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Steam, Gas, Electricity, and Shorthand, are powers which have transformed the World.

As *& Established 1879. & Common Writ- 4* «* ing and the 4* School of Arabic & Numerals 5 &c.y {Shorthands (1 2 3 k 4p^ AND are ^|^ indispensible *TYPE WRITING* for the So Business, Profit 22 Bridge Street, *& J* Shorthand and and <§*. Rothesay. Pleasure j£ Type- Writing of the ± GEORGE HIGGIE, will be as Present Day, X,(SHORTHAND WRITER, ±*§* indispensible X REPORTER, and for the IT Business, X CERTIFICATED TEACHER), *& Profit and and ^ Assistants. ^ Pleasure the 4^ ELEMENTARY, SECONDARY, and *§ of ^ ADVANCED CLASSES. ^ Immediate- ^jfc. i Future. Prospectuses on Application ^*»*

Study with an Eye to




Shorthand, Typewriting, Esperanto, and Business Methods.

MR HIGGIE'S CLASSES FOR PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION are conducted during the two Winter Quarters— October till December and January till March.

Shorthand will continue to be taught with a view to its subsequent usefulness in Business or Professionally.

In Typewriting special attention will be devoted to Punctuation and Capitalisation, a thorough knowledge of which is absolutely necessary in Practical Printing, and cannot longer be neglected by those aspiring to be First-Class Typists.

EspePantO.—This wonderful International Language is already used for Business and Pleasure in all parts of the world. Mr Higgie, being'an official of the Univeisal Esperanto Association, is in touch with important regions everywhere, and corresponds with persons of different national languages.

Business Methods.- Instruction given in other Up-to-Date Business Methods. Advertisement Writing is a Pre ent Day Enviable Profession, and the ground-work and minutsea have long been familiar to a practical Printer like Mr Higgie.


During the Winter Months at 22 Bridge Street, 'Rothesay. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENT.

Is Esperanto Worth Learning?—A clever booklet by Bernard Long, B.A. Price. Id; post free, l^d. 10 copies, post free, lid. A greater reduction for larger quantities. Terms on application. Belega Skotlando (Bonnie, Bonnie Scotland), being extracts from the introduc- tory pages of " Bonnie Scotland's Resorts,"* describing national characteristics, &c. This booklet is in the Honoured position of being the tirst guide-book in the world printed in Esperanto. It was issued before and in commemoration of the Second Congress, and is now appreciated wherever seen. Price Id, post free, l^d. A free copy given with every six ordered by gesamideanoj. Skotlanda Pejzau'o, Views Characteristic of Scottish Scenery, beautifully printed from Photographs. Issued in Commemoration of the Third Congress. Descriptive Portions printed in English as well as in Esperanto. Price b'd, post free, 7d, to any part of the World. A free copy given with every six ordered by gesamideanoj. La Skoto Ajlilande (the Scot Abroad), a brochure in preparation, giving ex- tracts, elaborated, from the appended portions of " Bonnie Scotland's Resorts,"* being glimpses of song, story, fraternity, etc. Printed hi Esperanto. Price Id, post free, l^d. Free copy with every six ordered by gesamideanoj. La Enamig'o de La Nacioj (The Courtship of the Nations). —This is a collection of articles, written in the Neutral Language, by representatives of the different Nations, on the characteristics of their lands, for the information of others wish- ing better acquaintance. Courtship is not terminated at the first meeting, and

we anticipate many issues of this enterprise : containing not only articles from nations not represented in the preceding issues, but also by other writers in the countries already contributing — - giving descriptions from a different point of view. There is, of course, to be nothing acrimonous written, and the collections ought to be Very pleasant and profitable reading. Mems. for the Wayfarer. La Alfabeto F sp^ranta, with examples of pronounciation.^ld per doz. Pronouns Classified. Devised to refresh the memories of the busj business men, enabling them to take a more intelligent grip of their own language, and discover the simplicity, logical uniformity, and universal adaptability of the international code. This is an inceutive to brush up the old and adapt the new. Id per doz. Correlated Wokds, being a tabulated reproduction of the cleverh -arranged adjec- tives, pronouns and adverbs, culled from chaos in other languages, and methodi-

cally arranged by Dr Zamenhof ; with additional guiding-lines for the assistance of others than Classical Scholars. Price, 2d per doz. The Supple Joints of Esperanto', being Word-Building Tabulated, showing at a glance the usefulness and efficacy of the Prefixes, Affixes, Nouns, Adjectives, Plurals, Adverbs, Verbs and Participles. Extremely handy for refer- ence by students. Price, 4d per doz. A selection of these Mems., 2d; postage, g-d. Is lOd per doz., post free.

*Bonnie Scotland's Resorts, the ' ; dainty (literary) dish " of 128 pages of con- cisely printed and interesting matter, focussing the attractions of about 500 beauty spots in the " land of cakes," from which these publications in Esperanto have emerged. It also gives glimpses of the history, antiquity and modernity of

the country. Appreciated wherever seen. Price, in paper covers, 2d ; in cloth

and fancy paper covers, 6d ; in leather covers, Is. Post free 2^, 7d, and 1/1. This book is printed entirely in English, but we will be glad to give free copies as above-mentioned, to Es-perantists. HIGGLE & CO., PUBLISHERS, ROTHESAY. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENT. Health and Strength GAINED BY TAKING NERVETONINE The Great BRAIN, NERVE and MUSCLE BUILDER and


and a Positive Cure for ail

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Bottles, 1/9, 2/9, and 4/6

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ONLY FROM M. F, THOMPSON, Homoeopathic and Dispensing1 Chemist, 17 GORDON STREET, . -

* -—o-— m

Published Annually. Price, One Shilling.






With HIGGIE & CO.'s compts - Digitized by the Internet Archive

in 201tTwith funding from National Library of Scotland

http://www.archive.org/details/butecountydirect190910rot PREFACE TO 1909-10 EDITION.

WE have again diligently and carefully collected and arrranged useful information regarding Buteshire as it is to-day—with its officials, householders, and business people—and once more have pleasure in giv- ing the compilation the honours of the Press.

The previous four sections of the Directory are con- tinued, and to facilitate the search for information the different portions are again printed on distinctively coloured papers—a feature of acknowledged benefit for expeditious reference.

As our Advertising friends appreciate the distribu- tion of their announcements facing the text of the book, we hope, with continued prompt receipt of orders, to be enabled to make this decided benefit permanent.

Our desire is to overlook no interest, and therefore, we respectfully solicit notices of alterations or additions as early as possible, so that these may be given effect to.

This Directory is a much more important publication than many imagine. It is not only at hand for reference at all times throughout the county, but it is also ready for reference in the libraries of Glasgow, Edinburgh, London, Dublin, Cambridge, Oxford,

Our best thanks are again accorded to those who have in any way helped us in this compilation. It takes long and careful vigilance to ascertain and give effect to the continual changes, and prompt information and orders are, consequently, particularly acceptable and valuable. HIGGIE & CO., Publishers.

Rothesay, August, 1909. .


Part I.

LOCAL CALENDAR, . . . 5—16

Papt II.—Officials. 17

ISLE OF BUTE, ... 31

Parish and Burgh of Rothesay ... 35

Parish of North Bute ...... 59

Parish of ...... 63

ISLE OF ARRAN...... 67

Parish of Kilbride...... 69

Parish of Kilmory ...... 73


Burgh of Millport ...... 79

Part III.—Householders.


Rothesay ...... 81

North Bute...... 119

KlNGARTHj ...... 122

Part IV.—Traders.

Rothesay ...... 129

North Bute...... 137

Kingarth ...... 139 ISLE OF CUMBRAE:

Millport, ...... uo


Postal Information, . . 57, 61, 65, 142 ^ .



July, 1909. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc. 1 Thur 1 French Cadet Ship in Rothesay Bay, 1905. 2 Fri Steamboat boycott cf Millport [three days], 1906. 3 Sat Rev Canon Matthews, St Paul's Church, Roth., died, 1909. 4 San American Independence declared, 1776. 5 Mon Formation of Bute Cycling Club, 1895. 6 Tues Marquis of Bute married, 1905. 7 Wed (6) Duke of Rothesay married, 1893. 8 Thur Rothesay Parish Church re-opened after restoration, 1906 ] 9 Fri Roth. West U. F. Church entered their tabernacle, 1905. 10 Sat Lord Bute brought his bride to Mountstuart, 1905. 11 San (14) Rothesay Pier New Waiting Rooms opened, 1904. 12 Mon Heritors agreed to excamb St. Mary's Chapel, Roth. ,1880. 13 Tues United Free Parish Church opened by Dr Guthrie, 1845. 14 Wed Inauguration of Albert Memorial Fountain, Rothesay, 1864. 15 ThurlSaint Swithin's day. (14)Kilchattan Bay Pier opened, 1880. 16 Fri 15) Captain Harding appointed Chief Constable, 1898. 17 Sat (16) Cromwell entered Scotland, 1650. 18 San Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.—Pope

19 Mon Captain Webb swam in the Clyde, 188 . (20) . 20 Tues Saint Bruix day fair instituted, 1585. 21 Wed Robert Burns died, 1796, 22 Thur Rev John Saunders, Kingarth, inducted, 1879. 23 Fri (22) Stout Stuart of Bute killed at Falkirk, 1298. 24 Sat (23) Suffragettes addressed meeting, Roth. Esplanade, 1907. 25 Sun Rev D. M^Cormick, inducted,.Chapel! Free Ch., Ry., 1877. 26 Mon (25) St B lane's Bowling Green ,Kilchattan Bay opened, 1903. 27 Tues Who ever loved that loved not at first sight ?- -Marlowe.

28 Wed Love with life is heaven ; and life unloving, helL—Tupper 29 Thur Thomas Byars, b a, inducted into Rothesay Free Ch., 1909. 30 Fri for building Rothesay Parish Church, 1692 31 Sat Annual Game and Gun licenses expire. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Aug 1909 Calendar- Anniversaries, etc. llSun House of Lords decided in favour of Wee Frees, 1904. 2 Mori (1) St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Millport, opened, 1848. 3 Tues Free Parish Church, Rothesay, re-opened, 1908. 4 Wed Earl of Dumfries born at Mount Stuart, 1907. 5 Thur Chief of Bute Family appointed hereditary keeper of Rothe- 6 Fri say Castle, 1498. 7 Sat A. W. Herbert appointed County Clerk, 1909. 8 Sun Scots Coronation Stone taken to England, 1296. 9 Mon King's Coronation (postponed from 26th June), 1902. 10 TuesjSt Blane canonised, 1000. 11 Wed iRev Jas. Graham ordained first dissenter in Rothesay, 1784. 12 ThurJ Grouse Shooting begins. 13 Fri Ballard Fountain, West Esplanade, presented, 1861.

14 Sat I Rothesay Electric Tramways Inspected by Bd of Trade, 1902, 15 Sun Sir Walter Scott born, 1771. 16 Mon King's first visit to Rothesay, 1847. 17 Tues (16) Rothesay Esplanade Bandstand opened, 1873. 18 Wed (17) The Reformation adopted in Scotland, 1560.

19 Thur Rothesay Electric Tramways < 'pened for Traffic, 1902. 10 Fri Black Game shooting begins. 21 Sat Archd. Brown, banker, Rothesay, died, 1903. 22 Sun Presbyterianism established in Scotland, 1567. 23 Mon Visit of Foreign Esperantists to Rothesay, 1907. 24 Tues First Telegram received in Rothesay, 1865. 25 Wed Port-Bannatyne United Free Church opened, 1879. 26 Thur Market Cross removed from Rothesay Tolbooth, 1768. 27 Fri Sheep Dog Exhibition before the King in Arran, 1902. 28 Sat (29) Collapse of East Free Church roof, 1907. 29 Sun Memorial Stone of Bridgend New U. F. Church laid, 1908. 20 Mon Death of P, B. Ferguson, journalist, London, 1905. 31 Tues He's armed without that's armed within.--Pope BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Sept., 1909) Calendar—Anniversaries, etc. 1 Wed Princess Louise and Marquis of Lome visited Rothesay, 1874. 2 Thur (1) Partridge shooting begins. 3 Fri Freedom of Rothsy. to A. B. Stewart and Thos. Russell, 1875. 4 Sat James M'Indoe, New Zealand settler, died 1905. 5 Sub Ex-Bailie Aitchison, Rothesay, died, 1908. 6 Mon Scottish Jacobite Rising began, 1715. 7 Tues Committees appointed to promote Sabbath observance, 1837 8 Wed Nativity of Mary. 9 Thur Chapelhill Free Gaelic Church, Rothesay, opened, 1860. 10 Fri The confidence of ability is ability. —Maclaren. 11 Sat Colonel Campbell, Southall, died 1905. 12 Sun Rothesay public street lighting by electricity, 1899. 13 Mon Chapelhill bought by Town Council, 1858.

14 Tues Ro'say Tn. Council accepted Lord Bute's gift of Meadows, '3, 15 Wed Institution of Rothsy. Parliamentary Debating Assoc, 1880. 16 Thur Bute Shinty Club formed, 1907. 17 Fri John Cruickshanks, plumber, died, 1907. 18 Sat Review of Volunteers before the King at Edinburgh, 1905. 19 Sun (18) Opening of new Esplanade at , 1880. 20 Mon Conscription resorted to in Rothesay, 1670. 21 Tues Rothesay Police Bill received Royal Assent, 1846. 22 Wed Ex-Provost Brown, Rothesay, died, 1878. 23 Thur Gaelic Mod opened at Rothesay, 1908. 24 Fri Wm. Tytler appointed agent, Royal Bank, Roth., 1906. 25 Sat Opening of " Lady Margaret " Hospital, Millport, 1900. 26 Sun Adversity is the only balance to weigh friends. —Plutarch 27 Mon Welcome home to Rothesay soldiers in Hotel Victoria, 1901, 28 Tues Freedom of Rothesay to first barber, 1764. 29 Wed Use of Iron Harrow Pins enacted in Bute, 1720. 30 Thur Prince Leopold visited Rothesay, 1876. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Oct., 1909. Calendar -Anniversaries, etc. 1 Fri Present Cumbrae Lighthouse first lighted, 1793. 2 Sat Rev. Peter M "Bride of West Free Church died, 1845. 3 Sun Battle of Largs, 1263. Jewish New Year begins. 4 Mon Rthsay. Magis. and Tn. Coun. discharged by the King, 168 5 Tues A. Graham Murray, M.P., appd. Secy, for Scotland, 1900. 6 Wed Every man is the architect of his own fortune.—Salluts 7 Thur 8 Fri Rothesay Town Council allowed Coal Digging at Ascog, 1664, 9 Sat Printing introduced into Scotland, 1507. 10 Sun Freedom of Roth, to G. R. Stephenson of Glen Caladh, 1869. 11 Mon Boer War began, 1899. 12 Tues Roth. Branch An Comunn Gaidhelach formed, 1906. 13 Wed James Dobbie, florist, of Dobbie & Co., Rothesay, died 1905, 14 Thur Glasgow Water works opened, 1859. 15 Fri No life can be dreary when work is delight.— Havergal 16 Sat 17 Sun Roth. Burgesses asked to contribute twrds repairing sts, 1665. 18 Mon (19) Robert Laidlaw, Balmory, died, 1907. 19 Tues Ex-Provost Jamieson, Rothesay, died, 1872 20 Wed Boundaries of Rothesay burgh fixed, 1859. 21 Thur Telephone connection with Kilchattan Bay opened, 1908. 22 Fri (21) Andrew Dodds, joiner, Rothesay died, 1903. 23 Sat Ordination and Induction of Rev Wm. Galbraith, Roth., 1888. 24 Sun Last execution (for witchcraft) in Rothesay, 1673. 25 Mon James VI styled King of Great Britain, 1664. 26 Tues Golden Wedding of Robert Brown, ex-Bellman, 1906. 27 Wed Rev. J. B. Meek, New Parish, died, 1906. 28 Thur Home Squadron arrived in Rothesay Bay, 1903.

29 Fri Freedom of Rothesay to Marquis of Lome, 1 874. 30 Sat Opening of Rothesay New Gas Works, 1896. 31 Sun Nw Stand. Weights and measurpsgot, 1825. (cost JE108 5s, BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY

Nov etc. 1909. Calendar—Anniversaries, Mem Fox hunting begins. 2 Tues (2) Ex-Bailie Heaton, Rothesay, died, 1905. 3 Wed Silence is an excellent remedy against slander. -Steele 4 Thurjlnstitution of Anc. Order of Forresters, Court Bute, 1871. 5 Fri Whale caught in the Kyles, 1880 6 Sat Robert Craig Miller appointed Provost of Rothesay, 1908. 7 Sun How soon " now now," becomes never.—Luther 8 Mon 9 Tues King Edward born, 1841 10 Wed Bute Fire Assurance Coy. established, 1873. 11 Thur Martinmas Term.. 12 Fri First Newspaper in Glasgow, 17 15. 13 Sat A flattering mouth worketh ruin. --Solomon 14 Sun Rev. Kenneth Smith elected to Roth. Gaelic Church, 1906. 15 16 17 18 God helps them that help themselves.--Franklin 19 A favourite has no friend.—Gray 20 Paisley Bank discontinued, 1833 21 General Assembly sanctioned Roth. Chapel of Ease, 1796. 22 Roth, celebr. union of Free and U.P. Churs., [31st Oct.] 1900. 23 Holiness is the regeneration of innocence.—Lynch 24 John Knox died, 1572 25 First newspaper printed in Bute, 1839. 26 Extraordinary take of Herrings in Kyles (200 boats), 1902.

27 Rothesay Town Council took over Gas Works, 1843. , 28 Opening of Bute Savings Bank Premises, Castle St., 1905. 29 (30) Bute Burns Glub instituted, 1887. k30 St Andrew, the Apostle, patron saint of Scotland and Russia. Foundation of Chapelliill Church laid, 1859. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Dec. Calendar- Anniversaries, etc. 1909. Wed Queen Alexandra born, 1844. Thur (I) Bronze coinage issued, 1860. Fri Old Mountstuart House destroyed by fire, 1877. Sat Opening of new school at Ballanlay, 1876. Sun General Barrington Campbell apptd. Gov. of Guerensey,1902, Mon (7) James M'Alister, Meikle Kilmory, died 1908. Tues (8) J. Windsor Stuart, Factor on Bute Estate died, 1905. Wed Public Halls, built byex-Prov. Cbas Duncan, opened, 1879. 9 Thur First Lighthouse in Clyde (Cumbrae), opened 1757. 10 Fri Grouse and Black Game shooting ends. 11 Sat 12 Sun Nothing will profit you which is dishonest.—Cicero 13 Mon "Buteman" Jubilee Celebration and Presentation, 1904. 14 Tues Custom doth make dotards of us all.---Carlyle 15 Wed (16) Rothesay Advertising Association instituted, 1903. 16 Thur Rothesay Council passed resolution against dancing, 1807. 17 Fri Resuscitation of Prov Grnd Ldge of Argyle and the Isles, 1875, 18 Sat Rothesay public records lost when being returned, 1660. 19 Sun Opening of Robertson Stewart Hospital, 1873. 2 Mon First General Assembly of Church of Scotland, 1560. 21 Tues Inaug. Meeting of Roth. An Comun Gaidhealach, 1906 22Wed 70 Bute Estate pensioners apply for Goyt. O. A. Pens., 1908. 23 Thur A. D. Macbeth appointed Hon. Sheriff Substitute, 1905. 24 Fri Lady Margaret Stuart born, 1876. 25 Sat Christmas Day. Imperial penny postage, 1898. 26 Sun Rev. Alex. Stirling inducted to Free Church, 1905. 27 Mon StJohn's Day 2» Tues First Tay Bridge blown dowti, 1879. 29 Wed Absence of occupation is not rest.—Cowper 30 Thu si Fri Hogmanay. .


Jan. 1910. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc 1 Sat New Year's Day. 2 Sun (1) M'Kirdy & M'Millan, Lmtd., Rothesay, formed, 1898. 3 Mon Dr Watkin Penney, Ardbeg, died, 1905. 4 Tues Curling Pond, Meadows, opened by Lady Bute, 1908. 5 Wed James Heron, Rothesay merchant and Volunteer, died 1903. 6 Thur Bridge over Lade, Rothesay, opened, 1769, Cost £41 3/6. 7 Fri Birgidale New School opened, 1874. 8 Sat Induction of Kev. J. Nelson Allen, Craigmore, 1903. 9 Sun Rothesay Magistrates appointed by Privy Council, 1687, 10 Mon Penny Post inaugurated, 1840. 11 Tues 12 Wed Rothesay erected into a Royal Burgh, 1400. 13 Thur Memorial Stone of Millport Hospital laid, 1901. 14 Fri New Roman Catholic School, Rothesay, opened, 1908. 15 Sat Sir John Cheyne, Sheriff of Renfrew and Bute, died, 1908. 16 Sun Jume Duncan, schoolmaster, Ballanlay, died, 1909. 17 Mon 18 Tues Henry Bell's s.s. " Comet," sailed to Rothesay, 1812. 19 Wed John Leitch, Ardbrannan, died, 1880. 20 Thur J. J. White appointed postmaster, Rothesay. 1908.

21 Fri Nothing with God can be accidental.—Longfellow < 22 Sat Lord Bannatyne, of Karnes, admitted advocate, 1765 23 Sun (22) Queen Victoria died, 1901. 24 Mon Freedom of Rothesay to first local Shipbuilder, 1765. 25 Tues Robert Burns, Scotia's Darling Bard, born 1759. 26 Wed Complry. Dinner to M.P. on attaining Cabinet rank, 1904. 27 Thur Roth. Town Clerk's Appeal dismissed, Crt. of Session, 1903. 28 Fri Prof. Neil J. D. Kennedy, k.c., apptd. Sheriff, 1908. 29 Sat Progress is the law of life. —Browning 30 Sun 31 Mon A. G. Murray appointed President, Court of Session, 1905. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

Feb _1910. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc. 1 Tues City-of Glasgow Bank Directors sentenced, 1879. 2 Wed Provost Moriii, Rothesay, died, 1858. 3 Thur

4 Fri Man, know thyself ! all wisdom centres there. —Young 5 Sat Order of Victoria Cross instituted, 1856. 6 Sun Life is not measured by the time we live.—Crab'be 7 Mon John Blain elected Town Clerk of Rothesay for life, 1788. Tues Inauguration of Equifex Disinfector at Rothesay, 1906. 9 Wed (8) Mary Queen of Scots beheaded, 1587. 10 Thur Bute Dairy Farmers' Association formed, 1908 11 Fri (10) Robert, The Bruc

Map., 1910. Calendar- Anniversaries, etc. 1 Tues St David's Day. 2 Wed (1) Mrs Black, School of Cookery, Glasgow, died 1903. 3 Thur Norman Lamont elected M.P. for Buteshire, 1905. 4 Fri (3) Formation of Liberal Club at Rothesay, 1900. 5 Sat (4) Forth Bridge opened, 1890. 6 Sun Royal sanction to Treaty of Union of Scot, and Eng., 1707 7 Mon Better waste out than rust out.— Bishop Cumberland 8 Tues Late Lord Bute's Wedding.Dowry intimated, 1897 9 Wed (10) Resuscitation of Bute Primrose Leagne, 1903. iQ Thur King married, 1863. ll Fri Bute Agricultural Society established, 1806. 12 Sat In earthly mire philosophy may slip.—Scott Sun Be wise worldly but not worldly wise.—Quarles 14 Mon £10 Rothesay tenants allowed to keep beeskeps, 1678. 15 Tues Introduction of Sheriff Kennedy to Bute Court, 1907. U Wed (17) Roth. Tn. Clk's dismissal conf. by Ct, of Session, 1903. 17 Thur St Patrick's Day. ; 18 Fri Marquess of Bute recommended Rothesay gas lighting, 1834, 19 Sa Employment gives health, sobriety and morals.—Webster 20 Sun You never know what you can do till you try.—Maclaren 2l Mon James Allan, Arran, apptd. Hon. Sheriff Substitute, 1907. 22 Tues Reading is seeing by proxy.—Spencer i 23 Wed ^Opening of Roth. Post Office by late Marquess of Bute, 1897 24 ThurConsecrationof St Blane's Royal Arch Chapter, 173., 1876. 25 Fri (North Bute Unionist Association formed, 1909. 26 Sat Parliamentary Commission issued for Bute, 1647. 27 Sun 'Robert Henderson, manager, Glenburn Hydro., died, 1909. 28 Mon James VI of Scotland ascended the British Throne, 1603. 29 TuesJFormation of Rothesay Model Yacht Club, 1907. 30 Wed Craigmore Pier, Rothesay, opened, 1877. 31 Thur Very Rev Dean Hood died at Rothesay, 1872. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

April -Anniversaries, etc. 1910. Calendar 1 Fri Robert III died in Rothesay Castle, 1406. 2 Sat What is justice ? To give every man his due.—Aristotle 3 Sun John M'Callum, joiner, Rothesay, died 1905. 4 Mon Employment is Nature's physician.— Galen 5 Tues Enjoyment stops where indolence begins.— Pollok 6 Wed Thomas Russell elected M.P., for Bute, 1880. 7 Thur "Bute" Tent, I. O. Rechabites formed, 1893. 8 Fri (7) First Daily Paper in Scotland, 1847. 9 Sat Not one false man but does unaccountable mischief.—Carlyle 10 Sun Mahomedan New Year begins. 11 Mon 'Tis impious in a good man to be sad.—Young 12 Tues Glasgow Local Steamers commenced, 1884. 13 Wed Robert III began to reign, 1390. 14 Thur Buteshire Liberal Association inaugurated, 1879. 15 Fri Buy the truth and sell it not.—Solomon 16 Sat Buteshire Conservative Association formed, 1880. 17 Sun (16) Induction of Rev. Samuel Nicolson, Rothesay, 1903. 18 Mon A good heart's worth gold.— Shakespeare 19 Tues Primrose Day. Lord Beacon sfield died, 1881. 20 Wed Cruiser Squadron in Rothesay Bay, 1905. 21 Thur Rev. Joseph Traill called to Roth. U. F. Parish Church, 19^02. 22 Fri Rev. Alex Stirling, Rothesay Free Church, died, 1907. 23 Sat St George's Day. 24 Sun Union of Scotland and England ratified, 25 Mon Ex- Town Clerk of Rothesay sentenced of 5 years p.s., 1908. 26 Tues (27) Dhu Loch Water Works, Rothesay, opened, 1880. x 27 Wed Captain M Lean, of " Marquis of Bute," Rothesay, d. 1906. 28 Thur (27) Memorial Stone of St Brendan's Church laid, 1889 29 Fri (30) 106 Butemen offered service to the State, 1798. 30 Sat Rer. Neil M,Dougall, Rothesay Gaelic Church, died, 1906. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY

May, 1910. Calendar—Anniversaries, etc. l|Sun Union of Scotland and England, 1707. 2Mon (1) Centenary Show of Bute Agricultural Society, 1906. 3 lues Consecration of Cumbrae Cathedral, 1876. 4 Wed (3) Craigmore U. F. Church Organ inaugurated, 1903 5 Thur Pardon, not wrath, is God's best attribute.--Taylor 6 Fri Generosity should never exceed ability.— Cicero 7 Sat H J G Ross appointed headmaster of Roth. Pub. Sch., 1906. 8 Sun Lady Mary Stuart born at Edinburgh, 1906. 9 Mon Daniel Duncan of " Thin Red Line," died, Rothesay, 1902. 10 Tues Particular Service Squadron in Rothesay Bay, 1905. n Wed Foundation Stone of Rothesay Academy laid, 1868. 12 Thur Ascog Water Supply for Rothesay adopted, 1856. 13 Fri 12) Provost Walker, Rothesay, presented to the King, 1903. 14 Sat Sale of wood of Rothesay West U. F. Ch. tabernacle, 1907. 15 Sun Lord Ninian Stuart, born 1883. 16 Mon (15) Hotels, closed 10 o'cIock by Rothesay Magistrates, 1872.

17 Tues To err is human ; to'forgive, divine.— Pope 18 Wed Disruption in Church of Scotland, formation of Er. Ch., 1843 19 Thur (20) Swing Bridge, Rothesay Mid Pier opened, 1908. 20 Fri Liberal Club-House at Millpoit opened by Mr Lamont, 1905 21 Sat John Duncan elected Bishop of the Isles, 1347. 22 Sun Friendship is a sheltering tree. —Coleridge 23 Mon Unionist Club Rooms,* Millport, opened, 1906 24 Tues Queen Victoria born, 1819. Empire Day. 25 Wed Millport New Post Office opened, 1902. 26 Thu Closing of United Free services in Chapelhill Church, 1907. 27 Fri A. B. Stewart, Convener of the County, died 1880. 28 Sat (27) Ardbeg Tennis Courts opened by Mrs Salvesen, 1905. 29 Sun Keys of Chapelhill U. F. Church given to Wee Frees, 1907. 3()Mon (29) Cumbrae Women's Unionist Association opened, 1905 31 Tues (30) Rothesay Shorthand Writers' Association formed, 1872. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

June, etc. 1910. Calendar— Anniversaries, Wed Opening of Tramway line to Port-Bannatyne, 1882. Thu Return of Roth. W. U. F. congregtn. to tneir church, 1907. Fri Duke of Rothesay born, 1865 Sat Albert Pier, Rothesay, opened, 1909. Sun Rothesay U. F. Free Parish Church Organ opened, 1904. Mon Feu Charter granted for Rothesay first Gas Works, 1842. Tues Rev. John Dall, bd, Roth. New Parish Church, ordained, 1907. Wed (7) First Reform Bill passed, 1832. 9 Thur Idleness is the sepulchre of a living man.—Anselm 10 Fri Bustle is not industry, nor is impudence courage. 11 Saf Robert the Bruce horn.; 1274. 12 Sun Baker's Conference opened at Rothesay, 1906 13 Mon Rev. Wm. Muir, bd, bl, inducted to Roth. W.U.F Ch., 1907. 14 Tues Lady Mary Hamilton and Marquis of Graham mar., 1906. 15 Wed Nothing succeeds like success.—Tallyrand 16 Thur Lord Ninian Stuart married, 1906. 17 Fri (18) Battle of Waterloo, 1815. 18 Sat (19) Opening of Bridgend New U. F. Church, 1909. 19 Sun Ex-Provost John Duncan, Rothesay, died at California, 1908, 20 Mon Foundation Stone of Rothesay Public Buildings laid, 1832. 21 Tues (20) Marquess of Bute born, 1881. 22 Wed (21) Victoria Hospital Rothesay^ opened, 1897. 23 Fhur Battle of Bannockburn, 1314. 24 Tri Rev Joseph Trail inducted to U. F. Parish Ch., Roth., 1902. 25 Sat He that gathereth in summer is a wise son.—Solomon 26 Sun Rev. J. J. Dawson, St Andrew's RC Ch, Roth., died 1903. 27 Mon Welcome Home of Marquis and Marchioness of Graham, 1906 28 Tues Justice is blind, he knows nobody. —Dryden 29 Wed Keep good humour still whate'er we lose. --Pope 30 Thur Rothesay Aquarium opened, 1875. PART II. OFFICIALS COUNTY OF BUTE.

THE COUNTY OF BUTE comprises the seven islands in the , viz.: — Bute, the most populous; Arran, the largest ; the Great and Little Cumbraes, off the Ayrshire Coast; Holy Isle and Pladda, off Arran; and Inch- MARNOCK, off Bute.

The total Area of the County (land and water, exclusive of tidal water) is 139,658 acres, of which 53,510 are mountain and heath lands used for grazing. 3,806 acres are under plantations, and 794 are covered with water There are 25,981 acres under all kinds of crops, bare fallow and grass, which is a gradual inroad on the mountain heath and hitherto uncultivated land. The principal Industries are agriculture, horticulture, and fishing The islands possess great and varied natural attractions, and are in the forefront as holiday resorts. The Population of the County (including its Burghs of Rothksay and

Millport) in 1801 was 11,791 ; 1831, 14,151; 1861, 16,331; 1881, 17,657. In

1891 it was 18,248 (8,057 males and 10,197 females) ; and in 1901, 18,786 (8,412 males and 10,374 females) — being an increase of 255 in the ten years— 2*1 per cent. There were 4,270 inhabited houses in the islands. The 1901 Census showed that in Buteshire there were 86 persons to the square mile, 7*4 acres to each person, and 204 yards approximate or distance in linear yards between person and person. The proportion of females to every 100 males is 123*32 ; 4 the number of families is 4,422 ; inhabited houses, 4,263; rooms, 19,433 ; '25 persons

to each family; 1*04 families to each house ; 4'41 persons to each house; 4*56 rooms

to each house ; 4*40 rooms to each family ; 1;97 persons to each room, and 20 persons gpeak Gaelic only.

VALUATION.—The Rental, as ascertained at the recent Valuation Courts, is as — follows : 1908-9. 1908-9. Islk of Bute — North Bute Parish £16,453 10 6 £16,324 4 Kingarth „ 10,581 6 10,444 8 6

The Cumbraes— C umbrae ,, 22,258 13 6 22,312 8 6 Ism. of Arran —Kilbride „ 16,456 1 5 16,243 3 6

Kilmory ,, 13,111 13 5 12,510 2

County of Bute £78,811 4 10 £77,834 4 8 Burgh of Rothesay 80,763 82,315 10 Tramways, Rothesay 211 9 „ ' North Bute - 1,428 1,185

£161,467 11 4 £161,343 5 6 17 . .

Statistics -Connty of Bute.

_ 1907. 1908. AGRICULTURAL RETURNS issued by the Board of Agriculture. Acres. Acret. Total Area 139,65* Total Acreage under Crops and Grass in Buteshire, 25,784 Arable Land, 16,036 15,061

Permanent Grass ...... 9,748 10,765 Corn Crops—Wheat 1

Barley or Bens .. 30 . . Oats 4,686 ... Eye 94 ... Beans 52

Peas 5 ...

4868 4759

Green Crops— Potatoes 968 975 Turnips and Swedes 1,386 1,295 Mangold . 24 Cabbage, Kohl-Rabi, and Rape ... 121 ... Vetches or Tares "60 Small Fruit 67*

Clover, Sainfoin, and Grasses under Rotation— ... 8,218 7,424 Other Crops 70 Bare Fallow- 323 364

Occupied by Tenants, |24,486 24,513 Occupied by Owners 1.397 1.313

No. 1907 No. 1908 Horse6 for Agricultural Purposes 1,184 1,208 Cattle 9,391 9,095 Sheep 40,878 44,632 Pigs, 596 616

The Fiars Prices, by which the parish ministers' stipends are regulated, were struck in the Sheriff Court, Rothesay, for crop of the previous year, as follows: — 1906. 1907. 1908. Barley, per quarter, ... £12 £19 £14 6 Oats ... 19 5| 1 1 0| 19 2£ Beans ... — — 1 14 Oatmeal ... 15 10J 18 4| 16 9|

Farms in Buteshire. —A Government return showing the number of occupiers of farms (whether owners or tenants) in each county and parish in Scotland,with the gross rental according to the Valuation Roll, for the year ending Whitsunday, 1906, has been prepared at the instance of the Secretary for Scotland. It is ex- plained that in this return the following are included: — 1, Occupiers of lands used for any farming purposes, whether with or without a house. 2, Occupiers of glebes used for any farming purpose. 3, Occupiers of all lands used for dairy farming. The following are excluded, viz. : — 1, Occupiers of lands used only for market or nursery gardens. 2, Parks occupied by butchers and others for merely temporary grazing, and not for farming. Any occupier of more than one farm 18 Statistics—County of Bute.

situated in the same parish is returned only once, and as occupier of land of tbo aggregate value of the total rental of such farmB. Where there are joint o©68» pants of one and the same farm they are returned as one occupier. No. Annual Rental, At £1 and under, - 2 £1 Over £1 and at or under £2, 15 23 19 2 „ 2 „ 3, 26 69 18 8

,, 3 „ 4, 32 123 3 8 „ 4 „ 10, 175 1208 18 2 „ 10 „ 15, 96 1203 13 9 „ 15 „ 20, 83 1472 13 6 „ 20 „ 30, 90 2272 17 10 Total not over £30, - 519 £6,376 4 9 Over £30 and at or under £40, 37 1296 2 8 „ £40 „ £50, 21 974 17 8 Total over £30 and not over £50, — 58 2,271 4 Over £50 and at or under £60, 13 727 10 „ 60 „ ;70, 16 1052 10 „ 70 „ 80, 8 604 6 8 „ 80 „ 90, 15 1293 17 „ 90 „ 100, 17 1629 „ 100 „ 150, 43 5438 5 „ 150 „ 200, 28 4207 13 6 „ 200 „ 300, 9 2294 19 7 „ 300 „ 400, 4 1424 10 „ 400 „ 500, 2 838 Total over £50, - 155 19,510 11 9

Grand total - 732 £28,157 16 10

Piehery —The members of the Scottish Fishery Board are as follows : —Mr Angus

Sutherland, MP, c B, chairman ; sheriff Donald Crawford, of Aberdeen, Banff

and Kincardine, legal member and deputy chairman ; professor D'Arcy Thom-

son, c b, scientific member ; and the following ordinary members—Messrs Wm

Robert Duguid, m d, Buckie ; Lachlan Milloy, Rothesay ; Daniel Mearns, Aber-

deen ; and Henry Watson, Anstruther. 1908. Number of herrings credited to Rothesay district, 2,846 crans £3129 Total quantity and value of all kinds of fish caught, 15,697 cwts. 6,444 Value of shellfish taken, ...... 91 65«> In the district there are 154 boats, aggregating 400 tons, and manned by 180 resident fishermen and boys The Secretary of the Fishery Board is Wm C Robertson, i s o. The General Inspec- tor of Fisheries, John Skinner Head Office, 101 George Street, Edinburgh. Local Office, Ladeside Street, Rothesay. Officer, Frederick S Fraser

Assessments. — The following local rates are imposed by the County Council, viz :— On the County—General Valuation of Lands, Registration Own- Occu- of Voters, Lunacy Police, Diseases of Animals, and ers. piers General Purposes, - - - - 5£d Id On the Burgh of Rothesay—Registration of Voters, •20d

19 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENT. THE EMPORIUM 21 Victoria Street, The Old Post Office, Rothesay. JOHN MACKINLAY, Librarian, Bookseller, Stationer, and Newsagent.


Bookbinding in all its Branches.

THE LARGEST VARIETY IN TOWN OF Photographs of Local and Scottish Scenery.

Agent fop Anchor Line. — —

Assessments —Officials— County of Bute.

Own. Occ. Own. Occ. On the Bute District -Roads, 5£d 5£d On the Arran District PuHic Health 0£d 0£d Roads, - 6^d Port-Bannatyne Drainage, 0£d 0£d Health, - Kilchattan Bay Drainage, 0#d 0|d Brodick Scavenging, - Kilchattan Bay Water Supply, 8d 8d On the Cum brae District- Ascog Lighting, - - 2d 2d Roads, &c, - - Ofd lieutenancy.— Lord Lieutenant and High Sheriff, John Crichton Stuart, Marquis of Bute. Deputy Lieutenants— Ex- Provost Sharp, Rothesay: James Lamont,

Knockdhu ; Thomas Russell, Glasgow ; Archibald Louis Fullarton Robertson,

Fullarton ; Sir Charles Dalrymple, Bart, ; Richard Carnaby-Foster ; and the Provost of Rothesay Clerk, Adam D Macbeth, Rothesay.

Member of Parliament.—Norman Lamont, younger of Knockdhu. At the General E'ection, on 23rd January, 1906, the candidates were — Mr Lamont (Liberal), who polled 1637; and Mr Guy Speir, Unionist, who polled 1,517— majority, 120. Constituency—The Roll of Parliamentary Voters is as follows :—Cumbrae, 629;

North Bute, 369 ; Rothesay, 1643 ; Kingarth, 237 ; Kilbride, 383 ; Kilmory, 351; total, 3612: increase, 17. Supplementary voters for County Councils, 922.

Auxiliary Forces. West of Scotland Royal Garrison Artillery Special Reserve—Meets annually for drill at Glasgow Hon Colonel, J Younger. Lieut- Colonel, J T Nichol. Major, J A Younger. Quarter-Master, J P MfDonald

Territorial Forces — Buteshire Association.— President, The Most Hon.

the Marquis of Bute ; Chairman, Lieut.-Colonel John Maclsaac ; vice-Chairman,

George Halliday. Military members—Major Robertson, Millport ; Captain and Hon. Major, Andrew M M'Kinlay, and Lieuts. W A Stewart and Wm Lyle,

Rothesay. Civil members— Provost filler, Kothesay ; Provost Cockburn, Mill- r pert ; and Alex MTntyre, farmer, Dunallan, Secretary, Colonel M Innes, Or- midale. Treasurer, George Smith, Clydesdale Bank Mountain Artillery Brigade — Royal Garrison Artillery. — Head- Quarters, Tarbert Hon Colonel, The Duke of Argyll, k t, k c m g, v d, Colonel Commandant, Colonel Campbell, Stonefield, Tarbert. Adjutant, Captain

"W H M'Alpine Leng. Chaplains, Rev J F Macpherson, vd,bd, Greenock ; and Surgeon- Captain, David J Penney, Rothesay. Brigade Sergeant-Major, H MacFatson. Buteshire Mountain Battery — T. Royal Garrison Artillery — DC Major Colin Macleod Robertson. Rothesay—Right Section—Captain and Hon Major Andrew M M'Kinlay. Lieutenants, George Hicks and William Lyle. Drill- Instructor, Sergeant-Major E Hyde. Pipe-Major, J Murdoch Millport—Left Section—Lieutenant, W A Stewart. Drill Instructor, Sergeant- Major Mendham

Sheriff Court. — Bute is joined with Renfrew. The Court meets at Rothesay on Thursday forenoons at 11 o'clock. Circuit Small Debts Courts meet quarterly at Brodick, Arran, on the third Wednesdays in March, June and November, and

about the end of September ; and at Millport, Cumbrae, in March and Sep- tember. Sheriff, Neil John Downie Kennedy, kc, lld, advocate. Sheriff-Sub- stitute, Thomas J Martin, m.a, advocate. Hon Sheriff-Substitutes, Robert Sharp

and Adam D. Macbeth, Rothesay ; and James Allan, Balnacoole, Arran 21 ;


may fa rly claim to have Bepmaline Bread , l ______reached the standard of a true family friend.

has elicit d GO™ Bepmaline Bread f words from the medical press in all parts of the globe by reason of its nutritive properties.

Bermaline Bread is ______opinion"-XTto be the greatest success of , as its regular use ensures good HEALTH ALL THE YEAR ROUND to YOUNG AND OLD.

Manufactured and Sold by all Principal Bakers In Rothesay OHAT^LEHby MUIR, Castle Bakery, High Street. ;

OFFICIAL^—County of Bute.

Clerk, Thomas W Alexander. Clerks-Depute—Rothesay, Win Watson ; Lamlash

Wm Munro ; Millport, James Ross. Procurator-Fiscal, Robert D Macmillan, Depute Procurator-Fiscal, Willm Miller. Nautical Assessors for Bute, William

Erskine, Partickhill, Glasgow ; Capt. A G. Brass, Pollokshields ; and Capt. John Young, Irvine. Medical Referees appointed under the Workman's Compensation

Acts : — Buteshire —John Marshall, m b, Rothesay ; Island of Arran, Robert Allan, M d, Ardrossan. For Industrial Disease—Dr Alex Scott, 12 Newton pi,

Glasgow. Sheriff-Officers, Alexander Campbell, Rothesay ; James Boyd, Dairy John Brown, Ayr; John Albert Carson, 8 Duke street, Kilmarnock; Joseph

M^Culloch, Ardrossan ; John Stevenson, Dunoon; Henry Devlin, 13 Hamilton street, Greenock; and James Crossley, 116 St Vincent street, Glasgow. Auditor, T W Alexander. Keeper of Court-House and Bar Officer, Angus Mcintosh The Circuit Court for Buteshire meets six times a year in Glasgow

Justices Of the Peace.— Quarter Sessions are held at Rothesay on first Tuesdays of

March, May, and August, and last Tuesday of October ; and Courts of Petty Sessions are held as required. Isle of Bute—Ex-Provosts Orkney, Sharp, Thomson, M'Millan, Milloy, M'Intosh Walker and Burness; Provost Miller; ex-Bailies Fisher, Hicks, M'Bride, andSquair; John Mackirdy, John Mackinlay, Wm. Cuthbertson, seedsman; Wm.

Hunter, builder ; J. R. Metcalfe, Marine place ; John Porter, Marine place ; and

Jas. Smith, Ferguson place, Rothesay: William Spencer Ascog ; James Duncan,

Bannatyne Mains; Colonel Michael R. Gray Buchanan, Ettrickdale ; John Fer-

guson, builder ; and Alex. Sim, Port-Bannayne, North Bute ; Thomas Russell,

Glasgow; A. R C. Pitman, w.s., Edinburgh ; and H G F Newall, St Andrews

Island of Arran—John Spiers, Bennecarrigau ; Robert Hamilton, ex-piermaster,

Brodick; James McGregor, quarrymaster, Corrie ; John Wallace, Glenkill ; Dr Neil Fullarton, John B Sweet, banker, and James Hodge, pierinaster, Lamlash ; r James Allan, Balnacoole ; Wm Hamilton, shipmaster; James M Kinnon, farmer; Jas Campbell M'Gill' joiner; and Thomas Miller, piermaster, Whiting Bay;

Alex M'Bride, Shiskine ; Robert Crawford, farmer, Glenscorradale ; Archibald Kelso, James M'Kinnon, and Robert Kerr, jun., piermaster, Lochranza.

C umbrae—Provost Cockburn, ex-Provost Allan, James Ross, banker; Wm Allan,

John Cunningham baker ; Thomas Duncan, joiner ; J C Sharpe and Duncan MfDougall, Ballochmartin

Ex-Officiis—The Sheriff and Sheriff-Substitute ; the Provost, Bailies, and Dean

of Guild of Rothesay ; the Baron Bailie of Mountstuart ; the Chief Magistrate

of Millport ; and the Chairmen of District Committees and Parish Counci's

Clerk, Thomas W Alexander. Depute, William Watson. Procurator-Fiscal, R D Macmillan. Water Bailiff, Charles Wright Morris, 24 Charlotte Sq., Edinburgh.

County Licensing Court—F H Squair, Rothesay; John Ferguson, Port- Banna-

tyne ; D M'Dougall, Millport; Alex Sim, Port-Bannatyne ; A Hugh Douglas,

Strabane, Brodick ; Provost Cockburn, Millport ; Alex M'Farlane, Meikle Kil-

chattan ; and James Duncan, Bannatyne Mains, Port-Bannatyne.

County Licensing Appeal Court.—Appointed by the Justices of the Peace- John Cunningham, Millport; James Smith, James M'Bride, Robert Burness, Lachlau Milloy and D. M'Millan Rothesay; and Jas Duncan, Bannatyne Mains

23 J —


AGENCY FOR THE Alliance Assurance Compy., Limited. Established 1824. Chairman, The Right Hon. Lord Rothschild, D.C.V.O. Subscribed Capital, £5,450,000. Invested Funds exceed £16,500,000. The operations of the Company extend to the following among other branches of Insurance :

FIRE. LIFE and ANNUITIES . MARINE . Consequential Loss following- Fipe. Workmen's Compensation, including Special Domestic Servants' Policies. Personal Accident & Disease. Third Party & Drivers' Risks. Motor Car & Lift. Plate Class & Hail Storm. Burglary & Theft. Fidelity Guarantee. The Company also grants—Capital Redemption Policies. And undertakes the Duties of Trustee & Executor.

For Prospectuses, &c, apply to W. TYTLER, Agent, Royal Bank of Scotland, Rothesay.

Norman Stewart Institute,

Montague Street, Rothesay. Reading? Rooms, Recreation Rooms, For Billiards, Draughts, &c, &c. Open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.

Consulting1 and Lending* Library, Containing upwards of 7500 Volumes. Open Monday to Friday, 10 to 1 o'clock and 3 to 8 o'clock. Saturdays, 10 to 1 o'clock, 3 to 5 o'clock, and 6 to 9 o'clock*

Members' Weekly Tickets (admitting to all privileges, including the use of Lending

Library) 6d ; Monthly, Is ; ; Quarterly, Is 6d Half-Yearly, 2s 6d ; Yearly, 5s. Ladies' Half- Yearly Tickets, 2s ; Yearly, 3s 6d. Non-Members, Id per visit.

