, George Eastoii. Church Officer, James Pinkerton

Free, Argyle street, (hours of worship, 11am and 2 and 6 30 p m. Session-Clerk, Armiger Nicolson

High Streot Mission, in connection with the United Free Parish (hours of wor- ship, 2 p m and 6 30 p m)—Christian Endeavoiir meets in Mission Hall on Tues- days at 8 o'clock. President, A M Burnie. Secretary, A Ross Thomson Ladeside Mission, in connection with the United West Free (hours of worship, p m) — Convener, Hector Mackinnon. Sabbath School at 3 30 p m. Superintendent, Edward M'^Tavish. Savings Bank every Friday evening at 7, Tower Street Mission, in connection with Chapelhill United Free Gaelic Church (English services every Sabbath at 11 a.m and 6.30 p.m).

Baptist, Ardbeg road (hours of worship, 11 a.m and 2 p.m) —Rev Samuel Crabb. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Jas Thompson. Harmoniumists, Mrs Kennedy and Arch Crabb. Church Officer, John M'Lean, Mansefield pi

There are prayer meetings in the Presbyteriati Churches on Wednesday evenino-s.

St Paul's Episcopal. Victoria street, —Established 1838 ; Church built in 1854, and consecrated in 1862. — (Hours of worship, 8.30 and 11 a m and 6.30 p m) Rev Canon Matthews. Secretary and Treasurer, J. Windsor Stuart, Foley House. Thursdays, Holy Days, and according to notice, H C, 8 o'clock. Daily Summer

Evensong, 6 o'clock ; Winter, 4 o'clock.

St Andrew's Rom.vn Catholic, Columshill street (hours of worship, 9 and 11 a.m and 7 pm) —Rev Angus Macdonald. Assistant, Rev James O'Neill. Organist Miss Alice on" 9 M-^Carthy. Mass holy days at 8 and am ; on week days at 8 am Tijere is a Chapel at Mountstuart served from Rothesay. Mass generally on Sun- days and holy days at 10 am The Orphanage, Bellevue, Barone road, is supported by Lady Bute. 45 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS A. L A M O N T, TtlLOR and CliOTHIKIl, 15 GALLOWGATE, R OTHESAY.

Established 1839. Maleolm Buchanan, (Successor to JOHN BLACK), Family Orocer, Tea, ^¥ine and Spirit JMereliant, 51 Montag-ue street.

1> E1¥TI«TRY. John J. Coehran, DENTAL CONSULTING ROOMS— 2 Battery place.

Repairs a Speciality. Painless Extraction by the use of Cocaine, &c.

Hours—.9 a.m. till 7 p.m.

Country Patients supplied same day, if required.

'Phone No. 0197. C h a p 1 e~s~ M u i p. Family Bread, Biscuit and Pastry Baker, 17 Apgyle street and 17 High stpeet.

Maker'of Montgomerie's Patent Extract of Malt Bread as used in the Royal Household. Hot Pies Daily. Marriage and Birthday Cakes made to Order. Confections. Try Muir's Famed Oat Cakes and Self-Raising FIOUP. OFFICIALS—Eothvisay.

Salvation Army, West End Hall, Bridge street (services several times daily)

Christian Brethren, meet in the Gospel Hall, Victoria street, on the Lord's Day

at 11 a.m and 2 and 7 p.m ; and also in Hall, Bridge street, at 11 a m and 9 p.m. and on Thursdays at 8pm The Faith Mission Prayer Uniox, established 1889 for Christian fellowship and evangelistic effort, meets in the Faith Mission Hall, Store lane (Head-quarters for the West of Scotland) Training Home at Mount Clare, Ardbeg. President, J G Govan, lion director. Treasurer, Wm Stewart, 22 W Princes st

Advertising Asssociation — The following Association for Advertising the Town was appointed at a public meeting held in the Public Buildings on 23rd January, viz.: — Provost Walker (convener), Bailies Miller and Cunningham, Councillors Fife and Thompson, and Messrs Robert Brown, Duncan Dewar, Robert He'nderson, J M'Kay, A M M'Kinlay, Hugh M'Kirdy, James M'Millan, A R Peacock, Alex Rankin, and Charles Sweet Secretary, J Scrymgeour Hej)burn.

HOSPITALS.— Robertson Stewart, Townhead— Medical Officer, Dr Hall. Matron- Annie M^Kenzie

Victoria, High street. —Established and maintained for medical and surgical treatment of persons suffering from injuries or non-infectious diseases. — Chairman of Committee of Management, Sheriff Martin. Hon Secretary, A D Macbeth. Hon Treasurer, R D Macmillan. Matron, Mary M'^Callum, During 1904 there

were 50 non-paying patients; 39 paid 7/6 each per week ; seven, betAveen 7/6 and 21s; and 13, 30s a week for private wards.

PHYSICIANS— George Berwick, m d. Ardbeg. Dr D Fyfe, Dentist, Argyle street. Andrew J Hall, m a, m n, Battery place. William Hansen, m b, o m, l d s. Dental Surgeon, oj Victoria street. James B Lawson, M i>, Battery place, John N Marshall, m t>, Batteiy place. D J Penney, ?i b, c m, Battery place. Daniel Reid, L R c s E and L M, Ardbeg rd Medical Electrician and Massruk, James Coates, ph d, fas, Glenbeg, Ardbeg

Veterinary Surgeon, Wm Moodie, m r c v s, Watergate

Nursing Association—Hon President, Marchioness of Bute. Hon Secretaries} Mrs Dr Marshall and mvs J Hunter Finlay. Treasurer, arrs Dr Marshall. Nurse,

Miss Eliza Harvey. 300 cases were- attended during the past year : the nurse paid 6010 visits, and assisted at 34 operations. 228 patients recovered and 31 died.

WEITEIIS. — T W Alexander n p, Castle street. Donald Gi-ant, Castlehill street. J Scrymgeour Hepbur , b l. Castle street. Adam D Maebetb, n p, Mount- pleasant Thomas iM'Lagan, Mountpleasant. John Mackirdy, Albert place. Robert D Macmillan, Watergate. James Rose, ll b, w s, Castle street. Wm Alex Stewart, b l, Watergate. Robt D Whyte High street. -Tohn T. Wilson & Alexander, N p. Castle street BANKS—Royal, Victoria street: .Jolm Thomson, agent

Bank of Scotl\nd, Guildford square : J L Masterton, agent Clydesdale, Guildford square: George Smith, agent

Bi'te SAviNCiS, High street : Wm Brown, actuary BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS.

J. M'C. CALLAN, Family Grocer, Tea, H^ine and Spirit Merchant, 19 East Ppinees Street.

Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered by Van. JOHN SMITH, (Successor to Donald M'AIillan), Joiner, Catiinetiiialcer, and Funeral Undertalier, 13 Bishop Street, Rothesay.

Established 50 Yeaes. DUGALD WEIK, BOOT and S H O §<: ifl A K F B, 71 Montag-ue Street.

Extra Large Stock of Keadj-Mades. Head-Quarters of All Kinds of Coast Shoes.

A. ROBERTSON, Upholsterer, Blind and Bedding* Manufacturer, LARGE FURNITURE SHOW ROOMS- 21 Bridg^e-End Street. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISH ER-Floorcloth, Carpet, Bedding, &c. btorel. Picture Framing. Pianos on Hire. Removals Conducted. Furniture Carpets Beaten toy Steam Power on the Pi^emises. OFFICIALS—Parish aad Burgh of Rothesay.

EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. ^Rothesay Academy and Thomson Institute. — Rector and Classical Master, John D Rose, m a. Science and Mathematical Master, Wm Hyslop, M A, v, so. Assistant, R C Bridgett, m a, u sc. Assistant, Classical, J Forrest, ma. English, George Pirie, and A L Fletcher. Com- mercial, J Harkness. Drawing, Geo T Scott, A k c a. Modern Languages, Miss Breraner, lla. Pianoforte, Arthur S Christie. Singing, J MArthur, a c. Infant Department, Misses Douglas, Stewart, and Telfer. Janitor, sergeant John Smith

PuRLic School—Headmaster, John INFKay, f E i s. Masters, Harry G Ross, m A Thomas W Doggart, John McDonald, and Alex Myles. Drawing, George T Scott, Pianoforte, George Dryden. Singing, James M^Arthur. Mistresses, Janet Taylor. Ella Simpson, Mrs McMillan, Misses Helen Stewart, Sarah Baxter, Mary J. Donald, Agnes Watson, and Kate M Whyte. Sewing, Miss Paterson. Cookery, Sarah Graham. Drill-Instructor, Janitor, Ed M'Nab

St Andrew's R C School— Mistresses, sisters Collette and Mary, and Misses Fitzgerald and Harvey. Singing, James M Arthur

PUBLICATIONS — The Buteman (Liberal), Id weekly, Published every Friday evening by W A Wilson, Castle street Rothesay Chronicle (Conservative), Id weekly, published every I'riday evening by Harvey & Co, Watergate Rothesay Express, ^d weekly, published every Tuesday evening by M Mackenzie, Montague street Bute County Directory, Is, published annually in July by Higgle & Co, Bridge street The Coast Guide, Memorandum Book and Register, Id annually, published by Higgie & Co, Bridge street Bonnie Scotland's Resorts, 2d, 6d, and Is annually, published by Higgie & Co Bridge street Guide to Rothesay and the Island of Bute, Id annually, published at the begin- ning of the season by W A Wilson, Castle street Rothesay, the Official Guide, published by the Advertising Committee. Price 6d.

Free to persons outside the Island. Chairman, Provost Walker ; Secretary, J. Scrymgeour Hepburn, Town Clerk. Rothesay Academy Magazine, half-yearly, printed by Harvey & Co, Watergate. The Bute Register, published during the Season, by John MCubbin, East Princes street

H'orman Stewart Institute, Montague street, erected by former townsmen (who re- membered their native place while prospering abroad) at a cost of about £10,000, for the benetit of working men and women. Provost Walker, (chairman); Revs or Hewison, W Galbraith, D M'Cormick and J Cameron; ex-provosts Sharp and ex-Bailie and Thomson ; Bailies Burness, Miller and Cunningham Brown. Secretary and Treasurer, A D Macbeth. Janitor, Thomas Campbell

JRothesay National Rose and Horticultural Society. — President, Provost Walker, Secretary, Robert D Whyte. Treasurer, Robert Smith, Dobbie & Co. Joint Stock Companies—Tramway Co (Limited) — Secretary, W, F Herring Solicitor, John ^lackirdy. Manager, Archibald Robertson D 49 BUTE COUNTY DIECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. Colin B. Turnep, House Agent, Insurance Agent, and Piermastep, CRAIGMOREPIER. James MiCrone, General Draper, Clothier, &e., 59 & 61 Montag"ue street.

Stock always Lar^e, New, Fresh and Fashionable.

David Law^son, Family Bread, Biscuit, & Pastry Baker 87 Montag'ue street.

Orders Delivered by Van to Port-Bannatyue and Mountst g rt. Alex. Campbell, Aeeountant, House Factor, Insurance Agent, Auctioneer and Valuator, 29 Watergate.

Auction Sales Conducted in Town and Country. Furniture stored. Valuations Effected and Insurance Claims Adjusted on Every Description of Property —Heritable and Moveable—on Reasonable Terms. • Furniture Bought and Sold. — — —


Glknburn Hydimipathic Co Ltd— Manager, Robert Henderson. Visiting Physician, ur Marshall. Secretary, J. Campbell Dewar, 18 Alva street, Edinburgh Craigmork PiEii Co—Chairman, John R Thomson. Secretary, Wm M'Intosh. Piermaster, Colin B Turner Caruiagk Hiking and 'Bus Co—M'Kirdy & M'Millan, Ltd— Chairman, Mr Lea. Secretary, William Mcintosh. Solicitor, John Mackirdy Georgia HiH.iDAY, Limited—Chairman and Managing Director, George Halliday sen. Secretary, George Halliday, jun. Solicitors, Russell & Duncan D M Taylor, Limited — Managing director, Matthew Swan. Secretary,. R D Whyte

Benefit Friendly & Societies Free and Accepted Masons.—Prov. G. Lodge of Argyll and the Isles— P G M, Sir Charjes Dalrymple, Bart, of New Hailes, M p. P G D M, Henry Fenton Gerard Newall, St Andrews. P G M S, Lord Robertson of Forteviot. P G S W, Rev.Canon Matthews, Rothesay P G J W, Allan M'Dou- gall, Iblay. P G Chaplain, Kev Dr King Hewison, Rothesay. P G Secretary, Andrew Clark, Rothesay. Treasurer, James Heaton, Rothesay

Lodge " Rothesay St John," No. 292—Meets in Lodge, Bridge street, on 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month from September till April. — R W M, Robert D. Whyte. Secretary, Hugh S Kerr, Bishop street. Treasurer, James Stewart, jun, Tyler, John M'Callum

" " St Blane's Royal Arch Chapter, No. 163—Meets in Lodge, Bridge street, on second Monday of each month from September till April.— 1st Principal, Z, VV Duulop Brown. 2nd Principal, H, George Higgle. 3rd Principal, J, Angus Ro- bertson. Scribe E, Daniel Lamont. Scribe N, John Mackirdy. Janitor, John Keith Ancient Oi:dek of Foresters — Rothesay, Bute, and Argyll District- -Meets half-yearly for business (last Friday in April and last Friday in October) in For- esters' Hall, Castle street, Rothesay. D C R, Thomas Napier, Rothesay. Secre- tary, John Morrison, Rothesay. D T, James Stewart, Rothesay Court "Bute" No 5630—Meets in the Foresters' Hall every alternate Wednesday, C R, Walter Black. Treasurer, J. B. Stewart. Secretary, Archd Cunningham. Medical Officer, Dr D J Penney Sanctuary " Bute," No 5630, Ancient Order of Shepherds — Meets in the Foresters' Hall every second Monday at 8 p m. Pastor, William Bainbridge. Treasurer, Duncan Blair. Secretary, John Morrison Loyal OKDiiK of Ancient Shepherds (Ashton Unity) "Lord Bute" Lodge, No 2091—Meets every alternate Wedrtesday in the Lesser Good T-emplar Hall W M, Bernard Harvey. Secretary, Joseph Quigley. Treasurer, Geo Ohphant Sons OF Temperance—"Rothesay's Effort" Division, No 467 — Patriarch, John Hunter. Secretary, Greo G Hill. Treasurer, Donald Buchanan. Collector, Wm Lugton, Ministers brae Independent ORDE^t of Good Templars— District Lodge of Bute and Cowal, No 13—D D, Thomas M'^Dougall, Rothesay. D C T, J Jamieson, Kames. D S' W S Fraser, Dunoon D S J L, J Lauder, Sandbank " George Stephenson" Lodge, No 122—Meets in Good Templar Hall, Tower street, on Tuesdays at 8 p m—Chief Templar, John Hunter. LD, T ^Falconer R Secretary, Wm Jennings. Treasurer, A M'"Nab, sen - -


J. Russell Thomson,

Architect, C.E., and Survey 07^, 5 Hig-h Street, Rothesay

Neil M'Callum,

Tea and (Joffee Merchant and General Grocer, 96 Montag-ue street

J. M'Callum & Son, Joiners and Funeral Undertakers, 50 High street

Thomson & M'Faplane, Coal and Grain Merchants,

Orders Punctually Attended to. 68 High street

Established 1880. James M'Intyre, Shipping and Family Butcher,

Only Home Fed and Beef Mutton Kept. 81 Montague street

William H. Thomson, Optician and Cutler, 85 Montague street Spectacles and Eyeglasses Repaired. Cutlery of All Kinds Sharpened. Picture Framing, Umbrellas re-Covered and Repaired.

Sillaps, 57 Victoria street^ R otkes ay, Has a Large and Well-Selected Stock of Infants' and Children's Millinery, Coats and Pelisses* Ladies' Blouses and Lace Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, and Fancy Goods and Needlework. Every Requisite in Grare Outfits. House Address— 1 Brandane Terrace. N. Maenicol, Family Baker, Pastry Cook and Purveyor, Speciality in Cakes, Shortbread, Ru»ks,'etc. 81 High street Hot Pies Every Saturday. Soirees and Excursions Supplied. Biscuits and Pastry in Great Variet}'. Cakes of Every Description Made to Order. Marriage Parties Purvey ed for in First-Class Stjle. Charges Moderate. — — —

OFFICIALS— Rothesay.

*' Rothesa-y's Frkeoom" Loi>GE, No 228 — Meets iu the Good Templar Hall, Tower street, on Thursdays at 8 pm—Chief Templar, John Hunter. R Secre- tary, H Hunt " Hope of Bute" Juvenile Lodge, No 252—Meets in the Good Templar Hall, ToAver street, on Saturdays at 6 p m—Superintendent, Edward M'^Nab "Freedom's Hope" Juvenile Lodge, No 135—Meets in the Good Templar Hall, Tower street, on Thursday at 7 p m—Superintendents, John Hunter and Stevgi Dickson

High Street Total Abstinence Society — Meets in Mission Hall, High st, on Fridays at 8 p m. President, A M Burnie. Secretary, M B Russell. Treas, Robert Young —.«». Independent Ordek of Reohabijes — " Hope of Bute" Tent, No 2325 Chief Ruler, Jas Bone. Secretary, T Falconer. Treasurer, W Dryburn Dorcas Society — President, Mrs J Windsor Stuart. Secretary, Miss M'Isaac. Treasurer, Mrs Dr Marshall Samaritan Hospital for the Diseases of Women, Glasgow.—President of the Rotliesay Branch, Mrs Lawson, Albany Terrace

Mutual Improvement Literary Association — Meets in the Norman Stewart Institute on Tuesday evenings from October till March. President, Archibald Montgomerie. Secretary, James Lyon. Treasurer, James Smith Young Men's Christian Association and Fellowship Union—Meets in Foresters- Hall, Castle street, every Sabbath morning at 9 45. President, A M Burnie. Secretary, T M^Dougall. Treasurer, A Ross Thomson Young Women's Christian Association—-Meets in the Home Bridge street, on Sabbath mornings and Thursday evenings during Winter— Hon President, Miss Dickson. Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Brown, Culevin House. Matron, Mrs. Waugh. Rural Branch Secretary, Miss Bell, Westland road. Junior Branch meets on Tuesday evenings in Winter Boys' and Girls' Religious Society—Meets in the Public School, High street, every Sabbath at 11a m. Supported by voluntary contributions—President, Wm Stewart. Secretary, Helen Stewart. Treasurer, George Jardine Kothesay Operatic Society— President, ex-Bailie M'Bride. Secretary and Treas- urer, John Baxter. Conductor, J. Whyte Dramatic Clubs.— Catholic—President, Rev Jas O'Neill. Secretary, Joseph Quigley. Treasurer, Patrick M^Ivor

Rothesay— Manager, C. M'^Dermott. Secretary, Wm IJ Sprowl. Treasurer, J Campbell

TEADE Societies Building Trades Federation— Convener, James M^Bride, Secretary, Wm Mcintosh Associated Carpenters' and Joiner's Society — President, John Brown Columshill place. Secretary, Dugald Gillies. Treasurer, John Brown. Merchants' Association — President, Robt C Miller. Secretary and Treasurer, Eben R Macmillan Scottish Typographical Association—Rothesay Branch —President, William Sprowl. Secretary and Treasurer, Arch Cameron Shop Assistants' Association— President, A. M'"D Finlay. Secretary and Treasurer, Colin Currie 53 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS.

J. Miller & Son, Slaters, 5 Columshill street

James Bpodie,

Wine and S/.trit Mei^chant^ *

8 Castle Street, Rothesay

The Savings Bank of Bute, 16 High street, Bothesay.

Open Daily from 11 till 1, and on Saturday Evenings, 7 till 9. Norman StewartRestaurant,Institute ; Montague Street Breakfasts,' Dinners, Teas—8d, lOdand Is Upwards. MPS Thomson, Fishmonger and Poidterer, 111 Montague street Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered, {.National Telephone No. 1Y3.

Alexander R. Peaock, liegistered Plumber, Gasjitter and Zinc Worker^ 23 High street, and 53 Ardbeg road House Address—Glenfaulds, 10 Mountstuart Road. Hot and Cold Water Appliances, Bell Hanging. Pumps, Rhones, Ridges, &c. Cunningham's. Buy your Teas^ Groceries and Provisions at 81 Montague street Where you will get a Choice Variety of Fresh Goods at Glasgow Prices. A Daily Supply of Very Fine Fresh and Powdered Butter and Country Eggs. A Trial Order Solicited. Goods Delivered by Van Daily. James Thompson,Bootmaker, 94 Montague street Measurement Orders and Repairs promptly attended to. All Sizes •£ Ready Made Boots and Shoes of Best Quality kept in Stock at Lowest Prices. Repairs done same day as left, if required. —

OFFICIALS, &c.—Rothesay.

* Operative Masons' Society—President, Thomas Allan. Secretary, Jn Bracelin Treasurer,

SPORTS and Pastimes Rothesat^ Golf Club—Course, Westland—President, - Lord Dunedin of Stenton. Team Captain, George T, Scott. Secretary and Treasurer, J Hay. Green-keeper, John Currie, farmer Curling Club—President, J Windsor Stuart. Treasurer, W Dunlop Brown. Sec- retary, J R Thomson Bowling Clubs, —Rothesay — Green, Ballochgoy. Chairman of Directors, Bailie Miller. President, John Lawrie. Secretary and Treasurer, Urquhart F. Inncs. Green-keeper, Alex. Jameson Ardbeg and Port-Bannatyne— Green, Wyndham park—Chairman of Directors.

Peter White ; Secretary and Treasurer, Archd Brown, Ebenezer place, Port-

Bannatyne. President, W Alex Stewart ; Club Secretary, Archd Brown, jun, Green-keeper, Alex M^Quarrie

Craigmore Tennis Club.— President, John Innes. Secretary and Treasurer, Wm Linn Green-Keeper, R Chrystie Football Clubs— " St Blane's" (established 1872) — President, Chas M'Auley. Secretary, Wm O'Rielly " Bute Rangers " (established 1875)~Secretary, W Edgar President, Lister. Secretary, Gillies "Royal Victoria" (1891) — John John ; Treasurer James M'Kenzie " Bute Athletic " —President, Angus Thompson. Secretary, J. Walker QuoiTiNG Club-Pitch, Meadows.—President, Jas Pinkerton.. Secretary, Wm Ferrier, Treasurer, James M'Kenzie. Ladies' Hockr;y Club.—President, miss Gray Buchanan. Secretary and Treas- urer, Miss Halliday Ardbeg Tennis Club.—President, W A Stewart. Secretary, Arch D Weir. Treas- surer. Miss M^Iver Morison Aquatic Club—President, Councillor Brown. Secretary and Treasurer, G G Hill. Draughts, Whist and Chess Clubs in connection with the several reading rooms. Society for Pef^-^ntion of Cruelty to Animals — Headquarters, 3a Victoria street—Superintendent, James Watson, 28 Bath street, Glasgow

Fairs—Thursday before 27th May (hiring), third Wednesday and Thursday in July, Brux Day (horse), Thursday before 23rd November (hiring), and Tuesday before Kilbarchan December Fair (horse). [The first Wednesday in May and last Wed- nesday in October used to be the dates of fairs, and are still published in some ref- erence books, but they are obsolete]

Annual Holidays—New Year's Day, Victoria Day, Fair, and Wednesday, 20th Sept. During Winter, the first of each month is a merchants' holiday.

Fast Days—Thursday before first Sabbath in May, and third Sabbath in October Communications— Steamers to Ardrishaig, Wemyss Bay, Gourock, Greenock, Craigendoran, Glasgow, and inteiTnediate ports, and the Kyles several times a day. In Sum.mer, steamers ply regularly to Arran, Inveraray, and Campbeltown, and irregularly to all the surrounding ports. Electric cars run to Port-Banna- tyne and Etti-ick Bay, and Brakes to Mountstuart and Kilchattan Bay several times a day. 55 ,


Geopg'e M. M'Lintoek, A E G H ITE C Z 21 Castle stpeet

Samuel Thompson, H a ttei' an d ut fitter , Montag'ue street


Drapers, Clothiers and Outfitters^ 39 Victoria street

Daniel Cunning-ham,

Plumber, Gasfitter and Zinc Worker^

3 Bridge st., Rothesay, and Castle st., Port-Bannatyne Telephone No. 0196. Sanitaiy and Hot Water Engineer.

J. IVl'KIRDY, (Successor to Sommerville), 7 7 Vic tor ia street

Umbrellas Combs, Brushes, Toys, Fancy Goods, and other Useful Articles. Umbrellas Made, Covered and Repaired. John Robertson, Bread Biscuit and Pastry Baher and Confectioner^ 10 East Princes street Marriage, Christening, and Birthday Cakes tastefully ornamented. Dishes Covered on the Shortest of Notice. Eusks, Sliortbread, Biscnits, and Fancy Bread of every description.

David Bell, Grocer, Tea and Wine and Spirit Merchant, ill Montag'ue street Special Value in Teas. Finest Blended Malt Whisky, 5 Years Old, 3s per Bottle. John Duncan, Joiner, Cahinetmaker and Funeral Undertaker

2,2. Bridge Street, Rothesay. House—23 Argyle Terrace Jobbings promptly attended to. Charges Moderate. Parishand Burgh POSTAL INFORMATION. Eothesay.

Postal Ajrprangements. —Post Office, Bishop street. Postmaster, G A Duncan- Deliveries about 8 40 a m, 1 30 and 6 30 p m. On Saturdays tliere is no mid-day

delivery : letters can be obtained by calling at Head Office. During June, July, August and September, letters delivered to callers on Sunday mornings from 9 till 10 am. Despatches at 6 30, 7 47, 9 55 (west), and 10 20 a m, 2 20, 3 10, and 4 20 p m, and in Summer 6 5 and 7 20 pm. Saturdays only, 8 30 p m Money Orders issued and paid from 8 a m till 8pm Savings Bank—Deposits received from 8 a m till 8pm Postal Orders issued and paid from 7 am till 8pm: in Summer till 9 pm Telephone Call Office open from 7 am till till 8pm: from June to September till 9.

On Sundays from 9 till 10 am ' Telegraph Office open on week days from 7am till 8pm (open in June, July, Au- gust, and September, till 9 p m) Sundays from 9 till 10 a m. Messages can be sent at later hours by paying 2 s extra Ardbeg road, Barone road and High sti-eet (T S )—Despatches to suit Rothesay, Postal, Money Order, and Savings Bank business from Sam till 8 p m Craigmore Pier (T S ) —Despatches to suit Rothesay arrangements. Telegraph, Sam till 8pm Postal, Money Order, and Savings Bank business. No Sunday attendance Sub-Post Office at Gallowgate, for the sale of stamps and postal orders

Additional Letter Boxes at Argyle place, Ballochgoy, Craigelea, Ferguson place, Guildford square, High street, Mountpleasant, Mountstuart road, Orcadia, the Pier, Serpentine road, and Rosemount, Barone road

POSTAL. INFORMATION. LETTERS. PATTERNS AND SAMPLES. Postage, not exceeding 4 oz., ....Id. Postage for 4 oz., Id. and for evei-y additional 2 oz., Jd. Dimensions, 24 in. by 12 in. by 12 in. (Same is Letter postage.) Registration Fee, 2d for .65 value, 3d for £10, Registered Enrelopes, from 3Jd. each. EXPRESS DELIVERY BY MESSENGER. Local. NEWSPAPERS. For Letter or Packet, not exceeding 5 lbs. Registered, id each; if not registered, every 3d. per mile. 2oz., Halfpenny. Special conveyance, 1/ per mile. Maximum weight, 5 lbs. Dimensions, 24 in. by 12 in. by 12 in. RAILWAY LETTER POST BOOK POST. For Letters under 1 oz., 3d. Under this arrangement Letters may be Postage, 2 oz., Jd. tendered at Railway Parcel or Passenger Above that, same as letters. Booking Offices. POST CARDS. MONEY ORDERS

Stout, 10 for 6d. ; Reply, 10 for 1/ Sums not over £1, ^3, ^610, £20, £30, £40, Thin, ,, 5id.; „ „ lid. the charge is 2d. 3d. 4d. 6d. 8t. lOd. Letter Cards, 8 for 9d. Telegraph Money Okders. £3, 4d.; £10, 6d., and ordinary charge for TELEGRAMS. Telegram. For 12 words, 6d. POSTAL ORDERS. and for every additional word, Jd. Addresses charged for. For 6d, Is and 1/6, \d. ,, 2s rising by sixpences to 10/6, Id- „ lis „ „ 21s, lid. PARCEL POST. For broken amounts, stamps not over 5d. Pottage, not exceeding 1 lb., 3d. may be affixed to P.O. Every additional lb., Id, up to 10 lb. 11 lb Is. Maximum weight, 11 lbs. BILL STAMPS. Id. over £50, 6d. Dimensions—Length, 3 ft. 6 in. greatest Not over £5, Not ; 2d. 9d length and girth combined, 6 ft. „ £10, „ £75, Registration—4d for £10, and Id for every „ £25, 3d. „ £100,...... l/ additional ;ei0 up to ^£120.


A R D B E G, JOHN MACFIE, Joinep and Buildep, 6 4 Apdbeg Road.

Cartwright Work and Glazing promptly executed. FUNERAL, UNDERTAKING.

Venetian Blinds Ee-Taped and Corded.

. House—Balmoral m , o 7- •, ^ Port-Banna tyne. „ Trial Solicited. Estimates Given.

Family Grocer—Peter Finlay, Wyndham Boad, Ardbeg. — Orders punctually attended to.

Tobacconist, Stationer, & Fancy Goods Emporium—Miss Stewart, Wyndham Eoad. Parish of North Bute.

This is the northern portion of the island of Bute. Port-Bannatyne, its principal village, is two and a-half miles from Rothesay, with which it is connected by tram- way. Karnes Castle, in the vicinity, is said to be the oldest inhabited castle in the country, and was the ancient seat of tbe Bannatynes. The village was named after that family—two brothers of whom (John and Gilbert)—received a charter from King Robert the Bruce, for services rendered at Bannockburn. At the last census, there were 367 inhabited houses (1627 windowed rooms) and 192 uninhabited in the parish, and 373 separate families—793 males and 940 females—giving a total of 1733. The Port-Bannatyne ward (from Poiuthouse to the other end of the village and back to Gortans and Bannatyne Mains) contained 473 males and 627 females — 1100 in all; the North Bute ward, 125 males and 140 females; and the Cum- mermenoch ward, 195 males and 173 females. The total ten years ago was 1583, which shows an increase of 150 on the decennial period

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists).

Registrar, Archibald Brown. During 1904 there were 22 births, 9 marriages, and 28 deaths, compared with 40, 6, and 21 in 1903.

— : CHURCHES. North Bute Parish (hours of worship Crockanrae, 130pm ; St Ninian's 11am and 6 30 p m) — Minister, Rev Peter Dewar, m a. Session Clerk, P White. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev P Dewar. Precentor, George Welsh. Harmoniumist, Miss A Welch. Church Officer, Alex Morrison, Lome pi

North Bute United Free Church, Port-Bannatyne (hours of worship, 11 am and 6 30 pm —Minister, Rev John Dunlop. Session Clerk, Archd Brown. Clerk of Deacons' Court, Da^dd Baird. Superintendent of Sabbath School, J Howitt. Precentor, David Baird. Harmoniumist, Miss Reisberg. Church Officer, John Sutherland, lona place

PARISH Council — Chas Thomson (chairman), Wm P Dickie, John M Lament, Archd Malcolm, James P Malcom, John M'Kay and Jas Wilson. Inspector and Collector, Archd Brown

SCHOOL Board—J W Stuart, Rothesay (chairman); Rev Peter Dewar, m A; M R G Buchanan, John Macfie, and John M Lamont. Clerk and Treasurer, J R Thomson, Rothesay. Officer, James Wilson, Port-Bannatyne

Schools.—Port-Bannatyne Public, Peter White, master; Misses Craighead and Hutchison, assistants Ballanlay, James Duncan, master Kildavannan, Mrs Weir, mistress

59 i BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS —PORT-BANNATYNE. Arehibald Maleom, ibli' Yaeht and Boatbuilder, JOINER, Painter and Chandlei*, PORT -BANNATYNE.

Oars, Spars and Blocks. Best Steel and Flexible Wire Ropes Best Paraffin Coke, Yacht Chandlery. Paints, Oils and Varnishes of Finest Qualit}' always on hand. Best English Ropes and Twines. Yachts hauled up for Wintering, Painting and Repairs. FRESH WATER SUPPLIED.

First-Class Storage for Spars, Sails, Boats and Gear. Charges Strictly Moderate.

Ironmongers and EarthenT^are Merchants. Cheap Bargains. Ketiring at May.

Mrs Maleolm Maephail, Successor to Duncan Currie, Glass and China Merchant, Ship Chandler, Ironmonger, Tobacconist and Fancy Goods Merchani, Sandping'hain Terraee, Shore Street, A Varied Assortment of Household ai;d Yacht Requisites. Oils, Paints, Varnish, Brushes, &c., Always in Stock. Officials— Parish of North Bute.

?ublic Companies, Societies, etc — Kamesburgh Gas Light Company—Chairman, James Duncan. Secretary, John M Lament. Collector, W H liedfern

Kyles of Bute Hydropathic Establishment— Chairman, ex-Bailie Dickson, Glasgow. Secretary, D Hill Jack, Glasgow. Manager, Archibald Menzies. Medical Adviser, Dr Hall, Eothesay

Port-Bannatyue Pier Coy, Ltd.; Office, Rothesay Pier. Chairman, Captain John Williamson. Secretary, Ai'ch Meikle Piermaster, James Muir,

A.O.F.—Court " North Bute" 6216— Meets in the old Free Church Schoolroom every alternate Tuesday at 8 p m—C^hief Ranger, Arch Browxi Secretary, William Dallas. Treasurer, James Wilson

I.O.G.T.—Lodge " North Bute" No 649—Meets in the old Free Church Schoolroom, on Mondays at 8 p m North Bute Mutual Improvement Society—President, Peter White. Secretary] Colin Lament. Treasurer, Thomas Thomson North Bute Ltteraky Society—President, W Alex Stewart Secretary, James L Macfie. Treasurer, David Baird

North Bute Liberal Club, West End House—President, Arch Hogarth, Secretary, Jas Moir. Treasurer, Jas L Macfie

Fast Days—Thursdays before first Sabbath in May, and third in October

Postal Arrangements—Sub-Postmistress, Miss M McCunn, Port-Bannatyne —Despatches to all parts, via Rothesay, at 9 50 a m, 12 25, 1 25, 3 25, (5 25 extra in Summer), and 7 55 p m. Deliveries from all parts via Rothesay, about

10 a m, 2 30 and 7 30 pm. Telegrams received and despatched from 8 a i-p till 8 pm. Postal, Money Order and Savings Bank. No attendance on Sundays


Parish of King^apth.

This parish is rich in ecclesiastical history. The Irish Bishop, St Cattan, landed here in the year 439, He was uncle of the famous St Blane. The parish includes the popular village of Kilchattan Bay, which is about seven miles from Rothesay, and in has regular connection by steamer and 'bus. The population in 1891 was 1062 ; 1901, 1056

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists).

Registrar, W T Esplin. During 1904 there were 22 births, 6 marriages and 15 deaths

Churches parish (Hour of worship, 12 o'clock noon)— Minister, Rev John Saunders u A, b d Session-Clerk and Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Rev John Saunders. Precentor, James Logan, Church Officer, W Stewart

United Fkee, Ascog (Hours of Worship, 1115 am and 6 30 pra—Minister, and Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Rev Wm Winter. Organist, R Rankine, Church Officer, James Stewart, Kerrycroy

United Free, Kilchattan Bay (Hours of Worship, 12 noon and 6 30 pm.) Min- ister and Session-Clerk, Rev J W Anderson. Precentor, T Johnston. Church Officer, Adam Deans

?ARISH COUN"CIL —Mountstuart District— J Windsor Stuart, Hugh Duncan, and

Alex Macfarlane, Kilchattan Bay District- -Wm Morrison, Ashgrove (chair-

man), John M'Fie, Lubas ; Arch. M, M'^Kay, Bruchag; and Robert Kelso, piermaster. Inspector and Collector, W T Esplin

SCHOOL BOAED. — Rev John Saunders (chairman); John Windsor Stuart, Rothesay;

; Alex Macfarlane, Meikle Kilchattan ; and Rev W Winter. Clerk and Treasure)-. James M'^Kinnou, Rothesay. Officer, Jas Logan, Kilchattan Bay

SCHOOLS -i^Kingarth Public— W T Esplin, master Miss Christie, mistress Birgidale Public— Miss Mary Stewart, mistress Kerrycroy Public—Wm Fulton, master „ Roman Catholic Linsley, master

Kilchattan Bay Pier Company (Limited)—Chairman, John Gumming. -Secretary and Treasurer, W T Esplin. Piermaster, R Kelso

Debating and Literary Society.—Meets in the Public School at 7.80 p.m

meets on Fridays at 8 p.m. in the U. F. Church Hall. : Total Abstinence Society

|Kilchattan Bay BoTs' Brigade (I Coy)—Captain, Rev J W Anderson. Meets in Free Church Hall, on Fridays, at 6 30 63 A^ ii^ ^-"^

is- / / .-^

.-^ # ^ ^' S'

^ A S^ o -^

>6^' A^

-^ ^" ^ to ^

-5^ ^ Officials—Parish of Kingarth.

