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HEBREWWATCHMAN.COM 9 SIVAN, 5781 MAY 20, 2021 VOL. 99, NO. 36 What is the Iron Dome? All about the missile defense system that changed how Israelis experience war

a box, tilted onto their side and placed first approved in 2007, and shot down its on wheels. first missiles in 2011. Each Iron Dome But the technology that makes it so interceptor costs an estimated $40,000, valuable is a radar that is able to pick and in prolonged conflicts with Hamas, bombs out of the sky. The Iron Dome’s Israel uses it hundreds of times. radar technology, manufactured in the As of 2018, the U.S. spent more than United States, works in four steps: $6 billion on missile defense aid to Is- First, it identifies projectiles in the rael, which covers Iron Dome and oth- sky. Then, it determines whether the er, similar systems. In the middle of the projectile is a bird, an airplane or a Gaza War in 2014, the Obama adminis- bomb. Then comes the most crucial tration provided $225 million in aid to part: It determines the arc of the missile, fund the system’s continued operation. which allows it to find both the target In 2018, the Trump administration pro- and the missile launcher. Then, if the vided another $705 billion. missile is headed toward a populated It means Israelis can (kind of) contin- area, the system directs its own bomb to ue to live their lives during a war. The Iron Dome interceptors (left) meet a volley of missiles from Gaza intercept the missile and explode it be- Before the Iron Dome, Israelis had to (right) on May 14, 2021. Credit: Anas Baba/AFP via Getty Images fore it lands. rely on warning sirens and bomb shel- The entire process is automatic ters to protect them, which gave them, By Ben Sales and takes a couple minutes, an Israeli in some cases, a matter of seconds to (JTA) – Overnight between last survive, and even live their lives, in the weapons manufacturer told the Jewish find shelter. Thursday and Friday, an arresting image midst of an unending barrage of rocket Telegraphic Agency in 2013. The bat- As Palestinian militants’ missiles be- appeared on social media: On the right, fire from militant groups in Gaza. teries can be moved around or stationed came more precise and traveled farther streaks of fire shot out into the night sky As of May 14, eight Israeli civilians permanently in one location. distances, targeting not just Gaza bor- – rockets heading for a group of build- have died in the week’s fighting, and Is- It isn’t foolproof. Hamas has sent bar- der cities but Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, ings illuminated in the darkness. raelis still need to run to bomb shelters rages of more than 100 rockets in a short the Iron Dome played an increasingly But on the other side of the photo, when under fire. But the Iron Dome has span of time at individual cities, which essential role for a growing number of another cluster of lights, spread out like intercepted 90% of Gaza rockets that means that, even if Iron Dome is 90% Israelis. the tentacles of a jellyfish, was there to were headed toward populated areas, effective, some bombs get through. And It was first deployed in 2011, and was meet each of the rockets and knock it rendering the vast majority of the more even when the system catches the rock- used constantly in Israel’s conflicts with down before it could cause any damage. than 2,000 rockets fired by militant ets, shrapnel still falls to the ground. Gaza in 2012, 2014 and since. The photo captured the Iron Dome, groups ineffective. That’s why Israelis still run to shelters While Israelis still run for cover ev- a missile defense system introduced in Here’s what the Iron Dome is, how it every time sirens go off, warning of in- ery time a siren wails, and while civil- Israel a decade ago that has fundamen- works – and why its success has sparked coming missiles. ians are still killed, the Iron Dome has tally changed how its wars are fought. criticism of Israel. It was built and maintained with U.S. allowed society to continue functioning The Iron Dome is a radar-guided tool Iron Dome uses radars to stop incom- funding. at a lower risk. But as Hamas’ missile that allows Israel to pinpoint and inter- ing missiles. The Iron Dome was built and has technology improves, it’s possible that cept missiles headed for its civilian ar- On the ground, the Iron Dome looks been maintained with billions of dollars eas, which enables ordinary Israelis to like a set of beige columns arranged in in funding from the United States. It was (see Dome page 2) Plough Towers receives Plough Foundation grant

By Harleen Tague Plough Towers seeks to provide safe, 2020 Plough Towers Executive affordable housing for diverse and qual- Board: ified elderly and mobility impaired per- sons in an environment that enhances Leigh Hendry, executive director; self-worth, dignity and encourages their Laurie Scheidt, vice president; full use of skills, intelligence and expe- Harleen Tague, treasurer; David rience. Building upon this mission state- Krueger, past president; Jason ment, Plough Towers strives to offer Salomon, president; Scott Vogel, residents a secure, nurturing environ- presidential appointee; not ment where they may age in place and pictured, Steve Baer, secretary. be able to live there as long as possible. To help residents age in place, Plough Towers is excited to announce that it has received a very generous gift from the Plough Foundation that will pay for the petence and dedication of the staff and said Leigh Hendry, Plough Towers ex- gift that not only benefits our residents modernization and conversion of all the board who work so hard to ensure the ecutive director. “Further thanks to our here today but benefits the residents that residents’ bathtubs to walk-in showers. facility is preparing for the future health Plough Towers executive committee will move into Plough Towers years Diane Rudner, chairman of the board of all its residents.” and the staff who saw the need to move from now.” of trustees of the Plough Foundation, “We are so grateful for this very gen- us into the future and help our residents The staff, board of directors and resi- and granddaughter to Mr. Abe Plough erous gift that will not only help cur- age in place safer and make their lives dents appreciate the Plough Foundation announced, “This grant reflects the rent residents but sustain the future of easier. I am so proud of the team effort for all their support, not only to Plough pride the Foundation has in the com- Plough Towers for all future residents,” to bring this to fruition. This is truly a Towers, but to the entire community! HW PAGE 2 | MAY 20, 2021 THE HEBREW WATCHMAN |