Apprentices' Yearly Tickets, 2s 6d. Quarterly, Half-Yearly and Yearly Tickets are issued as from 1st January, 1st April, 1st July and 1st October. Monthly Tickets from any date. SPACIOUS REFRESHMENT ROOMS. of Tea or Cup Coffee, Id ; Breakfasts, Dinners and Teas at equally Moderate Price* —;

OFFICIALS—County of Bute

Appointed by the County Council— William Hamilton, Arnhall, Whiting Bay William Allan, Mill- Wm Brown* Shedog ; A Hugh Douglas, Strabane, Brodick:

Port-Bannatyne ; Alex. M'Farlane, port ; John Ferguson, Pointhouse Crescent,

Meikle Kilchattan ; and Duncan M'Dousrall, Ballochmartin.

County Council. — Convener, Marquis of Bute, Mountstuart. Vice-Convener, A Hugh Douglas, Strabane, Elected by District of Brodick voters —A H Douglas, Corrie— R W Forsyth, Corrie. Cumbrae— Duncan M'Dougall, Ballochmartin. Dougarie—James John Morton, Machrie. Kilchattan Bay—Alex. Macfarlane. Lamlash—John Bannatyne. Lochranza—Alex. *M*Alpine. Millport (East) —William Allan. (West)—Provost Cockburn. Mountstuart— Marquis of Bute. North Bute—Henrv Stuart, Glen Caladh. Port-Bannatyne (E.)--John Ferguson. Port-Bannatyne (West), James Duncan. Shedog—Wm Brown, Shedog. South- end — Peter Crawford, Torrylinn. Whiting Bay — William Hamilton. Ap- pointed by Rothesay Town Council—provost Miller, Bailie Harvey Dean of Guild M'Millan, and Treasurer Fife. Representatives to County Councils Association The Marquis of Bute and Mr Douglas. Officials. — County Clerk and Treasurer — AW Herbert, Rothesay. Clerks

and Treasurers of District Committees : Bute — AW Herbert, Rothesay. Arran— George Laidler, Brodick. Cumbrae—Wm Hunter, Millport. County Medical Officer—Dr Thomas Rutherford, Shiskine, Arran. County Sanitary Inspector—Wm Dunlop Brown, Rothesay. Valuation Assessor and Assessor under County Voters Registration Act, Wm M'Intosh, c}a, 142 St Vincent Street, Glasgow. Auditor— Robert Paterson. c a, Glasgow. Inspector of Weights and Measures—Wm Clark, Paisley. Veterinary Inspector—Wm Moodie, mrcvs,

Rothesay. Agricultural Analyst, John W Biggart, Greenock ; Dep. Agricultural Analyst, Wm L Biggart, Greenock

County Road Board. —Bute — The Marquis of Bute (chairman), James Duncan, Alex. Macfarlane, and John Ferguson Arran—A Hugh Douglas, R W Forsyth, Alex M fAlpine, and Peter Crawford

Cumbrae— Provost Cockburn, Wm Allan, and Duncan M'Dougall

Collectors North Bute, ; — Arch Brown Kingarth, W T Esplin ; Cumbrae, Wm

Hunter ; Kilmory and Kilbride, John B Sweet, Lamlash

Surveyors— Bute, Wm M'Intyre, Kerrylamont ; Arran, A C Crockett, Lamlash; Cumbrae, Wm Hunter, Millport

Commissioners of Supply — Convener, James Duncan. Clerk, A W Herbert, Rothesay Commissioners of Supply—Marquis of Bute, John Ferguson, A Hugh Douglas? James Duncan, John M Lamont, the Provost of Millport, Thomas Duncan and Archd Lamont

Committees. —Joint Standing -Sheriff Martin (chairman). Appointed by Com- missioneis of Supply— Sir R P Butler, A Hugh Douglas, James Duncan, John Ferguson, Thomas Duncan, John M Lamont, and the Provost of Millport. Ap- pointed by the County Council —The Marquis of Bute, John Bannatyne James John Morton, H C Stuart, Peter Crawford, Duncan M'Dougall and Robert Cock- burn 25 —


North British and Mercantile INSURANCE COMPANY,

See Cover of Directory.

Agent in .Rothesay J. L. MASTERTON, Bank of Scotland. ROCK LIFE Established; ASSURANCE COMPANY. 1806.

Total Bonus Additions, £4,500,000. | Total Claims Paid, ... £13,000,000. Life Assurance.—Moderate Premiums. Large Bonuses. Accident Insurance. —Policies are issued to Employers covering their full legal liability under the Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906, &c. Personal Accident and Burglary Insurance also transacted, and Fidelity Guarantee Bonds issued,

George Smith, Agent, Clydesdale Bank, Ltd., Rothesay.

T KC E! ^S T A. T E! FIRE INSURANCE CO., Ltd., of LIVERPOOL. with which is incorporated The Bute Insurance Company. Accident, Plate Glass, Fidelity Guarantee, and Burglary Insurance, dkc. transacted. Prospectuses and Forms of Proposal may be obtained from any of the Agents of the Company, or at the Rothesay Branch Office, 28 Castle Street, A. D. MACBETH, District Secretary. Chief Office for Scotland, 141 West George Street, Glasgow, ARTHUR MOFFATT. District Manager. CAR and GENERAL INSURANCE Corporation, Limited. CAPITAL, £250,000. ACCIDENT BUSINESS in all its BRANCHES transacted. Workman's Compensation Act. Motor Car. Driving Accidents. Personal Accident. Third Party. Burglary. Live Stock. NON-TARIFF. See our Unique Scheme for Covering Fire, Burglary, Servants and Glass in One Policy

Agent : George Smith, Clydesdale Bank, Rothesay. . —

OFFICIALS—County of Bute.

Valuation—The Marquis of Bute, Wm Allan, Alex M*Alpine, John Bannatyne, Henry Stuart, James Duncan, James John Morton, A H Douglas, Alex. Mac- farlane, Duncan M*Dougall, John Ferguson, Wm Brown and Robt Cockburn Appeal Courts held in September at Brodick, Millport, and Rothesay Secondary Education— Sir R P Butler, A R Andrew, A H Douglas, John Bannatyne, Duncan M'Dougall, Wm Hunter, Rev James Frame, James Allan and M Gray Buchanan Technical Education-— A H Douglas (chairman), the Marquis of Bute, James Duncan, John Ferguson, Duncan M 'Dougall, Wm Hamilton, J J Morton, Wm Brown and H C Stuart Clerk and Treasurer, A W Herbert, Rothesay

County Police. — The last annual report shows that the force consists of 1 chief, 2 inspectors, 1 sergeant and 9 constables. It is efficient and popular. There is an absence of serious crime in the county. There are 24 licensed premises in Arran, Cumbrae, and Bute outside of Rothesay Chief Constable, Charles Harding, Rothesay. Depute, Wm Munro, Lamlash. In~ spector, Alex Stewart, 37 High street, Rothesay

District Lunacy Board. —Ex- Provost Burness (chairman); Provost Miller, Treasurer

Fife ; James Duncan, Bannatyne Mains ; Henry C Stuart, Glen Caladh ; John

Ferguson, Pointhouse ; and ex-Provost Allan, Millport Clerk, John M Lamont, Rothesay

Property and Commissioners.—Sir Charles Dalrymple, Bart, p c;

ex-Provosts Orkney, Sharp, and Thomson, Rothesay ; Thomas Russell, Glasgow ;

and Jarnes Duncan, Port-Bannatyne ; Sheriff Kennedy, or, in his absence, Sheriff Martin, ex-officio. Clerk, Tho W Alexander, Rothesay. Surveyor, D Lawrie, Greenock. Collector, J A Tannahill, Greenock.

Old Age Pension Committees. Rothesay Burgh—All the Town Councillors. Bute County—Arran — Sub-Committee — A. Hugh Douglas (chairman), J J Morton, A M'Alpine, R W Forsyth, Peter Crawford, Wm Hamilton, Wm Brown and John Bannatyne. Clerk, George Laidler, Strabane, Brodick. Bute (outside Rothesay) and Cumbrae— The Most Hon the Marquis of Bute (chairman), James Duncan, John Ferguson, Henry Stuart, Alex M'Farlane, Wm Allan, Duncan M'Dougall and Provost Cockburn. Clerk, A W Herbert, Rothesay There are 147 old age pensioners in Arran, and 57 in Cnmbrae and Bute (outside Rothesay.) The number admitted in the Burgh of Rothesay is 223.

Royal Northern Yacht Club Club House, Argyle Street. — Regatta at Rothesay, 19th and 21st June. Patron, His Majesty the King. Commodore, Sir Thomas Glen-Coats, M p. Secretary and Treasurer, T F Donald, 104 West George street, Glasgow. Club -master, John M'Phail

Inland Revenue.— Collector and Distributor of Stamps, J. Duncan, Custom House, Greenock. Supervisor, W T Gillespie, Old Kilpatrick. Officer, James M'Lay, Rothesay

i Stamps. —Sub-Distributor of Stamps and Sub-Collector of Legacy and Succession Duties, Robert Kyle, Royal Bank, Rothesay 27 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—ROTHESAY. ^H 25 VICTORIA STREET, ROTHESAY.

Boys', Youths' and Gent.'s Clothier Outfitter, Hosier and Glover.

J . « . KROHM i Surgeon Dentist, S2 Victoria Street.

Artificial Teeth on the Most Up-to-Date Principles. Children's Teeth Carefully Regulated. Teeth Extracted without Pain. Terms Strictly Moderate

Business Hours during Winter Months—every Night from 6 to 8, and all day on Saturday.

Established 1857. Telephone No. 2x3. R. C. M U R RAY, House and Coaeh Painter, Kecorator, ®lafier, ana picture Jprame Jttata, 86 Montague Street.

Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Paperhangings. Glass, Polished and Rough Plate, Embossed and Ornamental, Silvered Mirrors, She«t Glass, Lend Lattice Work, Picture Mouldings, Memorial Wreaths, Shades and Stands.

Glasgow and West of Scotland Society FOR THE Prevention of Cruelty TO ANIMALS.

HNHE SOCIETY has during the Season a Resident Officer in Rothesay for the purpose *> of inquiring and investigating into all ACTS of CRUELTY to ANIMALS through out the Counties of . Complaints left at his residence, 3^ Victoria Street (2 up), or Police Office, will receive immediate attention — — — —

OFFICIALS—County of Bute

Bute nsui ance Company Limited (merged in the State Fire Insurance Co, Ltd) Chairman, ex-Provost M'Millan. Local Secretary and Treasurer, A D Macbeth, Rothesay.

Political Associations. Buteshire Liberal Association, established 1879— President, William Brown. Secretary, D Grant. Treasurer, Councillor D Buchanan.

Liberal Club—Chairman, R Burness. Secretary, Donald Grant. Club-master > D MfIn tyre Conservative Associations—see Districts.

Miscellaneous Associations Buteshire Wine Spirit and Beer Trade-- President, Jas Heaton. Secretary, Alexander Campbell, auctioneer. Treasurer, Win Montgomerie Buteshire Natural History Society. — Museum, Aquarium. Patron, the Marquis of Bute. President, Dr Marshall. Hon Secretary and Treasurer, R D Whyte. Curator, W H Herd. Meteorologist, D Penney, Glenburn Bute County Cricket Club— Captain, J. Pinkerton. Secretary and Treasurer, D M'Kechnie Buteshire Junior Football, established 1896. —President, R M'Cord. Secre- tary, Wm Ferrier Knockdow Charity Cup Committee—Chairman, ex-Provost Burness. Secretary, W Edgar Treasurer, John M'Donald Salvesen Challenge Shield. —Chairman, John Lister British Red Cross Society—Buteshire Branch—President, Marchioness of Bute

Outside Societies. Edinburgh, Argyle, Bute, and Western Isles Associa- tion. -President, Hon Secretary, G A Munro, s s c, 6 Rutland sq, Edin- burgh. Hon Treas, J Maclachan of Maclachlan, w s, 48 Castle St, Edinburgh. Glasgow Bute Benevolent Society, instituted 1867, for the aid of indigent persons belonging to Bute, particularly such as are of advanced age and of respect- able character. No persons in receipt of parochial relief to receive benefit unless in extraordinary circumstances. The single payment of £2 2s constitutes a life membership. Ordinary members admitted as life members on a single payment of £1 Is. President, Ex- Provost Thomson. Secretary, Alexander Robertson, 243 WestGeorge street, Glasgow. Treasurer, James A M'Leish, 194 St Vincent street, Glasgow. The funds in hand amount to £2000. Glasgow Buteshire Association.—President, John M'Nicol. Secretary, Wm Montgomerie, 179 West George st, Glasgow. Treasurer, David M'Lauchlan

London Bute Association —Secretary, Richard P Miller, Redford House, 172 Ladbroke Grove, N (For District Official* scs District Lists.)

2t :



Oliarges Per Annum—

For Gentlemen, ...... 21s „ Ladies, Boys and Girls, ...... 10s 6d (Boys and Girls being reckoned from 12 to 18 years of age). For^Period from October to 31st March, 10s 6d

Charge per Day, ...... Is „ Week, 4s „ Fortnight... 6s „ Month, 8s Boys' and Girls' Monthly Tickets,.. 4s

Lockers for any period up to a year, 2s 6d. —

The Isle of Bute IS 16 miles long, with an average breadth of 4 miles. It is rocky in the north and south, but fertile in the intervening districts. The climate is milder and more equable than on the mainland ; and the place is, in consequence, a favourite health and pleasure resort

Lord of the Manor—John Crichton Stuart, fourth Marquis of Bute, Mountstuart House. Factor on Bute Estate, Sir Richard P Butler, High Street, Rothesay

Societies, Clubs, &c. — Bute Agricultural Society (Established 1806). President, Sir Richard P Butier. Secretary and Treasurer, James Fisher, grain merchant.

Bute Conservative Association, established 1880. — President, ex-Provost Milloy. Secretary, Arch S Maclea. Treasurer, Archibald Montgomerie

Bute Auxiliary of the National Bible Society of Scotland— President, Rev Samuel Crabb. Secretary, Rev Wm Galbraith. Treasurer, A M Burnie

Bute Sabbath School Union—Meets fortnightly in the Norman Stewart Institute — President. Rev Wm Galbraith. Secretary, Miss Meikle. Treasurer, Robert Hunter. Representatives to the Glasgow Union,

Bute Womens' Temperance Prayer Union. —Meets in the Stewart Institute every Thursday afternoon at 3.30. President, Miss Thomson, Ardbeg. Secre- tary, Mrs Storrer, Rosebank, Argyle st. Treasurer, Miss Scott, Ardbeg

Bute Women's Liberal Association. —President, Mrs Walker; Secretary, miss Burnie; Treasurer, Mrs Lyle

Bute Primrose League. —Habitation No. 1182.—Dame President, Mrs Harry Hope. Ruling Councillor, Henry C Stuart. Secretary, Miss Edith Herbert, Crichton road. Treasurer, Miss Betty Stewart

Bute Association of Arts and Crafts. — President, Lady Margaret Stuart Secretaries, W J Lawson, 5 Albany terrace, and Miss Herbert, 12 Crichton rd

Bute Maternity Association.—To provide a trained midwife to work among the poorer classes. —Hon. President, the Marchioness of Bute. Hon. Treasurer, Mrs F Gray Buchanan. Hon ^ecy, Mrs Matthews, the Parsonage. Nurse, Miss Campbell, 8 Mansefield pi. 115 cases were attended during the year

Bute and Cowal Colportage Mission.— Bute Chairman, Thomas Gilmour Kilchattan Bay. Secretary, Dr Hewison. Treasurer, J L Masterton

Bute Dairyman's Association. —President, Thomas H Harvey; Secretary Alex M'Intyre


IS ESPERANTO WORTH LEARNING? A Clever Persuasive Booklet, by Bernard Long, B.A. Prices, Id, 2d, and 5 cents. Postage, ^d. BONNIE SCOTLAND Succinct Descriptions of Health, Pleasure and Profit Resorts. Prices, 2d, 6d and Is Postage, ^d & Id. BELEOA SKOTLANDA Introduction to Bonnie, Bonnie Scotland, first guide- printed in Esperanto, the International Lan- guage. Id. Postage, ^d. THE COAST GUIDE Description of Routes Resorts, and Resources, " Doon the Watter." Id. Postage, £d. SCOTTISH SCENERY 34 Full-Pages of Typical Scottish Views, Beautifully Printed from Photographs, accompanied by Letterpress Descriptions in the English Lang- age and Esperanto. [That example is becoming popular in Britain and other nations through- out the world.] 6d. Postage, Id. MEMS. FOR THE WAYFARER Assorted Propaganda and Instructive Leaflets, for Busy, Business People. 3d per set, post free. SCOTTISH POST CARDS Estintaj Tagoj (Auld Lang Syne).

La Frateco de la Homo (A Man's a Man for a' that). Sweet Rothesay Bay, visited by the Kongreso Internacia, (with view, and verse, " It's a Bonnie Bay," translated. A Scot's Pioneer (The Scot Abroad), illustrated.

One Penny each, Four for 3d. 4 sd cio, kvar po 9 sd.


Comunn Gaidhkalach Bhoid—To promote the cultivation of the Gaelic lan- guage, literature, music, art and industries— President, the Marchioness of Bute Vice-Presidents, Marchioness of Graham and Miss I H Campbell. Convener of Committees, ex-provost Milloy. Member of Executive, Captain Kennedy. Con- ductor of Choir, James M'Arthur. Treasurer. Mrs R A Mackinlay. Secretaries, M Mackenzie, Express office, and John MacdoUald, 3 Mill st

Bute Cumanachd Club. — President, Andrew M M'Kinlay ; Secretary, John McDonald

Bute (Jycling CnjB.—President, A Scott-King. Captain, Bailie Cunningham* Secretary, Joseph D Wilson Treasurer, Robert Lauder Bute Amateur Sports— th August.—Hon Secretary, Alex Lister, Meadowbank Bute Highland Gathering, to be held in the Public Park, Rothesay, on Satur- day, 14th August. —Chieftain, the Marquis of Bute; President, Councillor M'Coll;

Secretary, John McDonald ; Treasurer, James C Sinclair Bute United Fanciers' Society, estab. 1902, for the improvement of the various breeds of poultry, pigeons and cage-birds.—President, J Brodie. Secretary, J M'Crone. Treasurer, G G Hill Bute Photographic Club.— Club-room, Y M C A Hall, Castle street — Presi- dent, Alex Rankin. Secretary and Treasurer, Arch Montgomerie Bute Dramatic Sketch Party.— Chairman, Thos Falconer. Manager, George Jarvie

Lloyd's Agent. —John Orkney, Oread ia.

Coast Guard. —Head- quarters, 17 Bishop street, Rothesay. — D W Haley and David T Robertson

Glasgow and West of Scotland Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, established 1856, to prevent, by every legitimate means, cruelty to animals, and to encourage humanity and gentleness towards animals. President, the Hon the Lord Provost of Glasgow. Chairman, Professor Robert Latta, m a, d phil. Uni- versity, Glasgow. Secretary and Treasurer, Henry F Lowndes, b l. Treasurer, Hon J Wright Robb, j p. Local Headquarters, 3aVictoria street—Superintendent, James Watson, 28 Bath street, Glasgow


W RISKY. Liqueur Scotch, exceptionally choice Old Highland "Whisky,

It is quite 10 Years Old, wonder- fully Soft and of Charming Flavour, 4/3 per bottle.

Finest Old North Country, Soft and Mellow, and of Finest Quality, 3/9 per bottle.

Good Old Scotch, Excellent Quality, fair age, 3/3 per bottle.

J. A. URQUHART, Grocer & Wine Merchant,


If a Very Extra Special is wanted, . . . . Try Heatons' Carsebridg'e, Islay, Talasker, and Clynelish.

From 8 to 20 Years Old. Guaranteed.

7 Victoria St., Rothesay. )

Parish and Burgh of Rothesay.

ROTHESAY, the capital of Buteshire, was originally a'village in connection with the Castle, and was created a Royal Burgh by Robert III in 1400. It became • place of considerable importance in fishing, coopering, and cotton spinning and weaving, and now it is noted as the most popular Summer resort in Scotland. Fourteen years ago the landward portion of the Parish of Rothesay being amal- gamated with North Bute, henceforth, for secular purposes, the boundary of the parish is the same as that of the burgh.

I Duke of Rothesay—The Heir Apparent to the throne, H R H Prince George Prince of Wales. Keeper of the Great Seal, Marquis of Breadalbane.

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists.

Heritors Committee — Provost Miller (convener), ex-Provosts Orkney, Sharp and Walker, ex-Bailie M'Bride, Sir R P Butler and Mr James Smith Clerk—Donald Grant, Castlehill Street Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths—Hector Mackinnon, 16 High street

Births, 224; Deaths, 159 ; marriages, 41 in 1907 „ 168; „ 153; „ 48 1908. Session Clerk—Andrew Clark, Glendela, Glebe lands

Constituencies. Parliamentary, 1H43. Municipal, see — 2677 ; Wards—pages 39-41. Valuation of Burgh. 1907 1908 1909 Ward No. I, .. £11,581 £11,928 £12,090

II, .. 10,061 10,188 10,170 Ill, .. 12,613 12,829 12,877 IV, .. 17,364 17,433 17,327

V, .. 12,886 13,086 13,320 VI, .. 16,258 16,327 16,531

£80,763 £81,791 £82,315 Tramways, 211 243 127

£8n,974 £82,034 £82.442 Population —In 1871, 7,760 ; 1881, 8,291 ; 1891, 9034 ; 1901 as follows :— Houses. Inhabitants. WARD. Number Windowed Un- .,-,. i5UliainR Males. Females. Inhabited. Rooms, inhabited. &- Total. No. I 250 1512 90 7 344 629 972 :n 334 1276 119 7 534 792 1326 III 503 1600 103 959 1133 2092 IV 396 1269 104 30 872 1007 1879 V 402 1541 104 4 782 944 1726 VI 266 2134 48 460 867 1327

Total, 2151 9332 568 48 3951 5372 9323 1891, 2036 8628 467 H 3794 5240 9034 Assessments, Benefactions, &e., Parish and Burgh, Rothesay.

Assessments— Pakoco1AL—The following have been imposed by the Parish Council:

Poor Rate (less 10 per cent.) 9 g-d per £1 ; Burial Rate, £d ; School Rate, &c, lid. Burghal—The Town Council have imposed 2s 2d per £1 for Burgh General and other Assessments—equally divided between landlord and tenant. Land Tax and Registration of Births, &c, ^d; County Voters Registration, .50d —payable by proprietors only. Water, 8^-d per £1. Gas, 2s lid per 1000 cubic feet (less discount)

Benefactions. —Mrs Ann Taylor or Jackson's Bequest. —The annual interest of £100 is expended by the Provost and Magistrates in providing cuals for per- sons of the name of Taylor, and natives of Skipness or Rothesay.

Miss Janet Gibson's Bequest.—The interest of £200 is invested with the Min- ister of the parish, and Provost and Magistrates of the burgh, for the benefit of old and infirm poor, and applied annually at Candlemas—each recipient receiving a sum of about 5 s. The James Duncan Charity—£1600 bequeathed by the late James Duncan of Valparaiso and Rothesay, for the annual benefit of 10 old women.

Bute Wedding Dowry.—£1000 bequeathed in commemoration of the silver wed- ding of John Patrick Crichton- Stuart, 3rd Marquess of Bute, to be given by the Provost and Magistrates annually to enable some girl or girls of the poorer classes to be married. Educational Grant.— In terms of a grant made by the Town Council, and arrangement with the School Board, six children are entitled to free education in the Academy for three years

Duncan Thomson Bequest.—£2000 is bequeathed to the Provost, Magistrates and Town Council of the burgh, and the Parochial Board of the parish, for the erec- tion of a statutory poor house. Paterson Bequest.—The interest of £300, bequeathed jby the late miss Jane Paterson, Whinny Brae, is divided annually at Candlemas, through the Town Council, among aged and infirm persons.

Mrs Mary Miller Bequest.-—The interest of £60 is, also through the Town Council, applied for coals to the poor. Archibald Brown Bequest.—The interest of £100 bequeathed by the late Archibald Brown, banker, is annually divided by the Provost and Magistrates at Candlemas amongst the poor and infirm of the town.

TOWN COUNCIL—Meets at noon on second Monday of every month. Provost, Robert Craig Miller. Bailies—Thtmas H. Harvey. John Cunningham and Alex- ander Rankin. Dean of Guild, James M* .vidian. Treasurer, Robert Fife. Coun- cillors, Archd. M^Indoe Burnie, Donald Buchanan, James Fisher, Charles Thomas Hicks, George Grayson Hill, Hugh M'Coll Andrew Morrell M'Kinlay, Eben R Macmillan, Charles Muir, Samuel Thompson, and Joseph Davidson Wilson The Magistrates and Town Council are also Police Commissioners Six members (^one representing each ward) retire annually on the first Tuesday of November — when new elections take place. Officials—Town Clerk and Legal Assessor, Robert Duncan Whyte. Depute, James Rose, llb, ws. Collector of Rates and Valuation Assessor, James Colquhoun Sinclair. Burgh Prosecutor, Robert Duncan Macmillan. Master of Works, Water Manager, Sanitary Inspector, and Inspector under the Food and 36 OP FiriAX^— Rothesay Parish and Burgh.

Orugs Act, John Morrison. Chief Constable, William MxKay. Gas Manager, William Whyte. Electrical Engineer, E Baxter Stiven. Medical Officer, Andrew J Hall, m a, m d Analysts, J W & W L Biggart, Greenock. In- spector of Weights and Measures, Wm Clark, Paisley. Slaughter-House Super- intendent, William M'Lean. Town Crier, J. M'Mahon. Town Weigher, G B Jardine. Conductor, Esplanade Band, James Y Gilchrist. Auditor, Wm Hardie, C A, Greenock. Veterinary Surgeon, Wm Moodie, Rothesay. Golf Clubmaster, Donald Bremner

PARISH COUNCIL —Meets n the first Tuesday of every Month. Ex-provost Sharp (chairman), Thomson and McMillan. Messrs Andrew Clark, Michael Cuthbertson, James Heaton, George Innes, Archd. Montgomerie, George Shiells, John Slaven, James Smith, Francis H. Squair, and Donald Buchanan. The mem- bers are elected every three years Officials—Inspector of Poor, Clerk, and Collector—A Ross Thomson. Medical Officer, James Burnett Lawson, md. Auditor, C A Cadell

Wards—The Burgh was, in 1886, divided into wards for municipal purposes.

No. I —Ardbeg road, Ardmory road, Argyle place, Argyle terrace, Landward, Marine place, Mackinlay street, Macnab's brae, Westwood, Wyndham road. Valuation, £12,090. Constituency— Males, 2(10; females, 195; total, 395. Representa- tives: Town Council—ex-Bailie VI uir and Messrs A M Burnie and David Stewart. Parish Council—Ex-provost Thomson, and Mr Shiells No. 2 —Alma terrace (part of), Bridgend street (west side), Argyle street, Ballochgoy terrace, Bridge street, Chapelhill road, Gallowgate (west side), Havelock terrace, Hillhouse road (west side), Inkerman terrace, Landward, Lilyoak terrace, Staffa place, York terrace, Westland road. Valuation, £10,170 Constituency — Males, 247; females, 149; total, 396. Representatives: Town Council—ex-Bailie Fisher, and Messrs Eben R Macmillan and Donald Buchanan. Parish Council- Messrs Andrew Clark and F H Squair No. 3 — Alma terrace (part of), Barone road (west side), Bridgend street (east side) Castlehill street, Columshill place, Columshill street, Gallowgate (east side), Glenhead place, Gowanfield place, Hillhouse road (east side), John street, King street, Ladeside street, Landward, Macalister's court, Mill street (west side), Montague street (from Gallowgate to Tower street), Tower street (west side), Victoria street (from Gallowgate to Tower street), West Castle street. Valuation,

£12,877. Constituency—Males, 346 ; females, 176 ; total, 522. Representa-

tives : Town Council—Provost Robert C Miller, and Messrs Hugh M'Coll and George G Hill. Parish Council—Messrs Heaton, Slaven and Donald Buchanan No. 4—Castlehill street, part of Castle street, Guildford square, High street, (from Guildford square to Castle street), High street (west side), Landward, Meadow- cap, Montague street (from Tower street to Watergate), Mill street (east side), Russell street, Stuart street, Tower street (east side), Union street, Victoria street, (from Tower street to Guildford square), Watergate (west side), Ascog Loch road (south side). Valuation, £17,327. Constituency— Males. 386; females, 141; total, 527. Representatives: Town Council — Bailie Harvey, Dean of Guild M'Millan, and Mr MxKinlay. Parish Council —Messrs Innes and Montgomerie No. 5—Albert place, Bishop street, Bishop terrace. Bishop terrace brae (west side) Castle street, Croft lane, East Princes street (to number 21), High street (east side, from Castle street to Minister's brae), Landward, Minister's brae (north side), Store lane, Watergate (east side), West Princes street, Mountpleasant road, Serpentine road. Valuation, £13,320. Constituency— Males, 310; females, 155; 37 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS

ftChaples M u i r, Family Bread, Biscuit and Pastry Baker, 17 Argyle street and 17 High street.

Maker of Montgomerie's Patent Extract of Malt Bread as used in the Royal Household. Hot Pies Daily. Marriage and Birthday Cakes made to Order. Confections- Try Muir's Famed Oat Cakes and Self-Raising Flour.

Gold Medalist, London Exhibition, September, 1908.

Winner of the " British Baker" Silver Challenge Shield, at Aberdeen, June, 1909,

A. L A M O N T, TAILOR and CLOTHIER, 15 GALLOWGATE, R OTHESAY. X*adles' Tailoring- a Speciality. T. M. C LAY, (Successor to Hector Mackinnon), Bookseller Stationer, Librarian, and Fancy Goods Merchant, 11 Victoria street. — — ——,

OFFICIAL?—Burgh and Parish of Rothesay.

total, 465. Representatives : Town Council -Bailie John Cunningham and Messrs Samuel Thompson and Joseph D Wilson. Parish Council: Ex-provost M'Millan and Mr M Cuthbertson

No. 6 —Albany road, Ardencraig road, Battery place, Bishop terrace brae (east side) Craigmore road, Crichton road, East Burgh Lands, East Princes street (from No 22),Eastlands road, Landward, Mountstuart road. Valuation, £16,531. Con- stituency—Males, 154 ; females, 218 ; total, 372. Representatives :--Town Coun- cil—TreasurerFife, Bailie Rankin and ex-Bailie C. T. Hicks. Parish Council Ex-provost Sharp and Mr James Smith.

Dean of Guild Court Dean of Guild M'Millan (chairman), Bailie Cunningham, Messrs Fisher, E R Macmillan and H M'Coll

Town Council Committees Burgh Lands— Bailie Harvey (convener), Treasurer Fife (sub-convener), Dean of Guild M'Millan, Messrs Buchanan, Fisher, M'Kinlay, M'Coll and Hicks Gas— Dean of Guild M'Millan (convener), Bailie Cunningham (sub-convener), Bailie Rankin, and Messrs Muir, Fisher, E R Macmillan, M'Coll and M'Kinlay Water—Bailie Cunningham (convener), Mr M'Coll (sub-convener), Provost Miller Bailie Harvey, Messrs Buchanan, Burnie, Muir and Hill Finance—Treasurer Fife (convener), provost Miller (sub-convener), Bailies Harvey, Cunningham and Rankin, Messrs Burnie, Fisher and Buchanan Special Golf Course—The members of the Burgh Lands Committee, with the addition of |Mr Fisher—Bailie Harvey (convener), and Treasurer Fife (sub-con- vener Police —provost Miller (convener), Bailies Harvey (sub-convener) and Cunning- ham, Dean of Guild M'Millan, Messrs Burnie, E R Macmillan, C T Hicks, and Wilson Roads—Treasurer Fife (convener), Dean of Guild M'Millan (sub-convener), Messrs E R M'Millan, M'Coll, M'Kinlay, C T Hicks, and Wilson Public Health— Bailie Rankin (convener), Mr Muir (sub-convener), Bailie Cun- ningham, Messrs Burnie, E R Macmillan, Hill, M'Kinlay, and Wilson Paeks—Mr M'Kinlay (convener) Bailie Rankin (sub-convener), and Cunningham* Dean of Guild M'Millan, Treasurer Fife, Messrs E R Macmillan, M'Coll, and C T Hicks Stewart Institute, Members of Board of Management — provost Miller, Bailie Harvey, Treasurer Fife and Mr M'Coll Prison—Member of Greenock Prison Visiting Committee, Lunacy, Representatives to the District Board—ex-provost Burness, Provost Miller, and Treasurer Fife Representatives to County Council — provost Miller, Bailie Harvey and Treasurer Fife Royal Burghs, Representatives to the Convention. — Commissioner, provost Miller. Assessor, Representative Elder to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland ex -Bailie Fisher Sanitary, Representatives to Congress Accounts—Harbour Trust and Town Council

39 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. Angus Speirs, Clothier and Yachting* Outfitter, Hosier and Clover, 10 GALLOWGATE, ROTHESAY.

John Cruiekshank s, Plumber, ©astute r & Zinc Worker, 39a High street, Rothesay,

Wash-Hand Basins, Plunge, Spray and Shower Baths fitted up for Hot or Cold Water Drain, Soil or Waste Pipes Tested.

Agent for W. & A, Gilbeys Wines and Spirits. Joseph Maitland, (Successor to High Morton), Family Orocer and n ine merchant,

r 62 Montague st op#2K h°J ftST t&ib Rothesay.

Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered. VOLriKTEDR ARMS, 5 Guildford^ Square and '12 Montague Street. — Patrick Blue — WINE and SPIRIT MERCHANT.

Wines and Spirits. Bass's Beer in Pints and Half-Pints, also the Famous Oat Meal Stout — Recommended for Invalids. Yachts Supplied. —

OFFICIALS—Rothesay Parish and Burgh.

Old Age Pensions— Provost Miller, Bailie Harvey and Cunningham, Bailie Rankin Dean of Guild M'Millan, Treasurer Fife, Messrs Buchanan, Muir, E R Macmillan, M'Coll, and Thompson There are 223 pensioners in the Burgh of Rothesay

x Police. Inspector, David ; Sergeants, Cuthbert and —Chief, Wm M Kay ; Wm Wm for 1908 states that Alex Gray ; and nine constables. The annual Report the whole force has been instructed in ambulance work, and the good feeling be- tween the police and the public continues. There has again been an absence of serious crime. There are six licensed hotels in the buigh, 18 public houses, and There 14 licensed grocers ; and 9 special licences were issued during the year. were also licensed 8 brokers, 56 cab-drivers, 43 hackney carriages, 13 porters, 2

chimney sweepers, 1 6 omnibus drivers, 2 halls, and 2 billiard rooms, and 39 ped- lars' certificates were issued. 707 houses were closed during the winter months, (698 previous year.) There were 14 sudden deaths, 2 fatal accidents, 2 deaths by drowning, 1 fire, and 13 minor accidents during the year. licensing Appeal Court — Appointed by Justices—ex-provost Sharp, ex-Bailie M*Bride, and Mr John R Metcalfe. Appointed by Rothesay Magistrates—provost Miller, Bailies Harvey and Rankin

Harbour Trust The Provost, Magistrates, and Town Council, along with the fol-

lowing shipowners' representatives : captain James Williamson, and Messrs L H Gilchrist, John Rodger and James Smith Miller (sub-convener), Harbouk Commit i ee—Mr Fisher (convener), provost R C Treasurer Buchanan, councillors Muir E R Macmillan, and Thompson, Messrs Rodger, Gilchrist and Smith and captain Williamson Officials— Clerk, R D Whyte. Depute, James Rose. Harbour-Master, capt David M'Nair Master of Works, John Morrison. Bridge attendant, D M'Lellan

Parish Council Committees Law — The Chairman (ex-provost Sharp), Messr» Geo Innes, F H Squair and Donald Buchanan Finance—The Chairman, Messrs M Cuthbertson, J Heaton, Arch Montgomerie and J R Thomson Cemetery— Messrs James Smith, Geo Shiells, Andrew Clark, Donald M'Millan and J R Thomson Visiting —The Chairman, Messrs Heaton, Shiells, Slaven, Smith, F H Squair and Donald Buchanan Casual Sick-House— The Chairman, Messrs Thomson, Heaton, Montgomerie, Cuthbertson, Shiells and Squair

School Board— Meets on the first Monday of every month.—William Hunter (chair- man), Rev Dugald M^Cormick, Dr Hall, Dr Lawson, M Mackenzie, Geo. Shiells and Geo Hicks. (The members are elected every three years). Committees—Secondary Education—Drs Lawson (convener), and Hall and Rev D MxCormick Finance—Mr Mackenzie (convener), the Chairman and Mr Hicks Works—Chairman (convener) Dr Hall, and Mr Shiells Officials—Clerk and Treasurer, Wm Grant. Officer, Edward M*Nah

in CHURCHES.— Parish, High street (Hours of worship, 12 noon ; also at 6.30 Summer. Minister, Rev James King Hewison, d d. Session- Clerk, Andrew Clark. Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Rev. Dr Hewison. Conductor of Psalmody, James M'Arthur. Harmoniumist, Miss M*Arthur. Church Officer, Wm Cunningham 41 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS


6 Argyle Street. Famed SHORTBREAD and GIMERBBEAD Sent to All Parts of the World.

London Exhibition—second in Scotland for Hovis Bread.

BUCHANAN'S RESTAURANT, 2 7 Victoria street. Breakfasts. Dinners. Teas.

WILLIAM LAUDER, Joiner, Cartwright, and Funeral Undertaker, Ladeside street, Rothesay

T. M. MALTMAN, (Successor to Mrs Colin M'Lellan), Telephone lY4. Fruiterer and Confectionery 9 Argyle St., and 95 Montague st Has always on hand a Fresh Stock of Fruits, Flowers, Vegetables and Confections. Van Calls Daily.

SILLARS, 67 Victoria street, R othes ay, Has a Large and Well-Selected Stock of Infants' and Children's Millinery, Coats and Pelisses Ladies' Blouses and Lace Goods, Gloves, Hosiery, and Fancy Goods and Needlework. Every Requisite in Grave Outfits. House Address— 1 Brandane Terrace. —»

OFFICIALS—Rothesay Parish and Burgh.

New Parish, Argyle street (hours of worship, 11 a.m and 6.30 pm)~Rev John Dall, bd. Session Clerk, Angus Spiers. Clerk and Treasurer, James C Sinclair. Seat-Letter, J A Urquhart. Organist, Arthur S Christie. Superintendent of Sabbath School, James Laing. Church Officer, Robert Brown, Chapelhill road

Craigmore Parish (St Brendan's), (hours of worship 11 a.m and 6.30 p.m)—Rev Thomas Nelson Allen, b d. Session- Clerk, W J Lawson. Treasurer, James Stewart. Organist, David Rodger Church Officer, Alex Ferguson, Roslin cottage, Mountpleasant Established Gaelic, Russell street (hours of worship, Gaelic at 11 am, and English at 6-30 p m)— Rev. Kenneth Smith. Precentors (Gaelic), Angns Brown; (English), Andrew Maitland. Treasurer, W M fKay. Church Officer, A Brown

United Free Parish, Castle street (hours of worship, 11am and 6.30 pm)—Rev Joseph Traill, bd. Session-Clerk, John R Thomson. Clerk to Deacons' Court, R D Macmillan. Treasurer, A M Burnie. Seat-Letters, Jas Cunningham and Donald Buchanan. Superintendents of Sabbath Schools, A M Burnie and Andrew Holmes. Organist, J A Freeman Church Officer, Robert Young, Castle st

United West Free, Argyle street (hours of worship, 11am and 6 30 pm " Rev Wm Muir, d d, b l. Session-Clerk, Hector Mackinnon. Clerk to Deacons' Court, George Shiells. Treasurer, John Alexander. Seat-Letter, And Hamilton. Superintendent of Sabbath School, George Shiells. Organist and choirmaster, Thomas Kenworthy, a r c o. Officer, Robert Paterson, Croft lodge

United Free Gaelic, West United Free Church and Tower Street Hall~(hours of worship, Gaelic at 11 a m, and English, at 2 and 6*30 p m) Rev Dugald M'Cor- mick. Session-Clerk, capt Kennedy. Clerk to Deacons' Court, Peter McLean. x Superintendent of Sabbath School, Edw M Nab. Precentors, Dugald Gillies, (Gaelic), and Ed M rNab, (English). Church Officer, Duncan Currie, Chapelhill rd

Br idgend United Free, Bridgend street (hours of worship, 11am and 6*30 p m —Rev William Galbraith. Session-Clerk, Alex M rNab. Chairman of managers. Rev W Galbraith. Clerk, George Higgie. Treasurer, Wm Lyle. Seat-letter, H P M'Culloch. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev Wm Galbraith. Harmouium- ist, George Dryden. Church Officer, Thos M'Lean, Church buildings

Cbaigmore United Free, Crichton road (hours of worship, 11 a.m and 6.30 p.m.) —Rev James Cameron ma, b d. Session-Clerk, John Walker. Preses of Congregation, David Robertson. Clerk, A Ross Thomson. Treasurer, W Tytler. Organist, Harry Wilson, jun. Church Officer. James Pinkerton

Free, Chapelhill, (hours of worship, 11 am and 6 30 p m.) —Rev Thomas Byers Session-Clerk, Armiger Nicolson High Street Mission, in connection with the United Free Parish (hour of worship 6 30 p m)— Christian Endeavour meets in Mission Hall on Tuesdays at 8 o'clock* President, A M Burnie. Secretary, A Ross Thomson Ladeside Mission, in connection with the United West Free. Convener, Hector Mackinnon. Sabbath School at 5 p m. Superintendent, Edward MTavish. Savings Bank every Friday evening at 7. Band ot Hope, Fridays at 7 15 p m during Winter months Gospel Temperance Association, Saturdays at 8 p m P. S. A., Sabbaths at 2 30 p m Tower Street Mission, in connection with Chapelhill United Free Gaelic Church- English services every Sabbath at 11 a m and 6.30 p.m). IS BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS- ROTHESAY. JOHN CLARK, TOBA.OOOINri.ST liofltaikr, Stationer & jfaiiqj §Qoh JjjUrtjjant, 52 MONTAGUE STREET

Fishing Tackle and other Requisites.

D. M. TaylOF, Limited, Wholesale and Family Wine IYIepe^crnts,

and Dealers in Old Seotefy W)}isKiest 2-6 Tower Street, Rothesay.

This is the only Business in Rothesay which is exclusively that of Family Wine Merchants and Spirit Dealers, Wholesale and Retail. Telephone 28. Telegrams, " Taylor, Rothesay." ROBERT CRAWFORD, Rothesay Wine and Spirit Stores, 4 Bridge-end Street*

Wines and Spirits of Best Quality . Orders Punctually attended to.

W. & J. FAULDS, Carriers and Carting Contractors, Yard 9 and 11 Mill street. Office on Pier* Furniture and Luggage Removed. M'DONALD & HANNAY, Florists, Fruiterers and Confectioners, 25 Gallowg-ate All kinds of Fruits and Vegetables in their Season. Soirees, etc., supplied at Moderate Prices. Cooper & Co.'s, Macnee's, and Mazawattee Teas, Coffee and Cocoa, Buchanan Bros.'s Jams and Jellies. Famous Rothesay Rock.

Freckleton's Boating Station, on Esplanade, first from Pier.

Motor Boats sail Round the Bay at intervals. Fare, Adults, 2d ; Juveniles, Id. Practical engineer on board each boat. Special Terms for Parties per Hour, Day, or Week.

Rowing1 Boats 6d per hour. O F P ICI ALS—Rothesay.

Baptist, Ardbeg road (hours of worship, 11 a. in and 2 p.m) —Rev Samuel Crabb. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Jas Thompson. Harmoniumists, Mrs Kennedy and Arch Crabb. Church Officer, John McLean, Mansefield pi

Prayer meetings in connection with most of the Presbyterian Churches on Wednes- day evenings. 1854» St Paul's Episcopal,, Victoria street. —Established 1838 ; Church built in and consecrated in 1862. —(Hours of worship, 8.30 and 11 a m and 6.30 p m) — Secretary and Treasurer, A W Herbert, 35 High street. Thursdays, Holy Days, and according to notice, H C,~8 o'clock. Daily Summer

Evensong, 6 o'clock ; Winter, 4 o'clock.

St Andrew's Roman Catholic, Columshill street (hours of worship, 9 and 11 a.m and 7 pm) —Rev Angus Macdonald. Assistant, Organist, Miss Alice McCarthy. Mass on holy days at 8 and 9am; on week days at 8 a m There is a Chapel at Mountstuart served from Rothesay. Mass generally on Sun- days and holy days at 10 am The Orphanage, Bellevue, Barone road, is supported by Lady Bute. The Faith Mission, instituted in 1886 for evangelization in small towns aiid country districts. Head-quarters and publishing-office, 16 Tower street. Founder,

J G Govan ; hon. acting director, H E Govan The Faith Mission Prayer Union Local Branch, established 1889, for Christian fellowship and evangelistic effort, meets in the Faith Mission Hall, Store lane. Local Treasurer, John Muir, Ardyne Salvation Army, West End Hall, Bridge street (services several times daily)

Christian Brethren, meet in the Gospel Hall, Victoria street, on the Lord's Day

at 11 a.m and 2 and 7 p.m ; and also in Hall, Bridge street, at 11 a m and 7 p.m. and on Thursdays at 8 p in

Advertising Asssoeiation —The following Association for Advertising the Town

for 19()9, was appointed at a public meeting held in the Public Buildings,viz. : — Provost Miller (convener), ex-provost Bumess, Bailie Rankin, D^an of Guild McMillan, Treasurer Fife, councillors Muir and Buchanan, and Messrs Duncan Uewar, A R Peacock, Wm Russell and captain MJNair Secretary, James Rose, Depute Town Clerk

HOSPITALS. — Robertson Stewart, Townhead— Medical Officer, Dr Hall. Matron* Annie M rKenzie Victoria, High street. — Established and maintained for medical and surgical treatment of persons suffering from injuries or non-infectious diseases. —Chairman of Committee of Management, Sheriff Martin. Hon Secretary, A D Macbeth. Hon Treasurer, R D Macmillan. Matron, Mary M'Callum, During 1908, llg. patients had been admitted, there were 124 out patients; and the income was £655. Glasgow Western Infirmary—Local Treasurer, George Smith, Clydesdale Bank

PHYSICIANS.— George Berwick, m d, Ardbeg. Andrew J Hall, m a, m d, Battery place. James B Lawson, M d, Battery place. John N Marshall, m d, Battery place. David J Penney, MB, cm, Battery place. Daniel Reid, lecse and l m, Ardbeg rd Medical Electrician and Masseur, James Coates, ph d, f as, Glenbeg, Ardbeg.

Veterinary Surgeon, Wm Moodie, m r c v s, Watergate 46 BTJTE COUNTY DIECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—ROTHESAY.

Colin B. Turner, House Agent, Insurance Agent, and Piermaster, CRAIGMORE PIER. James MSCpone, General Draper, Clothier, &c, 59 & 61 Montague street.

Stock always Large, New, Fresh and Fashionable.

David Lawson, Family Bread, Biscuit, & Pastry Baker 87 Montague street.

Orders Delivered by Van to Port-Bannatyne and Mountstuart.

Alex. Campbell, ant, House Factor, Insurance Age: Auctioneer and "V 29 Watergate.