CoATES Free Library, Public School, Kingarth—Secretary, T. Gilmour, jun.

Public Library, Kerrycroy—William Fulton

I 0- T, Mountstuart—Meets on Fridays, at 8 —J G'Geddes, Superintendent of Juve- niles

Convalescent Home—"St Margaret's Home," Ascog- -Supported by Lady Bute. Matron, Mrs Carter

"Agnes Patrick" and "Stevenson" Home, Ascog, in connection with Glasgow Poor Children's Fresh-Air Fortnight Scheme—Matron, Miss Hart, Convener and Secretary, Alex M'^Keith, 16 Howard street, Glasgow

Kingarth B iWling Club—President, Duncan Ferguson. Secretary and Treasurer, Charles M^Farlane

Fast Days— Thursdays before first Sabbath in May and third in October

Fair, Kilchattan Bay—Thursday before Largs Fair

Postal Arrangements—Kingarth, Sub-Postmaster, R M^Fie, joiner. Kilchattan Bay, Sub- Postmistress, Janet Currie. Box closes at 6 30 a m and 2 15 p m Despatches to all parts via Rothesay, about 6 30 a m and 2 25 p m. During May, June, Julv, August and September an extra mail leaves at 1. Deliveries from all parts via Rothesay, about 11 30 am, and 8 15 pm. Telegrams from 8 am till 8 p m. Sunday, 9am till 10 a m. Postal and Money Order and Savings Bank Business Ascog—Deliveries and despatches to suit Rothesay arrangements. Telegrams from 8 a m till 8 pm. Sunday attendance 9 till 10 a m. Postal and Money Order and Savings Bank business

Kerrycroy sub-Post Office — Postal and sale of Postal Orders from 8 till 8. No Sunday attendance

kilchattan bay. J. CURRIE, Gpoeep, Bread, Biscuit and Pastry Baker POST OFFICE.


Non-Poisonous Fluid Dip, (The Original.) Little's Poisonous Po'wdep Dip. .|.^» Non-Poisonous Paste Dip. XJipS* Poisonous Liquid Dip. ^~ Non-Poisonous Cake Dip. Poisonous Fly Dip.

Wool Increased 1 to 1^ lbs. per Fleeee, - - - and Greatly Improved in Value,

Hold the l^eeord for Inereaiiingr Orowtli and ImproTlng* duality of l¥ool,

and are approved of hy the Board of Agriculture as Efficient Cures for Scab. Dipping- with LITTLE'S pays. LITTLE'S DIPS are of the Highest Quality at a Reasonable Price Inferior Dips Damag-e the Wool.

Beware of Imitations, .. . which are pushed for extra profit.

Note.—LITTLE'S DIPS can only be obtained in the Original Packages, as sent out from the Factory.

Sold only by Chemists and Agricultural Merciiants, or direct from the Manufacturers: Morris, Little & Son, Ltd.^ DONCASTER, The Isle of Arpan,

This island, the largest in the group, is famous for the grandeur of its scenery and the variety of its geological deposits. The island is twenty miles in length, twelve in breadth, and is divided into two parishes—Kilbride on the east, and Kilmory on the west. The King and Queen spent a vei-y pleasant holiday in the island after their Coronation in August, 1902, and witnessed interesting sheep dog trials

(For Courts and Court Oficials, Justices of the Peoxe, and County Boards, see County Lists)

Population in 1881, 4762 ; in 1891, 4927 ; in 1901, 4779

Parliamentary constituency: Kilmory, 367 ; Kilbride, 388—755. 729 in 1903.

For "Valuation and Assessments see pages 17, 19 and 21

Lady of the Manor- -Lady Mary, only daughter of the late William Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas Hamilton, 12th Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, &c

Factor on Estate Patrick Murray, Strabane, Brodick I —

Sheriff Court held once a Quarter at Brodick. Sheriff-Clerk Depute, Wm Munro 24 Hamilton Terrace, Lamlash

Arran Farmers' Society. —Annual exhibitionj^of live stock in August, and of roots &c, in November. Vice- President, James Auldjo Jamieson,w s, Whitehouse, Lamlash. Secretary, Wm Brown. Joint-Treasurers, John B Sweet and George Laidler, Lamlash

Coast Guard Stations. —Lamlash—J Richardson. Kildouan and Lloyd's Signal Station—Officer, Patrick Green

^ Arran Conservative Association. — President, James Auldjo Jamieson, w s

Chairman, Patrick Murray, Strabane ; Secretary, James Mather, Brodick

67 S


IWliere to Spend the Holidays. BONNIE SCOTLAND RESORTS.

« A nainty ( Literary) Dish ''

Foeiiii^iiig' the Attractions.

3d. 6d. I§.

IIIG;0I£ & CO., ROTHESAY, and all Uooksellers. \

Parish of Kilbride.

CHURCHES—Established, Brodick, Rev Malcolm ]\PLean, m a, b d. Kilbride —Rev Peter Robertson, ma. Corrie—Rev J. Brown, ma. Whiting Bay—Rev M Muir

United Free.— Brodick—Rev Alex. Sutherland. Whiting Bay—Rev Norman ]\I'Kenzie. Lamlash—Rev R S M'^Lachlan

Free Church.—Brodick—Rev J K Cameron, m.a

Congregational. —Sannox—Rev Allan M*Dougall

f PARISH COUNCIL—Corrie Ward—Alex M'Millan and Rev Allan M'Dougall, Brodick Ward—Robert Hamilton, Patrick Murray (chairman), and Rev Malcolm M*Lean. Lamlash Ward—John Wallace and John W Inglis. Whiting Bay Ward—John Gumming and Wm Hamilton

Inspector, John R Thomson Collector, John B Sweet. Medical Officer, Robert Jamieson, m d

SCHOOL BOARD.—John Bannatyne, Lamlash (chairman); James Cook, Brodick; Rev J K Cameron; Brodick; Donald M'^Kenzie, King's Cross; and James McGregor, Corrie Clerk and Treasurer, John B Sweet, Lamlash

SCHOOLS.—Corrie —And Cameron. Brodick—Thomas Reid Lamlash — Henry Wilkie, M a. Whiting Bay—Peter Downie

Doctors—Neil Fnllerton, MB, cm, Lamlash ; John A Jamieson, m d, and Robert Jamieson, m u, Brodick

Bank of Scotland—John B Sweet, agent, Lamlash. Brodick Branch open on Tuesdays; in Summer, Fridays additional

Registrars of Births, &c—Brodick—Thomas Reid. Kilbride—John R Thomson

Post Offices—Brodick—Ernest Ribbeck. Corrie—Jane Douglas. King's Cross— J Cook. Lamlash—R S M'^Neish. Whiting Bay—Archibald McMillan

Piermasters—Brodick—Robert Hamilton. Lamlash—James Hodge. Whiting Bay Thomas Miller

Ferrymen—Corrie—Thomas Kelso. King's Cross, John Cook

Masonic—" St Molio's" Lodge, No 774, Lamlash—R W M, John B Sweet. Secretary Robert M'^Millan BUTE COUNTY DIKECTOKY ADVERTISEMENTS.

How to lipend the Holidays. THE COA8T GUIDE

Rontes. Kesorts. Fares.

Price, 0»e Penny.

HIOeiE & CO., «OTH£liAir, and all Booliseileris. Officials—Parish of Kilbride.

Lamlash Golf Club — Captain, Wm Robertson. Secretary, P Eadie. Treasurer, John B Sweet

Brodick Burns Club—President, Robert Currie. Secretary and Treasurer, Hugh Miller Reid, Schoolhouse

Lamlash Curling Club—Secretary and Treasurer, John Bannatyne, Lamlash

Lamlash Lawn Tennis Club—Secretary, D M'Kelvie

Lamlash Bowling Club—Secretary, James Hodge. Treasurer, Daniel Crawford

Communions—First Sundays in May and November

Fairs—Brodick—(Cattle, Sheep, and Horses) Tuesday after 20th June

Lamlash—(Cattle, Sheep, and Horses) Friday before Irvine May Fair [first Tuesday], and Wednesday before October Falkirk Tryst [second Tuesday]

Communications—Steamers to and from Ardrossan daily, and additional in Summer via Rothesay daily



Souvenir of the Kings's Visit.

Arran was very highly honoured in 1902.

Unique Keepsakes from the Places the King and Queen visited

may be had from Mr Cook, Post Office, Kilmory.

Remembep Fpiends at a Distance. Novel Chpistmas Cards

Worked in Arran Heather and other Wild Flowers. PREPARED BY


Parish of Kilmory

CHURCHES —Established .—High Kilmory— Rev And Win Kennedy Shiskine —Rev A Campbell. Lochranza—Rev Andrew C McLean Uniteh Free. —Kilmory Kildonan—Rev D M'Donald. Lochranza—Rev Alex Grant. Shiskine—Rev John W M'Dougall. Caticol Rev John Kennedy

PARISH COUNCIL — Lochranza Ward—Alister McMillan and Rev A C M'Lean, Dougarie Ward —James Allan (chairman), Angus M*'Allister, and Matthew ]\FAllistor. Shedog Ward — John ]\I*Kinnon and Neil Cf'ok, South End Ward — Alex Murchie and Donald McDonald. Inspector, John K Thomson. Collector, Jolin B Sweet. Medical Officer, Thoma^ Rutherford, m b, c m

SCHOOL BOARD. — James Allan (chairman), Donald Bannatyne, John Brown Rev John Kennedy, Angus M^'Kenzie, John Spiers, and Alex Robertson Clerk and Treasurer, Angus Sim, Skiskine

SCHOOLS. — Dougarie Public- -Neil Downie. Drimlabarra—J D M'Kinnon. Kil- mory—J H Duncan. Lochranza—Arch ]\PAllister. Penrioch—Kenneth M-'Leod. Shiskine — Robert T Irvine. Slidderie —John A Cook

Doctor- -Thomas Rutherford, m b, c m, Shiskine

Post Offices. — Kihnory—James Cook. Lochranza—Arch Kelso.- Skiskine—Alex M'Bride. Pirnmill--Chas Robertson

Registrars of Births, &c.—Kilmory — H Duncan. Lochranza— Archd M'Allister Skiskine—Robert T Irvine

Piermaster.—Lcchranza— Robert Kerr.

Ferrymen.— Blackwaterfoot—Pete| Kelso. Machrie Bay— Pirnmill— Chas Robertson

Fair—Lochranza (Cattle, Sheep, and Horses), first Tuesday in June tZ^^

Communications— Campbeltown steamers from Glasgow and Greenock call at Loch- ranza and Pimmill daily. Argyll Coast steamer from Glasgow, Greenock or Fairlie calls at Blackwaterfoot and Machrie Bay twice a week. During Summer communication by Turbine Steamer daily



% s I >, I (^ o o o

Prints like a Press. New 1905 Models.

New Line-Locking^ Device, &c. Local Agent, No Ribbon. Compact Keyboard. Geo. Hig-g-ie, Rapid. Strong". Guaranteed. Shorthand Teacher,

GLASGOW OFFICE: 22 Bridge Street, 69 Bothwell Street. Rothesay. Parish of Cumbrae.

This parish comprises the islands of the Great and Little Cumbrae off the Ayr- shire coast. The Bnrgh of Millport, on the larger Isle, is a popular watering-place.

This isle is 1 2 miles in circumference, and has a well-made road round it. On the smaller isle is the Cumbrae Lighthouse.

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists).

Assessments : Poor, 2^d ; School, d^d ; Registration, etc., l^d

Lord of the Manor : The Marquess of Bute. Factor, J Windsor Stuart, Rothesay

Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths : James Ross, Union Bank

Sheriff Small Debt Courts—Held in March and September. Sheriff-Clerk Depute James Ross, Union Bank

PARISH COUNCIL.—James C Shai'pe (chairman), James Crawford, John Cunning- liam, J p, Andrew Hunter, John M^Kirdy, James Macmillan, and Thomas- Thom Inspector and Clerk, James Ross. Collector, Wm Hunter

CHURCHES.—Parish (hours of worship, 11 am and 6 30 pm)—Minister, Rev Archibald Grierson m a. Session- Clerk, James Wallace

East United Fkee (hours of worship, 11 am and 2 15 p m) : Minister, Rev Alex Walker, M A. Assistant, Rev J U Ogilvy

West United Free (hours of worship, 11 am and 2 15 pm, and 6 30 pmin

May, June, July, and August) ; Minister, Rev James Frame m A, b d

Scottish Episcopal Church —Cathedral of Argyll and the Isles— Bishop, Right Rev J R A Chinnery-Haldane, d d, Ballachulish. Provost, Very Rev T I Ball, ll d. Canons, Very Rev Dean Pressley-Smith, m a„ W L Low^ M A, Dugald Mackenzie, C T Wakeham (Synod Clerk), and Frank INIatthews. Honorary Canons, Revs Hon H Douglas, m a., Bishop of Moray, F Ramsay.

Chapter Clerk, James Gordon. Hours of service : Sundays (except first inmonth) H C 8 30 a m. Evensong and Sermon, 6 30 pm. Holy Days, HC, 8 30 a m; Evening 8 pm. Week days, H C, 8 30 am; Matins, 10 a m. Evening, 3 pm, (S Surpliced Choir).

St Andrew's ; Rector, Very Rev T I Ball, l l d. Hours of service ; Sundays, H C The 10 15 am (first in month) ; Matins, 11 am. Holy Days, Matins, 11 a m. services in St Andrew's and the Cathedral are intended to be complementary of each other

Local Agent for the Trustees ; James Ross, Union Bank

Baptist (hours of worship, 11am and 6 30 p m) : Pastor, Rev. T. Stewart


Officials—Parish of Cumbrae.

CUMBRAE SCHOOL BOARD—Rev James Frame (clialrman), Rev Archd Grierson Rev Provost Ball, D M'Dougali, and James C Snarpe Clerk and Treasurer, J Ross, Union Bank. Officer and Janitor, Sergeant Semple

SCHOOLS— Cumbrae Public--Headmaster, Robert Paterson, m a. Mistress, Infant and Industrial, Miss M'Dougali. Second Master, J M'^Clements. Assistants, Mary Young, and A C Robertson Cathedral—James Gordon, master

Doctors ; John Macrury, m b, c m. John M'Gowan, M d. H Sinclair, L F p s G

Bank ; Union, Stuart Street. James Ross, agent

Law Agents ; Wm M'^Kinlay and Robert Wood, n p

Masonic—Lodge " Kelburne" No 459—Meets on the first Friday of each month in the Maso--.ic Hall, Crawford street, at 8 pm; RWM, J W Reid. Secretary, John

Nisbet ,»

Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland : President, Dr Jas. F. Gemmill. John A. Todd, 190 West George street, Glasgow. Curator, W T Gibson, A R cs.

Cumbrae Branch of Buteshire Liberal Association ; President, John Cunningham, j p. Secretary, Jas M 'Clements

Cumbrae Unionist Association : President, Duncan M'Dougali, j p. Secretary, Jas AMacfarlane

Cumbrae Wome;i'.s Unionist Association.— President, Mrs M-^Dougall. Secretary, Miss Gardner. Treasurer, Miss Henry

Curling Club : P,-esident, James Frew. Secretary and Treasurer, Alex Houston

Cumbrae Golf Club; Captain, J G Hill Whamond. Vice-Captain, Wm Duncan. Secretary, James C Sharpe. Treasurer, James Wallace

Burial Ground: Superintendent, Duncan Brown. Clerk and Treasurer, Wm. Hunter, ,


Allan S p e i r s Family Bread, Biseuit and Bastpy Baker, Foot of Chupeh Hill, & 221 Kelbupne Street.

H O T P I E S. Parties will receive every information as to where they can be accommodated with Furnished and Unfurnished Houses.

John Cunningham, Bread, Biscuit, Pastry Baker and Confectioner,


Hot Pies Every Saturday Evening. Dishes Baked and Covered. Wedding Cakes. Burg'h of Millpopt.

of in Population Burgh 1891, 1662; in 1901, 1655 ; landward, 114— total 1769. Municipal constituency, 830

Assessments : Owners, 6d ; Occupiers, Is 9d.

CORPORATION.— Provost, John Rowatt; Bailies, J Watson Reid and Thomas Demp- ster ; Police Judge, Robert Cockburn ; Councillors, Robt Anderson, Wm Craw- ford, Alex Faulds, James Frew and D. Whitelaw. OoMMrxTEES —Finance—The whole Ooimcil. Sub-Committee—The Provost, Bailie Reid and Councillor Anderson. Works—The whole Council. Sub-committee, Judge Cockburn, Bailie Dempster and Councillor Whitelaw. Gas—The whole Council. Sub-committee, Judge Cockburn, Councillors Faalds and Frew. Public Health—The whole Council Sub-committee, Bailies Reid and Dempster and Councillor Crawford Lighting—The whole Council. Sub-committee, Councillors Crawford, Faulds and Whitelaw. ^ Town Hall—The whole Council. Sub, Provost Rowatt, Bailie Dempster and Councillor Frew Dean of Guild— Provost Rowatt, Bailie Dempster Judge Cockburn, and Council- lors Anderson and Frew. Library— Provost Rowatt and Bailie Dempster Pier Management—Provost Rowatt and Bailie Reid, with Mr J. Windsor Stuart Fire— Bailie Reid and Councillor Whitelaw Water—Provost Rowatt, Bailie Reid and Judge Cockburn Officials: Clerk, Wm Mackinlay. Procurator-Fiscal, David Harper. Treasure James Ross. Collector, Arch Cameron. Medical Officer, Dr M*Gown sen, Inspector of Nuisances and Burgh Surveyor, Robert Adam

Keppel Pier Co. Ltd : Chairman, John Cunningham. Secretary and Treasurer, Wm Hunter. Lessee of Pier, Robert Young

Horticultural Society ; President, James Wallace ; Secretary, Harry Taylor; Treasurer, Arch Cameron.

Millport Bowling Club ; President, And Hamilton. Treasurer, James Ross. Secretary} B JWhall'

Millport Trades' Association ; President, John Cunningham, j p

Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Association ; President, William Allan. Secretary, Charles Hunter. Treasurer, James Ross

Co-Operative Society. Limited : President, Thomas Reid. Secretary, R Caldwell. Treasurer, James Graham Penny Savings Bank; Trustees- -William ]Martin, Freeland (chairman), Rev James Frame (secretary). Holidays: First Thursdays after 15th April and 15th October

Post Office ; Postmistress, Miss Mary Cunningham. Arrivals and despatches twice daily in winter, thrice daily in summer

Communications; Steamers sail daily to Glasgow, Greenock, Wemyss Bay, and Fairlie during summer months. Daily to Wemyss Bay all the year round


Established Ism Telephone No. 26 G. Hicks & Son, Chemists and Drug'g'ists, Guildfopd Square and Vietoria Street.

Photographic Material Kept in Stock.

Presents from Rothesay.

VisitOPS and Residents will be certain to finl what they want At M'DOUGALL & CO.'S, FANCY GOODS WAREHOUSE,

S5, 27 and 29 MONTAGUE STREET, and Corner HIGH STREET. John Holmes, (Successor to Du^'CAN DewaR), Joiner and Funeral Undertaker, 83 Montag'ue Street, Rothesay.

Estimates Given for All Kinds of Work connected with, the Building Trade. Hugh Laudep, (Successor to GEORGE Edward), Watchmaker, Jev/eller and Optician, 8 Albert riace, {Op/josfte the Harhour).

Souvenirs of Bute. Scotch Pebble Jewellery. Engagement Rings. Wedding Presents. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Watches and Clocks Cleaned and Repaired. ;


Bupg'h and Parish of Rothesay.

Castle sfc ; ho, 3 Bishop terrace brae Anderson. Alx., calenderer, 35 Bri 'ge st Anderson, Miss Agne.s, 41 Ardbeir rd Anderson, Acton, John, druLTgist, Lilyo^k ter Geo , gardener, 143 High st AclHm, Mrs Mary P., 65 Mountstuarfc rd Anderson, Hu., gardener, 14 Castle st A'lam, Mrs, 4 MansefieM pi Anderson, Mrs Jane, 135 High st Anderson, Miss Jeannie, Adams, Mrs Janf , 5 i^rgyle st 7 Wyndham pk Adams, Mrs R.. 17 Ardbeg rd Anderson, John, slater, Ardmory rd Adamson, John, photographer, Balloch- Anderson, Mrs Margt., 93 High st goy ter Anderson, R. D., 4 Albany ter Adamson, Mrs Isa., 58 r'richton rd Anderson, Wltr., tenter, 106 High sfc Anderson, Aitchison, M'S ^'arah, 12 Columshill sfc Wm., tenter, 8 i'ower st Aitchison, Thomas, grocer, 30 Mill st Anderson, Rev Wm., 62 Mountstuart rd hs, Dagmar, Harone rd Anderson, Mrs Toward view, Ardbeg Aitken, Miss Charlotte, 8 Ardbeg rd Anderson, Edgehill, Crichfcoa rd Aitken, Thos., Kosliu pi Andrews, J. , coast, guard, 17 Bishop st Aiton, Miss May, Glen Kosa pi An^us, Mrs, 22 Ardbeg rd Aitken head, Wm.. 32 Staffa pi Angus Wm., 1 Russell st Archer, Affleck, Js., blacksmith, 23 Columshill s Mrs Cath., 19 Store lane Alexander, capt. Alex.. 29 Argyle ter Am 't, J., tailor, 19 Columshill sfc Alexander, Mrs Ethel, Mountstuart rd Arrol, Miss, HJastlands rd Arrol, Mrs Alexander Jn., bk. acctnt., Brandane tr Mary, 27 Argyle st Asser, Alexander, Samuel, 4 Mounnpleasant rd Harry, 7 Mansefield pi Auld, Alexander, Thomas W.. Sheriff -clerk, John, engineer, 63 Ardbeg Austin, Miss ho, Gray aiids, 50 Mountstuart rd Jane, 90 Montague ?,t Allan, An., insurance agent, 36 Colums- hill st Allan, Mrs Alex,, Argyl*^ pi ^llan. Misses Kliz. and Mary Ann H., 28 Ardbeg rd Baillie, Miss, Lilyoak ter Allan. .)ms., 1 Bridge st end Baillie, Bobt,. joiner, 22 Bridge-end st Al an, Jms. , cashier, 13 Marine nl Bain, MissMry , Toir cot., H. Craigmore Allan, Jfi«i>., confectioner, 103 High sfc Bainbridge. Mrs , Craigielea Boarding Allan, Mis3 Jeanie, 1 Columshill pi House, 34 Ardbeg rd Allan, John, mechanic, 6 Hillhouse rd Baines, Miss Wlmna,, Ardmory rd Allan, H illhouse JohQ. rd Baird, And. B., blacksmith and farrier, Allan, John, 10 Minister's brae 113 High st All'm, John. 21 Kussell st Baird, Arthur, grocer, 70 Ardbeg rd Allan, Mrs Mary, 11 Argyle pi Baird, Geo , purveyor, 25 Columshill at Allan, Rev T. Nelson, Ciaigmore Padsh Baird, Mrs Jane, 13a East Princes st Church; mnnse, l-orneLodge Baird, Mrs Mary, 3 Hillouse rd Andersoa, .Alex , cabinetmaker, 3 West Baird, Mrs Mary Ann, 9 Marine pi F 81 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS.

Black's Specialities. BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. Alimento Bread. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS AND DELICIOUS Brown Bread In the IV oriel.

Alimento Food fop Children, Invalids and the Aged. "Bl^^k's Patent Food.—There can be no doubt of the high nutritious value of this food. The method by which it is prepared is calculated to render it not diflficult of digestion. This food yields a high proportion of essential mineral constituents. The taste is good, and the preparation is evidently a food of high merit."—The Lancet. 6 Apgyle Street.


THOMPSON'S GOODS admittedly combine Ease with Elegance, Lightness with Durability, and Thorough Pro- tection FROM Damp. He attends personally to the Bespoke

Trade ; gets his Lasts made by the Best Makers ; and in all cases guarantees a perfect fit, irrespective of peculiar foot formation.

Every Novelty in the Trade kept in Stock, or procured on the Shortest Notice.

65 Vietopia Street. ;


Baker, Misses Amy L., and Mary Ann, Bilsland, Peter, polisher, 35 Staffa pi 4 Crichton rd Bird, Mrs Eliz., 83 Montague st Ballard, Mrs Margt., 31 Gallowgate Bird, Mrs Isa., 50 Crichton rd Bannerman, Jas., comp., 36 Bishop st Bisland. Wm., 34 Staffa pi Bannerraau, R., Ardlea vil, Ardmory rd Black, Arch., ctl. dealer, 30 Cast'e st Barclay, Alex., engineer, I la Argyle st, Black, Daniel, cattle dealer, 34a Colums- and 63 Montague st hill st Barr, Alex., potato dealer, Wyndham rd BUc c, Du>j:a1d, clerk, 31 Columshill st Barr, David, steward, II Columshil st Black, Dugald W \., grocer, 2 Castle st; Barr, Mrs Janet, 8^ Ardbeg rd ho, Osborne pi Barr, John, chandelier, 31.^ Ardbeg rd lUack, Duncan, gardener, 20 Mill st

Barr Mrs Margt , 29 Argyle st Black, Dune, labourer. 20 Mill st Barr, Mrs Maiy, Gowantield pi Black, Geo. A , hootm iker, 24a Colums- Barr, Peter, tishcurer. 35 Watergate hill st ho. Glebe lands, Mountpleasant rd Black, Geo., fiesher, 13 Watergate ; ho, Barr, Wm., engineer, Wyndham pk Holyro^d, Birone rd Barrowman, K., moulder. 15 Staffa pi Black, Mrs Helen, 31 Argyle st Barton, Miss Helen, 8 Columsliill pi Black, Mrs Hugh, baker, 6 Argyle st ; ho, Barton, Mrs, 5 Craigmore rd Concord villa, Colmnshill sc Baxter, Mr.-s Catherine, Townhead Black, Miss Isabella, 22 Argyle st Baxter, James, carter, 169 High st Black, Mrs Isabella, 8 Tower st Baxter, John, baker, 2 Logie pi Black, Jardine, newsagent, 19 Gallow-

Baxter, John, 22 Mountpleasant rd gate ; ho, 31 Argvle st Baxter, John M;, grocer, 21 Argyle st Black, Miss Jessie, 12 W. Princes st

Baxf^er,Wm. , pensioner, 16 tiillhouse rd Black, John, cabman, 55 Montague st Bayne, John, clerk, 6 Argyle pi Black, John, shipmasce •. 22 Argyle st Beaton, Angus, 3 Mill st Black, John S, seaman, 17 Bishop st Beaton, Alex., stoker, 8 Tower st Black, Miss Mary, 36 Ladeside Beaton, Dugald, quarryman, 94 High st Black, Walter, law clerk, 17 Bridge st Beaton, John, quarryman, (^lenhead Black, Wm., coal agent, Stu-irt st ; ho, Beatr,ie, D, dyke builder. 17 Russell st 13a E Princes st Bedgar, JvUia, Canada house Black, Wm K, shopman, 12 W Princess Be^'bie, Jms., fireman, 113 High st Black, Mi.«s, 11 Bridge end st Beith, Mrs Hugh. 4 BishDp st Blackstock, Miss J., 8 Mountstuart rd Bell, Mrs /Agnes, Wyndham rd Blackshaw, Ths.. ropespinner, 119 Highs Bell, Arch, mason, 4 King sc Blair, Duncan, joiner, Hawthorn cot., Bell, David, grocer, 111 Montague st 18 Argyle pi Bell, Captain Duncan, spirit merchant, Blair, Jms., mason, Castle st

Galatea Bar, 3, 5, 7, Bridge-end st ; Blair, John, joiner, 3 Bellevue rd ho, 13 Bridge st Blair, John, manufacturer, Ascog

Bel , Edmund, Westland rd Blair, John, stereofypcr, 80 High st Bell, Jms., blacksmith, Eastlands rd Blair, Mrs Mary, 71^ Ardbeg rd Bell, Miss Jane, 6 VV. Princes st Blair, Mrs, stationer, 49 Montague st

Bell, John, labourer, 113 High st Blair & Son, joiners, 15 Bridge sfc Bell, Wm, carter, 22 Columshill st Blue, Alex., joiner, 16 King st Bell, Wm, grocer, 119 High st Blue, Miss Janet, confectioner, 80 Mon- Bell, Mrs, Wyndham rd tague st Bell, Misses, fruiterers, W. Princes st Blue, John, gardener, 163 High st

Bennie, Jn., engineer. High Craigmorerd Blue, John, seaman, 5 Cas le .'

Bernard, Mrs. 71 Ardbeg rd st ; nurseries, Gownnfield & High st Berwick, Mrs Ann, Glenbeg Blue, Miss Marion, 9 Bishop st Berwick, Dr, 2 Marine pi Blue, Neil, seaman, 29 Victoria st Beveridge, Mrs Eliza. Wellpark cot Blue, Wm, cabman, 20 Bishop st Bickford, Miss Ann. 38 Mountstuart rd Bolton, James, carter, 22 Russell st Bingham, Miss Jessie, 6 Ar.Jbeg rd Bolton, John, carter, 6 Hillhuuse rd Binnie, Misse.sMgt. and Mrn., 7 Marine p Bjne, Lachlan, mason, 20 Russell st Birnie, Miss Mary, 5 Bridge st Bone. Robert, mason, 18 Russell st 83 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. Thomas Aitehison, Family Grocer, Tea, Wine and Spirit Merchant, 30 Mill street

Matthew Dunean & Co.,

Plasterers^ Cement Workers^- and Tile Lajjers] 52 Ladeside street

Alexandep M'Nab,

Joiner, Glazier and Funeral Undertakei

24 Watergate. House—2 Mountpleasant Road

AleXanCleP PePStOn, Leaves Dally. Corporation Telephone—4146 Glasgnio and Rothesay Carrier^ Glasgow, 48 Howard St., 184 Howard St., 43 Bell St., and 62 Argyle St. Rothesa y, 58 Montague St.

John ThOPbUPn, Telephone no. IXS. Fisbmonger, Ice Merchant & Licensed Dealer ^ Game, (A few doors West from Post Ofifice.) 18 West Ppinces street Poultry Supplied.

Don't Advertise to Sell, ... i,ut Sell to Advertise. THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN ROTHESAY TO Buy Butehep Meat is The Coronation Meat Market^ Save 2d in the Lh. ' 72 Hig-h Street EXTENSION OF BUSINESS. Hugh M'COII, PAINTER, 37 MUl street House and Coach Fainting at the Lowest: Possible Rates. Every Requisite for Painting, Dejorating and Paper-Hanging Kept in Stock. Quotations Given for All Kinds of Work.

James Fishep, Seed., Grain aiid I'otato Merchant., 5 and 6 King- st„ and 5 and 7 "W. Castle st. Finest East Country Seed Oats. Bute and Ayrshire Ryegrass Seed. Seed Potatoes, Clover Seeds and Turnip Seeds of the Various Sorts in iheir Seasop. Special Potato, Grain, and Turnip Manures, my Own Manufacture and Highest Analyses. Our Garden Manure is the Best for Vegetables. HOUSEHOLDER-— Rothesay.

Bouchal, John, 81 High st Brown, John, joiner, 16 Windsor pi Bowie, Alex., grocer, 15 High st Brown, John, shipmaster, 95 Ardbeg rd Bowie, Daniel, glazier, 73 Victoria st BrowD, Joseph, gardener, Almar, Craig- ^ Bowie, Arch., labourer, Meadowcap more . Bowie, Malcolm, baker, 10 Staffa pi Brown, Mrs Margt., 3 Hussell st / Bowman, Mrs Agnes, High Craigmore Brown, Mrs Margt., 2 Bishop' ter br

Bowman, Wm., joiner, King st ; ho, Brown, Mrs Mgt., 18 High st Colbeck pi Brown, Mrs Maria, 119 High at Boyd, Mrs Eliz., SWimbleton Brown, Miss Marion, 42 Crichton rd Boyd, Mrs M-irtha, Leopold villa, Ascog Brown, Mrs Mary, 5 A'dbeg rd Boyd, Robert, poulterei-, 14 Gallowgate Brown, Mrs May Ann, 12 B*ttery pi Boyle, confectioner, Neil, house agent, Quay ho, Chas , Quay ; ho, 13 Brown, ; 11| A rgyle pi Arnyle st Boyle, Dennis, labourer, 2 Castlehill st Brown, Robert, baker, Argyle st Boyle, Hugh, labourer, 129 High st Brown, Kbr.., ironmonger, 43 Montague

Boyle, Thos,, clerk, 22- Bridge-end st st ; ho, 11 Mountpleasant rd Boyle, Wm., plumber, 16 Castle st Brown, Kobt, teacher, Meadowcap Bracelyn, John, mason, 4 Manselield pi Brown, Rbt., shoemaker, 1 Chapelhillrd Brackenridge, W., labourer, 70 Ardbegr Brown, Robert, spirit dealer, 18 High st Bradley. Ths., shoemaker, 20 Mill st Brown, Ths., burgh worker, 12 Argyle st "21 Brady, Patrick, labourer, Mill st Brown, Thos , millworker, Ardbej< Braid, Robert, Leopold villa Brown, Wm., draper, of A. Brown & Braid, Eobert, gardener, Clydesdale Son, h'>, 11 Mountpleasant rd Brand, John, brassfinisher, 103 High st Brown, Wm. D., sanitary inspector, 1

Branks, Miss Jane, 65 Ardbeg rd Castle st ; ho, 49 Barone rd Brash, Wm,, joiner, 47 Argyle st Brown, Mrs, grocer, 34 Columshill pi Bremmer, Don., golf course keeper, Brown, Miss, 92 Ardbeg rd Eastlands Browne, Sam., 18 Mountpleasant rd Bright; Geo., clerk, Barone rd Brownlie, Mrs Helen, 28 Argyle st Brodie, John, spirit merchant, 8 Castle Brownlie, Miss Helen S,, Gowanfield ter

st res, , 6 do. 12 Brownlie, Wm., butcher, 16 E. Princes ;_ aud Argyle pi

Bi^odie, Mrs, 79 Barone rd st ; ho, 28 Argyle st

Brooks, Mrs Agnes, 62 High st Brownlie, Wm , engineer, Wyndhampk Broughj Mrs Jane, Burnbank ter Bruce, Alex., Park pi, Bridge st

Brough, John, grocer, 17 King st ; ho, Bruce David, Roslin pi

29 Mill st Bruce, Hny., spirit dlr., 22 Gallowgate ; Brown, Alex., joiner, 19 Mill st ; ho, 34 ho, 34 Columshill st Colurashill st Bryce, John, wine mercht., Ardmory rd

Brown, Angn . mason, 8Columshill pi Bryce, Wit., flesher, 38 Bishop st

Brown, A . & fcjon, drapers, 33 and 35 Bryden, Jn., Mansetield pi. High st Montague st, and 2 and 3 Albert pi Buchanan, Ax., farmer, 31 E. Princes st Brown, Mrs Ann, Ar^iyle ter Buchanan, Mrs Anna, 23 Ardbeg rd Brown, Mi s Cath., 78 Ardbeg rd Buchanan, MissCath,-25 Gallowgate

Br.>wn, Mrs Cath., 21 Argyle pi Buchanan, Chs. , stoker, 97 Montague st Brown, Mrs Christina, 43 Ardbeg rd Buchanan, Donald, restaurateur, 27 Vic-.

Brown, Crawford, teacher, Meadowcap toria st ; ho. Bellfield, Barone rd Brown, Dan., 27 Ardbeg rd Buchanan, captain Geo hotel keeper, Brown, David, flesher, 29 Barone rd Hotel Victoria, 61 Victoria st Brown, Mrs Eliz., 2 Logie pi Buchanan, Geo.. 41 Watergate Brown, Geo, painter, 34 Columshill st Buchanan, Mrs Isa., 48 Ladeside st

Brown, Geo, shipmaster, Argyle ter Buchanan, Misses I. & M. , Victoria st Brown, Misses Hln. and May, 1 Argyle p Buchanan, Miss Jane, 31 Columshill st Brown, Jms., Bishop ter br Buchanan, Mrs Jane, 1 Mackinlay st Brown, Thos., carpenter, Rosebank Buchanan, Mrs Janet, 21 Argyle st Brown, Mrs Jane, Columshill.st Buchanan, Miss Jene. H.. Gowanfield ter Brown, James, grocer, 73 H gh st ; ho, Buchanan, Malcra., grocer, 51 Montague

15 Castle st st ; ho, 9 Elysium Brown, Miss Jessie, 8 Montague st Buchanan, Mrs Mgt., 41 Mountstuart rd 85 , ^ ^

BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. Mrs PATIEITCE, Family Grocer^ Provision Merchant and Poulterer^ 12 Oallo^vg-ate

Agnes M'Ooll,

Glass^ China and Fancy Xroods Dealer Souvenirs. 21 Apgyle street

B r "w n & C . Ironmongers and Hardware Merchants

Next Door to Norman Stewart Institute. 43 Montague stree

AncLrevr Hamilton, Grocer and Provision Merchant^

Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered. 2 BPidge-end. street

Customers can always rely on getting the Finest Quality. P. H. ScLuair, Family Butcher^ Established 1863. Telephone No. 25. 5 Galloivgate

The Central Drapery Warehouse.