Dome similarly lopsided: nearly 1,400 Pales- (Continued from page 1) tinians and 13 Israelis. Still, along with accusing Israel of the Iron Dome could become less effec- targeting civilians in its strikes, critics tive. of Israeli actions say that the lack of As of now, though, Israelis are grate- protections in Gaza leads to an unjust ful. During the 2014 war, Israelis could divide. Rep. Ilhan Omar called Israeli Established September, 1925 ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES: buy a T-shirt in the “I love NY” style airstrikes “terrorism” and lamented on By Leo I. Goldberger (1902-1989) Memphis and Mid-South $36 that replaced “NY” with a picture of an Out-of-State $50 this week that Palestinians did Payable in Advance Iron Dome battery. MAILING ADDRESS not have Iron Dome. UPS STORE: C/O THW Gaza does not have an equivalent sys- “Israeli air strikes killing civilians in 1138 N. Germantown Pkwy. Ste.101 Submissions tem for its population. Gaza is an act of terrorism,” she tweeted P.O. Box 353 Send editorial submissions While Israelis love the Iron Dome last Monday. “Palestinians deserve pro- Cordova, TN 38016-5872 (calendar items, news releases, for protecting them from bombs, Pal- Offi ce: 901.763.2215 event photos, and letters to the tection. Unlike Israel, missile defense Direct: 901.827.7244 editor) at least 9 days prior to estinians and their advocates have said programs, such as Iron Dome, don’t ex- publication date to that the system creates a disparity in the ist to protect Palestinian civilians.” [email protected] [email protected] fighting: Gaza residents have no such Israeli officials say the fact that Israel protection from Israeli airstrikes, such Susan C. Nieman Advertising has invested in alliances and technology Editor and Publisher that Palestinian death tolls are consis- For advertising rates and specs, that protect their citizenry should not be contact Larry at 901.299.7376 or tently far higher in Gaza during conflicts. cause for blame. Rebecca Miller [email protected] During this conflict, more than 100 “The fact that there aren’t more casu- Social Media Director Palestinians and nine Israelis have died. alties in Israel does not mean that Hamas Web Development Simchas Weddings, bar/bat mitzvahs, In the 2014 conflict, more than 2,100 Pal- isn’t trying to kill Israeli civilians,” the Larry Nieman estinians and more than 70 Israelis died. birthdays, engagement, Israel Defense Forces tweeted last Fri- Advertising Sales Director anniversaries But in the previous war in Gaza, day morning. “It simply means that the [email protected] fought in 2008-09, before the Iron IDF is preventing them from doing so at Holly Marks Communications Manager/ Dome was developed, the death toll was an incredible level.” HW Editorial Assistant Obituaries 901.763.2215 Herman I. Goldberger [email protected] Israeli ambassador Erdan to Editor and Publisher Emeritus The Hebrew Watchman is a Barbara B. Goldberger Member of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Tlaib: ‘Open your eyes’ to reality Editor and Publisher Emeritus and Jewish News Service on Temple Mount THE HEBREW WATCHMAN PUBLISHER’S STATEMENT (USPS #807-360) is published THE HEBREW WATCHMAN must weekly every Thursday for give permission for any material $36 ($50 out-of-state) per year by contained herein to be copied or JEWISH LIVING OF THE SOUTH, Inc. reproduced in any manner without UPS Store: c/o THW express permission of THE HEBREW 1138 N. Germantown Pkwy Ste. 101 WATCHMAN. The publication of any P.O. Box 353 advertisement in this edition does Cordova, TN 38016-5872. not constitute an endorsement of Periodical postage paid at the advertisers’ product, kashrut Cordova, Tenn. or services by this publication. The opinions of contributors do not POSTMASTER: necessarily reflect those of THE Send address changes to: HEBREW WATCHMAN. Nor can the THE HEBREW WATCHMAN publishers be held responsible for PO Box 770846 any errors. Memphis, TN 38177-0846 5/20/2021

Memphis Candlelighting Time Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) speaks at the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), congressional reception for newly elected congressional representatives. Credit: Phil Pasquini/Shutterstock. Erev Shabbat, Fri. May 21, 2021 / 10 Sivan, 5781 ...... 7:43 p.m. Havdalah, Sat. May 22, 2021 / 11 Sivan, 5781 ...... 8:45 p.m. “Islam’s 3rd holiest site is being used to stockpile Molotov cocktails and rocks being lobbed at police and Jewish worshippers praying at the Weekly Torah Portion: Naso Western Wall, below the Temple Mount,” Israeli Ambassador Gilad Erdan tweeted in response to the Michigan legislator. (JNS) – Israeli Ambassador to the She added that “American taxpay- whole picture? Islam’s 3rd holiest site is pray in peace.” United States Gilad Erdan called out er money is being used to commit hu- being used to stockpile Molotov cock- Erdan included a photo of the so- Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) last Mon- man-rights violations. Congress must tails and rocks that are being lobbed at called “rocks,” actually large chunks of day after she tweeted a defamatory post condition the aid we send to Israel and the police and at Jewish worshippers stone, being stockpiled by the Palestin- against the Jewish state. end it altogether if those conditions are praying at the Western Wall, below the ians in the Al-Aqsa mosque and thrown On Twitter, she wrote: “Al-Aqsa is not followed. Statements are not work- Temple Mount.” at Jewish law enforcement and civilians. the 3rd holiest site in Islam, & people ing @SecBlinken Enough is enough.” He continued, writing that “hun- Tlaib, who was voted into Congress praying during the holiest days of the She also included a video link but did dreds of thousands of Palestinians have in 2018, is a frequent critic of Israel and holy month of Ramadan have been beat- not mention any of the incidents of Pal- prayed freely at their holy sites, in- has been accused of spreading outright en, gassed, shot, & killed by Israeli forc- estinians attacking Jews. cluding in Jerusalem, over the month falsehoods, including claiming that Is- es. They are denied medics & forced to Responding on Twitter, the Israel am- of Ramadan because Israel believes in rael has withheld coronavirus vaccines use prayer mats as stretchers. A place of bassador wrote, “Congresswoman … freedom of religion and Israeli security from the Palestinians in the West Bank peace desecrated by violence.” maybe you should open your eyes to the forces work hard to enable all groups to and Gaza. HW