Auction Sales Conducted in Town and Country. Furniture stored. Valuations Effected and Insurance Claims Adjusted on Every Description of Property —Heritable and Moveable—on Reasonable Terms Furniture Bought and Sold. —


Nursing Association—Hon President, Marchioness of Bute. Presidents, Mrs Laidlaw and Miss Helen R Wilson. Hon Joint Secretaries, Mrs J N Marshall and Miss J Hunter Fislay. Hon Treasurer,Mrs J N Marshall. Nurse, Miss Eliza

Harvey. 285 cases were attended during the past year : the nurse attended 21 operations

Casual Sick House, Bishop street. Mrs Frame, matron

WKlTEBS. —T W Alexander, n p, (Sastle street. Donald Grant, np, Castlehill street. Wm Grant, Castlehill street. A W Herbert, 35 High street. Adam D Macbeth, np, Castle street. Thomas M'Lagan, Castle strert. Robert D Macmillan, Watergate. James Rose, llb, ws, Castle street. Wm Alex Stewart, bl, Watergate. Robert D Whyte, Castle street. John T Wilson & Alexander, n p, Castle street

BANKS.—Royal, Victoria street : Wm Tytler, agent

Bank of Scotland, Guildford square : J L Masterton, agent Clydesdale, Guildford square: George Smith, agent

Bute Savings, Castle street : Wm Brown, actuary

EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS. —Rothesay Academy and Thomson Institute. Rector, John Watson Henderson, m a. Grade School Annie f Higher , M Douglas, James For- rest, m a; Robert Ferguson, ma; John Harkness, m a; Annie J Petrie, ma, Scott, arca; J Woodcock, ma, b sc, Geo T A A m sc ; and J W Chapman, ma'J Infant Primary School : Division— Annie M Douglas. Junior Division—Agnes C Hume, Rebecca Keddie and Jessie Menzies. Senior Division —Wm D Congalton, ma. and W MrM Anderson, m a Music—Arthur S Christie. Cookery and Sewing— Mary H Riddell. Singing, Ja§ M xArthur, A c. Drill and Gymnastics— Sergt-Instructor T Buchanan Public School—Headmaster, Harry G Ross, m a Masters, Thomas W Doggart, John M'Donald, Wm Adam and Ronald M'Donald. Drawing, Wilfrid Craig. Pianoforte, George Dryden. Singing, James M'Arthur. Mistresses, Annie Wood- man, Christina Thompson, Mrs McMillan, Helen Stewart, Margaret Hntcheson Annie Reid, Annie Thomson, Kate M Whyte, Mary J Christie, C L Adam, Mary Gauld, Bessie Lyle, Christina Leslie and Adeline L H Cameron. Cookery, Mary H Riddell x Janitors, Edw M Nab and Geo Brown

St Andrew's R C School— Mistresses, sisters Collette and Mary, and Misses Fitzgerald Harvey and Shields. Singing, James M'Arthur

PUBLICATIONS— The Buteman (Liberal), Id weekly, Published every Friday evening by W A Wilson, Castle street Rothesay Chronicle (Conservative), Id weekly, published every Friday evening by Harvey & Co, Watergate Rothesay Express, ^d weekly, published every Tuesday evening by M Mackenzie, Montague street* Bute County Directory, Is, published annually in Aug. by Higgie & Co, Bridge street The Coast Guide, Memorandum Book and Register, Id annually, published by Higgie & Co, Bridge street 74 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—ROTHESAY.

Telephone No. 6. Telegrams, Laundry, Rothesay. Bute Steam Laundry L4DGNIDE MTHEGT, and Stonefield Laundry, Paisley.

Goods Called for and Delivered by Van.

WILLIAM MELDRTJM, (Successor to Peter Leith), Dispensing and Photographic Chemist. 43 Victoria Street, and ;PoPt-Bannatyne. John Holmes, (Successor to Duncan Dewar), Joiner and Funeral Undertaker, 83 Montague Street, Rothesay.

Estimates Given for All Kinds of Work connected with the Building Trade.

Dobbie, Stuart & Co., Fruiterers, Florists and Seedsmen, Tea Gardens, Chapelhill Road.

Chapelhill Nursery and Chapelfield Nursery (near the Chapelhill

Catalogues, with Prices of his Choice Garden Seeds and Plants Post Free on application. Inspection and Correspondence Invited. OFFICIALS—Rothesay Publications, Society Office-Bearers.

Bonnie Scotland's Resorts, 2d, 6d, and Is annually, published by Hignie & Co., Bridge street »

Belega Skotlando, an adaptation of the above into Esperanto (the first guide book in the International Language). Id. Higgie & Co. Is Esperanto Worth Learning? By Bernard Long, ba. Id, 2d, and 5 cents. Higgie and Co. SKOTLANDA PEJZAGO [Scottish Scenery] Typical Views, from Photographs, with Des •riptions in English and Esperanto. 6d Guide ro Rothesay and the Island of Bute, Id annually, published at the begin- ning of the season by W A Wilson, Castle street Rothesay, the Official Guide, published by the Advertising Committee. Price 6d Free to persons outside the Island. Chairman, Provost Miller; Secretary James Rose, Depute Town Clerk. Rothesay Academy Magazine, tri-yearly, printed by Harvey & Co, Watergate

Norman Stewart Institute, Montague street, erected by former townsmen (who re- membered their, native place while prospering abroad) at a cost of about £10,000, for the benefit of working men and women. Chairman of Directors, Provost Miller. Committee of Management - ex-provosts Sharp (chairman), and Thom- ex-Bailie son ; provost Miller ; Brown, Treasurer Fife; councillor M*Coll ; and Revs W Galbraith, and J Cameron. Secretary and Treasurer, A D Macbeth. Janitor, Thomas Campbell

Rothesay Horticultural Society—Annual Exhibition, 18th August—President, Provost Miller. Secretary, U. F. Innas, Bute Estate Office, Treasurer, Frank Montgomerie

Joint Stock Companies. — Tramway Co (Limited) — Chairman, C A Miles, Secretary, W. F Herring. Manager, Archibald Robertson Glen burn Hydropathic Co Ltd— Manageress, Miss Blake. Visiting Physician, Dr Marshall. Secretary, J. Campbell Dewar, c a, 18 Alva street, Edinburgh Craigmork Pier Co—Chairman, John R Thomson. Secretary, Wm M fIntosh. Piermaster, Colin B Turner Carriage Hiring and 'Bus Co—M'Kirdy & M'Millan, Ltd — Chairman, Arch Robertson. Secretary, A W Herbert. Manager, James M'Millan George Halliday, Limited—Chairman and Managing Director, George Halliday, sen. Secretary, Ueorge Halliday, jun. Solicitors, Russell & Duncan

D M Taylor 3 Liyuth.d — Managing Director, Matthew Swan. Secretary, R D Wliyte

Friendly & Benefit Societies —Frek and Accepted Masons.— Prov. G. Lodge of Argyll and the Isles — P G M, Kig'it Hon Sir Charles Dalrymple, Bart, of New Hailes, p c. P G M D, Major Hemy Gerard Fenton Newall, St Andrews. S P G M, P G S W, Hugh M'Farlane. P G J W, Dr Joseph A Clark. P G Chaplain, Rev Dr King Hewison, Rothesay. P G Secretary, R D Whyte, Rothesay. Treasurer, Jaines Heaton, Rothesay " I Lodge Rothesay Sr John," No. 2i)2, Established 1821— Meets in Lodge, Bridge street, on 1st and 3rd*Mondays of each month from September till April. — R WM, Robt Whiteford. Secretary, Win David, Burgh buildings. Treasurer, J C Black- wood. Tyler, John M'Callum D 49 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—ROTHESAY.


James M'Bride, JOIIER, CARTWBIGHT, &c.

1 John Street, Rothesay.

Telephone No. 0191.

Robert M'Bride, BLACKSMITH, 1 John Street, Rothesay.

Horse Shoeing and General Smith Work. Telephone No. 0191.

MARTIN O'CONNOR, Criterion Vaults, 27 Gallowg-ate, Rothesay.

Family Orders Punctually Attended to. ——

OFFICIALS—Rothesay Office-Bearers.

•'St Blank's" Royal Arch Chapter, No. 163—Meets in Lodge, Bridge street, on second Monday of each month from September till April. — 1st Principal, Z, r Angus Robertson. 2nd Principal, H, Hugh M Coll. 3rd Principal, J, Richard Livingstone. Scribe E, Robert Whiteford. Scribe N, Alex. Brown. Treasurer, M Mackenzie. Janitor, John M'Callum Order of Eastern Star.— " Duchess of Rothesay " Chapter No. 15. —Instituted November, 1905. —Meets in the Masonic Hall on the third Fridays of each month from September till April. —Patron, W Dunlop Brown. Matron, Mrs Margaret Blair. Secretary, Frank Montgomerie, Albert pi. Treas, Miss Cath Cameron. Warder, John M^Callum Ancient Ohder of Foresters — Rothesay, Bute, and Argyll District- -Meets half-yearly for business (last Friday in April and last Friday in October) in For- esters' Hall, Castle street, Rothesay. DCR, Arch Lamont, Rothesay. Secretary, John Morrison, Rothesay. D T, James Stewart, Rothesay Court "Bute" No 5630—Meets in the Foresters' Hall every alternate Wednesday, C R, Robert Cunningham. Treasurer, J. B. Stewart. Secretary, Archd Cunning- ham. Medical Officer, Dr D J Penney Sanctuary "Bute," No 5630, Ancient Order of Shepherds — Meets in the Foresters' Hall every second Monday at 8 p m. Loyal Order of Ancient Shepherds (Ashton Unity)—" Lord Bute " Lodge, No 2091—Meets every alternate Wednesday in the Lesser Good Templar Hall W M, Malcolm Bowie. Medical Officer, J B Lawson, M d. Secretary, Treasurer, Geo Oliphant Sons of Temperance—"Rothesay's Effort" Division, No 467 — Patriarch, John Hunter. Secretary, 3reo G Hill. Treasurer, Donald Buchanan. Collector, Wm Lugton, Ministers brae Independent Order of Good Templars— District Lodge of Bute and Cowal, No 13—D D, George Geddes, Ascog. D C T, John McLennan, Dunoon. D S, M'Nab, Rothesay. D S J L, E M'Nab, Rothesay H j "George Stephenson" Lodge, No 122—Meets in Good Templar Hall, Tower street, on Tuesdays at 8 p m—Chief Templar, George Stuart. L D, T Falconer R Secretary, Martha Allan. Treasurer, A M'Nab, sen "Rothesay's Freedom" Lodge, No 228—Meets in the Good Templar Hall, Tower street, on Thursdays at 8 pm—Chief Templar, Jas Walker. *Ji Secretary, sister A M'Rellar " Hope of Bute" Juvenile Lodge, No 252—Meets in the Good Templar Hall, Tower street, on Saturdays at 6 p m—Superintendent, Edward MfNab "Freedom's Hope" Juvenile Lodge, No 135—Meets in the Good Templar Hall, Tower street, on Thursday at 7 p m—Superintendents, Malcolm Bowie and John Hunter

High Street Total Abstinence Society — Meets in Mission Hall, High st, on Fridays at 8 p m. President, A M Burnie. Secretary, H Mackenzie. Treas, Robert Young Independent Ordku of Rechabites — " Hope of Bute" Tent, No 2325 Chief Ruler, Jas Bone. Secretary, T Falconer. Treasurer, W DryburnJ

Dorcas Society, established 1880, to benefit the respectable poor— Meets in Bishop street School-room—President, Mrs Matthews, the Parsonage. Secretary, Miss M'Isaac, Argyle street. Treasurer, Miss E M H Herbert, Brighton rd 61 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—ROTHESAY.

Mackinla y's TEMPERANCE HOTEL, Fronting* the Pier, Splendid Outlook from Sitting-Room Windows.

J. M'C. CALLAN, Family Grocer, Tea, Wine and Spirit Merchant, 19 East Princes Street. Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered by Van.

Established 50 Yeaes. DUGALD WEIR, BOOT and iHOEIl AHElf, 71 Montague Street.

Extra Large Stock of Keady-Mades.

Head-Quarters of All Kinds of Coast Shoes.

Established 181t5. Miss M. M'L. Higgie, (Successor to Miss M'LEA), Dress and Mantle Maker 20 Bridge street.

Trimmings, Linings and Furnishings Kept in Stock. — —

OFFICIALS—Eothesay Office-Bearers.

Rothesay Charity Organisation Society.— Instituted in 1909, to ameliorate the condition of the poor, repress mendacity, and expose imposture. —President, Provost Miller. Secretary, Wm Grant. Treasurer, Win Tytler Samaritan Hospital for the Diseases of Women, Glasgow. —President of the Rothesay Branch, Mrs Lawson, Albany Terrace

Mutual Improvement Literary Association, established 1853 — Meets in the Norman Stewart Institute on Tuesday evenings from October till March. Presi- dent, Jamas Lyon Secretary, Robert Fisher Treasurer, Geo Innes New Rothesay Literary Association, established 1906 — Meets in the Masonic Hall on Thursday evenings from October till March. President, councillor Mac- millan Secretary, Miss Whitfield. Treasurer, Miss Duncan Young Men's Christian Association and Fellowship Union—Meets in Foresters* Hall, Castle street, every Sabbath morning at 10 o'clock. President, A MBurnie* Secretary, T M*Dougall. Treasurer, A Ross Thomson Young Women's Christian Association—Meets in the Home, Bridge street, on Sabbath mornings and Thursday evenings during Winter— Hon President, Miss Dickson. Secretary and Treasurer, Miss Brown, Culevin House. Matron, Mrs. Waugh. Rural Branch Secretary Miss Bell, Westland road. Junior Branch meets on Tuesday evenings in Winter Boys' and Girls' Religious Society—Meets in the Public School, High street, every Sabbath at 11 a m. Supported by voluntary contributions—President, Wm Stewart. Secretary, Helen Stewart. Treasurer, George Jardine Rothesay Operatic Society— President, Secretary and Treas- urer, John Baxter Amateur Dramattc Club — President, R Fraser. Secretary and Treasurer, Walter Black Minstrel Troupe— President, Wm White. Secretary, Samuel Alexander.^Treas- urer, Wm M'Garrity. Conductor, Andrew Maitland National Home Reading Union. —Secretary, Miss Mary Ann Mackinlay, Ferny- crag, Crichton road

Boys' Brigade—1st Rothesay (^o. , meets in the Drill Hall, on Friday evenings for drill only— Captain, Alex R Peacock Sunday Bible class at 3 30

TEADE Societies Building Trades' Federation— Convener, James M'Bride, Secretary, Wm M'Intosh Factors' Association—President, Wm Hunter. Secretary, Alex Campbell, Auctioneer Associated Carpenters' and Joiner's Society — President, John Brown, Columshill place. Secretary, Dugald Gillies. Treasurer, John Brown. Merchants' Association — President, Robt C Miller. Secretary and Treasurer* Eben R Macmillan Scottish Typographical Association—Rothesay Branch—President, William M'Kay Secretary and Treasurer, Jas Clews Shop Assistants' Association — President, A. M*D Finlay. Secretary and Treasurer, Colin Currie Operative Masons' Society—President, Thomas Allan. Secretary, Treasurer,


J. Russell Thomson, Architect, C.E., and Surveyor, 5 High Street, Rothesay

Neil M'Callum,

Tea and Coffee Merchant and General Grocer, 96 Montague street

J. IVTCallum & Son, Joiners and Funeral Undertakers, 50 High street

The Savings Bank of Bute, 7 Castle street, Rothesay.

Open Daily from 10 till 2, Saturdays from 10 till 12; Thursday Evenings from 7 till 8, and Saturday Evenings from 7 till 9.

Alexander PePStOn, Leaves Daily. Corporation Telephone—4146 Glasgow and Rothesay Carrier, Glasgow, 48 Howard St., 1S4 Howard St., 43 Bell St., and 62 Argyle St Rothesay, 25 Montague St.

Alexander R. Peacock, Registered Plumber, Gasfitter and Zinc Worker, 23 High street, and 53 Ardbeg roa House Address— Glenfaulds, 10 Mountstuart Road. Hot and Cold Water Appliances, Be T l Hanging. Pumps, Rhones, Ridges, &c. N. Maenieol, Family Baker, Pastry Cook and Purveyor, Speciality in Cakes, Shortbread, Rusks, etc. 23 Montague St. & 81 High Stl Hot Pies Every Saturday. Soirees and Excursions Supplied. Biscuits and Pastry in Great Variety. Cakes of Every Description Made to Order. Marriage Parties Purveyed for in Fust-Class Style. Charges Moderate.

James Fisher, Seed, Grrain and Potato Merchant, 5 and 6 King st„ and 5 and 7 W. Castle st« Finest East Country Seed Oats. Bute nnd Ayrshire Ryegrass Seed. Seed Potatoes, Clover Seeds and Turnip Seeds of the Various Sorts in their Season. Special Potato, Grain and Turnip Manures, my Own Manufacture and Highest Analyses. Our Garden Manure cannot be surpassed for Vegetables and General Purposes. Rothesay—Sports, Fairs and Holidays.

SPORTS and Pastimes— Gulf Courses: Municipal, East Burgh Lands, opened May, 1908, Green-keeper, Donald Bremner. Westland, Green-keeper, John Currie, farmer Rothesay Golf Club — Captain, R D Macmillan. Secretary, James MrLay- Treasurer, George Smith Curling Club—President, L Milloy. Treasurer, W Dunlop Brown Secretary) J E. Thomson Bowling Clubs. —Rothesay — Green, Ballochgoy. Chairman of Directors, Provost Miller. President, Arch Campbell. Secretary and Treasurer, John McDonald. Green-keeper, Dugald Macfie Ardbeg and Port-Bannatyne— Green, Wyndham park—Chairman of Directors,

Peter White ; Secretary and Treasurer, Archd Brown, Victoria place, Port-

Bannatyne. President, John Robertson ; Club Secretary, Archd Brown, jun. Green-keeper, Joseph Brown Craigmore Tennis Club.— President, W M Linn. Secretary and Treasurer, H M Caldwell. Green-Keeper, J A Logan Football Clubs—" St Blane's" (established 1872) — President, Chas M'Auley. Secretary, J Boyle " Royal Victobia" (1891) — President, G G Hill. Secretary, M^Kecknie- Treasurer JWhiteford " Bute Athletic " —President, John Lyle. Secretary, Robt Stewart

'' • *• Rothesay (1908)— President, Councillor Thompson. Secretary, And Buchanan* Captain, Angus Thompson "Albert XI'* (1908)—President, D M'Kellar. Secretary, D MiLellan Quoiting Club—Pitch, Meadows.—President, J Pinkerton. Secretary, R Duncan- Treasurer, A Napier Ladies' Hockey Club. — President, Secretary and Treasurer, miss Mackay Ardbeg Tennis Club.—President, VV A Stewart. Secretary, Arch D Weir. Treas- surer, Mr Parker Aquatic Club —President, James Brown. Secretary and Treasurer, G G Hill. Swimming Club—President, Secretary and Treasurer' Walter Black. Captain, Arch Sprowl Draughts, Whist and Chess Clubs in connection with the several reading rooms. British Sea Anglers' Association, Rothesay Agent, Colonel Maclsaac.

Pairs.—Thursday before 27th May (hiring), third Wednesday and Thursday in July, Brux Day (horse), Thursday before 23rd November (hiring), and Tuesday before Kilbarchan December Fair (horse). [The first Wednesday in May and last Wed- nesday in October used to be the dates of fairs, and are still published in some re- ference books, but they are obsolete]

Annual Holidays—New Year's Day, Victoria Day, Fair, and Thursday, 16th Sept. First Wednesdays in November, December, February and March are merchants' holidays

Past Days —Thursday before first Sabbath in May, and third Sabbath in October


Samuel Thompson, Hatter and Outfitter, Victoria Street and Montague street

The Galatea Bap,

3, 5 and 7 Bridge-End Street,

Families Supplied, Duncan Bell, Spirit Merchant

Peter Grant, Family Bread, Biseuit and Pastry Baker, 104 Montague street Quality our Leading Feature. Goods Promptly Delivered. Daniel Cunningham, Plumber, Gasfitter and Zinc Worker,

3 Bridge St., Rothesay, and Castle st., Port-Bannatyne Telephone No. 196. Sanitary and Hot Water Engineer.

David Bell, Grocer, Tea and Wine and Spirit Merchant, 111 Montague street Special Value in Teas. Finest Blended Malt Whisky, 5 Years Old, 3s per Bottle.

Established 1880. James M'Intype, Shipping and Family Butcher,

Only Home Fed Beef and Mutton Kept. 81 Montague street

JOhn ThOPDUPn, Telephone No. 1X3. Fishmonger, Ice Merchant & Licensed Dealer in Game, (A few doors West from Post Office. 18 West Princes street Poultry Supplied. Rothesay— Communications and Postal Arrangements.

Communications— Steamers to Ardrishaig, Wemyss Bay, ^ourock, Greenock, Craigendofan, Glasgow, and intermediate ports, and the Kyles several times a day. In Summer, steamers ply regularly to Arran, Inveraray, and Campbeltown, and irregularly to all the surrounding ports. Electric cars run to Port-Banna- tyne and Ettrick Bay, and Brakes to Mountstuart and Kilchattan Bay several times a day.

Postal AirFangements. — Post Office, Bishop street. Postmaster, J J White- Deliveries at 7 (April to September only) and 9 am, 130 and 6 30 pm. On at Head Saturdays there is no mid-day delivery : letters can be obtained by calling Office. Letters, &c, may be had at counter half-an-hour before delivery is due by payment of a fee of 3d. During June, July, August and September, letters delivered to callers on Sunday mornings from 9 till 10 a m. Despatches at 6 30, 7 45, 9 55 (west), and 10 20 a m, 2 20, 3 10, and 4 20 pm, and in Summer 6 (Sat. 6 10) and 7 pm. Saturdays only, 8 20 pm 6 From June till September, to Tighnabruaich and Karnes, 5 50 pm. To Colintraiv and Tarbert, 6 5pm.

Money Orders issued and paid from 8am till 8pm

Savings Bank—Deposits received from 8am till 8pm Postal Orders issued and paid from 7am till 8pm: in Summer till 9pm Telephone Call Office open from 7 am till 8 pm: from June to September till 9.

On Sundays from 9 till 10am Telegraph Office open on week days from 7am till 8pm (open in June, July, Au- gust, and September, till 9 pm) Sundays from 9 till 10 a m. Messages can be sent at later hours by paying 2s extra Ardbeg road, Barone road and High street (T S O )—Despatches to suit Rothesay. Postal, Money Order, and Savings Bank business from 8am till 8 pm Craigmore Pier (T S O )—Despatches to suit Rothesay arrangements. Telegraph, 8am till 8pm Postal, Money Order, and Savings Bank business. No Sunday attendance

Sub-Post Office at Gallowgate, for the sale of stamps and sale and payment of postal orders

Additional Letter Boxes at Argyle place, Ballochgoy, Craigelea, Crichton roadj Ferguson place, Guildford square, High street, Mountpleasant, Mountstuart road» Orcadia, the Pier, Serpentine road, Golf Course, and Rosemount, Barone road


J. Miller & Son, Slaters, 5 Columshill street

DunCail CUPPie, Telephone, No. 67. Fa m ily :BuLtolx©r, (Opposite Post Office), 3 Bishop street

Alexander M'Nab, Joiner, Glazier and Funeral Undertaker,

24 Watergate. House—2 Mountpleasant Road

Matthew Dunean & Co., Plasterers, Cement Workers, and Tile Layers, 52 Ladeside street

Carriage Hiring and Livery Stables, William Moodie, V. S., Proprietor,

House, 18 Mounistuart Road. 20 Watergate James Thompson,Bootmaker, 94 Montague street Measurement Orders and Repairs promptly attended to. All Sizes of Keady Made Boots and Shoes of Best Quality kept in Stock at LowestPrices. Repairs done same day as left, if required.

Buy your Teas, Groceries and Provisions at Clinningham'S. Established 1878. Telephone No, 4y. 81 Montague street Where you will get a Choice Variety of Fresh Goods at City Prices. The Famed Warehouse for Genuine Value, First-Class Quality and Keenest Prices. A Trial Order Solicited. Goods Delivered by Van Daily. Daniel M'Gilp, Rothesay, ^ort-Bannatyne, Cratgmore and Glasgow.

3 ' L tand 17 Miller Street, J gow For all Parts per Globe Express, Limited, 3 High street, Rothesay Parish of North Bute.

'I HIS is the northern portion of the island of Bute. Port- Ban natyne, its principal -* village, is two and a-half miles from Rothesay, with which it is connected by tram- way. Karnes Castle, in the vicinity, is said to be the oldest inhabited castle in the country, and was the ancient seat of the Bannatynes. The village was named after that family—two brothers of whom (John and Gilbert)—received a charter from King Bobert the Bruce, for services rendered at Bannockburn. At the last census, there were 367 inhabited houses (1627 windowed rooms) and 192 uninhabited in the parish, and 373 separate families—793 males and 940 females—giving a total of 1733. The Port-Bannatyne ward (from Poiuthouse to the other end of the village and back to Gortans and Bannatyne Mains) contained 473 males and 627 females — 1100 in all; the North Bute ward, 125 males and 140 females; and the Cum- mermenoch ward, 195 males and 173 females. The total ten years ago was 1583, which shows an increase of 150 on the decimal period. Parliamentary constituency 1908-9, 369

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists).

Assessments for 1908-9—Poor rate, 6d 2-13ths; registration, 3-1 6ths; burial, 9-16ths; education, 3d 5-16ths; and park, 3-16ths—total, proprietors, 5d 5-16th; oc- cupiers, 5d 9-16ths per £

Registrar, Archd. Brown. In 1907 there were 28 births, 12 marriages and 32 deaths „ 1908 „ 20 „ 10 „ 18 „

— ; CHURCHES. North Bute Parish (hours of worship : Crockanrae, 1 30 p m St Ninian's 11am and 6 30 p m) — Minister, Rev Peter Dewar, m a. Session Clerk, P White. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Rev P Dewar. Precentor, George Welsh. Harmoniumist, Miss A Welsh. Church Officer, Ales Morrison, Lome pi Nokth Bute United Free Church, Port-Bannatyne (hours of worship, 11 am and 6 30 pm —Minister, Rev John Dunlop. Session Clerk, Archd Brown. Clerk of Deacons' Court, David Baird. Superintendent of Sabbath School, J Howitt. Precentor, David Baird. Harmoniumist, Miss L Dale. Church Officer, David Meldrum, Shore st

PARISH Council — Chas Thomson (chairman), Wm P Dickie, John M Lamont, Archd Malcolm, James P Malcorn, John MrKay and Jas Wilson. Inspector and Collector, Archd Brown

SCHOOL Board. —M R G Buehanan (chairman); Revs Peter Dewar, M A, and John Dunlop, W P Dickie, and John Macfie. Clerk and Treasurer, J R Thomson, Hothesay Officer, James Wilson, Port-Bannatyne oohools.—Port-Bannatyne Public, Peter White, master; Misses Cameron and Duncan, assistants Ballanlay, Miss Hogarth, mistress Kildavannan, Miss Blaikie, mistress 59 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—PORT-BANNATYNE. Archibald Malcom, ] Yacht and Boatbuilder, JOINER, Painter and Chandler, PORT-BANNAT YfN*E.

Oars, Spars and Blocks. Best Steel and Flexible Wire Ropes Best Paraffin Coke. Yacht Chandlery. Paints, Oils and Varnishes of Finest Quality always on hand. Best English Ropes and Twines. Yachts hauled up for Wintering. Painting and Repairs. FRESH WATER SUPPLIED.

First-Class Storage for Spars, Sails, Boats and Gear. Charges Strictly Moderate.

Mrs Malcolm Macphail, Successor to Duncan Currie, Glass and China Merchant, Ship Chandler, Ironmonger, Tobacconist and Fancy Goods Merchani, Sandpingham Terrace, Shore Street, A Varied Assortment of Household and Yacht Requisites. Oils, Paints, Varnish, Brushes, &c, Always in Stock. OFFICIALS—North Bute.

Public Companies. Societies, etc — Kamesburgh Gas Light Company—Chairman, James Duncan. Secretary, John M Lamont. Collector, James VVilsou

Kyles of Bute Hydropathic Establishment—Chairman, J, M'Callum, M p, Paisley. Secretary, D Hill Jack, Glasgow. Manager, Archibald Menzies. kiedical Adviser, Dr Hall, .hothesay

Port-Bannatyne Pier Coy, Ltd.; Office, Rothesay Pier. Chairman, Captain John Williamson. Secretary, Arch Meikle. Piermaster, J M'Cubbin A.O.F. —Court " North Bute" 6216— Vleets in the old Free Church Schoolroom every alternate Tuesday at 8 p m—Chief Ranger, Arch Brown Secretary, William Dallas. Treasurer, J*mes Wilson

I.O.G.T.—Lodge " North Bute" No 649— Vleets in the old Free Church Schoolroom, on Mondays at 8 p m C T, D M "Arthur. Secretary, North Bute Literary Society—President, Wm Maxwell, j p. Secretary, Thomas M^Laggan. Treasurer, E R Finlayson North Bute Liberal Club, West End House — President, Arch Hogarth. Secretary and Treasurer, Jas Moir North Bute Unionist Association—President, Arch. Malcolm Secretary, Jas Brown Treasurer, James Wilson A. OR. — Port-Bannatyne Beacon Tent—Chief Ruler, H K Orr. Secretary, Peter Morrison. Treasurer, Jas Wilson, jun

Fast Day.-. —Thursdays before first Sabbath in May, and third in October

Postal, Arrangements—Sub-Postmistress, Miss M McCunn, Port-Bannatyne —Despatches to all parts, via Rothesay, at 9 50 a m, 12 25, 1 25, 3 25, (5 25 extra in Summer), and 7 55 p m. Deliveries from all parts via Rothesay, about 10 a m, 2 30 and 7 30 pm. Telegrams received and despatched from 8am till

8 pm. Postal, .VI oney Order and Savings Bank. No attendance on Sundays


Parish of Kingarth.

THIS parish is rich in ecclesiastical history. The Irish Bishop, St Cattan, landed here in the year 439. He was uncle of the famous StBlane. The parish includes the popular village of Kilchattan Bay, which is about seven miles from Rothesay, and has regular connection by steamer and 'bus. The population in 1891 was 1062 ; in 1901, 1056

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists).

Assessments for 1908-9—Poor rate, education, and registration 7fd per £1—on both proprietor and tenant, ^d less than former year.

Registrar, W T Esplin, (During 1907 there were 16 births, 7 marriages and 7 deaths Schoolhouse. \ 1908 „ 31 „ 5 „ 10 „

CHURCHES Parish (Hour of Worship, 12 o'clock noon) —Minister, Rev John Saunders m a, b d Session-Clerk and Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Rev John Saunders. Precentor, James Logan. Church Officer, W Stewart

United Free, Ascog (Hours of Worship, 1115 am and 6 30 pm—Minister, and Superintendent of Sabbath Schools, Rev Wm Winter. Organist, Church Officer, A S Dobbie, Rothesay

United Free, Kilchattan Bay (Hours of Worship, 12 noon and 6 30 pm.) Min- ister and Session-Clerk, Rev Thos Jeffrey, ma. Precentor, T Johnston. Church Officer, Adam Dean

PARISH COUNCIL—Mountstuart District—Hugh Duncan, Robert M'Alister and Alex Macfarlane. Kilchattan Bay District—Wm Morrison, Ashgrove (chair-

man), George Baillie, flesber ; Arch. M. M*Kay, Bruchag; and Robert Kelso, piermaster. Inspector and Collector, W T Esplin

SCHOOL BOARD— Sir R P Butler, Rothesay (chairman) ; Rev John Saunders; Hugh

Duncan, Langalchorad ; Alex Macfarlane, Meikle Kilchattan ; and Rev Wm Win- r ter, Ascog. Clerk and Treasurer. James M Kinnon, Rothesay. Officer, James Logan, Kilchattan Bay

SCHOOLS —Kingarth Public— W T Esplin, master Miss Christie, mistress Birgidale Public— Miss Mary Ann Stewart, mistress Kerrycroy Public—Wm Fulton, master „ Roman Catholic— John Linsley, master

Kilchattan Bay Pier Company (Limited)—Chairman, Alex. M/Tarlane. Secretary, and Treasurer, W T Esplin. Piermaster, R Kelso

Total Abstinence Society meets on Fridays at 8 p.m. in the U. F. Church Hall. Coates Free Library, Public School, Kingarth—Secretary, Thomas Gilmour, junj x Librarian, Fergus M Fie 63 — —



A jew opinions of latest issue.

The British Empire Journalists, while visiting Scotland, thanfully acknowledged receipt of copies.

" Scottish Scenery is marvellously beautiful."—Esperanto, Hornsby, N.S.W., May, 1909.

" It is of great value to Esperantists, and should be widely taken up by them." Dundee Advertiser, 1st July, 1909.

' " A new issue of a booklet of views typical of Scottish Scenery ' or Skotlando Pejzago ' in Esperanto, for this is virtually an Esperanto publication, having been first produced in commemoration of the International Congress held in Cambridge in 11)07, and re-issued annually since. The brief descriptions are printed in English as well as Esperanto. The views, executed by Messrs Valen- tine, are fairlv representative of the beauties of 'Skotlando.'" Aberdeen Daily Journal, 5th July, 1909.

" . . . The views are exceptionally well brought out, are typical of Scotland's varied scenery, and each has a history as true, romantic and varied as the liveliest imagination. "—Elgin Courant and Courier, 6th July, 1909.

" . The book is not only an attractive one, but its pages form an introduction to the quaint language, one of whose objects is to hasten on the day " ' Kiam homaro tra la tuta mondo, farigos fratoj malgrau cio.' Glasgow Herald, 8th July, 1909.

Bonnie Scotland's Resorts. Is Esperanto Worth Learning*? Belega Skotlando. Scottish Scenery. A Skotlanda Pejzago. The Coast Guide. La Skoto Alilande.

La Enamigo de la Nacioj. Mems. for the Wayfarer. HIGGIE & CO., PUBLISHERS, ROTHESAY, SCOTLAND. OFFICIALS—Kingarth.

Pvblic Libraby, Kerrycroy—William Fulton

1 G T, Mountstuart—Meets on Fridays, at 8—J G"Geddes, Superintendent of Juve- niles

* Agnes Patbick" and "Stevehson" Home, Ascog, in connection with Glasgow Poor Children's Fresh-Air Fortnight Scheme—Matron, Miss Hart. Convener and Secretary, Alex M'Keith, 16 Howard street, Glasgow

Bute Golf Club, the oldest course in the island, beautifully situated along Quochag shore—Captain, Rev J Saunders, b.d. Secretary and Treasurer, W T Esplin, Schoolhouse

Kingarth Bowling Club — President, D Bell, baker. Secretary and Treasurer, Charles M'Farlane St Blane's Rowling Club — President, J Bell, Millhouse. Secretary, D M'Quat. Treasurer, Thomas Johnston

Kilchattan Bay Sale Fair—Second Thursday after Rothesay Cattle Show Fast Days—Thursdays before first Sabbath in May and third in October

Postal Arrangements—Kingarth, Sub-Postmaster, R M'Fie, joiner. Kilchattan Bay, Sub- Postmistress, Janet Currie. Box closes at 6 10 a m and 2 15 p m Despatches to all parts via Rothesay, about 6 30 a m and 2 25 p m. During May, June, July, August and September an extra mail leaves at 1. Deliveries from all parts via Rothesay, about 11 30 am, and 8 15 pm. Telegrams from 8am till 8 pm. Sunday, 9am till 10 a m. Telephone, local and trunk Postal and Money Order and Savings Bank Business Ascog—Sub-Postmistress, Mrs Creighton—Deliveries and despatches to suit Rothe- say arrangements. Telegrams from 8am till 8 pm. Sunday attendance 9 till 10 am. Postal and Money Order and Savings Bank business Kerrycroy Office—Sub- Postmistress, Mrs Black— Postal and sale of Postal Orders from 8 till 8. No Sunday attendance

65 .


The Bute County Directory is the only Publication of the kind printed and published in Buteshire. Its data is carefully compiled, and much time and attention is devoted each year to the careful investigation and noting the necessary alterations in the personnel of the occupants of public offices, the correct addresses of the general inhabitants, and the latest changes amongst those engaged in trade. The earliest publications connected with Rothe- say were Directories, and they are interesting reading even at this time of day. Our publication not only includes Rothesay, but embraces the whole County of Bute, and though it has increased in usefulness and circulation, its price and advertisement tariff have remained the same.

Whole-Page Advertisement, .. .. £10 (Special Positions by arrangement).

Half-Page, . . . 12 6 Quarter, ...... 076 Eighth, ...... 5 Lines, each, ...... 010 Prominent Names, each, .. .. 10 Copy of Directory (postage 2d) .. .. 10 HIGGIE & CO PUBLISHERS, ROTHESAY.

July, 1909. The Isle of Appan.

THIS island, the largest in the group, is famous for the grandeur of its scenery and the variety of its geological deposits. The island is twenty miles in length, twelve in breadth, and is divided into two parishes—Kilbride ontheeaat, and Kilmory on the west. The King and Queen spent a very pleasant holiday in the island after their Coronation in August, 1902, and witnessed interesting sheep dog trials

Total rainfall for 1908 (registerd at Brodick) 72.34 inches

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists)

Population in 1881, 4762 ; in 1891, 4927 ; in 1901, 4779

For Valuation and Assessments see pages 17, 19 and 21

Lady of the Manor- -Lady Mary, (only daughter of the late William Alexander Louis Stephen Douglas Hamilton, 12th Duke of Hamilton and Brandon, &c), now Mar- chioness of Graham.

Commissioner—The Marquis of Graham

Factor on Estate—A Hugh Douglas, Brodick

Sheriff Court held once a Quarter at Brodick. Hon Sheriff- Substitute Depute, James Allan, Balnacoole. Sheriff-Clerk Depute, Wm Munro, 24 Hamilton Ter- race, Lamlash

Arran Farmers' Society. —Annual exhibition of live stock in August, and of roots, &c, in November. President, Marquis of Graham. Secretary, Wm Brown, She- dog. Joint-Treasurers, John B Sweet and George Laidler, Lamlash

Coast Guard Stations. —Lamlash—Samuel Luck. Kildonan and Lloyd's Signal Station— Officer, Patrick Green

Arran Conservative Association. — Hon. President, Marquis of Graham; Chairman* Robert Jamieson, md, Brodick; Secretary, Robert Hamilton, Kincardine, Brodick

Arran Golf Club— President, George Laidler ; Secretary, Peter Allan




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Prints like a Press. New 1909 Models.

New Line-Locking Device, &e. Local Agent, No Ribbon. Compact Keyboard, Geo. Higgle, Rapid. Strong. Guaranteed. Shorthand Teacher

GLASGOW OFFICE: 22 Bridge Street, v 69 Bothwell Street. Rothesay. — — ;

Parish of Kilbride

|\HUECHES Established, Brodick. Rev Malcolm M'Lean, m a, dd. Kilbride ^"^ —Rev Peter Robertson, ma. Corrie—Rev J. Brown, ma. Whiting Bay—Rev ^ John Gillies M <

Uwited Free.—Brodick—Rev Alex. Sutherland. Whiting Bay—Rev Norman M'Kenzie. Lamlash—Rev Hugh Alexander Kildonan—Rev Donald M'Donlad

Free Church.—Brodick Whiting Bay—Samuel Hannah

Congregational. —Sannox—Rev Allan M'Dougall

PARISH COUNCIL—Corrie Ward—Alex M'Millan and Rev Allan M'Dougall, Brodick Ward—A Hugh Douglas (chairman), Robert Hamilton, and Rev Dr M'Lean. Lamlash Ward—John Wallace and John W Inglis. Whiting Bay Ward—John Cumming and Wm Hamilton Inspector, John R Thomson Collector, John B Sweet. Medical Officer, Robert Jamieson, m d

SCHOOL BOARD.—A Hugh Douglas (chairman), and James Inglis, Brodick; R W

Forsyth, Corrie ; Rev N Mackenzie, Whiting Bay ; and Rev P Robertson, Lam- lash f Clerk and Treasurer, John B Sweet, Lamlash

SCHOOLS —Corrie — J C Burns. Brodick—A P Lundie . Lamlash — Henry Wilkie, M A. Whiting Bay—Peter Downie

Brodick Doctors—Neil Fullerton, m b, cm, Lamlash ; and Robert Jamieson, M D, Bank of Scotland—John B Sweet, agent, Lamlash. Brodick Branch open on Tuesdays in Summer, Fridays additional

Registrars of Births, &c—Brodick—A P Lundie. Kilbride—John R Thomson

Post Offices—Brodick—Annie E Ribbeck. Corrie—Jane Douglas. King's Cross— J Cook. Lamlash—R S M'Neish. Whiting Bay—Archibald McMillan

Piermasters — Brodick — A Currie. Lamlash — James Hodge. Whiting Bay — Thomas Miller

Ferrymen—Corrie—Thomas Kelso. King's Cross, John Cook

Masonic—" St Molio's" Lodge, No 774, Lamlash— Secretary, t Robert M'Millan

Lamlash Golf Club — Captain, Donald M'Kelvie. Secretary, P Allan. Treasurer, R Hamilton 69 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENT. OFFICIALS—Kilbride.

Brodick Burns Club—President, Robert Currie. Secretary and Treasurer, Hugh Miller Reid, Schoolbouse

Lamlasb Curling Club—Secretary and Treasurer, John Bannatyne, Lamlash

Lamlasb Lawn Tennis Club—Secretary, D M'Kelvie

Lamlash Bowling Club—Secretary and Treasurer, Daniel Crawford

Communions—First Sundays in May and November

Fairs—Brodick—(Cattle, Sbeep, and Horses) Tuesday after 20th June Lamlash—(Cattle, Sheep, and Horses) Friday before Irvine May Fair [first Toeeday], and Wednesday before October Falkirk Tryst [second Tuesday]

Communications—Steamers to and from Ardrossan daily, and additional in Summer via Rothesay daily —



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The Best! The Cheapest! The Safest!

Ask your Chemist or Merchant for the New Prices," or write us direot

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All LITTLE'S DIPS »re approved by the Board of Agriculture

for Sheep Scab. \ — — —

Parish of Kilmopy

/iHURCHES Established. —High Kilmory—Rev Andrew Wm Kennedy, ma V^ Shiskine—Rev A Campbell. Lochranza—Rev N. Macleod United Free. —Jinmory Kildonan—Rev D M'Donald. Lochranza Shiskine—Rev John W M'Dougall. Pirnmill— Rev John Kennedy

PARISH COUNCIL. —Lochranza Ward — Duncan Brown and Duncan Sillars, Dougarie Ward—James Allan (chairman), Angus M'Alister, and Matthew McAllister. Shedog Ward—Neil Robertson and Neil Cook, South End Ward —Arch M'Kelvie and Donald M'Donald Inspector, John R Thomson. Collector, John B Sweet. Medical Officer, Thomas Rutherford, m b, c m

SCHOOL BOARD. Allan, Balnacoole (chairman); Alex. M'Neil, Kildonan —James ;

Rev John Kennedy, Catacol ; Angus M'Kenzie, Tormore ; John M'Bride,

J \ Shannochie ; John Brown, Corriecravie ; and D Cook, Slidderie Clerk and Treasurer, Charles Sym, Shiskine

SCHOOLS.—Dougarie Public—Neil Downie. Drimlabarra—J D M*Kinnon. Kil- mory—J Cameron. Lochranza—Arch M*Alister. Penrioch—Kenneth M'Leod. Shiskine—Robert T Irvine. Slidderie

Doctor—Thomas Rutherford, m b, c m, Shiskine

Post Offices. ~ Kilmory—James Cook. Lochranza—Arch Kelso. Skiskine—Alex M*Bride. Pirnmill— Chas Robertson

Registrars of Births, &c. — Kilmory — J Cameron. Lochranza—Archd M'Alister Skiskine—Robert T Irvine >

Piermaster.—Lochranza—Robert Kerr.

Ferrymen. — Blackwaterfoot —Peter Kelso. Machrie Bay—Angus Sim. Pirnmill— Chas Robertson

Fair—Lochranza (Cattle, Sheep, and Horses), first Tuesday in June

Communications—Campbeltown steamers from Glasgow and Greenock call at Loch- ranza and Pirnmill daily. Argyll Coast steamer from Glasgow, Greenock or Fairlie calls at Blackwaterfoot and Machrie Bay twice a week. During Summer communication by Turbine Steamer daily

7S BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS. MILLPORT. Al Ian Speirs, Family Bread, Biscuit and Pastry Baker, / Foot of Church Hill, & 22£ Kelburne Street. HOT PIES. Parties will receive every information as to where they can be accommodated with Furnished and Unfurnished Houses.

John Cunningham, Bread, Biscuit, Pastry Baker and Confectioner, S\ GUILDFORD STREET.

Evening Dishes and Covered. Hot Pies Every Saturday Baked ^ Wedding Cakes. —

Parish of Cumbrae.

THIS parish comprises the islands of the Great and Little Cumbrae off the Ayrshire coast. The Burgh of Millport, on the larger Isle, is a popular watering-place.

This isle is 12 miles in circumference, and has a well-made road round it. On the •mailer isle is the Cumbrae Lighthouse.

(For Courts and Court Officials, Justices of the Peace, and County Boards, see County Lists).

- - Assessments : - Owners, lOd ; occupiers, Is lOd. Consolidated Rates, ,, 5fd ; „ l^d Poor Rate, - - - „ 3£d ; „ 3£d School Rate, „ 3|d; „ 3£d - - - Registration, ,, Od ; „ Od

Lord of the Manor : The Marquis of Bute. Factor, Sir Richard P Butler, Rothesay

Registrar of Births, Marriages, and Deaths : Wm Hunter

Sheriff Small Debt Courts—Held in March and September. Sheriff-Clerk Depute James Ross, Fairfield house

PARISH COUNCIL.—James C Sharpe (chairman), James Crawford, John Cunning- ham, j p, Rev Archd Grierson, John M'Kirdy, Robert Robertson, and George W Thomson Inspector and Clerk, James Ross. Collector, Wm Hunter

CHURCHES. Parish (hours of worship, 11 am and 6 30 p m)~Minister, Rer Archibald Grierson m a. Interim Session- Clerk, Wm Crawford

East United Free (hours of worship, 11 am and 6 30 pm): Minister, Rer Alex Walker, m a. Assistant, Rev David B Nicol, m a

West United Free (hours of worship, 11 a m and 6 30 p m—Minister, Rev James Frame m a, b d

Scottish Episcopal Church—Cathedral of Argyll and the Isles— Bishop, Right Rev Kenneth Mackenzie. Provost, Very Rev T I Ball, ll D. Canons, Very Rev Dean Pressley- Smith, m a, W M Low, m a, and C T Wakeham (Synod Clerk) Honorary Canons, Revs Hon H Douglas, m a., Bishop of Moray,

da F Ramsay, M a. Chapter Clerk, James Gordon. Hours of service : Sun- days (except first in month) H C 8 30 am. Evensong and Sermon, 6 30 pm. Holy Days, H C, 8 30 am; Evening 8 pm. Week days, H C, 8 30 am; Matins, 10 a m, Evening, 3 pm. (SO Surpliced Choir).

St Andrew's ; Rector, Very RevT I Ball, lld. Hours of service ; Sundays, H 0»

10 15 a m (first in month) ; Matins, 11 am. Holy Days, Matins, 11 a m. The services in St Andrew's and the Cathedral are intended to be complementary of each other

Local Agent for the Trustees : James Ross, Fairfield house

Baptist (hours of worship, 11am and 6 30 p m) : Pastor—Student supply 75 —


1 Successful Advertising .

'PHOSE Advertisers who realise the importance of having their Printing Embellished with Illustrations, should see our lists of several Hundreds of Electros for use by dealer* in

Boots and Shoes Jewellery Carpets iH£t Music Clothing Optical Goods Coals Perambulators China and Glass Photography Cycles Sewing Machine8 Dentistry /f Sport Drapery Tailoring [g|f s

Drugs t Tobacco, &c Furniture Toys General Goods Trunks Groceries Umbrellas Hosiery Wallpapers Ironmongery Waterproofs

METAL PRICE TICKETS. PA T E NT Beautifully Lithographed in Colours and Gold, For Automatic Attachment.