E;o 13 e rt C. Miller, Draper, Furnisher and House Agent, 48 Montague street David Bolaertson, Bread and Pastry Baker 13 Eiast Ppinces street Sole Manufacturer for Bute of Patent Malt Brpwn Bread, highly recommended by many of the Leading Physicians. Pure Confections. Andrew Y. Silver, TOBA C C ONIST, (Opposite A. B. Stewart Statue.) 3 Apgyle street Large Assortment of British and Foreign Cigars and Cigarettes. Agent for Murattis Fumee D'or Cigarettes. Agent for Loewe's & Co's., Pipes. Walking Sticks. Pouches and Tobacconists' Sundries in great variety. ;


Buchanan, Tay villa, Craigmore Campbell, Ax., gardener, 10 Coluwshill s Buchanan, Miss, 92 Ardhes: rd Campbell, Alex., cashier to McMillan, Buist, And. K., traveller, 4 Mount- billposter, 92 Ardbeg rd pleasant rd Campbell, Mrs Amelia, 27 Argyle st Buist, George, Loch view, Crichton rd ( "ampbell, Mrs Ann, 28 Aryyle ter Burgoyne, Mrs John, 3 Logie pi Campbell, Misses Ann and Isa., 27 Argyle Burgoyne, Peter, seaman, 22 Kussell st ter Burleigh, Mrs Chris. 6 Marine pi Campbell, Ach., labourer, 12.Kin9:3t Burn ess, Robert, saddler, 29 High st Campbell, Ach., seaman, 29 Coiumshill st ho, Helenslea, 45 Crichton rd (/ampbell, Arch., spirit dealer. Tower Burnie, Ach M., seedsman, Dobbie & and Castlehill sts Co., ho, 19 Crichton rd Campbell, Mrs Cath, 26 Ardbeg rd Burnie, Miss Eliz., 22 Battery pi Campbell, Colin, bottler, 3 King st Burnie, Mrs Mary and Miss Jessie M., 19 Campbell, Colin, gardener, Roslin cot Crichton rd Campbell, Cln., house of rest, Argyle ter Burns, Chas., musician, 19 Castle st Campbell, Mr^, Colin, 10 Watergate Burns, Js., si)irit dealer, 11 Gallowgate Campbell, Did., grdnr., 10 Coiumshill pi Burns, Jms, 2 Logie ]il Campbell, Donald, labourhjr, 32 Mill st

Burns, Wm., coalman 41 Watergate Campbell, Dn., spit. dlr. , 22 Crichton rd Burns, Mrs, 13 Argyle pi Campbell, (Tillespie, Wyndham pk Burns, Mrs, 45 Colunishill st Campbell, Mi-s Isa., 23 Mill st Campbell, James, broker, 43 Watergate Campbell, Jms, flesher, 9 Hillhouse rd Campbell, Jms., traveller, 10 Watergate Campbell, Jm«. A., grocer, 27 Argyle st Campbell, Mrs Jane, Argyle pi Cairns, James, 34 Mill st Campbell, Miss Jane, 98 Montague st Cairns, Jms., miner, 87 High st Campbell, John, captain, 23 Hridyre st Cairns, Miss Mary, 30 Bishop st Campbell, John, car driver. 75 Ardbeg rd Calder, Miss Marge, 4 Hillhouse rd Campbell, Lach.. labjurer, 28 Bridge st Caldwell, Geo. B., 19 Craigmore rd Campbell, Mrs Margt., 1 Minister's br

Caldwell, Jms , engineer, 17 Marine pi Campbell, Peter, lather, 24 .-taffa pi Caldwell, Mrs Margt., 13 Marine pi Campbell, K. W., 44 Mountstuart rd Callan, Geo., grocer, 6 E. Princes st Campbell, Thos., janitor, 37 Montague s Callan, John, moulder, 70 Ardbeg rd Campbell, Wm., flesher, 20 Bishop st Callan, J. M'C, licensed izrocer, 19 E. Campbell. Mrs, 26 Coiumshill st

Princes st ; ho, Serpentine rd Campbell, Mrs, 71 Victoria st Carverc, James, 3 Logie pi Campbell. Mrs, mangier, 24 Bridge st Cameron, Arch, printer, Alma cot Campbell, Mrs, Toward view, Aidbeg Cameron, -^rch., seaman, 71 Victoria st Campbell, Mrs, 6 Minister's br

Cameron, Mrs Christina, 29 Mill st Canning, Dan , shoemaker, 12 Mill st Cameron, Duncan, carter, 24 Montague s Canning, Jms., painter, 16 Hillhouse rd Cameron, Dun., gardener, 7 Bishop st Cannan, Mrs Cath. A., Minister's br Cameron, Dun.,jun., grocer, 10 Tower st Carberry, Mrs Mary. 42 High st Cameron, Geddes O., hairdresser, 51 Cardell, Joseph, engineer, 66 Montague Victoria st; ho, Oxenfoi d, Barone rd (Jardell, Thos., steward, 19 High st

Cameron, Miss Isa. , 9 Montague st Carlow, , Lochview, Crichton rd Cameron, Rev James, Craigmore U. F. Carmichael, Mrs, 25 Coiumshill st Church, 24 Crichton rd Carrick, Geo., plumber, 7 Wyndham rd Cameron, John, seaman, 7 W. Princes st Carruthers, Jbn., Manseheld pi, Min. br Cameron, Lach., plumber. 16 Castle st Carswell, Jms., .seaman, 26 Hnssell st Cameron, Koht. M., inspector of slaugh- Carswell, And., seaman, 24 CnStle st ter house, 14 Lideside Car.-well, James, S'-aman, Castle st

Cameron, Wltr, , seaman, 16 Hillhouse r Carswell, John, seaman, 15 Casile st Cammock, Win., writer, 70 Ardbet^ rd Carswell, John, seaman. 19 J;us.«ell st

Campbell, Alx., accountant, auctioneer, Carter, Mrs 'J hos., 2 Orcadia

&c., 29 Watergate ; hu, 23 Ardbeg sd Carty, John, gardener. .54 Ladeside Campbell, Alex., drainer, 32 Mill st Cassidy, Edw., gardener, 125 High st 87 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. MRS BLAIR,

Bookseller ^ Stationer and Fancy Goods Merchant^ Souvenirs of Rothesay a Speciality. 49 Montag-ue street

FRANCIS DEV/AR, Carpenter and Boat Builder^

Repairs Promptly Attended to. Paraffin Coke, Oils, Waste, etc. 14 "Watepgate

FAUL.DS & MEIKLE, Steamboat Agents^ Gamers and Garting Contractors^ Luggage and Furniture Removed. Office on Pier. Yard, 9 Mill street, Rothesay

Carriage Hiring and Livery Stalsles, William Moodie^ V. S.^ Froprietor, 20 AVatepgate Orders received at House, 18 Mountstuart Road, which is in Telephonic connection with Yard GEORGE BLACK, Family Butcher^

' 13 Watergate (East End of Montague stiett Fresh Stock of Home-Fed Beef and Mutton always on hand. Orders Punctually Attended to W^ILLIAM KIRKHOPE, M on u mental W^orks^ Monuments in Granite, Marble and Freestone. Cemetepy Gate- Designs and Prices on Application. Jobbings Promptly Executed.

D. COOK, (Successor to Mrs Service), Fruiterer and Confectioner, 71 Victoria st., Rothesay, and Port-Bannatyne American Soda Fountain Delicious Iced Fruit Drinks on Draught. Family Orders Punctually Attended to.

Try us when others fail. Wateh Repairing a speciality. Unequalled Method by ALEXANDER M'BEATH, Watchmaker and Jeweller^ Splendid Selections of Watches, Clocks, Jew«llery and 4i Gallow&oa'te Electro-Plate. Cheapest and Best in Rothesay. HOUSE HOLDE RS—Kothesay.

€assidy, James, mason. 74 High st Cotes, Miss Georgina, 2 Ardbeg rd Chalmers, Miss Agnes, 23 Ardbeg rd Cottman, Robert, 10 Mansefleld pi rd Chalmers, Miss Helen, 17 Montague st Coup; r, Alex.ix'on worker. Serpentine Ann, 5 Argyle st Chalmers, Mrs, 6 « rcadia Coupar, Miss Chapman, Jn., engineer, 12 Bridge st Coupar, Jn., m.nager, 8 Columshill pi Chisholm, Dun., gardener. 43 Ardbeg rd Cowan, Dugald, farmer, Grenach Chisholm, TJd., gardener, 6 Columshil pi Cowan, Mrs Jaret, Ardmory rd Princes st Chisholm, Wni., plumber, 70 Ardbeg rd Cowden, Mrs Mar-f. , 18 E. Christie. Arthur >., music teacher and Cowie, Mrs Jane, 65 Victoria st organist, Ian villa. Academy rd Cox, Mis. 31 Bridge sc Chri>tie, Wm., blacksmith, 91 Ardbeg r Cox, Mrs Mar«t;, 18 Staffa pi Christie, Mr-, 83 High st Crabl, Rev. Samuel, Baptist clergyman; Chrystie, jxobt., 2 King st ho, Ardmory rd Chris. P., 1 Mountstuart rd Clark, Aiidw . restaurateur, Norman Craig, Mrs Stewart Institute; ho,Mountpleasant rd Craig, Dugald, 5 Sfalfa pi Clark, Duncan, sf aman. 97 Montague st Craig, James, 67 Montague st Clark, Miss Helen, Jl Hillhouse rd Craig. John, 13 Stnffa pi Clark, Miss Joan, 20 Bishop st Craig Wltr, laundry mngr., Springbank Clark, John, joiner, 22 Bridge-end st Crawford, Alx., cabman, 72 Montague st Clark, John, painter, 14 Bridge-end st Crawford Bros., fleshes, 10 Gallowgate Clark, John, porter, 2 Columshill pi Crawford, DvH., carter, 103 High st Clark, Lewis, grocer, 103 High st Crawford, Duncan, flesher, 3 Bishop st; Mountpleasant rd Clark, Thos , fisherman ^ 19 Stuart st ho, 4 29 Clark, Wm., 2 iVI ountpleasant Crawford Misses Frances and Margt , Clark, Wm K,, 19 .^taffa pi Mountstuart rd Clark, Mrs Mf*ry, 7 Union st Crawford, James, 29 Mountstuart rd Clark Mrs, 6 Mansefield pi Crawford, Miss Jemima, Havelock ter Clark, agent -9 High sb Crawford, Mrs J. S.. 23 Argyle st Clow, Robt-rt, s^ardener, 39 Ardbeg rd Crawford, Mrs Margt., 4 Dean Hood pi

Mrs Mryt , 36 Mountstuart rd Clubb, Wm , baker, 24 Castlehill st Crawford, Coates, James, Ph.D., F.A-S., Medical Crawford, 1'homas F., shipowner, 57 Electrician and Masseur, Glenbeg, 57 Mountstuart rd A rdbeg rd Cunringham,Ach.,joiner, IColumshillp Cochran, Jn, town weigher, .5 Argyle st Crawford, Mrs. 15 High st Cochran, John J., dentist, 2 Battery pi Crichton, Mrs Jane, 8 Mill st Collier & i^ons, bootmakers, Montague st Cross, Miss Ann, Wyndham pk Collins, Chas., seaman, 29 Mill Cro!-s. J., grocer, 27 Meadow pi John, sen., plumber, 49 Colville, Mrs Isa. , 78 High st Cruickphanks,

Colquhoun, D. T., spirit merchant, 27 High st ; ho, 47 do jun., plumber, do.; Gallowgate ; ho Bran dan e ter Cruickshanks, John, Conely, Donald, 27 Staffa pi ho., Bellvue rd

Conley, Thomas, 8 Mansefleld pi Cull, Mrs Eliz., 5i Argyle st . Conijell, Mrs A gnes, 20 Mill st Gumming, Miss Janet, 8 Montague st Connell, John, 3 Russell st Gumming, Mrs Janet, 2 Minister's br Connell, Miss Mary, 79 High st Gumming, Jms, pnrter. Watergate Connelly, Mrs, 20 Kussell st Gumming Wm M., joiner, 13 Stuart st Considine Mrs, 19 Castle st Cunningham, Ax.. 71 Victoria st Cook, Dun,, fruiterer, 72 Victoria st Cunninghau) MrsAnn, 35 Mountstuart rd Cook, John, coachman, 2 E. Princes st Cunningham Mrs Dan, 2 Chapelhill rd Cook, Mrs Magt., 11 E. Princes st Cunningham, Mrs Isa. and Miss Mary, 11 Cooper, Fredk, J., 8 Mansfield pi Hillhouse rd Cooper & Co., grocers, Montague at & Cunningham, James, grocer, 79^ Mon- High st tague st; ho, iO Crichton rd Cormack, An., policeman, 98 Montague s Cunningham, Jms, plumber, 12 Bridge st plasterer, Cunnmgham, Jms., steward, 133 High s Corrigan, Dan. , 24 Mill st Cosgrove, Hu., carter, 14 W. Princes st Cunningham. John, 16 Russell st Cosgrove, Js. M., stoker, 21 Columshill s Cunningham, John, aerated water manu- Cossar, Eev Alex., 21 Russell st facturer, 17 E. Princes st; ho, Elysium 98 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS.

Bute TempePanCe Hotel, The Leading Temperance House,

Every Attentiai Given to Tourists Ti^a^nni'i Every Home nn llir,ilio l/Vi^'i'It^l and Commercial Gentlemen, J-lUHltliy . Comfort.

Terms M -deiate. From £2 2s per Week. James M'Millan, Proprietor.

Hotel and Pension, Craigmore.

Overlooking the Royal Northern Regatta Course, and convenient for Clyde Escursioa Steamers. Golf Course, Tennis Courts, and Bowling Green adjoining. D. Wilson, Proprietor. The Galatea Bap,

3, 5 and 7 Bridge-End Street^

Families Supplied, Duiican Bell, Spirit Merchan

M'Gilp's Cig*ap Empopium,

Jatcellei'ij^ Tobaccos and Fancy Goods.

All kinds of Watches, Jewellery and Fancy Goods. 3 Hlg*!! Street

Petep Gpant,

Fa 1 1 illy Bread, BiSGuit and Pastry Baker, Tea Rooms, 1 Gallovrgrate, Rothesay^ Quality our Leading Feature. Goods Promptly Delivered.

Pianofopte and Singing* School, Genvgd Dryden^ Teacher of Miisic^ 37 Bishop Street, Rothesay Candidates prepared for the various Examinations. Terms on Application.

Daniel M'Gilp, Rothesay^ I'ort-Bannatyne^ Craigmore and Glasgow.

Daily Proiupt]\/rtr;i.:] 90 & 31 Argyle ST., 50 Queen St., { Glas- ^^ VJiijJ,^^ vyciiiiciOixvyif^y f Deliveryby \ 84 Virginia St., & 15C E.Howard St.,! g-ow For all Parts per Globe Express, Limited. 4<1 Montag'ue St„ Rothesay

Andpew Dodds & Son, Joiners.^ Builders and Funeral TJnderfahers.^

House ; Castle Cottage, Tower street. 1 King" street Jobbings Punctually Attended to. Hot-House Building, etc. Charges Moderate. Estimates Given, ; ;


Cunningham, Jn., coachmaD, 56 High st Davidson John, boxmaker, 78 Ardbeg r Cunningham, John, plumber, 145 High s Davidson Mi?s Mary, 36 Bishop st Cunningham,? John A., miller, 32 Mon- Davidson Mrs Mary, 139 High st tague st Davidson Ts., cabdriver, 84 Montague st Cunningham, Miss, 52 Ciichton rd Davis, Mrs Mary, 27fArgyle pi Cunningham, Mrs Mary. 31 Battery pi Darroch Robt. H., painter, 13. Argyle st Cunningham, Mrs Mary, 2 Chapelhill rd Dawson Mrs Jessie, 41 Ardbeg rd Cunningham, Montg. painter, , Glenhead Dawson Wm, tailor, 3 Logie pi Cunningham, Nl., grocer, 22 Castlehill s Deans Wm, carpencer, 1 Russell st Cunningham, Thos., stoker, 133 High st Deiioon Mrs Rachael, 6 Bridge ot Cunningham, Wm., painter, 73 Barone r Deiby Angus, painter, Watergate Cunningham, Wm., labourer, 76 Mon- Derby James, painter, 33 Biidg« st tague st Derby Mrs Jessie, 2 Ladeside Cunningham, Wm W, M & G Innes, 101 Derby Mrs Margt , 8 l^iwer st Montague st ; ho, 4 West Castle st Derby Thos., painter, 19 Castle st Cunnintjham, Misses. 8 Argyle st Dewar Andw 7 GaUowgate , Cunningham & Co., serated water manu- Dewar Mrs Cith., 157 H'gh st facturers, 17 E. Princes st Dewar Duncan, architect, l5 Castle st Curran. Michael, labourer, 1 Russell st ho, 23 Aryyle pi Curran, James, mason, 117 High st Dewar Duncan, seaman, 24 Mill st Curran, John, 8 Mansefleld pi Dewar Francis, carpenter, 14 Wi*tergate; Curiie, Alex., draper, 47 Argyle st ho, 25 Montague st Currie, Alex.^ fajrmer, Ardbeg Dewar James, joiner, 2 Minister's br Currie, < 'olin, grocer, 20 Russell st Dick K. & J., b )ot manufacturers, 105 Currie, Daniel, boat-hirer, 7 Argyle pi Montague st Currie, Daniel, grocer, Ardbeg rd 30 Dick Miss, 41 Mountstuart r 1 Currie, Dau., shoemaker, 11 Montague st Dickie Daniel and Hugh, Lilyoak ter Currie, Dan., shopman, 3 Cdumshill pi Dickie Mrs Margt. . Westwood Currie, Duncan, seaman, 6 King st Dickson Alex., engineer, 74 Hit. h st Currie, Duncan, upholsterer, 80 High st Dickson {gardener, 35 Colum.-hill st Geo , Currie, John, carter. 38 Mill st Dickson Miss Grace, 29 Crichton rd Currie, John, farmer, 8 Ardbeg rd Dixon S., clerk, 36 Mountpleasant rd Currie, John, farmer, Westland Dickson Steven, 103 Montague st ,^Currie, Mrs Marjit. , 17 Russell st Dickson Mrs, A rdbeg rd Currie, Robert, farmer, Crossbeg Dietrichseii Mrs Helen. 5 Marine pi Currie, Mrs, 4 Mansefleld pi Dimmocks W., sergt.-Major, 48 Mount- Cuthbert, Mi-s Em., 3 Mountpleasant rd pleasant rd Cuthbert, Wm, joiner, Union st Dixon Wm., coahnaster, 12-13 King st Cuthbert, Win, police srgt., Hillhouserd Dobbie Ax. S., coalmrcht.. Bishop trbr Cuthbertson, John, teacher, 22 Colums- Dobbie And., tailor, 7 Tower st hill st Dobbie Mrs Cath., High Craigmore Cuthbertson, Michael, florist and seed iJobb.e Jame.s, florist, High Craigmore grower, 114 High st Dobbie Mrs Janet, 22 Columshill st Dobbie fiev 1 ochart, 8 Arpyle pi Ducherty Ed., contractor, 76 Ardbeg rd Docherty Jms., labourer, 41 Watergate DochertyJh., gardener, 83 High st Dale James, tinsmith, 8 Hillhouse rd Docherty John, gatekeeper, 86 High st

Dale Mrs Rachael, 29 hJ. Princes st DochertyJohn J. , pain cer, 83 Montague st Dalglish Mrs Wm., Wyndham pk Docherty Mic, fishmonger, 4 Dean Hd p Daliachy Henry, banker, 57 Ardbeg rd Dodds Andw. & Son, joiners, King st Dalziel DFred., Dn. of Guild. 54 Ardbeg ho. Tower cottage, 16 Tower st David Wm., police sergeant, 33 High st iJodds Miss Jessie, milliner, 15 Argyle st Davidson Mrs Ann, 20 Russell st Dodds, John G., joiner, Sunnyside, Davidson Mrs Dvd., 89 High st Barone rd

Davidson Grace A., Belmont, Argyle tr Doggart Th. W. , teacher, Gowanfieldrd Davidson Jms., 3 Bishop ter br Donachie J W, 14 Kussell st Davidson Miss Jemima, 31 Battery pi Donald Mrs Theresa, 27 Argyle st 91 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS.

r #^ 25 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY. t) ^yv>p^^.pN^>^x^,,p-^,V.-C;Vr^;se^>eS-'^'^^~^^ x-sjr^^;yS^^^V^Sy^\F^V'^Sy^^e^^a^^y^^fN>r^'^s^a»

Boys', Youths' and Gent.'s Clothiep and Outfitter, Hosier and Glover.

The Rothesay Tramways Co., Ltd, Electric Oars Eun Every Few Minutes Daily

From Rothesay to Port-Bannatyne, 2d ; to Ettrick Bay, 5d. During the Season the undernoted Drives may he arranged for by the Company's Coaches. Tickets from Conductors.

Ettrick Bay to Kilmichael, Is. Ettrick Bay to Cockle Shore, lOd. Port-Bannatyne to Rhubodach, Is 4d. Return Fares. Special Terms for Parties, apply to tke Manager.


2 7 Vi ctoria street

Breakfasts. Dinners. Teas.

D. BLAIR & SON, (Successors to Lachlan Ferguson & Son), Joiners^ Glaziers^ Cabinetmakers, Funeral Undertakers^ & Cartwrights^ 15 Bridge Stree ALEX. M*GILP, Watchmaker, Jeioeller, Optician and Tobacconist, Dean Hood place Choice Selection of Tobaccoes and Cigars. Spectacles/jEye-Glasses and Golf Clubs*

MATTHEW B. RUSSELL, Family Grocer, Tea and Provision Merchant^ 106 Montagrue street. Confection Department, 2 Qallow^g^ate

Walton's Famed Jams, Jellies, aud Toffees; Keillor's Confections ; and Nairn's Famed Oat Cakes always on hand. ; ,


Donaldson Jms., Logie pi Duucan Miss Mary, 33 Gallowgate Donaldson Js. C, heritor, l4 Ardbeg rd Dnncan MissMary, 53 Moun tst aart rd Donaldson Miss Janet, 19 Bridge st DuncanMiss Mary A., 6a E. Princes st Donaldson. T. C, Tighnamara, Ardbeg Duncan Mary C. 16 Hillhouse rd

Donaldson Miss, Crichton rd Duncan Matthew, plasterer, Ladeside ; Dougali, J. S.. Roslin pi ho. Academy rd Douglas Miss Margt., East Princes st Duncan ISinian, grain and potato mer-

Douglas Miss Marion, 8 Battery pi chant. Store lane ; ho, 24 Bishop st Dowell Mrs Oath., 29 Argyle st Duncan Robert, sawyer, ll9 High st J^owie John, {gardener, High Craigmore Duncan Kb., postman, i03 Montague st Drummond Miss Cath., 40 Bishop st Duncan Eobt.Craitf, gardener,14 King st Drummend Jh., gardener, 93 High st Duncan Wit. gardener, Columshill pi , 7 Drummond Jn.. gardener, 15 Bridge-end Duncan Mrs, Ardbeg Dryburgh Mrs Agnes, 77 Barone rd Dunlop Mrs Madeline, 28 Argyle st Dryburn Wm., carter, 5 Bridge sc Dunlop Mrs, 4 West Castle st Dryden Geo., music teacher, '-^l Bishop st Dunlop Mrs Margt., 11 Watergate

Duff , Holyrood, Barone I'd Dunlop Rbt. , musical instrument mkr. Dugo;an E., Koslin pi Mrs Jessie Holyrood, Barone rd , Dunbar Miss Robina. 11 Bishop st Dunlop Wm., brassfinsr., 90 Montague s Dunbar Wm. J., 8 Mansefield pi Dunlop Mrs, 4 West Castle st Duncan Mrs Agnes, 2 King st Dunn Arch. C, draper, 85 Ardbeg rd Diincan Miss Agnes, 8 Mansefield pi Dunn John, 58 Ladeside

Duncan mIps Agnes, 5 Russell st Dunn Mrs Margt. , 57 Ardbeg rd

Duncan Misses Agnes and Eliz. , Gowan- Dunnigan Matthew, 8 Mansfield pi field pi Dunning Mrs Fanny, 5.3 Gallowgate Duncan Alex., joiner, 5 Bridge st Dunning Mrs Sarah, 11 Bridge st Duncan Alex., boot dealer, Bishop st Duthie James, traveller, 1 Union st ho, 1 Union st Duncan Alex., labourer. 18Rnssellst Duncan Ax., plasterer, 11 Columshill s Duncan Mrs Ann S., 5 Brighton ter E Duncan Miss Cath., 3 Croft lodge Eadie Jane, 19 Russell st Duncan Mrs Catherine, spirit dealer, 8 Eadie Wm., teacher, Ballochgoy ter AVatei'gate ; ho, 16 Windsor pi Eaton John, 1 Bridge-end st Duncan Daniel, merchant, Woodend Edgar Mrs Cath., 18 Bridge st Duncan Dan., plasterer, 11 Columshill s Edgar Wm, bottler, 30 E. Princes st Duncan Mrs Eliz., Brighton ter Edgar Wm, jiainter, 33 Victoria st Duncan (^eo. fishmonger, 179 High st Elder Mrs Margaret, milliner, 102 Duncan G. A., postmaster, Ballochgoy Mon- tague st cottage. Alma terrace Elder Robert, engineer, Elderslie, Duncan Miss Grace, Minister's br Ser- pentine rd Duncan Miss Grace, 25 Montague st Ellett, Cath., 8 Mansfield pi Duncan Miss Helen, Union st Ellis Mrs, 18 Mountpleasant rd Duncan Miss Henrtta, 53 Mountstuart r Ellison Robert, wine merchant, 26 Duncan Miss Isa G., 29 K. Princes st Ma- rine pi Duncan Jms., mason, 27 Columshill st El slot Mrs Jane McK, 4 Dean Hoo'l pi Duncan Jms , s-teward, 35 Bridge st Englif^h George, 2 Minister's br Duncan Jms. T., 21 Mill st Evans Mrs Johanna, 41 Victoria st Duncan Miss Jane, 12 Argryle st Ewing Mrs Ann, Mountstuart rd Duncan Mrs Jane, 82 High st Ewing Ach., reporter, 9a Mountstuart Duncan Mrs Janet, 17 iD. Princes st Ewing Geo, carter, Duncan John, baker, 11 Chapelhill rd 38 Ladeside st Durcan John, joiner, 22 Bridge st ; ho, 23 Argyle ter Duncan Jn., watchmaker, 58 Montague st J luncan Mrs John, Glebe pi Duncan John, quarrier,133 High st Duncan Miss Margt., 177 High st 93 ;


Fisher Mrs May, 73 Victoria st Fisher Billhead, Serpentine rd F Flannagan Miss Bethia, 18 Bridge st Fleming Mrs Cath , Oak villa. Mount- Fairley Miss Jane, 9 Mill st pleasant rd Falconer Mrs Ann, 83 High st Fleming Gavin, reporter, 63 Montague st Falconer John, vanman, 5 Staffa pi Fleming Jms., painter, 103 High st Falconpr Thomas, clerk, 1 Union st Fleming Msss .rn.& Mgt., 18 Crichton rd Falsey Francis, shoemaker, 16 Staffa pi Fleming Miss Jessie, 15^ Marine pi Farmer D, gardener, Mill bank Fleming John, merchant, 18 Crichton rd Farquharson Miss Ophelia, Crichton rd Fleming Mr^ Lilian, 10 Mansefield pi Farrell James, moulder, 85 Ardbeg rd Fleming Mrs Mgt., l Colum.shill pi Farrell Jeremiah, draper, 85 Ardbeg Fleming Mrs Marion B, Ornatus ter Faulds James, cartel, 9 Mill st Fleming Mrs May, Barone rd Faulds James, 19 Castle st Fleming Mrs, Marine pi Faulds Mrs, 89 Montague st Fletcher Mi*3 Isa, 2 Mountpleasant rd Faulds Thos, carter, 97 Montague st Flom David, 6 Mansetield pi Faulds Wm, carter, 11 Mill st Foley Michael, 7 Mansefleld pi Feggans Mrs Mary, 24 Mill st Forbes Mrs Marion P. 32 Ardbeg rd Fenton Robt., wood mercht, 74 Ardbeg Ford Miss Eliz. B, 12 Argyle pi Ferguson Alx., painter, 20 W. Princes st Fordyce Mrs Margt.. 105 High st Ferguson Mrs Ann, 20 Staffa pi Forfar James, grocer, 21 Roslin pi I'erguson Miss Oath., Inkerman ter Forrest Ax., tinsmith, 8| Ardbeg Ferguson I'aniel, auctioneer, Barone rd Forrest Thomas, Minister's brae Ferguson Dan., gardnr., '20 W.Princes s Forson Andw., hatter, 31 Battery pi Ferijuson Duu., seaman, 3 Columshilpl Foulds Mrs Eliz M., 45 Ardbeg rd Ferguson Geo, Mill bank, Ascog Foulds Thos.. ironmoulder, 7 'i ower st Ferguson Mrs Grace, spirit merchant, Foulis Robert, mason, 3 Mill st Mountpleasant rd Fowlie VVltr., Castlegrove, York ter 25 High st ; ho, 7 Ferguson John, clerk, Barone villa Fowlis Miss Agnes S, Eastlands rd Ferguson John, hetitor, 15 Bridge st Fox Peter, traveller, 19 Castle st Ferguson J hn, tailor, 38 Mill st Frame John, residenter, Eastlands rd Ferguson John, 84 Montague st Frame Wm, 16 Russell st Ferguson Mrs May, 17 Gallowgate Fraser MissCth.& My, 10 Mountstuart r Ferguson Mrs Magt., Meadowcap Frasei Mrs Janet, 64 Ladeside st Ferguson Mrs, 27 < 'olumshill st Fraser .Tohn, watchmaker, Ladeside Ferguson Miss, Inkeruinn ter Fraser Wm., blacksmith, 4 Mackinlay st Ferguson Miss, 20 St iffa pi Fraser Mrs, 3 Bishop ter br Ferrier Mrs, Uunvegan, Marine pi Freckleton Mrs Mar^t., Wyndhampk FeriierMrs Ann, Chapelhill rd Freckleton Jms., uoathirer, 87 High st Ferrier D.ivid, grocer, 54 Montague st Freeland Mrs Wm, Usborne pi ho. Upper Craigmore Friel Hugh, labourer, 28 Mill st Feriier Wm, stoker, 3 King st Friel Pat., labourer, 28 Mill st Fife Robt., florist, Dobbie it Co., High Fulton Miss Kliz., stationer, 10 Argyle st

st ; ho, 59 Barone rd Fiilton Misses Eliz., 24 Bridge st Findlay Mrs Mary Ann, Brighton ter Fulton John, painter, 34 Staffa pi Finlay Misses Jnt & Jem., 10 Crichton Fulton Miss, 21 Ardbeg rd Finlay > iss May, 47 Mountstuart rd Fullarton Mrs H., 17 Russell st Finlay Peter, grocer, Wyr.dham rd FuUerton Wm., cerattd water manu-

Fink} Kbt. , gardener,61 Mountstuart rd facturer. Bishop st

Finlay , labourer, 48 Ladeside F.vfe Miss Ann, 7 Marine pi

Finiayso i Misses Uhfis M. and Mary C, Fyfe Dr. D., dentist, 28 Argyle st Ardmi iry rd Fyfe John, cabinetmaker, 31 battery pi Finnic Alx., cabiuetmker, 70 Ardbeg r Fyfe Miss, Wyndham rd Fisher wiss Agnes, 36 Bishop st Fyfe John, cai'penter. Gowanfield pi Fi'^her .lam-^s, grain merchant. King st

and W. Castle si ; ho, J 3 Ardbeg rd Fisher John, photographer, 6 Aigyle pi 94 HOUSE H OLDE KS—1 lot hesay

Gilchrist Jn. S., teacher, Larkhall GilchristMoote, shipmaster, 26 Argyle st Gilchrist Miss Sarah, 31 'Tallowgate G Gilchrist Mrs, 71 Victoria st Galbraitli Alx., seaman, 11 Hillhouse rd Gilfillan Wm., printer, 8 Hillhouse rd Galbraith Miss Eliz., High Craigmore Gillan James, 25 Mill st Galbraith Mrs Cath., 77 Montague st Gillan Kobt.. moulder, Wyndhara rd Galbraitli Mrs Marion, 1 Craigmore rd Gilhn Robert, 70 Ardbegroad Galbraith Rev. William, U. F, manse, Gill'i^spie Wm. S., dentist, 83 Barone rd Bishop ter Gillies Miss Agces L, 41 Victoria st Gallacher Jms., carter, 3 Ruesell st Gillies A.lex., carpenter, 46 Montague st Gallacher James, labourer, 26 Russell st Gillie? Du^'akl, joiner, 21 Ro.slin pi

Gillies Duncan, j. Russell Gallacher Chas , labourer, 24 Ladeside st Galloway A., 33 Victoria st Gillies Mrs Eliz. S. ana Miss Mrt. E 37 Galloway James, 5 Mountpleasant rd Ardbeg rd Galloway Wm., manufactr., Bogany rd Gillies Jms., labourei, 2A Ladeside st-

Galloway Miss, 3 Castle st Gillies Jhn , engineer, 20 --'olumsh'll s^- Gait Wm., moulder. 28 Staffa pi Gillies Fiss 14 Bridge-enc" st Gardiner Jms., 40 Montaeue st Gillies, Join, labourer, M3adowi.!a]i Gardiner Jas., baker, 4 Mountpleasant Gillies Neil, gardener, Meadowcap Gardiner Mrs Jane, Ballochgoy ter Gillies Peter, labourer, 20 Mill st Gardiner John, barber, 16 W. Princes Gillies, Wltr. F, teach«i" if danci'ag ^'d

st ; ho, 35 Barone rd Ardbeg rd Gardiner Wm., 3Millst Gillies Wm., 74 High sf Garratt Mrs Rebecca, 80 High st Gillon Robt., mtulder, PO Ardbeg rd Gardiner, Robt,, sen., joiner, 9 Chapel- Gilmour Neil, 1 Gowanfield pi hill rd Giuliani Leopoldo, confectioner. Mon- Gardiner Wm., 3 Mill st t gue. High, and Watergate sts; ho, Ganity '^omini^, labor-r ,i. 2 John o'. 96 Montague st Garven Mrs Jane, High Craigmore Glasj Mra Mary, 4i Ciicht ir rd

Geddts Qei., tailor, 32 JVJ onn+plea^an 1 r Gien Jms.. fishn-man, 40 Bishop st Gemmall John, c?rter, 38 Colu.mshill st Glen Mis Janet, Bishop ter I r Gemn^ell John, labourer 74 Figh st Gier John, 9.1 Hi^h gr

Gem-ni^ Mrs l-liz , 49 Ardb^g rd Glen John, seaman, Ardbeg rd Gemmill Hu., 29 Castle st Glen teter, sh:'pmaster, (rlebe lands Gemmill Hu., painter, Moi^ctpleasant Glen Pete^-, boatnaan, 4 Croft In Gemmill Robt.. engineer, Baror-e rd Glen Robt. tailor. 38 Columshill st GemmfU Thomas, Mountpleasant Glenburn Hydropathic—Robt. Hender- Gemmill Wm., 4 Mot.ntpleasant rd son, manager Gem mil' Mrs, I W. Castie st Gold Mrs Jess'e, 4 Marine pi Gibb MIS Margt., 14^ Marine pi Golder Wm., heritor, 23 M trine pi Gibson Mrs Agnes?, 12.5 Argyle pi (Toldie Miss -Isa., 177 Highi st Gibson Geot ge, waiter, Glenburn Goodfellow Miss EI z.. M'Alister's crt Gibson Mrs Helen, 8 Montague st Goldie Jms., boil rmaker, 83 High st Gibson James, gardener, Montford G('rdoli Martha H, Bishop ter Gibson Mrs Robina, 66 Montague st Gorman Mrs Ann, 23 Bridg^^-exid st Giljson John, llesher, 6 Battery pi Gourlay Arch., joiner, 17 Bridge st Gilchrist Allan, mason, 22 Russell st Gourlay Js. F, bookseder. 75 Ardbeg rd Gilchrist Andrew, foreman, Ckromde Graham Mrs Mrgf. and Mis-; Ann, ladies

office ; ho, 27 Columshill st and children's outtitters, 75 Victoria st Gilchrist Andrew, painter, 1 Union st Graham Miss Cath., 29 E. Princes st Gilchrist Mrs Ann, 106 High st Graham Miss Esther, 4 Bishoj) st Gilchrist Daniel, teaclier. Inkerman ter Graham Frank, engineer. 8 Soaff pi Gilchris'-. David, purser, Havelock ter Graham Jms., glazier, Larkhall Gilchrist Jms., mason, 6 Columshill st Graham Jms., engineer, 2 Ar.yle st Gilchrist Jms., sculptor, 143 High st Graham Jms.. Seab-ink bu'l lings Gilchrist Jms. Y, 74 High st Graham Mrs Janet, 31 Bactery pi Gilchrist John, mason, 106 High st Graham Mrs Mrj,t., l3 Stuart st 95 ;