LET ME SELL YOUR HOME! Help Keep Memphis Jewish Journalism One of my closest recommended that we give Brian Lurie Alive “ a call, as she had an exceptional experience when she purchased her home. As soon as I had my first phone call with him, I immediately To advertise in felt comfortable He and was looking forward to working with him. Jewish Scene Magazine was straight forward about information I needed, and worked quickly Brian Lurie or to meet my needs of seeing homes I was interested in. Once we Broker, GRI, RENE, MMDC The Hebrew Watchman purchased our home, I received a hand-written note from him in contact [email protected] the mail. As a professional writer, I truly appreciated this gesture. Cell: 901.315.2298 There is a reason he is one of the top realtors at Crye-Leike. I could Office: 901.260.4780 Subscribe not recommend him enough. [email protected][email protected] JOSEPH G. The Hebrew Watchman (weekly publication) Local $36 Jewish Scene Magazine (6 times a year) $25 Official Real Estate Agent of The Memphis Tigers Subscribe to both for $50 a year | THE HEBREW WATCHMAN MAY 20, 2021 | PAGE 3 Young American Jews are increasingly Orthodox or unaffiliated, latest Pew survey finds

parent or were raised Jewish, and who Asian or other race; overall, some 8 still consider themselves Jewish in any percent across all age groups identify as way. non-White. Further, 17 percent of Jews Jews tend to be less religious than say they live in a household “in which at other Americans least one child or adult is Black, Hispan- Religiously, just over half of all ic, Asian, some other (non-White) race U.S. Jews, 54 percent, say they belong or ethnicity, or multiracial.” to either the Reform or Conservative Most Jews remain liberal and sup- movements, 37 percent and 17 percent, port Democratic Party respectively. Nine percent identify as Politically, most Jews remain liberal Orthodox, 4 percent as Humanist or Re- and supportive of the Democratic Par- constructionist, and 32 percent do not ty with some 71 percent identifying at “identify” with any stream or branch of either a Democrat or leaning democrat- Judaism. ic. However, among the Orthodox Jews But those numbers shift when looking surveyed, 75 percent said they were Re- at young American Jews, those between publican or leaning Republican. the ages of 18 and 29. Among that de- With divisions in both observance and mographic 17 percent say they are Or- politics, the survey found that about half thodox, while 41 percent do not identify of Orthodox Jews in the United States Among young American Jews, 17 percent say they are Orthodox, while 41 with any branch of Judaism. Only about “say they have ‘not much’ (23 percent) percent do not identify with any branch of Judaism. 29 percent identify as Reform and less or ‘nothing at all’ (26 percent) in com- Credit: SeeSaw GmbH/Shutterstock. than 10 percent are Conservative. mon with Jews in the Reform move- When compared to other American ment.” By Faygie Holt adults, Jews tend to be less religious as “Reform Jews generally reciprocate (JNS) – Young American Jews are tion or religion, yet one that still main- the report found that only 12 percent those feelings: Six-in-ten say they have moving in two very distinct directions tains an important connection to Israel. say they attend religious services at not much (39 percent) or nothing at all – toward Orthodox or little Jewish en- According to the report, the Jewish least once a week; that stands in con- (21 percent) in common with the Ortho- gagement. That was one of the major population of the United States stands trast to the 27 percent of non-Jewish dox … .” findings from “Jewish Americans in at around 7.5 million, including 5.8 American adults who say they attend Caring about Israel is “essential to 2020,” a new study by the Pew Re- million adults and 1.8 million chil- services at least weekly. Further, only 1 what being Jewish means” search Center. dren. This is up from the previous study in 5 Jews say that religion is important When it comes to Israel, while the vast This is the second Pew study of Jew- which put the Jewish population at 6.7 in their lives as compared to 41 percent majority of Jews (82 percent) say caring ish Americans. The first, released in million with 5.3 million adults and 1.3 of American adults overall. about the Jewish state is either “essen- 2013, sent shockwaves through the Jew- million children As has been the case traditionally, the tial” or “important,” younger Jews do ish community as it found a community To be considered “Jewish” for the sur- report found that “Jewish Americans, on that was increasingly less connected and vey people had to either identify as Jews average, are older, have higher levels of The current survey more assimilated than previous genera- by religion, people who say their reli- education, earn higher incomes, and are of some 4,700 Jews tions. gion is Jewish and who do not profess more geographically concentrated in the The current survey of some 4,700 any other religion, and Jews of no re- Northeast than Americans overall.” nationwide shows Jews nationwide shows a community ligion, people who describe themselves An estimated 15 percent of Jews be- a community that that is increasingly multiethnic, not nec- (religiously) as atheist, agnostic or noth- tween the ages of 18 and 29 identify is increasingly ing in particular, but who have a Jewish essarily affiliated with any denomina- themselves as either Hispanic, Black, multiethnic, not necessarily affiliated with any denomination or religion, yet one Contract in TWO Days! that still maintains an important connection SOLD in East Memphis! to Israel. not necessarily agree. For instance, Whether your home is under among Jews ages 50 and older, the sur- vey found that 51 percent “say that car- $200,000 like this one is, or ing about Israel is essential to what being well over a million, Jewish means to them … ” as compared I’ll sell it….at a good price! to 35 percent of Jews under 30. Across the board, a majority of Jews Thinking of selling your home? believe anti-Semitism is a problem in Talk to 2-3 real estate Brokers the United States now more than it was five years ago, with 53 percent saying and let me be one of them. they feel less safe. Almost 40 percent Preparation, Presentation and of Jews report having seen anti-Jewish graffiti or vandalism and 20 percent Proper Pricing all play a part in report having been made to feel unwel- making the most for your home. come because they are Jewish. Around 15 percent have been called offensive Remember… names, 8 percent have been harassed online and 5 percent report having been physically threatened or attacked. When you want the job DONE, call Shel-DONE! “All told,” the report says, “51 per- cent of U.S. Jews report at least one of these five types of encounters over the Sheldon Rosengarten, REALTOR Emeritus* past year.” Broker *Awarded by the National Association of Realtors for 40 Years of Service. Despite this, for the most part, fears of anti-Semitism have not stopped people from continuing to participate in Jewish observances or activities. HW