Always Neat, Bright and Clean. Price Lists and Samples from HIGGIE & CO., ROTHE8AY. :


CUMBRAE SCHOOL B0ARD_Re v Provost Ball (chairman), Rev Archd Grierson, D M'Dougall, James C Sharpe, and Mrs Mary Mackay Clerk and Treasurer, J Ross. Officer and Janitor, Sergeant Blues

SCHOOLS— Cumbrae Public—Headmaster, Robert Paterson, m a. Mistress, Infant and Industrial, Miss M'Dougall. Second Master, Jn Dickie. Assistants, Misses Mortison and Mary Young

Cathedral—James Gordon, master

Doctors ; John Macrury, mb,cm. H Sinclair, lfpsg

Bank ; Union, Stuart Street. Thomas W Cochrane, agent

Law Agent ; Wm M*Kinlay

Masonic—Lodge " Kelburne" No 459~Meets on the first Friday of each month in the

Masonic Hall, Crawford street, at 8 p m ; R W M, Wm Crawford, Secretary, Alex Caldwell. Treasurer, J C M Murray

Marine Biological Association of the West of Scotland : President, H Barr. Secretary, Dr J Brownlee. Treasurer, G Middleton. Director, Richard Elmhirst

Cumbrae Branch of Buteshire Liberal Association ; President, Thomas Clark Secretary, Robt Hunter

Association President, Cumbrae Unionist ; George W Thomson. Secretary, James A Macfarlane. Janitor, Sergeant-Major Millar

Cumbrae Women's Unionist Association.— President, Mrs M*Dougall. Secretary. Miss Gardner. Treasurer, M S Young

Curling Club : President, James W Reid. Secretary and Treasurer, Alex Houston

Cumbrae Golf Club: Captain, R Robertson. Secretary, J A Macrae. Treasurer,

Burial Ground : Superintendent, Duncan Brown. Clerk and Treasurer, Wm. Hunter BUTESHIRE: THE COUNTY,


This Directory is the reference book to which

ALL—whether strangers or residenters—turn

for information regarding the resources avail-

able in town or country, for business or pleasure.

We aim at giving complete and thoroughly

up-to-date information, and for that purpose

respectfully solicit the hearty assistance of the whole community.

HIGGIE & CO., Publishers.

Rothesay, 1909-10 .

i Burgh of Millpoptv

landward, total* POPULATION of Burgh in 1891, 1662 ; in 1901, 1655 ; 114— 1769. Municipal constituency, 933

Assessments : Owners, lOd ; Occupiers, Is lOd. CORPORATION. —Provost, Robert Cockburn ; Bailies, J Cunningham and Duncan

Whitelaw ; Police Judge, Mackay ; Councillors,, T Clark, R Crawford, Alex Faulds, A Hamilton, and H Wales Committees—Finance—The Provost, convener Works and Water—Councillor Wales, convener Gas— Bailie Whitelaw, convener Lighting—Councillor Crawford, convener. Public Health—Bailie Cunningham, convener Library and Town Hall—Councillor Mackay, convener Piers—The Provost, convener Entertainments—Councillor Wales, convener Dean of Guild—The Provost the Dean

Officials: Clerk, Wm Mackinlay. Procurator- Fiscal, David Harper. Treasurer and Collector, Arch Cameron. Medical Officer, Geo Thomson, M D. Inspector of Nuisances and Burgh Surveyor, Robert Adam

Horticultural Society ; President, James Wallace ; Secretary, Harry Taylor; Treasurer, Arch Cameron.

Millport Bowling Club ; President, Jas Boyd. Treasurer, J W Cochrane. Secretary, B J Whall

Millport Trades' Association ; President, John Cunningham, J p. Secretary, J Wallace

Mutual Plate Glass Insurance Association : President, William Allan. Secretary, Charles Hunter. Treasurer, James Ross

Co-Operative Society, Limited : President and Traasurer, Thomas Reid. Secretary, R Caldwell.

Penny Savings Bank ; Trustees- -William Martin, Freeland (chairman), Rev James Frame (secretary).

Holidays ; First Thursdays after 15th April and 15th October

Post Office ; Postmistress, Miss Mary Cunningham. Arrivals and despatches twice daily in winter, thrice daily in summer

Communications; Steamers sail daily to Glasgow, Greenock, Wemyss Bay, and Fairlie during summer months. Daily to Largs and Wemyss Bay all the year

79 .


istallifhed 18t6 Telephon* No. H G. Hicks & Son, Chemists and Druggists, Guildford Square and Victoria Street.

Fhctographic Material Kept in^Stock. John Lamont, Family Bread, Biscuit and .Pastry Baker, 23 Gallowgate, Rothesay.

Goods Delivered to Port-Bannatyne Daily.

> Presents from Rothesay.

VisitOPS and Residents will be certain to find what they want At DOUGALL & CO/S, FANCY GOODS WAREHOUSES,

26, 27 and 29 MONTAGUE ST., and 24 EAST PRINCES ST., (Corner High Street.) (Corner Bishop Terrace Brae). Hugh Lauder, (Successor to George Edward), Watchmaker, Jeweller and Optician, 8 Albert Place, {Opposite the Harbour).

Souvenirs of Bute. Scotch Pebble Jewellery. Engagement Rings. Wedding Presents. Spectacles and Eye Glasses. Watches and Clocks Cleaned and Repaired. H. L.'» Refined Bink Plate Powder, 3d per Packet. 2 Packets, ost free, for 6d. PART III. HOUSEHOLDERS.

Burgh and Parish of Rothesay.

Anderson, Mrs Agnes, 62 Mountstuart rd Anderson, Andrew, 8 Gallowgate Anderson, Geo., 144 High st Acton, John, druggist, Lilyoak ter Anderson, Geo., gardener, Gowanbrae, Adams, Mrs Jane, 5 Argyle st Columshill st "" *~ rr S| Adams , Academy road Anderson, Hu.. gardener, 14 Castle st Adamson, John, photographer, Balloch- Anderson, Miss Jeannie, 17 Marine pi goy ter Anderson, John, slater, Ardmory rd

Affleck, Js , blacksmith, 12 Castle st Anderson, Mrs Margt., 93 High st Agnew, John, artist, 2 Bridge st Anderson, R. D., 4 Albany ter Aird Thos., engineer, 31 Columshill st Anderson, Thos. W., Ballochgoy

Aitehison, Mrs Thomas, grocer, 30 Mill Anderson , 36 Columshill st

st ; res, Dagmar, Barone rd Anderson, Rev Wm., 62 Mountstuart rd Aitken, Miss Charlotte, 8 Ardbeg rd Anderson, Mrs, Toward view, Ardbeg

Aitken, Hn., mason, 74 Ardbeg rd Andrew , Alexandra ho., Craigmore Aitken, Thos., butcher, Bellvue rd Angus, James, 47 Ardbeg rd Aitken, Mrs, 4 West Castle st Angus, Mrs, 22 Ardbeg rd >? Alton, Miss May, Glen, Rosa pi Archer, Mrs Cath., 19 Store lane

Aitkenhead, Wm., 32Staffa pi Armstrong, Jms , 25 Columshill st Alexander, capt. Alex., Braemar Arrol, Miss, Kastlands rd Alexander, Mrs Ethel, Mountstuart rd Arthur, Kobt., car driver, 6 Hillhouse rd Alexander, John, bank accountant, Audley, Miss, Argyle ter Brandane ter, Barone rd Auld, John, engineer, 63 Ardbeg Alexander, Mrs Marion, 27 Argyle st Austin, John, insurance agent, 103 Mon- Alexander, Thomas W., Sheriff -clerk, tague st ho, Graylands, 50 Mountstuart rd Alexander, Samuel k\ 7 Union st Allison, J. D., barber, 57 Ardbear rd Allan, And., insurance agt., 25 Colums- hill st Bailey, Miss, Inkerman ter - Allan, Mrs Alex., Argyle pi Baillie, Angus, 17 Gallowgate Allan, Misses Eliz .and Mary Ann H., 28 Baillie, Robert, 4 West Castle st

Ardbeg rd Bain, Miss Mry , Torr cot., H. Craigmore Allan, Jms., cashier, 13 Marine pi Bainbridge, Mrs, 5 Battery pi Allan, John, 4 Battery pi Baines, Miss Wlmn*., Ardmory rd Allan, John. Hillhouse rd Baird, And. B., blacksmith and farrier, Anderson, Wm., tenter, E. Princes st 113 High st; ho, Rosewood, Glebelands Allan, John, 21 Russell st Baird, Arthur, grocer, 72 Ardbeg rd

( Allan, Rev T. Nelson, Craigmore Parish Baird, Geo. , purveyor, 25 Columshill st

Church ; manse, Lome Lodge Baird, Mrs Jane, 2 Argyle st Anderson, Alx., calenderer, 35 Bridge st Baird, Mrs Mary, 3 Hillhouse rd

A nderson , E. Princes st Baird, Mrs Mary Ann, 9 Marine pi p 81 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—ROTHESAY. BUCHANAN'S Hotel Vic fori a ON THE ESPLANADE, Opposite the Gardens and Band Stand.

SPACIOUS BILLIARD ROOM. Two Buppoughs & Watts Tables.

Splendid Bar in Connection with Hotel.


*pHIS Establishment is situated in front of the Pier, where Steamers arrive and depart almost every half-hour, and affords magnificent Views of the Bay, Loch Striven, and the Kyles of Bute. " Tourists by the Columba," "Iona," " Lord of the Isles," or other Steamesr will find the Bute Arms one of the most comfortable resting-places on the Wet, Coast of Scotland, and being under the direct superintendence of the Proprietor Visitors may depend on every attention. The Sanitary Arrangements have been entirely remodelled, and are now certifieds as perfect.

Table d'Hote, BILLIARD6 30 p.m.ROOJU. Parties Boarded by the Week or Month. Golf Course in close proximity to Hotel. ROBERT~SMITH, Proprietor. ';


Barnes, Miss Jeanie, 35 Ardbeg rd Bird, Mrs Isa., 50 Crichfen rd Bar lay Alex., engineer, 24 Bridge st Bisland, Win., 10 Mansefield pi Barclay, Alex., mason, 34a Columshill st Black, Arch., ctl. dealer, Mountpleasant Barclay, Geo., cloth lapper, 1 Logie pi Black, A. S., farmer, Bogany Barr, Alex. potato dealer, Wyndham rd Black, Chas., , pensioner, 22 Kussdl st Barr, James K., Bute Mansions Black, Danl.,, ctl. dlr., 34a Columshill st Barr, David, steward, II Columsh.il st Black, Dugald M'A., grocer, 2 Castle st; Barr, Mrs Janet, 85 Ardbeg rd Black, Duncan, gardener, 20 Mill st Barr, John, chandelier, 31 £ Ardbeg rd Black, Dune, jun,, joiner, 14 Ru-sell st

. Barr, Peter, fishcurer, 35 Watergate Black, Geo., flesher, 11 Montague st * ; ho, Glebe lands, Mountpleasant rd Black, Jardine, 11 Bridge st Barr, Win., engineer, 87 Ardbeg rd Black, John, flesher. 21 High st Barrie, Matth., 2 Union st Black, Miss Jessie, 12 W. Princes st Barrowman, R., moulder. 15 Staffa pi Black, John, Glebe lands Barton, Miss Helen, 8 Columshill pi Black, John, cabman, 55 Montague st Barton, Mrs, 5 Craigmore rd Black, John, shipmaster, 22 Argyle st B.xter, capt Arch., 3 Marine pi Black, John S, seaman, 13 Bishop st Baxter, Mrs Catherine, Townhead Black, Walter, law clerk, 17 Bridge st Baxter, James, carter, 169 High st Black, Wm., coal agent, Stuart st ; ho^ Baxter, John, baker, 17 Bridge st 13a E Princes st Baxter, John M:, grocer, l!)b Argyle st Black, Wm ti, shopman, 12 W Princes s Bayne, Mrs Mary, 17 Bishop st Black, Mrs, Montford Beaton, Angus, 9 Manseficld pi Blackstock. Miss J., 8 Mountstuart rd Beaton, Alex., stoker, 8 Tower st Blair, Mrs Cath., Glenhead Beaton, Dugald, quarryman, 96 High st Blair, Mrs Duncan, Westwood Beaton, John, quarryman, 1 Union st Blair, Jms., mason, 4 Mountpleasant Beattie, D, dyke builder, 21 Russell st Blair, John, joiner, Bridge st; res., Cru- Bedgar, Mrs Julia, Serpentine rd den, Bishop ter Begg, Hugh, 17 Montague st Blair, John, manufacturer, Ascog Beith, MrsEliz., 4 Bishop st Blair, Mrs, Cruden Boarding house, Bell, Mrs Agnes, "Wyndham rd ' Bishop ter Bell, Catherine, 23 Bishop st Blair & Son, joiners, 15 Bridge st

Bell, David, grocer, 111 Montague st Blair , 1L Columshill st ho, 1 Columshill pi Blakey, Miss Sylvia, Pension Hotel, Bell, captain Duncan, spirit merchant Crichton rd Galatea Bar, 3, 5, 7, Bridge-end st Blue, Miss Janet, confectioner, 80 Mon-

ho,12 Bridge st ; tague st Bell, Edmund, Westlandrd Blue, John, gardener, Thornhill Bell, James, gardener, 1 Mill st Blue, John jun., 34a Columshill st Bell, Miss Jane, 6 W. Princes st Blue, John, joiner, 16 King st Bell, Wm, carter, 22 Columshill st Blue, John, seaman, 5 Castle st Bell, Wm, grocer, 98 Montague st Blue, Miss Marion, 9 Bishop st Bell, Mrs, Wyndham rd Blue, Neil, seaman, 29 Victoria st Bell, Misses, fruiterers, W. Princes st Blue, Patk., spirit merchant, Guildford

Bennett, Wm. , 42 Bishop st sq and Montague st Bennie, Jn., engineer, High Craigmore Blue, Wm, cabman, 20 Bishop st rd Bogle, James, 1 Columshill pi Bernard, Mrs, 71 Ardbeg rd Bolton, James, carter, 20 bishop st Berwick, Mrs Ann, Glenbeg Bolton, John; carpenter, 11 Mansefield p Berwick, Dr, 2 Marine pi Bolton, John, carter, 8 Hillhouse rd Beveridge, Mrs Eliza. Wellpark cot Bone, Hugh, mason, 20 Russell st Bickford, Miss Ann, 38 Mountstuart rd Bone, James, gardener, 82 High st B ngham, Miss Jessie, 6 Ardbeg rd Bone, Lachlan, mason, 18 Russell si t Binnie, Misses Mgt. and Mm. , 7 Marine p Bone. Robert, mason, 18 Russell st Brady, Patiiuk, labourer, 119 nigh st Borrowman, Robert, 4 Columshill pi Birnie, Miss Mary, 5 Bridge st Bouchal, John, 81 High st Bilsiand, Peter; polisher, 35 Staffa pi Bowie, Arch., labourer, 103 High st

Bird, Mrs Eliz , 13 Victoria st Bowie, Daniel, glazier, 73 Victoria st 83 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—ROTHESAY. ROYAL HOTEL FIRST-CLASS, Opposite the Pier.

Table d'Hote Breakfast, Luncheon and Table oV Bote Dinner, Open to Non-Residents

Telephone No. 44. Moderate Tariff. JOHN MACKAY, Proprietor.

DAVID ALLEN & SONS BILLPOSTING •LIMITED. The Largest Billposting* Firm in the World. 48 HIGH STREET, ROTHESAY,

HEAD-OFFICES FOR SCOTLAND, - - - 21 & 23 CATECART STREET, GREENOCK. > Over 20OO Private Hoarding's situated in the Principal towns in Scotland. Bills Posted in any Town in Britain. ;

H OUSE H OLD ER~ — Rothesay.

Bowie, Mrs Jane, 16J Marine pi Brown, James, spirit salesmen, Albert Bowie, Malcolm, baker, Good Templar mansions, 2 E. Princes st hall, Tower st B'-own, James, M'Nab's br Bowman, Mrs Agnes, High Craigmore Brown, Miss Jessie, 8 Montague st Bowm in, Wm., joiner, King st ; ho, Brown, John, caretaker, 28 Bridge st 3 do Brown, John, joiner, 19 Russell st Bowser, capt. Robt., 84 Montague st Brown, John, joiner, 16 Windsor pi Boyd, Mrs Eliz., 2 Chapelhili rd Brown, Jhn., plumber, 25 Columshill st Boyd, Mrs M-irtha, Leopold villa, Ascog Brown, John, shipmaster, 95 Ardbeg rd

Boyle, Chas , confectioner, Quay ; ho, 11 Brown, John R., dentist, 3§ Victoria st * rgyle pi Browu, Joseph, gardener, 39 Ardbeg Boyle, Dennis, labourer, 22 Russell st Brown, Mrs Margt., 3 H ussell st B<>yle, Hugh, labourer, 129 High st Krown, Mrs Margt., 2 Bishop ter br Boy.e, Thos., clerk, 22 Bridge-end st Brown, Mrs Mgt., 18 High st Bracelyn, John, barman, 3 Mansefield pi Brown, Miss Marion, 42 Crichton rd Brackenridge, W., labourer, 70 Ardbegr Brown, Mrs Mary, 5 Ardbeg rd Braid, Robert, Braeside, Ascog loch Brown, Mr3 M., Bute M-msions Braid, Robert, garde er, Clydesdale Brown, Mrs May Ann, 12 Battery pi Brinks, Miss Jane, 65 Ardbeg rd Brown, Kb^., ironmonger, 43 Montague

Brash, Mrs Eliz., Glenhead st ; ho, 11 Mountpleasant rd

B ash, Robt., 21 Russell at Brown, Rbt , shoemaker, 1 Chapelhili rd Breckonridge, Miss, 4 Craigmore rd Brown, Mrs Robt,, 16 Mountpleasant rd Bieumer, Don., golf course keeper, Brown, Ths., crpntr., Clifton, Argyle st Mountpleasant rd Brown, Ths. S., burgh wrkr., 12 Argyle s Brodie, James, Stewart villa, Barone rd Brown, Wm., draper, of A. Brown & Brodie, Mrs, Abbotsford, Barone rd Son, ho, 11 Mountpleasant rd Brodie, Mrs Wm., 66 Mountstuart rd Brown, Wm. C, gardener, 32 Bishop sfc Brooks, Mrs Agnes, 5 Russell st Brown, Wm. D., sanitary inspector, 1

Brooks, Jamts, 18 Castle st Castle st ; ho, 49 Barone rd Brooks, Wm., Bridge-end st Brown, Mrs, grocer, 34 Columshill pi Brough, Mrs Jane, Burnbank ter Brown, Miss, 92 Ardbeg rd Brough, John, 30 Bishop st Brown, Mrs, Argyle ter Brown. Thos., st Brown, Alex., joiner, 18 Mill st ; ho, 34 29 Argyle Columshill st Brownlie, Mrs Helen, 28 Argyle st Brown, Angus, mason, 8 Columshill pi Brownlie, Miss Helen S., Havelock ter Brown, A. & Son, drapers, 33 and 35 Brownlie, Wm., butcher, Watergate Montague st, and 2 and 3 Albert pi st ; ho, 28 Argyle st

Brown, Mrs Ann, Argyle ter Brownlie, Wm , engineer, Wyndham pk

Brown, Arch., baker, 6 Argyle st ; ho, Bruce, Alex., 11 Bridge st Springbank, Chapelhili rd Bruce, Hny., spirit dlr., 22 Gallowgate Brown, Miss Cath., Albert mansions, 2 ho, 18 Columshill st Ji. Princes st Bruce, Hny., jn., plumber, 5 Bishop tr b Brnwn, Mrs Cath., 3 Bishop ter br Bryce, John, wine mercht., Ardmory rd Brown, Mrs Christina, 43 Ardbeg rd Bryce, Wit. , flesher, 38 Bishop st Brown, Crawford, teacher, Meadowcap Bryce, Mrs , 11 Mansefield pi Brown, Daniel, grocer, 17 King st Bryden, Jn., 3 Mansefield pi, High st Brown, Dan., residenter, Wyndhamrd Buchanan, Mrs Anna, 23 Ardbeg rd Brown, David, spirit dealer, 18 High st Buchanan, Miss Cath. D., 25 Gallowgate Brown, Mrs Eliz., 133 High st Buchanan, Chs. , stoker, 97 Montague st Brown, Mrs Eliz., 54 Ladeside Buchanan, Donald, restaurateur, 27 Vic- Brown, Mrs Euphemia, Ardmory rd toria st ; ho. Bellfield, Barone rd Brown, Geo, painter, west entrance, Buchanan, captain Geo hotel keeper, Public School Hotel Victoria, 61 Victoria st Brown, Misses Hln. and May, 1 'Argyle p Buchanan, Geo.. 41 Watergate Brown, Mrs Jane, Columshill st Buchanan, Misses I. & M. , 15 Victoria st at Brown, James, grocer, 73 High st ; ho, Buchanan, Miss Jane, 31 Columshill Clifton, Argyle st Buchanan, Mrs Jane, 1 Mackinlay st

85 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—ROTHESA.Y. SCOTT & TODD, Coal and Lime Merchants, and Carting* Contractors, 34 Bishop Street.

JAMES SMITH, Joiner, Cabinetmaker, and Funeral Undertaker, 15 Bishop Street, Rothesay.

Co M.Connell & Co., Milliners and ladies' Outfitters, 21 Montague Street. The Newest and Most Fashionable Goods, Comprising Ladies' and Childrens' Underclothing, Hosiery, Gloves, Wools, Furnishings, etc.

The Rothesay Tramways Co., Ltd. Electric Cars Run Every Few Minutes Daily

From Rothesay to Port-Bannatyne, 2^d ; to Ettrick Bay, 5d. During the Season the undernoted Drives may be arranged for by the Company's Coaches. Tickets from Conductors. Ettrick Bay to Kilmichael, 9d Return Handsome New Shelter at Ettrick Bay. Entertainments. Refreshments. Sand Castle Competitions and Children's Fetes during the Season.

Special Terms for Parties, apply to tlie Manager. ;


Buchanan, Mrs Janet, 21 Argyle st Camerson, Geddes O., hairdresser, 51

Buchanan, Miss Jene. , 8 Gowanfield ter Victoria st; ho, 7 Crosshill villas, Buchanan, Malcra,, grocer, 51 Montague Cameron, Miss Isa., 9 Montague st

st ; ho, 9 Elysium Cameron.. James, L D s, 46 Argyle st Buchanan, Mrs Mgt., 41 Mountstuart rd Cameron, Rev James, Craigmore U. F. Buchanan. Mrs Margt., 86 Ardbeg rd Church, 24 Crichton rd Buchanan, Mrs Mary, 65 Mountstuart rd Cameron, Hu., contractor, Fauldmore Buchanan, Miss, 92 Ardbeg rd Cameron, John, seaman, 7 W". Princes st Buchanan, sergt. T., janitor, Academy; Cameron, Lach., plumber, 16 Castle st ho, Lilyoak ter Cameron, Wltr., seaman, 17 Bishop st Bunt in, J., Argyle pi Cammock, Wm., writer, 70 Ardbeg rd Bunting, Mrs Agnes, 56 Crichton rd Campbell, Miss Agnes, 11a Gallowgater, Burgoyne, John, G-lenhead Campbell, Alx., accountant, auctione Burgcyne, Mrs John, 3 Logie pi Campbell, Ax., gardener, 74 High st

Burgoyne, Peter, seaman, 26 Russell st &c, 29 Watergate ; ho, Vinetza, Ar- Burleigh, Mrs Chris., 6 Marine pi gyle pi Burness, Robert, saddler, 29 High st Campbell, Alex., cashier, 92 Ardbeg rd ho, Helenslea, 45 Crichton rd Campbell, Mrs Amelia, 29 Argyle st Burness, Mrs, Helenslea, 45 Crichton rd Campbell, Misses Ann and Isa., 27 -Argyle Burnie, Ach. M., seedsman, Dobbie k, ter Co., ho, 19 Crichton rd Campbell, Ach., labourer, 12 King: st Burnette, F.R., photcg., 17 E Princes st Campbell, Ach., seaman, 29 Columshill st Burnie, Mrs Mary and Miss Jessie M., 19 Campbell, Arch., spirit dealer. Tower Crichton rd and Castlehill sts Burns, Chas., musician, 19 Castle st Campbell, Mrs Cath, 31J Ardbeg rd Burns, Js., spirit dealer, 11 Gallowgate Campbell, Colin, butler, 18 Columshill s Burns, Jms, 2 Logie pi Campbell, Cln., house of rest, Argyle ter Burns, Wm., coalman 41 Watergate Campbell, Mrs, Colin, Bridge-end st Burns, Mrs, 13 Argyle pi Campbell, Did., grdnr., 10 Columshill pi Burt, George, chemist, 51 Crichton rd Campbell, Donald, labourer, 32 Mill st Butler, sir Bichard, factor, Bute Estate, Campbell, Hu., Argyle Mansions res, Foley House, High st Campbell, Hu.., 3 Russell st Byers, Rev. Thomas, Free Ch. manse, Campbell, James, broker, 17 Stuart st ChapelhiLl Campbell, Jms, flesher, 9 Hillhouse rd Campbell, Jms. A., grocer, 29 Argyle st Campbell, Mrs Jane, Argyle pi Campbell, Miss Jane, Argyle st Campbell, Miss Janet, Argyle ter Cairns, James, 34 Mill st Campbell, captain John, Kim villa, Cadenhead, Wm., 12^ Argyle pi Minister's br Cairns, Miss Mary, 17 Bishop st Campbell, John, car driver. 75 Ardbeg rd Caldwell, Geo. B., 13 Craigmore rd Campbell, John G. policeman, 6 Hill-

Caldwell, Jms. , engineer, 17 Marine pi house rd

Caldwell, , Mrs Margt. 34 Crichton rd Campbell, Lach. , labourer. 28 Bridge st Caldwell, mise, 4 Brandane ter Campbell, Mrs Margt., 17 Bishop st Callan, Geo., grocer, 6 E. Princes st Campbell, Peter, lather, 19 Castle st Callan, John, moulder, 70 Ardbeg rd Campbell, Peter, musician, 7 Gallowgate Callan, J. M'C, licensed grocer, 19 E. Campbell, R. W., 44 Mountstuart rd Princes st; ho, Serpentine rd Campbell, Thos., janitor, 37 Montague s Calvert, John, 4 King st Campbell, Wm., 17 E. Princes st Cameron, Arch, insurance agen% Alma Campbell, Wm. P., spirit dealer, Wynd- cot ham rd Cameron, Arch., seaman, 71 Victoria st Campbell, Miss, nurse. 15 High st Cameron, Mrs Christina, 29 Mill st Campbell, Mrs Cath., Ballochgoy ter Cameron, James, L D s, 46 Argyle st Campbell, Mrs, Toward view, Ardbeg Cameron, Dune,, storeman, 35 Bridge st Campbell, Mrs, 6 Mansefield pi

Cameron, Dun., gardener, 7 Bishop st Campbell , 8 Mansefield pi Cameron, Dun.,jun., grocer, 10 Tower stCanning, Dan., shoemaker, 2 Minister's b 87 BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS—ROTHESAY. Mps Johnston, Bute Luncheon and Tea Rooms,

72 Victoria St., Rothesay

Mrs Thomas Aitehison, Family Grocer, Tea, Wine and Spirit Merchant, 30 Mill street Miss Park, Draper, Ladies and Children s Outfitter, 75 Montague street Uuderclothing a speciality.

Mrs A. MacLachlan, (widow of donald maclachlan), Family Butcher, Tel. No. 2x5 National. 115 Montague street Contractor to H. M. Navy. Finest Home-Fed Beef, Mutton, and Lamb. All Orders receive careful and prompt attention. Mrs Thomson, Fishmonger and Poulterer, 111 Montague street Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered, National Telephone No. 1Y3. Robert Crawford, Rothesay Wine and Spirit Stores, 4 Bridge-end street

Wines and Spirits of Best Quality. Orders Punctually attended to.

Mrs J, E. Allan, TEA TO QMS, Russian Tea, ices, &c. 63 Victoria street, Esplanade Great Variety of Chocolates—Fry's, Cadbury's, Rowantree's, Manson's, Klaus', Mansons's Russian Toffee French Confectionery and Chocolates. James Henry, Glasgoio and Rothesay Carrier, 63 Osborne St., 54 Mitchell St., 57 Buchanan St., and 66 Queen St., Glasgow, 72 Montague Street, Rothesay. Goods and Luggage forwarded to all parts of the World. HOUSEHOLDERS—Rothesay.

Canning, Jms., painter, 7 Union st Conely, Donald, 27 Staffa pi Carberry, Mrs Mary. 46 High st Connell, Mrs Agnes, 20 Mill stj Cardell, Thos., steward, 19 High st Connell, John, 3 Russell st Carrick, Geo., plumber, 7 Wyndham rd Connelly, Joseph, 27 Bridge st Carruthers, James, 77 Montague st Connelly, Mrs, 20 Kussell st Carswell, And., seaman, 17 Bishop st Connelly, David, postman, 20 Russell at Carswell, James, seaman. 71 Ardbeg Cook, John, coachman, ll Bishop st Carswell, Miss Joan, 22 Bishop st Cook, Mrs Magt., 11 E. Princes st Carswel], John, seaman, 15 Castle st Cooper, Fredk. J., 8 Mansfield pi seaman, 19 Russell st Cormack, A n. policeman, 27 Argyle st Carswell, John, , ^ Carty, Mrs Margt., 54 Ladeside Corrigan, Mrs Dan., 24 Mill st

Carvert, James, 3 Logie pi Corrigan, Jm3 , 5 Russell st Caskey, James, 10 Columshill st Cossar, Kev Alex., 18 Bridge-end st Cassidy, Bern., 54 High st Cotes, Miss Georgina, 2 Ardbeg rd Cassidy, James, mason, 103 High st Coupar, Alex.iron worker, Serpentine rd gardener, 2 Logie pi Dugald, farmer, Grenach Cassidy, Wm , Cowan, Chalmers, Miss Agnes, 23 Ardbeg rd Cowan, Mrs Janet, Ardmory rd Chambers, Miss Maria, 24 Ardbeg rd Cowan, Thomas, Glenfaulds Chapman, Jn., engineer, 12 Bridge st Cowden, Mrs Mar^t., 18 E. Princes st Chisholm, Dun., gardener, 43 Ardbeg rd Cowie, Jms., 17 Russell st Chisholm, Mrs Rodk., 6 Columshill pi Cowie, Jms, engine ftr., 3 Mansefield pi Christie, Arthur S., music teacher and Crabb, Kev. Samuel, Baptist clergyman; organist, 17 Argyle ter ho, Ardmory rd Christie, Wm., blacksmith, 91 Ardbeg r Craig, Mrs Chris. P., 1 Moun'stuart rd Chrystie, Robt., 2 King st Craig, Dugald, 38 Bishop st Church, John, 1 Kussell st Craig, Miss E., 3| Ardbeg Clark, Andw., Glenbuie, Glebelands Craig, James, 7 Bishop st Clark, Mrs, 'A. F.. Bute Mansions Craig, James, 66 Montague st Clark, Capt. Arch., 4 Chapelhill rd Craig, John, 13 Staffa pi st Clark, Duncan, 6 Manseneld p Craig, Robt. , 31 Columshill

Clark, Miss Helen, 11 Hillhouse rd Craig WaltrB , laundry manage-, Cross- Clark J., 'bus inspector, 8 Manseneld pi hill villas, Glebe lands Clark, Miss Joan, 20 Bishop st Crawford, Alx., cabman, 72 Montague st

Clark, John, joiner, 20 Bridge-end st Crawford Bros. , fleshers, 10 Gallowgate Clark, John, baker, Ivy bank cot Crawford Misses Frances and Margt. , 29 Clark, J ewis, grocer, 11 Montague st Mountstuart rd Clark, Thos., fisherman, 19 Stuart st Crawford, James, 29 Mountstuart rd Clark, Wm., gardener, Logie pi Crawford, Miss Jemima, Havelock ter Clark, Wm. K., 19 Staffa pi Crawford, John, 30 Bishop st Clark, Mrs Mary, 7 Union st Crawford, Mrs Margt., 22 Argyle p

Clark, Mrs, 6 Mansefield pi Crawford, Mrs Mrgt , 36 Mountstuart rd Clark, agent. 9 High st Crawford, Mrs Mary E., 56 Ardbeg rd Clay, Thomas M, bookseller, 11 Victoria Crawford, Mrs R., Springbank

st ; ho, 23 Roslin pi Crawford, Thomas F., shipowner, 57 Clews, Jms,, printer, 16 Russell st Mountstuart rd Clubb, Wm., baker, 24 Castlehill st Crawford, Mrs, 15 High st Coates, James, Ph.D., F.A.O., Medical Cr.-eth, W.,3Unionst Jtlectrician and Masseur, Glenbeg, 57 Crichton, Mrs Jane, 10 Mill st Ardbeg rd Cross, Miss Ann, Wyndham pk Cochran, Mrs John, 5 Argyle st Crossan, Mrs Janet, 72 Ardbeg rd Cochran, John J., dentist, 2 Battery pi Cruickshanks, Mrs John, sen., 47 High st

Colclough , Westwood Cruickshanks, John, plumber, do.;

Collins, Chas. , fisherman, 29 Mill st ho., Bellvue rd Colville, Mrs Isa., 78 High st Cullen, John M., engineer, 40 Bishop st Colquhoun, Miss, Toward view, Ardbeg Cumming, Miss Janet, Columshill pi Curie, Duncan, fie sher, 3 Bishop ft Cumming, Mrs Janet, 2 Minister's br Coiigalton, Wm. A., Oxenford, Baroner Cumming, Jms, porter. Ladeside st Connell, Arch., joiner, 28 Montague st Cunningham, Ax., 71 Victoria st BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS-ROTHESAY HUGH M'COLL, House Decorator and Glass Merchant, (House—Amisfield, Barone road); 37 Mill street All manner of Coach -Painting done on the Premises.

MEIKLE & M'KELLAR, Telephone, No. 65 Steamboat Agents, Carriers and Carting Contractors,

Luggage and Furniture Removed. Office on Pier, Rothesay

GEORGE G. HILL, M.P.S., Chemist and Druggist 64 Montague street Photographic Materials. Dark Room. Telephone lYl.

Auction Room and Workshop, Store Lane (off West Princes Street). ROBERT PATERSON, Upholsterer, House Furnisher, Auctioneer & Valuator.

Telephone, 2x1. ALEXANDER BROWN, Joiner, Glazier and Funeral Undertaker, 18 Mill street. Orders promptly attended to.

MISS RUNCIMAN, Ladies and Children's Millinery, Blouses, Motors, &c, Latest Styles Guaranteed. 14 West Princes street Charges Very Moderate. Terms Cash. WILLIAM KIRKHOPE, Monumental Works, Monuments in Granite, Marble and Freestone. Cemetery Gate Designs and Prices on Application. Jobbings Promptly Executed. THE CASTLE RESTAURANT,

Near Entrance \ to Castle, (Mrs Campbell's) 20 TotOeT Street

Breakfasts, Teas. Suppers. Dinners from 12 Noon till four o'clock. Private Dimng-Room to seat 50, for Picnic Parties. (Tower street is opposite Bandstand. Speciality, Home-Baked Scones. ,


Cunningham MrsAnn, 35 Mountstuart id Cunningham, Arch., joiner, 34a Colums- hillp Cunningham, Mrs Tsa., HHillhouse rd Cunningham, James, barman, 4 Manse- D Dale James, tinsmith, 8 Hillhouse rd field p Dale Mrs Rachael, 29 E. Piinces st Cunningham, James, grocer, 79J Mon- tague st; ho, 10 Crichton rd Dalglish Mrs Janet, Wyndham rd Cunningham, James, 17 Russell st Dal I Rev John, bd, New Parish manse Cunningham, John, aerated water manu- Dallachy Henry, banker, 57 Ardbeg rd Dalz'el, 4 factuier, 17 E. Princes st; ho, Elysium Mrs D. Fred., 54 Ardbeg Cunningham, John, gardener, 86 High s Darroch Robt. H., painter, 13 Argyle p David Wm. police inspector, 33 High st Cunningham, John, plumber, 4 Dean , Hood pi Davidson Mrs Ann, 20 Russell st Cunningham, Miss, 52 Crichton rd Davidson Grace A., Belmont, Argyle tr Cum ingham, Mrs Mary, 32 Battery pi Davidson, J. J., gardener, Ardencraig Davids m Miss Jemima, 31 Battery pi Cunningham, M , painter, 23 Wyndham Cunningham, Rbt., baker, 2 Chapelhill Davidson John, boxmaker, 78 Ardbeg r Cunningham, Thos., stoker, 133 High st Davidson Miss Mary, 36 Bishop st Cunningham, T. M., 10 Crichton rd Davidson Mrs, 3 Albany ter Cunningham, Wm., barman, 5 Manse- Davis, Mrs Mary, 13 Argyle pi held pi 1 )awson Mrs Jessie, 43 Ardbeg rd Cunningham, Wm., painter, 73 Barone r Dawson Wm, tailor, 28 Bridge st Cunningham, Wm., labourer, 76 Mon- Deans Wm, carpencer, 1 Run? ell st tague st Dennie, Wm , 2 King st Cunningham, Wm W, M & G Innes, 101 Denoon Mrs Rachael, 6 Bridge st Derby Montague st ; ho, 13 Stuart st Mrs Jessie, 2 Ladeside Derby st Cunningham, Misses. 8 Argyle st Mrs Margt , 8 Tower Cunningham & Co., serated water manu- Derby Thos., painter, 90 Montague st facturers, 17 E. Princes st Dewar Andw., 7 Gallowgate Cunningham, 5 Bute mansions Dewar Mrs Cath., 157 High st Curran. Michael, labourer, 1 Russell st Dewar, Chas. , spirit dealer, Castle st ho, * Curran, James, mason, 106 High st 96 High st Currie, Alex., draper, 47 Argyle st Dewar Duncan, architect, l5 Castle st, Cuirie, Alex., farmer, Ardbeg ho, 23 Argyle pi Currie, Colin, shopman, 82 High st Dewar Duncan, seaman, 24 Mill st Currie, Dan., shoemaker, Watergate Dewar Francis, carpenter, 12 Watergate; Curiie, Dan., shopman, 3 Columshill pi ho. 6a Castle st Currie, Duncan, seaman, 4 W Castle st Dewar James, joiner, 4 Mansefield p Currie. Duncan, upholsterer, 9 Chapel- Dick R. & J., boot manufacturers, 105 hill road Montague st Currie, John, carter. 38 Mill st Dick Miss, Mart., 41 Mountstuart rd Currie, John, farmer, Westland Dickie Mrs Margt.. Westwood st Currie, Mrs Margt. , 17 Russell st Dickson Geo , gardener, 38 Columshill Currie. Robert, farmer, Crossbeg Dickson Geo. , measurer, 2 Columshill p Cuthbert, Miss Em., 3 Bishop ter br Dickson Miss Grace, 29 Crichton rd Cuthbert,Win. police srgb., Hillhouserd Dickson, Jms, 3 Russell st -Cuthbertson, John, teacher, 22 Colums- Dickson Stephen, 103 Montague st hill st Dixon S., clerk, 10 Mansefield pi Cuthbertson, Michael, florist and seed Dickson Mrs, A rdbeg rd grower, 114 High st Dietrichsen Mrs Helen. 54 Ardbeg rd Ci.thill, David, 5 Mansefield pi Lixon Wm., coalmaster, 12-13 King st Dobbie Ax. S., joiner, Bishop trbr

Dobbie And , tailor, 7 Tower st Dobbie Mrs Cath., High Craigmore Dobbie Mrs Janet, '22 Columshill st Docherty Ed., contractor, 76 Ardbeg rd


First-Class Carriages At J. & A. Martins

Stables, Chapelhill road 21i East Princes street Brown & Co., Ironmongers and Hardware Merchants,

Next Door to Norman Stewart Institute. 43 Montague street

Andrew Hamilton, Grocer and Provision Merchant, Orders Called for and Promptly Delivered. 2 Bridge-end Street

Bute Temperance A0t6l, The Leading Temperance House,

Every Attention Given to Tourists Tp^nnfi'nn iJto Piw Every Home and Commercial Gentlemen. -* ' Ulti/Vity blLxj J. mi . Comfort.

Terms Moderate. From £2 2s per Week. James M'Millan, Proprietor.

Hotel Pension, Craigmore,

Entirely under New Management. Re-Furnished and re-Decorated. Moderate Tariff. S. Blakey, Proprietrix, 13 years Manageress, Glasgow Art Club.

Customers can always rely on getting the Finest Quality. F. H. Spair, Family Butcher, Established 1863. Telephone No. 25. 5 Gallowgate

The Central Drapery Warehouse. Robert C. Miller, Draper, Furnisher and House Agent, 48 Montague street Bathing Places, West Bay—Ladies' and Uemlemen's —Skeoch Wood — Robert Sprowl, Lessee and Swimming Master — All Requisites supplied on Moderate Terms. Family Grocer, Wine and & pi pit Merchant. —Daniel, M'Laculan, 18 Columshill Street. Family Grocer—Peter Finlay, Wyndham JEfcoad, Ardbeg. — Orders punctually attended to. ;*


Docherty Jh., gardener, 83 High st Duncan Mrs Jane, 47 A rdbeg rd Docherty John, gatekeeper, 86 High st Duncan Miss Jane, 12 Argyle st Docherty John J, painter, 1 Bridgend st Duncan John, baker, 11 Chapelhill rd Dodds Andw. & Son, joiners, Colbec pi Duncan John, joiner, 23 Argyle ter Dodo's, John G., joiner, Sunnyside, Duncan Jn., watchmaker, 58 Montague st Barone rd Duncan John. quarrier,149 High st Doggart Th. W., teacher, Concord villa, Duncan Miss Margt., 177 High st Coiumshill st Duncan Miss Marjory, 21 Ardbeg rd Donald John, laundryman, 2 M'Nabsbr Duncan Miss Mary, 77 Ardbeg rd Donald Mrs Theresa, 27 Argyle st Duncan Miss Mary A., 6a E. Princes st \k Dor aid son Jms., waiter, Logie pi Duncan Miss Mary, 53 Mountstuart rd

Donaldson Js. P, heritor, 14 Ardbeg rd Duncan Miss Mary E. . 53 Mountstuart r Donaldson Miss Janet, 27 E Princes st Duncan Matthew, plasterer, Ladeside ; Donaldson Misses, Thistle bk, Argyle ter ho, Academy rd Donaldson Miss, Crichton rd Duncan Ninian, grain and potato mer- chant, Donnelly Joseph, 1 Kussell st Store lane ; ho, 24 Bishop st Donnelly, Wm., 37 Bridge st Duncan Rb., postman, Argyle mansions Dougall, J. S., stationer, Montague st Duncan Robt. Craig, gardener, 16 King st

st ; res, 40 Osborne Duncan Wit and K Princes p , gardener, 7 Coiumshill pi Douglas Miss Margt., East Princes st Duncan Wm, merchant, Colline v., 58 Douglas Misses Jessie and Marion, Beau- Crichton rd fort, Craigmore Duncan Mrs, Ardbeg Mrs, Douglas , Ballochgoy ter Dunlop Holyrood, Barone rd Dowell Mrs Cath., 29 Argyle st Dunn Arch. C, draper, 85 Ardbeg rd Dowell, Mi ?, 4 Dean Hood pi Dunn John, 58 Ladeside Drummond Miss Cath., 40 Bishop st Dunn MrsMargt., 57 Ardbeg rd Drummond Jh., gardener, 119 High st Duncan H.. 2 Mansfield pi Drummond Jn.. gardener, 15 Bridge-end Dunning, John, 90 Montague st Dryburgh Mrs Agnes, 77 Barone rd Dunning Mrs Fanny, 5| Gallowgate Dryburn "Wm., carter, 17 Gallowgate Dunning Mrs Sarah, 11 Bridge st Dryden Geo., music teacher, 31 Argyle s Duff Peter, draper, Gowanfield ter '/ Duncan Miss Agnes, 5 Russell st

Duncan Misses Agnes and Eliz. , Gowan- field pi Duncan Alex., joiner, 5 Bridge st E Duncan Alex., boot dealer, Bishop st Eadie Jane, 19 Russell st ho, 8 Argyle st Eadie Wm., teacher, Ballochgoy ter Duncan Alex., labourer. 18 Russell st Eccles Mrs J. M., 3i£ Ardbeg rd Gowanfield pi Duncan Mrs Ax , Edgar Wm, bottler, 30 E. Princes st Duncan Mrs Ann S. , 5 Brighton ter Elder Mrs Margaret, milliner, 102 Mon- Duncan, Ach, Academy rd tague st Duncan Miss Cath., Argyle ter Elder Robert, engineer, Elderslie, Ser- Duncan Daniel, mason, 74 High st pentine rd Duncan Daniel, merchant, Woodend Ellott, Wm., 10 Mansfield pi Duncan Dan., plasterer, Gowanfield pi Ellis Mrs, 18 Mountpleasant rd Duncan Mrs Eliz., Brighton ter Ellison Robert, wine merchant, 26 Ma- Duncan. Geo, fishmonger, 179 High st rine pi Duncan Miss Grace, 52 Mo tague st Elstob Mrs Jane McK, 4 Dean Hood pi Duncan Miss Helen, Ballo<-h^oy English Geo, gardener, 2 Ladeside Miss Henrtta, 53 Mountstuartr Duncan Evans Mrs Johanna, 4 1 Victoria st Duncan Miss Isa G. 29 E. Princes st Ewart Mrs, Springbank Duncan James, gardener. 35 Badge st Ewing Ach. .reporter, 45 Mountstuart rd / Duncan Jms., mason, Kingarnet, Ba- rone rd "

Duncan Jms , steward, 35 Bridge st Duncan Jms., 149 High st Duman Mrs James, 1 Brandane ter BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENTS- ROTHESAY. THE WHITE HOUSE, MONTAGUE STREET, Alex. M'Crone, Proprietor. General and Fancy Drapery, Goods and Umbrellas. Outfitting. Hosiery. Tailoring.

Premises complete with Everything for the Season. Umbrellas re-Covered and Repaired on the Premises. DUGALD MACFIE, Painter and Paper Hanger,

Paints, Oils and Colours. 55 High street, Rothesay DAVID ROBERTSON, Bread and Pastry Baker, 13 East Prinees street i Sole Manufacturer for Bute of Patent Malt Brown Bread, highly recommended by many of the Leading Physicians. Pure Confections.

D. BLAIR & SON, (Successors to Lachlan Ferguson <£ Son), Joiners, Glaziers, Cabinetmakers, Funeral Undertakers, & Cartwrights, 15 Bridge Street THE "KETTLEDRUM," First- Class Tea Room,

Tea, Coffee, and Light Luncheons. Albert place Every variety of Chocolates and Best Confections. Ices and Strawberries in Season.