(J^raham Mrrf Mary, grocer, 5 Mill st Halliday George, sen., (of George Halli- ho, 8 Mansefii-ld pi day, Ltd.), wood merchant, sawmil'. Graham Peter, potter, Argyle ter Union st; ho. Ardnamara, Academy rd Graham Rbt,, shipmaster, 14 Argyle p) Halliday Geo. jun., shipping agent, Graham Wm, baker, 8 Hillhouse rd Springbank, 7 Chapelhill rd Graham Mrs capt., 92 Ardbegrd Halliday John, timber merchant, Grainger Miss, Id Marine pi Ardnamara, Chapelhill rd Granger Mi?s Janet, 10^ Ardbeg rd Halliday Mlcm., contra-tor, 94 High st Grant Mrs Agnes, Gowai field ter Halliday Wm., com. agent, 24 Argyle St Gowanfield ter Hally Miss Eliz., 30 Grant Alex. , printer, Mountstuart rd sc Grant Donald, writer, 20 Castlehill ; Hamilton Andw., grocer, 2 Bridge-end ho, 2 Bishop ter st ; ho, 3 Brandane ter, Barone rd Cu Misses June, Grant Mrs KHz , 20 Bishop Hamilton k Mry., Orcadia Grant Johi.. carter, 179 High st Hamilton John, moulder, 37 Staflfa pi Grant John, ploughman, Idi Fi?h st Hamilton John S., 27 Bridge-end st Giant J., 70 Ardbeg rd Hamilton P., High st ^-allowj-ate ):o. Ths st(jker, Grant Pete>-, baker, 1 ; Hamilton , 26 Bridge-end- st 2? Bridge s'^ Hannerton Mrs Janet, Mansefield pi, Grant Kobt M., ]oiti3r, if Wir.d^tr pi Mmi-ter's br Grant Wn^, U.^ clerk, 20 Bishcp st Hannighan Mrs May, 42 High st Gray A'ex., pi)licema,ii, 7 Uniou at Harding captain. County Chief Con- GvAy George. 40 Mountpkasant id stable, 37 High st st >Grray John, coachman, 103 Mont-r p;f e Harding, Thos., 31 Staffa pi st Harkness Miss Helen, 6a E. Princes &t Gray Mrs Mrgt , 77 Montague Gray W^li'am, boot manufacturer, 20 Harold Misses Eliz. & Isa., High Bogany Mor<-£g-;P "J rd Gray Wm., 7 Bridge st, ho Ballocbgoy Harper Rankin, labourer, 4 Mill st Q-rpoTi Edw., gardener, lownhead Harper Mrs, 29 Columshill st Gr^^enleo- John, cart'^,-. ? Pillhouse rd Harper Mrs Chris., 28 Columshill st Greig Jms., arardener. 25 C'raigmore rd Harris Fred., broker, 55 Montague st 13 Staffa pi Hart Miss Eliz., 30 Bridge st Greig , baker, Eliz 11 E. st Grieve John, 93 High st Hart Miss , Princes Gribb Miss Agnes, Higli Craigmore Hart Js., warehouseman, Wyndham rd Gribben Miss Ame,. 16i"Mountstuartrd Hart Mrs Mgt., Argyle ter Grindley Mr?, Argyle Hotel, Watergate Hart Miss My. . 2 Chapelhill rd Gunn John, 7 Mansefield pi Harvey Bernard, painte-, 26 Russell st Harvey Mrs Eliz. , 135 High st Guthrie Wm . Croft In Guy Miss, 32 Battery pi Harvey Js., tobacconist, Eastlands rd Harvey Mrs Janet, 16 Store In Harvey John, labourer, Barone rd Harvey John, yachtsman, 7 Monsfield pi Harvey Jhn. B., seaman, 2 Minister's br H Harvey John C, printer, CJiionicle, 16 Watergate; res , A'dbeg Haddoflr Alex,, draper, 32 Bishop st Harvey John T., heritor, 20 Argyle st Haddow 78 Ardbeg rd Harvey Margt., 20 Bridge-end st

Hagart Rich. B, measurer, 61 Ardbegrd Harvey Mrs Mary, groce , 27 Mill st Haig Andw., gardener, 13 Columshill p Harvey Robt.; tailor, 74 High st Haig John, blacksmitli, 8 Hillhouse rd Harvey Hbt., C, sculptor, Kastlands rd Haig Mrs Mgt., 32 Bishop st Harvey Thos. H. f,armer, Windyhall Hair Wm., 17 Montague st Harvey Wm., dyer, 30 Crichton rd Halbert mvs Jchn, 17 Bishop s-t Harvey Wm., .steward, 26 Castle st Haldane Miss Isa., 32 Mill sc Hastie Mrs Agnes, H igh Craigmore Hall Alex., B, cJerk, 10 Mountstuart rd Hastie Miss, Toward view, Ardbeg Hall Dr Andrew J., M.A., M.D., 13 Hay Geo., 3 Stuart st Battery pi Hay John, stationer, Argyle ter Hall Henry, 22 Wateigate Hay John, Colbeck pi Hall Jas., residenter, Westland rd Heaslet Miss Agnes, 63 High st 96 ;


Heaton Js , spirit merchant, 7 Victoria Hillton N, seaman, 20 Bridge-end at

st ; ho, 45 Baroae rd Hilton Wm , ventriloquist, Bishop tr br

Heaton Jms , spirit merchant, Tower- Hinchelwood T, 17 Craigmore rd hill house Hodge Miss Margt. G, 51 Crichton rd Heaton E,obt., spirit merchant, 12 East Hogan John, 10 Columshill st Princes st ; ho, I'ower, Serpentine rd Holden Geo., grocer, 15 Bridge st Heaton 23 B^rone rd Holn es Andw., grocer, 47 Victoria st Heaton Wm. M., printer, 9 Victoria st ho, 29 E. Princes st and Victoria vil., Hector Geo., jeweller, 57 Ardbeg rd Barone rd Henderson Jn., clubmaster, 27 A.rgyle st Holmes Miss Isa., Barone rd

Henderson James, coal merchant, 31 Hossie W., 9 Bridge-end st : 17 Bishop s Wate-g^te ; ho, 163 High st Hossock Miss Mrt., 4 W Castle st Henderson Jras., wood merchant. West- Howard Alfred E., china merchant, I wood, Argvle ter Montajiue st ; ho, Ian villa, Academy Henderson Mrs Margt., 1 Minister's br rd Henderson Mrs My., 17 Bishop sc Howe Alex., fruiterer, 38 Columsull st Henderson Mrs Mary, Wyndham pk Howie Miss Jnt., 2 Columshill pi Henderson Hobert, manager, Glenburn Howat Mrs Janet, 46 Ladeside Hydro Howitt Jms., gardener, Ardmory

Henderson , 92 Ardbeg rd Howitt Mrs Mary, Ardmory rd rd Hendry Mis^s, 32 Battery pi Hughes Mrs, 4 West Castle st Hendry Wm J, pawnbroker, Westwood Hume Jms., engineer, Ardmory rd Henry Jms., carrier, 72 Montague st Hunter And., blacksmith, 65 Victoria st Henry Mrs My,, 80 hiigh st Hunter Mrs Annie Y., 43 Mountstuart rd Henry Wm., labourer, 28 Mill st Hunter Miss Eliz., Adelaide pi Henry Miss Winnifred, 93 High st Hunter Mrs Isa., Minister's br Hepburn J. Scrymgeour, tow|i clerk, 1 Hunter Jms., seaman, 10 Mansefleld pi Castle st ; ho, l*jaglesham, Mount- Hunter Jms., grocer, 10 W. Princes st pleasant rd ho, Mountstuart rd Herbert Miss Agnes, 31 E. Princes st Hunter John R., mason, 11 Castle st Herbert Miss Edith, 6 Albert pi Hurter Miss Mart., 5 Argyle ter Herbert Mrs Hn., Hillcrest, 5 Crichton r Hunter Miss Mart., 14 Battery pi Heron John, Demerara pi, Ardbeg rd Hunter Mrs Mary, 22 Columshill st'

Heriot , 26 Columshill st Hunter Robt. A., tailor, 6 ritaflfa pi Herriot Miss Eliz. M., 54 Mountstuart rd Hunter Wm., builder, Marionslea,

Hewison Rev. James King, M. a., d.d. , Minister's br Parish Church manse. Minister's br Hunter Mrs, 5 Russell st Hicks Charles'!'., chemist and druggist, Hutcheson Wm., Almar, Craigmore rd 2 High st and 1 Victoria st ; ho, Daisy Hutchison Miss Eliz., Serpentine rd Cliff, Crichton rd Hutchison Miss Mr-/., 3 Union st Hicks Geo., do., do., ho, 17 Hutchison Miss, 20 Argyle st Mountpleasant rd Hutson Thos, carter, 9jHillhouse rd George, Higgle publisher, shorthand Hutton Mrs Jane, 6J Ardbeg rd writer and teacher, and insurance Hyde Fred., 4 Mansefleld pi agent, 22 Bridge st Hynd Mrs Jane, 7 Wyndham rd Higgle Miss Margaret M'L., dressmaker, Hyndman And., painter, 4 Minister's br 20 Bridge st Hyndman Mrs Ann, 46 Ladeside

Hill Chs. , labourer, 10 Battery pi Hyndman Jms. , slater, Oolbeck pi ; ho, Hill Geo., draper, 78 Montague st ; ho, 52 Montague st 82 High st Hyndman Peter, carter, 37 Bridge st Hill (t G, M p s, chemist and druggist, Hyndman Peter, labourer, 27 Staifa pi 64 Montague sc Hyndman Wm., restaurateur, 3 Mon- Hill Miss Jnt., confectioner, Ladeside tague st ; ho., 4 Bishop st Hid John, gardener, Ballochgoy ; ho, Havelock ter Hill Mrs Sophia, 9 Mountstuart rd


Johnston, Mrs Cath,, 20 W. Princes st Johnston, Misses Cath. & Flora, dress makers, 9 Castle st Johnston, Cns.. 3b Staffvi. pi Johnston, Mrs KHz., 109 Montague st Inglis, Miss Cath, 17 E Princes st Johnston, Mrs Rliz.. 13 W. Prince sst Inglis, Mrs Eliz., 19 Ardbeg rd Johnston, Mr.. G^or^ina. 82 Montague Innes, Alex., gardener, Ardencraig st Johnston, James, 5 Bridge st Inres, Mrs Eliz., 7 Gallowgate _ John:: ton, John, shoemaker, 9 Castle st Innes, Geo., house furnisher, 101 Mon- Joanston, John, 7 Mansefield pi tague st ; ho, W Castle st Jonnsoon, J Dj, auctioneer, Mansfield Innes, Geo., pawnbroker, "West Castle p Jonnston, John R., blacksmith, 65 Ard- st ; ho, Bruan, Bishop ter beg rd Innes, M. & G., furniture dealers, 101 Johnston,Wm, engineer. 7 Mansef eld pi Montague st Johnston, Wm., slater, 36 Columshill st Innes, ^am., engineer, Glenburn Johnston, Mrs, Castlehill st Irvine, David, 31 Staffa pi Johnston, , flesher, 109 Montague st Irvine, Joseph, labourer, 2 John st Jo'instone, Miss Agnes, 23 Barone rd Irvine, iSam., shoemaker, 6a E. Princes s Johnstone, And., vanman, 3 Staffa pi Irving, Annie, 6 Glenrosa pi Johnstone, Misses, A. &J., confectioncsj Irvine, Mrs Rbt., 1 Bridge-end st 63 Victoria -^t Johrston, Vrr '^Uz. 18 Columshi?! s' John.7tor, Mrs Flora. 16 ':i",s']'^hill -t Johnstont Hueh, joiner. 65 Victoria st Johnstone 7n.,D, tinsrrith, 37 Staffa pi Jack, James, grain merchant, Hillside Jo^nptoD.; jRoht , tobaccon'jt. ?4 Mil' s house, Serpentine rd Johnstone, Rob!: , Dricklayer. 22 Mill st Jack, Kobt. , draper, 9 High st Johnstone, KoV.'i., gar.fitter, Liiyoa'^ ^e^ Jack, Thos., contractor, 29 rd Barone Jones, Geo , desjgn or, 5 Av. gyie 't Jackson, Dvd., purveyor, 9 E. Princes Jones, John, fleshcL 90 Montague st st ; ho, 23 Bishop st Joa-:s, Mrs Mrt, 25 Ga^Iow^ate Jackson, G. D., Lilyoak ter Jackson, Ebt., tobacconist, 24 Russell st Jackson, Ths., brassfounder, 5 Argyle pi Jackson, Wm H, banker, 43 Ardbeg rd Jamieson, Miss Eliz., 15 Castle st F'rarcis Bridge st Jamieson, James, 14 Russell st Kane Kay, vrs Ann, 11 Dclumshill Pt Jamieson, J.-is. G- , su"v»aia, Argjl. st Jes., 59 Mourtsti-'art id Jamieson, Miss Jnt., 35 Castle st Kay_ Mrs Hlr & Kf^y, forester, Barore cottage Jamieson, J h-- C, pl-retere- IPMillct; Jms., ho R-ufsell st Kean, iv;iss Ann, 13 Argyk pi 2'^ Russell st Jamieson, MrsMv., 8 \rgyle st Kean, Mrs Ann, Mich,, painter, Victoria st Tamitsi r 'Kbt, tobae"onist 24 R'vsselliP Keenan, 3^ Keii, Alex., burgh -a^orker, 22 Russell s Jamiescv Wm. , gardfcn3r, Scrpeoimer Keith, 23 Barone rd Jamieson iVxig 92 Ardbeg rd Keith, Daniel, 8 Mansetield pi Jardine, 21 Colurashill sr. Keith, Hugh, 6 Hillhouse rd Tarvie, Geo., pr liceman, 106 High s+ cook, 28 Montague st Jeatis, 1.. 76 Montague st Keith, Jms, porter, 87 st Jelfrey, Alex., seam?n, 27 Bddo"e-pnd st Keith, John, High baker, Ladeside Jeffrey, msi. Eliz., Hillhouse rd Kell, John, 30 Kelly, Bruce, Alexandra Private Hotel, Jeffrey, Robert, 6 Hillhouse r"* Jeffrey, Wri., boxinaKei, 12^ Argyle pi 21 Battery pi Kelly, carpenter, 36 Staffa pi Jeffrey, Jii^s., 97 Montague st Dan., Kelly, JohnL.. Argyle st Jeffiey. Jms., yachtsman, 6 Hillhouse r Jeffrey, Wm., 30 Watergate Kelly, Miss My. , 11 Mountstuart rd Kelso, Mrs Janet, Mackinlay st Jenkins Miss HelcL., 5 Argyle st Kennedy, Angus, labourer, 38 Mill st Jennings, Jos., vanman, 14 Bridge-end s Kennedy, David, 37 Bridge st Johrs, Ck,vrle3 H., H High st 98 Kennedy, Duncan, 11 Columshill st ;


Kennedy, Jms., shipmaster, Rosebank, Lambie, John, Mansefield pi Marine pi Lamont, John, baker, 4 Hillhouse rd Kennedy, Mrs Mary, 18 Castle st Lambie, John, grocer, 31 Gallowgate Kennedy, Mrs My,, 5 Wyndbam rd Lamont, Mrs Alex., 31 Gallowgate Kennedy, W.v. Park pi Lamont, Alex., carpenter. , i^loughman, Serpentine rd Kennedy, Wm., Minister's br "^jamont, Mrs Annie, 90 Montague st

Ker, Miss Agnes, 12 Marine pi Lamont Arch , tailor and clothier, 15

Ker , Alex., 36 Russell st Gallowgate Kerr, Finlay S, seaman, 98 Montague st Lamont, Miss Chris., 11 Argyle ter Kerr, Miss Grace, 24 Bishop st Lamnnt, Daniel, joiner, 46 Ardbeg rd Kerr, Miss Helen, 11 Columshill st Latront, Don., boatman, Colbeckpl

Kerr, Hugh S . tailor, 38 Bishop st • ho, Lamont, Miss Isa., 29 Argyle st Mcrntpleasart rd Lamont, Jms D, gardener, 74 Ardbeg rd Miss Kerr, Janet, 38 Mountpleasmt rd Lamont, John, baker, 23g Gallov/^^a'ie ; Kerr, Mrs Jessie, 9 CDlumshill pi ho, 23 Gallowgate ^^g---- J. A., Mansefltid pi Lamont, Mrs Mgt., 32 Batter/ pi F.3rr Mrs Mgt., niirse 1'^ Bridge si Lamont, Norman, printer^ 16 Rt^irsciJ. st Kerr, Mrs, L^yoak teT Ls-ig A, 70 Ardbeg id

Krrr Pctsr.. gardener, 5 Mars^'^e^d pi Lanr And, , ironmonger, 22 Columshili s Ke.-r. WF/26Marirepl Lang, Mrs Marion, 11 Montague st K'llpcLj Mrs Wm., Pointl ouse jrescen"* Lano; John, spirit dt aler, 31 Ba tety p Kinchin, Jchr T., r,e-oh?i:-t, 15 Oc&ig- L^'mi'oaT, Don. hairdresser 7 B5'ido;3

rio'.e rd 'iid'st ; ho ^2Russ3llst "7 Kicgj j«is- Anr. '^2 ]Vi:ui tpieasant rd Latt ). M:s Man^^efieli pi

King, Scott-, Boarding, Hoix-e KJysium I ".tt ; Mrs, B;sn.op st Kinghorn, Thomas, toy dealer 93 Morjt- Lauder, Hugh, j^welle--, 3 41bercpl; ho,

taq;tic sr, 1 Crichton ^d Kinnie, Adam S., 38 Mountstuar*; rd Lauder, Mr? M-r'".^ 3 St'ia'^fc st " Kippen, Jms. M., heritor, Ard[r.orj rd lauder ;iobc n^Aiirr A-bert > Kirkhnpe, Wm., s-culptor, Tcwnh?'*d LaudrrjWm., j'?iner, ^ades'd'^e'^ n-ilj

Kirkland, .liss May, 95 High s^. Holy.o^d, Barone rd Gafid-- Kirkland, , 92 Ardbeg rd Law, Mrs Barb., 18 z^ Ki kwood, Dvd., cartwiiglt. lil High Iawr;% Miss Ma-y, 8^ ATd^ejJ- x. tiil^arl st : ho, 5 Un on st Lawrie, Johr. M. ;al(.on, 9

Xirkwood, Jms, churcr officer, 7 West Bridge-r-nd st ; ho Glenhead Princes st Ltwson, D"d., L.iKtji, 87 M JxAtu'^juj st

1 3ridge zi Kirkwood Jms , 33 Bridge st o I' y Bank, Ki kwood, ML-a J=!ssis, "^ Mont^gae st Lawsor, Dvd jnn., Hotel Madeira.Vic- Kirkwood, Joh" se^ i.-in. 80 Hi^h st toria and Tower sts

Knox, Dune., boatm^^^n, 8 E. Princes s^ L'iwson, JiHS. I'urn.. :\1.D , 1 t-abfcery pi

iS.\iOx, Mrs, 31 Ardbtg ro' Lawson, Mrs Jessie K. . .''Jastland* r:S Kyle, hbt., accountant,Mountpleasant r Lawson, mjs, 1 Albaaj" ter

Kyle, Mrs, remnant shop, Dean Hood Lawson, Wm J , 59 Mountstuart re clerk, pi ; ho, 103 Montage st Lazenby, FdK, ,34a Columsli xjst Leckie, Miss Ann. 8 Argyle st Leckie, Jms, slater, 4 Hillhouse rd Leckie, Wm. M., slater, 3." Bridge st Lee, Miss Alice, 22 B. Princes sf, Lee, John, stewaid, .30 Bishou s^ La'dlaw, Mrs Agnes, 30 Bishop st LeCj Mrs, 30 Columshill rt Laidlaw, Jms., plasterer, 32 Bishop st Ijees, Mrs, 80 Ardbeg rd Laidlaw, Mrs, dairykeeper, 16 Bishop st Leiper, Mids? Bi,-jrb.& Oath., 6/ Bar-n&id Laing, James, bootmaker, 4 Gallowgate; Leitch, Arch., blacksmith, Wynd'-^an, r ho, 41 Barone rd Leitch, Misses Frances ar:.! Catnerine, Laird, B^rs Andw., 15 Bridge-end st 29 Columshill st Laird, Mrs Eliz., High Craigmore Leitch, Henry, restaurateur, ^ Argyle st; Lsiril, Mrs, 92 Ardbeg rd ho, 5 do

Lambie, Jms. 'J', flesher, 20 E Princes st 99 ; .


Leitcb, Jms., carter, Union s* Leitch, Mrs Neil, 23 Argyb pi Leitch, Peter, waiter, 20 jnLrgyle st Leitch Miss., 25 Montague st M Leith, Peter, chemist and druggist, 43 Mack Jms., blacksmith, 1 Logie pi Victoria st ; ho, 17 Argyle ter Le Neve, Miss Ags, J., 12 Mot ntstusrt r Mackie Miss Dina, 34 Argyle st Ardbeg Madden Mrs, 49 Mountstuart rd Lennie, , 90 rd Lessels,'And., engineer, 29 ColumsiiiJ s Maguire Mrs Eosina, Mansefield pi Liddle, Miss Mgt., 15 Batterv pi Main W D, 3 Orcadia Light, Wm., seedsman, 32 Pishon st Mains Jms., labourer, 24 Ladeside Lindsay, Mrs Cath, 16 Knssell si Maitland Andw., tailor, Barone rd Lindsay, Jhn, ml. mngr., Gallowgate Maitland Mrs Cath. , 12 Argyle st Lipton, Limited, provision dealers, 30 Maitland Daniel, gardener, Barone rd Montague st Maitland John, labourer, 9 Mill st Liotei, Alex., nurseryman, Larone rd Maitland Joseph, grocer, 62 Montague st ; ho, 12 st ho, Clutha "^il., Parone rd Argyle Lister, oohr, nur erjman, Barone rd Maitland Misses, Stewart villa, Barone r Little, FibS Jane, 40 Mountp'easantrd Maitland Miss An., grocer, 2 Columshill s Little, Eoct., grocer, 27 A"gyle st Maitland James, labourer, 103 High st Livi^gsuone, i.irs Jnt. 20 Biid^t end st Maitland Mrs Janet, 27 Bishopst L"-Ir>getori£, Miss Jane. Mountplrasant Maitland Thos., butcher, 60 High st Liv^r eE't^ne, Jnti^, tisheiman, 4 King st Malcolm Arch., 7 Mill st Livinge-i^one, John, 11 E, Princes st Malcolm Ax. , clubmaster, 4 Dn Hood pi Lidtigst' ne, Mrs Mary, Ti RusseP st Malley Jaxres 0, iron-worker, 2 John st Maltman Mrs Agnes, 26 Russell st Livirp-stone, Kich,, <-addle^ . 14 Castlehiil "^ Manners Miss, 59 . Crichton rd ^t •. ho, 17 Bishop st Livingstone, Mrs, 44 Ardbeg rd Manning Jms., bandmaster, Adelaide pi Loaghrie, Mr^i Grace Ann, 52 Ardbeg rd Mark Mrs Jemima, Colbec pi Chs. painter, 22 Russell Lochhead, Ths,. shoemaker^ 14 Russell s Marsh , st Lochhead, Thos., traveller, Wyndham Marshall Mrs Annie, 47 Aigyle st][ Marshall Prof. Dvd. H., 21 Ardbeg rd Locke, John , butcher, Alma ter Lockhart, Jms., pensioner, 3 King st Marshall Mrs Jnt., 54 Ladeside st Logan, James, 17 Bridge st Marshall John N., M.D., 7 Battery pi Logan, Mrs, 94 High st Marshall Mrs Margt., 4 Mountpleasant Logan, Mrs Janet, 83 Montague st Martin John & Alex., carriage hirers, East Princes st Chapelhill Lorraine, Miss Eliz. , nurse, 36 Ladeside 21i & rd Love, Jms.D. K., flesher, Dean Hood pi; Martin Alex, (above firm), 27 A rgyle st ho, Gowanfield pi Martin Geo., insurance superintendent, Love, Mrs Jessie, 7 Gallowgate 47 High st Love, 20 Argyle st Martin Mrs Isa., 8 Tower st Love, Mrs Magt., 7 W. Princes st Martin Mrs J D, 19 Castle st Love, Thos., 4 Dean Hood pi Martin Malcolm, 12 Argyle st Low, Miss Jeannie, 5 Bishop ter br Martin Thos. J,, m.a., Sheriff-Substi- Lvigton, Wm., seaman, 2 Minister's br tute, Auchenross, Craigmore Lusk, Miss Cth., 27 Bridge end st Martin , 92 Ardbeg rd Lyle, Miss Ann, 70 Ardbeg rd Martin Miss, nurse, 25 Columshill st Lyle, Chs., Lome Hotel, Guildford sq Mason Alex., builder, 17 E. Princes st Lyle, Wm., builder, Townhead Mason Mrs Jane, 18 Mountpleasant rd Lyle, Mrs Mrt., Townhead Mason, John, 5 Kussell st Lyle, Mrs Martha, draper, 54 High st Masson Geo., tobacconist Glenburn cot ho, 12 Castle st Masterton J. L., Bank of Scotland, Lyle, W'm., chemist and druggist, 13 E Guildford sq ; ho, Crichton villa Princes st Mather Mrs Cath., 17 Bishop st Lynch, James, 12 W Princes st Mather Miss, 5 Argyle st, Lyon, Miss Eliz.. 48 Mountstuart rd Mather Mrs, 13 Bishop sc Lyon Malcolm, 89 Montague st Mathieson Alex., 8 Mansefield pi Ljons, Francis, labourer, 25 Staflfa pi Mathieson Alex., carter, 74 High st 100 ;


Mathieson, Mrs Joan, 4 W Castle st Miller Miss, Demerara pi, Ardbeg rd Mathieson "Wm., 43 Ardbeg Miller Miss, 33 Ardbeg rd

Mathieson Wm., Bush Miller , 29 Ardbeg rd Mfftthews Rev, Canon, Episcopal Ch.; Milligan Miss Eliz., 29 Argyle st parsonage, York ter Milloy Lachlan, ironmonger, 45 Mon- Matthewson Jas., shopman, 3| Victoria s tague st ; ho, Elmbank, Ballochgoy Matthewson Wm., carter, Meadowcap Minnis Thos., shoemaker, 46 High st Maxwell Mrs Mry., 24 E. Princes st Mitchell Misses Agnes & Eliz., 55 Crich- Maxwell Mrs Robin a, 8 Montague st ton rd

Maxwell , J P, Wyndham pk Mitchell Mrs Andw. . 20 Cricht )n rd Mealmaker Mrs Jnt., 24 Castle st Mitchell Mrs Ann, 30 B Princes st Mearns Mrs Chris. R., Argyle ter Mitchell Miss Eliz., 55 Crichton rd Meek Eev. James B., New Parish Ch.; Mitchell Mrs Mary, 19 Castle st manse, Skeoch Mitchell Samuel b iker. 106 High st Mitchell st Meikle Arch., steamboat agent, Quay ; Samuel, grocer^ 6 High ho, Invergyle, 4 Mackinlay st ho, 5 Bishop ter Menzies Mrs Barb., nurse, 11 Bridge st Mitchell Wm., Abbotsford, Barone rd

Menzies Mrs Kliz., Wyndham pk Mitchell Wm . ironworker, 13 Battery pi Metcalf Jn. R., house factor 25 Marine p Mitchell (Mrs, Wellpark cot, Craigmore Middleton Angus, 147 High st Moffat, Arch., 19 Mill st Middleton Miss Marian. 48 Ardbeg rd Moffat Mrs Helen, 19 Store In Middleton W., br-worker, 23 Bridgeond Moffat Mrs Georgina., 179 High st Millar And., sawyer, 12 Castle st Moffatt Mrs Helen, Ardmory rd .A.rgyle st; Moffat Michael. Bridge-end st Millar Andw. M., grocer, 1 ; 27 ho, Dunottar, Academy rd Montague Mrs Grace, 36 Mill st Millar iNeil, seaman, 2 Columshill pi Montague Hry, shoemaker, 17 Stuart st Millar Miss Sarah, York ter Montgomerie Ach., auctioneer, 10 Albert Millar Wm C, butcher, 33 Victoria st pi; Millar Wm. J., C.B., 31 Marine pi Montgomerie Miss A. B., 39 Barone rd Montgomerie Frank Millar Mrs, 27 Columshill st , Albert pi Miller Mrs Ann, 25 StafiFa pi Montgomerie Mrs ^gnes, 25 Montague s Miller Alx., chimney sweeper, 44 High s Montgomerie Brothers., butchers, 13 Al- Miller Mrs Cth., 24 Coluuishill st bert pi Miller, capt. George, Gordon villa, Montgomerie Mrs Kate, 1 Ardbes: rd Crichton rd Montgomerie Jms M, vet., 10 Albert pi

Miller Mrs Isa , 20 Bridge-end st Montgomeri-% Miss Jane, 7 W Princes st Miller Jms., s'ater, 17 Bridge st Montgomerie Miss Janet, dairy keeper, Miller Jms., slater, 3 Hillhouse rd 30 East Princes st Miller Jms., sl^te'^, 9 Hillhouse rd Montgomerie John L C, 11 Albert pi

Miller James, .-i. botsford Montgomerie Mrs Marge, 39 Baroue rd

Miller Jms. , 56 Ladeside Montgomerie Wm K, spirit dealer, 5 W^ Miller Miss Jessie, York ter Princes st Miller John, chemist, 25 Argyle st Moodie Mrs Janet and Miss Catherine, 44 Miller John siater, 2 Hillhouse rd Argyle st Miller John jun., baker, 2 Hillhouse rd Moodie W., veterinary surgeon, carriage Miller Mrs My., 19 Castle sS hirer, Watergate; ho, 18 Mountstuart r Miller Mrs My., 8 Tower st Moore Mrs Ann, 13 Gallowgate Miller Mrs My., 141 High st Moore Mrs Mrt., laundry, Janeileld Miller Miss My. Ann M., 23 Victoria st Mo. an John, labourer, 46 High st Miller Peter, baker, 4 Columshill pi More Gabriel, 1 Minister's br Miller Robt., heritor, 28 Columshill st Morgan Mrs Jessie, 103 High st Miller Eobert C, draper, 48 Montague Morison Mrs Christina, 32 Marine pi

st ; ho. Alma ter Morrell Jm^. C, hairdresser, 7 High st : Miller Thos., musician, 7 Mansefield pi ho. Bishop ter br Miller capt. Wm., E Princes st Morrell Mart., hawker, 24 Ladeside Miller Wm., clerk, Victoria st Morrell M., 5 Bridge st Miller Wm., shopman, 7 Union st Morris David I., baker, 107 Montague Miller Wm,, slater, 5 Columshill st st ; ho, 37 Mountstuart rd

. iOl HOUSEHX)LDERS—Kothesay.

Morris Wm., fisherman, 93 High st Murdoch Angus, jun., shoemaker, 24 Morris, Mrs 5 Mansefield pi Bishop st Morrison Mrs Ach., 65 Victoria st Murdoch John, plumber, 7 Mansefield p Morrison Archd., hairdresser, 92 Mon- Murdoch Rbt., yrocer, 29 Victoria st tague st Mure Eobt, M, 7 V/yndham rd Morrison Ach., farmer, Craigberoch Murray Mrs A ga.es, 14 Staflfa pi Morrison Ach., plumber, 16 King st Murray Miss Ann, 147 High st Morrison Bros., plumbers, Watergate s Murray Acb., heritor, 47 Montague st Morrison Daniel, pensioner, 3 King st Murray Mrs Chis. , 20 Columsbill st Morrison Don., baker, 42 Ladeside Murray .i)cn. C, painter, 86 Montague Morrison Hugh, heritor, 29 Argyle st st ; ho, 15 Crichton rd Morrison Mrs Isa., Barone rd Murray l^rs Eliz., 12 Argyle pi Morrison, Mrs Jane, 65 Victoria st Mur! ay James, Minister's br Morrison John, gardener, 71 Victoria st Murray Mre Jane. 15 Crichton rd Morrison John, master of works, 31 Mu.ray John, heritor, Ciichton rd High st ; ho, 1 Brandane ter 'Murray Mgt., Windsor pi Morrison Miss Mrt., 3 Bishop ter Murray Mrs Mary, 17 Marine pi Morrison Mrs Neil, Columsbill st Murray Miss Mary, 8 Staffa pi Morrison Eobt., carter, 32 Mill st Murray Thos., joiner, Bellevue rd Morrison Eobt., joiner, 16 Mill st Murray Wm, 29 Marine pi & 27 Bridge s Moriison Thos., joiner, 33 Watergate Murray Wm., joiner, 38 Columsbill st Morrison Mrs Violet, 83 Higb st Murray Mrs, Mountpleasant Morrison Wm., joiner, 96 High st Murray J. painter, 25 ivrgyle st Morton Jms., clerk, IJ Mill st Murray Capt Don., 34 Mountpleasant rd Morton Miss Jane C, 41 Ardbeg rd Mutch, John W, postman, 149 High st Morton John B., draper, 29 Barone rd Myles Alex., teacher. Serpentine rd Morton Miss, 84 Montague st Mvlne Miss M gt.M., 12 Mountstuart rd Muir Andrew, smith, 5 Castle st Muir A, K., 7 Montague st Muir C. M. R., stationer, 16 B-idge st

Muir Chs , baker, 17 High st and 17 Argyle st Mae Muir Colin K., postman, 7 Montague s McAdam Alex., 14 Bridge-end st Muir Miss Eliz., 9 Argyle pi McAdam Ths., 24 Castlehill st Muir George, 22 Watergate McAlister Miss Mgt., 21 Craigmore rd Muir Jms., br. worker, 3 Bishop ter br McAllister Alx., cabman, 22 Watergate

Muir Miss Janet, Bishop st McAlli.'^ter Ang. , coachman, Columsbill p Muir John, joiner, 30 Bishop st McAllister Mrs Magt.. 31 Columsbill st Muir John W., Ardyne boarding house, McAllister Mrs My., 7 W. Princes st 7 Elysium McAllister Ts,, vanman, 11a Gallowgate Muir Wm., ironmonger, 15 Bridge st McAl]3ine Miss Amelia, 38 Columsbill st Muir Wm. C, draper, 19 Montague st McAlpiiie Jms., gardener, 139 High st ; ho, Amisfield, Barone rd McAlpine 'ihs., labourer, M'allister's c Muir Miss, dressmaker, Bishop st McAlpine Miss, 23 Argyle st Muirhead Thos., 57 Crichton rd McAlpine Miss, 28 Columsbill st Mullholland Wm., coi^chman, 30 Mount- McAndrew Mrs Isa., 10a Mountstuart rd

pleasant rd McAra Mrs Chis. , 25 Crichton rd Mulloy, Mrs Isa, 20 Mill st McAra Thos., ironforger, 36 Crichton r Munn Miss, 30a Ai dbeg rd McArthur Ach., carter, 25 Barone rd Munn Miss My. H., 17 Slountpleasant r McAlpine Mrs Cath., 1 Bridge-end st Munro Jms., baker, 52 Ardbeg rd McArthur Miss Chis., 11 Columsbill st Manro Mrs Janet, 29 Columsbill st McArthur Miss Chis., 69 Victoria st

Munro John, 23 Eoslin pi McArthur Dan. , 4 Mansefield pi Munro John G., shopman, 52 Ardbeg r McArthur Dan., slater, 1 Columsbill pi Munro Kichd., 23 Mountpleasant rd McArthur Mrs Donald, Alma ter Munsie Jms., joiner, 86 High st McArthur Don., gardener, 18 Ladeside Murdoca Angus, sen., shoemaker, 4 McArthur Edw., postman, 3 Mill st Ladeside 102 HOUSEHOLDERS— Rothesay.