MOVING? PLEASE LET US KNOW BEFORE YOU GO! Life Member, Multi-Million Dollar Club Office 901.682.1868 • Cell 901.483.0546 Memphis Area Association of Realtors [email protected] 901.763.2215 [email protected] PAGE 4 | MAY 20, 2021 THE HEBREW WATCHMAN |

The tunnels were mapped out using Jews in Nigeria Analysis: ISRAEL UNDER FIRE a range of advanced technologies and An IDF ruse turned Hamas’s tunnels into death traps techniques, as well as a “lab” of experts distribute from a variety of fields over the years – a formula pioneered by the IDF’s South- 250,000 meals in ern Command. The IDF’s Northern five cities during Command later imported the formula to help it detect tunnel activity in Southern Ramadan food Lebanon. rush Shortly after midnight last Friday, the Israel Defense Forces appeared to give the impression that a ground offensive was underway, sending Hamas operatives

An Israel Defense Forces artillery unit fires towards the Gaza Strip near the into tunnels and the direct border in southern Israel on May 13, 2021. Credit: Gili Yaari /Flash90. path of a massive wave of Israeli airstrikes. By Yaakov Lappin dropped 450 bombs – more than 80 tons (JNS) – Shortly after midnight, Fri. of explosives – on the network of Ga- May 14, the Israel Defense Spokesper- za’s underground defensive tunnels, the son Unit sent a vague message: “IDF report said, hitting many, many Hamas During routine times, not a day goes (JNS) – Amid food shortages among air and ground troops are currently at- armed operatives. by that Southern Command doesn’t sit the poorest and most vulnerable in Ni- tacking in the Gaza Strip. More details For years, the IDF’s Southern Com- down with the Israel Air Force, the Shin geria as Ramadan came to an end for the to follow.” mand has been mapping out what it Bet, Military Intelligence and other ele- majority Muslim population, Chabad It was unclear whether the message dubbed “the metro:” a network of elab- ments to go over its bank of targets, in- Lubavitch of Nigeria launched its annu- was referring to the start of a ground of- orate tunnels under Gaza designed to cluding the notorious “metro.” al food drive to distribute 250,000 meals fensive against Hamas and Palestinian enable Hamas’s military wing to move The correct weapons for attacking the in five Nigerian cities. Islamic Jihad, or whether ground units operatives and weapons around, out of targets are chosen ahead of time, and the Partnering with the Foundation for were firing on targets on Gaza. Initial Israel’s sights, and target maneuvering IDF’s Civil Administration advises on Ethnic Understanding, the food drive reports of a potential Israeli ground of- IDF units as they approach. the movements of local Gazan civilians saw visits to small villages and wherev- fensive immediately began to circulate. These tunnels are different from the to minimize harm to them as much as er locals gather, offering direct and real “Now, it turns out this was not a mis- cross-border attack ones that Hamas possible. help to the population when and where take, but deliberate and planned ruse digs with a view to enabling its Nukhba This activity goes on at the Southern it is needed. aimed at taking out Hamas forces,” unit members to launch killing sprees Command’s Fire Control Center, which Since their arrival in Abuja in 2011, Channel 22 said on Friday. inside Israel. The “metro” is a defen- maps out targets during quiet days and Rabbi Israel and Haya Uzan have direct- The IDF reportedly led Hamas to be- sive tunnel network, and one that Israeli flips into action during conflicts to de- ed Chabad of Nigeria and also sought to lieve that a ground offensive was about defense officials have been warning for tect new targets in real time. help the local community. Several years to begin, leading it to activate its elite years would turn into a death trap for Radars, cameras and other sensors later, the Uzans invited Rabbi Mendy Nukhba unit, sending them into tun- Hamas in the event of a new conflict. feed the center 24/7, enabling first-class and Mazal Sternbach to join their team, nels to prepare to take on Israeli ground “They built an underground city. intelligence capabilities that translate further growing the Jewish center’s im- forces. These tunnels will be death traps in the into just the type of surprise attacks pact and effect. With the trap set, the IDF struck. next war,” a security source stated back launched by the IDF after midnight last Among their programs, Chabad Some 160 Israeli Air Force aircraft in 2017. Friday. HW Lubavitch of Nigeria established a hu- manitarian focused effort called Chaba- dAid. In the past year during the coro- navirus pandemic, they stepped up their activities to assist underserved segments of the population. “For us as Jews living in Nigeria, while we don’t observe Ramadan, we recognize that this month many people are fasting and feasting, which brings Brighton Bank will help you weather the storm . unique challenges to many of Nigeria’s poorest,” said Uzan. “That’s why we’ve . 50% on both your checking and savings accounts! created this initiative – to reach out to EARN EARN our Muslim friends and neighbors who need it most during these troubled times, Brighton Savings Brighton PLUS and what can be a financially challeng- Brighton PLUS ing time of year.” Brighton Savings Consumer Checking Consumer* Checking The organization offers a broad slate .50% APY* well-developed range of services and .50% APY .50% APY* * programs, including revitalizing schools .50% APY and recreational facilities to promote a ✓ FDIC Insured $250,000 culture of education. Their eyeglasses ✔ FDIC Insured $250,000 drive to date has seen more than 2,000 ✓ $100 Minimum Opening Balance pairs of glasses given to adults and chil- ✔ $100 Minimum Opening Balance dren. ✓ Free ATM Card upon Request “We are here to help people; it’s as ✔ Free ATM Card upon Request simple as that,” said Sternbach. “For the Jewish community, that means pro- viding for their religious needs. And for anyone in need in Nigeria, that means Additional Brighton Services for Your Convenience! providing humanitarian aid whenever and wherever we can.” HW • Free Mobile Banking: Manage your accounts anytime from the Brighton Bank mobile app. Available for FREE download on the Apple and Google Play stores.