W. H. THOMSON, Optician, Cutler, and Fancy Goods Dealer, 1 Albert place

Spectacles from Is. Eyeglasses from Is 6d. Rimless Eyeglasses from 3s 6d. Sight tested and customeis suited at reasonable charges. MATTHEW B. RUSSELL, Family Gh^ocer, Tea and Provision Merchant, 106 Montague street. Confection Department, 2 Gallowg-ate

Walton's Famed Jams, Jellies, and Toffees ; Keillor's Confections ; and Nairn's Famed Oat Cakes always on hand. ;


Fleming Misses Jn.&Mgt., 18 Crichton rd Fleming Miss Jessie, 15^ Marine pi Fleming John, merchant, 18 Crichton rd Fleming Mr^ Lilias, 10 Mansefield pi Fleming Mrs Marion B, Ornatus ter Falconer Mrs Ann, 93 High st Fleming Mrs May, Barone rd Falconer Thomas, clerk, 1 Union st Flemin ' Mrs, 76 Ardbeg rd Falsey Francis, shoemaker, 16 Staffa pi Flemmings Misses, Academy rd Farmer D, gardener, Mill bank Fletcher John'D, builder, Argyll st Farrell James, moulder, 85 Ardbeg rd Fletcher Robert, Academy rd Farrell Jeremiah, moulder, 85 Ardbeg r Fly an J,, janitor, R; C. school, 36 Co-

Farrell , 7 Montague st lumshill st Faulds James, carter, 9 Mill st Forbes Miss Marion P, 11 Marine pi Faulds Mrs, 89 Montague st Forbes Mrs, Wimble cot., Mountstuart r Faulds Wm, carter, 11 Mill st Ford Miss Eliz. B, 12 Argyle pi Faulds Wm, joiner, 3 Columshill pi Fordyce Mr* Margt., 105 High st Fenton Robt., wool mercht, 74 Ardbeg Forfar James, Ivy lodge; Chapelhi'l Ferguson Alx., painter, Roslin cot Forrest Ax., tinsmith, 85 Ardbeg Ferguson Mrs Ann, 20 Staffa pi Forson Andw., hatter, 31 Batte y pi Feiguson Daniel, auctioneer, 27 Colums- Moulds Mrs Eliz M., 45 Ardbeg rd hill st Foulds Mrs Margt, 17 Gallowgate Ferguson Dan., gardnr., Roslin cot Foulis Robert, mason, 3 Mill st Ferguson Geo, Mill bank,Ascog Fowlie Wltr., Castlegrove, York ter Ferguson John, J p, heritor, Pointhouse Fowlis Miss Agnes S, Eastlands rd crescent Fox Peter, traveller, 5 Russell st Ferguson John, 27 High st Fraser * x., grocer, Holyrood, Barone r Ferguson Mrs Mary, 7 Tower st Fraser MissCjii. & My, 10 Mountstuart r Ferguson Neil, builder, 15 Bridge st Fraser Jms, 2 Ladeside Ferguson Wm, bootmaker, 7g Ardbeg r Fraser Mrs Janet, 54 Ladeside st _ Ferguson Mrs, 27 Columshill st Fraser John, watchmaker. Ladeside Ferguson Miss, Inkerman ter Fraser Wm., blacksmith, 4 Mackinlay st Ferguson Miss, Wyndham pk Frase) Mrs, 42 Bishop st

Ferrier Mrs, Dunvegan, Marine pi Fraser , policeman, Mmtford Ferrier David, grocer, 54 Montague st Freckleton Mrs Eliz. and Miss Margt., ho, Upper Craigmore Wyndham pk Ferrier Wm, stoker, 84 Montague st Freckleton Jms., boathirer, => Argyle st Fife Robt.. florist, Dobbie at Co., High Freeland Mrs Wm, 40 Osborne p st ; ho, 59 Barone rd Friel Hugh, labourer. 135 High st Findlay Mrs Mary Ann, Brighton ter Friel Pat., labourer, 10 Mill st Finlay Misses Jnt & Jem,, 6 Albany rd Fulton Mrs Eliz., 40 Crichton rd Finlay Miss May, 47 Mountstuart rd Fulton John, painter, 34 Staffa p Finlay Peter, grocer, Wyndham rd Fullarton Mrs H., 17 Russell st

Finlay Rbt. , gardener, 61 Mountstuart rd Fullerton Wm., aerated water manu- Finlay Wm labourer, 48 Ladeside facturer, 4 Bishop st Finlay Miss, 32 Mountpleasant id Fyfe Miss Ann, 13 Gallowgate Fin'ayson Misses Chris M, and Mary C, Fyfe John, cabinetmaker, 31 Battery pi Ardmory rd Fyfe Mi.=s Mary, Wyndham rd Finlays

and W. Castle st ; ho, i3 Ardbeg rd Fisher Mrs May, 73 Victoria st Fisher Miss, Hillhead, Serpentine rd G "Fleming A., clerk, 63 Montague st Galbraith Alx., seaman, 11 Hillhouse rd Fleming Mrs Cath., Oak villa, Mount- Galbraith Mrs Cath., 77 Montague st pleasant rd Galbraith James, spirit merchant, 18 Fleming Gavin, reporter, 63 Montague st Castlehill st; res, 42 Mountpleasant r 95 ;;


Galbraith Bev. William, U. F, manse, Gillies Miss 14 Bridge-end st Bishop ter Gillon Robt., moulder, 74 Ardbeg rd Gallacher Jms., carter, 3 Russell st Gilmour Mrs, 11 Columshill st GallacherChas., labourer, 24 Ladeside Giuliani Leopoldo, confectioner, Mon- Galloway A., 1 Bishop ter br tague and High sts ; ho, 96 Montague Galloway James, 5 Mountpleasant rd st Galloway Wm., manufactr., Bogany rd Glass Mrs Mary, 41 Crichton rd Gait Wm., moulder, 28 Staffa p Glen Mrs Jms., 40 Bishop st Gardiner Jms., 40 Montague st Glen Mrs Janet, 20 and 29 E Princes st Gardiner Jas., baker, 4 Mountpleasant Glen John, seaman Ardbeg rd Gardiner John, barber, 16 W. Princes Glen Peter, shipmaster, Glebe lands Glen Peter, boat~nan, st ; ho, Concord villa 4 Croft In Gardiner Wm., 3Millst Glen Robt. tailor. 38 Columshill st Gardiner, toy dealer, 93 Montague Gold Jms, 4 Dean Hood pi st Gold Mrs Jessie, 4 Marine pi st ; ho, 33 Victoria Garrity Dominic, labourer, 2 John st Golder Mrs Margt., 23 Marine p Garvie Mrs, 2 Ladeside Goldie Jms., boilermaker, 31 Battery pi Gault J, 1 Dean Hood pi Gollan, Alex, postman, 8 Gallowgate Gedd< s Geo., tailor, Marchmont, Mount- Gonella Giovani, confectioner, 14 Water- pleasant rd gate 1 Ardbeg Good John, 19 Castle st Gem mi 1 Mrs Eliz., 49 rd Gemmill Hu., painter, Argyle mansions Goodfellow Jms., 50 Mill st Gemmill Thms, 19 Stuart st Gordon Martha H, 13 Victoria st Gemrrell John, tailor, 38 Columshill st Gorman Mrs Ann, 23 Bridge-end st Gemmill Robt... engineer, Barone rd Gourlay Arch., joiner, 17 Bridge st Gemmill Thomas, Argyle pi Gourlay Js. F, bookseller, 75 Ardbeg rd Gemmill Wm., 4 Mountpleasant rd Graham Miss Cath., 29 E. Princes st Gemmill Mrs., 1 W. Castie st Graham Miss Esther, 4 Bishop st Gibb Mrs Margt., 14^ Marine p Graham Frank, engineer, 8 Staff p Gibson Mrs Agnes, 12£ Argyle p Graham Henry, Mansefield pi Gibson George, waiter, Glenburn Graham Jms., engineer, 80 High st Gibson Mrs Helen. 8 Montague st Graham Miss Janet, 31 Battery p Gibson Mrs Robina, 66 Montague st €rraham Miss Eliz, grocer, 5 Mill st ; ho, Gibson John, flesher, 6 Battery p 27 Argyle st Gilchrist Mrs Ann, 106 High st Graham Peter, potter, 41 Argyle ter Gilchri t Daniel, teacher, Inkermanter Graham Rbt. , shipmaster, Ardbeg rd Gilchrist David, purser, Havelock ter Graham Mrs capt., 92 Ardbeg rd Gilchrist"Jms. Y., sculptor, 23 Meadow p Grainger Miss Jessie, J 9 Marine p Gilchrist"John, mason, 60 High st Granger Miss Janet, 10^ Ardbeg rd Gilchrist Wm., 26 Argyle st Grant Mrs Agnes, 2 Bishop ter Gilchrist Miss -arah, 31 Gallowgate Grant Donald, writer, 20 Castlehill st Gilchrist Mrs, 71 Victoria st ho, 2 Bishop ter Gilfillan Wm., printer, 8 Hillhouse rd Grant Mrs Eliz., 13a E Princes st Gillan Robt., moulder, Wyndhara rd Grant James, jewelJer, 70 Ardbeg rd Gillan Pobert, 70Ardbegroad Grant, James C., Waverley Temperance Gillespie, Campbell, 51 Ardbeg rd hotel, Argyle st

Gillespie , boat hirer, Riversdale Grant John, carter, Meadowcap Gillespie Mrs Freda, 98 Montague st Grant Pete-, baker, 104 Montague st Gillies Miss Agnes L, 41 Victoria st ho, 17 Bridge st Gillies Alex., carpenter, 46 Montague st Grant Robt. M., joiner, 24 Castlehill st Gillies Pus:., joiner, Osborne pi Gray Alex., police sergeant, 11 E Prin- Gillies Mrs Eliz. S. and Miss Mrt. E. 37 ces st T Ardbeg rd Gray George, 40 Mountpleasant rd Gillies Jms., labourer, 24 Ladeside st Gray John, coachman, Ardbeg Gillies Jhn., angineer, 20 Columshill st Gray John, Oakshaw, Argyle pi Gillies, John, labourer, Meadowcap Gray W. B., 1 Union st Gillies Martha, E. Princes st Gream Mrs Agnes, 16 High «fc £ GjlJies Peter, labourer, 20 Mill st f HOUSEHOLDERS—Rothesay.

Green Edw., gardener, Townhead Hart Js., warehouseman, Wyndham rd Greenlees John, 20 W Princes st Hart Mrs Mgt. , Argyle ter Greenshields Gavin, 2 Mansefield pi Hart Miss My , 2 Chapelhill rd Greig Jms., coachman,, 5 Craigmore rd Harvey Bernard painter, 26 Russell st Greig John, bak^r, 13 Staffapl Harvey Mrs Eliz. , 135 High st Grieve John, 93 High st Harvey Js., tobacconist, Eastlands rd Gribb Miss Agnes, High Craigmore Harvey John, labourer, Barone rd Gribben Miss Ame., 16^ Mountstuart rd Harvey John, yachtsman, 52 Montague Grindley Mr?, Argyle Hotel, Watergate Harvey Jhn. B., seaman, 3 Union st printer, Chronicle, 16 Groundwater , 27 Bishop st Harvey John C, John, 7 Mansefield pi Watergate ; res., 1 Columshill pi I Gunn Croft In Harvey John T., heritor, 20 Argyle st Guthrie Wm , tenter, 4

Harvey Margt , 20 Bridge-end sfc Harvey Mrs Mary, grocer, 27 Mill st Harvey Miss Margt., 28 Bridge st Harvey Rbt., C, sculptor, Rastlands rd Harvey Thos. H., farmer, Windyhall H Harvey Wm., dyer, 30 Crichton rd Haddow Ax., gr cer, 78«Ardbeg rd Hastie Mrs Agnes, High Craigmore Hagart Rich. B, measurer, 61 Ardbegrd Hastie Miss, Toward view, Ardbeg Haig Andw., gardener, 13 Columshill p Hay Geo., 3 Stuirt st Haig James, plasterer, 22 Columshill st Hay John, stationer, Argyle ter Haig John, blacksmith, 8 Hillhouse rd Hay John, Col beck pi

Haig Mrs Mgt., 32 Bishop st Healy D. W. , coast guard, 17 Bishop st Halbert Mrs John, 17 Bishop st Heaslet Miss Agnes, 63 High st

Haldane Miss Isa., 32 Mill st Heaton Js , spirit merchant, 7 Victoria

Hall Alex., B, clerk, 10 Mountstuart rd st ; ho, 45 Barone rd Hall Dr Andrew J., M.A., M.D., 13 Heaton James, spirit merchant, 12 East Battery pi Princes st ; ho, 17 Battery p Hall Henry, 103 Montague st Heaton Miss Janet, 45 Barone rd Halliday George, sen., (of George Halli- Heaton John, saddler, Barone rd day, Ltd.), wood merchant, sawmill, Heaton Thomas, labourer, 5 Castle st i Union st; ho, Ardnamara, Academy rd Heaton Wm. M., printer, 9 Victoria st Halliday Geo, jun., shipping agent, Hector Geo., jeweller, 57 Ardbeg rd Springbank, 7 Chapelhill rd Henderson Arch., engineer, Eastlands r Halliday John, 6 Watergate Henderson James, coal merchant, 31

Halliday Mlcm., contra tor, 94 High st Watergate ; ho, 163 High st Halliday Wm., com. agent, 24 Argyle st Henderson Jms., wood merchant, West- Hamilton Alex., 3 Russell st wood, Argvle ter

Hamilton Andw., grocer, 2 Bridge-end Henderson John W., rector, Academy ;

st ; ho, 3 Brandane ter, Barone rd ho, Ballochgoy cottage, Alma ter Hamilton Misses Jnne. & Mry., Orcadia Henderson Mrs Margt., 1 Minister's br Hamilton John, moulder, 37 Staffa pi Henderson Miss My., 3 Bishop ter br Hamilton Jms, 3 Logie pi Henderson Mrs Mary, Wyndham pk Hamilton P., High st Henderson Wm., 8 Mansefield pi Hamilton Mrs, 76 Montague st Hendry Mi*s, 32 Battery pi

Hance , 5 Bishop ter br Hendry Wm J, pawnbroker, Westwood Hannighan Mrs May, 42 High st Henry Jms., carrier, 72 Montague st Harding captain, County Chief Con- Henry Wm., coal mercht, 34a Colums- stable, 37 High st hill st Harding, Thos., 31 Staffa pi Henry Wm., labourer, 28 Mill st Harkness Miss Helen, 6a E. Princes st Henry Miss Winnifred M, 3 Russell st Harold Misses Eliz. & Isa., Bogany rd Hepburn Mrs, Eaglesham, Mountpleas- Harper Jams, clerk, 16£ Ardbeg rd antrd / Harper Rankin, labourer, 3 King st Herbert Miss Agnes, 31 E. Princes st Harper, Mrs Chris., 29 Columshill st Herbert, Alfred W., solicitor, 35 High

Hart Miss Eliz., 30 Bridge st st ; res, 12 Crichton rd Hart Miss Eliz., Battery pi g 97 ;


Hei bert Miss Edith, 6 Albert pi Hunter Mrs Isa. , Minister's br grocer, Heron John, 22 Bridge st Hunter Jms. , 10 W. Princes at Heriot Jms, 28 Columshill st ho, Mountstuart rd Herriot Miss Eliz. M., 54 Mountstuart rd Hunter John R., mason, 11 Castle st Hewison Rev. James King, M.a., D.D., Hunter Miss Mart., 5 Argyle ter Parish Church manse, Minister's br Hunter Miss Mart., 20 Argyle st Hicks Charles T., chemist and druggist, Hunter Mrs Mary, 22 Columshill st 2 High st and 1 Victoria st ; ho, Daisy Hunter P. W., chemist's assistant, 34a Cliff, Crichton rd Columshill st Hicks Geo., do., do., ho, 17 Hunter Robt. A., tailor, 6 Staffa p Mountpleasant rd Hunter Wm., builder, Marionslea,

Higgie George, publisher, shorthand Minister's br < writer and teacher, and insurance Hunter Mrs, 5 Russell st agent, 22 Bridge st Hutcheson Mrs, Wm, Almar, Craigmore Higgie Misses Helen and Margaret M'L., Hutchison Miss Eliz., 19 Argyle st 20 Bridge st Hutchison Miss, 20 Argyle st Hill Chs., mason, 10 Battery pi Hutson Thos., carter, 2 Columshill st Hill Duncan, Chapelhill rd Hutton Mrs Jane, 6^ Ardbeg rd

Hill Geo., draper, 78 Montague st ; ho, Hyde sergt-Major E., 9 Mansefieldpl 80 High st Hyde Fred., 8 Mansefield pi Hill G G, MPS, chemist and druggist, Hynd Mrs Jane, 7 Wyndham rd 64 Montague st Hyndman And., painter, 4 Minister's br

Hill Miss Jnt., confectioner, Ladeside Hyndman Jms., slater,|Colbeck pi ; ho, Hill J. B., hairdresser, 7 High st ; ho, 28 Montague st 32 Battery pi Hyndman Peter, carter, 37 Bridge st Hill Mrs Sophia, 9 Mountstuart rd Hyndman Peter, labourer, 11 Staffa p

Hill , Crub ho., Craigmore Hyndman Wm., restaurateur, Norman

Hilton N, seaman, 20 Bridge-end st Stewart Institute, Montague st ; ho., Binchehvood T, 17 Craigmore rd 4 Bishop st Hodge Miss Margt. C, High Craigmore Hyndman Miss, 48 Ladeside Hodges & Co., stationers, &c, 49 Mon-

tague st ; ho, Toward view, 31^ Ard- beg rd Hogan John, 10 Columshill st Bolnes Andw., grocer, 47 Victoria st ho, 29 E. Princes st Holmes Miss Isa., Barone rd Inglis, Miss Eliz., 19 Ardbeg rd joiner, 83 st Holmes John, Montague ; Innes, Mrs Eliz., 7 Gallowgate res, Havelockter Innes, Geo., pawnbroker. West Castle

Holmes , Montford house st ; ho, Bruan, Bishop ter Hossock Miss Mrt., 4 W Castle st Innes, Geo., jun., house furnisher, 101 Houston, Rbt., purser, 5 Ferguson pi Montague st ; ho, 27 Argyle st House Peter, 8 Gallowgate Innes, M. & G., furniture dealers, 101 Howat Mrs Mary, 46 Ladeside Montague st Howe Alex., fruiterer, 38 Columshill st Innes, Sam., engineer, Glenburn Howie James, gardener, Hi. Craigmore Ireland Nat., florist, 19 Columshill st Howie Miss Jnt., 2 Columshill pi Irvine, Donald, 7 West Princes st Howitt Jms., manager, Rothesay steam Irvine Joseph, gardener, 1 John st laundry, Bridge st ; ho., Ardmory rd Irvine, Robt., labourer, 103 High st Howitt Mrs Mary, Ardmory rd Irvine, Sam., shoemaker, 6a E. Princess Hughes Jms., 22 Watergate Irvine Miss, nurse, Eastlands Patrick, 8 Gallowgate Hughes Irving, Annie, 6 Glenrosa p Hughes Mrs, 4 West Castle st Irvine, Mrs Rbt., 1 Bridge-end st Hume Jms., engineer, Ardmory rd Izett Jms. G., Hazlewood, Glebe lands > Hunter Miss A., 2 Orcadia Hunter And., blacksmith, 65 Victoria st Hunter Mrs AnnieY., 43 Mountstuart rd Hunter Miss Eliz., Adelaide pi HOUSEHOLDERS—Rothesay.

Johnstone, Tn.,D. tinsmith, 37 Staffa p Johnstone, Robt , tobacconist, 24 Mill.s Johnstone, Robt., Dricklayer, 22 Mill st Johnstone, Robt., gasfitter, Liiyoak ter Jones, Geo., designer, 5 Argyie st grain merchant, Hillside Jack, James, Jones, John, flesher, 87 High st rd house, Serpentine Jones, Mrs, flesher, 72 High st ter br Jack, Eobt., draper, Bishop Jones, Mrs Mrt, 25 Galiowgate contractor, 29 Barone rd Jack, Thos., Joyce, Margt., 17a E. Princes st Jackson, Dvd., purveyor, 9 E. Princes st * Jackson, G. D., LilyQak ter Jackson, Ths., brassfounder, 5 Argyle pi Jackson, Wm H, banker, 43 Ardbeg rd

Jackson , Charles viRa, Skeoch wood K

James Mrs, 72 Ardbeg rd Kane, Francis, vanman, 30 Bridge sir Jamieson, Miss Eliz., 15 Castle st Kay, Mrs Ann. Westwood Jamieson, James, 1 4 Russell st Kay Mrs Hn. & Ms es, 52 Mountstuart r Jamieson, Miss Jnt., 35 Castle st Kay, Jms., forester, Barore cottage Jamieson, John C, plasterer, Johnst; Kean, Miss Ann, 13 Argyle pi ho, 87 High st Kean, Mrs Ann, 2* Russell st Jamieson, Rbt., tobacconist, 24 Russell S Keenan Dvd, 8 Mansefield pi Jamieson, Mrs 92 A'dbegrd Keenan, Mich., painter, 3^ Victoria st Jamieson Wm., Redholm, Watergate Keii, Alex., burgh worker, 3 Union st Jarrett Mrs, 4 West Castle st Keith, Jms, restaurateur, 15 Montague Union st Jardine Geo , burgh weigher, 3 st ; ho 8 do Jarvie, Geo., policeman, 106 High st Keith, John, porter, 8 Mill st Jeffrey, Alex., fisherman, Gowanbrae Kelly John, 24 Columshill st Jeffrey, Miss Eliz., Hillhouse rd Kell, John, baker, 30 Ladeside Jeffrey, Robert, 6 Hillhouse rd Kelly, Bruce, Alexandra Private Hotel, Jeffrey, Wm., boxmakei, 12| Arayle p 20 Battery pi Jeffrey, Jms., yachtsman, 27 Bndge-end Kelly, Dan., carpenter, 36 Staffa pi . Jenkins, Miss Helen, 5 Argyle st Kelly, John L., 8 Argyle st ^ Johnston Alex., 19 Highst Kelly, Miss My., 11 Mountstuart rd Johnston Miss B. , 2 Orcadia Kelly Thos., coachinan, 13 Victoria at Johnston, Misses Gath. & Flora, dress- Kelly, Miss, 47 Argyle st makers, 9 Castle st Kelso, Mrs Janet, Mackinlay st Johnston, Chs., 3b Staffa pi Kennedy, Angus, labourer, 38 Mill st Johnston Dan., restaurateur, 82 Mon- Kennedy, David, 37 Bridge st tague st ; ho, 84 do. Kennedy, Duncan, 11 Columshill st Johnston, Mrs Eliz., 5 Russell st Kennedy, Jms., shipmaster, Rosebank s Johnston, Mrs Georgina, tea rooms, 72 13 Marine pi

Victoria st ; ho, Hawthorn park Kennedy, Mrs Mary, 46 Ardbeg rd Johnston, James, 5 Bridge st Kennedy, Mrs My., 5 Wyndham rd Johnston, John, shoemaker, 9 Castle st Kennedy, Thms., mechanic, 47 Argyle s Jonnston, John, 7 Mansefield pi Kennedy, Wm., ploughman, 38 Mill st Johnston John, 27 Bridge-end st Kennedy, Wm, 16 Hillhouse rd

Jonnston, John R., blacksmith, 65 Ard- Kennedy , carter, Gowanfield pi beg rd Kenworthy, Thos.. organist, Seabank Johnston,Wm, engineer. 7 Mansef eld p buildings Johnston, Wm., slater, Seabank bldigs Ker, Miss Agnes, 12 Marine pi Johnston, Mrs, Castlehill st Kerr, Alex., 36 Russell st

Johnston, , flesher, 109 Montague st Kerr, Miss Grace, 24 Bishop st ^ Johnstone, Miss Agnes, 23 Barone rd Kerr, Miss Helen, 11 Columshill st f Johnstone, And., vanman, 3 Staffa pi Kerr, Hugh S„, tailor, 38 Bishop st ; ho, Johnston, Mrs EU<. 18 Columshill st 1 Mountpleasant rd Johnston, Mrs Flora. 16 C?sll^bill st Kerr, Miss Janet, 38 Mountpleasant rd Johnstone, Hutrh, joiner Barone rd Kerr, Mrs Jessie. 8 CDlumshill pi 99 ';,


Kerr, John, joiner, 82 Ardbeg rd Lamont, John, baker, 23^ Gallowgate Kerr, John, joiner, 22 Bussell st ho, 23 Gallowgate Kerr, Mrs Mgt., nurse I 7 Bridge si Lamont, Mrs Mgt., 30 M^-iintefruart rd Kerr, Mary W., 12 W. Princes st Lamont, Norman, printer 16 Russell st Kerr, Mrs Sophia, 11a Gallowgata Lamont, Wm., gardener, 163 Bigh st Kerr, Wm., 7 Columshill pi Lang, Andw, 22 Columshill st

Kerr, Wm., 16 Castle st Lane. And , ironmonger, 22 Columshill s st Kerr W. F, 26 Marine pi Lang ; Mrs Marion, 46 Montague Killoch, Mrs Wm., Pointhouse jrescent L?no\ John, spirit dealer, 31 Battel y pi pi, Kilworth, Wm , moulder, 41 Ardbeg rd Lauch'an Thos., Park Bridge st Kinchin, John T., merchant, 15 Ocaig- Lauder, Hugh, jeweller, 3 Albert pi; ho, more rd 1 Crichton *-d Kinnear, Rbt., 3 Mill st Lauder, Mr* Maria, 3 Stuart st 4 Kinnie, Adam S., 38 Mountstuart rd Iauder, Robt., draper 7 Alber ; pi Kippen, Jms. M., heritor, Ardmory rd Lauder, Robt., joiner, 5 Bishop ter br

Kirk, Wm., 71 g Ardbeg rd Lauder, Wm. , joiner, Ladeside st : ho Kirkhnpe,Wm.. sculptor, Tcwnhead Holyrood, Barone rd

Kirkland, Mrs Margt. , 9 Mountstuart rd Lawrie, Miss Mary, 84 Ardbeg rd Kirkland, Wm, 86 Ardbeg rd Lawrie, John M., billiard saloon, 9

Kirkland , White House, Craigmore Bridge-end st ; ho Carlowrie, Acad- Kirkwood, Dvd., cart-wright. 111 High emy rd st ho, 5 Union st Lawrie, Wm., coachman,! 2 W Princes st + Kirkwood, Miss Jessie, 8 Montague s . Lawson, Dvd., b.iker, 87 Montague st Knox, Dune, boatman, 8 E. Princes st ho, Ivy Bank, Bridge at Knox, James, tailor, 15 Bridge-end st Lawsor, Dvd jun., Hotel Madeira.Vic- Knox, Mrs Jane B., 5 < 'rcadia toria and Tower sts Knox, capt John, Ardbeg rd Lawson, Edw K, journalist, Eastlandsr Knox, Mrs, 31 Ardbeg rd Lawson, Jms. Burnet, M.D., 1 Battery p Kyle, Rbt., accountant, 40 Mount): leas- Lawson, Mrs Jessie K., Eastland* rd

ant rd Lavson. Wm J , 59 Mountstuart rd Leckie, Jms, slater. 4 Hillhouse rd Leckie, Wm. M., slater, 35 Bridge st 5 Lees. Mrs Eliz, 86 Ardbeg rd Leigh John, R N, 5 Bridge st Leighton, Wm., clerk, 52 Ardbeg rd Leiper,Misss Bf,rb.& Cath., 67 B .rone rd Leitch,Arch., blacksmith, Wyndhamrd Laidlaw, Mrs A gnes, 5 A rgyle st Leitch, Henry, restaurateur, * Argyle st

Laidlaw, Jms. , plasterer, 3 Bishop ter br ho, Academy rd Laidlaw, Mrs, dairykeeper, 16 Bishop st Leitch, Jms., carter, Eden pi Laing, James, bootmaker, 4 Gallowgate; Leitch, Peter, waiter, 19 argyle st ho, 41 Barone rd Leitch Mrs, Agnes villa, Skeoch wood Laird Mrs Helen, 12 Argyle st Leitch Miss, 29 Columshill st Laird, vrs Helen, 15 Bridge st Leitch, Miss, 21 Mountpleasant rd Laird, Mrs Eliz., High Craigmore Lennie, Jms, baker, 36 Ardbeg rd Lsird, Mrs Isa, 86 Ardbeg rd Lennox, Mrs A. F., 22 Gallowgate Laird, J., 6 Mansfield pi Lessels, And., engineer, 29 Columshill s Lambie, Miss Jane, 24 E Princes st Liddle, Miss Mgt., 15 Batterv pi

Lamont, John, baker, Gowanbrae Lindsay Mrs Cath. , 11 Mansefield pi Lambie, John, grocer, 31 Gallowgate Lindsay, Jhn, ml. mngr., 21 Staffa p Lamont, Mrs Annie, Staffa pi Lindsay, J;, Eastlands

Lamont Arch., tailor and clothier, 15 Linning John, Bishop st , Gallowgate Lipton, Limited, provision dealers, 30 ^ Lamont, Miss Chris., 11 Argyle ter Montague st Lament, Daniel, joiner, 48 Ardbeg rd Liatei, Alex., nurseryman, Barone rd Larront, Don., boatman, Colbeckpl ho, Clutha Til., Parone rd Lamont, Miss Isa., 29 Argyle st Lamont, Jms.D gardener, 74 Ardbeg rd 100 HOUSEHOLDERS—Rothesav

Lister, Aix., jun., Victoria vil., Barone rd Lister, uohn, nurseryman, Barone rd Litte, Fi>s Jane, 40 Mountp'easant rd Little Miss N., 20 Gallowgate M Little, Root., grocer, 27 Argyle st Mad ^en Mrs Jane C, 49 Mountstuart rd Livingstone, MT3 Jnt., 20 Bridge-end st Mains Mrs Jms., 24 Ladeside Livingstone, Miss Jane, Arthurlie, Maitland Andw., tailor, Barone rd M mntpleasant rd Maitland Miss An., grocer, Dean Hood pi

Livingstone, John, fisherman, 4 King st Maitland Mrs Oath. , 12 Argyle st ^ Livingstone, Mrs Mary, 19 Russel 1 st Maitland Daniel, g rdeaer, Barone rd Lwingetone. Rich., saddler. 14 Castlehill Maitland Geo., 1 Bridge end st st ; ho, 47 High st Maitland James, labourer, 60 High st Livingstone, Mrs, 44 Ardbeg rd Maitland John, 13 Marine p Livingstone, Robe, 4 King st Maitland John, carter, 1 Hillhouse rd Loaghrie, Mrs Grace Ann, 52 Ardbeg rd Maitland Joseph, grocer, 62 Montague Lochhead, Ths., traveller. Wyndham rd st ; ho, 12 Argyle st

Locke, John, butcher, 8 ManseneldBpl Maitland Thos., butcher, 60 High st "Lockhart, Jms., pen doner, 2 King st Maitland Misses, Stewart villa, Barone rd Lockhart, John, 87 Ardbeg rd Malcolm Mrs Agnes, 82 Ardbeg rd Lockhart, Mr?, 13 Argyle ter Malcolm Arch, labourer, 125 High st Logan, James, 17 Bridge st Maltman Mrs Agnes, 26 Russell st Logan, Jms., L., 21 Monntpleasant rd Maltman Thos. M., fruiterer, 9 Argyle

Logan, Mrs Janet, 13 Victoria st st & 95 Montague st ; ho, 63 do.

Lonsdale , High Craigmore Manners Misses, Crichton rd

Lorraine, Miss Eliz. , nurse, 33 Ladeside Marsh Chs , painter, 24 Russell st Love, Jms. D. K., motorman, Gowanlea Marshall Mrs Annie, 47 Argyle st Lov, John, W. Erinces st Marshall Prof. Dvd. H., 21 Ardbeg rd Love, Mrs Jes-ie, 11 East Princes st Marshall, James, 1 Columshill pi Lov-*, Mrs M;i,4.. 7 W. Princes st Marshall Mrs Jnt., 54 Ladeside st Love, Bbt 0, shopman, 63 Montague st Marshall John N"., M.D., 7 Battery pi

Love, Thos.,46 Ardbeg rd Marshall Rbt , 4 West Castle st A Love, Mrs, 2 Columshill p Marshall Walter, baker, 48 Ladeside Low, Miss Jeannie, 5 Bishop ter br Martin John & Alex., carriage hirers, Lugton, Win., seaman, 2 Minister's br 214 East Princes st & Chapelhill rd Lusk, Miss Oth., 27 Bridge end st Martin Alex, (above firm), 2 Chape hill r Lyall, John, 1 ManseMeld pi Martin Geo., 17 Russell sc Lyle, Miss Ann, 70 Ardbeg rd Martin, Hu., coachman, 22 Bi-ihop st

Lyle, John, Lome Hotel, Guildford pq Martin Geo. , insurance superinteadent,

Lyle, Mrs J., 12 Mountstuart r 1 Tower st ; ho, Auchnaoloich, Barone r Lyle, Wm., builder, Townhead Martin Malcolm, CAbowner, 12 Argyle s

Lyle, Mrs Mrt., Townhead Martin Thos. J., m.a , Sheriff- Substi- Lyle, Mrs Martha, draper, High st tute, Auchenross 54 ; Craigmore ho, 12 Castle st Martin Thms, plasterer, 86 Ardbeg rd Lyle, Wm., chemist and druggist, 13 E. Martin Miss, nurse, 3 L Columshill' st

Princes st ; ho, Barone rd Mason Alex., builder, 17 E. Princes st Lyle Mrs, Ardmory rd Mason Mrs Alex., 28 B idge st Lynch, James, 5 Bishop ter br Mason Mrs, Braemar Lyon, Miss Eliz.. 48 Mountstuart rd Masterton J. L., Bank of Scotland,

Lyon, John D., 73 Montague st Guildford sq ; res, Crichton villa, 12 Lyon Malcolm, 89 Montague st Cricht >n rd Lyons, Francis, labourer, 21 Ru ; sell st Mather Mrs Oath., 13 Bishop st

Mather Miss, 5 Ar/yle s?r, Mather Walter, Hiilfoot, 27 Argyle st Mathiesoa Alex., 141 High st Mathieson Wm., Bush Matthewson Jas., shopman, 3^ Victorias Matthews Mrs, York ter 101 HOUSEHOLDERS -Rothesay.

Maxtone Miss Margt, 86 Ardbeg rd Miller Wm., slater, 5 Columshill st Maxwell Jms., 2 Ladeside Miller Miss, Demerara pl, Ardbeg rd Maxwell Mrs Robina, 8 Montague st Miller Miss, 33 Ardbeg rd

Maxwell Wm,, J P, heritor, Ardmory rd Miller , 29 Ardbeg rd

Maxwell Alex M'L, stationer, E Princes Milligan Miss Fliz. , 34 Argyle st st Milloy Lachlan, ironmonger, 45 Mon-

Mealmaker Mrs Jnt., 22 Castle st tague st ; ho, Elmbank, Ballochgoy Mearns Mrs Chris. R., Argyle ter Milloy Ths., 9 Crosshill villas Mills, st Meikle Arch., steamboat agent, Quay ; John, 16 Castlebill ho, Invergyle, 4 Mackinlay st Minnis Thos., shoemaker, 78 High st

Meld ruin Wm., chemist and druggist, 43 Mitchell Mrs Andw. , 20 Crichton rd

Victoria st ; ho, Pauldmore, Serpen- Mitchell Mrs Ann, 30 E. Princes st tine rd Mitehell Miss, Barone rd Menzies Mrs Barb., nurse, Hillhouse rd Mitchell Mrs Mary, 9 Hillhouse rd Menzies Mrs Eliz., "Wyndham pk Mitchell Peter 30 E. Princes st Metcalfe Jn. R., house factor 25 Marine Mitchell Samuel, baker, 106 High st pl Mitchell Samuel, 5 Bishop ter Middleton Geo., lithographer, 7 West Mitchell Wm., grocer, Bishop ter Princess st Moffat, Arch., 19 Mill st Middleton Miss Marian, 48 Ardbeg rd Moffat Mrs Helen, 19 Store In Middleton Mrs "Wm., Chapelhill Moffat Mrs Georgina, 179 High st

1 Millar And., sawyer, 12 Castle st Moffatt Mrs He en, Ardmory rd Millar Andw. M.. grocer, 1 Argyle st Moffat Michael. 135 High st ; ho, Westland rd Molyneux, Miss, Hillfoot, 27 Argyle st Millar Neil, seaman, 2 Columshill pl Montague Hry, shoemaker, Bridgend st Millar Miss Jessie and Sarah, York ter Montgomerie Ach., auctioneer, 11 Albert Millar Wm C, butcher, 2a Battery pl pl; Millar Wm. J., C.E., 31 Marine pl Montgomerie Miss A. B., 39 Barone rd Millar Mrs, 29 Columshill st Montgomerie Prank, Albert pl

Millar Miss, Eoseland, Serpentine rd Montgomerie Brothers , butchers, 13 Al- Miller Mrs Ann. 25 Staffa pl bert pl Miller Alx., chimy. sweeper, 13 Stuart st Montgomerie Mrs Kate, 1 Ardbeg rd Miller Mrs Cth., 21 Coluiushill st Montgomerie Mrs Marst., 39 Barone rd Miller, opt. George, Gordon villa, Montgomerie Wm R, spirit dealer, 5 W.

Crichton rd Princes st ; ho Barone rd Miller Mrs Isa., 20 Bridge-end st Moopie Miss Jema., 21 Mountpleasant rd Miller Jms., slater, 17 Bridge st Moodie Mrs Janet and Miss Catherine, 44 Miller Jms., slater, 9 Hillhouse rd Argyle st Miller Jms., slater, 44 Ladeside Moodie W., veterinary surgeon, carriage Miller James, Abbotsford hirer, Watergate; ho, 18 Mountstuart r Miller Jms., 54 Ladeside Moore Mrs Ann, 11 Gallowgate Miller John, Mrs Bessie, Croft lodge Moore laundry, Janefield, Ardmory rd Miller John s'ater, 2 Hillhouse rd More Gabriel, 27 High st Miller John jun., baker, 2 Hillhouse rd Morison Mrs Christina, 32 Marine pl Miller John. 8 Ladeside Morrell M., 5 Bridge st Miller Mrs My., 19 Castle st Morrell Miss, 19 Castle st Miller Mrs Mrgt, M'Kinlay st Morris David I., baker, 107 Montague

Miller Miss My. Ann M., 23 Victoria st st ; ho, 37 Mountstuart rd Miller Peter, baker, 1 Columshill pl Morris James, baker, 35 Barone rd Miller Bobt., heritor, Livorno, Craig Morris Wm., fisherman. 3 King st more Morris, Mrs 5 Mansefleld pl Miller Rbt, joiner; Gowanbrae Morrison Alex., 17 E. Princes st Miller Robert G, draper, 48 Montague Morrison Ang., semn., 11 Mansefleld pl

' st ; ho, Alma ter Morrison Mrs Ach., 65 Victoria st Miller Ths., 13 Stuart st Morrison Archd., hairdresser, 92 Mon- Miller Ths., 19 Stuart st tague st ; ho, 3 King st Miller Thos., musician, 7 Mansefleld pl Morrison Ach., farmer, Craigberoch Miller Wm., clerk, Roseland cot Morrison Bros., plumbers, Watergate a 102 ; ; p


Morrison Ach., plumber, Stewart villa, Mure Robt. M, 7 Wyndham rd Barone rd Murray Miss Ann, 60 High st Morrison Daniel, pensioner, Brandauetr Murray Mrs Annie, 90 Montague st Morrison Don., baker, 42 Ladeside Murray Ach., heritor, 47 Montague st Morrison Hugh, heritor, 29 Argyle st Murray Mrs Cecelia, 53 Ardbeg rd

Morrison Mrs Isa., Barone rd Murray Mrs Chis. , 20 Columshill st Morrison Jms, plumber, Bishop ter br Murray David, 2 Mansfield pi Morrison, Mrs Jane, 65 Victoria st Murray capt Donald, Minister's br Morrison John, gardener, 71 "Victoria st Murray Den. C, painter, 86 Montague Morrison John, master of works, 31 st

fc High st ; ho, 1 Brandane ter Murray Mrs Eliz., Minister's br Morrison Miss Mrt., 3 Bishop ter Murray Mrs Jane, 15 Crichton rd Morrison Mrs Neil, Columshill st Mu/ray John, heritor, Crichton rd Morrison Peter, Rosebank buildings Murray John, painter, 7 Ferguson pi Morrison Robt., carter, 28 Mill st Murray Mrs Mgt., 16 Windsor p Morrison Eobt., joiner, Windsor pi Murray Mrs Mary, 17 Marine p Morrison Thos., joiner, 33 Watergate Murray Miss Mary, 8 Staffa p ho, Mountpleasant rd Murray Thomas, 19 Russell st Morrison Mrs, Gowanbrae Murray Thos., joiner, Bellevue rd artist, 16 High st Murray Wm, Crosshill villas, Glebelands Mortley , Morton Miss Jane C, 41 Ardbeg rd Murray Wm., joiner, 36 Columshill st

Morton John B , draper, 29 Barone rd Murray Mrs, Mountpleasant . Muir Andrew, smith, 5 Castle st Murray J. painter, 7 Wimble ton Muir C. K., 7 Montague st Mutch, Jh W, postman, 66 Montague st Muir C. M. R., stationer, 16 Bndge st Mylne Miss Mrgt. M., 72 Ardbeg rd

Muir Chs , baker, 17 High st, 17 Argyle st, and 23 E Princes st Muir Colin K., postman, 7 Montague s Muir Miss Eliz., 9 Argyle pi Muir George, 22 Watergate Muir Hu., bus driver, 1 Hillhouse rd Mae Muir Jms., br. worker, 17a Bishop st % Muir Miss, 20a Argyle st Mack Mrs, 1 Columshill pi Muir Miss Janet, 5 Bishop st Mack John, barman, 78 High st Muir John, joiner, 86 High st Mackie Miss Dina, 34 Argvle st 29 Victoria st Muir John "VV. , Ardyne boarding house, Mackie Mrs, dressmaker, 7 Elysium McAdam Jms., gardener, 7 Union st st Muir Wm., ironmonger, 15 Bridge st McAleer , 26 Montague Muir Eev¥,, bd, bl, West UF manse, McAlister Miss Mg.,21 Mountpleasant rd Argyle ter McAllister Ang., coachman, Columshill Muir Wm. C, draper, 19 Montague st McAllister John, 26 Castlehill st ho, Battery pi McAllister Ts. , vanman, 11a Gallowgate Columshill st Muirhead Thos. , 57 Crichton rd McAlpine Miss Amelia, 38 labourer, 14 st Muirhead , Lochview, Crichton rd McAlpine Ths., King Miss, 28 Columshill st Mullholland Mrs Wm. , 34 Mountpleas- McAlpine ant rd McAndrew Miss Isa. , 10a Mountstuart rd Munn Miss, 30a Ardbeg rd McAra Miss Chris., 25 Crichton rd Munn Mips Mary H., 17 Argyle ter McAra Thos., ironforger, 36 Crichton rd Ardencraig rd Munro Jms. , baker, 52 Ardbeg rd McArlay , Mordun, Manro Mrs Janet, 29 Columshill st McArthur Arch., 45 Barone rd Munro Mrs John, King st McArthur Ach., carter, 25 Barone rd Munro John G., shopman, 52 Ardbeg rd McArthur Mrs A., 20 Gallowgate Munro Mrs Margt,, Seabank bldngs McArthur Miss Chis., 19 Columshill st f Munsie Jms., joiner, 38 Ladeside McArthur Miss Chis., 69 Victoria st ; ho Murdoch Ang., shomkr., 11 Watergate Firwood Murdoch John, plumber, 7 Mansefield p McArthur Dan., 21 Mill st Murdoch Rbt., grocer, 3 Mansefield pi McArthur Dan., slater, 1 Columshill p 103 McArthur Mrs Donald, Alma ter HOUSEHOLDERS— R> h^j.

McArthur Don., gardener, 18 Ladeside McCarthy Miss Alice, music teacher, McArthur Edw., postman, 4 Mill st 3 Bellevue rd McArthur Jms., bookseller and music McCarley, Hu., pensioner, Tay cot., Ba-

teacher, Guildford sq ; ho, 13 Mount- ron e rd pleasant rd McCartney Mrs, 18 Bridge st McArthur Mrs Jane, 11 Watergate McCluckie Mrs, grocer, Mansefield p _ Mc Arthur John, vanman, 28 Ladeside McClure Mrs Magt., 6 Battery p M< Arthur John, 9 Mansfield pi McColl Hugh, painter, 37 Mill st ; ho, Mc Arthur Pet., gardener, 8 Mansfield pi Amish>ld, Baron e rd McArthur Peter, 20 Russell st McColl Jms. , engineer, 3 King st McArthur Peter A, draper, 10 Albert p McColl John C, enginee-, 43 Ardbeg rd McColl Miss Mry., 24 >'. Princes st McArthur Kbt. , grocer, 22 Watergate McAulay Chs., gardener, 19 Castle st McColl Peter, sen., carter, 14 Hillhouse r McAulay Chas., joiner, 86 High st McColl Peter, jun., 19 Staffa p McAulay Wm., gardener, 4 Minister's McComb Frank, steward, 6 Hillhouse r

McAulay Mrs, Mordun. Craigmore rd McConnechy Mrs Cth , Ballocngny McConnell Miss Chris., ladies' outfitter, McAulay , 9a Mountstuart rd McAuslan Jms., cook, 29 Ardbeg rd 21 Montague st

McConnell Dvd. , carter, 55 Montague st McBeath Mrs Mary and Miss Georgina, McConnell Jms., 98 Montague st Craigview, 5 Craigmore McConnell Mrs Jessie, 28 E. Princes st

Macbeth Adam D. , writer, 28 Castle st McCord John, builder, Craigielea ho, Ard-Ascog McCord Mrs restaurateur, 89 Victoria st

McBirnie Ths. , Woodview, Glebelands McCord Misses J, & S,, confectioners, 81 McBride Mrs, Agnes, 32 Mill st Victoria st McBride Donald, 38 Bridge st McCord Robt., mason, Bute Mansions McBride J., 29 Mill st McCorkindale Mrs Dugald, 14 Craig- McBride Jms., joiner, John st; ho, High more rd Craigmore McCorkindale Dr Duncan, Clydesdale, McBride Mrs Mary Jane, Hi. Craigmore Ascog McBride Peter, Abercorn McCormick Rev Dugald, Chapelhill U F

McBride Rbt., blacksmith, John st ; ho, Gaelic Church, manse, Belmont, Ar- Summerlee, Hi. Craigmore gyle ter McBride Ths., grocer, 2 Hillhouse rd McCormick James, 7 Mansefield p McCormick John, mason, 3 Stuart st McCabe,Jms., heritor, Marine pi McCormick Mrs Mrth., 103 High st McCall Ax., 19 Gallowgate McCormick Robt &Wm., 7 Mansefield pi McCall Mrs KHz., 24 Casile st McCormick Ths, mason, 36 Bridge st McCallum Miss Ann, 16 Castle .st McCormick Wm, Meadowcap McCallum Arch., fisherman, Millbrae ct McCourt Arthur, 7 Gallowgate McCallum Miss Oath., Jnkerman ter McCra Miss, Craigpoint, Craigmore McCallum Miss Chris., 87 Ardbeg McCrae Miss Jane, 21 Argyle p McCallum Mrs Colin, 18 Castlest McCrae Mrs Julia, 3 Logie pi McC Hum Duncan, Ardbeg McCready John, 5 Bridge st McCallum Miss Jeannie, 27 Marine p McCristal John, 5 Mansefield pi McCallum John, banker, savings bank, McCrone Alx., draper, Whitehuse, Mon- 7 Castle st; ho, Elderslie, Serpentine r tague st ; Glenburn cot McCallum John k Son, joiners, 50 High McCron^ Jms., draper, 59 Montague st;

st ; ho, 98 Montague st ho, Townhead

McCallum John, 41 Montague st McCrone Jms , shipmaster, Barone rd McCallum Mrs Margt., Wyndham rd McCrone John, tailor, Bishop ter McCallum Mrs Mary. Ardbeg McCrone Robt., shipmaster, Barone rd McCallum Neil, comp., 39 Argyle. st McCruden, Jms, 4 Mansefield p McCailum Neil, grocer. 96 Montague st; McCubbin T., house agent, 4 Bridge st; ho, 27 A a yle st ho, 23 Argyle st McCallum ihos., blacksmith, 16 Kings McCulloch Miss Agnes, 82 Ardbeg rd McCallum Wm., 3 King st McCulloch Hugh P., stationer, 52 Mon-

tague st ; ho, 5 Argyle pi 104 HOUSEHOLDERS—Rothesay.