JVTc Arthur Jms., bookseller and music McCalraan, MissCath., 16 M(mtague st

teacher, Gviildford sq ; ho, 13 Mount- McCarthy Miss Alice, music teacher, pleasant rd 3 Bellevue rd Mc Arthur Jms., slater, Montague st McCarley, Hu., labourer, 125 High st McArthur Mrs Jane, Firwood McCartney Mrs, 18 Bridge st McArthur Mrs Jane, 16 High st Mc<^lintock Mrs, Woodside, Craigmore McArthur John, vanman, 5 Hillhouse rd McCluckie Jn., tailor, 16a K Princes st McArthur Peter A, draper, 10 Albert pi McCluckie Mrs, grocer, Mansefield pi McArthur Robt.. Minister's br McClure Mrs Magt., 6 Battery pi McArthur Kbt., grocer, 22 Watergate McColl Hugh, painter, 37 Mill st

McAulay Mrs Agnes, 85 Montague st McCoU Jms. , engineer, 66 Montague st McAulay gardener, 125 High st McColl John, carter, 25 Columshill st McAulay Chs., g-irdener, 52 Ardbeg rd McColl John C, engineer, 43 Ardbeg rd Ml Aulay Chas., joiner, 2 John st McColl Miss Mry., 24 K. Princes st Mc Aulay Jms., clerk, Gowanfield pi McColl Peter, sen., carter, 7 Mansefield p McAulay James, 4i Watergate McColl Peter, jun., Stafiia pi McAulay Wm., gardener, 2 Ladesi'le st McCombie Mrs Janet, 35 A rgyle ter

McAulay , 2 Mansefield pi McConnechy Mrs Cth , Ballochgoy McAuslan Jms.. cook, 29 Ardbeg rd McConnell Miss Chris., ladies' outfitter, 21 Montague st McBeath Alex,, watchmaker, 4^ Gallow- McConnell Miss, grocer, 22 Bishop st

gate ; ho, 3 Bishop ter br McConnell Mrs Jessie, 28 E. Princes st McBeath Mrs, Craigview, Craigmore McCord John, builder, Bellevue rd

Macbeth Adam D. , writer, 28 Castle st McCord Mrs Isa, McAllister's court ho, Ard-Ascng McCord Mr restaurateur, 89 Victoria s^t

McBirnie Ths. , Mountpleasant rd McCord Mis.ses J, & S,, confectioners, 81 McBride Mrs, Agnes, 32 Mill st Victoria st McBride Alex., 3^ Victoria st McCord Robt., 34 Columsbill st McBride Jms., joiner, John st; ho, High McCorkindale Mrs Dugald, 14 Craig- Craigmore more rd McBride John, 2 Mackinlay st McCorkindale Dr Duncan, Clydesdale, McBrjde Mrs Mary Jane, Hi. Craigmore Ascog McBride Peter, labourer, 103 High st McCormick Bern., labourer, 1 Stuart st

McBride Rbt., blacksmith, John st : ho, McCormick Kev Dugald, Chapelhill U F Dunedin villa, Barone rd Gaelic Church, manse, Rosehill McBride Ths., grocer, 2 Hillhouse rd McCormick James, 7 Mansefield pi McCormick James, miller, 3 Mill st McCall Ax., 19 Gallowgate McCormick Miss Jessie, Barone rd McCall Mrs t^Uiz., 24 Casile st McCormick John, mason, 3 Stuart st McCallum Miss Ann, 16 Castle ot McCormick Mrs Mrth., 103 High st McCallum Arch., fisherman, 26 Bridge s McCormick Wm, Meadowcap McCallum Miss Cath., Inkermanter McCormick Robt. & Wm'.,tj7 Manse- McCallum Miss Chris., Burnside Laun- field pi dry, Wyndham pk McCourt Arthur, 7 Gallowgate McCallum LHm.. joiner, 7 W Princes st McCourt James, 6 Mansfield pi McCallum Mrs Jane, 18 Castle st McCrae Miss Jane, 21 Argyle pi McCallum Miss Jeannie, 27 Marine pi McCristal John, 1 Kussell st McCallum John, jun., banker, savings McCrone Alx., draper, 8 Mountstuart rd bank, High st.; ho, Elderslie, Serpen- McOrony Jms., draper, 59 Montague st; tine rd ho, Townhead

McCallum John & Son, joiners, 50 High McCrone Jms , shipmaster, Brandaue ter

st ; ho, 98 Montague st McCrone John, tailor, Lilyoak ter McCallum John, shopman, Argyle ter McCrone R)bt., shipmaster, Barone rd

McCallum Mrs Margt , Wyndham rd McCrone Mrs, 6 Watergate McCallum Mrs Mary. 32 Battery pi McCuaif,' Kobert, Toward view, Ardbeg M'Callum Neil, 41 Victoria st McCubbin J., house agent, 20 E. Priiices

McCallum Neil, comp. , 38 Argyle st st ; ho, 23 Argyle sc McCallum Neil, grocer. 96 Montague st McCulloch Miss Agnes, Ardbeg rd 103 HOUSEHOLDERS—Rothesay.

McCulloch Hugh P., stationer, 52 Mon- McEwan Mrs Arch. , 11 E Princes st

tague st ; ho, 5 Argyle pi McEwan Miss Cath., 5 King st McCulloch Wm., 25 Gallowgate McEwan Alex., clerk, 63 Montague st McEwan Dun., 96 High st

McDade Edw., 27 Bridge-end st McEwan , 52 Montague st McDermott Francis, labourer, 23 Mount- McEwen Dune, flesher. Alma ter pleasant rd McEwen J., shipmaster, 46 Montague st McDermott Hu., yachtsman, 5 Russell st McEwen John. Glebe lands McDermott Miss Mary, dressmaker, 23 McEwen Miss Mary, 36 l>adeside Mountpleasant rd McDonald Mrs A gnes, 27 Argyle st McFaddan John, carter, 2 Logie pi McDonald Rev Angus, Eoman Catholic McFadyen John, porter, 74 High st priest, 1 Columshill st McFadyen John, baker, 9Hillhouserd McDonald Ang., stoker, 11 Bridge-end s McFadyen Neil, stationer, 19a Argyle

McDonald Ach., waiter, 33 Columshill s st ; ho, 30 Bishop st McDonald Miss Barb., Gowanfieldter McFadyen Wm,, designer, Wyndham rd M'Donald Miss Cth., 56 Ladeside McFadyen Wm., labourer, 22 Watergate McDonald Dond., labourer, 8 Tower st McFadzean Miss Eliz., 11 E. Princes st McDonald Don., shopman, 27 Argyle st McFarlane Agne?, 27 Ai-gyle st McDonald Don., sailor. 8 E. Princes st McFarlane Ax., 27 Bridge- end st McDonald Dgld.. com. trav., Havelockt McFarlane Miss Cth., 9 Mill st

McDonald Dud., 6 Watergate McFarlane Dun , f.armer, Wyndham pk McDonald Duncan, Eden pi, 379 High st McFarlane E., 20 Argyle st McDonald Dune, 23 Bridge-end st McFarlane Mrs Eliz., 8 Gallowgate

McDonald Miss Eliz., 16 Bridge-end st McFarlane G. , boat-hirer, 27 Argyle st McDonald Fred, boatinai), 24 Mill st McFarlane Malcolm, coal and gr^iin mer- McDonald Hu., joiner, 18 Columshill st chant, 68 High st; ho, Crossbill villas, McDonald Hu., labourer. 18 l.adeside Glebe lands McDonald Js., porter, 2 Mountpleasant r McFarlane Misses Jane & Mrgt., farm-

McDonald Js. , shoemaker, 16 Kussell st ers, Lochend McDonald Mrs Jane, 5 Bridge st McFarlane Mrs Margt., 10 Hillhouse rd McDonald John, cabman, 5 Bi.shop st McFarlane Mrs Margt., grocer, 1 Stajffa McDonald John, coal merchant, 11 King McFarlane Miss Mary, 89 Ardbeg rd

st ; ho, 94 High st pi ; ho, Brandane ter McDonald John, seaman, 5^ Argyle pi McFarlane Robt., tailor, 11a Gallowgate McDonald John, stoker, 106 High st McFarlane Rbt., postman, 5 Victoria st McDonald John, teacher, 14 King st McFarlane Wm, 2 Brandane ter McDonald John, 94 High st McFarlane Wm., clerk, Wyndham rd McDonald John, writer, Ascog McFarlane Miss, 8 Gallowgate McDonald John K., 43 Ardbeg rd McFeat Mrs, 25^Columshill st McDonald Malcolm, 74 High st McFie Mrs Ann, 3 Dean Hood pi McDonald Mrs M t., 14 Mountstuart rd McFie Don., tailor, 36 Bishop st McDonald Miss Mrgt. B., 60 Mount- McFie Dug. H., house painter, 65 High

stuart rd st ; ho, 12 Castle st

McDonald Mrs Marion, 10 Ardbeg rd McFie Jms. , florist, 18 E Princes s McDonald Neil, seaman, 9 Victoria st McFie Mrs Jane, 4 Mill st McDonald Neil, 1 1 Albert pi McFie Misses Janet & Sarah, dress- McDonald Kobt., stoker, 28 Mill st makers, 12 Argyle st McDonald Miss, 26 Columshill st McFie Miss Jessie, 28 East Princes st McDonald Mrs, 30 Columshill st McFie John, boatman, 23 Castle st McDougall Alc.cartwrit., Wyndhamrd McFie Mai., ploughman, Lochly M'Dougall Mrs Ann, 12 W. Princes st McFie Miss Mary Ann, 112 High st McDougsll Dn., shipmaster, Eosehill McFie Miss May H., 5 Bishop ter McDougall Hu., draper, 73 Victoria st McFie Miss Mary, 26 Bridge st McDonald John, 1 Minister's bi McFie captain Robert, 4 Battery pi McDougall Miss Mry, 31 Battery pi McFie Robert, plumber, 52 Montague st McDougall Ts., P.O. clerk, Glebe lands McFie Wm, carter, 32 Mill st McDougall 27 Bridge-end st McFie Wm., joiner, 26 Bishop st 104 ;


Columsliill pi Mcllroy Wm.. 9 Staffa pi McFie Wm. , joiner, 4 McFie Miss, 1 Ohapelhill rd Mcllwraith, Mrs Ann, 87 High st Mclnnes Alex., carter, 72 Montague st McGallaglay Cornelius, pawnbroker, McTnnes Mrs Mary Ann, 19 viiU st Bellevue rd Mcllees Dan., labourer, 1 Mill st McGarrity Wm., porter, 2 Bishop terbr Mclndoe Mrs Mary, 80 High st McGaw Alex., joiner, 27 Argyle st Mclndoe, Wm, 21 Russell st McGaw Mrs Oath., 17 Argyle pi McTnnes James, spirit merchant, 18 McGeacby Jn., plasterer, 17 Gallowgate Castlehill st, McGeachy Misses, 43 Barone rd Mclnnes, ex-Bailie, Wyndham rd McGee Dan., gamekeeper, 169 High st Mcintosh Alx., mason, 89 Montague st McGee John, labourer, 161 High st Mcintosh Angus, Courthouse keeper, 6a McGee Mrs Fanny, 18 Marine pi Castle st McGhee Wm, 36 Columshill st Mcintosh Uon., engineer, 23 Ardbeg rd McGilivary Archibald, gardener, East Mcintosh, Mrs Janet, 28 Montague st Burgh Lands Mcintosh Jh., tinsmith, 36 Columshill s

McGilivary Mrs Chris. , 24 Mill st Mcintosh Mrs Magt., 177 High st McGilvai-y Duncan. 83 High st Mcintosh Mrs May, Serpentine rd McGilivary Miss Isa., 6a Castle st Mcintosh, Mrs S., 32 Cricht.on rd McGilvary John, compos-itor, 11 Col- Mcintosh Mrs Steuart, 22 Craigmore rd umshill st Mcintosh, Wm, 1 Uuion st McGilvary Male, plasterer, 24 Mill st Mcintosh Wm., accountant, 6 Castle st McGilvary Aichd., E Burgh Lands house, 32 Crichton rd McGilp, Alex., watchmaker, 31 Mill st,

& 3 Dean Hood pi ; ho, 41 A» dbeg rd Mclntyre Alex., grocer, 127 High st

McGilp D

McGovern John, labourer, 36 Mill st Mclntyre Archd., i^ hip-builder, 103 McGowan Chas., hsherman, 135 High st Montague st McGowan James, painter, 16 Bridge st Mclntyre Archd., 8 Mansefield pi McGowan, Kobt., cabman, 4i Watergate Mclntyre Miss Char., 78 High st McGowan capt. Kobt., 22 Argylest Mclntyre Dan., carpenter, 22 Russell st McGowan Wm., plumber, 44 Agyle pi Mclntyre Daniel, keeper, Liberal rooms, McGowan Robt., cabman 7 Montague st 17 Montague st McGregor Mrs Eliz., 7 Gallowgate Mclntyre Miss Kliz., 64 Mountstuart rd

McGregor Hector, flesh er, 48 S adeside Mclntyre Mrs Euph., 44 Argyle st McGregor Mrs Jane, 2 Bridge st Mclntyre Miss Grace, 38 Mill st McGregor John, cycle agent, Tower st Mclntyre Mrs Jessie E., 23 Victoria st ho. Park pi, Bridge st Mclntyre Mrs Kate, 6 Mansefield pi McGregor Mrs, 27 Bridge st Mclntyre Jms., flesher. 81 Montague st

McGregor , Gienhead Mclntyre John, gardener, 59 Ardbeg rd McGrory Michael, spirit dealer, 70 Mon- Mclntyre Male, postman, 44 Argyle st

tague st ; ho. 34 Mountstuart rd Mclntyre Mrs Mai. , 23 Barone rd McGugan D., 59 Ardbeg rd Mclntyre Miss Nelly, 28 Montague st McGugan Dan., contractor, 87 Ardbeg rd Mclntyre Robert, coachman, 51 High st McGuhans, Mrs Flora, Bishup ter br Mclntyre Miss ^arah, 59 Crichton rd

McGuire Thos., 96 High st Mclntyre Thos , drysalter. Serpentine r

Mclntyre , Glenrosa pi McHaflSe Wm., calenderer, 35 Ardbeg r McLsaao Jms., grocer, 4 Mansefield pi Mclsaac Miss Jean, 13 Argyle ter Mcllheaney John, 7 Mansefield pi Mclsaac John, v D, Hon. Lieut-Colonel, Mcllroy Jms., stoker, 16 Russell st 48 Argyle st Mcllroy Jms., stoker, 3 Stuart st Mclver Mrs Cath., 26 Russell st Mcllroy Philip, 27 Staflfa pi Mclver, Miss Cath., Croft In 105 s


McTver Jms., boat hirer, 22 Argyle pi McKenzie Mr- Cath , Moutague st Mclver Neil, quarrier, 135 High st McKenzie Coiin, engineer, 78 rfign st Mclver Pat., labourer, 79 High st McKenzie Don.,engiurier,27 Columshill MeKenzie Mrs Donald, 77 Montague st McKay Arch., seaman, High st McKenzie Dune, Stewart, 28 Bishop sfc McKay Charles, tailor, 26 Montague st; McKenzie Mrs Eliz., 5 Mountstuart rd ho, 44 Mountpleasant rd McKenzie Hector, seaman, 11 Colums- McKay Eliz. & Isa., Wellpark rd hill pi

McKay Geo., 2 Loj;ie ]}l, Bridge st McKenzie Hugh, turner, 82 High sx, McKay John, gardener, 34 Mill st McKonzie Miss Jessie L7 E Princes st Mackay John, Koyal Hotel, Albert pi McKenzie Jms., mason, 25 Columshill st McKay John, F. ti. I. S., head uiasttr. McKenzie John, \)!a.;ksmith, 60 High st Public School; ho. 1 Elysium McKenzie John, 135 High st Mackay -Mrs, Clyde vw, E. Burgh Lands McKenzie John surne'-, 96a High st McKay John, faruier, Barone park McKenzie Mrs Mary, 31^ A-^dbeg rd

McKay Jhn. T , seaman, 11 Columshill st McKenzie Miss May, S Argyle pi McKay Mrs Kenneth. 2 King s McKenzie Mrs My., 2 Chapelhill rd McKny Miss Magt. Kir Buildings McKenzie Mrs May, 4 Columshill pi McKay Mrs Magt. 19 Mill st McKenzie Murdo, 21 Mill st McKay Neil, 21 Columshill st McKenzie Murdoch, publisher. Express^

McKay, Kodk., Ar^-yle st 11 Montague st ; ho. , Mayflower, McKay Konald, painter, 97 Montague st Barone rd McKay Wm., burgh chief constable, McKenzie tiichard, 37 Crichton rd

High st ; ho, Rosemount, 47 Barone rd INif Kenzie Ths., steward,20 W Princes st

McKay Wm., compositor Kir buildings McKenzie , 78 Ardbeg rd McKay Wm., labourer, 25 Montague st MacKie Andrew, printer, 84 Montague s McKay Mrs, 3 Bishop ter br McKillop Mrs Ann, 27 E. Princes st McKay Mrs, 22 Staffa pi McKim Birs John, 33 Argyle st McKeagfJhn, policeman, Mansefield pi McKinlay And. M., temperance hotel McKechnie Miss Ann, 3 Mountstuart rd keeper, 4 High .-t McKechnie Don., g.avedgr., Townhead McKinlay Arch., sen. and jun., aerated McKechnie Mrs Magt., 4 Hillhouse rd water manufacturers, 6 Columshill st McKechnie Mrs Mary, Minister's br MuKinlay Chi s. & Grace, 6 Columshill s McKechnie Wm. D., flesher, 19 Bridge- McFinlay John. J P, Fernycrag, C rich-

end st ; ho, 27 do tor id McKellar Alex., 30 Bishop st McKin ay John, joiner, 16 Castle st McKellar Alex, seaman, 30 Columshill s McKinlay Mrs Eliz. 1 Bridge end st McKellar Chas., jilasterer, 43 Ardbeg-rd McKinlay Mrs Me,/ 8, 2 Chapelhill rd McKellar Dan., painter, 27 Argyle st McKinlay Mrs ^ia>, 19 High st

McKellar Hugh, draper, 70 Ardbeg rd McKinlay Mr^c. I'v Maiiau, Fernycrag McKellar Mrs Janet, 25 Mountstuart rd Mcflinlay Mrs JVIarn., 47 Argyll st McKellar Duncan, 1 Colbeck pi McKinlay Robt., bootuiaker, 4 Chapel-

McKellar Dun., porter, 21 liussell st hill rd ; ho , 2 Chapjihill rd BIcKellar Duncan, 16 Russell gt McKinlay, Robert A,, otationr?r, et^-.tlie McKellar Miss Isa., 4 Mansefield pi Librarj'. 21 Yicti'fia st; ^g, Xnkerman McKellar James, ter McKellar Jn., coachmat., 7 Mansc-fieid p McKinlay, MrsRbt., Leopold vil., Ascog McKellar Mrs Mart., 3? Bridge st McKinnon i\l <=-?.- steamboat agent 12 McKeilar Miss l'ebjti.

McKelvie W-n., •abjj'rer, 2 Johr '•t McK'uuon Don , 21 xMill st McKendrick Mrs Heivn 21f> Watce'-p^ate McKmr-cr Du'i.j ger3.t3d vaterj iranu- McKendrick Ji^?. fish 2-' Wat-srgcita l^iicturer, 2(^ Argyle st McKtndr-.ck Wli b .^tmr^t, .^5 Br ag6 p McKinnon Hector, regist.'ar smti^aer, McKendrick, .''*., 27 'ircrbcgrd etc., 11 & 13 Victoria st

McKendrick W.ii, oravlr., € Hillhouse rd McKinnon Mrs Helen, 29 ^rgyle tei __ McKendry Ach., policeman, 40 Bishop s McKinnon Hugh, plasterer, ^.09 High McKenzie Mrs Agnes, 4 W Castle rt st; ho, 11 Bridge st 106 ;;;


McKinnon Jaraes, law clerk, 11 Albert MoLay James, inland revenue officer'

pi ; ho, Barone rd Olendela, Glebe lande

McKinnon Mrs Jane, 4 Mill st McLay Jn. , coaimastr 32 Mountstuart r McKinnon Malcolm, chef, 6a Csstle st M-jL ja Miss Ann, dressmaker, 16 Hi£'h st McKinnon John, grocer, 6 Moiitague st McLea Arch. S., jecretary, Conservative house, 32 Battery pi Club; ho 22 Bridge st McKinnon Malcolm, plasbr., ISS High st McLea Mrs Grace, 11 Argyle ter McKinnon Mrs Marion, 44 Argy'e st McLea Mies Mary, 20 Bridge st McKinnon Mrs Mary C, 66 High st McLean capt Alex., commission agent, McKintosh Mrs Annie, 21 Crichton rd 1 Albany ter McKir(iy Mrs Ann, 115 High st McLean Allan, blacksmith, 139 High st McKirdy Miss Chris., 71 Victcir st McL^tin Andw., saddler, 7 W.Princesst McKirdy Hugh, cab dwner, F. Princes M jLeaL Miss Ann, 113 High st st ; h'luse. Bishop ter McLean Miss Annie, 6h Ardbeg rd McKirdy James, fancy good!? dealer, 77 McLe-m Miss Cthn., 16 High st

Victoria st MpL-.aii Dan , flesher, 2 Logie pi McKirdy Jas. A., blacksmith, lb Mill st McLear Dtnd., stuker, 16 Lideside McKirdy Jhn, contractor, 34 Bishop st McLean Dune, baker, 121 High st house, Bishop ter McLean Fred., flesher, 20 Bridge-end c Mackirdy capt. John, J. p., j3eechwood M- Liar Hugh, mill manager, .5 Bridge s

Mackirdy John, solicitor, 11 Albert pi M^McL^an . Jugh, porter, 4 King st ho, Fauldmore, serpentine id McTean Mrs Jane^ 38 Crichton rd McKirdy Mrs May S., 29 B?.ttcry p^. McLean Miss Jane, 34 Mill st McKirdy Peter, 9 Bishop st McLean Mrs Jean, 24 BiiHge st McLean Mrs Jessie. 5 Victoria st

McLachlan Arch., 26 ColumsMP st McLean '•'<, hn, f Hussell st

McLachlan Ach. , lab

st ; 19 ho, Bridge s . McLean laohlan, slater, 147 Hii-h st McLachlan Dug., cook, Lilyiak ter Mr-l^ean Macm., 7 Colu-Tashill st" McLachlan Dug., labourer i9 Mil st TVcIean Micm.. car^^^er, 40Columshill st

McLachlan Duncan, labou'Pi_ 46 Mon- McLean Miss Mrgt , ?2 Battery pi tague st McLean irr« Mry., 60 Cvichton rd McLachlan Duncan, mason, 19 tligl ^.t McLean Murd., T-bjursr 24 Columshill s

McLachlan, Gto., 37 Biidge s-- McLean Ptter c^erk-, 2 M.ncki^Iay s*: McLachlan Geo., M B OM, 6? Mantague e McLea:. Peter C6.x driver, 24 Kus-eli pt McLachlan Henry, : 8 Bishop st McLeanTi-'s., ctb cv if'. i'^Laaes'^.c McLachlan Hugh, garde ntc, ,' 4 F.ussell r Fcl eish Pb^, pori'^r, 2G Y/. Prin-er st '^7 McLachlan Miss isa., 10 Miii st McLellai: Mr*:.- Ann, Bridge s: McLachlan Jas., labourer, 2 John st McL«lk I. Coin, superintendent ^te m£,~:X McLacnian John, labourer, IP Pnage 8 A/t y'p s./ and 4 Mackinlay st end st McLellan T>:ia al-ou.vr, 12^ High ^t ]\£cLac.hla,i Miss Mary, 3 Battery pi McLellai. Dj.ai., ?l:."<-er i 7 Montague st McLiioh.aii Ars M

McLi^cy Miss J 7 Mansefield pi MrLellan Wir., csbn-aT. 2 Bishop st Mcijarty Danisi, 2 John st McLelland Mrs Ellen, 18 Kussell st 107 ; ;


McLennan Dur.can S., dancing !]aaster McMillan Mrs, 6 Mansefield pi S4 High st McMurchie Dugd., porter, SSLadeaides McLeod Angus, stoker, 27 High st McMurchie Jh., gardener. Bush McLeod Cath., Adelaida pi McMurray Alex., 19 Russell st McLeod Don, coachman, 14^ E Princfcs s McMurray Thos., 4 Elysium McLeod Miss Mry., Adelaide pi McMurray Wm, baker, 21 Roslin pi McLeod, MisWni., exhibitor, Aquarium McLeod M'ss, 3 Ciaigmore rd McNah Alx., joiner, &c., 24 Watergate McLevip Jiobt., poter, 34 Staflfa pi ho, 2 Mountpleasant rd McLintock Miss Cbris., 32 Battery pi McNab Edw., janitor, Public School, 88 McLintock Geo. M., architect, 21 Ca?fcle High st

; st ho, 9 Glen Kosa pi McNab Mrs Eliz. , 10 Columshill st McLackie Jh., stew-iid, 17 E Princes :'t McNab Hamlfcn., grocer, 90 High st' McNab Jms., joiner, r)2 Montague st McMahon Havelock ter McNah Js. (>, tinsmith, 10 Columshill p McMahou Wm., clerk, 12 Bridge st McNab Miss Jessie, 16 & 28 Castle st McMaster John, 21 Watergate McNah .Tohn, tinsmith, W. Princes st McMer.en'y J., mill wkr., 24Castiehiii ? ho, 4 Mountpleasant McMillan Alex., carter, 79 Hish st McNab Misses Mart. S & Mry. A, 16 McMillan Alx., labourer, 41 Wat8rg9,te Craigmore rd McMillan Mrs Allison, 20 Russell st McNab Miss Mry Ann, 17 Moatague st McMillan Arch., carter, 9 Bishop st McNab Mervin, 4 Manstfield pi McMillan Mrs Betsy, 7 & 18 Argyle s<- McNab Robert, 6 Mansefield pi McMillan Mis Cth.. 7 Union gt McNab Samuel D., 83 High st McMillan Mrs Cth., 4 W. t'rinces st Macnair capt. Dvd., harbourmaster, 3 McMillan Mrs I hris., 9 (Sc JO Argyle pi Marine pi McMillan Dond., valuatoi. Bishop ct McNair John, boatman, 7 Sta,flfa pi ho, (Jraiiiowan, 47 Crichton rd McNair Wltr., tailor, Colbeck pi McMillan Mrs Jjunc, iSStaffapl McNair Mrs Isa., 8 Gallowgate Mcl-'illan El R., shipmaster, Argyle Ir en McNair , tailor, 7 W, Princes st McM'll'.n Miss Flo., 11 ('olumshill st Mc Naught Mrs Euph.. McNab's br McM^U-n Jms., 'bus propi., W.Princeas McNaughto^' Hu. A, b'ksmith, 145Hi. st McMillai Mrs Jane, 147 High st McNeill Alex., labourer, 1 Mill st M^.'Uran Mrs Jane, 26 E. Prmces st Mc^'eill Miss Annie, Argyle pi

McMillan Mrs Jnt. , 11a Argyle pi McNeill Dan,, traveller, 22 Columshill s McM^l an Jn., coachman, 11 Alberu pi McNeil Dvd., 10 Minister's br M::Mrien John, farmer, Knockanreoch McNeill Mrs Eliz., 4 King st Mc^'"illan Jn, gas manager, 41 Watergate McNeill Mrs Eliz., 46 Ladeside McMillan Jn , 'abouyer, 58 Montagu-^ st McNeill Mis Jane, 24 Argyle st M:;Mxilaii John, stoker, 22 W&it-i^-^.t'^ McNeill Mrs Jane, hosier, W. Princes St ter McMiilan J oh?], Argyle McNeill Jms. , carter, 42 Bishop st McM llan John 97 Montague st McNeill Mrs Josephine, 17 E Princes st MoMillan Mlc.,quarri<^r, ''? Br^dge-ent" s McNally Mrs Mt., Roslin pi McMillan '{r.'eil Watergate McNeill Thos., cabman, 9 Bishop st Rober*- .D. '^.tor-fiscal' MacinJ-:*.^ , procu McNeill Wm., stationer, 17a E. Princes

W;. trgate; ao, 13Cja'griore st ; ho, 10 Columshill pi McMlilaii Bond., pensioner, 16 King st McNeill Mrs, Ballochgoy McMiUan Thos. quairiei,74 High st McNeill Miss, 6 Watergate McMillan Thos., 1 Russell st McNicol Miss Agnes, 4 E Princes st McMillan W, boilermkr., 27 Columshill s McNicol Arch., captain, 11 Marine pi McMillan Wm., butcher, Barone rd McNicol Dune, cabman, 83 High st McMillan Wm., cabman, 97 Montague s McNicol Mrs Helen, 10 Minister's br McMillan Wm. B., billposter, 48 High McNicol Mrs Eliz., 7 Argyle ter st : ho, 22 Ardbeg rd McNicol Jms., baker, Wyndham rd McMillan Wm., Auchamore, Ardmory r McNicol Jms., shipmaster, 16 Mount- McMillan Mrs, dairy keeper, 9 Water- pleasant rd

gate ; ho, 11 do. McNicol John, 20 Argyle st McMillan Mrs, 12 Argyle pi McNicol Mrs Mary, 1 Columshill st 108 HOUSEHOLDERS—Rothesay.

McNicol Neil, baker, 81 High st McNicol Peter, 7 Columshill pi McNicol Miss, tobacconist, Bishop st N McNiven Alex., 70 Ardbeg rd Napier Mrs Euph,, 4 Hillhouse rd Napier Mrs Janet, McOscar James, grocer, 131 High st 8 Tower st Napier ho, 4 Mansefield pi Mrs May, 8 Hillhouse rd Napier Thos., plumber, and ironmonger, McPhail Mrs Mrgt., 16 Staffa pi 68 Montague st ; ho., 4 Hillhouse rd Napier McPhail Mary, 76 Montague st Wm., 20 Bishop st Napier, McPhee Mrs Hu., 2 Argyle st swimming baths Neary McPhee Mlcm., labourer, 28 Mill st Pat., boilermaker, 31 Colums- hill st McPhee Peter, coachman, 17a Bishop st Neill Jms. McPherson Ax., labr., 38 Columshill st C, heritor, Ardencraig Neill McPherson Miss Cth., 23 Barone rd Kobt., coal dealer, 7 W. Princes st Neill Mrs, Ardencraig McPherson Chs. , draper, 3| Victoria st Neilleay Mrs Ellen, McPherson Don., car driver, 2 Bridge s 27 High st Neilson Misses McPhail Dugd, seaman, 19 Castle st Cath. Agnes, & Margt., 20 McPherson Hu., porter, 3 Logie pi Ardbeg rd Neilson McPherson Jhn, labourer, Columshill st Mrs Eliz., 51 Mountstuart rd Neilson McPherson John, 5 Mansefield pi John, baker, 17 E. Princes st McPherson John, fisherman, 20 Bridgend Neilson Mrs Mary, 50 Ladeside st Neilson Thos., house factor, Ardbeg rd McPherson Mrs Mary, 20 M ill st Nelson Mrs Geo., 135 st McPherson Miss Mary, We 11 park rd High Nelson McPherson Robt., joiner, Mansefield p M G, accountant, Ardbeg rd Neville Mrs May A. , 25 Gallowgate Niblick Thos., Macquarie D. C grocer, Columhill st 2 Ladeside ., Nicol and Barone rd ;ho TayCot. Barone r Jms., blacksmith, 19 Stuart st , Nicol McQueen Mrs Jessie, 66 Mountstuart rd John H., innkeeper, 4 Bishop st Nicol capt., McQuistan Jms., plasterer, John st Helensdale, Crichton rd McQuistan John, plasterer, Johnst Nicholson Armiger, letter carrier, 32 Bishop McQuistan Mrs Jean, 72 Montague st st Nicholson Mrs Jane, 9 Chapelhill rd Nicholson John, McSally Miss, confectioner, 7 W Princes commission agent, 4 Ardbeg rd st ; ho, 17 Battery pi Nicholson Miss Mary S., 29 Barone rd Nicolson McTaggart Mrs Agnes, 103 High st Neil, seaman, 24 E. Princes st Nisbet McTaggart Miss Eliz., 21 Mill st Alex., 41 Watergate McTaggart John, labourer, 7 Mill st Nisbet Mrs Alex., 6 Bridge st McTaggart Lach., Ballochgoy ter Nisbet Arch., Canada house McTaggart Wm., engraver, 75 Barone r Nisbet John, cab owner. Ivy Bank cot. McTavish Edward, tinsmith, Bridge-end Bridcie st Nisbet Miss My., confectioner, 6 Gallow- st ; ho, 1 Ladeside McTavish John, seaman, 21 Russell st gate Nisbet Miss May, 10 Columshill st

McVicar Arch., yaehtmaster, 71^ Ard- Nisbet , Wyndham pk beg rd Nolan Miss, Holiday Home, Greenbank, McVicar Don*, 5 Minister's br 12 Ardbeg rd __ Noon Wm., coal dealer, 103 High st Nugent John, gardener, 5 Mansefield McWilliam And. , heritor, Ardmory rd pi McWilliams Mrs May, 3 Argyle pi Nugent Nath., tailor, 9 Bishop st McWilliams Mrs, 17Russell st

109 ; .


Patience John, leather merchant, 6 Dean Hood pi O'Brien Jos.C, pawnbroker, 4 Craigmore Paterson Robt., 10 Mansefield pi O'Brien , 2 N'Nab's br Paterson Mrs, 30 Battery pi Thomas, Gowanfield pi Ogilvie Paton Mrs Agnes H., Waverley Temp- O'Hara John, spirit dealer, Ardmory rd erance Hotel, 37 Argyle st Oliphant Geo., shoemaker, 20 Russell s Paton Ang. , carpenter, 1 Union st Oliver Miss Kobina, 28 Watergate Paton Jms., photographer, 10 Marine pi O'Neill Mrs A^nes, 19 High st Paton John Muir, Toward vw, Ardbeg O'Neill Francis, ins. agent, Colbeck pi Pollock Miss Magt., High Craigmore O'Niell Hu., Montague st Pope Dnl.. merchant, Wellpark rd O'Neill Wm., fishmonger, Bishop st Pope Mrs Isa. D., 16 Mounrstuart rd O'Niel Mrs, 4 Mansefield pi Porter John, builder, 22 Marine pi O'Handlin Mrs, 17 Kussell st Price Mrs Eliz., Montague st Orkney John, J.P., 6 Orcadia Prior Alfred, gardener, 60 High st Orkney Robt., ocean passenger agent, Provan Jms., painter, 17 Montague st 27 Argyle st Proudfoot, Misses Eliz. and Isa "West- Ormonde Mrs, 36 Columshill st , wood Orr Jnis. M., merchant, 23 Argyle ter Proudroot, John, clerk, 71 Barone rd Orr Mrs Sophia, 40 Argyle st Provan Wm., n Bridge st Osborne Jms., flesher, 6 Hillhouse rd Provan Wm., 23 Bridge st Purves Mrs Agnes 81 High st Pato.i Mrs J 5a ifiie, 136 High st; Pato.i >liss .yii.rl.'^r. It Kf^nn. ^ P Patrick Jmr., p'.r*-.ir 11 Staffs, pi dU Patrick Tras , 3'c^.jkokre ""Z E^?rinoe3 Page Samuel, flesher, Mansefield pl_ Patrick 'Vm., uiuiworkvi- 3 jKassell so Park, James, spirit merchant, 4 Bridge- Patt son Jms., co.np. 36 Bislcp st end st ; ho, Abbotsford, Barone rd iirs A n ^, 22 Rassell si- Park Jms., bleacher, 52 Ardbeg rd Paul t., glass blower, 7 Marine pi Park Mrs Jane. 13a K. Princes st Paul Ro A.ex. H., plumber, 23 High st Parker Donald, 109 Montague st Peacock 10 an 1 53 4rdbeg rd ; ho., Glenfaulds, Parker Geo. , 8 Minister's br rd Paterson Mrs Agnes, 11 Argyle pi Mountstuart Tane, 25 Wyndham rd Paterson Mrs Agnes L,, Orcadia Peacock M'l gardener, 27 Argyle st Paterson Alex., printer, 8 Tower st t>eacock Wm., Princes st Paterson Ax., prov. mercht., 61 Ardbeg r P arje Mrs, E st . John, woodman, 159 High Paterson And., farmer, Little Grenach PendrMj gardener, Gleaburn Paterson Mrs Ann, 27 Bishop st Penny '^avid, Dr iJvd. J., surgeon, Battery pi Paterson Mrs Ann, 18 Castle st r'ennev Prospect House 56 Ardbeg Paterson Chas., C E steamboat agent, 19 Penney Mrs, Mrs 27 Battery pi Argyle pi Penney May Pentland Mrs Cath., 33 Barone rd Paterson Mrs Eliz., 6^ Ardbeg rd Mrs May, 6 Columshill pi Paterson Mrs Jane, 14^ Marine pi Perrv carrier, 58 Montague st Paterson John, Serpentine rd Perston Alex., Perston David, foreman, Buteman, 4 W Paterson J., 7 Chapelhill rd Paterson John, milliner, 31 Victoria st Castle st Petrie Mrs Agath, 12 Crichton rd ho, 3 Brandane ter Petti


Pirie Mrs Mary, Serpentine rd Rennie Ax , b rass-firisher, 10 Ladeside s Pollock John, 6 Mansfield pi Reynolds Samuel, haird»-esser, 7 Briddg-

end si; : no, 20 Ardbeg rd Reynolds Thos., labourei', Mansefie.i p"'

Reynolds , seam'>n. Park pi Riddell Mrs Helen, 43 Ardbeg id Quigley Joseph, foreman Kxoress Office.; Riddle Jms. M.. engineer, 31 Gallowgate ho 19 High St Riddley, Russell, 84 Montague st Riesberg Mrs Eliz., vl, <5uiri Mi««? Je-isie, »0i Ardbeg rd Clan Bridge 't Rippie John labourer, 3 Stuart st Rit)pie Sam., labourer; 22 Staffa pi

Rippie Wm. , labourer, 125 High st R Ritchie And. T, farmer, Gartnatkeilly Ritchie Mrs Barb,, 29 Columshill st E,£»

Rankin Misses Jane & Jessie , D. 12^ Ard Robertscn Mrs Ann, Argyle ter beg rd Robertson Annie, 10 Mansefleld pi Rankin Robt., boathirer, 7 Argyle pi Robertson Mrs Chis., 16 Mill st Rankine Geo., Battery pi Robertson, Colin, 22 Bridge-end st Rankine Geo., fisherman, 19 Store In Robertson Dvd. , baker, 7 E, Princes st Rankine Misses Jessie & Margt. 14 W bo., 17 Mountstuart rd Princes st Robertson Dvd., 4 MansefieM jjl Rankine Miss Isa,, 19 Store lu Robertson Dd. T., coast guard, 17 Bish- Rankine John, steward, 19 Hign st op st Rankine Jn,, fishmonger, 20 Bishop st Robertson Hec, labr.. 2 John st Rankine Miss Isa., 51 Ardbeg rd Robertson Mrs Isa., IP Mill st Rankine Mrs Joan P., 58 Mountstuart rd Robertson Mrs, 32 Columshill st Rankine Rbt., Madeira vil. Serpentine Robertson Mrs, Living.ssonia Temisei- Rattray Mrs Helen, stationer, 60 High ance hotel, Guildford sq st; ho, 46 Robertson Jms., joiner, Minister's br Redfern Wm. H., spirit merchant, Mon- Robertson Mrs Is*., Amisfield, Barone r tague st and Guildford sq ; ho, 2 Os- Robertson Mrs Jane, 17 Russell borne st pi Robertson John, Beilevue rd Reid Dr Dnl., surgeon, Greenbank. Ard- Robertson John, coachman, Canada ho beg rd Robertson John, baker, 16 E. Princes Reid David, 96 High st st ; ho, 5 Mountpleasant rd Reid Misses Georgina & Jessie, 25 Craig. Robertson John, storeinan, We.stwood more rd Robertson, Macm.. Minister's br Reid Mrs Henrietta, 76 Ardbeg rd Robertson Mrs Magt., McAllister's crt Reid John, gasfi ^ter, 4 ColumsWll st Roberton Mrs My M., 10 Mountstuart r Reid John, postman, 7 Tower st Robertson Mrs Susan, Wyndham rd Reid Joseph, fisherman, 16 t)1 StritV.. Robertson Wm., chimney sweeper, 24 Reid Mrs Magt., Orviatus ter Mill st Reid Mrs Sophia, 20 W. Princes si Robertson, W P, Bute Steam Laundry Eei'ly Ministers' W.n 0, br Ladeside st 111 HOUSEHOLDERS—Kothesay.