• Free Mobile Deposit: Deposit checks anytime, anywhere. Have a Mazel Tov? • Go "Green": Help save our planet by opting into eStatements. Choose to receive your monthly Publish it in statement electronically and we'll waive your monthly service charge. • Security You Can Count On: 2-Step Secure Authentication and SSL Encryption. THE HEBREW • The Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 05/20/2020 and based on a deposit of $100. The interest rate and corresponding APY for savings and checking accounts are variable and are set at our discretion. Interest rates may change as often as daily without prior notice. Maintenance or activity fees may reduce earnings. WATCHMAN Federal regulations limit certain types of transfers from a savings account to a combined maximum of six per month. If transfers exceed this limit more than occasionally, we will convert the account to a type not subject to transfer limits or close the account. A fee is assessed for each excess transfer paid against the account. See our Deposit Account agreement and Disclosures for details.

Member Call Today—763-2215 @""""DUS'"' OPPORTUNITY FDIC | THE HEBREW WATCHMAN MAY 20, 2021 | PAGE 5 The Memphis Jewish Community Center brings back private and group swimming lessons this summer No matter what your age, getting in The American Red Cross reports that the water for the first time can be a scary only about 56% of the adult popula- and overwhelming experience. The tion in America can perform only basic Memphis Jewish Community Center swimming exercises. Sue Mackie, the (MJCC) is excited to bring back private executive director of the United States and group swim lessons for both youth Swim School Association, says, “I feel and adults. Through a series of breath- it’s important to swim as an adult partic- ing, floating and skill exercises, the ularly if you have children – so you can MJCC is teaching new swimmers how participate in water activities with them, the body works in the water. As students model positive behavior around water, grow in confidence in the pool, they also and assist or rescue your child if he or learn to enjoy the water helping their Attendees of MJCC’s Mental Health Awareness “virtual” run, received a she gets in trouble in the water. It can abilities will grow incredibly. swag bag with a T-shirt, educational material and other goodies. Proceeds also enhance your life forever, offering Over the years, the MJCC staff has from the event were donated to Fogelman Jewish Family Service’s a great form of exercise, particularly as found the fear of swimming to be espe- counseling fund to assist those who are unable to pay for services. an older adult.” cially true for adult learners. Learning So, what is on your lifetime buck- MJCC Tikvah Program brings to swim as an adult means overcoming et list? For more information on Adult many years of fear and reservations. Swim classes at the MJCC visit www. inspiration, sharing and education Non-swimmers need an experienced or contact May is officially Mental Health The second program consisted of a instructor to help overcome these fears, Danny Fadgen, assistant aquatics di- Awareness Month. So, when Josh “virtual” run, in which families got to- allowing all new students to feel com- rector, at [email protected] or Wright, Memphis Jewish Community gether to support mental health aware- fortable in such a new environment. 901.259.9208. HW Center’s (MJCC) assistant fitness direc- ness. Each adult that signed up received tor, came up with the idea of a mental a special swag bag, including a T-shirt, Jewish Children Regional Services supports health awareness program, Wendy and mental health information, MJCC swag Memphis youth and college students Avron B. Fogelman Jewish Family Ser- and walking guides. Proceeds from this vice (FJFS) staff immediately agreed on event were donated to Fogelman Jewish Jewish Children Regional Services with tuition subsidies to attend a special the importance and started planning. It Family Service’s counseling fund to assist was established in 1855 as an orphanage needs school, dyslexia remediation, oc- did not take long for MJCC board mem- those who are unable to pay for services. in New Orleans. JCRS is currently the cupational therapy, academic tutoring bers Jonathon Epstein and Judy Book- At the closing event, “Sharing Our oldest existing Jewish children’s social and/or behavioral therapy. Since 2016, man to get involved and assist with the Struggles,” Judy Bookman moderated service organization in the U.S., as well JCRS has allocated over $65,000 in as- programming. Jonathan and Judy’s en- a panel with Rachel Morrison, Larissa as the only regional Jewish child welfare sistance to these youth. thusiasm to help raise awareness was and Jeff Kay and Isaac Krupp. These agency in the country. JCRS provides College Scholarships: For calendar truly inspiring. individuals shared their powerful stories needs-based scholarships for summer year 2020, JCRS provided 11 individual After months of collaboration, Fo- of living with addiction, Bipolar Disor- camp experiences, college aid and assis- Jewish students from Memphis under- gelman Jewish Family Service and the der and the suicide of a child. Partici- tance to children with special needs. Ad- graduate college aid totaling more than MJCC hosted three events in honor of pants gained a greater understanding of ditional outreach programs include the $30,000. Over the past three academic Mental Health Awareness Month. The these conditions and learned how you Oscar J. Tolmas Hanukkah Gift Program years, JCRS has provided more than 55 three-part series was titled “Tikvah,” the can help yourself or someone you love. and the PJ Library program for Jewish college aid grants including additional Hebrew word for hope. Each program “These programs were powerful and children ages 11 and under. no-interest loans for Memphis young had a unique twist and opportunity to so needed,” shared one participant. “In Throughout 2019-20, JCRS support- men and women. Some of the colleges learn about mental health and its prev- particular, listening to the stories of the ed the following programs in Memphis. they attended include: University of alence in our current lives. panel members tonight was eye opening Memphis Youth Camp Program: Memphis, University of Tennessee, De- The opening program, “The Demons and will definitely lead to a better appre- Over the past three summers, more than Paul University, , Inside,” featured Geoff Calkins who ciation of others, and our own, mental 65 camp scholarships were awarded University of Georgia, Colorado Col- interviewed Grizzlies broadcaster Rob issues.” to Jewish children in Memphis to at- lege, University of Southern California, Fischer, who shared his struggle with The MJCC’s goal for these programs tend not-for-profit Jewish sleep-away University of Maryland, Southwestern suicidal depression. Fischer stated, “we was for others to find hope in mental summer camp. Most of these campers Tennessee Community College and Ye- are not alone in this fight. There are health, to educate and to know that they attended URJ Jacobs Camp in Utica, shiva University. probably people who are watching us are not alone. The MJCC thanks Jon- Miss.; Camp Darom on Lake Grenada, In 2020 across the entire JRCS ser- and listening to us today that might be athan Epstein, Judy Bookman, Geoff Miss.; and Camp Barney Medintz in vice region, 137 Jewish undergraduate battling the same thing, and I would just Calkins, Rob Fischer, Rachel Morrison, Cleveland, Ga. In 2019, JCRS helped students, attending 60 different col- tell you sharing your story and getting Larissa and Jeff Kay and Isaac Krupp. 390 Jewish youth attend 50 such camps. leges, received financial aid. help is paramount in survival.” He also Their stories have already helped so Special Needs Program: JCRS’ cur- In many cases, JCRS clients utilize offered to help others, saying that you many. If you or someone you know rent client base includes three Memphis one or more of the programs and ser- can reach out to him via Twitter to dis- needs mental health assistance, please families with children who have spe- vices throughout their developmental cuss what your next steps should be. contact FJFS at 901.767.8511. HW cial needs, or are receiving assistance and academic years. HW