McCulloch Jms, Bellvue, 32 Battery pi McDougall Ts., P.O. clerk, Glebe lands McDougall Ths., teacher, Havelock ter McDermott James, mason, 23 Mount- McDougall Miss, Fearnoch, High Craig- pleasant rd McDermott Hu., yachtsman, 5 Russell st McDermotfc Miss Mary, dressmaker, 23 McEwan Miss Cath., 2 King st Mountpleasant rd McEwan Alex., clerk, 11 Mill st McDermott Mich., painter, 11 Colums- McEwan Dun., 96 High st hill st McEwen Dune, flesher, 33 Mill st McDonald Mrs A gnes, 27 Argyle st McEwen John. Glebe lands Ladeside % McDonald Kev Angus, Roman Catholic McEwen Miss Mary, 36 priest, 1 Columshill st McDonald Ang., stoker, 11 Bridge-end s McFadyen John, baker, 74 High st rd McDonald Alx. , Victoria vl, Barone rd McFadyen John, seaman, 71 Ardbeg McDonald Arch., 29 Columshill st McFadyen Wm,, designer, Invergyle, McDonald Miss Barb., Gowanfield ter Mackinlay st McDonald Miss Cth., 56 Ladeside McFarlane Miss Annie, 17 Bishop st McDonald Don., labourer, E Princes st McFarlane Miss Cth., 9 Mill st pk McDonald Don., shopman, Ivy house, McFarlane Dun , farmer, Wyndham Argyle pi McFarlane E., 20 Argyle st McDonald Don., sailor, 8 E. Princes st McFarlane Mrs Eliz., 16 Argyle pi McDonald Dgld., com. trav., Havelock t McFarlane G., boat-hirer, 27 Argyle st McDonald Duncan, Eden pi, 179 High st McFarlane J., 28 Mill st McDonald Miss Eliz.. 16 Bridge-end st McFarlane Misses Jane & Mrgt., farm- McDonald Fred, boatman, 24 Mill sb ers, Lochend McDonald Hu., joiner, 14 Bridge-end s McFarlane Miss Mary, 10£ Ardbeg rd McDonald Mrs Hu., 18 Ladeside st McFarlane Male, clerk, 63 Montague st McDonald Js., porter, 14 Russell st McFarlane Misses M. & C, Minister's br McDonald Jms, 3 Russell st McFarlane Robt. , tailor, 11a Gallowgate McDonald Mrs Jane, High st McFarlane Rbfc., inspector of postmen,. 5 McDonald John, cabman, 5 Bishop st Victoria st McDonald John, coachman, 6Q Mon- McFarlane Mrs Rena, 63 Montague st S tague st McFarlane Wm, 2 Brandane ter McDonald John, seaman, 5J Argyle p McFarlane Mrs T., 16 Argyle st McDonald John, stoker, 106 High st McFarlane Dr, Desmond bank McDonald John, teacher, 3 Mill st McFie Alex., Mansefield pi McDonald John, 26 E. Princes st McFie Mrs Ann, 3 Dean Hood p McDonald John, writer, Ascog McFie Don., tailor, 36 Bishop st McDonald John K., 43 Ardbeg rd McFie Dug., 38 Mill st McDonald Lachlan, 22 Watergate McFie Dug. H., house painter, 65 High

McDonald Mrs Mgt. , 14 Mountstuart rd st ; ho, 12 Castle st McDonald Miss Mrgt. B., Baronerd McFie Jms., florist, Bellevue, Battery p McDonald Mrs Marion, 10 Ardbeg rd McFie Misses Janet & Sarah, dress- McDonald Neil, seaman, 9 Victoria st makers, 12 Argyle st McDonald Neil, 20 Bishop st McFie Miss Jessie, 28 East Princes st carter, 2 John st McDonald Bobt , stoker, 28 Mill st McFie John, McDonald Win., fruiterer, 79 Montague McFie Mai., ploughman, Lochly st st ; ho, 3 Union st McFie Miss Mary Ann, 112 High McDonald Belle\ue, Barone rd McFie Miss May H., 5 Bishop ter McDonald Miss, 3lJ A*dbes> rd McFie captain Robert, 2 Osborne pi McDonald Misses, Westwuod McFie Rbt., burgh worker, Gowanfield p McDougall Aln. cartwrit., Wyndham rd McFie Robert, plumber, 25 Columshill a M'Dougall Mrs Ann, 20 Bishop st McFie Wm, carter, 16 Mill st i McDougall Dn., shipmaster, 21 Argyle st McFie Wm., joiner, Oroft lodge McDougall Geo., Montford McFie Wm., joiner, 25 Argyle st McDougall Miss Mry, 31 Battery p McFie Miss, 24 Bishop st McDougall Miss Mary, dairykeeper, 18 McGallaglay Cornelius, pawnbroker,

Gallowgate ; ho 32 Bishop st Bellevue rd 105 ;


McGarrity Win., goods clerk, 2 Bishop Mcintosh Jh., tinsmith, 66 Montague st ter br Mcintosh Mrs Magt., 177 High st McGaw Alex., joiner, 19 Argyle st Mcintosh Mrs May, Serpentine rd McGeachy Jn., plasterer, 17 Gallowgate Mcintosh Mrs Steuart, 22 Craigmore rd McGeachy Misses, 43 Barone rd McGee Dan., gamekeeper, 169 High st Mclntyre Alex., grocer, 127 High st McGee John, burgh foreman, Chapelhill Mclntyre Alex., 14 Staffa pi McGee Mrs Fanny, 18 Marine pi Mclntyre Mrs Alister, 6 Marine pi McGilchrist Harry, 6 Mansefield pi Mclntyre Misses Ann & Rachel, Serpen- McGilivary Archibald, gardener, East tine rd Burgh Lands Mclntyre Mrs Archd., 103 Montague st McGilivary Mrs Chris. , 24 Mill st Mclntyre Chas.; 98 Monta?ue st McGilvary Duncan, 83 High st Mclntyre Miss Char., 78 High st McGilvary John, compositor, Ro3ebank Mclntyre Dan., carpenter, 44 Argyle st - buildings, 29 Argyle st Mclntyre Daniel, keeper, Liberal rooms, McGilvary Male, plasterer, 24 Mill st 17 Montague st McGilvary Neil, gardener, E Burgh lnds Mclntyre Miss Grace, 28 Russell st McGilp Daniel, carrier, 3 High st ; ho,, Mclntyre James, 81 Montague st 4 Mountpleasant rd Mclntyre Mrs Jessie E., 23 Victoria st McGlashan capt John, 14 Staffa pi Mclntyre Jms., flesher, 81 Montague st McGlashan Mrs Sarah, 30 Wyndham rd Mclntyre Mrs Jn., Dalcraig, Crichton rd McGovern Jobn, labourer, 36 Mill st Macintyre John, gardener, 2 the terrace, McGowan Chas., hsherman, 1 John st Ardbeg rd McGowan Dan. vanman, 28 Bridge st Macintyre Male, postman, 44 Argyle st McGowan Jms., painter, Seabank bdgs Mclntyre Mrs Mai. , 23 Barone rd McGowan capt. Kobt., 38 Argyle st Mclntyre Miss Margt., 44 Argyle st McGowan, Kobt., cabman, 4l Watergate Mclntyre Mrs Mary, 27 High st McGowan Thos., 93 High st Mclntyre Robert, 51 High st McGrandles Jms., 106 High st Mclntyre Mrs, Undercliffe McGrath Mrs Cath, 3 Logie pi Mclsaac Miss Jean, 13 Argyle ter McGregor Mrs Eliz., 7 Gallowgate Mclsaac John, v D, Hon. Lieut-Colonel, McGregor Hector, flesher, 48 Ladeside 48 Argyle st

McGregor Wm. , saddler, 31| Ardbeg rd Mclver Miss Cath., 75 High st McGregor Glenhead , Mclver Jms., boat hirer, 16 Argyle p McGrory Michael, spirit dealer, 70 Mon- Mclver John, 17 Bishop st tague st ; ho. 34 Mountstuart rd Mclver Neil, quarrier, Croft In McOugan D., 59 Ardbeg rd Mclver Pat., labourer, 4 Croft In McGuhans, Mrs Flora, Bishop ter br McGuire Thos., 135 High st McKay Arch., 41 Watergate McGuire C, 109 Montague st McKay Charles, tailor, 39 Victoria st McGuire , broker, 31 Mill st ho, 42 Mountpleasant rd McKay Misses Eliz. & Isa., Wellpark rd McHaffie Wm., calender er, 35 Ardbeg McKay John, gardener, 34 Mill st Mackay John, Royal Hotel, Albert p Mcllheaney Mrs Helen, 8 Mansfield pi McKay John, farmer, Barone park Mcllroy Jms. , labourer, 17 Montague st McKay Jhn. T., seaman, 11 Columshill st Mclroy Jms., stoker, 8 Tower st McKay Mrs Kenneth, 2 King s Mcllroy Wm., masou. Staffa pi McKay Miss Magt., 9 Kir Buildings Mcllroy Mrs, 5 Bishop terrace brae McKay Mrs Magt. 19 Mill st Mclnnes Mrs Eliz. , 23Marine pi McKay Neil, 21 Columshill st Mclnnes, ex-Bailie, Wyndham rd McKay Ronald, painter, 125 High st Mcintosh Alx., mason, 6 Hillhouse rd McKay Wm., burgh chief constable,

Mcintosh Mrs Alex., Hillcrest High, st ; res, Towerhill, Serpentine rd Mcintosh Angus, Courthouse keeper, 27 McKay Wm., compositor. Kir buildings High st McKay Wm., steward, 9 High st Mcintosh Don., engineer, Pointhouse crs McKay Mrs, 3 Bishop ter br Mcintosh, Mrs Janet, 5 Russell st McKay Mrs, 22 Staffa pi

106 ;


McKechnie Miss Ann, 3 Mountstuart rd McKinlay Mrs Eliz, 1 Bridge-end st McKechnie Mrs Don., 25 Columshill st McKinlay Mrs Margt., 75 Montague st McKechnie Mrs Magt., 4 Hillhouse rd McKinlay Misses Margt. and Marianne,

McKechnie ¥m. D. , flesher, Dean Hood Fernycrag pi; ho, 18 Hillhouse rd McKinlay Mrs Marn., 47 Argyle st

McKechnie , Gowanfield pi McKinlay Miss May, 19 High st McKellar Alex., 30 Bishop st| McKinlay, Robert A., stationer, etc., the McKellar Alex, seaman, 30 Columshill s Library. 21 Victoria st; ho, Inkerman McKellar Chas., plasterer, 45 Ardbeg rd ter % McKellar Dan., painter, 27 Argyle st McKinnon Mrs, 9 Chapelhill rd

McKellar Hugh, draper, 70 Ardbeg rd . McKinnon Chs., boilermaker, 10 Marine McKellar Dun., porter, 21 Russell st pl McKellar Duncan, steamboat agent, McKinnon Dun. aerated water manu- 27 r Columshill st facturer, Springbank McKellar Miss Isa., 23 Mountpleasant rd McKinnon Hector, registrar, 16 High st; McKellar Mrs Janet, 25 Mountstuart rd res, Minister's br

McKellar miss Rebecca, 2 Croft In . McKinnon Mrs Helen, 29 Argyle tei McKellar Robt., 33 Crichton rd McKinnon James, accountant. 11 Albert

McKellar Robt., gardener, 11 Mill st pl ; ho, Barone rd McKelvie Wm., labourer, 2 John st McKinnon Mrs John, grocer, 6 Montague

McKendrick Mrs Helen 39 Watergate st : ho, Barone rd McKendrick Jms, fisher, 24 Watergate McKinnon Malcolm, chef, 6a Cestle st McKendrick Wm, travlr., 27 Ardbeg McKinnon Mrs Marion, 44 Argy'e st McKendry Ach., policeman, 40 Bishop McKinnon Mrs, 7 Mansefield pl McKenzie Colin, engineer, 78 Hign st McKinnon Miss, 2 Dean Hood pl McKenzie Dune, steward, 20 Bishop st McKintosh Mrs Annie, 21 Crichton rd McKenzie Mrs Eliz., 5 Mountstuart rd McKirdy Mrs Ann, 115 High sc McKenzie Hector, seaman, 11 Colums- McKirdy Miss Chris., 71 Victorir st hill tt McKirdy Jas. A., blacksmith, 19 Mill st McKenzie Hugh, turner/30 High st Mackirdy capt. John, J.P., Beechwood McKenzie Jms., mason, 11 Bridge st McKirdy Mrs John, Lenzie villa, Crich- McKenzie Miss Jessie 17 E Princes st ton rd McKenzie John, 135 High st McKirdy John, 10 Mansefield pl McKenzie John, sawyer, 20 Mill st McKirdy Mrs May S., 29 Battery pi McKenzie Mrs Margt., 37 Crichton rd

McKenzie Mrs Mary p Abbotsford, Ba- McLachlan Arch., 26 CclumshiU st rone rd McLachlan Ach., labourer, 3 Union st McKenzie Miss May, 8 Argyle porter, 135 High st p McLachlan Camp. , McKenzie Mrs My., 2 Chapelhill rd McLachlan Chas, shopman, 103 High st McKenzie Mrs May, 4 Columshill p McLachlan Dan., grocer, 14 Columshill McKenzie Murdo, 21 Mill st st McKenzie Murdoch, publisher, Express McLachlan Dan., 4 Minister's br 11 Montague st ; ho.. Abbotsford, McLachlan Mrs Don., flesher, 115 Mon-

Barone rd tague st ; ho, 17 Bridge st

McKenzie R. , Gowai field pi McLachlan Dug., labourer, 8 Stuart st McKenzie Mrs Richard, 2 Barone rd McLachlan Duncan, mason, 19 High st McKenzie Ths.. steward, 3 Battery p McLachlan, Geo., 37 Bridge st

McKenzio , 78 Ardbeg rd McLachlan Miss Isa. , 8 Tower st Mnckie Andrew, printer, 16 King st McLachlan Jas., labourer, 2 John st McKillop Mrs Ann, 27 E. Princes st McLacnlan John, labourer, 16 Bridge- McKim Mis Helen, 33 Argyle st end st McKinlay A. M., architect, Castle st McLachlan Miss Mary, 3 Battery pl ho, Inkerman ter, Ballochgoy McLachlan Mrs Mary, 19 Castle st McKinlay And. M., temperance hotel McLachlan Miss Mary, 12^ Argyle pl keeper, 4 High &t McLachlan Robert, labourer, 19 Mill st McKinlay John, J P, Fernycrag, Crich- McLachlan Wm. labourer, 19 Russell st

ton rd McLachlan , 12 Argyle pl McKinlay John, joiner 16 Castle st 107 HOUSEHOLDERS—Rothesay.

McLagan Thomas, writer 28 Castle st"; M'Lennan , ret. postman, 7 Mon- ho, G-lenbeg, Ardbeg tague st McLaren John, 29 Argyle st McLeod Angus, stoker, 27 High st McLaren John, nurseryman, Brr.eside McLeod Don, coachman. 2 Bishop tr br McLaren Pete*-, tobacconist, Wyndham McLeod Hector, sheriff officer, R dholm, rd "Watergate

McLardy Mrs Mary, 106 High st McLeod Miss Mry. , Adelaide pi Mel arty Dani3l, 2 John st McLeod M; ss, 3 Gaigmore rd. McLav James, inland revenue officer, McLevie Robt., porter, 34 Staffa nl R-tvefscraig, Glebe land? McLintock Geo. M., prchiteot, 21 Castle

McLsy Jn. , coalmastr, 32 Mountstuart r st ; ho, 9 Glen iiosa pi McLea Aich. S., secretary, Conservative McLackie Jn., steward, 1; E Princes at Club; ho 22 Bridge st McT ean Alex., electrician, 82 Ardbeg rd McMaster Jc-hn, 11 Chapelhill rd Mc' ean Andw., saddler, 7 W.Princes st McMeechan John, 4 King st M ;1 ean Miss Ann, 3 Russell st McMillan Alex., carter, 79 High st McLean Miss Annie, 6^ Ardbeg rd McMillan Alx., labourer, 113 High st McLean Miss Cthn., 16 High st McMillan Mrs Allison, 20 Russell st Mel tan M:s Cath., 145 High st McMillan Arch., carter, 9 Bishop st Mc' ean Dan., flesher, Columshill st McMillan Ach. in,, barber, 9 Bishop st Mc T ean Dan., 4 King st McMillan Mrs Cth., 4 W, frinces st Mc'.ean Mrs Dond., 16 Ladeside McMillan Mrs Chris., 9 & 10 Argyle pi McLean Fred., flesher, 20 Bridge-end st McMillan Dond., valuator, Craigowan, McLean Mrs Ha, Glenrosa pi 47 Crichton rd McLean Hugh, porter, 7 Union st Macmillan Eben R., shipmaster, Clare- McLean Mrs Jane, 38 Crichton rd mont. Argyle fer; business address, McLean Aiiss Jane, 34 Mill st 18 Argyle st; 'phone, 192. McLean Mrs Jean, 24 Bridge st Macmillan Mrs E. R., ladies' and child- 'McLean Mrs Jessie, 5 Victoria st ren's outfitter, 7, 18 k 21 Argyle st McLt an John, 5 Russell st McMillan Hu., butcher, 66 Highst McLean John, clerk, 2 McKu.lav si. McMillan James, manager, McKirdy & McLean John, fisherman, 32 Mill st McMillan, carriage - hirers, Albeit McLean John, carter, 7 Union st mansion, 1 East Princes st McLean Laohlan, slater, 147 High st McMiUai Mrs Jane, 137 High st McLean Micm... carter, 40 Columshill st McMiPan Jms. shoemkr., 27 Budgend s

McLean Miss Margt , 30 Bishop st McMillan Mrs Jnt., 11a Argyle pi McLean Mr« Mary. 60 Crichton rd McMillan John, coachman, 7 W Princes

McLean Muvd., Lbr , 24 Columshill st st McLean Peter, clerk, 2 Mackinlay st McMi'lan John, farmer, Knockanreoch

McLean Ths, 5 cab owner, Church ho., McMillan Tn , labourer, 58 Montague st Bridge-end st McMiilan John, Argyle ter McLean Wm., inspector of slaughter- McMillan John 97 Montague st house, 14 Ladeside McMillan Neil" Watergate Mcl.eish Rbt., porter, 20 W Princes st Macmilan Robert D., procurator- fiscal,

McLellan Mre Ann, 17 Bridge st Watergate ; ho, 13 Craigmore

McLellan Dvd. , bridgeman, 2 John st McMillan Thos. quarrier, 16 Store In MeLella?^ Dond., etoker, 17 Montague st McMillan Wm., cabman, Albert man- McLellan Lach., stoker, 86 High st sions McLellan John, 13 Columshill pi McMillan Wm., grain mercht, John st; McLejlan MT3, 11 East Princes st ho, Barone rd McLellan Macm., boatman, 3 Russell st McMillan Wm. B., billposter, 48 High

McLeSian Male, postman, 27 Argyle st st ; ho, 22 Ardbeg rd McLellan Miss Maty, 31 Gallowgate McMillan Wm,, Auchamore, Ardmory r McLellan Miss Susan, 18 Bridge st McMillan Mrs, dairy keeper, 9 Water-

McLellan Wm., csbman, 27 Bishop st gate ; ho, 11 do. McLelland Mrs Ellen, 18 Russell st McMillan Mrs, 12 Argyle pi McLennan Duncan S., dancing master, McMurchie Dugd., porter, 58 Ladeside s

11 Mansefield pi McMurray A. , hairdresser, 4 Bridge st 108 ;


McMurray Alex., 3 Mill st McNish Harry, carpenter, 27 Bridge st McMurray Thos., 4 Elysium McNiven Alex., 70 Ardbeg rd McMurray Wm, baker, 21 Koslin pi McNulty Rbt., 6 Columshill st

McNab Alx., joiaer, &c.,42 Watergate McOscar James, grocer, 131 High st ; ho, 2 Mountpleasant rd ho, 4 Mansefleld pi McNab Edw., janitor, Public School, 88 High st McPhail Dugd, seaman, 19 Castle st McNab Mrs Eliz. , 10 Columshill st McPhail Dugd., seaman, 17 K Princes st grocer, McNab Hamltn. , 84 High st McPhail Mrs Mrgt., 16 Staffa pi McNab Jms., joiner, Cruden cot McPhail Mary, 76 Montague st John, tinsmith, W. Princes st McNab McPhee Mrs Hu. , 2 Argyle st ho, Inkeiman ter McPhee Ptr, coachman, 20 W Princes st McNab Misses Mart. S & Mry. A, 16 McPherson Ax., s'mn., 38 Columshill st Craigmore rd McPherson Miss Cth., 23 Barone rd Macnair capt. David, harbourmaster, McPherson Chs., draper, 9 Castle st Dnnottar McPherson D., Barone rd McNair Wltr., tailor, Colbeck pi McPhereonDon., spt. dlr., 13 Stuart st; McNair Walter, tailor, 7 W, Princes st ho, Holyrood, Barone rd McNally Miss, nurse, 28 Castlehill st McPherson Miss F. , ladies' furnisher, 9 McNaught Mrs Euph. , McNab's br Bridge-end st McNaughtcn Hu. A, blacksmith, 145 McPherson Hu., porter, 3 Logie pi High st McPherson Jhn, labourer, 15 Bridge-end McNeill Alex., 16 Russell st st McNeil Alex., 34 Columshill st McPherson John, fisherman, 20 Bridgend McNeill Miss Annie, Ferguson pi McPherson Mrs Mary, 20 Mill st McNeill Dan, , traveller, 22 Columshill McPherson Miss Mary, Wellpark rd st McNeill Mrs Eliz., 4 King st McQuistan Jms., piasterer,72 Montague McNeill Mis Eliz., 46 Ladeside st McNeill Miss Jane, 24 Argyle st McQuistan John, plasterer, John st McNeill Mrs Jane, 15 High st McNeill Jms., carter, 8 Mill st McStay J., shoemaker, 19 Bridge-end st McNeill Mrs Josephine, 13 Battery pi McNeill Robt, Oraadia McTaggart Miss, 7 Mill st

McNeill Thos. , cabman, 9 Bishop st McTaggart S., 1 King st McNeill Wm., stationer, 17a E. Princes McTaggart John, labourer, 7 Mill st

st ; ho, 10 Columshill pi McTageart Lich., Ballochgoy ter McNeill Miss, 6 Watergate McTaggart Wm., engraver, 75 Barone r McNeill Miss, Clifton Boarding house, McTavish Edward, tinsmith, Bridge-end

Argyle ter st ; ho Firwood McNeily Wm, cabman, 16 Russell st McTavish Mis John, 21 Russell st McNicol Miss 'Agnes, 4 E Princes st

McNicol Arch. , captain, 11 Marine pi McVey John, 74 High st McNicol Arch., 1 Columshill pi McVicar Arch., yachtmaster, 7lJ Ard- McNicol Dune, cabman, 83 High st beg rd grocer, st M'Nicol Dune , 89 High McVicar Don*, mason, 139 High st McNicol Dune, provin. mercht, Mount- pleasant McWhinnie, Thms, 3| Victoria at McNicol Mrs Eliz., 7 Argyle ter McWilliam And., heritor, Ardmory rd McNicol Jms., baker, Wyndham rd McWilliams Mrs May, 3 Argyle pi McNicol Jms., shipmastt r, . 40 Mount- McWilliams Thms., Park pi, Bridge st pleasant rd McWilliams Mrs, 17 Russell st McNicol John, 20 Argyle st McNicol Neil, baker, 81 High st McNicol Peter, 7 Columshill pi McNicol Miss, tobacconist, Bishop st 109 ;


N Napier, Andw., gas wkr., 46 Ladeside O'Dowd Mrs, 6 Hilhouse rd Napier Mrs Euph., 4 Hillhouse rd Ogilvie Thomas, 4 Minister's br Napier Mrs Janet, 8 Tower st O'Handlin Mrs, 17 Russell st Napier Mrs May, 8 Hillhouse rd O'Hara John, spirit dealer, Ardmory rd Napier Thos., plumber, and ironmonger, Oliphant Geo. S., shoemaker, 18 Rus-

68 Montague st ; ho. , 4 Hillhouse rd sell st

Napier Wm. , swimming baths ; ho, 20 Oliphant Joseph, Bridge st I Bishop st Oliver Miss Robina, 42 Bishop st Neill Kobt., coal dealer, ? W„ Frinees st O'Neill Mrs Agnes, 19 High st Neill Mrs, Ardencraig O'Neill Hu., 7 King st Neill Mrs Jessie D, Orcadia O'Neill James, fishmonger, 16 High st Neilleay Mrs Ellen, 2 Croft lane O'Niell Mrs, 4 Mansefield pi Neilson Misses Cath. Agnes, & Margt., O'Rielly Wm C, billposter, 46 Castle st 20 Ardbeg rd Orkney John, J. P., 6 Orcadia

Neilson Mrs Eliz. & Miss Ann, 51 Monnt- Orkney Robt , ocean passenger agent, stuart rd Argyle ter Neilson John, baker, 17 E. Princes st Orr Mrs Sophia, 19 Ardbeg rd Neilson Mrs Mary, 50 Ladeside st Neilson Thomas, house factor, Ardbeg rd Nelson Joseph, 32 Battery pi Nelson M G, accountant, Ardbeg rd Neville Mrs A., 25 May Gallowgate Page Samuel, flesher, 34 Ladeside Newton M., 10 Minister's brae Park Geo., ilD, Brae-an-dune, Albany r Nicol capt., Helensdale, Crichton rd Park Miss, ladies' furnisher, 75 Mon- Nicol Donald, 109 Montague st tague sfc ; ho, 1 King st Niblick Thos., labourer, 14 Russell st Park J., joiner, 16 Mill st Nicol John H, innkeeper, 19 Argyle st Park Jms, bleacher, 52 A nib eg rd Nicholson Armiger, letter carrier, 32 Park Mrs Jane, 13a E. Princes st Bishop st Parker Donald, 109 Montague st Nicholson John, commission agent, 4 Parker Geo., 83 Montague st Ardbeg rd Parker J., joiner, 16 Mdl st Nicholson Miss Mary S., 29 Baron e rd Parker Jms., painter, Colbeck pi Nicolson Neil, seaman, 24 E. Princes Paterson Mrs Agnes L., Orcadia st Paterson Alex., 3 Columshill st Nicholson Kobt., postman, 20 Bridge st Paterson Alex., gardener, wyndham pk Nisbet Mrs Alex., 6 Bridge st Paterson Alex., printer, 8 Tower st -Nisbet Henry, miner, Wyndham rd Paterson Ax. prov. mercht., 69 Ardbeg r Nisbet John, , cab owner, 24 Bridge st Paterson And., farmer, Little Grenach Nisbet Miss My., confectioner, 6 Gallow- Paterson Mrs Ann, 16 Castle st gate Paterson Chas., C R steamboat agent, 19 Nisbet Miss May, 22 Columshill st Argyle pi Nisbet , Wyndham pk Paterson Mrs Eliz. , 11 Argyle pi Nolan Miss, Holiday Home, 15 Mount- Paterson Henry C M, heritor, wynd- stuart st ham rd Noon coal Wm., dealer, 103 High st Paterson Mrs Jane, 14^ Marine pi Norris Thos., Wyndham park tr Paterson John, Serpentine rd Norris Walter, 27 Columshill st Paterson J., 7 Chapelhill rd Nugent Nath., tailor, 5 Bishop st Paterson John, milliner, 31 Victoria st ho, 29 do

Paterson Mrs Margt. , 3 Orcadia Paterson, Miss Marion, Bishop ter br 110 Patei son Mrs Mary, 15 Castle st ;


Paterson, Mrs M. , 72 Ardbeg rd Porter John, jp, builder, 22 Marine pi Paterson Matt., drysaltery 15 Battery pi Pollock John, 6 Mansfield pi Paterson, Robt., carter, 21 Mill st Pratt John Henry, Loch view, Barone Paterson Robt., slater & cement worker, road (late 11 Derby crescent Glasgow) st Price Mrs Eliz., Montague st 50 High st ; ho 5 Croft lodge, Argyle Paterson Rbt., auctioneer and uphol- Prior Alfred, gardener, 60 High st

sterer, 8 Store In ; ho, Ricebank, Proudfoot, Misses Eliz. and Isa , West- Ascog wood Paterson Mrs, 32 Battery pi Proudroot, John, clerk, 71 Barone rd Patience John, leather merchant, 6 Dean Provan Jms., 94 High st Hood pi Provan Mrs Jane, 12 Argyle p Paton Mrs Agnes H., 40 Argyle st Provan Wm., 5 Bridge st

Paton Ang. , carpenter, 1 Union st Provan Wm., 23 Bridge st

Paton Jms, 23 Bridge-end st Puller Rev , Ian villa, Academy rd Paton Miss Marion, Mountpleasant rd Purves Mrs Agnes, 31 High st Patrick Jms., porter, 11 Staffa p Patrick Jms., stockbroker, 17 E Princes st Patrick Wm., 3 Russell st Q Pattison Jms., comp., 36 Bishop st Quigley Mrs Joseph, 19 High st Paul Geo., 21 Russell st Paul Mrs a nn, 22 Russell st Quin Jms., confectioner, 74 Ardbeg rd Paul Robt., glass blower, 7 Marine pi Pecaock Alex. H., plumber, 32 High st; ho., Glenfaulds, 10 Mountstuart rd Peacock Geo., 27 Argyle st Peacock Mrs Tane, 25 Wyndham rd R Peacock Wm., gardener, 27 Argyle st Rae Geo., warehouseman, 2 Argyle st Poarce Mrs, E Princes st Rae John, heritor, 21 Craigmore rd Peebles Miss, 25 Columshill st Rae Wm, 5 Mansefield pi Peebles Mrs, 103 Montague st Rae Wm., 19 Stuart st Pendre'gh Mrs, 159 High st Kae Miss, teacher. 63 Montague st Pendreuh John, labourer, 161 High st Raeside Jms., 1 Russell st Pendreigh "Wm., insurance agent, 35 Bamsay Dvd., coachman, 98 Montague's Gallowgate Ramsay Jms., heritor, Serpentine rd Penny Duncan, gardener, Glenburn Bamsay Mrs Mai'gt., 53 Ardbeg rd Pennev Dr Dvd. J., surgeon, Battery pi Rankin Alex., draper, 25 Victoria st Penney Mrs, Prospect House 56 Ardbeg ho, Fauldmore, Serpentine rd

Penney Mrs May, Ardbeg rd Rankin Miss Jessie D. , 12^ Ardbeg rd Pentland Mrs Caroline, 33 Barone rd Rankine Dvd., gardener, Serpentine rd Perry Mrs May, 6 Columshill pi Rankine Mrs Jane, 12 Argyle pi

Perston Alex. , carrier, 25 Montague st Rankine Mrs Geo., 19 Store In Perston David, comp., 4 W Castle st Rankine Misses Jessie & Margt., Serpen- Petrie Mrs Agath, 12 Crichton rd tine rd Pettigrew Mrs Ann, 45 Ardbeg rd Rankine Miss Isa., 19 Store In

Philp Mrs Margt. , 12 Castle st Rankine John, steward, 19 High st Phillips Mrs, 18 Bridge st Rankine Miss Isa., 51 Ardbeg rd Pickering Mrs, confectioner, 15 Tower st Rankine Mrs Joan P., 58 Mountstuart rd Pickering Miss, 5 Bute mansions Bankine Rev John, 17 Bishop st Pickering Richard, restaurateur, 15 Rattray Mrs Helen, stationer, 60 High Pinkerton Mrs Magt., Concord villa, st; ho, 46 Columshill st Reid Dr Dnl., surgeon, Greenbank, Ard- Pinkerton Jas., coffee stall keeper, 4 Co- beg rd lumshill p Reid Misses Georgina & Jessie, 25 Craig-

Pirie Mrs , Osborne Temperance Hotel, more rd 87 Victoria st Reid Mrs Henrietta, 76 Ardbeg rd Pollock Miss Magt., High Craigmore Reid John, electrician, 1 Hillhouse rd Pope Dnl., merchant, 1 Elysium Reid John, engineer, Ardencraig 111 ;


Reid John, gasfifcter, 4 Columshill st Rodger Mrs Robt., 38 Bridge st Reid Mrs John, 3 Battery pi Rodger Miss Violet, Marin* pi Eeid Joseph, fisherman, 16 Staffa pi Rodgers Dvd, organist, 32 Bishop st Reid Mrs Magt., Omatus ter Roe Mrs Esther, 20 Craigmore rd st st Reid , Park pi, Bridge Roe Jonathan, engineer, 5 Craigmore rd

Reilly Mrs Mary, westwood Ronald , , Orcadia

Renrie Ax., brass-finisher, 10 Ladelde Rooney Ths , 58 Ladeside

ReynoVls , seam'n Bark pi Rork John, 23 Argyle pi

Reynolds , 4 Hillhouse rd Rose James, w s, depute Town clerk, Riddell capt., 32 Battery pi Eaglesham

Riddel 1 Mrs Helen, 43 Ardbeg rd Ross Miss Eliz. M. . 1 Mackinlay st Riddle capt. Jms. M.. 32 Battery pi Ross H. J. G., M. a., headmaster, Pub- / Riddley, Russell, 96 High st lic School, res., 29 Marine pi

Riesbeig Miss, Clan vl, Bridge st Ross John, tailor, 11 Montague st ; ho, Bippie John labourer, 91 Montague st 12 W. Princes st Rippie "VVm., labourer, 125 High st Rowan Mrs Marion, 30 Marine pi Ritchie And. T, farmer, Gartnatkeillj Roy Mrs Eliz., Bishop ter br

Ritchie Mrs Barb, , 29 Columshill st Roy Philip, 22 Russell st Ritchie Geo., painter, 5 Bishop ter br Roy Peter, seaman, 5 Russell st

Ritchie Mrs Joseph, 43 Crichton r Roy Wm. , residenter, 23 Mountstuart

Ritchie Mrs Eliz , 41 Victoria st rd Ritchie Mrs Magt., Wyndham pk Roy Mrs, 103 Montague st Ritchie Peter, pensioner, 11 Bridge st Runciman Miss, ladies' milliner. 14 W Roberts Geo., tailor, 3 Columshill pi Princes st ; res, Gowanfield pi Robertson, Alex., 32 Bridge st Rush Miss Ann, 17 Montague st

Robertson And. , heritor, 16 Marine, pi Russell Mrs Ann, 2 Bridge st Robertson Ang, upholsterer, 21^ Bridge- Russell Dun. C, plumber, 3 King st end fet Russell John, Russell st Bobertscn Mrs Ann, Argyle ter Russell Mrs Margt., 27 Battery pi Robertson Mrs Ann, 3 Ministers' br Russell Mrs Mrgt., 55 Montague st Robertson Mrs Chis., 16 Mill st Russell Matthew B., grocer, 106 Mon-

Robertson, Colin, 22 Bridge-end st tague st ; ho. 15 Bridge st Robertson Dvd., baker, 7 E. Princes st Russell J., 16 Castlehill st

ho., 17 Mountstuart rd Russell Wm , 4 Wimbleton Robertson Dd. T., coast guard, 17 Bsh- Rutherford Mrs Margt., 14 Russell st op st Rutherford Wm., 103 High st Robertson Mrs Isa., 87 Ardbeg rd Robertson Jms., joiner, 18 Marine pi Robertson Mrs Jane, 17 Russell st Robertson John, 31 Columshill st Robertson John, baker, 16 E. Princes

st ; ho, 3 Mountpleasant rd Robertson Malcm., 32 Bishop st Sacks Moses, tailor, 28 Mill st Robertson, Macm.. 145 High st Samuels Wmi N, painter, 29 Argyle ter Robertson Mrs Magt., 46 Ladeside st Sanderson Jhn, bootmaker, 83 Montague Robertson Mrs My M., 10 Mountstuart r st

Robertson, Bbt. , engineer, 47 Ardbeg rd Scholfield Thos., 2 Bridge st Robertson Mrs Susan, Wyndham rd Schroder Colin M., seaman, Park pi Robertson Thms, 38 Bishop st Schueller Godfrey, vanman, 1 Russell st Robertson Wm., gardener, 23 Mount- Scott Alex., stoker, 38 Mill st pleasant rd ScoU Miss Eliz., 1 Minister's br Robertson Mrs, 10 Mansefield pi Scott Eliz., Victoria st Robertson Mrs, Invergyle, Mackinlay st Scott Mrs Eliz., 27 Bishop st Robertson Mrs, 9 Mountstuart rd Scott Mrs Eliz., chinaware dealer 38 Robertson Mrs, Wyndham pk Montague st Robertson 25 Gallowgate Scott Geo., drawing master, 11 Crosshill Robin Wm, engineer, — Gallowgate villas Glebelands Robinson Thos., seaman, 27 Bishop st Scott Jms, 10 Mansefield pi 112 ;


Scott Alex,, 5 Argyle st Simson Mrs, Pointhouse crescent and 76 Scott Mrs Jane, 11 Ardbeg rd Ardbeg rd Scott Matt., ret. farmer, 4 Mountpleas- Sinclair Donald, 133 High st ant Sinclair Mrs D W, Havelock ter Scott Robt., engineer, Colum&hill st Sinclair Jms. C, burgh chamberlain, 30 Scott Robt., stationer, Ardbeg High st ; ho., 9 Battery pi

Scott Miss , 23 Victoria st Sinclair John, joiner, 53 Barone rd Scott-KingA, boarding house, 6 Elysium Sinclair John, shipmaster, 12 WPrinces st Scott & Todd, coal merchants and cart- Sinclair Mrs Mary C, 28 Bridge st ing contractors, 34 and 38 Bishop st Sinclair Sm.C.,Lounsdale, U.Craigmor# st V Scott James, of Scott & Todd, Spring- Skirving Arch. , blacksmith, High

bank, Chapelhill rd Slaven Jms , fruiterer, 18 Watergate Scullion Miss Mary Ann, 75 High st ho, 12 W Princes st

; Seaton , 2 Craigmore rd Slaven John, fruiterer, Stuart st ho9 Shand Misses Cath. & Mary, Westwood 6 Store In Shand Peter, grocer, 2C Bridge-end st Slaven Mrs Lilias, 38 Bride st Shand Peter, ll Albert pi Slaven Maurice, labourer, g 103 High st Shand ¥m., 3 Bishop ter br Slaven Peter, 66 High st Shand Wm., 38 Columshill st Slaven Thos., 38 Bridge st Sharp Mrs Agnes, 5 Marine p Sloan Hu. , agent, G. & S. W. Railway Sharp Miss Cath., 23 Victoria st Company quay ; ho. , Brandane ter Sharp Miss Eliz., 15 Mountstuart rd Smart Wm, Wyndham rd Sharp Mrs Jane, Mountstuart rd Smellie Miss, Ardbeg rd Sharp Miss Julia, 17 Montague st Smith Mrs Agnes, 11 Gallowgate

Sharp Mrs Margt., 23 Victoria st Smith Alex. , upholsterer, 2 Hillhouse rd Sharp Robt., J. P., Maryfield Smith Miss Ann, Inkerman ter

Shaw Andw, 74 High st Smith Dun. , baker, 69 Montague st Shaw Angus, carter, 36 Mill st ho, 17 Bridge st

Shaw Mrs Arch. , 17 Montague st Smith Mrs ¥., 27 High st Shaw Daniel, blacksmith, Straad Smith George, a^ent, Clydesdale Bank, Guildford sq Shaw Daniel jun, blacksmith, Croft In ; ho, Baron e rd Smith Geo. A., baker, Wyndham rd

P Shaw Geo., vanman, 16 Hilllhouse rd Smith Mrs Grace, 2! Mountpleasant rd - Shaw Mrs Janet, 38 Columshill st Smith Henry M., lavatory attendant, 4 Shaw John, carter, Russell st Hillhouse rd Shaw John, joiner, 28 Montague st Smith Jms., baker, Ferguson pi

Shaw John, porter, 19 Victoria st Smith Jms , farmer, Wyndham pk Shaw John, steamboat agent, Quay; ho, Smith Jms., joiner, 15 Bishop st 18 Russell st Smith Jms. M, 87 Ardbeg rd Shaw Neil, steward, 103 Montague st Smith John, joiner, 15 Bishop st Shaw Neil, carter, Gowanbrae Smith John, joiner, 2 Hillhouse rd Shaw Peter, labourer, 38 Ladeside st Smith John, fishmonger, 35 Victoria st Shaw Mrs, Mootford ho, 33 do Shaw Mrs, 26 Columshill st Smith John, tailor, 78 Ardbeg rd Shields John, 24 Mill st Smith Rev Kenneth, Gaelic Church,

Shields Miller, 4 Bridge st Russell st ; manse, Clan villa, Ciiapel- Shields Patrick, porter, 135 High st hill Shiells Geo., nurseryman, Amisfield, Smith Rich., engineer, 80 High st Barone rd Smith Robt., clerk, Barone rd Sillars Miss Amelia, Adelaida pi Smith Robt., hotel keeper, Bute Arms Sillars, ladies' furnisher, 67 Victoria st Hotel, Guildford sq Silver Andw. Y., tobacconist, 3 Argyle Smith Robt., painter, 3 Russell st

st ; ho., Albert cot, Barone rd Smith Robt., seaman, 103 High st ^ Sim Dan., 4 Mill st Smith Robt., 54 High st

Sim Wm. sawyer, 21 Mill st Smith , 78 Ardbeg rd Simpson Mrs Ann, 22 Castle st Somerville Mrs Helen, 11 Chapelhill rd Simpson Geo., 16 Hillhouse rd Sommerville Js. R., bathman, 8 Mount- Simpson Jms., gasfitter, 7 Tower st stuart rd h 113 ;


Speirs Angus, tailor and clothier, 10 Stewart Misses Jane & Mary, Upr. Craig«

Gallowgate ; ho, 1 Alma ter more Speirs Mrs Helen, 9 Wyndham rd Stewart Mrs Janet, 18 Ardbeg rd Speirs gas worker, 179 High st Stewart Mrs Janet, 49 Argyle st Spellassie John, labourer, 10 Colums- Stewart John, boatman, M'Alister's crt hill st Stewart John, porter, 10 Staffa pi Spellassie Win., labourer, 21 Russell st Stewart John B., 3a Victoria st Spence John, bathman, 61 Ardbeg rd Stewart Mrs May, 29 Wyndham rd Spittal Wm, 9 Chapelhill rd Stewart Mrs May, 129 High st Spreull And., vet. surgeon, 21 Ardbeg Stewart Miss Mary, 13 Argyle ter J Sproul Ewan, labourer, 106 High st Stewart Robert, grain merchant, Mill Sprowl Ach., linotype oprtr., 80High st st ; ho, Windsor Lodge, Crichton rd

Sprowl Mrs Isa., Gowanfield pi Stewart Rbt. , vanman, 38 Columshill at Sprowl Mrs Mary, Alexandra cot., West- Stewart R. C.^ spirit merchant, 25 High

land rd st ; ho, Alma ter Sprowl Robt., joiner, 49 Ardbeg rd Stewart Thos, bakei. Gallowgate Sprowl Win., foreman Lxorens ; ho, Stewart Thos.. heritor, 42 Ardbeg rd Glenhead Stewart Wm, engineer, 4 Croft In Sprowl Misses, milliners, 9 Gallowgate Stewart Win., engineer, 11 Bridge st

Squair F. H., flesher, 5 Gallowgate ; Stewart Wm., painter, 19 M'pleasant rd ho., 61 Barone rd Stewart W. Alex., b.l., 47 Watergate Stagg Wm., chimney sweep, 27 High st res, Old Mansion House, High st Stark John, pointer and decorator, 16 Stewart Wm M, baker, 9J Gallowgate Argyle st ; ho., 1 Wimbleton Stewart W. & J., painters, 22 West Stark Mrs, 15 High st Princes st Steel Miss Alice, Glebe lands Stewart Mrs, 31 Columshill st Steel Mrs, 23 Castle st Stewart Mrs, Toward view, Ardbeg Ste«sl Robt., 14 Russell st Stirling Geo., traveller, 22 Columshill s St&ele Jamec N, heritor, Grangelea, Stirling, J., 84 Montague st Mountstuart rd Stirling John, firemaster, 77 Montague s Stephen Mrs Jessie, ll Crichton rd Stiven E. Baxter, electrician, Seabank Steven David, butcher, 94 High st bldgs, Argyle st s Stevenson Jms, Daisy bank, Glebe lnds Stone Jos., steward, 2 Columshill st Stevenson Jms., carter, 16 Hi

Stewart Mrs Eben. , 2 Argyle pi Taylor, Lmtd,, wine merchants, 2-6 Stewart Mrs Hannah, Bogany rd Tower st; ho., Auchencairn, 8 Brigh- Stewart Mrs Isabella, 23 Mountpleasant ton ter rd Swan *\ alter, 39 Barone rd Stewart Jms.,. gardener, Eden cot Swan Walter jun., butcher, do • Stewart Jane, 16 High !«t Swanston Arthur,grocer, 26 W. Princes s Mill st Stewart Jms. , painter, Newark, Serpen- Swanson David, seaman, 7 tine rd Swanston John B., grocer, Glebe lands painter, st Eliz Argyle pi Stewart James B , 73 Victoria Sweeney Mrs , 5J Stewart Jms. S., 20 Russell st Sweeney Jms., shoemaker, 5 W Princes s 114 ;;;


photographer, white studio, Thomson John Russell, architect, 5 Sweet Chs. , 19 Battery pi High st; ho., Argyle ter Symes Robt., boat hirer, 87 High st Thomson Mrs Mary, 2 Castlehill st Thomson Miss Mary, Cowanbrae Thomson Mrs Mary Ann, 1 Orcadia Thomson Mrs Mary, 16 Marine pi Thomson Ptr., fisherman, 22 Watergate Thomson Ptr., seaman, 8 Argyle st Thomson Mrs Peter, 1 Orcadia Tannahill David, joiner, 33 Bridge st Thomson, Oliver, 18 Castle st Tannahill , baker, 14 Mill st Thomson Robt., 30 Mountpleasant rd Taylor Ach., brush maker, 5SjMontague s Thomson Mrs S. A., 2 Crichton rd Taylor Chs. , clerk, 11 Mansefield pi Thomson Miss Sophia, 16 Battery pi Taylor Edward, joiner, 27 Columshill st Thomson Miss Sustn, 71g Ardbeg rd Taylor Mrs Isa., 8 Bridge st Thomson Mrs Thos., china merchant, 27 Taylor James G., boatman, Albert Gallowgate breast ; ho. , 46 High st Thorn on, Thos., 5 Bridge st Taylor Thms., 4 Mansefield pi Thomson Wm., draper, 13 Montague st Taylor , Bishop ter ho, Fauldmore, Serpentine rd Telford Jms., Ardbrannan Thomson Wm H., optician, Albert pi Temple Mrs Jeannie, 109 Montague sfc Thorburn iJvd., fishmonger, Roslinlea, Thorn Miss Jane, 70 Ardbeg rd Glebe lands Thorn Wm., compositor Bridge st Thorburn Js., fisherman, 10 Watergate Thompson Angus, Bellfield, Barone rd Thorburn John, fish merchant, 18 West Thompson Mrs D., bootmaker, 55 "Vic- Princes st ; ho , 4 Bishop st toria st ; ho., 27 East Princes st Thorburn Thos., fisherman, 15 Bridge s Thompson^Hu., retired postman, Cro- Tickell Wm., baker, Park pi, Bridge st mor, 72 Ardbeg rd 5 Badge st Thompson James, shoemaker, 94 Mon- Timothy , Todd Mrs Jessie, 32 Mill st tague st ; ho, Hazelton, Barone rd Todd John, contractor, 27 Bishop st Thompson Sam., hatter, 67 Montague Todd Wm., 11 Mansefield pi st & 75 Victoria st ; ho., Clyde View, Gowanfield pi Craigmore Toole Mrs, Tonner , Montford Thompson Miss Sa>ah, Queen's Hotel, Traill Rev Joseph, U. F. Parish Manse, 41 Argyle st "Serpentine rd Thompson Thos., compositor, 18 Wind- Trivett W. J. , shoemaker, 45 High st sor pi ho , 117 High st Thorns Jms., mechanic, 4 Mill st Trotter Mrs, Toward view, 31£ Ardbeg r Thomson Miss Agnes, 12 Staffa pi Turland Geo., 3 Logie pi 'J homson Alex. C, s'ationer, 51 Ardbeg Turner Capt. Ach., 16 Hillhouse rd rd Turner Colin B., Craigmore pier, house, Thomson A. Ross, inspector of poor, 35 - Mountstuart rd Bishop st ; ho, 15 Mountpleasant rd ; Turner Geo., coachman, 78 Ardbeg rd Thomson Benj. J, slater, 41 Watergate 1 urner Mrs May, 12 Marine pi Thomson Chs., manufactr, 7Wyndham r Turner Wm., 49 Argyle st Thomson Misses Eliz, Mr'gt. and Mry. A, Tweedie, Mrs Eliz., 10 Mansefield 29 Ardbeg rd p Tweedlie John, fisherman, 22 Russell st Thomson Mrs Eliz , fishmonger, 117 Mon- Tytler Wm,, Koyal bank, Victoria st tague st;ho, 15 Bridge st ho, 4 Brighton ter Thomson Hu., cabinetmkr., 25 Bishop st Thomson Miss Isa., 8 Montague st Thomson Js., fishmonger, Montague st Thomson Jms., joiner,^5 Castle st u Thomson Jms., labourer, 109 Montague s TJglow Wm., vanman, Wyndham id Thomson Mrs Janet, 98 Montague st TJrquhart Chas. A., shopman, 32 Mill st Thomson Mrs Jessie, 35 Argyle st Urquhart John A., grocer, 13 Argyle st; Thomson Mrs John, 8 Argyle si: ho, '1 histle bank, Argyle ter Thomson John, residenter, 76 Ardbe6 id Unverzacht Mrs Janet, 13a B. Princes st Thomson Mrs W. , 8 Argyle st 11 HOUSEHOLDERS—Rothesay.