Robertson Wm., gardener, Canada ho Scott Geo. , drawing master, Clan villa, "Robertson Mrs, 91 High st Bridge st Kobertson Mrs, Wvndham pk Scott Miss Grace, 24 Battery pi Kobin Wm., 8 Gallowgate Scott Mrs Harriet, 45 Watergate Robin Wm, engineer, l3 Victoria st Scott Mrs Isa., 84 Montague st Robinson Thos., seaman, 38 Bishop st Scott Mrs Isa., 103 Montague st E-oderickson Pat., gardener, 5 Russell st Scott Mrs Jane, 11 Ardbeg rd

Rodger Mrs Kobt , 28 Bridge st Scott Miss Janet, 8 Argyie sfc Roe Mrs Esther, 20 Craigmore rd Scott Mrs Janet, 36 Argyie at Roe Jonathan, engineer, o Craigmore rd Scott Matt., cook, 29 Mill st

Ronald , Orcadia Scott Robt., engineer, Colum»hiii »fc

Rooney Thos , 58 Ladeside Scott Robt., engineer, 4 Dean tloo

Rork John, 23 Argyie st Scott Miss , 23 Victoria st JtCK .C..3X., 1 RuSHiexi 'ct Scot^-KingA, boarding house, 6EI>s''um

Ko&e , 'Oiaigpcint. Craigmore 3crin goour Sirs Grace, 3 Columshill pi Rest Oohn D. rectcr Academy; ho, Scullion i.iis£ Mary Ann, 60 High st 38 Ardbeg rd Shand Misses Cath. & Mary, West wood Hos Donald, 21 Mountpleasant rd Shand Jos., c .achpainter, West wood,

Ross Miss Eliz, M . 1 Mackinlay st Argyie pi Ross H, J. G., M. A., teacher, Cothall, Shand feter, grocer, 20 Bridge-end st Baron e rd Shand Peter, 1 1 Albert pi Ross John, tailor, 12 W. Princes st Shand Wm.. 2 Bishop ter br

Rowan Mrs Marion, 30 JVIarine pi Shand Wm. , 38 Columshill st Rowand Mrs Eliz,, 1 Columshill pi Sharp Mrs Agnes, 5 Marine pi Rowbothan Mrs ]\Iary L, 13 Orichton rd Sharp Miss Cath., 28 Ladeside st Roy Mrs Eliz., Bishop ter Sharp Miss Cath., 23 Victoria st Roy Peter, seaman, 74 High st Sharp Miss Eliz., 15 Mountstuart rd

Roy Wm. , residenter, 23 Mountstuart r Sharp Mrs Jane, Mountstuart rd Rush Miss Ann, 8 Montague st Sharp John, labourer, 17 Montague st Russell Mrs Ann, 2 Bridge st Sharp Miss Julia, 17 Montague st Russell Dun. C, ijlumber, 3 King so Sharp Mrs Margt., 23 Victoria st Russell Mrs Margt., 27 Battery pi sharp Robt., J. P., Mary field Russell Mrs Mrgt., 55 Montague st Shaw Angus, carter, 36 Mill st Russell Matthew B., grocer, 106 Mon- Shaw Arch,, carter, 54 High st

tague st ; ho. 15 Bridge st Shaw Daniel, blacksmith, Straad Russell M. \j., 4 Mansefiald Daniel un, blacksmith, pi Shaw j Croft In ; Russell Wm., 4 Wimbleton ho, 87 High st Rutherford Mrs Margt., 62 High st Shaw Miss Mrgt., 18 Columshill st Shaw Mrs Janet, 38 Columshill st Shaw J., 21 Columshill st Shaw John, carter, Kussell st Shaw John, joiner, 28 Montague st s Shaw John, porter, 19 Victoria st

Sacks Moses, tailor, 28 Mill st Shaw John, steamboat agent. Quay ; ho Samson Alfred, joiner, 7 Mansefield pi 18 Russell s-; Samuels Wm. N, painter, 29 Argyie ter Shaw Neil, carter, Knockanreoch Sanderson John, bootmaker, 143 High s Shaw Peter, labourer, 38 Ladeside st Scholfield Thos., Park pi Shaw Miss, 2i Columshill st Schroder Colin M., seaman, 37 Bridge st Shaw Miss, 7 Mansefield p Schueller Godfrey, shopman, 82 High st Shearer Mrs Janet, 27 High st Sclanders Miss Margt., 31 Criihton rd Shields John, labourer, 19 Mill st Pcott Alex., stoker, 38 Mill st Shields Miller, 4 Bridge st Scott Miss Eliz.. 4 Minister's br Shields Patrick, porter, 4 Minister's br Scott Eliz., 42 Mountpleasant rd Shields Pat., labourer, 55 Montague st Scott Mrs blliz., 27 Bishop st Shields Pat., engineer, 37 Bridge st Scott Mrs Eliz., china ware dealer^ 38 Shiells Geo., nurseryman, Amisfield Montague st Barone rd Scott Francis, telegraphist, 5 Bridge st, Siddal Miss Ann, Gowanfield ter 112 ;


Sillars ' lex. C, draper, 145 Hi2:h st Smith John, joiner, 15 Bishop st Sillars Miss Amelia, Ci-lenfaulds Smith John, joiner, 54 Ardbeg rd Sillars, ladies' furnisher, 67 Victoria st Smith John, fishmonger, 35 Victoria st

Sillars, Mrs Mary, 17 E Princes sfc ho, Columshill .-^b Silver Andw. Y., tobaccoriist, 3 Argyle Smith Jn., mill manager, 7 Chapelhill r

st ; ho., Albert cot-., Haronf> rd Smith John, spirit dealei", 27 High st Silver Rliz., 10 Mansefield pi Smith John, tail )r, 78 Ardbeg rd Sim Dan., 121 High st Smith Julius C, S.Mansfield p Sim Wm. fisherman, 123 High st Smith Xeil gardener, 35 Bridge st Simpson Mrs Ann, 24 Castle st Smith Rich., engineer, 82 High st Simpson Jms., gasfitter, 7 Tower st Smith Robt., clerk, tovi^n head Simpson Peter, joiner, Eden pi Smith Robr,., hotel keeper, Bute Arms Sinclair Alex., clerk, 16 Argvle pi Hotel, Guildford sq Sinclair Donald, 2 Minister's br Smith Robt., painter, 3 Russell st Sinclair Mr.^ D W, Havelock ter Smith Robt., seaman, 103 High st

Sinclair 'xeo.. cashier, 20 Mountstaarb r Smith Robt , 54 High st Sinclair Jms. C, burgh chamberlain, 30 Smith Mrs Sarah, Victoria st

High st ; ho., 9 P.attery pi Smith Wm., glassbl >wer, WestlanJ rd

Sinclair John, joiner, 53 Barone rd Smith , 78 Ardbeg rd Sinclair .rohn,4iipmaster, 20 W Princes s Sommervill Mrs Helen, 11 Chapelhill rd Sinclair Neil, carpenter, 26 Russell st Sommerville Js. R, bathman, 8 Mount- Siunot Miss Marion, 53 Crichton rd stuart rd Skae Jms., Canada ho Speirs Angus, tailor and clothier, 10

Skirving Arch., blacksmith, High st G-*llowgate ; 1 Alma ter

Slaven Jms , fruiterer, 4 Bridge st ; ho, Sp'^irs Mrs Helen, Wyndham rd 36 do. Speirs Miss Jane, 22 Argyle st

Slaven John, fruitere'", Stuart st ; ho, Speirs gas worker, 176 High st 6 Store In Spellassie John, labourer, 10 Colums- Slaven Mrs Lilias, 36 Btidge st hill st Slaven Maurice, labourer, 103 High st Spellassie Wm., labourer, 21 Russell st

Sloan Hu , agent, G. & ». W. Railway Spence John, bathman, 61 Ardbeg rd rd

Company quay ; ho., 47 High st SpreuU And., vet. surgeon, 21 Ardbeg Smale Albert, 36 Columshill st Springett Thos., hawker, 20 Mill st Smart Wm, Wyhdham rd Sproul Ewan, labourer, Bishop st Smellie Miss, Ardbeg vd Sprowl Ach., linotype oprtr., 54 High st Smith Mrs Agnes, 13 Gall >wgate Sprowl Mrs Isa., Gowanfield pi Smith Alex., upholsterer, 2 Hillhouse rd Sprowl Mrs Mary, 6^ Ardbeg rd Smith Alex., upholsterer, i7 Montague s Sprowl Robt., joiner, 49 Ardbeg rd Smith Alex. L., teacher, Ballochgoy ter Sprowl Wm., comp., 11 Colum-hill st Smith Miss Ann, 1 1 Albert pi Sprowl Misses, milliners, 9 Gallowgate

Smith Miss Ann, Inkerman ter Squair F. H., flesher, 5 Gallowgate ; Smith C. J., Wyndham rd ho., 61 Barone rd Smith Dun., baker, 69 Montague st Stagg Wm., chimney sweep, 27 High st ho, 17 Bridge st Stark John, painter and decorator, 16

Smith Mrs F., 27 High st Argyle st ; ho., 1 Wimbleton Smith George, agent, Clydesdale Bank, Stead Wm, corporation gatfitter, 6 Guildford sq Manseheld pi Smith Geo. A., baker, Wyndham pk Steel Miss Alice, Glebe lands Smith Henry M., clerk, 4 Hillhouse rd Stephen Mrs, Crichton rd Smith Jms.. baker, Ferguson pi Stevenson Jms, 9 Bridge-end st

Smith Jms , farmer, Wyndham pk Stevenson Jms., 13 Bridge-end st Smith Jms., joiner, 15 Bishop st Stewart Miss Helen, 24 Ardbeg rd Smith Jms., joiner, Glenhead Stewart Alex., county police inspector, Smith Jms. T., flesher, Westlands rd County Buildings, 37 High st Smith John, 20 Argyle st Stewart Alex., farmer, Ashfield Smith John, spirit dealer, Stuart st Stewart Alex, jun., farmer, Ashfield Smith sergeant Jn., janitor. Academy; Stewart Alex., grocer, 30 Bishop st ho., 9 Cnapelhill rd Stewart Alex., tailor, 20 Gallowgate H 113 HOUSEHOLDERS—Rothesav.

Ptewart Alex., 7 Mansefield pi Strachan Mrs Eliz., 6 Columshill pi Stewart Andw, 3 Bishop ter br Stuart Geo., florist & seedsman. Chapel- Stewart Mis^ Barbara, Victoria st hill and Westland rd nurseries ; shop Stewart Mrs Barb. 11. and Catherine Dean C, Hood pi and Montague st : ho., K., 14 Marine pi Spriu'^bank, 7 Chapelhill rd Stewart Chs., reedmkr., 31 Columshill st Stuart Jms. K, farmer, Little Barone Stewart Chas. R, 63 Mountstuarfc rd Stuart John Windsor, factor, Bute Stewart David, estate, R. & J. Dick, 105 Mon- 53 High st ; res., Folfey House tague st; ho., BloomfielH, 28 Mai^ine pi Stuart Miss May L., 26 Russell st Stewart Dun., spirit dealer, 18 Mount- Stuart Peter, burgh worker, Hillhous rd pleasant rd Stuart Wm , 10 Bridge st Stewart, Eben., cork cutter, 2 Argyle pi Summers Mrs, Wellpark rd Stewart Gavin, Geo. T., and Jms, S., Sutherland Mrs Ann, Marine pi Edgphill, i^^astlands rd Swan Alex.. 21 Russell st Stewart Mis HauuHh, Bou,'any rd fewan MrLtth., managing direi.-tor, D. M. Stewarb Miss H., 8 Galiowgate Taylor, Lmtd,. wine merchants, 2-6 Stewart Mrs Isabella, grocer, 11 High st: Swan, Misses A & J. 79 Mnntaj.'ue st ho, 23 Mountpleasant rd Swan '(alter. 39 Barnne rd Stewart Jn, grocer, Lilyoakter Swan Walter jun., butcher, 97 Montague

Stewart Jms,, gardener, 25 Oolunr-hill "i st ; ho, 21 Columshill st Stewart Jms., shipmaster, 58 Montague s Tower st; ho., 8 Brightf)n ter Stewart Jms painter, Serpen- Swanstcm Arthur,grocer, "^6 , Newark, W. Princes s tine rd Swanson David, seaman, il Mill st Stewart James B painter, 73 Victoria st Swanston John B., grocer. , Glebe lands Stewart Misses Craig- Sweeney. Mrs iz Jane & Mary, Upr. E , 5J Argyle pi more Sweeney Jms., shoemaker. 10 Store In Steua't Mrs Janet, 18 Ardbeg rd Sweet Chs., photograi)her, white studio. Stewart Mrs Janet, 49 Argyle st Battery pi Stewait John, boatman, M'Alister's crt Symes Robt., boat hirer, 87 High st Stewart John, labourer, 11 Staflfa pi SteM'art Mrs May, .31 Wyndham rd

Stewart Mr^ MaN , 22 Watergate Stewart Miss Mary Ann, 13 Argyle ter Stewart Miss Murv, 13 Argyle rer Stewart ]

Stewart f-bt. , vauman, 38 Columshill st Taylor Ach., brush maker, .58 Montigue s Stewart Tho^.. heritor, 42 Ardbeg rd Taylor Chs., clerk, 6 Man-efieid pi Ptewart 'Chns., house factor, J36 High st Taylor Kdward, joiner, 27 Columshill st Stewart Wm, engineer, 4 Croft In Taylor Mrs Elspeth, 3 Bnmdane ter Stewart Win., engineer, 65 Vic'"oria st Taylor Mrs l.sa., 8 Bridge sn Stewart Wm., painter, 19 M'pleasant rd Taylor Jiunes

Stewi^rt W. Alex., B.L., County Build- breast ; ho , 46 High su

irii.>s ; h<\ Old Mans-ion Houe, Highs Taylor Mrs Jane, Eastlands rd S'ewart Wm M, baker, % Galiowgate Telfer Mis Mrgt., 4 Almisters br S'ew^rt W, & J, palmers, 22 West Telford Mrs Ann, Ardbrannan Princes st Temple Mrs Jeannie, 109 .Vfontagu-; st S'ewart Mrs, 31 Cnlum'^hill st Templeton John 96 High st Stewart Mrs, Toward view ". r^besr Thorn Mrs Eliz., 8 Mansfie d pi ^tir mg Geo., traveller, 22 C'i!nmsbill s Thorn Miss Jane, 70 Ardbtjg rd Stirling John, firemaster, 77 Montague s Th')U)pson Daniel, Iimoi maker, 55 Vic-

toria st ; h'j ^t^ven K B., electrician, A botsford, , 27 Ea,it Princes st '' B?.ro e rd hompson Hu^'h, postman, 34 .\rgyle st f'. Thompson J;;mes, S'oddait A!x , mechanic, 17 Princess sh emaker. 94 vjo'i-

tague tit ; ho, Kazeltoii, c;tune Jos , s'owMvd. 22 Mill st Harone rd stone Mrs, tov dea'er, 20 IMill st Thompson Sam., h^,tter, 67 AJoutague

Stort-r JniP. D., painter, 29 Argyle st st ; ho , Clyde View, Ciaigmore 114 ;


Miss Sarah, Queen's Hotel, Turner Arch riiompson , postman, 141 High st 41 Argyle st Turner Ach., seaman, 16 Hillhouse rd st Tnonis Jms , mechanic, 4 Mill Turner Colin B., Craigmore pier, house, Thomson Miss Aoines, 12 fcitaffa pi Mountstuart rd Thomson A. l-Ioss, inspector of poor, 35 Turner Dug., shipmaster, Ascog

; rd Turner Bishop st ho, 11 Mountpleasant Geo , coachman, 78 Ardbeg rd Thomson Benj. J., slater, 2 Hillhonse r Turner Mrs May, 12 Marine pi

Thomson Chs. , manufactr, 7Wyndham r Turner John A, compositor, 87 High st Thomson Misses Eliz, Mrgt. and Mry. A, 'J'weedie, Mrs Elizabeth, 10 Mansefieldp 29 Ardbeg rd Tyre Wm. L., slater, 34a Columshill s Thomson Mr-s Kliz., 97 Montague st Thomson Hu., cabinetmkr., 25 Bishop sfc Thomson Miss Isa., 8 Montague st

Thomson Js. . fishniont,'er, Montague st Thomson Jms., j'-i-ier, 5 Castle st u Thomson Jms., labourer, 109 Montague s Thomson Mrs Jessie, 35 Argyle st Urquhart Chas. A., 16 King st Thomson Jn., bank agent, Royal Bank, Urqnhart, restaurateur, 21 Watergate Urquhart Rev John, Victor a st : ho., 4 Brighton ter U. W. Free Manse, Thom-on Mr.^ John, Glebe lands Argyle ter Urquhart John grocer, Thomson John, residenter, 25 Argyle st A , 13 Argyle st ho.. Thomson John, 5 Bishop t'^r br Thistle bank, Argvle ter Thomson John Russell, architect, 5 Unverzachfc Mrs Janet, 13a E, Princes st

High st ; ho. , Argyle ter

Thomson Mrs Mary, 46 Montaj^ue s*-. Thomson Mrs Mary a nn, L Orcadia Thomson Mrs Mary, 16 Marine pi V Ptr., fisherman, 22 Thomson Watergate Vance Mrs Jane, 32 Batteryfpl Thomson Bcr., seaman, 18 Kussell st Thomson Mrs Peter, 1 OrcaHia Thomson Bobt., 21 Mouiitpleasant rd Thomson Mrs S. A., 2 (Jrichton rd Thomson Miss ^^ophja, 16 Battery pi w Thomson Miss Sns-in, 71g Ardbeg rd "Waddell Dvd., boilerinakr,32Ai'dbegrd Thomson Mrs Thos., china merchant, 27 Waddell John, 28 Montague st GalloWf^ate Waddell Robert D., .50 Mont^^gue st Thom'-on, Thos., 5 Bridge st Waldier Wm., 6 Mansefield pi Thomson Wra., draper, 13 Monta^^ue st Walker Mrs Janet, 84 Montague st ho, Sorx^entine id Walker Arch., blscksmith and heating Thomson Wm H., opticiian, 85 Montague engineer. Mill st ; ho, Mansseheld pi st ; ho, 8 Mouatpluasanc rd Walker Dvd., carter, 20 Mill st " houisoii &Mcb\irlane, grain merchants Walker Hugh 1 Logie p 66 High st Walker Jms. A., j p, Mountstuart rd Thorbura l^v.i., fishmonger, 30 Bishops Walker Mrs Janet, 84 Montague st Thorburn Js., fisherman, 10 Watergate Walker Mrs Jeannie, 7 Gallowgate Thorburn John, fi^^h merchant, 18 West Walker John, blicksaiitb, 1 Mill st

Princes st ; ho , 4 Bishop st Walker John, painter, 15 Bridge st Thorburn Tho-i., fisherman, 15 Bridge s Walker John, purveyor, 36 Bishop st Tickeli Mrs Matiim, Museum, Chapelhill Walker John, restaurateur, 15 Esat

Timothy , 5 B(ids.e st Princes st Todd M s Jessie, 32 J\lill st Walker Mrs Margt , 13 Bishop sfc 'i oplis, Wm., policeman, 145 sfc High Walker Mrs Magt. , 11 Mountpleasant r Torii, Mansenco, confectioner. Dean Walker Murray, 27 Bridge st riood pi and Gallowgite WalkerWm., inspect >r. 20 ^^'ussell st Tos!i(-y Miss, ladies' nurse, Bishop sfc Walker ^rrs, 3 Columshill pi Trail uev Joseph, U. F. Parish Manse, Wallace Mrs Ann. 46 Mountstuart rd Serpttntine rd Wallace David, Vict'-rin cot,Barone rd Triveii. W. J., shoemaker, 45 High sfc; Wallace Mrs Eliz., 17 Craigmore rd

ho , 86 High st 115 HOUSE HOLDERS—Rothesay.

"Wallace 18 Mountpleasant rd White John, club steward, 15 Bishop st Wallace Jms. F., dancing master, High White John, draper, 29 Victoria st Craigmore White Samuel, tjrocer, 63 High st Wallace Mrs Margt., 16 Marine pi White Wm., Glebe lands Wallace Mrs Mary, 177 High st Whitecross Miss Jane, 4 Argyle pi Wallace Mrs, Bellvue rd Whiteford Jn., comp., 31 Columshill st

Wardrop Mrs Eliz. , 18 Mountpleasant rd Whiteford Robt. jun., photographer, 23

Warren, Mrs Margt. M. , Croft Lodge Argyle st ; ho, 27 High st Waterson Alex., engineer Springbank, Whiteford Rbt., game wtchr., Calfward Chapelhill rd WhitelawDvd., designer. Wyndham pk Waterston,Misses, stationers, Montague s Whitfield Mrs, 10 Mountstuart rd Watson Ad., insurance agnt., Argyle st Whiteside Sm., musician, 77 Montague s

Watson Dnl. , blacksmith, 15 Castle st Whitson Miss, 17 Bishop st Watson Geo., tailor and clothier, 13 Whyte Dune., gardener, 77 Ardbeg rd

Gallowgate ; ho., 21 Columshill st Whyte Jms., 22 Russell st Watson Jms., S. P. C. A., 3a Victoria st Whyte Mrs Jessie, confectioner, 25 Watson Miss Jane, 56 Mountstuart rd Gallowgate Watson Mrs Jessie, 27 Columshill st Whyte John, organist, Braemar Watson Mis-i Jessie, 35 Crichton rd Whyte Mrs Mary, 19 Bishop st

Watson John, spirit Merchant, 3 Vic- Whyte Wm., gas manager. High st ; ho,

toria st ; ho, 27 Argyle st Glebe lands, Mou.ntpieasant rd Watson Jos., barber, 14 1 High st Whyte Robt. D., County Clerk, High

Watson Jn , blk. smith, 27 Columshill st st; ho., 19 Bishop st Watson Rbt., heritor, Upper Craigmore Whyte Thos., carter, 46 Ladeside

Watson Thos B. , painter, 15 StafEa pi Whyte Mrs, 8 Gallowgate Watson Wm. grocer, 1 Minister's br Wilkie Mrs Chris,, 24 Castlehill st , Watson Wm., steamboat agent, Quay Wilkie Hugh, yachtsman, 24 Castlehill s ;

ho., 7 Chapelhill id Wilkie Jms , engineer, 18 Argyle pi Watson Mrs, Carlton Dairy, Argyle st Wilkie Jms., joiner, 46 Ardbeg rd Watt Mrs Marion, 45 Ardbeg rd Williams Mrs Mai'gt., 28 Montague st Waugh Mrs Helen, 36 Columshill st Williamson Misses Grace & Marion,3 Ard- Waugh, Mrs Marion, 5 Arsyie st beg rd Weaver Mrs Annie, 24 Russell st Williamson capt. John, steamboat Webster Jms., 5 Mansefield pi owner, Rockvilla, 3 Ardl^eg rd Webster Mis-; Mary, 65 Ardbeg; r Williamson M ^gnus, ta. or, 5 Bridge st Weiv Alex., baker, 24 E. Princes st Williamson Rbt., tar macadam manu- Weir Alex., gardener, 81 Ardbeg rd facturer, 52 Montague st Weir Ax. G., tobacconist, 83 Victoria st William-on Mrs, Gartcraig Weir Alex, Wyndham rd Wilson, Arch., gardener, [Serpentine rd Weir Mrs Ann, Forest vil., Crichton rd Wilson Alex., engineer, 5 Mansefield pi Weir Arch., warehouseman, 21 Marine p Wilson Miss Chris., 26 Bridge-end st Weir Jms., shoemaker, 94 High st Wilson Colin, gardener, 90 High st Weir Jms. 11, 22 Staffa pi Wilson Dvd.. Craigmore hotel and pen- Weir Miss Jane, 4 Mountpleasant sion, 49 Crichton rd Weir John, warehouseman, 21 Mill st Wilson Misses Eliz. J., Helen R., and Weir John, 6 Manseheld pi Mary, Chapelhill Weir Mrs M., 67 Barone rd Wilson Miss Eliz. J., 7 Chapelhill rd Weir Rbt., carter, 3 Bishop ter br Wilson Mrs Flora, 24 Bridge st; Weir h'obt., mason, 23 Battery pi Wilson Hu.gh, carter, l6 Higli st Weir Mrs, Cruden cot. Bishop ter Wilson Jms., lamplighter, 129 High st Welsh Mrs Isa., 2 Bellvue rd V/ilson Mrs Isa., 11 Bridge-end st Welsh Mrs Kate, oO Argyle st Wilson John, 22 Russell st Welsh Robt., Mansefield pi, High st Wilson Jos., stationer, 20 Bridge-end st Welsh Thos., labourer, 22 Russell st Wil on Jos. D., printer, Barone rd Wel^h Wm., 22 Russell st Wilson Miss Margt., 24 Argyle st West Robert, 46 Bigh st Wilson Mrs Maiy, 14 Bridge st Wheeling Jms., spirit dealer, Westwood Wilson Samuel, 34a Columshill st White Alex., Mansefield p Wilson Thos., seaman, 12 W Princes st 116 —


"Wilson Wm., shoemaker, 123 High st "yVilson Wm., 3 Bishop ter br

Wilson "Wm. , 76 Montague st "Wilson "Wm. A., printer, Buteman, 10 Castle st; ho., Morningside, Serpen- Yates Jms., tailor, 91 Montague st'; ho. tine rd 2 Columshill pi Winning, Mataura, Craigmore Yorkson Alex., N. B. steamboat agent Wishart Miss Mary, 5 Argyle st Ferguson pi Mansefleld pi Wishart Mrs Mary, 6 Young Miss Ann, 30b Ardbeg rd Mountj)leasant rd Withers Mrs, l8 Young Mrs Cath., Minister's br Wood Miss Eliz., 11 Bishop st Young Miss E., 38 Bishop st 11 Princes st Woed Mrs, Eliz., B Young Miss Grace, 8 Ladeside Wood Hugh., slater, 21 Kussell st Young James, carter, 11 Hillhouse rd Woodburn Tht>s., 5 Battery pi Young Miss Janet, 78 High st Thos. T., miller, 1 Barone rd Woods Young John, 5 Russell st Wotherspoon John, draper, 35 Bridge Young John J., 10 Mansefleld pi Wren Mrs John, 65 Ardbeg rd Young Mrs Margt. , 19 Russell st Wright A., blacksmith, 70 Ardbeg rd Young Kobt., porter, 12 Castle st Wright Alex., teacher. 25 Ardbeg rd Yuill Miss Eliz., 28 Mountstuart rd Wright Mrs Eliz., 88 Montague st Wright Jms.. tenter, 7L Victoria st Wright Miss Jane, 22 Argyle pi Wright John, 5 Bridge st Wyatt Geo., vanman,25 Columshill st

Wyllie Mrs Isa , l8 Castle st Wyper Mrs, 4 "West Castle st

Comfort for the Feet can be had by purchasing your BOOTS and SHOES at LAINGS, 4 G all w g a t e Boots and Shoes Made to Measure. Repairs Promptly Executed by Practical Workmen. Phenomenal Value in Tan and Canras Boots and Shoes of every description. Large Selection of Maybole and Keltic Boots and Shoes kept in Stock. Inspection invited.

Bathing^ Places, West Bay—Ladies' and Gentlemen's—Skeoch Wood — IIoiiert Sfrowl, Lessee and Swimming Master. — All Requisites supplied on Moderate Terms.

Builders' Clerk —Thomas Falconer, 1 Union street Central Dairy—Mrs M'Millan, 9 Watergate. Finest Country Produce. Fruit and Vegetables. Drapery and Remnants—Mrs Lyle, 52 High street Family Grocer, Wine and Spirit Merchant. —Daniel M'Lachlan, 18 Columshill Street. First-Class Carriages at J. & A. Martin's, 8^ East Princes Street and Chapelhill Road.

Potato Merchants—M'Ewan & M'Millan, 11 Stuart street Wholesale and Eetail Fruit Merchant—John Slaven, Stuart street

117 BUTE COUNTY DlRECTaRY ADVERTISEMENTS. D. M. TAYLOR, Limited, Wholesale and Family Wine Merchants and Dealers in Old Scotch Whiskies, 2-6 Tower Street, Rothesay,

This is the only Business in Rothesay which is exclusively that of Family Wine Merchants and Spirit Dealers, Wholesale and Retail. Telephone No. 28. Telegrams, " Taylor, Rothesay." ALBION RESTAURANT, 89 VICTORLA. STREET, Opposite iftewart statue,

J. M'CORD, Proprietor.

Breakfasts. Luncheons. Dinners. Teas. Fish Suppers. Excursion and Pic-Nic Purveyor.

PUGALD MACFIE, Painter and Paper Hanger^

Paints, Oils and Colours. 55 Higrli street, Rothesay ROBERT PATERSON, SLATER,

Yard—10 Bpidg-e-end street. House—24 Apgryle street James Henry, Glasgoio and Rothesay Carrier, 6«Osborne St., 54 Mitchell St., 57 Buchanan St., and 66 Queen St., Glasg'O'W, 72 Montague Street, Rothesay. Goods and Luygage forwarded to all parts of the World.

J, & p. BLUE, (Established over 60 Years). Cut Flowers, Fruit and Vegetables, Pot Plants, &c. Shop: Nurseries.. 23 Montague Street, Gowanfield Nursery, High Street Nursery, Rothesay. (off Hillhouse Road). (opposite Public Park). Parish of North Bute. (Including the Village of Pokt-Bannatyne.)

Buchanan, M. R. Gray, Ettrickdale Burnett, Mrs Janet, Castle st Burns, Alex., painter, Inveryne pi A Adie, Andrew, Anj?us pi Alexander, Mrs Ann, Pointhouse cres _ Alexander, Jms., carpenter and boathirer. Shore st; ho., Govandale pi Cameron, Miss Ann, Springwell pi Alexander, John, yachtsmaster, lona pi Campbell, Alex., sack mercht., Appin villa Alexander, Miss Sarah, fruitei er and con- Campbell, Mrs Cath., Ulva pi fectioner. Inveryne pi Campbell, Donald, engineer, Glenlea Alexander, Wm., Shore st Campbell, John B. chemist, Castle st Allan, Jas., com. traveller, Victoria pi Campbell, Miss Sarah, Stewart's In Anderson, Miss Ann, Alpine villa Campbell , Park buildings Anderson, Dvd,, barber, Castle st Cardwell Frank, Angus pi Archer, John, cabinetmaker, Ettrick bank Carson, Sam., boilermaker. Mount Park ct Armstrong, Mrs Eliz., Crown hotel bids Carsweil, Mrs Margaret, East St Colmac Chisholm, Mrs, Pointhouse crescent Christie Andrew, Angus pi Clark, Dug., ploughman. Castle st Clark, R. Ingham, farmer, Rhubodach B Cochrane, Gabriel, Victoria pi Cockburn, Mrs Mar-zt. , Pier ter Baird David, compositor, Inveryne pi Cook, John, carpenter, lona pi Baird, David, shoemaker, Shore st; house Cook, Robert, Shore st Ebenezer pi Corbett, Mrs Jessie, Port- Bannatyne inn Baird, Mrs Marion, grocer, Karnes bank Coulter, Thos., tinsmith, Victoria pi Baird, Wm., clerk. Shore st Coutts Mrs, Burnside avenue Bannatyne, Peter M., clerk, lona pi Craig, Miss Eliz., Hafton pi Barr, Thomas, farmer, Eskechraggan Craighead, Miss Margaret, Shore st Beith, Miss Bethia, pi Lamont Crawford, Alex., boatman, Stewart's In Bell, Donald, yachtmaster, Glenree Crawford, David, cattle dealer, Victoria pi Bell Dugald, grocer, Inveryne pi Crawford, Wm., Pointhouse Bell, Thomas, clerk, Rosebery pi Crawford, Miss Janet, Crown Hotel Bennett, Miss Janet, Isa Park villa Crawford, John, farmer, Acholter Bennett, John, Sardinia pi Cruden, Miss Jemima, Pointhouse cres Berwick, Geo.. M.D., Moss Bank, Ardbeg Cunningham, Js. L., residenter, Shore st Black, John, joiner. Castle st Cunningham, Jn., engineer, Shore st Black, Miss Eliz., Castle st Currie, Miss Jane, Ebenezer pi Black, Mrs Hugh, Kingston pi Currie, Duncan, jouier and carriage hirer Blue, sailmaker, Wm., Castle st Currie, Misses Flora and Margt, Front st Bodin, Wm., tailor and clothier, Castle st Currie, Jn., mason, Bannatyne Mains Bowie, Wm., Shore st Currie, Mrs Mary, lona pi Brechin, Robt., Castle st Brodie, Mrs, Abbotsford Broom, Mrs, Bay view Broom, Misses, Bay view Brown, Ar., inspector of poor, Ebenezer pi Brown, John, seaman. Shore st D Brown, Mrs and Miss Sarbaia, Shore st Dallas Dugald, joiner, Victoria pi Brown, Mrs Cath., Hafton pi Dallas, Robert, Salisbury pi Brown, Mrs Isabella, baker. Shore st Dallas Wm., baker, Shore st

Brown, J., surgeon dentist, Appin a ilia Dearie, Wm. , 2 Stewart st Brown, Mrs J., Roselea villa Dewar, Rev. Peter, clergyman, North Bute Brown, Mrs, Appin villa Dickie, Wm. P., farmer, CranslagTOurtie Brownlie, Mrs Mary, Stonfield Dickson, Mrs, Rosslyn pk Bruce, George, gardener. Shore st Dougan, Neil, farmer, Shalunt 119 fciOTTFEHOL DEES- -North Bute.