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Phone Dementia & Alzheimer's Care Covington: 901-296-1200 Respite Care Email Safety Solutions PAGE 6 | MAY 20, 2021 THE HEBREW WATCHMAN | School News MHA-FYOS welcomes new The MJCC Early Torah Childhood Center celebrated Shavuot by recreating Mt. Sinai and celebrating

On Wed., May 12, Rosh Cho- Sefer Torah for Rosh Chodesh To- receiving the desh Sivan, the Goldie Margolin rah Reading that very same morning. Torah. School for Girls and Cooper Ye- “We are very pleased to have all the shiva for Boys led a Hachnasat To- students participate in this rare celebra- rah, a celebration and welcoming tion and provide another uplifting expe- of a Torah scroll into its new home. rience to all,” said Rabbi Yonasan Ger- The Torah was recently acquired by sten, FYOS Judaic Studies principal. Thousands of students connect a Memphis family who then had it re- Rabbi Benjy Owen, MHA-FYOS furbished by an expert sofer. They gra- Head of School, added “This hachnasat for projects, films, quiz on ORT ciously allowed the school to host the Sefer Torah is a momentous occasion Sefer Torah in the Yeshiva Beit Midrash. for our school – the Rabbeim, Morim, Day 2021 After davening and Hallel in the Morot, teachers and students. It is a morning, the entire school gathered moment to celebrate the Torah. On this on Conwell Road and danced the occasion of welcoming this renewed Torah to its permanent home in the Torah into our Beit Midrash, we pro- Beit Midrash. The high school stu- claim our esteem for the Torah and the dents were then able to use the new centrality of its study in our lives.” HW Fellowship adds new mobile bomb shelters in bombarded Ashkelon, Israel

Kids in St. Petersburg, Russia, display their work as part of an ORT day postcard exchange. Credit: Courtesy.