Weaver Mrs Annie, 24 Russell st Webster Miss Mary, 3 Marine pi Weir Ax. G., tobacconist, 83 Victoria st Weir Alex, Wyndham rd w Weir Mrs Ann, Forest vil., Crichton rd Waddell Dvd. , boilermakr,32Ardbeg rd Weir Arch., warehouseman, 21 Marine p Waddell John, 33 Bridge st Weir Jms., shoemaker, 94 High st "Waddell Eobert D., 50 Montague st Weir Jms. R, 22 Staffa pi Wainey Mrs, 10 Mansefield pi Weir Miss Jane, 4 Mountpleasant Walker Agnes, 1 Bridge- end st Weir John, 157 High st } Walker Arch., blacksmith and heating Weir Mrs M., 67 Barone rd '

engineer, 6 Columshill st ; ho, Inker- Weir Robt, bootmaker, Montague st man ter Weir Rbt., carter, 7 Gallowgate Walker Dvd., carter, 32 Mill st Weir Robt., mason. 23 Battery pi Walker Edwin, heritor, 8 Marine pi Welsh Mrs Isa., 2 Bellevue rd Logie Welsh Mrs Walker Hugh : 1 p Kate, 30 Argyle st Walker Mrs Janet, Argyle pi Welsh Wm., 22 Russell st Walker Mrs Jeannie, 7 Gallowgate Wheeling Jms., spirit dealer, West wood Walker John, blacksmith, Castle st White Alex., 21 Columshill st Walker John, restaurateur, 15 East White ohn, 16 Russell st Princes st ; ho, 15 Bishop ter White Wm., Gltn Ellen, Glebe lands Walker Murray, 27 Bridge st White J. J., Underwood, Crichton rd WalkerWm., inspector, 20 Hussell st White Mrs, dressmaker, 15 Bishop st Walker Mrs, Ballochgoy ter Whitecross Miss Jane, 4 Argyle pi Wallace Mrs Ann, 46 Mountstuart rd Whiteford Jn., comp., 11 Columshill st

Wallace Mrs Eliz. , 17 Craigmore rd Whiteford Peter, broker, 66 High st Wallace Mrs, 18 Mountpleasant rd Whiteford Robt photographer, 23 Argyle

Wallace Jms. F., dancing master, High st ; ho, 2 Chapelhill rd Craigmore Whiteford Mrs Rbt sen., 112 High st Wallace Mrs Margt., 16 Marine pi Whitelaw Dvd., designer, Wyndham pk Wallace Mrs Mary, 177 High st Whitfield Mrs, 10 Mountstuart rd Wallace Mrs Mary, 79 High st Whiteside Peter, musician, 77 Montague M s Wardrop Mrs Eliz., 27 Argyle st st Warren, Mis Margt. M., Argyle ter Whyte Dune, garderer, 74 Ardbeg rd Waterson Alex., engineer Springbank, Whyte Mrs Mary, 19 Bishop st Chapelhill rd Whyte Robt. D., Town Clerk, Castle Waterston, Mrs, stationer, Montague st st; ho., 19 Bishop st Watson Daniel, blackmith, Minister's br Whyte Thos., carter, 46Ladeside

Watson David, 3 Russell st Whyte Wm., gas manager, High st ; ho, Watson Jms., S. P. C. A., 3a Victoria st Birchwood, Glebe lands Watson Miss Jane, 56 Mountstuart rd Whyte Wm. Simpson, Daisy bank, Watson Mrs Jessie, Margaretslea, Ba- Glebe lands ron e rd Wiggins Mrs Mary, 16 High st

Watson Jn , blacksmith, Castle st Wilkie Mrs Chris., 24 Castlehill st Watson John, spirit merchant, 3 Vic- Wilkie Hu., yachtsman, 2 Minister's br

toria st ; ho, ykeoch villa, Argyle ter Wilkie Jms., engineer, 18 Argyle pi barber, st Watson Jos., 141 High Wilkie Jms , joiner, 46 Ardbeg rd Watson Mrs Rbt., Upper Craigmore Williamson Miss Agnes, Glenfaulds Watson Thos B., painter, 15 Staffa pi Williamson Misses Grace & Marion, 3 Ard- Watson Wm., grocer, 11 Minister's br beg rd Watson steamboat agent, Quay capt. John, steamboat Wm., ; Williamson ho., 7 Chapelhill rd owner, Rockvilla, 3 Ardbeg rd

Watson Wm, 23 Mountpleasant rd Williamson Magnus, tailor, 10 Ladeside •, Watson Mrs, Carlton Dairy, Argyle st Williamson Mrs, Gartcraig Watson Dvd., 2 Minister's br Wilson, Arch., gardener, Serpentine rd Watson Mrs, nurse, 26 Bridge st Wilson Miss Chris., 26 Bridge-end st Watt Mrs Marion, 45 Ardbeg rd Wilson Colin, gardener, 90 High st Watt Mrs 13 Columshill st 116 —


Wilson David, Craigmore Wright Robt., engineers, 6 Mansefield p Wilson Misses Eliz J., Helen R., and Wright John, 5 Bridge st Mary, Chapelhill ho. Wyatt Geo., shopman, 11 Bridge st Wilson Geo., gardener, 8 Mansefield pi Wyllie Jms, 1 Bridge-end st Wilson Hugh, carter, 16 Bridge ft Wynn Miss, 5 Bishop ter br Wils >n Jos.jD., printer, "Buteman," 10 Wyper Jas., 87 Ardbeg rd

Castle st ; ho, Battery pi

Wilson Miss Margt , 65 Victoria st Wilson Mrs Mary, 14 Bridge st Wilson Wm„ 3 Bishop st Mrs A., Morningside, Ser- Wiison Wm, Yates Jms, tailor, 91 Montague st ; ho, pentine rd 2 Columshill pi Winn, Peter, 8 Gallowgate Yorkson Alex., N. be. steamboat agent, Winning W. , engineer, Matuara, Craig- Ferguson pi more Young Miss E., 38 Bishop st Wishart Mrs Mary, 5 Argyle st Young J. , 7 Mansefield pi Wishart Mrs Mary, 6 Mansefield pi Young John, 5 Russell st Wood Mrs, ll E. Princes st Young John J., 19 Mansefield pi Wren Mrs Catn., 70 /Vrdbeg rd Young Mrs Margt., 19 Russell st Wright A., blacksmith, 70 Ardbeg rd Young Robert, porter, 20 Castle st Wright Alex., M A, schoolmaster, 25 Yuille James T., gentleman, Ardclutha, Ardbeg rd 59 Crichton rd Wright Mrs Eliz., 28 Ardbeg rd Wright Miss Jane, 17 Argyle st •


Christmas Cards.

^jP tl They're faur, faur awa', but their hearts are kind and true— '*>* ^2^ The auld hoose at hame is ever in their view : 4&|~ The Bonnie Heilan heather and the hilltaps clad wi' snaw 4^ Their hearts are aye in Scotland thougn they're faur, faur awa." ..ai


WM. M. STEWART, Family Bread, Pastry Cook, and Biscuit Baker, 11 Gallowg-ate

HODGES & CO., Booksellers, Stationers * Fancy Goods Merchants,

Souvenirs of Rothesay a Speciality. 49 Montague street

BUTE FISH, GAME, ANp POULTRY EMPORIUM Established 1845. JOHN SMITH, Fish, Game, and Poultry Merchant, 153 Victoria street Agent foi all Annacker's Sausages and Scotch Puddings.

FRANCIS DEV/AR, Carpenter, Boat Builder and Boat Hirer,

14 Watergate, and Esplanade (Opposite the Band Stand) Repairs Promptly Attended to. Motor Launches. Boats and Fishing Tackle supplied.

SHAW & GILLIES, Craigmore and Port-Bannaiyne Carriers, House and Stables—18 Russell Street. Office on Pier Agents for ss "Bute." Carting Contractors. Furniture and Luggage Removed. McMURRAYS HAIRDRESSING SALOON,

cleanliness a speciality. 4 Bridge street {corner of Gallowgate* Hair-Cutting and Sha.ving. Large Selection of Picture Post Cards.

How does McMurray cut your Hair. . , "As you like it '"—Shakespeare.

Comfort for the Feet can be had by purchasing your BOOTS and SHOES at LAINGS, 4 Gallowgate Boots and Shoes Made to Measure. Repairs Promptly Executed by Practical Workmen. Phenomenal Value in Tan and Canvas Boots and Shoes of every description. Large Selection of Maybole and Keltic Boots and Shoes kept in Stock. Inspection invited Parish of North Bute.

(Including the Village of Port-Bannatyne. )

Carmichael,VWm., farmer, Lenniehall Carswell, Mrs Margaret, East St Colmac A Christie Andrew, Angus pi Adie, Andrew, Angus pi Clark, Dug., ploughman, Salisbury pi Alexander, Jms., carpenter and' boathirer, Cochrane, Gabriel, Victoria pi . Shore st; ho., Govandale pi Cook, John, carpenter, Iona pi Alexander, John, yachtsmaster, Iona pi Coulter, Thos., tinsmith, Victoria pi Alexander, Miss Sarah, fruitei er and con- Craig, Miss Eliz., Hafton pi fectioner. Inveryne pi Craighead, Miss Margaret, Shore st Alexander, Wm, , Shore st Crawford, Miss Janet, Crown Hotel Archer, John, cabinetmaker, Ettrick bank Crawford, John, farmer, Acholter Armstrong, Mrs Eliz., Kingston pi Cruden, Miss Jemima, Pointhouse cres Cullen Andrew. Inveryne pi Cunningham, Js. L., gardener, Shore st B Cunningham, Jn., engineer, Shore st painter, Quay st Cunningham M. , Baird Arthur, grocer, 6 Burnside avenue Currie, Duncan, joiner and carriage hirer Baird, David, shoemaker, Shore st; house Currie, mis John, Bannatyne Mains rd Ebenezer pi Currie, Mrs Mary, Iona pi Baird, Mrs Marion grocer, Kames bank Barbour, Jas., Govandale pi Barr, Thomas, farmer, Eskechraggan Bell, Donald, yachtmaster, Glenree D Bell Dugald, grocer, Inveryne pi Dallas Dugald, joiner, Victoria pi Bell, James, residenter. Ebenezer pi Dallas, Robert, Salisbury pi Bennet John, 4 Castle st Dallas Wm. , baker, Shore st , "Bennett^ John, Sardinia pi Davicson Hugh, Bay view Bennie, Thos, residenter, Ebenezer pi Dewar, Rev. Peter, the Manse, North Bute Black, John, joiner, Castle st Dickie, Wm. P., farmer, Cranslagvourity Black, Miss Sarah, Kingston pi Dickson, Mrs, Rosslyn pk Blaikie Miss, schoolhouse, Kildavanan Dornan Hugh, cooper, Quay st Boag, Wm.,.farmer, Airdscalpsie Dougan, Neil, farmer, Shalunt Bodin. Wm., tailor and clothier, Castle at Downie, Robert, linesman, Govandale pi Bowie, Wm., Shore st Dunbar, Jas., warehouseman, Roseberyp Branchini Flavio, 4 Castle st Duncan, Mrs Chas., farmar, Little Kilmory Brockett, John M„ Govandale pi Duncan, Chas. McK., salesman, Woodend Brodie, Mrs, Abbotsford Duncan, Daniel, farmer, Woodend Broom, Misses, Gienlea Duncan, Jas., farmer, Bannatyne Mains Brown, Ar., inspector of poor, Victoria pi Duncan, John, joiner, Kingston pi Brown, Mrs Cath., Hafton pi Duncan, Robert, farmer, Kilwhinleck Brown, Mrs Isabella, baker, Shore st Duncan Thomas, fencer, Kildavannan Brown, John, seaman, Victoria pi Duneanson Peter, mechanic, Govandale pi Brown, Mrs, Appin villa Duff John, Govandale pi Erownlie, Mrs Mary, Stoncfield Dunlop, Rev. John, TJ.F.C. Manse Bruce, George, gardener, Shore st Dunn, George, boots, Iona pi Buchanan, M. R. Gray, Ettrickdale Dunn, John, engineer, Hafton pi

c E Edgar, Jas., clerk, Govandale pi Camtron Miss, teacher, Albion pi Campbell, Alex, Port-Bannnatyne Inn Campbell, Alex., sack mercht., Appin villa Campbell, Mrs Cath, Ulva pi F Campbell, Donald, engineer, Glenlee Fairgrieve Dvd,, boilermaker, Govandale p Campbell, John B. chemist, Castle st Ferguson, Dun., yachtmaster, Lamont pi Campbell, Miss Sarah, Stewart st Ferguson Jas., spirit merchant, Victoria pi Campbell Wm., farm steward, 4 Castle st Ferguson, John, J. P., Laurel villa, Point- 119 house creseent HOTJSEHOLDERS-North Bute.

Finlay Angus, grocer, Inveryne pi Finlay, John, iron turner, Ebenezer pi pi Finlay, Wltr. , grocer, George Foster, Jn„ chemist,|Bannatyne Mains rd Inglis, Robert, Gladstone pi Frame, David, grieve, S. St. Colmac Irvine, Benjamin, plumber, Iona pi Frame Wm, residenter, Melbourne pi Forbes, Mrs, Burnside avenue Francis A. E.. yachtmaster, Melbourne pi Fyfe, Chas., carpenter, Kingston pi Jamieson, Jas., Govandale pi Fyfe, John, boatbuilder, Ardmaleish Jamieson, Magnus, yachtsman, Gladstone p Jenkins, Donald, gamekeeper, Scarrel

Johnstone , dressmaker, Buckingham tr Johnstone, Peter, Angus pi G Johnstone'Miss Rachel, Burnside avenue Garret Eobert P,, steaman, 2 Stewart st Gault David, brassfounder, Victoria pi George Miss Christina, Inveryne pi Gibb John, Govandale pi £ Kean^Miss Helen,"I?ointhouse Cres Gibson, Chas., shopman, Castle st Keith, Andrew, roadman, Salisbury pi Gibson Miss, Rachel, Lamont pi Keith Miss Cath., Govandale pi Gilchrist, John, Bannatyne Mains rd >. Keith, Duncan, Ebenezer pi Gillies, Mrs, farmer, Quogach Keith, Robt., ploughman, Barone pk Gillon , Mrs Margaret, Melbourne pi Kelly, Robert, artisan, Govandale pi Goldie John, Angus pi Kernahan, Andrew,- Crown buMings Govan, J. G., Faith Mission, Mount Clare Killock, Pointhouse crescent Graham Robt., Pointhouse cres Mi's Kirk, John, residenter, Auchiemore Graham Mrs, Angus pi Granger Miss., Roselea villa Grierson. Mrs Wm., Pomona house Greig, James, clerk, Angus pi Gourlay, Mrs Catn., Pointhouse cres Laiid, captain Wm, Knockdhn view y Guthrie, Jas., clerk. Stewart st Lamont, Miss Annie, Tighantraigh

Lamont, Arch. , accountant, Tighantraigh Lamont, Colin, Shore st Lamont, Misses Eliz. & Hannah, Fir cliff HI Lamont, Hugh, butcher, Shore st Lamont, Jas., fencer, Halliday, Mrs Duncan, Ulva pi Cuilnashamrag Lamont, Jn. writer, villa Halliday, George, merchant, George pi M'N., Arubeg farmer, Halliday, Mrs Jane, Sawmill Lamont, John, Stuck Lamont, Malcolm. Stuck Halliday Mrs Margt., Angus pi Lamont, clerk, Halliday, Mrs Mary, Stonefield Wm. D., FirCliff Lamont, Mrs, Lenniehall Halliday Robert, grocer, Shore st Lawrie, Lewis, residenter, Hamilton, Miss^Agnes, Salisbury pi Inveryne pi Leitch, Colin, Shore st Hamilton, Miss Chris. C, Karnes cot Leitch, James, yachtsman, Hamilton, Robt., contractor, Lamont pi Lome pi Leitch, John, yachtsman, Hardie, Robert, merchant, Castle st Shore st Livingston, John, fisherman, Quay st Harper, Alex. R. , Iona pi Hart, Mrs Helen, Pointhouse cres Livingstone, Wm., blacksmith, Hafton pi Loch, James, joiner, Hart, Robt., engineer, Govandale pi Springwell pi Loch, Wltr., boatman, Hart Ja«., Govandale pi Hafton pi William, coal Henderson Miss, Angus pi Loch, merchant, Castle st Logan, Miss Alice, Ettrick Henderson Wm., jun., Govandale pi bank Love, Miss, Ardenlea Henderson Wm., sn., painter, Govandale pi Hogarth, Arch., yachtmaster, Bay view Lusk, Miss Ann, Salisburypi Lyon, Sardinia Hogarth, Mrs Jas., Shore st Mrs Ann, pi Hogarth, John, fisherman, St Ninians Lyon, James, farmer, Drumachloy Mrs. Janet, Hogarth, John, mason, Springwell pi Lyon, Victoria pi Hogarth. Mrs Male, grocer, Shore st Hogarth, Wm.,M'Leish's land Holmes, Mrs Sarah, Victoria pi M Hunter, Mrs Jemima, Springwell pi Hunter, Wm., farmer, Upper Ettrick Mackie, Mrs Janet C, Melbourne pi Mackie, Thomas, Iivsryne pi > Hyndman, Edw. yachtmaster, Victoria pi , Malcom Archibald, joiner and boat-builder Hyndman, James, coal merchant Castle st Shore st; Hyndman, Robt. .labourer, Meikle Kilmory ho Sandringham ter Malcom, James, carpenter, Rosebery pi Malcom James P., farmer, Edinbeg 120 HOUSEHOLDERS -North Bute.

Malcom, Mrs Mary, Castle st McDougall, Jas., fisherman, Straad Malcom, Robt., carpenter, Albion pi McDougall, Miss Mary, Castle st Malcolm Mrs Wm., Gladstone pi McDougall, Thomas, fisherman, Straad Marshall, Miss Grace, Appin vil McDougall, Wltr. , fisherman, Ballycurrie sh Marshall, John, boilermaker, George pi McDougall, Wm., fisherman, Ballycurrie sh Martin Bryce, farmer, Glecknabae McEwan Hannah, George's pi Mason, Mrs Marion, Castle st McEwtn Dugald, plumber, Ulva pi Matear, Wm., Castle st McEwan Hannah, George pi Mathieson, Mrs, Victoi-ia pi McFarlanc, Mrs Agnes, Upper Ardroscadale" Matthewson Ewen, painter, Shore st Macfie, Chas., farmer, Mid Park, Inch- Meldrum David, yachtmaster, Shore st marnock Meldrum Mrs John, Edinmore Macfie, Hugh, farmer, Ballycaul Menzies Arch., manager, Hydropathic McFie, Jas., car driver, Lome pi Miller, Miss Agnes, Alpine villa Macfie, Jas., Balmoral, Pointhouse gardens Miller, Hugh, farmer, Inchmarnock Macfie, John, farmer, Ballycurrie Miller, Miss Mary, Victoria pi Macfie, John, farmer, Allt-an-Righ Miller, Neil, cabman, Brown's land Macfie, John, farmer, Lower Ettrick Miller Joseph, Govandale pi Macfie, John, joiner, Ardbeg; ho, Balmoral Miller Mrs Wm., confectioner, Castle st McGillivary, John, mason, Ulva pi yachtmaster, Shore st Milne George, residenter, Clifton villa McGlashan, Dug. , Martin, John, jun., farmer, Scalpsie McGlashan, James, yachtmaster, Shore st Moffatt, Wm., house factor, Ulva pi McGregor, mis Eliz., Pointhouse cres Montgomerie Alex., farmer,*Auchenteerie McGregor, Wm., gardener, Pointhouse Moore, Mrs John, Victoria pi Mcllraith, Mrs Elsie, Doonbank plasterer, Lamont's land Mories, Mrs J. W., Braemar Mclnnes Alex, Morrison A., boots, Royal pi MTntosh, Don., Orchid vil, Pointhouse cres Morrison Alex., woodman, Lome pi Mcintosh, Peter, Albion pi Morrison Arch., farmer, Craigberoch Mclntyie Andrew, farmer, Glenmore Morrison, Daniel, detective, Lome pi Mclntyre Alex., farmer, Dunalant Morrison, Miss Janet C, Melbourne pi Mclntyre Mrs Don,, Lome pi Morrison, Wm., farmer, Rulliecheddan Mclntyre Daniel, labourer, Govandale pi Muir, Jas., Pier ter Mclntyre Mrs Eliz., farmer, Kildavannan Muir Thomas, farmer, Mechnoch Mclntyre Peter, and Archibald, farmers, Murdoch Wm. M., engineer, Quay st Ballanlay

Middleton, James, farmer, Milton Mclntyre , engineer, Pointhouse cres Murray Mrs Agnes, Shore st Mackie Mrs Jane C, Melbourne pi Murray Dugald, fisherman, Glenlee McKay mis Eliz., Sardinia pi Murray John, Mason's land McKay John, farmer, Barone Park Murray, Misses, milliners, Invery.ne pi McKay Mrs, 1 Stewart st McKeclinie, John, Govandale pi McKellar John, fisherman, Straad McKellar Mrs, grocer, Shore st Mac McKenzie Alex., Kingston pi McAlister, Mrs, farmer Meikle Kilmcry McKenzie Thomas, dealer in antiquities, McArthur, Mrs Janet, Castle st Stella Maris McArthur, John D., fisherman, Straad McKinnon Don., gardener, Iona pi McArthur, John, surfaceman, Salisbury pi McKinnon Don., yachtsman, Govandale p McArthur, Robt., sen. and jun. fishermen, McKirdy Alex, shoemaker, Straad Ballycurrie sh McKirdy Gilbert, carter, Castle st Dugald, roadman, Straad McArthur, Thos. . fisherman, Ballycurrie sh McLean M'Cabe, Jane, Angus pi McLean Fred, Govandale pi McCready, Alex., Govandale'pl McLean, John, Oak bank McCallum, Colin, John and Peter, farmers McLean Lach., farmer, Cranslagloan Kilmichael and Phubodach McLean Mrs, Cuilnashamrag McCulloch Henry, naturalist, Iona pi McMillan Duncan, joiner, Inveryne pi McConnechy, Mrs, farmer, Largivrechtan McMillan James, residenter, Alt-an-Aros McCrachen, Mrs Bethia, Crown bldgs McMillan Jas. Angus pi McCready, John, tailor, Royal pi Macmillan Malcolm, clerk, Castle st McCunn, Miss, Janet, Castle st Macmillan Miss M., Margaret villa McCunn, Miss Mary, Post-office McMillan Wm., contractor, Sandringham t McDermid, Henry, labourer, Angus pi McMinnigal Wm., boilermaker, Stewart's 1 McDonald, Dugald.', farmer, Auchavoulaig McMurray John, residenter, Albion pi McDonald, Hugh, joiner, Lome pi McNab Miss Mary* Lamont pi McDonald Ron., Ardgowan McNally, Miss, Gladstone pi McDonald, Wm., woodman, Cuilnashamrag McNicol, Miss Cath., Castle st McDonald, Mrs Jane, Victoria pi McPhail Alex., fisherman, Castle st M'Dougall, Alex., Angus pi McPhail Duncan, shoemaker, Ballanlay

McDougall, Dun., carter, Salisbury pi McPhail John, sen , ploughman, Govandal « 121 HOUSEHOLDERS—North Bute.

McPhail John, motorman, Govandale pi Stevenson Mrs Janet, farmer, Kilbride McPhail Mrs Malm,, ironmonger, Shore st Stewart Alex. & Robt., farmers, Nether McPhail Peter, roadman, Ulva pi Ardroscadale McPhee Dugald, restaurateur, Shore st Stewart Miss Ann, Edina villa McQueen Andw, carpenter, Cuilnashamrag Stewart James, Tighantraigh McQueen Neil, fencer, Cuilnashamrag Stewart John C. & Thos., farmers, Upper McVicar Arch, yachtmaster, Melbourne pi Ardroscadale MeVicar John, Kilmichael Stewart Mrs Mary, Nether Ardroscadale

Stewart Thos. , Rosebery pi Stewart Wm., ploughman, Hilton

Sutherland Mrs Alex. . Ebenezer pi N Sntherlard John gardener, Iona pi Nicol Robert, Lome pi Symons Mrs, Ardentigh Nicol Miss, Balmoral Nicol Robert, Bannatyne Mains id T Tasker Mrs Emily, Iona pi

Orr Hugh Kerr, tailor, Oak bank Taylor Jas. , baker , Iona pi Orr Mrs, Karnes bank Taylor Thos., Stewart In Thomson Charles, blacksmith, Castle st Thomson Dan., roadman, Ballaniay Thomson David, blacksmith, Hafton pi Thomson, James, engineer, Govandale pi Paterson J. K., West End ho Thomson, James, moulder, Govandale pi Paton James, Victoria pi Thomson Miss Janet, Castle st

Pajne Miss, Kamesbank Thomson Mrs Margt. , Royal pi Pollock Miss, teacher, Shore st Traquair Miss Eliza., [Pointhouse cres Poole Wm., Mason's land R w Rennie Robt., police officer, Kingston pi Walker Alex., spirit merchant, Shore st Ritchie James S., farmer, Gortans Wallace Dan., gamewatcher, Tighentudor Robertson Arch. , tramway manager, Point- Wark Agnes, Ulva pi house Waters mis Helen, Shore st Robertson, Jas., Angus pi Watt Dr, Shore st

Robertson Jas., Castle st Watson Wm. , music seller Victoria pi Robertson Jas. , miller, Greenan Weir Malcolm, Rullecheddan Robertson Mrs Janet, Sardinia pi Weir Mrs Margt., Shore st

Rodger Mrs Margt., Rose cot Welsh George, baker, Melbourne pi ; ho Rodger Wm., saddler, Bannatyne Mains rd Beechbank, Bannatyne Mains rd Ross, HughM., blacksmith, George pi White Peter, School house, Castle st White Mrs, Govandale pi Whyte W. S., Daisy bank Wilson James, contractor, Victoria pi s Wilson Jessie, M'Nicol's land Semple J. C, chemist, Lamont pi Wilson Mrs Robert, Hafton pi Sharp Daniel, ploughman, Stiaad Wilson Thomas, 1 Stewart st Shaw Daniel, blacksmith, Stiaad Wink Robt.. tailor, Quay st Shearer Jas., yachtmaster, Quay st Woods Mrs Sarah, Inveryne pi Shearer Matthew, boat-hirer, Shore st Wright Mrs Isa, Ebenezer pi Shields Robt. , Royal Hotel, Shore st Wright Wm., tinsmith, Albion pi Sim Alex., J P, Fernbank Wyllie Wm., traveller, Ulva pi Simpson Mrs Cath., farmer, S. St Colmac Simpson, John & Thos., farmers, W St Colmac Smart Jas., Bannatyne Mains rd Smith Jas., C, engineer, Upper Quay st Smith Mrs Janet, Govandale pi Yuille, Mrs Margt., Kames bank Smith John, blacksmith, Ettrick Smith John, Castle st Souter Mrs Mary, Rosebery pi x

Stalker Gilb , yachtmaster, Lamont pi Sevenson Misses, farmers, Ardmaleish 122 Parish of Kingarth. (Including the Village of Kilchattan Bat).

Dean Adam, quarryman, Kilchattan Bay Dean John, ploughman, Piperhall A Dempster John, Kilchattan Bay Anderson Geo S., compositor, Kfchattan B Docherty Wm., labourer, Mountstuart Atherton , schoolmaster, Mountstuart Donald Jas., piper, Mountstuart Duncan Miss Bella., Kilchattan Bay Duncan Hugh, farmer, Langalchorad B Duncan Jas., ironmonger, Kilchattan Bay Baird Mrs, Kilchattan Baj' Duncan Miss Janet, Kilchattan Bay Baillie George, butcher, Kilchattan Bay Duncan Robt., labourer, Kilchattan Bay Baillie Geo,, farmer, Langalbuinoch Duncan Robt. I., carrier, Kilchattan Bay Baillie Win,, Kilchattan Bay Duncan Wm., shoemaker, Kilchattan Bay Barclay Wm., gardener, Ascog Duncan Mrs, Auchintore, KilchttttanBay Bannatyne Mrs Bryce, Kilchattan Bay Bannatyne Mary, Kerrycroy Bannatyne Robt., n-tableman, Mountsjuart Barn Millbrae, Ascog E Barnett Miss M. 0., Kilchattan Bay Esplin W. T., schoolmaster, Kingarth " Bell Duncan, baker, Kilchattan Bay Ewing Mrs Annie, Kilchattan Bay Bell Duncan, jun,, mason, Piperhall Bell John, blacksmith, Kilchattan Bay Bell Malcolm, mason, Kilchattan Mill F Bell M. jun., mason, Kilchattan Bay Ferguson David, farmer, Ardnahoe Bell Miss Jane, Kilchattan Bay Ferguson Dun., labourer, Kilchattan Butt Black Daniel, joiner, Kerrycroy 3 Ferguson Dun. jun., milkman, Culevin labourer, Black John, Kerrycroy Ferguson Hu. , labourer, Birgidale Butt Black Robert, roadman, Kilchattan Butts Ferguson Neil, labourer, Kerrylamont Boag Daniel and Wm, farmers, Dixons Dm Ferguson, Mrs Mrgt., dairy, Kilchattan Bay Boag John Scott, fencer, Kilchattan Butt Fisher James, 'bus driver, Kilchattan Bay Braid Robt., gardener, Orcadia Fisher James, hedger, Kerrylamont Brodie,'Miss Flora, Kilchattan Bay Fisher Peter, hedger, Kerrylamont Brown Alex., roadman, Kilchattan Bay Fraser Mrs A S, Kilchattan Bay

Bryden Wm, sch. bd. clerk, Kilchattan By Fraser , shephtrd, Plan Burns Mrs Wm., Kilchattan Bay Fulton Wm., teacher, Kerrycroy Burrige John, labourer, Mountstuart c G Cumpbell Duncan, Kilchattan Bay Galbraith Miss E., Kilchattan Bay Campbell Mrs Wm., Kilchattan Bay Galbraith mis John, Kilchattan Bay Campbell, Miss, Ascog house Geddes John, gardener, Ascog Hall Clark, Jas. gardener, Ascog bank , Gemmell Daniel, farmer, Kerrytonlia Christer Mi£s C, teacher, Kilchattan Bay Gill Hugh, labourer, Kilchattan Bay Christer Dvd., tileworklabourer, Kil. Bay Gill James, Kingarth Colquhoun Capt. J. , Kilchattan Bay Gillies James, coachman, Ascog Hall Connell Edward, traveller, Kilchattan Bay Gilinour Thomas, tilemaker, Kilchattan By Connell F, Kilchattan Bay Gilmour Thomas, iun., Kilchattan Bay Crawford Mrs., farmer, Little Kilchattan Gordon Robt., gamekeeper, Mountstuart Crawford, Thos. , farmer, Drumreoch Mrs John, Kilchattan Bay Crawford Wm., hotel keeper, Kingarth Gow Grant Aran, labourer, Kilchattan Bay Creighton, Miss Jessie, Post Office, Ascog] Greig James, grocer, Kilchattan Bay Cruickshanks, Wm. F., gardener, Ascog Cumming, Mrs John Kilchattan Bay Currie Mrs Margt., laundry, Kil. Bay H D Hardie James, boxmaker, Kilchattan Bay Davis Peter, Kilchattan Bay Henderson Wm., shoemaker, Kilchattan B Day mis Cath., Kilchattan Bay Heron Michael, gardener, Mountstuart 123 HOUS EHOLDERS—Kingarth.

McCalman D., p c, Kingarth Police station McCallum Dug., carpenter, Kilchattan Bay McDonald A. I., rabbit catcher, Kilchuttanb Jamieson Mary, Kerrycroy McDonald Hector, roadman, Scoulag mocr Jeffrey Rev Thos., U F Ch., Kilchattan Bay McDonald Mrs, Kerrycroy Johnstone Alex., joiner, Mountstuart McDonald Ascog bav Jolinstone Thomas, gi-ocer, Kilchattan Bay McDougall Mrs Jas., Kilchaitaa Bay McDougall Js jun., engineer, Kilchattan B McDougall Miss Jane, grocer, Kilchattan B K McDougall Jn., fisherman, Kilchattan By Keith Duncan, carter, Mountstuart McDougall John, labourer, Kilchattan Bay Kelly Wm., foreman, Kilchattan Bay McDougall John, ploughman, Mid-Ascog Kelso miss Isa, draper, Kilchattan Bay McDougall Dun & Rot., farmers, Barnrnld Kelso M. , fruiterer, Kilchattan Bay McDougall Miss, draper, Kilchattan Bay Kelso Robert, piermaster, Kilchattan Bay Macewen Professor, South Ganxchty Kerr Hugh, coachman, Southpark, Ascog McFarlane Alex., farmer, Culevin and Meikle Kilchattan Macfaiiane Miss Cath., Kilchattan Bav

Macfarlane Da. , elk. of works, Mountstuart McFarlane D., Laidlaw Mrs Robert, Balmory Mrs Kilchattan Bay Macfie Alex., fencer, Lamont Andrew, joiner, Newfarm Kilchattan Butt Mactie Dan, sen., joiner, Lamont James molecatchei, Kilchattan Bt Kingarth Macfie- Dn. jn. , carriage hirer, Kingarth Leckie Miss, Kilchattan Bay Macfie Daniel and Lubas Linden James, nedger, Birgidale Butt John, larmers, Macfie Dan., seaman. Kilchattan Linsley, J C, schoolmaster and organist, Bay Mountstuart Macfie Fergus, mason, Kilchattan Bay Mactie hedger, Little James, ploughman, Kilchattan Bay James, Cossan Mactie i.obt., gardener, Logan James, carrier, Kilchattan Bay Kerrycroy Macfie Robt., joiner, Kilchattan Logan Jas., gamewatcher, Birgidale Butt Bay MeGovern Neil, labourer, Kilchattan Bay Lornie Jas., gardener, South park, Ascog ; McGregor, Alasdair, Hermitage, Ascog Louden Wm. , clothier, Kilchattan Bay Lucas James, teacher, Kilchattan Bay McGregor Daniel, fencer, Mountstuart Mclndue Miss, Kilchattan Bay Mcintosh John, tailor, Kilchattan Bay Mcintosh Mis3, Kilchattan Bay M Mclntyre Arch., labourer,- Kilchattan Bay Marshall ironfounder, Kilchattan Jn.. Bay Mclntyi e Dugaid, tile worker, Kilchattan Martin Archd., Mrs farmer, Largiezean Mclntyre Wm., road surv., Kerrylamont Martin farmer, James, Nether Stravannan McKay Archd., fiirmer, Bruchag Martin Mrs farmer, John, Kerrymenoch McKay Chas., tailor, Kilchattan Bay Martin Moses, engineer, Kilchattan Bay McKay Miss Jane, Kilchattan Bay Meikle Robert, engraver, Kilchattan Bay McKay capt. Robert,|Kilchattan Bay Meiklejohn mis, James, Kilchattan Bay McKill Robt, printer, Kilchattan Bay Meiklejohn Mrs Jessie, Mill cot., Kingarth McKinlay Mrs Jane, Kilchattan Bay Middleton Js., carter, Kerrylamont McKinlay John, Scoulag moor Middleton Robert, watchman, Mountstuart McKirdy Thos., fencer, Scoulag moor Middleton Rodden Mrs, Kilchattan Bay McLean, Hugh, farmer, Ascog Milier Arch, teacher, Kdchattan Bay McLean Mrs, Upper Stravannan Miller Neil, labourer, Newfarm McLellan Mrs; Kerrycroy Morrison James, baker, Kilchattan Bay McMillan Archd., ploughman, Birgidale Bt Morrison John, fisherman, Kilchattan Bay McMillan Arch., jun., ploughman, the Cot Morrison Robt., fisherman, Kilchattan Bay McMillan capt. Daniel, Kilchattan Bav Morrison Wm,, builder, Kilchattan Bay McMillan Wm., boatman, Kilchattan Bay Mundy Bailie, Kilchattan Bay McNee Mrs J. , Kilchattan Bay Murchie Hugh, baker, Mountstuart McPhail Male, ploughman, Kerrytonlia Murdoch Dun., ploughman, Mid-Ascog McQuat David, shepherd, Kilchattan Bay Murray Alex., joiner, Kilchattan Bay McTaggart Archd., carter, Upoer Scoulag Murray Archd., farmer, Quochag Murray Mrs John, Kilchattan Bay N Neilson Mrs Wit, Kilchattan Bay Mac Nicol H., Kerrytonlia McAlister Robert farmers, Mid-Ascog Nisbet J ms., caretaker, Stevenson Home McAllister Wm., labourer, Kilchattan Bay Ascog McAlpine Mrs, Millburn cot , Ascog

McArthdr A, J. , Kilchattan Bay McArthur Donalu R. H., Kilchattan Bay McArthur Peter, gardener, Millburn Orr John, joiner, Kilchattan ay 124 HOUSEHOLDERS- Kingarth.

Stewart Mrs Fanny, Ascog Hall Stewart Miss Mary A, teacher, Birgidale Park Alx., com. traveller, Kilchattan Bay Stewart Robert, baker, Kilchattan Bay Pattie William, Kilchattan Bay Stewart Wm., woodman, Kil«hattan Bay Pollock Kev John J. W., Hawkeston lodge Stocks John,' traveller, Kilchattan Bay Pullin C J, coachman, stables, Mountstuart Strang Miss Jessie, Kilchattan Bay Strang Mrs John, Kilchattan Bay R Strathern Mrs Geo., Kilchattan Bay of Bute, Mount- Eeid James, boatman , Kilchattan Bay Stuart John, Marquess Robertson James & John, farmers, Birgi- stuart House dale Crieff Robertson Arch, farmer, Birgidale Knock Robertson James, Kilchattan Bay T

Taylor T. , dressmaker, Kilchattan Robertson R. , Kilchattan Bay Miss By Robertson, Wm., hotel, Kilchattan Bay Telfer James, farmer, Kerrycruisoch Rodgerson, Robt. farmer, Birgidale Knock Thomson Dvd. engineer, Kilchattan Bay Rose David, carter, New farm Thorburn Mrs James, Kerrycroy Rice Mrs, Gatehouse Thorburn, Robert, Kerrycroy u s Urie Matthew, joiner, Kilchattan Bay Saunders Rev John, M. a., b. d., Kingarth Scott Miss Annie, Kilchattan Bay Scott G, teacher/Kilchattan Bay Scott Mrs M., farmer, Gallachan w Shields Jas., engineer, Mountstuart Wallace Daniel, gamekeeper, Piperhall Siddall, Miss Annie, Kilchattan Bay Wallace Jas., gamekeeper, Mountstuart Simpson James, farmer, South Kerrycroy Warden Mrs Ardrew, Kilchattan Bay Smith Wm., farm servant, Mountstuart Weir Alex, baker, Kilchattan Bay Speirs John,.ploughman, Birgidale Butt Weir mis Alex., farmer, Dunagoil Spencer Wm, ironmaster, South Park,Ascog Wilson John, gamekeeper, Mountstuart Steel Robert, tilework lab., Kiichattan By Wilson Wm., butcher, Kilchattan Bay Winter Rev. William, Ascog Stewart Jas. , coachman, Millbank, Ascog Stewart Jas., joiner, Kerrycroy Wylie mis Jane, Kilchattan Bay

KILCHATTAN BAY. J. CURRIE, Grocer, Bookseller, Stationer, & Newsagent, POST OFFICE.

_ -U Jz5 JbU -Hj JLj 7 Bread, Biscuit and Pastry Baker, K LC HAT TAN BAY.


Livingstonia Temperance Hotel,

Terras Moderate. Guildford Square, Rothesay. Opposite Pier.

Re-Decorated and re-Furnished. MPS P. C. Osgood, Proprietrix.

M'Gilp's Cigar Emporium, Jewellery, Tobaccos and Fancy Goods,

All kinds of Watches, Jewellery and Fancy Goods. 3 High Street Norman StewartRestaurant,Institute Montague Street Breakfasts, Dinners, Teas—8d, lOdand Is Upwards.

James M'Lean, Joiner, Cabinetmaker and Funeral ZindeHaker, 22 Bridge Street, Rothesay, House—7 Union Street. Jobbings promptly attended to. Charges Moderate. Pianoforte and Singing School, George Dryden, Teacher of Music, 31 Argyle Street, Rothesay Candidates prepared for the various Examinations. Terms on Application.

JameS HlinteP, Established 1850. General Grocer and Provision Merchant, 10 West Princes St. (Corner of Store lane), near Tramway Terminus. First-Class Quality and Prices Strictly Moderate. Orders Promptly Attended to. Andrew Dodds & Son, Joiners, Builders and Funeral Undertakers,

House : Sunnyside Barone road. Colbeck Place Jobbings Punctually Attended to. Hot-House Building, etc. Charges Moderate. Estimates Given,

John Robertson, Bread Biscuit and Pastry Baker and Confectioner, 10 Bast Princes Street Marriage, Christening, and Birthday Cakes tastefully ornamented. Dishes Covered on the Shortest of Notice. - Rusks, Shortbread, Biscuits, and Fancy Bread of every description. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

In Part III of our, Directory, we do not aim at

printing such complete lists of Householders as in

the official Voters' Roll,' to be published two or three months hence. While, however, we miss

several names of the hundreds of persons whose houses are closed during the Winter months, we print those new ones which will not appear in the Voters' Roll until they have tenanted their

houses for more than a year.

HIGGIE & CO., Publishers.


Established 1839. Malcolm Buchanan, (Successor to JOHN BLACK), Family Grocer, Tea, Wine and Spirit Merchant, / 51 Montague street.". • ALBION RESTAURANT, 89 VICTORIA STREET, Opposite Stewart Statue,

J. M'CORD, Proprietor.

Breakfasts. Luncheons. Dinners. Teas. Fish Suppers. Excursion and Pic-Nic Purveyor.

» E IIT T I S T R Y. john j. Cochran, DENTAL CONSULTING ROOMS— 2 Battery plaee.

Repairs a Speciality. Painless Extraction by the use of Cocaine, &c. Hours—9 a.m. till 7 p.m. Country Patients supplied same day, if required.

A. ROBERTSON, Upholsterer, Blind and Bedding* manufacturer, LARGE FURNITURE SHOW ROOMS— 21 Bridge-End Street. COMPLETE HOUSE FURNISHER—Floorcloth, Carpet, Bedding, Ac. Picture Framing. Pianos on Hire. Removals Conducted. Furniture Stored. Carpets Beaten by Steam Power* on the Premises. A—


Accountants Blacksmiths Andrew B., 113 High st Campbell, Alex., 29 Watergate Baipd, Robert, John st Montgomerie, Ach.. 11 Albert pi M 'Bride, Daniel (and heating engineer, Mackinnon James, 11 Albert pi Shaw, Croft lane McCubbin T., 2 Bridge st Walker, Arch, (and heating enginee Columshill st iErated Water Manufacturers Watson & Son, 11-13 Castle st Cunningham & Co., New Halls Serpentine rd^ Ramsay , Boarding Houses Arthurlie, Mountpleasant road — Miss Architects Livingstone Ardyne, 7 Elysium, Craigmore—John Dewar, Duncan, 15 Castle st W. Muir McKinlay, Andrew M. 6 Castle st Argyle Boarding House, 3 Argyle pi McLintock. George M., 21 Castle st Mi-s M'Williams, proprietrix Thomson, John R., 5 High st Breadalbane, Mountstuart road — Mrs Douglas, proprietrix Auctioneers Clifton, Argyle ter—Mrs M'Neill Cruden, Bishop ter -Mrs John Blair -> Campbell, Alex., 29 Watergate Empire, 5 Battery Place—Mrs Bain- MontgomePie Arch., Albert pi bridge Paterson Robert, Store Lane 6 Elysium, Mountstuart Road— Scott-King Bakers Healtheries, Canada Hill Helenslea, Crichton road—Mrs Bur- Brown, Arch., 6 Argyle st ness, proprietrix Grant, Peter, 104 Montague st, Holiday Home, Mountstuar rd—Miss Hyndman, Win., 3 Montague st Nolan. Lamont, John, 19 Gallowgate Holiday Resort—Mackinlay st Lawson, David, 87 Montague st Pension, Craigmore—Miss Blakey Morris, David I., Montague st Roekvale, Argyle ter—Mrs Miller Muip, Charles, 17 High st, 17 Argyle st Westbourne, Crichton rd—Mrs Stevens McNicol, Neil, 81 High st & 23 Mon- Windsor Boarding House, 27 Battery pi tague st Robeptson, David, 7 E Princes st Boat Builders Robertson, John, 11 E Princes st Dewar Francis, 14 Watergate Smith, Duncan, Montague st M'Farlane, George, Mill st Stewart, Wm. M., 9 Gallowgate Taylor Jas., High st Walker, John, 15 E Princes st Boat Hirers Billiard Saloon Proprietor Dewar, Francis, Esplanade Freekleton, James, Esplanade Lawrie, John, Gallowgate Gillespie , West bay Knox, Duncan, Albert pi Billposters Lamont Donald, Mountstuart road Leitch, . Ardbeg Allen David & Sons, 48 High st M'Donald, Fred., M- Princes st McParlane, George, Esplanade 120 ; ;

TEADEES- Bothesay.

Mclver, Jas., West Bay, 'Bus Proprietors Symes, Robert, Craigrnore M'Millan, E Princes st Taylor, James, Albert pi M'Kirdy &

Booksellers, Stationers and Butchers Newsagents Black. John, 21 High st Brownlie Wm. , Watergate Allan, Misses, 102 Montague st Crawford Brothers, 19 Gallowgate Campbell, Misses A & C, W. Princes st Currie, Duncan, 3 Bishop st Clark. John, 52 Montague st Eastman's Limited, 57 Montague st Clay, T. M., 11 Victoria st Jones, Mrs, 72 High st & Bridge-end st 27 29 st, Dougall & Co., & Montague Montgomerie Brothers, Albert pi j and 24 B Princes st M'Ewan, D., Mill st Duncan, Miss, Argyle st M'Intyre. James, 81 Montague st Hill, Miss, 33 Gallowgate M'Keehnie, Wm. D., Dean Hood pi Hodges & Co., 49 Montague st M'Laehlan, Mrs A, 115 Montague st Lyle, Miss 1 Montague st Nelson & Son, Ltd., 63 Montague st Maxwell, Alex., E Princes st, Gallow- Squair, F. H., 5 Gallowgate gate and Argyle st M 'Arthur, James, Guildford sq M'Culloch, H. P., Victoria st Carriage Hirers T John, 21 A ictoria st Mackinlay, Cook , E. Princes st Montgomerie, Frank, 12 Albert pi M'Kirdy & M'Millan, East Princes st Morrison Misses, Tower st Martin, J. & A., Chapelhill rd; Call M'Neil Wm., E Princes st Office, 20 East Princes st M'Mcol Miss, Bishop st Moodie, Wm., Watergate Rattray, Mrs, 60 High st M'Lean, Thomas, Ladeside st Thomson, 1 Albert pi Nisbet, John, Bridge st Stewart, Misses M. & F., 80 Ardbeg rd Waterson, Mrs, Montague st Cabinet Makers Boot and Shoemakers Blair & Son, 15 Bridge st Dodds, A. & Son, Colbec pi and Dealers McLean, James, 22 Bridge st Diekson, James, IS Montague st Innes, M. & G., 101 Montague st James, 13 Bishop st DiCk, R. & J., 105 Montague st Smith, Duncan, Alex., Bishop st Greenless & Sons, Montague st Carriers Houston John, 12 Mill st Rothesay and Glasgow—

Irvine, Samuel, E. Princes st Henry, Jas. , 72 Montague st ; Glas 1 st, Laing , James, 4 Gallowgate gow—63 Osborne st, 54 Mitchell Montague Henry, Bridge-end st 57 Buchanan st, and 66 Queen st McGaw, Mrs, 60 Montague st M'Gilp, Daniel, 3 High st Stead & Simpson, 99 Montague st 90 Argyle st. 84 Virginia st., 104 E. Sweeney, James, 5 AY Princes st Howard st., 50 Queen st, and 17 Miller Thompson, Mrs D., 55 Victoria st st, Glasgow Thompson, James 94 Montague st Perston, Alexander, 55 Montague st Thomson, Miss, Montague st Glasgow—48 Howard st, 184 Howard

Trivet, W. J., High st st, and 43 Bell st : and 62 Argyie st Weir, Dugald, 71 Montague st Rothesay, Port-Bannatyne, and Brokers MOUiNTSTUART— Quay Campbell, Jas., 17 Stuart st Faulds W & J, Corriga-n, Mrs, Ladeside Meikle & MeKellar, Quay Quay Dewar Francis, 14 Watergate Shaw & Gillies, Dougan, Miss. 64 High st Rothesay and Kilchattan— Faulds Wm., Mill st Logan, James, Kilchattan Bay Lang, Mrs, Ladeside Whiteford, Peter, 28 Mill st Carting Contractors Builders Canning*, Peter, Mill st Bone, Robert, Russell st Faulds W & J, Quay and Mill st Duncan James, 62 Ladeside st Meikle & MeKellar, Quay Hunter, Wm. & Son, Minister's br Scott & Todd, 34 Bishop st Lyle, Wm., Townhead Shaw & Gillies, Quay M'Cord, John, Victoria st Watson, Wm., Quay 130 TRADERS-Rot^esay.