D'ldejeon Pete^-, Invex-yne pi Dunbar, Jas., tobacconist, Park s',^s Duncan, Mrs Chas., farmsr,Littlt Kilmory H Duncan, Ohas. McK.. salesman, Woo'ien'3 Halliday, Duncan, grocer. Shore st Duncan, Daniel, farmer, Woodend Halliday, George, merchant, George pi Duncan, Jas., farmer. Bannatyne Mains Halliday Jas., Angus pi Duncan, James, teacher, Ballanlaj-^ Halliday, Mrs Jane, Sawmill Ferguson. Dun., yachtsmaster, Lament pi Halliday, Mrs Mary, Stonefield Duncan, John, joiner, Angus pi Hamilton, Miss Agnes, Salisbury pi Duncan, Eobert, farmer, Kilwhinleck Hamilton, Mrs Chris. C, Karnes cot Duncan Thomas, fencer, Kildavannan Hamilton, Robt., contractor, Lamont pi Dunlop, Kev. John, U.F.C. Manse Hardie, Robert, merchant, Castle st Dunn, George, barman, lona pi Harper, Alex. R. , fitter. lona pi Dunn, John, engineer, Hafton pi Harrison, Robt S., 1 Stewart st Hart, Mrs Helen. Pointhouse cres

Hart, Robt., engineer, Govandale pi . Harvie, Dugald, George's pi Henderson, John, Govandale pi E Henderson, Wm., painter, Govandale pi Hill, Miss Fanny, Pointhouse cres Eadie, Alex., shopman, Victoria pi Hogarth, Arch., yachtmaster, Glenlea

Edgar, Jas., clerk, Govandale pi Hogarth, Jas , fisherman. Shore st Edmond, Robt., carver, Victoria pi Hogarth, John, fisherman, St Ninians

Ewing, Arch , millmanager, Inveryne pi Hogarth, John, mason, Spring well pi Hogarth, Mrs Male, grocer, Si. ore st Holmes, Mrs Sarah, Castle st Hunter, Jas., builder, Castle st Hunter, Mrs Jemima, Springwell pi Hunter, Wm., farmer. Upper Ettrick Hyndman, Edw. yachtsmaster, F , Victoria pi Hyndman, James, coal merchant Ferguson Jas., spirit merchant, Victoria pi Castle st Hyndman, Robt. .labourer, Meikle Kilmory Ferguson, John, J. P., Laurel villa, Point- house crescent Ferguson, Miss, grocer. Shore st Finlay, John, iron turner, Ebenezer pi Wltr. pi Finlay, , grocer, George's Inglis, Eobert, Black's land, Castle st Finlayson, Mrs Mary, Pointhouse cres Irvine, Benjamin, plumber, lona pi Forson, Miss Margaret, Pier ter Foster, Jn., chemist, Bannatyne Mains rd Frame, David, grieve. S. St. Colmac Forbes, Mrs, Burn side avenue Fyfe, Chas., carpenter, Kingston pi Jamieson, Jas., Govandale pi Fyfp, Jas., land f-teward, Ebenezer pi Jamieson, Magnus, yachtsman, Hafton pi Fyfe, John, boatbuilder, Ardmaleish Jenkins, Donald, gamekeeper, Scarrel Johnston, Hu., farmer, West St Colmac Johnstone, Peter, Angus pi

G K Kean, Miss Helen, Pointhouse Cres Galbraith, Wm. , farmer, Greenan Gault David, brassfounder. Shore st Keith, Andrew, plousrhman, Salisbury pi Gibb, John, school ofiScer, George pi Keith, Duncan dairyman, Sa isbury pi Gibb, Peter M., shoemaker, Govandale pi Keith, Robt., ploughman, Barone pk Gibson, Chas., shopman, Castle st Keith, Neil, roadman, Govandale pi Gibson Miss, Rachel, Lamont pi Kerr, Mrs Jane, Gladstone pi Gilchrist, John, Bannatyne Mains rd Kersey, John, gas worker. Govandale pi Gillies, Mrs, farmer, Quogach Killock, Mrs Pointhouse crescent Gillon, Mrs Margaret, Melbourne pi Kirk, John, residenter, Auchiemore Govan, J. G., Faith Mission, Mount Clare Grenorron, Tavid, labourer, C?.st]e ^st Grierson, Wm., snipmasfcer, Pomona house Gourlaj, Mis Catn., Pointhoas.: cre/« Guthrie, Jas., clerk, Stewart's In Laiiu, oap*ain Wnu., Knockdhu fiiw LanLtvut, Mis.3 Ar.nie, Shore st

Lamont, Arch. . accountant-, Tighantraigb

120 HOUSEH«»LDEKS-No th i^uie

Lamont, Coll, residenter, Shore st Moflfatt, Wm. , house factor, Ulva pi Lament, Misses Eliz. & Hannah, Fir cliif Moir, Jas., Bannatyne Main? road Lamont, Hugh, butcher. Shore st Montgomerie Alex., farmer, Auchenteerie Lamont, Jas., game watcher. North Bute Moore, Mrs John, Vicioria pi Lamont, Jn. M'N., writer, Tighantraigh Morgan, Captain, boat hirer, Shore st Lamont, John, farmer, Stuck Morgan, Wm., gio ei-, Ge»rt;e's pi Lamont, Malcolm. Stuck Mories, Mrs J. VV., Biaeniar Lamont, Wm. D., clerk, FirCliflf Morrison A., boots, Invernye pi Lamont, Mr.'>, Linihall Morrison Alex., woodman, Lome pi Lawson, Miss Jessie, Park pi Morrison Arch., farmer, Craigberoch Lee, Miss Mary, liafton ].l Morrison, Danie', detective, Lome pi Leishton, John, Burnsioe avenue Morrison. Miss Janet C. Melbourne pi Leitch, James, yachtsman, Lome pi Morrison Win., farmer, Milton Leitch, John, fisherman. Shore s Morrison, Wm., fanner, Rulliecheddan Leith, Peter, druggist. Shore st Muir, Jas., piermaslei, Piei- ter Leirhhead, David, upholsterer, Castle st Muir Thomas, farmer. Mechnoch Livingston. Dun., fisherman. Lome st Murdoch Wm. M., enyineer, Quay st

Livingstone, Wm., blacksmith, Hafton pi Murdoch . Biaemar T.och, Jatiies, joiner, Shore st Murray Mrs Agnes, Shore st Loch, Wltr.. boatman, Hafton pi Murray Angus, fisherman, Hafton pi Loch, William, ijoi^nuinger. Shore st Murray Dugald, fisherman, Castle st Lockhart, John, tinsmith, Shore st Murray Geo., plasterer, Shore st Logan, Miss Alice, Ettrick bank Murray Ts., furniture salesman, Inverynep Love, Miss, Ardenlea Murray, Misses, milliners, Inveryne pi Lusk, Miss Ann, Salisbury pi Lusk, Mrs Ann, Salisbury pi Lyon, Mrs Ann, Sardinia pi Lyon, James, farmer, Drumachloy Lyon, Mrs Janet, Victoria pi J>yon, Miss Helen, Tighantraigh Mac Mack, Mrs, West End House McAlister, James, fanner Meikle Kilmcry McArihur, Don., yachtmaster, Ebenezerpl McArthur, Mrs Janet, Cas.ie st M McArthur, Jolm, steward, Altavona McArthur, John, surfaceman, Salisbury pi Malcom, James, carpenter, Kingston pi McArthur, Robt. sen. and jun. fishermen, Malcom James P., farmer, Edinbeg Ballycunie sh Malcom Mrs Eliz., farmer, Edmbeg McArthur, Thos. . fisherman, Ballycurrie sh Malcom, Mrs Mary, Castle st McArthur, W., ploughman. Eskeshraggan Malcom, Robl., carpenter, Albion pi McBride, Peter, fanner, Ardscalpsie Malcolm Wm. H., engineer, Gladstone pi M'Cabe, Jane, Angus pi Malcom Archibald, joiner and boat-builder. McCallum, Colin, John and Peter, farmers Shore st; ho Gladstone pi Kilmichael Marshall, MissC, Clifton villa McCulloch Henry, naturalist, lona pi Marshall, Miss Grace, Appin vil McColl, Dun., >achtsman, Kingston pi Marshall, John, boilermaker, George's pi McConnechy, Mrs, faimer, Largivrechtan Martin Bryce, farmer, Glecknabae McCrachen, Mrs Bethia, Castle st Martin, John, fai-mer, Sealpsie McCready, John, tailor, Royal pi Mason, Mrs Maiion. Castle st McCunn, Miss, Janet, Castle st Matcar, Wm., Castle st McCunn, Miss Mary, Post office Mathieson, Mrs, Victoria pi McDermid, Henry, labourer, Angus pi Matthewson Ewen, painter, Shore st M'Dermott, C. & W.. painteis. Quay st Meldrum David, yaclitsmaster, Shore st McDermott, Mi> Eliz., Ettrickbank Meldrum John, woodman, Edinmore McDonald, Dugald., farmer, Auchavoulaig Menzies Arch., manager. Hydropathic McDonald, Hugh, joilner. Castle st Menzies, Miss, Allt-an avon McDonald, Wm., woodman, Cuilnashamrag Milne, Wm., engraver, Cabtle st M'Dougall, Alex., Angus pi Miller, Miss Agnes, Alpine villa McDouga;!, Dun., carter. Crown buildings Miller, Miss Eliz., Govandale pi McDougall, Jas., fisherman, Straad Miller, Hugh, farmer, Inclimarnock McDonald, Mrs Jane, Victoria pi Miller, Miss Mary, Victoria pi McDougall, Miss Mary, Castle st Miller, Neil, cabman, Castle st McDougall, Ron., Shore st Miller, Miss Robina, Pointhouse gardens McDougall, Thomas, fisherman, Straad Miller Mrs Wm., confectioner, Castle st McDougall, Wltr. , fisherman, Ballycurrie sh Miller, Miss, Braemar McDougall. Wm., fisherman, Ballycunie sh Milne George, residenter, Clifton villa McEwen, Dugald.plumber, Ulva pi 121 H MTS P.HOLDERS— North Bute.

McFarlane, Mrs Agnes, Upper Ardroscadale McPhail Peter, roadman, Ulva pi Macfie, Chas., fanner, Mid Park, Inch- McPhee, Dugald, restaurateur. Shore st marnock McPherson James, shipplater, Stewart's In Macfie, Hugh, farmer, Ballycaul McVicar, John, Kilmichael

McFie, Jas , Lome pi Macfie, John, farmer, Ballycurrie Macfif, John, farmer, Allt-an Righ Macfie, John, joiner, Ardbeg; ho, Balmoral N M"Fie John, l^ointhoue crescent Neil Robert, baker, Springwell pi Macfie, Robert, farmer. Lower Ettrick Neild Wm., residenter, Edgerton McGillivary, John, mason, Ulva pi Neilson, Robt., engineer. Castle st McGilp Nellie, dressmakei-, Govandale pi Nicol, Mrs Jane, Hafton pi McGlashan, Mrs Cath., Sliore st Nicol Miss, Balmm-al McGlashan, Dug yachtsmaster, Shore st , Nicol, Robert, Bannatyne Mains rd McGlashan, James, yachtmaster. Shore st McGresor, Mrs Eliz., Pointhouse cres McGregor, Wm., gardener, Pointhouse McHaffie, Wm. L., joiner. Ha ton pi Mcllraith, Mrs Elsie, Doonbank Orr, Hugh Kerr, tailor, Oak bank Mclnnes Mrs Agnes, Lamont'sland Orr, Mrs, Kames bank

Mcintosh Alex. , engineer, Melbourne pi M-Intosh, Don., Orchid vil, Pointhouse cres Mclntyre, Andrew, farmer, Glenmore Mclntyre, Alex., farmer, Dunalunt Mclntyre, Mrs Don., Lome pi Parlane Thomas, merchant, Govandale pi Mclntyre, Daniel, labourer, Salisbury pi Paterson, Thomas 8., Mount Park cottage Mclntja-e, Mrs Eliz., farmer, Kildavannan Paton, James, residenter, Inveryne pi M'Intyre Mary, George's pi Paton, Robt., coal merchant, Greenan Mclntyre, Peter, and Archibald, farmers, Paton Miss, farmer, Greenan Ballanlay Payne, Miss, Kames bank Mclntyre , engineer, Pointhouse cres Pollock John T., teacher, Shore st Mackie, Mrs Jane Melbourne pi C, Poole, Wm . Lamont pi Mackie, Lewis E., house factor, Kingston pi McKay, Mrs Eliz.. Sardinia pi McKay, John, farmer, Barone Park McKay Mrs, 1 Stewart st Q McKellar John, fisherman, Straad Queen, Mrs, Shore st McKellar Mrs, grocer. Shore st McKenzie Thomas, uealer in antiquities, Stella Maris McKenzie, Mrs, Norwood R McKinnon, Don., carter, lonapl Redfern Wm. H., bootmaker, Albion pi McKinnon, Don., yachtsman, Govandale p Rennie, Robt., police ofHcer, Victoria pi McKirdy, Alex, sh-icinaker, Straad Ritchie, James S., farmer, Gortans McKirdy, Miss Cath., Oak bank Robertson Alex., farmer, Cranslagmory McKirdy Gilbert, carter, Castle st Robertson Arch., farmer, S. Park, Inch McLean, Don., residenter. Quay st Robert8on,Arch., tramway manager. Point- McLean, Dugald, ploughman, Straad house McLean Lacli., farmer, Cranslagloan Robertson, Jas., farmer. South park, Inch McLean, Wltr., butcher, Stewart's In Robertson, Jas., miller, Greenan McLean, Mrs, Cuilnashamrag Robertson, Jas., Castle st McLeod, Mrs Eliz., George pi Robertson, Mrs Janet, Sardinia pi McMillan Duncan, joiner, Salisbury pi Rodger Mrs Margt., Rose cot

McMillan, Jas, 2 Stewart st Rodger, Wm. , saddler, Bannatyne Mains rd Macmillan Malcolm, clerk, Castle st Rodger, Miss Violet, Kingston pi Macmillan Miss M., Margaret villa Rodger, Mrs Wm., Kingston pi McMilli^n, Wm., contractor, Kames bk

McMinnigal, Wm., boilermaker, Stewart's 1 McMurray, John, residenter, Albion pi McNab, Miss Mary, Lamont pi s McNair Thos., ^>tewart st Sharp Daniel, ploughman, Straad McNaughton, D., Angus pi Shaw Daniel, blacksmith, Straad McNicol, Mrs Agn. & Miss Csith., Castle st Shearer Jas., yachtmaster. Quay st McPhail, Alex., tislierman Castle st Shearer Matthew, boat- hirer. Shore st McPhail, Duncan, shoemaker Ballanlay Shields J. H., Abbotsford McPhail John, ploughman, Govandale pi Shields Robt., Royal Hotel, Shore st McPhail, Mrs Malm,, ironmonger. Shore st Sim Alex., J P, Fernbank

122 HOUSEHOLDERS—North Bute.

Simpson Mrs Cath., farmer, S. St Colmac Smart, Jas., Mount Park Smith, Jas., C, engineer. Upper Quay st u Unglow, Wm., vanman, 2 Sandrighman ter Smith John, blacksmith, Ettrick Shnith John, car driver Castle st Smith John, Castle st Souter, Mrs Mary, Kosebery pi Stalker Gilb., yachtmaster. Lament pi w Stevens, James, Pomona house Walker, Alex., spirit merchant. Shore st Sevenson Jas., farmer, Ardmaleish Wallace, Arch., gamewatcher, Tighentudor Stevenson Mrs Janet, farmer, Kilbride Waters, Mrs Helen, Shore st Stewart Alex. & Kobt., farmers. Nether Watt, Dr, Shore st Ardroscadale Watson Wm. , music seller Victoria pi Stewart, Miss Ann, Edina villa Weir Malcolm, Rulleclieddan Stewart Jqhn C. & Thos., farmers, Upper Weir Mrs Margt., Shore st Ardroscadale Welsh George, baker, Melbourne pi; hs, Stewait, Mrs Mary, Nether Ardroscadale Beechbank, Bannatyne Mains rd Stewart Thos,, Rosebery pi West, Mrs Grace, School hse, Kildavannan Stewart. Wm., ploughman, Hiltou White, Alex., seaman. Castle st Stewart, Mrs, Govandale pi White Peter, teacher, Castle st Sutherland, Mrs Alex. . Ebenezer pi White, Mrs, Govandale pi Sutherland John labourer, lona pi Whitelaw, Margt., Balmoral Whyte, W. S., Balmoral Wilson James, contractor, Victoria pi T Wilson, Jessie, West End house Wilson Mrs Robert, Hafton pi Tasker, Mrs Emily, lona pi Wilson Mrs Robert, Woodend cot Taylor Jas. , baker , lona pi Wink, Robt.. tailor. Quay st Taylor, Arch., 5 Quay st Taylor, Thos., Stewart's In Woods, Mrs Sarah, Quay st Symons Mrs, Ardentigh Wotherspoon Alex, merchant, Springwell tinsmith, Albion pi Thomson Charles, blacksmith, Castle st Wright Wm., Thomson Dan., roadman, Ballaniay Wyllie, Wm.,^ traveller, Ulva pi Thomson David, blacksmith, Hafton pi Thomson, Miss Janet, Castle st Thomson, Jas., Govandale pi

Thomson, Mrs Margt. , Royal pi Traquair, Miss Eliza., Pointhouse cres Yuille, Mrs, Margt , Kames bank Young, Miss Margt., Ardgowan villa BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. JOHN MACKINNON, Family Qrocer and Tea Mercbant, 6 Montag'ue Street, Rothesay,

Orders Called for Every Morning and Punctually Delivered. Daniel Ferguson, Auctioneer and Valuator,

Barone Cottag^e ,f°?* Barone Road. Auction Rooms—Store Lane.

Best Prices always Realised. Prompt Settlements.

Living^stonia Temperanee Hotel, Guildford Square, Bothesay.

Mrs James Robertson, Proprietrix,


Family Bread, Pastry Gook^ and Biscuit Baker,

11 Gallo^virate

BUTE FISH, GAME, AND POULTRY EMPORIUM Established 1845. JOHN SMITH,!7<^/5^^ Game, and Poultry Merchant, 53 Victoria street. Agent for all Annacker's Sausages and Scotch Puddings.

James HunteP, Established ISSO. General Grocer and Provision Merchant, 10 West Princes st. (Comer of Store lane), near Tramway Terminus. First-Class Quality and Prices Strictly Moderate. Orders Promptly Attended to. Parish of Kingarth. (Including the Village of Kilchattan Bay).

Dean John, ploughman, Piperhall Dean Robert, roadman, Balchattan Bay A Docherty Wm., labourer, Mountstuart AitkenWm., baker, Kilchattan Bay Donald Jas., piper, Mountstuart Alexander J., Kilcliattan Bay Duncan Miss Bella., Kilchattan Bay Anderson Geo S., compositor, Kilchattan B Duncan Hugh, fanner, Langalchorad Anderson Rev J. W.,U F Ch., Kilchattan B Duncan Jas., ironmouger, Kilchattan Bay Atherton , schoolmaster, Mountstuart Duncan Miss Janet, Kilchattan Bay Duncan Ninian, farmer, Kerrycrusach B Duncan Robt. , labourer, Kilchattan Bay Baird Mrs, Kilchattan Bay Duncan Robt. J., carrier, Kilchattan Bay Baillie George, butcher, Kilchattan Bay Duncan Wm., shoemaker, Kilchattan Bay Baillie Geo,, fai'mer, Langalbuinoch Baillie Wm., Kilchattan Bay Barclay Wm., ffar'iener, Ascog Bannatyne Bryce, joiner, Kilchattan Butt E Kingarth Bannatyne Mary, Kerrycroy Esplin W. T., schoolmaster, Ewing Mrs Annie, Kilchattan Bay Bannatyne Robt., stableman, Mountstuart Barn Millbrae, Ascog Barnett miss M. 0., Kilchattan Bay Beith Mrs Janet, Kilchattan Bay ¥ Bell Duncan, baker, Kilchattan Bay Ferguson David, farmer, Ardnahoe Bell Duncan, jun,, mason, Piperhall Ferguson Dun., labourer, Kilchattan Butt Bell John, blacksmith, Kilciiattan Bay Ferguson Dun. jun., milkman, Culevin Bell Malcolm, mason. Kilchattan Mill Ferguson Hu., labourer. Birgidale Butt Bell M. jun., mason, Kilchattan Bay Ferguson Neil, labourer, Kerrylamont Bell Miss Jane, Kilchattan Bay Ferguson, Mrs Mrgt., dairy, Kilchattan Bay Black Daniel, joiner, Kerrycroy Ferguson Wm.,liginest Black John, labourer, Kerrycroy Fisher James, 'bus driver, Kilchattan Bay Black Robert, roadman, Kilchattan Butts isher James, hedger, Kerrylamont Boag Miss Jeannie, Kilchattan Bay Fisher Peter, hedger, Kerrylamont Boag John Scott, fencer, Kilchattan Butt Fulton Wm,, teacher, Kerrycroy Braid Robt., gardener, Orcadia F Brown Alex., roadman, Kilchattan Bay Brown sirs E., Kilchattan Bay Burns Mrs Kilchattan G Wm., Bay Galbraith John, carpenter, Kilchattan Bay Burrige John, labourer, Mountstuart Geddes John, gardener, Ascog Hall Gemmell Daniel, farmer, Kerrytonlia c Gill Hugh, labourer, Kilchattan Bay Campbell Allan, engineer, Kilchattan Bay Gill James, blacksmith, Kingarth Campbell An, warehouseman, Kilchattan B Gillies James, coachman, Ascog Hall Gilmour Mrs Geo., Kilchattan Bay Campbell J., architect, Kilchattan Bay Campbell Mrs "Wm., Kilchattan Bay Gilmour Thomas, tilemaker, Kilchattan By Campbell, Miss, Ascog house Glen Alex, sen., tailor, Kilchattan Bay Clark, Jas., gardener, Ascog bank Gordon Robt., gamekeeper, Mountstuart Colquhoun capt. J., Kilchattan Bay Gow Mrs John, Kilchattan Bay Crawford Geo., carver, Kilchattan Bay Grant ADan, labourer, Kilchattan Bay Crawford Mrs., farmer, Little Kilchattan Greig G. G., compositor, Kilchattan Bay Crawford, Thos., farmer, Drumreoch Greig James, grocer, Kilchattan Bay Creighton, Miss Jessie, Post Office, Ascog Grierson John, hotel keeper, Kingarth Cruickshanks, Wm. F., gardener, Ascog Gumming, Mrs John Kilchattan Bay Currie Mrs, Govandale, Kilchattan Bay H Currie Mrs Margt., laundry, Kil. Bay Hardie James, boxmaker, Kilchattan Bay Hastings David and Haddow, farmers, Plan Henderson Wm., shoemaker, Kilchattan B D Heron Michael, gardener, Mountstuart Day Mrs Cath., Kilchattan Bay Dean Adam, quarryman, Kilchattan Bay 125 HOUS F HOLDERS- Kingarth.

McArthur Peter, gardener, Millburn

McCall Mrs Cath. , Kilchattan Bay McCalman D., p c, Kingarth Police station , flsherman, Kilchattan Bay Jamieson Jas. McCallum Dug., carpenter, Kilchattan Bay Mary, Ksrrycroy Jamieson McCallum Duncan, Kilchattan Bay Mountstuart Johnstone Alex., joiner, McConville Hugh, Kilchattan Bay Johnstone Thomas, grocer, Kilchattan Bay McDonald A. I., rabbit catcher, KilchattanB McDonald Hector, roadman, Scoulag moor McDonald Mrs, Kerrycroy K MeDonald Ascog bay Keith Duncan, carter, Mountstuart McDougall Jas., residenter, Kilchattan Bay Kelly David K., hotel, Kilchattan Bay McDougall Js jun., engineer, Kilchattan B Kelly Wm., foreman, Kilchattan Bay McDougall Jn., fisherman, Kilchattan Bj' Kelso Miss Isa, draper, KJlchattan Bay McDougall John, labourer, Kilchattan Bay ploughman, Mid-Ascog Kelso M. , fruiterer, Kilchattan Bay McDougall John, Kelso Robert, piermaster, Kilchattan Bay McDougall Dun & Rbt., farmers, BarnrnM Kerr Hugrh, coachman, Southpark, Ascog McDougall Miss, draper, Kilchattan Bay Kilpatrick Mrs, Kilchattan Bay Macewen Professor, South Garrochty McFarlane Alex., farmer, Culevin and Meikle Kilchattan Macfarlane Dan., joiner, Mountstuart

Macfarlane Miss Cath. , Kilchattan Bay Laidlaw Robert, engineer, Balmory Macfie Alex., fencer, Kilchattan Butt Lamont Andrew, joiner, Newfarm Macfle Dan, sen., joiner, Kingarth Lament Dan. , molecatcher, Ambrlsbeg Macfie Dn. jn., carriage -hirer, Kingarth Lamont James molecatchei , Piperhall Macfle Daniel and John, farmers, Lubas Lamont Wm., labourer, Piperhall Macfie Dan., seaman. Kilchattan Bay Leckie Chiistopher, butcher, Kil. Bay Macfie Fergus, mason. Kilchattan Bay Leckie Miss. Kilchattan Bay Macfie James, hedger, Gossan Linden James, hedger, Birgidale Butt Macfie Hobt., gardener, Kerrycroy Little James, ploughman, Kilchattan Bay Macfie Robt., joiner, Kilchattan Bay Logan James, carrier, Kilchattan Bay McGeachen Mrs Rebecca, Kilchattan Bay Logan Jas., gamewatcher, Birgidale Butt McGregor Daniel, fencer. Mountstuart Lornie Jas., gardener. South park, Ascog Mcintosh John, tailor, Kilchattan Bay Louden Wm. , clothier, Kilchattan Bay Mclntyre Dugald, tile worker, Kilchattan Lucas James, teacher, Kilchattan Bay Mclntyre Wm., grieve, Kerrylamont McKay Archd., farmer, Bruchag McKay Chas., tailor, Kilchattan Bay M McKay Miss Jane, Kilchattan Bay Mann Geo., draper, Kilchattan Bay McKay capt. Robert, Kilchattan Bay ' McKenzie capt. Richard, Kilchattan Bay Marshall Jn., ironfounder, Kilchattan Bay McKill Robt printer, Kilchattan Bay Martin Archd., farmer. Largiezean , Martin James, fanner. Nether Stravannf.n McKinlay John. Scoulag moor Martin John, farmer, Kerrymenoch McKinlay Mrs Jane, Kilchattan Bay Martin Moses, engineer, Kilchattan Bay McKirdy Thns.. fencer, Scoulag moor Meikle Robert, engraver, Kilchattan Bay McLean, Hugh, farmer, Ascog Meiklejohn James, grocer, Kilchattan Bay McLellan Mrs, Kerrycroy Archd., ploughman, Birgidale Meiklejobn Mrs Jessie, Mill cot., Kingarth McMillan Bt Midrileton Js. .carter, Kerrylamont McMillan Arch., jun., ploughman, the Cot Middleton Robert, watchman, Mountstuart McMillan capt. Daniel, Kilchattan Bav Middleton Roddden, Kilchattan Bay McMillan Wm., boatman, Kilchattan Bay Mrs J Kilchattan Bay Milier Arch, teacher, Kilchattan Bay MeNee , Miller Neil, labourer, Newfarm McNiven Donald, grocer, Kilchattan Bay Morrison Robt., tisliermsn, Kilchattan Bay McPhail , phiughman, Kerryionlia Morrison Wm., builder, Kilchattan Bay McQuat Donald, shepherd, Kilchattan Bay Murchie Hugh, baker, Mountstuart McTaggart Archd., carter, Upper Scoulag Murdoch Dun., ploughman, Mid-Ascog Murray Alex., joiner, Kilchattan Bay Murray Archd;, farmer, Quochag N Neilson Wit., manufactr, Kilchattan Bay Nicol H., Kerrytonlia Mac Nisbet Jras., caretaker, Stevenston Home, -"^'Alister, Dugald, Hermitage, Ascog Ascog McAIUster Jn & Rbi., faim^'rs, Mid-Ascog McAllister Mrs, coal agent, Kilchattan Bay Mc Ulster Wui., labourer, Kilchattan Bay

McAlpine >irs, Millburn cot , Ascog Orr John, joiner, Kilchattan Bay 126 HOUSEHOLDERS-Kinsarth.

Stewart Mrs Fanny, Ascog Hall Stewart Wm., woodman, Kilchattan Bay Stocks John, traveller, Kilchattan Bay Park Alx., com. traveller, Kilchattan Bay Strang Miss Jessie, Kilchattan Bay Pattie William, Kilchattan Bay Strang Jn., potato merchant, Kilchattan By Paul Mrs H., Kilchattan Bay Strathern Mrs Geo., Kilchattan Bay Plant John, seaman, Kilchattan Bay Stuart John, Marquess of Bute, Mount- Pollock Rev John J. W., Hawkeston lodge stuart House PuUin C J, coachman, stables, Mountstuart T R Tait Daniel, fitter, Kilchattan Bay Eeid James, boatman, Kilchattan Bay Taylor Miss T.. dressmaker, Kilchattan By Robertson James & John, farmers, Birgi- Thomson Dvd. engineer, Kilchattan Bay dale Crieif Thorburn Mrs James, Keriycroy Robertson R., Kilchattan Bay Thorburn, Robert, Kerrycroy Rodgerson, Robt. farmer, Birgidale Knock Toole Patrick, labourer, Mountstuart Rose David, carter, Newfarm Rice Mrs, Gatehouse u s Urie Matthew, joiner, Kilchattan Bay Saunders Rev John, M. a., b. d., Kingarth Scott Mrs M., farmer, Gallachan w Shields Jas., engineer, Mountstuart Wallace Daniel, gamekeeper, Piperhall Sillars Mrs, Kilchattan Bay Wallace Jas., gamekeeper, Mountstuart Simpson James, farmer, South Kerrycroy Ward Mrs Mary, Kilchattan Bay Smith Miss Jeanie, Kilchattan Bay Warden Andrew, watchmaker, Kil. Ba Smith Wm., fai-m servant, Mountstuart Weir Mrs Alex., farmer, Dunagoil Speirs John, ploughman, Birgidale Butt Wilson John, gamekeeper, Mountstuart

Spencer Wm, ironmaster, South Park,Ascog Wilson Wm. , butcher, Kilchattan Bay Steel Robert,tileworker, Kilchattan Bay Winter Rev. William, Ascog Stewart Duncan C, teacher, Birgidale Wylie Mrs Jane, Kilchattan Bay

Stewart Jas. , coachman, Millbank, Aseog Stewart Jas., joiner, Kerrycroy


Shorthai ci^ Typeiwpiting', Esperanto, and Business Methods.

E BIGGIE'S v>SES FOR PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION will be re- M Opened at i riuning of October. use- : its subsequent Shopthai 1 continue to be taught with a view to fulness and not for , iier purpose.

In Typew: rg" special attention will be devoted to Punctuation and Capitalisation, a ti knowledge of which is absolutely necessary in Practica,l

Printing, and canno I- be neglected by those aspiring to be First-Class Typists.

Espepan Ills wonderful International Language is already used for

Business and Plea i 1 parts of the world.

Business ^-ilOdS.—Instruction given in other Up-to-Date Business Methods. Advert i.s V^riting is a Enviable Profession, and the ground-work and minutsea are famili.' experienced Printer and Journalist.

Engagempnts at 22 Bridge Street, Rothesay. w



Accountants Blacksmiths Campbell, Alex., 29 Watergate Baipd, Andrew B., 113 High st Montgomerie, Ach., Albeit jjl Moodie, Arch., 10 High st M'Bpide, Robert, John st ^]rated Water Manufacturers Shaw, Daniel (and heating engineer), Croft lane Co., New Halls Cunning-ham & Shaw Daniel, Straad McKinlay, A., Columshill st Walkep, Arch, (and heating engineer. Mill st Architects Watson & Son, 11-13 Castle st Dewar, Duncan, 15 Castle st M'Kinlay, Andrew M. 6 Castle st Boarding Houses McLintock, George M., 21 Castle st The Hotels and Thomson, John R., 5 High st APdyne, 7 Elysium, Craigmore — Mr Muir Auctioneers Argyle Boarding House, 3 Argyle st Campbell, Alex., 29 Watergate Mrs M'Williams, proprietrix Fepg^uson, Daniel, Barone rd Breadalbane, Mountstuart road — Mrs Johnston, J. D., Mansefield pi Douglas, proprietrix M'Gilp, Alex., Dean Hood pi Cpaigrielea, a4 Ardbeg road — Mrs Montgomepie Arch., Albert pi Bainbridge proprietrix Cpuden, Bishop ter-Rothesay Board- Bakers ing House Co. Black, Mrs Hugh, 6 Argyle st Empipe, 5 Battery Place—Mrs Wood- burn Gpant, Peter, 1 Gallowgate Hyndnian, Wm., 3 Montague st 6 Elysium, Mountstuart Road— John-stone .Misses, 63 Victoria st Scott-King Hill Lamont, John, jn., 19 Gallowgate Healthepies, Canada La'wson, David, 87 Montague st Helenslea, Crichton road—Mrs Bur- ness, proprietrix Moppis, David I., .Montague st Holiday Home, 12 Muip, Charles, 17 High st and 17 Ar- Ardbeg—Miss Nolan.. gyle st Holiday Resort—Mackinlay st McNieol, & Hill, Wyndham rd Westbourne, Crichton rd—Mrs Steven McNicol, Neil, 81 High st Windsor Boarding House, 27 Battery p. Robeptson, David, 7 E Princes st Y.W.C.A., 38 Bridge st—Mrs Waugh Robeptson, John, 11 E Princes st Smith, Duncan, Montague st Boat Builders Stewapt, Wm. M., 9 Gallowgate De'wap Francis, 14 Watergate John, 15 E Princes st Jardine, Walkep, , 119 High st M'Farlane, George, Mill st Basket Maker Taylor Jas. , High st Morrell, James, 2 Castlehill st Boat Hirers Billiard Saloon Keeper Cuppie. Daniel, West Bay Lawpie, John, Gallowgate Dewar, Francis, Esplanade Ppeekleton, James, Esplanade- Jardine, Mountstuart Billposter rd Knox, Duncan, Albert pi M'Millan, Wm. B., 48 High st Leitch, , Ardbeg McDonald, Fred., East Princes st 129 ;

TKADEES- Eothesay.

McFaplane, George, Esplanade Butchers Mclvep, Jas., West Bay Symes, Robert, Craigmore Black:, George, 13 Watergate Taylor, James, Albert pi Brownlie Wm., E. Princes st Crawford Brothers, 19 Gallowgate Duncan, 3 Bishop st Booksellers, Stationers and Cpawfopd, Eastman's Limited, 57 Montague st, Newsagents and 21 High st Allan, Misses, 104 Montague st Liove, J- D. K., Dean Hood pi Black, Jardine, Gallowgate Montgomepie Brothers, Albert pi Blaip John, 49 Montague st M'Ewan, D., Mill st C;iinpbell, Misses A & C, W. Princes st M'Gilp, Daniel, 38 and 72 High st Dougrall & Co., 27 29 Montague st M'Intype. James, ^1 Montague st Dunea.n, A., 33 Gallowgate M'Kechnie, AVm. D., Bridge-end st Fulton, Miss A., 10 Argyle st M'Liachlan, D., 115 Montague st Lyle, Miss, 5 Montague'st Nelson & Son, Ltd., 63 Montague st M'Arfchur, James, Guildford sq Squaip, F. H., 5 Gallowgate M'Culloch, H. P., Montague st S'wan, Walter, jun., 93 Wontague st McFadyen, Neil,19a Argyle st Mackinlay, John, 2i Victoria st Carriage Hirers Wlackinnon, Hector, 11 Victoria st jMontgomerie, Frank, 12 Albert pi M'Kirdy & M'Millan. East Princes st Mor.'ison Misses, Tower st Maptin, J. & A., Chapelhill rd; Call M'Neil Wm., E Princes st Office, 20 East Princes st M'iNicol Miss, Bishop st M'Lean, Thomas, Ladeside st Rattray, Mrs, 60 High st Moodie, Wm., Watergate Robertson, Wm., 1 Albert pi Nisbet, John, Bridge st Stewart, Misses M. & F., Wyndham rd Waterston, Misses, Montague st Cabinet Makers Boot and Shoemakers Andepson, Alex., West Castle st and Dealers Blaip & Son, 15 Bridge st Dodds, A. & Son, King st Sons, Montague st Collier S. & Duncan, John, 22 Bridge st Dick, R. & J.. 105 Montague st Innes, M. & G., 101 Montague st Duncan, Alex., Bishop st Smith, John, 13 Bishop st Gray, J.