(JNS) – Thousands of students have Youngsters in countries connected online and in their class- rooms to mark the annual celebration of including Argentina, ORT’s global education network. Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Youngsters in countries including Ar- Israel and France joined gentina, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Israel and Workers with the KAIROS Company for the International Fellowship of France joined a quiz, digital postcard a quiz, digital postcard Christians and Jews set in place a mobile bomb shelter, May 13, 2021. exchange and related lessons as part of exchange and related Credit: IFCJ ORT Day 2021 on May 12. lessons. (JNS) – In response to the barrage of the nearby Hof Ashkelon Region Coun- The theme of this year’s event was nearly 2,000 rockets being launched by cil community, and four were installed “connection.” In advance of the day it- Hamas in the Gaza Strip into Israel, the in Sderot on Friday. self, students exchanged postcard mes- International Fellowship of Christians With subdued terror activity in 2020 sages providing a flavor of life in differ- ganization’s history, values and geogra- and Jews has placed 13 mobile bomb due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Fel- ent parts of the world. phy. The winner was Tomas Podolsky shelters last week in the heavily bom- lowship actively prepared for future con- Schools across the network were from ORT Argentina. barded city of Ashkelon on the Mediter- flicts, placing 59 mobile bomb shelters paired so that students in Ukraine and Daria Kurlaeva, an eighth-grade stu- ranean Coast. and distributing nearly 1,000 protective Israel, Panama and Italy, Brazil and dent at the Moscow ORT Technology It also provided security staff in Ash- vests in the past 18 months alone. Russia, and more could connect and School, said: “It was so interesting to kelon with 25 protective vests. To date, it has placed more than 2,800 share a feeling of togetherness. prepare for the quiz – I learned many Three more shelters were placed in bomb shelters throughout Israel. HW Dan Green, World ORT director gen- new things. The game was cool, inter- eral and CEO, said “many of the stu- esting and exciting. What was most un- dents joined the sessions remotely from believable was to see students from all Commercial / Business Insurance home due to severe COVID restrictions over the world on our screen. I’m really in their countries. Our Israeli students grateful to every person who gave me Investors ~ Business Owners ~ Professionals took part amid the ongoing rocket at- and my friends the opportunity to par- tacks [from the Gaza Strip]. With so ticipate.” much uncertainly around the world, it Students also produced Instagram HOW CAN I HELP YOU TODAY? was vital that we continued with the reels – short films on the social-media yearly festival of activities to ensure our platform showing the value of connec- (901) 202-8648 Direct students had an opportunity to interact tion in their local communities to con- with their peers in dozens of countries.” vey a spirit of tikkun olam, the “repair (901) 335-8709 Mobile “One of the greatest strengths of our of the world.” [email protected] network is our togetherness, co-oper- As part of the postcard exchange, ation and connectivity,” he continued. Simona, a student at ORT Educational “We have felt that shine through during Complex number 141 in Kyiv, corre- the pandemic, and ORT Day was a fan- sponded with her new pen pal at the tastic way to celebrate those values to- Kfar Silver Youth Village in Israel. She gether. I hope next year we will be able wrote: “I am hardworking and ambi- to celebrate with our dedicated teachers, tious. I like to draw and cook new meals. students and friends in person.” I like studying, and ORT gives me a lot The main event was a live quiz. Hun- of different opportunities. ORT schools ANDREW BOSHWIT dreds of students took part from 15 ORT connect a lot of people who share the schools, answering questions on the or- same dream; that’s why I like it.” HW | THE HEBREW WATCHMAN MAY 20, 2021 | PAGE 7 ‘The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel’ season 4: everything we know One of the most exciting previews Midge’s Coney Island beach garb is on of season 4 includes a glimpse into an point – especially her fabulous straw exciting new location: Coney Island. hat. I might be biased, as this is one of my In case you want even more glimps- favorite places in all of New York City, es of season 4 (which, yes, of course but it’s such a treat to think of Midge and you do!), some lucky and very gener- company traipsing on the seaside penin- ous spectators also managed to capture sula that is so rich in Jewish history. these exciting TikToks of shoots in New IRL, Coney Island became a York’s West Village. One shows Susie beachside escape for New Yorkers in (played by Borstein) running through the 1800s, though back then, Jews (rath- Washington Square Park (really digging er, “Israelites”) weren’t allowed to lei- all those street vendors), while anoth- sure there. That quickly changed with er shows Brosnahan walking down a the turn on the 20th century, as many crowded (and stylish) 1960s Manhattan Jews found commercial success in the street. seaside Brooklyn neighborhood, start- Of course, we still don’t know much ing famous sideshows in what was then about the plot of season 4 – the show’s a bumbling entertainment strip, and, of team has always been very good at keep- course, opening the beloved and iconic ing mum about storyline details until the This article originally appeared in Credit: via Prime Video Nathan’s Famous hot dogs – which is last minute. But Brosnahan has said she Kveller. my favorite New York establishment. hopes Midge will redeem herself after Brooklyn Paper recently published her falling out with Shy Baldwin in the By Lior Zaltzman some photos of the set that day; the cast previous season. The ending of season 3 of “Marvelous Borstein (Midge’s manager, Susie), Mi- is looking stylish and period appropri- “I want to see her pick herself back up Mrs. Maisel” left our Jewish heroine in chael Zegen (Midge’s ex, Joel), Tony ate as they walk along the Riegelmann and figure out how to approach the next quite a pickle. Since then, we’ve all been Shalhoub (Midge’s father, Abe), Marin Boardwalk (which was built in 1922 step differently having had this experi- waiting (and waiting!) to see how Mir- Hinkle (Midge’s mother, Rose), Kevin and connects Coney Island and the ence,” she told Parade back in Decem- iam “Midge” Maisel, played by Golden Pollak (Midge’s former father-in-law, very Jewish neighborhood of Brighton ber 2020. “She and Susie have a lot to Globe-winner Rachel Brosnahan, finds Moishe), and (Midge’s Beach). The boardwalk was transported learn together still.” a way to redeem herself in season 4 of former mother-in-law, Shirley). Stepha- through time, selling $0.05 Italian ices As for when season 4 will premiere, the show, which was announced all the nie Hsu will be making a comeback as (wow!), vintage souvenirs, and adver- it’s really anybody’s guess. There is no way back in December 2019. Mei, Joel’s new love interest, and the tising jazz shows nearby. Of course, official date yet, but some have pointed Unfortunately, COVID-19 delayed delightful Luke Kirby will return as the classic New York landmarks that were out that previous “Maisel” seasons pre- things considerably, which means great Lenny Bruce. already part of the landscape back in the miered in December (in time for those we’ve been waiting quite some time for But there are also some new delightful ’50s and ’60s still loom over the shots, winter holidays binges!), so a December the continuing adventures of this aspir- additions – one of them is Jewish Broad- like the aforementioned Nathan’s Fa- 2021 seems quite likely. The wait will ing and gifted (fictional) female comic way star Gideon Glick, whose most re- mous and the glorious Wonder Wheel, be very hard, but it definitely looks like and Jewish mom. Showrunner Amy cent role was the very Jewish Seymour a 150-foot ferris wheel. And, as always, it will be worth it. HW Sherman-Paladino and the crew finally in an off-Broadway production of “Lit- resumed working on this much-antici- tle Shop of Horrors.” The talented sing- pated season in late 2020, and produc- er and performer (and purveyor of funny tion resumed in January of this year. Jewish tweets) also starred in “Marriage US airlines cancel Israel flights, Now, finally, it looks like season 4 is Story” and “Ocean’s 8.” Glick’s role in really taking shape! The show has been this new season is still under wraps, but but Israel’s El Al airline vows to filming all across New York City since according to, it “will April, resulting in some thrilling shots have a multi-episode story arc.” keep flying of Midge’s new outfits (Midge’s ward- Another actor joining the cast for a robe is still very much #fashiongoals), multi-episode story arc is , who By Gabe Friedman exhilarating new locations, and some played Dan Egan on “.” Aside from (JTA) – United Airlines, Delta Air resumption at this juncture.” exciting new guest stars. that, legendary producer, director and Lines and American Airlines have all American did not issue details but So first things first: Yes, all your faves epic mustache-haver John Waters (“Hair- canceled flights to Israel over the on- said it had issued a waiver to custom- – or, at least, most of them – will be spray“) will be making a guest appear- going violence there, but Israel’s El Al ers who had planned to travel to Israel coming back this season, including Alex ance in this new season. We can’t wait! airline has vowed to “keep routes to through May 25. and from Israel open in all situations in Despite El Al’s hope to keep service which it is possible to fly.” running amidst the violence, Ben Guri- United canceled flights from Chicago on Airport near Tel Aviv was shut down and Newark to Tel Aviv last Tuesday and for part of last Tuesday after rockets others from San Francisco and Newark fired from Gaza landed in its - vicini last Wednesday, Reuters reported last ty. Globes reported that the airport has Surprisingly Wednesday. Delta suspended flights been mostly up and running since then, from New York’s John F. Kennedy In- although some flights were rerouted to great rates ternational Airport to Tel Aviv, telling Ramon Airport, serving the southern re- right around Reuters it has “no determination about sort of Eilat. HW the corner.