Cartwrights Contractors Kirk wood, David, 111 High st Halliday, George, Lmtd, Rothesay, BlaiP & Son, 15 Bridge st Pier builders. General Contractors M'Bpide, James, John st and Contractors for Tar Macadam Moppison. Thos , Watergate roadways and pavements Cattle Dealers Black Arch., Mountpleasan*" Cutler. BlacK Daniel, 34a Colum^hilJ st Thomson, W. H., i Albert pi Currie Robert, Crossbeg Cycle Agents arid Repairers | Chemists and Druggists 'Hicks, Geo & Sen, 1 & 85 Victoria st Milloy, Thos., 45 Montague stj Hill, Geo G., 64 Montague st Yates, James, 91 Montague st Lyle, Win.,13 E Princes st Meldrum Wm., 43 Victoria st, and Dairy Keepers, &c. Poi't-Bannatyne Brownlie Miss, 9 Watergate Callan Mrs, E Princes st China & Earthenware Dealers Cameron Miss, Montague st Campbell, James, Marine store, 17 Currie Miss, Dean Hood pi Stuart st Laidlaw Mrs, 28 Bishop st

Capbeppy, Mrs, 42 High st Maypole Dairy Co. . 56 Montague st Scott, Mrs Isaac, Montague st M'Cluckie Mrs, Manserield pi Thomson. Mrs Thos,, Gallowgate M'Dougall Miss, Gallowgate Stone, Mrs Joseph, 2 Columshill st Chimney Sweepers Watson, Mrs, Carlton Dairy Cafe, 19 The Slaters and Argyle st Johnston, Wm., 8 E. Princes st Miller Alex., 44 High st Dentists Bpown, John R., 3 J Victoria st Coal Merchants Cameron, Jas., L.D.S., 46 Argyle st John J., 2 pi Black, Wm., Glasgow and Ayrshire Cochpan, Battery Coal Depot, Stuart st Campbell John, 25 Bridge st Drapers Dixon, Wm., Limited, 13 King st Brown, A. & Son, 31 and 33 Montague Henderson James, ?l Watergate st, also 1 and 2 Albert pi "^eott & Todd, 34 and 38 Bishop st Hill George, Montague st Stupgeon John, 11 King st Innes, M. & G., 101 Montague st Lauder, Misses, 88 Montague st Confectioners Lauder, Rbt., 9 W Princes st, & Albert p The Gpoeeps and Lyle, Mrs, 52 High st Millep & Co., 48 Montague st Allan, Mrs E. "ft., 63 Victoria st Wm. C, 19 Montague st BiPd Mrs E., 29 Bridge-end st MuiP, 'Arthur, Peter, Albert pi Black, Mrs, Argyle s M Alex, White Blue, Miss Janet, Montague st McCpone House Boyle, Charles, Pier McCPone, James, 59 Montague st Miss, 75 Montague st Buchanan, I. & M., Victoria st Papk, Wm., st Cameron, Mrs D., Tower st Thomson, 13 Montague Campbell, Alex,, Mill st Cowden, Mrs, E. Princes st Dressmakers Giuliani, Leopoldi, Montague, High and Cunningham, Misses, Argyle st Watergate sts Fpeekleton, Misses, Wyndham rd Mrs, 72 Victoria st Johnston Haig, Miss, Bishop st Johnston, Daniel, 82 Montague st Higgle, Miss Mrgt. M'L., 20 Bridge st Maitland,Miss, 6 Dean Hood pi Johnston, Misf, Columshill st Maxwell Miss, E. Princes st Macfie, Misses, 12 Argyle st M'Callum Neil, Kiosk, Meadows M'Pherson Miss, Bridge-end st M'Cord, Misses, Victoria st Paterson, Mrs, Springbank & Hannah, 52 Gallow- McDonald Stewart, Mrs, Argyle st gate Agent for Cooper & Co.'s Teas Thomson, Wm., 13 Montague st ' iyPhee, Miss A., 24 West Princes st Weir, Miss, Mountpleasant M'Farlane, Samuel, 13 Tower st Williams, Mrs, Victoria st M'Kendrick, Mr« J , Watergate Nisbet, Miss Gallowgate Dean Hood pi & Gallow ate 131 .


Wilson & Co., Victoria st & Argyle st Farmers

Ardbeg . . . Alex. Currie Ashfield.. .. Alex. Stewart [Furniture Dealers Barone .. .. Peter M'Coll M. & G., 101 Montague st Bogany . . . Black A S Innes,

Crossbeg . . Robert Currie

Gartnakeilly . . Andrew Ritchie Knockanreach and Funeral Undertakers

. . M'Millan Larkhall John (see joiners. Little Grenach . . Andw. Paterson Lochend and Lochly, Misses Mat-farlane

Meikle Grenach . . Dugald and Duncan Cowan Glaziers < st Westland . . John Currie Murray D. C, 86 Montague st Windyhall . . T. H. Harvey M'Coll, Hugh, 19 Mill also several Painters and Joiners. Fish Curer Barr, Peter, 35 Watergate Grain, Seed and Potato Mer- > chants and Manure Agents Fishmongers Duncan, Ninian, Store lane O'Neil, Mrs, 22 High st Fisher, James, King and W. Castle sts Smith, John, 35 Victoria st McEwan & McMillan, 11 Stuart st Thomson, J., 11? Montague st McMillan, Wm., John st ThOPbupn, John, 18 W. Princes st Stewart & Co., Corn Mill, Mill st

Florists, Nurserymen, Seeds- Grocers men, and Market Gardeners. (Licensed marked I). Anderson, Hugh, Serpentine rd Campbell, D., Argyle ter /Aitehison, Mrs Thomas, 30 Mill st Chisholm, Duncan, Ardbeg ZBaird, Arthur, 72 Ardbeg Cuthbertson, M., Public Park Baxter, John M., Argyle st Nursery /Bell, David, 111 Montague s Dobbie 66 Co., Seed Growers and Bird Mrs E. Bridge-end st Florists to the King, Springfield, /Black, D. M'A., Castle st High st, and at Marks Tey, Essex Eoag Miss F, Columshill st-Barone rfcL Dobbie, Stuart & Co., Chapelhill Brown, Mrs Alex. 34 Columshill st Nursery, Argyle st /Brown, Daniel, 17 King st Bister, Alex., Meadowbank, Barone rd Brown, James. 77 High st MXaren, John, Braeside /Buchanan, M., 51 Montague st* Shiells, George, Barone road Callan, Geo. M., 6 East Prin es st Stuart, John, Ballochgoy ?Callan, J.M'C , 39 E. Princes st Wilson, Colin, Eden pi, High st Connell, Mrs, Bishop st Cooper & Co. , Montague st Cunningham, Jas., 81 Montague st Fruiterers and Greengrocers Faulds, Mrs James, 21 Stuart stj Bell, Misses, 6 West Princes st Finlay, Peter, Wyndham rd Bird Mrs, 25 Bridge-end st Ferrier, David, Montague st Mrs, 105 High st Brownlie , Watergate Fordyce, Johnston Mrs, 72 Victoria st Graham Mrs, Mill st Maitland, Miss 4 Jean Hood pi Halliday, Male, 92 High st Maltman, Thomas M., 9 Argyle st & Hamilton, Andrew, 2 Bridge-end st st 95 Montague st Harvey, MrsB , 27 Mill McDonald, Wm, 79 Montague st Hill, Miss, Ladeside st Victoria st M'Donald & Hannah, 2,5 Gallow- Holmes, Andrew, gate Hunter, James, 10 W Princes st st M'Dougall , 14 Gallowgate Lipton, Ltd., Montague M'Pherson Miss, 5 Tower st /Maitland. Josepn, 6* Montague st Macintyre, M. & E., Wyndhamroad Maitland Miss, 4 Dean Hood pi M'Intyre, G., Mill and Russell st Maltman, Arch., Mill st M'Leod & Turnbull, E Princes st /Millar, Andrew M., 1 Argyle st M'Nicol, Miss, E. Princes st Muir Mrs, Watergate Rankin, Misses Albert pi /Mitchell Samuel, 6 High st Slaven, James, 18 Watergate M'Callum, Neil, 96 Montague st Slaven, John Store lane & Stuart st M'Cluckie, Mrs John, Mansefield pi 132 TRADERS— "Rothesay.

M'Ewan, Miss C, 11 Mill st M'Callum, John, Savings bank MTntyre, Mrs, 129 High st M'Cubbin, J., 2 Bridge st Mackinnon. Mrs John, Montague st Mackinnon James, 11 Albert nl ZM'Laehlan, D., 16 Columshill st M'Millan, D (Valuator), 13 , Bishop st M'Nab, Hamilton, 84 High st Stewart, W. Alex, 47 Watergate M'Nicol, Mrs Eliz., 8 Bridge-end st Thomson, John R., 5 High st M'Oscar, James, 131 High st Tupnep, Colin B., Craigmore pier Purvis, Mrs, High st Wilson John T., & Alexander, Russell, Matthew B. , 106 Montague st Castle st Stone, Mrs'Joseph, 2 Columshill st ^Swanston, Arthur & Son, W. Princes Upquhapt, J. A., 13 Argylest Insurance Agents \ Allan, A., Columshill st Hatters Burnie, A. Ml, High st Austin A., 103 Montague st RAtfKW, Alex,, 25 Victoria st Campbell, Alex., 29 Watergate Thompson, Samuel, Montague st & Grant, Donald. Castlehill st Victoria st Harvey, John C, Chronicle office Hicks, Charles, 1 Victoria st Higgie, George, 22 Bridge st Hairdressers Innes, M. & G., Montague st

Johnstone, Alex , 94 High st Anderson, David, Bridge-end st Macbeth, Adam D. Mountpleasant Cameron, G. O., 5-1 Victoria st Martin, George, 16 Tower st Gardiner, J., W Princes st Mastepton, J. L., Bank of Scotland Hill. JB., THighst Montgomerie, Arch., Albert pi Maxwell . E. Princes st M'Callum, John, Savings bank MoPPison, Arch., 90 Montague st Mackinlay, John, 21 Victoria st McMuppay, A., 5 Bridge st Mackinnon, Hector, High st. MLea, Arch., 22 Budge st Smith, George. Clydesdale Bank Hotel Keepers Stewart, W. Alex., 4*7 Watergate Blakey Miss Sylvia. (Pension', Craig- Tytlep, Win, Royal Bank" more Thompson, James, Montague st Buchanan, George, (Victoria), 57 Tupnep, Colin B., Craigmore Pier Victoria st Wilson, John T. & Alexander, Castle st Grant, Jas. C, (Waverley), Argyle st >;.;vindley, Mrs, (Argyle), 27 Watergate " Kelly, Bruce. (Alexandra), 21 Battery pi ironmongers Lawson, David jun., (Hotel Madeira), Co., 43 st Victoria st Bpown & Montague M. 101 Lyle. John, (Lome), Guildford sq Innes, & G , Montague st Napiep, Thomas, 68 Montague s M'Kinlay, Andrew M., 4 High st Milloy, L. 45 Montague st M'Kay, John L., (Royal), Albert pi M'Nab, John. West Princes st M'Millan,, James, West Princes st John Henry (of Pratt Osgood Mrs, (Livingstonia), Guild- Ppatt & Co. ford Sq Birmingham), Lochview, Barone rd Pipie, Mrs G., (Osborne), S7 Victoria st Smith, Robt., fButeArms), Guildford sq Joiners Thompson, Miss, (Queen's), Argyle st BlaiP, D. & Son, 15 Bridge st Bowman, Wim, 1 West Castle st Bpown, Alex., 18 Mill st Hosiery Manufactory Dobbie, Alex., Bishop terrace br Dodds, A. & Son, Colbeck pi The Orphanage, Barone rd Holmes, John, 83 Montague st Laudep, William, Ladeside sc House Agents and Factors Moppison, Thos., 33a Watergate M'Bpide, James, John st Bupness, Robert, 29 High st McCallum & Son, 50 High st Campbell, Alex., 29 Watergate Macfie, John, 64 Ardbeg rd Dewar, Duncan, Castle st McLean, James, 22 Bridge st .' Tames, st Fishep, W. Castle . McNab, Alex., 24 Watergate st Millep, Robert G, Montague st Smith James, 13 Bishop st Montgomerie, Arch., Albert pi Macbeth, AdamD., Mountpleasant 133 —


Ladies & Children s Outfitters Painters Elder, Mrs, 100 and 102 Montague st Murray, D. C. , 86 Montague st Miss, Princes Fpasep, E st M'Coll, Hugh, 35 Mill st Hogg, Miss, 15 Argyle st M'Fie, Duaald H., 65 High st Lauder, Robert, 7 Albert pi Stark J., 16 Argyle st M'Arthur, Miss, 69 Victoria st Stewart, W.& J., W Princes st McConnell & McArthy Misses, 21 Montague st MePherson Miss F, 9 Bridge-end st Pawnbroker Maemlllan. Mrs E. R., 7, 18 & 21 Ar- Innes, George, W. Castle st gyle st 'Phone No., 192 Park, Miss, 75 Montague st Runciman, Miss, 14 W. Princes st Photographers ** Sillars, Mrs, 67 Victoria st Thompson, Miss L., 85 Montague so Adamson & Son, 23 Argyle st Whiteford, Miss, 3 Dean Hood pi Sweet, Charles & Co., 19 Battery pi Whiteford, Robt., 23 Argyle st Laundry Keepers Wilson, Mrs, 9 Victoria st Bute Steam Laundry, Ladeside W. P. Robertson Plasterers Ettrickdale, 19 Mill st Duncan, Matthew & Co., Ladeside Gillies, Miss & Co. , 4 Ladeside John C, John st Heaton, Mrs Agnes, 25 Barone rd Jamieson, Moore, Wyndhani pk " M'Quistan, John, John st Rothesay Laundry Coy., Bridge st James Howitt, manager Plumbers Symes, Mrs, 83 High st Chisholm, Wm., Ardbeg. Cruickshanks, John, 47 High st Librarians Cunning-ham. Daniel, 3 Bridge st Clay,T. M., 11 Victoria st Napier, Thomas, 68 Montague st Institute, Stewart, Montague st Morrison Bros., 33 Watergate Montgomerie, Frank, Albert pi Peacock, A R., 23 High st M'Arthur, James, Guildford sq Mackinlay, John, 21 Victoria st Porters M'Nicol, Miss, Bishop st No. 1—Stewart, John, io Staffa pi Lime Merchants 2—Patrick, James, 2 Staffa pi 3—M'Donald, Jas., Mountpleasant ^ Scott & Todd, 34 & 38 Bishop st 4—Cumming, Jas., 21 Mill st Stewart & Co., King's Mill 5—M'Lachlan, Camp., 135 High st 6—M'Murchie, Dugald, Staffa pi Millers 7—M'Leish, Robert, W Princes s Robertson, James, Greenan Mill 8—Young, Robert, Castle st Stewart & Co., Mill st 9—M 'Lean, Hugh, 7 Union st 10—Shaw, John, 19 Victoria st Milliners 11—M'Kellar, Duncan, Colbec pi 12-Keith, John, 19 Mill st Elder, Mrs, 102 Montague st 13—Robert M'Donald, 28 Mill st Freekleton, Misses, Ornatus ter- race, Ardbeg M'Connell & McArthy, Misses, 21 Postmen Montague st Duncan, Robt., Argyle mansions Paterson, J., 31 Victoria st Dunlop, John, 17 Bishop st Runciman, Miss, 14 W. Princes st Gollan, Alex., 8 Gallowgate Spiowl, Miss H, Gallowgate Hill, John, Battery pi Thomson, Wm., 13 Montague st Kean, Colin, Montague st Leitch, Colin, Port-Bannatyne Newspaper Correspondents Minnis, Thos . 78 High so Mutch, John W., 66 Montague st Advertising Agents M'Arthur, E., 4 Mill st Ewing, A., Buteman Office M'Farlane, R ,5 Victoria st Fleming, Gavin, Express Office M'Intyre, Malcolm, 44 Argyle st

Harvey, J. C. , Chronicle Office M'Lean, Dan., 7 Union st Higgie, Geo., Directory and Guide Office M'Lellan, M., 27 Argyle st Mackenzie, M., Express Office M'Nab, Russell, Ballochgoy Mackinnon, H., 16 High st Nicholson, Armiger, 24 Bishop st Nicolson Robt., 20 Bridge st 13 TRADE RS—Rothesay.

Robertson, John, 4 Columshill pi 1 Smith, Arch,, 2 Croft lane Saddlers 61 rd Spence, James, Ardbeg Burness, Robert, 29 High st Livingstone, Rich., 14 Castlehill st Poulterers, &c. Smith John, 35 Victoria st Saw Millers Thomson, Mrs, 117 Montague st George, Limited, Union st Thorfoupn, John, W, Princes st Halliday, Home& P'oreign Timber Merchants

Printers and Publishers Duncan, Miss, Argyle st Sewing Machine Agent. Harvey Co., Chronicle office, & Dickson, Steven, 21 Bridge-end st — Watergate Singer Co. Higgie & Co., 22 Bridge st The Coast Guide Bonnie Scotland s Resorts Belega Skotlando Sculptors Bute County Directory Klrkhope, Wm., Townhead Pejzag'o Skotlando Lyle, Wm., Townhead Mackenzie M., Express office, 11 Montague st Wilson, W. A,, Buteman office, 10 Shipping and Forwarding Castle st Agents Quarry Masters Halliday, George, Limited, Union st.

Roth , and 118 Broomielaw, Glasgow Limited, Hill Halliday.George, Long Telegrams, "Halliday," Rothesay, Sawmills. Wbin & Quarry. Office— "Craigielea," Glasgow Sets, Kerb, Road Metal, &c.j

Remnant Shops. Slaters FraserMrs, E. Princes st Hyndman, James, Colbeck pi Lyle Mrs, 52 High st Leckie, Wm. M., Bridge st Robertson Mrs, Bridge-end st Miller, James & Son, Columshill Robert, High st Ross, J., 5 Montague st Paterson, Whiteford Miss, Dean Hood pi

Spirit Merchants Eestaurants and Tea Rooms. Allan, Mrs E. J., 63 Victoria st The Licensed Hotel-Keepers Campbell, Mrs, 20 Tower st Bell, Duncan, "Galatea" Bar, 3, 5 and

Cardwell , Bridge st 7 Bride End st Buchanan, Donald, 27 Victoria st Blue. Patrick, Guildford sq & Mon- Buchanan, Misses I. & M, 15 Victoria st tague st Guildford, Guildford sq Dewar John S, 8 Castle st Herbert, Miss Edith, Albert pi Brown, David, High st Hoy, Mrs, 91 High st Bruce, Henry, 20 Gallowgate Hyndman, Wm., 3 Montague st Burns, James, Athletic Bar, Gallow- Institute, Norman Stewart, Mon- gate tague st Campbell, Arch., Tower & Castlehill sts Jackson, David, E Princes st Crawford, Robert, 4 Bridge-end st Johnston, Mrs, 72 Victoria st' Galbraith, Jas.. Castlehill st Johnston, Daniel, 82 Montague st Heaton, James, 7 Victoria st fc 15 Montague st Heaton, James, E. Princes st TToiXs-cllU,f h UO.&.,.T n C 21 Watergate Montgomerie, W. , West Princes st Leitch, Henry, 4 Argyle st McGrory, M., 70 Montague st M'Cord, John, Victoria st M'Millan, Jas., E Princes st M 'Cord Miss, Boulevard, Victoria st MePherson Donald, 13 Stuart st

M'Gilvary , 44 Montague st O'Connor, Martin, 27 Gallowgate M'Kay, John, "Royal," Albert pi Stewart, R. S., 25 High st Pickering', Richard, 15 Watergate Taylor, D. M., Ltd., Tower st Shaw, John 36 Montague st Watson, John, 3 Victoria st The Tryst, 1 Gallowgate Walker John, 11 E. Princes st 135 TRADERS—Rothesay.

Steamboat Agents Tobacconists Montague st Meikle, Arch., M Kinlayst., (Buchanan's Allan, Misses, 102 Clark, John, 52 Montague st and Williamson's) i 27 29 Montague Paterson, Chas., Argyle pi (Caledonian) Dougall & Co , 5, & Shaw, John, Montague st ("Lord of the st, and 24 E Princes st Isles" and "Bute") Duncan Miss, 19a Argyle st st Sloan, Hugh, High st, (G. & S.-W) Lyle, Miss, 1 Montague Watson, W., Springbank, (Macbrayne's) M'Culloch, H. P., 83 Victoria st Yorkson, Alex., Ferguson pi (N. B.) M'Gilp, 3 High st M'Neill, Win., East Princes st M'Nicol Mrs Eliz., 8 Bridge-end st Tailors and Clothiers Silver, Andrew Y., 3 Argyle st < Misses, Ardbeg rd Brown, A. & Son, 31 Montague st Stewart 67 R. J., Albert pi Dobbie, Andrew, Tower st Stewart, & Wilson, D., Victoria st & Argyle st Kerr, H. S., 38 Bishop st Lamont, Arch., 15 Gallowgate Marshall, David, Bridge-end st Miller Robert C, 46 Montague st Toy and Fancy Goods Dealers James, 59 Montague st M 'Crone, Campbell Misses A & C, W. Princes st M'Kay, Charles, 39 Victoria st Dougall, & Co., 5, 27-29 Montague st Angus, 10 Gallowgate Speirs, & U Princes st Yates, James, Montague st Duncan Miss, 19a Argyle st Gardiner Mrs, Montague st Teachers Lyle, Miss, 1 Montague st 3 High st See Official List. M'Gilp, Robertson, Mrs Angus, 21 Bridge-end st DANCING. Stewart, Misses, Ardbeg rd Dickson, George, 38 Columshill st Murdoch, Angus, Bishop st Umbrella Makers M'Lennan, Duncan «., High st M'Crone, Alex., Montague st ESPERANTO. Thomson, W. H., 1 Albert pi Higgle, George, 22 Bridge st MUSIC. Christie, Arthur S., Argyle ter Upholsterers Dryden George, Argyle st Innes, M. & G., 101 Montague st M 'Arthur, James, Mountpleasant rd Fordyce' John, 17 Montague st M'Arthy, Miss Alice, Brandane ter Paterson, Robert & Co., Store lane M'Kinlay Miss Marianne, Crichton rd Robertson, Angus, 21 Bridge-end st SHORTHAND. Higgle George, 22 Bridge st Watchmakers and Jewellers SWIMMING. Duncan, John, 58 Montague st Sprowl, Robt, Skeoch Bathing places Lauder, Hugh, 8 Albert pi M'Gilp, 8 High st Tinsmiths

Napier Thos. , 68 Montague st M'Nab, John, W. Princes si: M'Tavish, Edward 7h Bridge-end st

Builders' Clerk — Thomas Falconer, 1 Union street Drapery and Remnants—Mrs Lyle, 52 High street Jeweller and General Outfitter—William McLean, 4^- Gallowgate. Potato Merchants—M'Ewan & M'Millan, 11 StuarUtreet Tailor and Breeches Maker— David E. Marshall, Bridge-end Street. Tobacconist, Stationer, & Fancy Goods Emporium—Miss Stewart, 80 Ardbeg Road. Wholesale and Eetail Fruit Merchant—John Slaven, Stuart street

136 ......

Parish of North Bute (Including the Village of Port-Bannattni).

Bakers Drapers McCunn, Miss, Melbourne pi & Dallas, Crown Bids Brown Murray, Misses, Inveryne pi Welsh, George, Melbourne pi Barber Dressmakers Currie, Misses, Bannatyne Mains rd Kerr, Geo. , Shore st Hunter, Miss, Springwell pi Malcolm, Miss, M'Nicol'sland Builders Murray, Misses, Inveryne pi Currie, Alex, Theodore villa Macne, John, Ardbeg Druggist Meldrum, Wm., Shore st; Blacksmiths Smith John, Ettrick Farmers Thomson, Charles, Castle st Auchavoulaig •• D. M 'Donald Shaw Daniel, Straad . Crawford Acholter . John

Airdscalpsie . Wm. Boag Misses Stevenson Boat) Builders Ardmaleish . Alex. Montgome:> Alexander James Auchenteerie . M'Intyre Fyfe, John, Ardmaleish Ballanlay .. Arch. Mactie Maleom, Arch., Shore St West Ballvcaul . Hugh Bannatyne Mains James Duncan M'Kay Barone Park . John Boat Hirers Morrison Craigberoch . Arch. M'Lean Alexander, James, Shore st Cranslagloan . Lachlan M'Kellar Lamont Norman, Front st Cranslagmory . Arch. Shearer, Matthew Cranslasi,vourity.. Wm. P. Dickie Wilson, James, Front st Drumachloy .. James Lyon - Dunallan .. A. M'Intyre Carsewell Butcher East St Colmac . Mrs P. Maleom Edinbeg • • James Lamont Hugh, Crown buildings Barr . Thomas M'Intosh, Neil, Sandringham ter Eskechrasgan Glecknabae .. Bryce Martin M Intyre Glenmore . Andrew Carriage Hirers S. Ritchie Gortans . Jas. Currie, Robertson Duncan Greenan . Robt. James, Castle st Lamont Hyndman Hilton . • Hugh Tramway Company .- ** INCHMARNOCK— , _,_ . Charles Macne Mid Park . Millar Carters North Park . Hugh Macne South Park . Chas. Currie, Duncan Stevenson . Mrs James, Castle st Kilbride Hyndman -Intyre Kildavannan . Mrs M M' Galium Kilmichael . - Colin Chimney Sweepers Duncan Kilwhinleck . Robert Leckie, W. M. M'Conechy Largivrechtan . Mrs Shearer, Matthew Carmichael Lenniehall . Wm. Little Kilmory .. Mrs Chas. Duncan Muir Mechnoch . Mrs Coal Merchants M Alister James ' Meikle .Kilmory . Mrs Hyndman, James Middleton . James Loch, George & Son, Castle st Milton Nether Ardroscadale, Mrs Stewart

Quoaach .. Mrs Gillies . Confectioners Queinand Scalpsie, John Martin, jun Colin M'Callum Alexander, Miss, Inveryne pi Rhubodach . Morrison Miller, Mrs M ui., The Rest, Shore st Rullecheddan . Wm. M'Intyre Torri Antonio, Shore st Scarrel .. Mrs E. 137 TEADERS—North. Bute Parish.

Shalunt . . Neil Dougan Joiners South St Colmae John Simpson Duncan John, Castle st Stewarthall .. A. M'Intyre Maleom, Arch., Shore St, West Stuck . . John Lamont McMillan, Duncan, Castle st Upr, Ardroscadale, Stewart &M'Farlane Upper Ettrick . . John Macfie Milliners Lower Ettrick . . Wm. Hunter Murray, Misses, Inveryne pi West St Colmae . . J. & T. Simpson Newsagent, &c Fruiterers McAdam, Miss Sandringham ter Alexander, Miss, Inveryne pi M'Cunri, Miss, Post Office M'Nicol, Sandringham ter Painters Grocers Cunningham, M., 9 Quay st Bell, Dugald, Inveryne pi Cunningham, James, Shore st Plumber Ferguson, Jas., Victoria pi Cunningham, D., Castle st Halliday, Robert, Shore st Hogarth, Mrs M. , Govandale pi Restaurateurs M'Dougall Mrs, Castle st Welsh, George, Melbourne pi Hotel and Innkeepers, etc Slater Campbell, A., Port-Bannatyne Inn Leckie, W. M., branch from Rothesay CrawfDPd, Miss, Crown Hydropathic, Swanstonhill Shoemaker 8! McDonald, Ronald, Private, Pier ter David, Front st Shields, Robt., Royal Baird, Walker, Alex., Anchor Tavern Tailors Bodin, Wm., Castle st West Ironmonger Opp, Hugh Kerr, Oak Bank, Shore st McFhail, Mrs Malcolm, Front st

Remember Friends at a Distance. NOVEL CHRISTMAS CARDS

Worked in Buteshire Heather and other Wild Flowers.




138 .

Parish of Kingarth. (Including the Village of Kilchattan Bay).

Birgidale Knock, Arch. Robertson Baker Bruchag Arch. M'Kay Bell, D., Kilchattan Bay Culevin Alex. M'Farlane Dixon's Dam Daniel Boag Blacksmiths Drumreoch Thos. Crawford Bell, James, Millhole Dunagoil Mrs Janet Weir Baird, A. B., Kingarth Gallachan Mrs Scott, & Sons Kerrycroy James Simpson Boat Hirers Kerrycruisach ... James Telfer Gillespie, J., Kilchattan Bay Kerrylamont Marquis of Bute M'Fi.e Daniel „ Kerrymenoch Wm. Martin Reid James, Kilchattan Bay Kerrytonlia D. Gemmill

Langalbuinoch . Geo. Baillie Builders Langalchorad ... Hugh Duncan Bell, Duncan, Kilchattan Bay Largizean, Mrs Martin Bell, Malcolm, jun., Kelspoke Little Kilchattan Mrs Crawford Bell, Malcolm, Mill house Lubas Daniel Macfie Morrison, Wm., Kilchattan Bay Meikle Kilchattan A. Macfarlane M'Alister M'Fie, Fergus, ,, Mid-Ascog Robert Nether Stravannan James Martin Butcher Plan Marquis of Bute Baillie, George, Kilchattan Bay Quochag Arch. Murray Scoulag Wm. M'Intyre, jun Carriage Hirers South Garrochty Professor Macewen M'Fie, D., Post Office, Kingarth M'Kirdy & M'Millan General Dealer Logan, Jas., Kilchattan Bay Campbell, Kilchattan Bay Carters Grocers Ferguson, John, Kilchattan Bay Cuppie, Miss, Kilchattan Bay M'Fie, Arch., Post Office, Kingarth M'Dougall, Jane, Kilchattan Bay

M'Fie, D., Kilchattan Bay Thorburn , Kerrycroy

Thomas John M'Lellan, A., ,, Kelso, M., Kilchattan Bay Coal Dealers M'Dougall, John, Kilchattan Bay Hotel Keepers Kingarth M'Fie, Daniel ,, Crawford, Wm,

Thomas, John ,, Robertson, Wm., Kilchattan Bay Confectioners & Fruiterers Joiners Campbell, J. , Kilchattan Bay Bannatyne, Bryce, Kilchattan Butts Cuppie Janet, Kilchattan Bay Logan, Jas , Kilchattan Bay Kelso, M., Kilchattan Bay Lamont, A., ,, Draper M'Fie, Robert, Kelso, Miss, Kilchattan Bay Laundry Keeper Dressmakers Cuppie, Mrs, Kilchattan Bay Bell Kilchattan Bay Newsagent, &c. Black, Miss Annie, Kerrycroy Cuppie Miss, Kilchattan Bay Brown, Miss Jessie, Little bay Ferguson, Miss, Kilchattan Bay Restaurateur Kelso, Misses, Kilchattan Bay Morrison J., Kilchattan Bay Taylor, Miss T., Kilchattan Bay Shoemaker

Farmers Henderson, Wm. , Kilchattan Bay Ambrismore J. Jamieson Ardnahoe David Ferguson Tile Manufacturer Barefield Alex. Lyon Gilmour Thos , Kilchattan Bay Barnauld Robert M'Dougall Birgidale Crieff J. Robertson& Sons 139 Parish of Cumbrae. (Including the Burgh cf Milliort).

Bakers Coal Merchants Allan Wra., Glasgow st Co-Operative Societj Cunningham John, 8^ Guildford st Kerr Walter, Clyde St .Short Robt., Quayhead Young Robert, Barend st Speirs Allan. 28 Stuart st Stoddart, Arch., 40 Stuart st Confecbioneis Blacksmiths Boyd Miss, Stuart st M'Connechie, Jas., st Graham Alex., Crawford st Glasgow M'Nicol Mrs, 31 Stuart st Morris R., Craig st Nutt Miss, Kelburne st Rowatt John Boat Builder Morrison Mrs, Stuart st Mauchline Colin, George st

Boat Hireis Contractors Burnie James, George st Ferguson C, Strathwhcrry Maycroft George, 20 Kelburne st Hunter Neil, Strath wherry M'Millan, George st Mauchline Colin, Stratliwhe^ry Shearer A., Howard st "Wilson, M Neil & Sons, Glasgow st

Booksellers Drap 5l\S Baillie James, Stuart st Allan Misses I. & M., Glasgow st Cunningham Miss. Post O., Guildford st Allan J. & A., Howard st" Stewart Mrs J., Glasgow and Stuart st Black Miss Jean G., Stuart st Lowe Miss, Glasgow st Campbell Arch., Stuart st Co-Operative Society Cardiff st Boot and Shoemakers Little Miss M., Guildford st M'Innes Miss, Cardiff st Co-Operative Society, Cardiff st Rowatt Miss, Guildford st Dunan Wm., Guildford st Stewart Jas., Guildfcrd st Little David, Stuart st Little H, Glasgow st Greenlees J., Guildford st Dressmakers MacKean H., Stuart s Allan Isa. & Margb., Gl^gow st Mclnnes Miss. Cardiff st Biulders Shearer M . Sr J. , Stuart st Caldwell, Robt,. Guildford st Somerville Miss. Vulcan cot Shearer Alex., Stuart st Wisnart Robert, Kelburne st Earthenarew Dealers Butchers Baillie James, Stuart st

M'Faplane J . Guildford st Leslie H. W., Guildford st Shields, Thos., Glasgow k+ Stewart, Mrs, 15 Glasgow st

Temuleton Wm , Stuart st Woitelaw, D., Stuart st

Carriage rlirers Farmers Fraser R., Barend st HillW.. Barend st Barbour John, Ballikellet McAllister .East Bay Crawforrd Mrs. Karnes mill M'Coll H., Barend st ' Crawford James, Figgitoch Finnie Mrs Mid KirKton

. M'Dougall Duncan, Ballochmartin Chemists and Druggists M'Kirdy John, Nether Kirkfcon Mackay David, 37 Stuart st M'Kirdy R., Upper Kirkton Macrury Dr, U Stuart st Robertson Robert, Breakough Thorn Jcnn, Portyre 140 TRADERS—Ombrae Parish.

Fishmongers Nurserymen nursery 'Neil Wilson, Glasgow st Dale Thomas, Viewtiild M gardens Houston Alex., Stuart st M'Lachlan W., Kiikton Rowat W. «* J., GI30J nursery Fruiterers Painters Baillie John, V Glasgow st Hastie Geo. - Crawford st Boyd M. , Stuart st st Little Miss, Glasgow st Guy Robert, Quayhead st Lyall Miss, Guildford st Stewart Alex., Barend M'Connechie James, Glasgow st Rowatt John, Stuart st Photographer

Keppie Geo , Stuait st Grocers

(Licensed, marked I.) Plasterers Allan Wm., Glasgow st Golan J.. Barend st BaiMe, John, Glasgow st Brown Miss, Cardiff sk Plumbers Co-Operative Society, Cardiff st Fen ton Alex., Glasgow st Bowie W,, Churchiil st Graham, James, Clyde st M -David Wm., Crawford st Houston Mrs A., Miller st Risk Jas., Ritchie st Hunter Charles, Stuart st Hunter, Misses M. & I., Glasgow st Restaurateurs M'Kay Jctin T., Guildford st Stuart st M'Naughton Janet, Cardiff st Connell , Guildford st ZMurray John, Glasgow st Mauchlin C, Arch., 39 Stuart st vVallacs James. 9 Quayhead Stoddart, Wright Mrs, " Three Little Maids" Young Robt. , Keltauvn st

Hairdressers Slater Sea con John, Clyde st M'Kay Miss, Stuart st Campbell Archd., Stuart st Spirit Merchants Hotel Keepers The Licensed Hotel-Keepers and Sommerville, (Royal George), Quayhead Holms, Robert, Glasgow st Cunningham (Cumbrae), Stuart st Murray John, Glasgow st Graham Mrs (Sommerville Temperance), Paterson James, Glasgow st Stuart st Train Mrs, Cardiff st Johnston J (Keiburne Arms), Stuart st Steamboat Agents Ironmongers Clark Wm. M., Keppel piei Campbell Wm., Stuart st Stewart James, Harbour Leslie, H. W., Guildford st Stewart Alex. , Harbour

Joiners Tailors and Clothiers Duncan Thomas Kameston rd Hunter, Robt., Howard st Stewart James & Co., Guildford si Munro, Neil, Miller st Taylor John, Barend st Tinsmiths librarian Bowie "W., Guildford st M'Eavid Wm., Crawford st Baillie, James Stuart st Risk James, Ritchie st| Stewart Mrs J., Glasgow stj Tobacconists Milliners Dunan Wm. Stuart st Miss, Glasgow st Hunter Leslie H. W„ Guildford st Guildford st Little Miss, M'Kay Miss, Stuart st Guildford st Rowatt Miss, Stewart Mrs, Stuart and Glasgow ats Shearer Misses, btuart st

141 —

TRADERS—Cumhrae Parish.

Toy Dealers Watchmaker and Jeweller Baillie James, Stuart st Crawf rd Wm., 42 Stuart st Campbell Arch., Stuart st Campbell, Wm,, Stuart st Graham Jas, Clyde st Leslie H. W, Guildford st Stewart Janet, Stuart & Glasgow st "VVhitelaw, I)., Stuart st

POSTAL INFORMATION. LETTERS. PATTERNS AND SAMPLES. Id. Postage, not; exceeding 4 oz., Postage for 4 oz., Id. and for every additional 2 oz., Jd. Dimensions, 24 in. by 12 in. by 12 in. (Same is Letter postage.) Registration .fee, 2d for £5 value, 3d for £20, additional ,£10 up to =£400. Id for every cyddccq nci iucqv nv Mccccwrco Registered Envelopes, from 3Jd. each. EXPRESS DELIVERY BY MESSENGER.

_ . _ _ _ _ For Letter or Packet, not exce eding 5 lbs NEWSPAPERS. 3d.permiU, Registered, §d each; if not registered, every Special conveyance, 1/ per mile. 2 oz., Halfpenny. Maximum weigi.t,5 lbs RAILWAY LETTER POST Dimensions, 24 in. by 12 m. by 12 in. For Letters under 1 oz., 3d c Ron .. p~.c-|- Under this arrangement Letters may be BUUK "UbI. tendered at Railway Parcel or Passenger Postage, 2 oz., •• ••• J<1> Booking Offices. Above that, same as letters. To Canada, registered newspapers Id per lb MONEY ORDERS DOCXKU3I wnw.r>ARn<* Sumsnotover £1, £3, £10, £20, £30, £40, the charge '9 2d. 3d. 4d. 6d. 8t. 10d. 6d. Reply,.. .11 for Stout or Thin,. ..11 for ; 1/ TELEGRAPH MONEY ORDERS. Cards, 8 for 9d. . Letter £3) 43 ,£ 10i 6d ., aud ordinary charge for Telegram. TELEGRAMS. Forewords, 6d. POSTAL ORDERS. ' and for everv additional word, Jd. i> «';«' 'iau

PARCEL POST. for broken amounts, stamps not over 5d.

lb., . lb., 4d Postage, not exceeding 1 3d 2 ; mny be affixed to P.O.

: 8d ; 9d 3, 5d ; 4 or 5, 6d ; 6 or 7, 7d 8, 9, ; 10,10d; 11, lid. BILLmLL a'AMr^.STAMPS Maximum weight, 11 lbs. greatest Id. Not over 6d Dimensions—Length, 3 ft. 6 in. ; Not over £5, £50, length and girth combined, 6 ft. „ £10 2d. ,, £75, 9d Registration—same as for letters. ,, £2o, 3d. „ £100, 1/.

Typical Views of Scottish Scenery. A jew opinions of latest issue The British Empire Journalists, while visiting Scotland acknowledged, with thanks, receipt of copies. " Scottish Scenery is marvellously beautiful."—.Esperanto, Hornsby, N.S.W., May, 1909 .

" It is of great value to Esperantists, and should be widely taken up by them." Dundee Advertiser, 1st July, 1909. "... The views are exceptionally well brought out, are typical of Scotland's varied scenery, and each has a history as true, romantic and varied as the livelies t imagination. '"—Elgin Courant and Courier, 6th July, 1909. "... The book is not only an attractive one, but its pages form an introduction to the quaint language, one of whose objects is to hasten on the day " ' Kiam homaro tra la tuta mondo, farigos fratoj malgrau cio.' Glasgow Herald, 8th July, 1909. 142 THE BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY.

This Directory now-a-days contains the information dis- tinctive of both the Directory and the Almanac of past years, and the date of its issue is gradually becoming mid- way between the original dates of issue of these two publications We begin our researches early enough, but the airy Summer publications must hustle out while the sun shines. The Directory, although very useful to the fluctuating visiting population, is not necessarily a fine- weather publication, but a hardy permanent resident.

Our aim, in this publication, is not to record the passing names and achievements of visitors and those who come to cater for them, but something of far greater importance—the registering of the names, standing and businesses of the resident population, for the information of all having an interest in Buteshire, its burghs and rural districts.

The Directory is, of course, not only for the remaining por- tion of the year in which it is issued, but continues the only printed reference book for the county of Bute until its successor appears.

One edition of the Directory is no sooner off than we begin to note alterations (and prepare for fjrobable additions) for the next—so that it may be thoroughly be up to date.

Will Secretaries of societies, etc., connected with Buteshire, who do not already do so, please remember to forward to us particulars of their institutions, annual reports, and lists of office-bearers, as information for the next issue of the Directory 1

We are not yet enabled to publish all the information that we desire, but that does not prevent us compiling (in antici- pation of greater reciprocity) more than we print.

This Directory is not only found all over Buteshire, but in the libraries and other places of public resort in "the adjacent islands of Great Britain and Ireland." HIGGIE & CO.

22 Bridge Street, Rothesay, August, 1909.

143 —


The International Literary Platform.

The International Language, Esperanto, is not only easily learned by persons acquainted with other languages, but is a key to the quicker understanding of the others. Rothesay, Scotland, HIGGIE & CO., PubliS hePS. " Esperanta Publications

Alphabet, with examples of pronounciation. Id per doz. Pronouns Classified. Devised to refresh the memories of the wayfaring, and enabling them to take a firm grip of this grammatical language. Id per doz. Correlated Words, being a tabulated reproduction of the cleverly-arranged adjec- tives, pronouns, and adverbs, culled from chaos in other languages, and methodi-

cally arranged by Dr Zamenhoff ; with additional guiding-lines for the assistance of other than classical scholars. Price, 2d per doz. The Supple Joints of Esperanto, being WORD-BUILDING TABULATED showing at a glance the usefulness and efficacy of the Prefixes, Affixes, Nouns Adjectives, Plurals, Adverbs, Verbs and Participles. Extremely handy for refer- ence by students. Price, 4d per dozen.

Is Esperanto Worth Learning ? A clever Persuasive by Bernard Long, b a 70 pages. Prices, Id, 2d, or 5 cents. Reduction for quantities.

Scottish Post Cards in the Universal Language : Auld Lang Syne (Estintaj Tago). A Man's a Man for a' that (La Frateco de la Homo). Sweet Rothesay Bay, visited by a deputation from the International Congress, with View, and the verse, " It's a Bonnie Bay," in English and translated). The Scot Abroad (la Skoto Alilande), with Illustration.

Id each ; four for 3d. Views Typical of Scottish Scenery. [Vidajoj Karakterizaj de SCOTLANDA PEJZAGO]. Beautifully Printed from Photographs. Published in Commemoration of the III International Esperanto Congress held in Great Britain in 1907, and re-published annually since. Thirty-four full page Views, besides Descriptive Letterpress, Price Sixpence.

" Belega SkOtlando," an abridged translation of " Bonnie, Bonnie Scot- land" in to the International Language ['' the pioneer of the guide books of • the future"], One Penny. Higgie & Coy., Rothesay. BUTE COUNTY DIRECTORY ADVERTISEMENT.

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Q/dededad^, mm addie&t dun/ed dm, and (p^/wedded da madtd; det 3d dd/

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We are satis fied that the little hook' let deserves every encour- Read agement, and the will certainly he most valuable for propaganda work. It is smartly written Clever and contains much / information which is Booklet, quite fresh and not generally known, even by Esperantists. We venture to risk the prediction that it will score a decided suc- cess." — Glasgow Consulate do We not think that we have seen a more lucid, practical and convincing exposition- ot the case for Esperanto. . We should like to see the opinions disseminated in every quarter of the country." — The British Esperanto Association, London. lves ' \* excellent reasons why the new international language should hoe t taken up. The booklet is published by Scotland's pioneer Esperanto nn s m£ ' ""Pundee Advertiser. "Esperanto is making great progress. The railwayman who acquires the language now will be to come out of the crowd thro' his special knowledge, and marked as worthy of promotion. . ' Is Esperanto Worth; Learning ?' is answered in a most interesting way by \ Mr Bernard Long, B. A.. (Cambridge). He describes /the activities of the Esperanto movement and the merits of the language, which, he says, has reached

ESPER a stage when it can no longer he ignored. . In a few years the teaching of Esperanto will no doubt be com- pulsory in our elementary schools, and adults would be wise to obtain some information about it, in case they may be put to shame by their chW&ren." -Stirling Sentinel' «' Will be of great interest to all present or prospective

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Guide on a point of " Really an International National Honour." Publication." International Publications. IS ESPERANTO WORTH LEARNING? A clever booklet by Bernard Long.!B. A., Camb. Marvellous value. It shows the utility,

simplicity, and steady progress of this one, united universal auxiliary language through- , out the world, where all people that on earth do dwell may (and many now actually i of now do) intelligently speak and write to each other, though not knowing a word each j postage. M. A reduc- other's language, Printed in English, price Id, 2d, and 5 cents ; tion for quantities. KONDUKANTO AL BELEGA SKOTLANDO. (Introduction to Bonnie, Bonnie Scotland). This booklet has the honour of being the first guide-book printed in Esperanto, and is a translation of the introductory pages to " Bonnie Scotland's Resorts." Published at Id, it has a wide circulation, and is cordially welcomed by Esperantisfcs everywhere. Postage, £d. SCOTTISH SCENERY — SKOTLANDA PEJZAGO. A handsomely-printed booklet of over 34 pages of photographs of views representative of Scottish scenery, with the descriptive letterpress printed in Esperanto as well as in English. This publication is much admired, and the dual language descriptive of places

has since been adopted in this and other lands. Price, 6d ; postage, Jd. BONNIE SCOTLAND'S RESORTS. A " winsome little volume " of 150 pages of concisely-printed, succinct and interesting descriptions (in English), of between 400 and 500 Health, Profit and Pleasure Resorts, besides attractive introductory and appended pages. The idea of publishing this book was conceived while travelling abroad, and it has become the parent of the above- named International editions. Apppreciated wherever seen. Prices, 2d, 6d, and Is, according to binding. Postage, |d and Id. LA ENAMIGO DE LA NACIOJ.

(The Courtship of the Nations.) !

International Publication par excellence. The articles are being written (in the neutral international language, Esperanto), by persons representing the different countries throughout the world. Each article will be characteristic of the land in which it is written, and as each place can be written about from several coigns of vantage, there ( is a likelihood of this publication appearing periodically with fresh articles—all tending ( to show that, notwithstanding diverse circumstances even in individual states, all are members of one great family, and there is genuine pleasure in better acquaintance. LA SKOTO ALILANDE. (The Scot Abroad.) It is said that " a Scot is never at Home until he is Abroad," and this brochure (in the International Language), gives glimpses of the North Briton's perigrinations all over the world, and fraternizations with the inhabitants of other lands at their homes This bodklet, though written before the foregoing, is to succeed (at least the first edition) i t in receiving the honours of the Press. Id. HIGGIE & CO., Publishers, Rothesay, Scotland, DIRECTORY ADVERTISE!

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