Cartvrights Contractors Lmtd. Rothesay, KlrkwO'Dd, David, 111 High st Halliday, George, Pier builders. General Contractors Blaii* & Son, 15 Bridge st. Contractors for Tar Macadam M'Bride, James, John st and Wa^-e-ga-fc^' roadways a.nd pavements Morp^son. Thos , Cattle Dealers Cutler. Black Arch., Mountpleasant Thomson, W. H., 85 Montague so Black Daniel, 34a Colum^hill st Ourrie Rol art, Crossbeg Cycle Agents and Repairers st Milloy , 45 Montague Chemists and Druggists M'Gpeg"OP, John, 5 Tower st Hieks, Geo & Son, 1 Victoria st Walker, Arch., Mill st «jll Geo- G., 64 Montague st st, and Port. Leitli Peter, 43 Victoria Keepers, &c. Banna^.yne Dairy M. , 15 Tower st Lyle, Vv'm., 13 B Princes sL Barclay M'Kirdv, John, Victoria st Cameron Miss, Montague st Currie Miss, Dean Hood pi Dealers Laidlaw Mrs, 28 Bishop st Chin? & Earfchenv^are Maypole Dairy Co., 56 Montague st Campbell, Jas.. 43 Watergaoe Montgomepy, IMiss, B Princes st Howard, Alfred G., 1 Montagu«est M'Cluckie Mrs, Mansefield pi (Vl'Coll, Agnes, 2-^ Argyle st M'Millan, Mrs, 9 Watergate Robertson Wm, Albert p] "Watson, Mrs, Carlton Dairy Caf^, 19 Scott, Mrs Isaac Montagua st Argyle st Thomson, m^-s Thoa., Gallowgate Dentists Ch^'mn^.v Sweepers pi Coehpan. John J , 2 Battery fhe Slatep.-s and Fyfe, Dr D., 28 Argyle st Johnston, Wn... 8 E Princes st Hansen Dr, l d s, 3i Victoria st MilleP, Alex., 44 High st Wm., 27 High st Stags'. Drapers Coal Merchants Bpown, A. & Son, 31 and 33 Montague st, also 1 and 2 Albert pi Black, John S , Bishop st Montague st Blsek, Wm., Glasgow and Ayrshire Hill George, M. &,. G., lOl .Montague st Coal Depot, Stuart st Innes, Kyle, Mrs, Dean Hood pi Dixon, Wm., Limited, 13 King st 9 Princes st, & Albert Glen, Thomas Broadcroft Lauder, Rbt., W p Lyle, Mrs, 52 High st Hendepson James, ,?1 Watergate 48 Montague st -27 Millep & Co., Murray, Wm. , Bridge st Wm. C, 19 Montague st McDonald, John, 11 King st MuiP, 'Arthur, Peter, Albert pi M'Kirdy, John, 38 Bishop st M M'Aulay, Mrs. 75 Montague st Thomsoii & M'Faplane, 68 High s M'Cpone, James, 59 Montague st McNeil, Miss, 24 West Princes st Confectioners Paterson & Sons, 39 Victoria st Blue, Mibs Janet, Montague st Thomson, Wm., 13 Montague st Boyle, Charles, Pier Wright, Mrs, Montague st Buchanan. I. M'Sally, Miss, W. Princes st Paterson, Mrs, Springbank Nisbet, Miss Gallowgate Rankine, Misses, W. Princes st Black, Mrs, Argyle st Stewart, Mrs, Ac gyle si Torri, M., Oean Hood pi & Gallowgate Weir, Miss, Mountpleasant White, J. 25 Gallowgate- -Agent for Williams Mrs, Victoria si Cooo'^r & Co.'s Teas ..


Swan, A. & J., Montague st Farmers "Whyte, Miss Jessie, 25 Gailowgate Wilson & Co., Victoria st & Argyie st Ardbeg . Alex. Currie

Ashfield . Alex. Stewart Barone . Jas. Stuart Furniture Dealers Bogany .. Allan Chas. K. Crossbeg Robert Currie Davidson, Mrs David, 69 High st Gartnakeilly Andrew Ritchie Innes, M. & G., lOl Montague st Knockanreach and Larkhall . . John M'Millan Funeral Undertakers Little Grenach . . Andw. Paterson (see joiners.) Lochend and Lochly, Misses Macfarlane

Meikle Grenach. . Dugald an'i Duncan Cowan Glaziers Westland . . John Currie Murray, D. C, Montague st Windyhall . . T. H. Harvey M'Coll. Hugh, 19 Mill st also several Painters and Joiners. Fish Curers Barr, Peter, 35 Watergate Grain, Seed and Potato Mer- chants and Manure Agents Fishmongers Duncan, Aich., 4 Ladeside O'Neil, Mis, 22 Higu st Duncan, Ninian, Store lane FisheP, James, King and W. Castle sts M'Kay , Watergate ViiXuria st McJBwan McMillan, Robertson, Mrs, st Thomson, J., 117 Montague st John ThoptoUPn, John, 18 W. Priuces st StewaPt & Co., Corn Mill, Mill st Thomson & McFarlane, 68 High

Florists, Nurserymen, Seeds- Grocers men, and Market Gardeners. (Licensed marked I). Anderson, Hugh, Serpentine rd Adams, Mrs R , Wyndham rd Blue J &. P., Cvowantield nursery Thomas, 30 Mill Campbell, D., Argyle ter ^Aitcliison, st Chisholm, Duncan, Ardbeg 2BaiPd, Arthur, 7iJ Ardbeg John M., Argyle Clow, Robert, 39 and 40 Ardbeg BaxteP, sc ^Bell, David, Hi Montague st CutlilbePtson, M., Public Park Nursery iBlack, D. M*A., Castle st i!Brough, John, 17 King st Dobbie 66 Co., Seed Growers and Brown, Mrs Alex. 34 Columshill Florists to the King, Springfield, st BPO'wn, James. 77 High st High st, and at Marks Tey, Essex M., 51 Hill, John, Balluchgoy ^Buchanan, Montague st Callan, Geo. M., 6 East Princes Jamiesoii, Wm., Serpentine rd st ZCallan, J.M'C, ]9 E. Princes Lister, Alex., Meadowbank, Barone rd st Campbell, B., 25 viill st M'Laren, John. Braeside Connell, Mrs, Bishop st Sliiells, George, l>arone load Cooper & Co., Montague StuaPt, George, Chapelhili Nursery st Jas., Argyle st Cunningrbam, 81 Montague st Currie, D., Ardbeg rd Wilson, Colin, Eden pi, High st Finlay, Peter, Wyndham rd Eerrier, David, Montague st Fruiterers and Greengrocers Eordyce, Mrs, 105 High st Galloway, Miss, Castle st fctll, Misses, 6 West Princes st Graham Mrs, Mill st J. P, Ji( Blue, & 21 ntague st Hallidaj, Male, 92 High st Ct^ok., Duncan. Victoria st Hamilton, Andrew, 2 Bridge-end st IM'Intyre, G., Mill a,nd Russell st Hapvey, Mrs B., 27 Mill st M-Lellan, Mrs, 9 Argyle st Hill, Miss. Ladeside st MA.'iiiau, Mrs, 8 Watergate Holmes, Andrew, Victoria st lu'NicoI, Miss, E. Princes st Huntep, James, lo W Princes st Patience.Mrs, 14 Gailowgate Lipton, Ltd., Montaguest P.ankm, IvJist^e.s .ti.lh<:,'l p' Logan. David, Bridge-end st Slaven, James. 4 Bridge st Melrose. Mrs, Stuart st Siaven, John , Store lane & Stuart st ZJSaitland, Joseph, Ci Montague st Stuapt, George, j ean Hood place and Maitland Mi^s, Columshill st Montague st lUi.luiai. Mr.s 24 Mill -^ 3 2 TRADERS —Eothesay.

^Miliar, Andrew M., 1 Argylest Campbell, Alex., Watergate ^Mitchell Samuel, 6 High st Fisher, James, W. Castle st M'Callum. Neil, 96 Montague st Millep, Robert C, Montague st M'Cluckie, Mrs John, Mansefield pi Montgomerie, Arch. , Albert pi

M 'Farlane, Mrs, 129 High st Macbeth, Adam D. , Mountpleasant MTarlane, Mrs, Hillhouserd M'Callum, John, jun., Savings bank M 'Farlane. Miss C, 11 Mill st M'Cubbin, J., E. Princes st M'Intyre, Mrs, 129 High st M'Millan, D., (Valuator), 13 Bishop st M'Kinnon, Mrs D., 14 Mill st Thomson, John R., 5 High st Mackinnon. John, Montague st TupneP, Colin B., Craigmore pier ^M'Laclilan, D., 16 Columshill st Wilson John T., & Alexandep, M'Neill, Mrs Marjory, 11 Mill st Castle st M'Oscar, James, 131 High st Macquapie, D. C, Columshill st Insurance Agents and Barone rd Allan, A., Columshill st Russell, Matthew B. , 106 Montague st Burnie, M., st Sprowl, Mrs, High st A. High Alex., Stewart, Alex., Bishop st Campbell, 29 Watergate Campbell, James, Watergate ZStewapt, Mrs J. C, 13 High st iSwanston, Arthur & Son, W. Princes Ferguson, John, Barone rd Grant, Donald. Castlehill st ZUpquhapt, J. A., 13 Argylest Harvey, John C. , Chronicle office Hicks, Charles, 1 Victoria st Higgle, George, 22 Bridge st Hatters Innes, M. & G., Montague st

RANKIJSr, Alex., 25 Victoria st Macbeth, Adam D . 18 Castle st Thompson, Samuel, Montague st Martin, George, 49 High st Mastepton, J. L., Bank of Scotland Montgomerie, Arch., Albert pi Hairdressers M'Callum, John, jun.. Savings bank Mackinlay, John. 21 Victoria st CamePon, G. O., 51 Victoria st Mackinnon, H., Victoria st Gardiner, J., W Princes st M'Kirdy, John, solicitor, Albert pi Morrell J.C, 7 High st M'Kirdy, John, Bishop st MoPPison, Arch., 90 Montague st M'Lea, Arch., 22 Btidge st Reynolds, Samuel, 7 Bridgend st Smith, George, Clydesdale Bank Thompson, James, Montague st Thomson, John, Royal Bank Hotel Keepers TupneP, Colin B., Craigmore Pier Wilson, John T. & Alexander, Castle s Buchanan, George, (Victoria), 57 Victoria st Grindley, Mrs, (Argyle), 27 Watergate Ironmongers Henderson, Robt., Glenburn Hydro Black, Jardine, 19 Gallowgate Kelly, Bruce, (Alexandra), 21 Battery pi & Co., 43 Montague st La'W^son, David jun., (Hotel Madeira, Bpown M. & , lOl Montague st Victoria p^ Innes, G Thomas, 68 Montague st Lyle, Charlt;, (Lome), Guildford sq Napiep, Milloy, L. 45 Montague st M'Kinlay, Andrew M., 4 High st M'Nab, John, West Princes st M'Kay, John L., (Royal), Albert pi Thomson, Mrs, 29 Gallowgate M'Millan,, James, West Princes st Paton, Mrs, (Waverley), Argyle st PiPie, G., (Osborne), 87 Victoria st Joiners RobePtson, Mrs Jas., (Livingstonia), D. & Son, 15 Bridge st Guildford sq BlaiP, BoAVman, Wm., 1 West Castle st Smith, Robt., ("Bute Arras), Guildford Alex., 19 Mill st sq Bpoivn, Dobbie, Alex., 38 Mill st Thompson, Miss, (Queen's), Argyle st Dodds, A. & Son, King st Wilson, D., (Pension), Craigmore Holmes, John, 83 Montague st Duncan, John, 22 Bridge st LaudeP, William, Ladeside st Hosiery Manufactory Moppison, Thos., 33a Watergate The Orphanage, Barone rd M'Bpide, James, John st McCallum & Son, 50 High st Maciie, John, Ardbeg rd House Agents and Factors McNab, Alex., 24 Watergate st Brown, Neil, Pier Smith, John, 13 Bishop st Bupness, Robert, 29 High st 133 TKADERS—Kothesay.

Laundry Keepers Painters Blair, Mrs A., 71 Ardbeg rd Bute Steam Laundpy, Ladeside Muppay, D. C, 86 Montague st W. P. Robertson M'Coll, Hugh, 35 Mill st Johnston, Miss Agnes, 25 Barone rd M'Fie, Dugald H., 35 High st J. Moore, Mrs, Wyndham pk Stapk , 16 Argyle st McNicol, Miss, 19 Columshill st StewaPt, W.& J., W Princes st Rothesay Laundry Coy., Bridge st— James Ho^cvatt, manager Symes, Mrs, 83 High st Pawnbroker Innes, George, W. Castle st Ladies' & Childrens' Outfitters Dodds, Miss, 15 Argyle st Photographers Elder, Mrs, 102 Montague st Frasep, Miss, 3 Dean Hood pi Adamson & Son, 23 Argyie st Rothesay Graham, Miss, 75 Victoria st Photo. Co., Dean Hood pi Lauder, Robert, 7 Albert pi Sweet, Charles, 19 Battery pi M'Apthup, Miss, 69 Victoria st Whitefopd, Robt., 23 Argyle st Wilson, M'Aulay, Mrs, 75 Montague st Mrs, 9 Victoria st M'Connell, Miss, 21 Montague st M'Grory Miss Annie, Tower st Maemillan, Mrs, 7 and 18 Argyle st Plasterers SillaPS, Mrs, 67 Victoria st CoPPigan, Daniel, 24 Mill st Duncan, Matthew & Co., Ladeside Lime Merchants Jamieson, John, Mill st M'Kinnon, Hugh, 107 High st M'Kirdy, John, 38 Bishop st M'Quistan, John, John st Ste^vapt & Co., King's Mill Plumbers Librarians CpuickshanliG. John, Institute, Stevvart, Montague st 47 High st Montgomerie, Frank, Albert pi Cunning-ham, Daniel, 3 Bridge st M'Arthur, James, Guildford sq Napiep. Thomas, 68 Montague st Morrison Bros., 33 Mackinlay, John, 21 Victoria st Watergate Peacock, A R., 23 st Mackinnon, Hector, 11 Victoria st High M'Nicol, Miss, Bishop st Porters Millers No. 1—Stewart, John, Staffa pi Robertson, James, Greenan Mill 2—Patrick, James, 2 Staffa pi M'Donald, Stewapt & Co., Mill st 3— Jas., Mountpleasant 4—Gumming, Jas., Watergate 5—M'Lachlan, Camp., Meadowcap Milliners 6—M'Murchie, Dugald, Ladeside M'Leish, Dodds, Miss, 15 Argyle st 7— Robert, W Princes s Elder, Mrs, 102 Montague st 8—Young, Robert, Castle st Fpeekleton, Misses, V/yndham rd 9—M'Lean, Hugh, 4 King st Shaw, John, Gpaham, Miss, 75 Victoria st 10— 19 Victoria st 11—M'Kellar, PatePSOn, J., 31 Victoria st Duncan, Colbec pi Keith, Rankine, Misses, W. Princes st 12— John, 66 High st Sppowl, Misses C. & H., Gallowgate Thomson, Wm., 13 Montague st Wright, Mrs, Montague st Postmen Collins, W. T., Mansefield pi Dickson, G., 103 Montague st Newspaper Correspondents Duncan, Robt., 163 Montague st Dunlop, John, 17 Bishop st Advertising xigents Kean, Colin, Montague st ilwing, A., Buteman Office Johnston, Thomas, Montague st Fleming, Gavin, Express Office Minnis, Thos.. High sc Harvey, J. C, Chronicle Office Mutch, John W., Mansefield pi Higgle, Geo., Directory and Guide Office M'Arthur, E., 4 Mill st Mackenzie, M., Express Office M'Farlane, R , 11 Victoria st Mackinnon, H., 11 Victoria st M'Intyre, Malcolm, Argyle st Quigley, Joseph, High st M'Lellan, M., Bishop st Tetlow, John, Chronicle office Nicholson, Armiger, 24 Bishop st 134 TRADE RS—Rothesay.

Nicolsoii Robt., 17 Montague st Reid Arch.. Tower St Saddlers Robertson, John, Columshill st Bupness, Robert, 29 High st Spence, James, Ardbeg rd Liiving"Stoiie, Rich., Castlehill st Thompson, Hugh, Argyle st Saw Millers Poulterers, &c. Halliday, George, Limited, Union st Patience Mrs, 14 Gallowgate Home & Foreign Timber Merchants. Smith John, 35 Victoria st Thomson, Mrs, 117 Montague st Thopbupn, John, W, Princes st Sewing Machine Agent. Dickson, Steven, 21 Bridge-end st — Singer Co. Printers and Publishers Harvey & Co., Chronicle office, Watergate Sculptors Higgie & Co. , Directory and ABC 22 Bridge st Guide office, Kipkhope, Wm. ; Townhead M'Fadyen, Neil, Avgyle st Lyle, Wm., Townhead Mackenzie M., Express Office, 11 IMontague st Wilson, W. A,, Buteman office, 10 Shipping and Forwarding Castle st Agents Quarry Masters Halliday, George, Limited, Union st. Roth , and 118 Broomielaw, Glasgow Limited, Long Hill Halliday,George, Telegrams, "Halliday," Rothesay, & Quarry. Office—Sawmills. Whin "Craigielea," Glasgow Sets, Kerb, Road Metal, &c., &c

Remnant Shops. Slaters Lyle Mrs, High st Kyle Mrs, Dean Hood pi Hyndman, James, Colbeck pi M'Grory, Mrs, Tower st Leckle, Wm. M., Bridge st Robertson Mrs, Bridge-end st Millep, James & Son, Columshill Smith Mrs, Watergate PatePSOn, Robert, 24 Argyle st

Restaurants and Tea Rooms. Spirit Merchants Barclay, Mrs, 15 Tower st Boyle, Charles, Montague st The Licensed Hotel-Keepeps Donald, 27 Victoria st Buchanan, Bell, Duncan, "Galatea" Bar, 3, 5 and Buchanan, Misses I. & M, 15 Victoria st 7 Bridge-End st Faulds . Mrs, Stuart st Bpodie James, 8 Castle st Fepgruson, John, 44 Montague st Brown, Robert, High st Gpant, Peter, 1 Gallowgate Bpuce, Henry, 2U Gallowgate Gray Alex. , 7 Bridge st Burns, James, Gallowgate Guildfopd, Guildford sq Campbell, Arch. , Tower & Castlehill sts Herbert, Miss Edith, Albert pi Colquhoun, David T., 27 Gallowgate Hosie V\'m., 9 Bridge-end st Duncan, Mrs A., 8 Watergate Hyndman, Wm., 3 Montague st Ferguson, Mrs Grace, 25 High st Stewart, Institute, Norman Mon- Heaton, James, 7 Victoria st tague st Heaton, Robert, E. Princes st Jackson, David, E Princes st Montgomerie, W., West Princes st Mrs, Johnston, 82 Montague st McG-POPy, M., 70 Montague st Misses, 68 Victoria Johnstone, st M'Innes, Jas.. Castlehill st Keith, J., Montague st M'Millan, Jas., E Princes st Henry, 4 Argyle st Leitch, Park, James, 4 Bridge-end st M'CoPd, .Tohn, Victoria st H., Guildford sq and " RedfePn, Wm M'Kay, John, Royal," Albert pi Montague st Piekeping", Richard, 15 Watergate Smith, F , Stuart st Robertson, Mrs, 91 High st Taylop, D. M., Ltd., Tower st Jolin 36 Montague st Shaw, "Watson, John, 3 Victoria st Urquhart, C, A., 21 Watergate Walkep John, ll E. Princes st 135 TRADEES— K othesay.

Steamboat Agents Tobacconists Meikle.Arch., M Kinlayst., (Buchanan's Allan, Misses, 104 Montague st and Williamson's) Doug-all & Co., 27 & 29 Montague st Paterson, Chas. , Argyle pi (Caledonian) Lyle, Miss, 5 Montague st Shaw, John, Montajiue st (" Lord of the M'Culloch, H. P., Montague st Isles" and "Bute") M'Gilp, 3 High st Sloan, Hugh, Hiffh .--t, (G. & S.-W) M'Gilp, Alex., Dean Hood pi Watson, W., Springbank, (Macbrayne's) McFadyen, Neil, 19a Argyle pi Yorkson, Alex., Ferguson pi (N. B ) M'Neill, Wm., East Princes st Silver, Andrew Y., 3 Ai-gyle st Stewart, Misses Wyndhani rd Clothiers Tailors and Stewrt, R. & J. . Albert pi Brown, A. & Son, 31 Montague st Weir, Alex., 83 Victoria st Dobbie, Andrew, Tower st Wilson, D., Victoria st Kerr, H. S., 38 Bishop st Lamont, Arch., 15 Gallowgate

MilleP Robert C. , 46 Montague st Toy and Fancy Goods Dealers James, 59 Montague st M'CPone, Black., Jardine, 21 Gallowgate M'Kay, Charles, 25 Montague st Campbell silsses A & C, W. Princes st Paterson & Sons, 39 Mctoria st Doug'all, & Co. , 29 Montague st Angus, 10 Gallowgate Speirs, Kinghorn, Thos., Montague st Alex. , 18 Gallowgate Stewart, Lyle, Mrs, 5 Montague st Yates, James, Montague st M'Fadyen, Neil, 19a Argyle st M'Gilp, 3 Highst Teachers M'Kirdy, James, 77 Victoria st Robertson Mrs Angus, 21 Bridge-end st See Official List. Silver, Andrew Y, 3 Argyle st MUSIC. Stewart. Misses, Wyndham rd Stone Mrs, 22 Mill st Christie, Arthur S., Ian villa Dryden George, Bishop st Manning, Jas,, Adelaide pi M'Arthur, James, IMountplsasant rd Umbrella jMakers M'Arthy, Miss Alice, Brandane ter M'Kirdy, James, 77 Victoria st

M'Klnlay Miss Marianne, Cricbton rd Silver, Andrew Y. , 3 Argyle st Whyte, John, A.L.C.M., Braemar Thomson, W. H., 33a Watergate DANCING. Dickson, George. 24 Castle st Upholsterers Alex., W. Castle Gillies, Walter F. , 51 Ardbeg rd Anderson, st Murdoch, Angus, Bishop st Innes, M. & G., lOl Montague st M'Lennan, Duncan S., 94 High st Smith Alex., 17 Montague st Paterson, Robert & Co.. Store lane SHORTHAND. Robertson, Angus, 21 Bridge-end st Higgle George, 22 Bridge st SWIMMING. Watchmakers and Jewellers Sprow^l, Robt, Skeoch Bathing places Duncan, John, 58 Montague st Lauder, Hugh, 8 Albert pi Tinsmiths M'Gilp, Alexander, Dean Hood pi M'Gilp, 3 High st Napier, Thos., 68 Montague st M'Beath, Alex., 4^ Gallowgate M'Nab, John, W. Princes st M'Tavish, Edward, 7^ Bridge-end st

136 ...

Parish of North Bute (Ixicluding the Village of Port-Bannatynf).

Bakers Drapers Bpo\vn cD Dallas, down Bids CuPPie, Misses, Front st Welsh, George. Melbourne pi McCunn, Miss, Melbourne pi Murray, Misses, Inveryne pi Barbers Anderson, David, Castle st Dressmakers M'Liean, Peter, Shore st Currie, Misses, Front st Hunter, Miss, Springwell pi Builders Murray, Misses, Inveryne pi Cuppie, John, Theodore villa Druggist Macfie, John , Ardbeg Leith, Peter, Shore st Blacksmiths Smith John, Ettrick Farmers Thomson, Charles, Castle st Auchavoulaig .. D. M 'Donald Acholter John Crawford Airdscalpsie Robert M 'Bride Boat Builders Ardmaleish James Stevenson Alexander James Auchenteerie Alex. Montgomery Fyfe, John, Ardmaleish Ballanlay Arch. M'Intyre Malcolm, Arch., Shore St West Ballycaul Hugh Macfie Bannatyne Mains James Duncan Boat Hirers Barone Park John M'Kay Craigberoch Arch. Morrison Jarnes, Shore st Alexandep, Cranslagloan Lachlan M'Lean Morgan, Captain G. B., Front st Cranslagmory . Alex. Robertson Shearer, Matt he w^ Cranslagvourity. Wm. P. Dickie Wilson, James, Front st Drumochloy James Lyon Dunallan A. M'Intyre Butcher East St Colmac . Mrs Carsewell Lamont Hugh Edinbeg James P. Malcom Neil, M'Intosh, Sandringham terrace Eskechraggan . Thomas Barr Glecknabae Bryce Martin Carriage Hirers Glenmore Andrew M'Intyre Currie, Duncan Gortans Jas. S. Ritchie Galbraith Hyndman James, Castle st Greenan Wm. Tramway Company Hilton Hugh Lamont INCHMARNOCK— Macfie Carters Mid Park Charles North Park . Hugh Millar Currie, Duncan South Park . Chas. M'Fie, Hyndman James, Castle st Kilbride Mis Stevenson Kildavannan Mrs M'Intyre Chimney Sweeper Kilmichael Colin M' Galium Shearer, Matthew Kilwhinleck Robert Duncan

Largivrechtan . j\lrs M'Conechy Mrs Lamont Coal Merchants Lenniehall Little Kilmory . Mrs Chas. Duncan Hyndman, James Mechnoch Mrs Muir Loch, George & Son, Castle st Meikle Kilmory.. James M'Alister Milton Wm. Morrison Confectioners Nether Ardroscadale, Mrs Stewart Alexandep, Miss, Inveryne pi Quogach . . Mrs Gillies Ferguson, Miss, Shore st Quein and Scalpsie, John Martin, jun. Keith, Duncan, Castle st Rhubodach . . R. Ingham Clark Millep, Mrs Wm., The Rest, Shore st RuUecheddan . . Wm. Morrison Torri, Antonio, Shore st Scarrel .. MrsB. M'Intyre Uf ...


TRADERS—North Bute Parish.

Shalunt . Neil Dougan Joiners South St Colmac Mrsyimpson Currie, Duncan, Shore st .. A. M'Intyre Stewarthall Malcolm, Arch., Shore St, West • • John Lamont Stuck McMillan, Duncan, Castle st Upr, Ardroscadale, Stewart &M'Farlane Macfie Upper Ettrick . Robert Hunter Milliners Lower Ettrick . Wm. J ohnstone CuPPie, Misses, Front st West St Colmac . Hugh Murray, Misses, Inveryne pi Fruiterers Newsagent, &c- Alexander, Miss, Inveryne pi Quin Mrs C, Sandringham ter McAdam, Miss Sandringham ter M'Cunn, Miss, Post Office Grocers Bell, Dugald, Inveryne pi Painters Black, Eliz., Castle st McDepmott, C. & W., 9 Quay st Ferguson, Miss, Shore st Ferguson, Jas., Victoria pi Plumber Miss, Shore st Ferguson, Cunningham, D. , Cas tie st Halliday, Duncan, Shore st Hogarth, Mrs M. , Govandale pi Restaurateurs Mrs J., Shore st Jolinston, Mrs, Crown Buildings M'Kellar Mrs, Sandringham ter BPOWn, McPhee, D., Shore st "Welsh, George, Melbourne pi Hotel and Innkeepers, etc Henderson David, Port-Bannayne Inn Slater Crawford, Miss, Crown M'Phee Dugald, Shore st Hydropathic, Swanstonhill Shields, Robt., Royal Shoemaker* "Walker, Alex. , Anchor Tavern Baipd, David, Front st Ironmongers McDonald, James, Castle st Redfern, Wm. H., Albion pi Loch & Co., Shore st McPhail, Mrs Malcolm, Front st Tailors

Bodin, Wm. , Castle st West Opp, Hugh Kerr, Oak Bank, Shore st

138 ,


Parish of King^apth. (Including the Village of Kilchattan Bay).

Culevine Alex. M'Farlane Baker Dixon's Dam D. & W. Boag Cuppie, Miss, Kilchattan Bay Drumreoch Thos. Crawford Dunagoil Mrs Janet Weir Blacksmiths Gallachan Mrs Scott, & Sons Bell, James, Millhole Kerrycroy James Simpson Gill, James, Kingarth Kerrycruisoch Ninian Dnncan Boat Hirers Kerrylamont Marqusi of Bute Kerrymenoch John Martin M'Callum, Arch., Kilchattan Bay Kerrytonlia D. Gemmill M'Callum, Dugald, ,, M'Fie Daniel Langalbuinoch Geo. Baillie ,, Langalchorad Hugh Duncan Eeid, James, Kilchattan Bay Largizean, Arch. Martin Builders Little Kilchattan Mrs Crawford Lubas Daniel Macfie Bell, Duncan, Kilchattan Bay Meikle Kilchattan A. Macfarlane Bell, Malcolm, jun., Kelspoke Mid-Ascog ... R. & J. M'Alister Bell, Malcolm, Mill house Nether Stravannan James Martin Gumming, John, Kilchattan Bay Plan ... Mrs H. Hastings Morrison, Wm., ,, Quochag ... Arch. Murray M'Fie, Fergus, ,, South Garrochty Professor Macewen Butcher Baillie, George, Kilchattan Bay General Dealer Campbell, Kilchattan Bay Carriage Hirers Grocers M'Fie, D., Post Office, Kingarth Cuppie, Miss, Kilchattan Bay Logan, Jas., Kilchattan Bay G-albpaith, John, Kilchattan Bay Carters Jamieson, Miss, Kerrycroy Ferguson, John, Kilchattan Bay M'Lellan, A., „ M'Fie, Arch., Post Office, Kingarth Kelso, M., Kilchattan Bay M'Fie, D., Kilchattan Bay Hotel Keepers Coal Dealers GpiePSOil, John, Kingarth Deans, Adam, Kilchattan Bay Kelly, David K. , Kilchattan Bay M'Dougall, John ,, Joiners M'Fie, Daniel ,, Thomas, John Bannatyne, Bryce, Kilchattan Butts ,, Gumming, John, Kilchattan Bay Confectioners & Fruiterers Logan, Jas., Kilchattan Bay A., Cuppie Janet, Kilchattan Bay Lament, ,, Kelso, M., Kilchattan Bay M'Fie, Robert, Draper Laundry Keeper Kelso, Miss, Kilchattan Bay Cuppie, Mrs, Kilchattan Bay Dressmakers Newsagent, &c. Cuppie Miss, Kilchattan Bay Black, Miss Annie, Kerrycroy ; Brown, Miss Jessie, Little bay Ferguson, Miss, Kilchattan Bay Restaurateur Kelso, Misses, Kilchattan Bay Bell, D., Kilchattan Bay Taylor, Miss T., Kilchattan Bay Shoemakers

Farmers Hendepson, Wm. , Kilchattan Bay Ambrismor3 .. J. Jamieson Wm. Duncan ,

Aranahoe . . David Ferguson

Barefield . . Alex. Lyon Tailor Barnauld ... Robert M'Dougall M'Intosh, John, Kilchattan Bay Birgidale Crieff ... J. Robertson &S ons Birgidale Knock, Arch. Robertson. Tile Worker Bruchag ... Arch. M'Kay Gilmour Thos., Kilchattan Bay 139 Parish ot Cumbrae (Including the Burgh of Milliori)

B?kers Coa^ Merchants Allan kN'tti., Glasgow st C^nieron Daniel, Ritchie s^f

Balllie & Co. M>s .T?s , Quayhead Co-Operative i>ociety Cunningham John, 8^ Guildford st Kerr, Jol n, Crawford _t Speil»s Allan ?S Stuart st Kerr Walter, Clyde st Stodda t, Arcl ., 4C Ptuart st M'Graw Ale.x., Pa):ei:d st

Blacksmiths Confectioner i

Graham Alex. , Crawford st j5iair ^. C, Glasgow st Morris R., Craig st Boyd Miss, Stu.art st M'David, Wm., 31 Stuart st Nutt Miss, Kelburne st Maiichline Colin, George st Stewart Miss Mary, Stuart st M'Kellar, Alex., Slip Dock, Wes^-.Bay Tobia G., MUUr and Glasgow sts

Boat Hireie Contractors Ferguson C, Strathwherry Birnie James, George st Hunter Neil, Strathwherry Shields c?^ M'Miran, Barend st Mauchline Colin, Strathwherry Wallacp Charle.s, Glasgow st Drapers Booksellers Allan Misses I. & M., Glasgow st AUam -James, Stuart st Black Miss Jean G., Stuart st Cunningham Miss. Post O., Guildford st Co-Operative Society Cardiff st Stuart st Stewart Mrs J., Glasgow a^^d Stuar*^^ st Kerr C. & M., Lowe Mrs, Glasgow st L'fetle Miss M., Guildford &t ^vl'Irne? Mrs Gr'ldford st Boot M Irr«s. Wis.*, Ca*diff st and Shoemakers Nisbet John, Guildford st Co-Operative Society, Cardiff st Stewart Jas., Guildford s» Dunan Wm., Guildford st Little David, Stuart st Greenlees J., Guildford st Dressmakers

MaeKean H , Stuart s Allan Is t. & Margt., Gle.«-gow s' M'Fie M.

Carriage Hirers Farmers Balllie Upper Kirk ot Bartholomew Wm., KendaJ Thomas bank Barbour Johtx Ballikellet Fraser R., Barend st lArs. Karnes mill Hill John, East Bay Bro?ra Cra Afford James, Figgitooh M'Coll H., Barend st Mnnie Mrs Mid Kirkton Shearer J., Criohton st M'Dcu{;ail Duncan, Ballochmartin M-^EIxdy J Jtin, Nether Kirkt. a Chemists an^ Druggists llotert.bOn Kcbert, Breakongh Christie Jas., 3'^ Stuart sc 'Ihoili John, Portyre Macrury Or, i^ Guilaford st 140 TKADERS-Cumbrae Parish,

Fishmongers Nurserymen DaleTnomas, View field Kerr John, Crichton sb nurje.y M'Lachlan W., Kitkion garde ts Keir Walter, Cardiff *.t Reid John, Bute tei- Kerr Wm., Stuart st sr, Rowat W. A J., Glebe nursery Houston Alex , Stuiivt Wilson Neil, Glasgov'^ st Paineeis Hastie Gt,o Cr.'i FrMiterer^ . wford st Hastie Wio,, GJ, (stuart sn Alexanaer David, Cardiflf st

Thomson Miss, !?tuart st Fergus Wm , Reid st

Grocers Plasterers-

''Lie c'li seel . marked ^.) Golan J., Baread st Allan W:n., Glasgow st Paillie Tobii, Glasgow st Plumbers Co-Operative &o '-ieij , Cardifi So Bowie W, , Churchill st Graham, vTames, Clyde st M 'David Wm., Crawford st Houston rirs \., Miller st Risk Jas., Ritchie st Hunter Charles, fetuart sii Hunter, Misses M. & I., Glasgow sr Lyall Arthur, Glu:;^ow st Restaurateurs M'Kay Jchn T., Guildford st Robertson Arch., Stuart st M'NioOi Wm. Cardiff st Stoddart, Arch., 39 Stug.rt st M'Naughton Jimet, Cardifi: st Stuart Robt., Guildford st ^Murray John. Glasgow st Ross David, KelDurn st Wallace James, 9 Quayhead Slater Sea con John, Clyde st Jlairdressbrs Drysdale R., Glasgow st Spirit Merchants Taylor Kobt., Stuart st The Licensed Hotel-Keepers and Hohns, Robert, Glasgov. st Hotel Keepers Murray John, Glasgow st Paterson James, Glasgow st Sommerville, (Royal George), Quayhead Train Mrs, Cardiff st Cunningham iCumbrae), Stuart st Graham Mrs (--ommerville Temperance), ttuart sc Steamboat Agents Johnston J (Keiburne Arms), Stuart st Kerr, Walter, Harbour Stewart James, Harbour Stewart Alex., Harbour Iroij mongers Young, Robt., Keppel pki Campbell Wm., Stuart sr Hastie, Wm., Guildford st Tailor and Clothier Joiners Cefsford, R., Glasgow st John, Guildford st Duncan Thomas. Kamestcn rd Nisbet Stewart James & Co., Guildford st Hunter, Robt., Howard st Munro, J^eil, Millar st Taylor John, B -rend st Tinsmitn,3 Bowie W., Guildford st Librarian M 'David Wm. . Crawfoi d st Allan Jas., Sta^rtst Risk James, Ritchie st ^'tev,ATI Mri J., Glasgow st

Millmers Tobaoconi«*tg Carmichael Mrs, t-tuart st Huncer Miss, Glajg") v s^t Hastie W M.. Guildford Su Little Miss, Guildford st Stewart Mrs, Stuart and Glasgow sts MTnut.s Mrs,. Guild/oid st lavlor. Robt., Btu irt si Hi TRADERS—Cumbrae Parish.

Toy Dealers Watchmaker and Jeweller Campbell, Wm., Stuart st Crawford Wm., 42 Stuart st Graham Jas. Clyde st Hastie W. M., Guildford st Stewart Janet, Stuart & Glasgow st Weaver Whitelaw, D., Stuart st Wallace C, Glasgow st

142 Memoranda of Articles Lent.

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