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State Farm 901-685-8020 Bloomington, IL 505 South Perkins Rd. 1BR | 2BR | Penthouses In the Heart of East Memphis Utilities Included 2001878 See our floorplans @ PAGE 8 | MAY 20, 2021 THE HEBREW WATCHMAN | This Hungarian coffee cake is even better than babka came across the recipe in George Lang’s 2. In a large bowl or mixing bowl if “The Cuisine of Hungary” (1971). She you’ll be using a stand mixer, whisk to- also notes that replacing the walnuts gether your eggs, salt, sugar, honey and with cocoa turns the dish into the won- melted butter. (Make sure your melted derfully Yiddish kuchem-buchem. butter has cooled to at least room tem- I admittedly was a bit verklempt perature before mixing it with the eggs.) when I realized I had stumbled upon a 3. Once your yeast is activated heritage food, especially one laced with (foamy), dump it into your mixing bowl two of my favorite ingredients, cinna- and start working in your flour. Contin- mon and honey. ue adding your flour in stages until a This is great for an inexperienced ball starts to form. Then, drop the dough baker because it’s a difficult recipe to onto a floured surface and knead for screw up. As you get your dough togeth- about 10 minutes. Place your kneaded er, it just involves taking pieces of that dough into a lightly oiled pot and leave dough, swooshing them around in bowls it in a warm environment to rise for the of butter and cinnamon sugar, then ar- next 60-90 minutes. Rolling the bread pieces (Joe Baur) ranging the chunks of sweetness in lay- 4. Meanwhile, start making your top- ers. Fill the gaps with jam and you’re ping. Throw the walnuts into a food By Joe Baur set. processor and run it until very fine. Mix This article originally appeared on in, where the warm, gooey jam awaits that with your brown sugar, cinnamon The Nosher. between doughy dumplings covered in Ingredients and pinch of salt. Melt a stick or ½ cup One morning, my wife suggested I butter, cinnamon and brown sugar. Ara- For the dough: butter into a second bowl. look into making a different kind of nygaluska has all the characteristics of 2 ¼ tsp dry active yeast 5. Take some of your melted butter bread. Not necessarily to replace my a dessert but can just as easily go down 1 tsp sugar and grease your pan. Then, generous- weekly challah habit, but just to try with your morning cup of coffee. 1 cup water or warm milk ly layer the bottom with your cinna- something new. I asked what she had in Jewish food historian Gil Marks in- 3 large eggs, beaten mon-sugar-walnut-mix. mind and she mentioned monkey bread. cluded aranygaluska in his Encyclope- 1 tsp kosher salt 6. Once your dough has risen, preheat I’d never heard of it. dia of Jewish Food, noting the arrival ½ cup or 1 stick melted butter your oven to 360 F. Punch the dough So I Googled and turns out that mon- of the “golden dumpling” in the 1880s. ½ cup honey out onto your working surface. At this key bread is actually a yeasted cake. Hungarian Jewish immigrants started ¼ cup sugar point, there are two methods to make Its origins are rooted in the immigrant selling it in their bakeries sometime in 4-5 cups flour your dumplings. You can either roll out Hungarian Jewish community that came the mid-20th century, and it transcended For the topping: the dough until it’s about a ½-inch thick to the United States. I immediately Jewish foods when it was included in a ½ cup or 1 stick melted butter or eyeball it. I’m on team “eyeball it” thought of my father’s grandparents, 1972 edition of Betty Crocker, referred 3 Tbsp cinnamon and use my dough cutter to cut off golf Jews who immigrated from the former to as “Hungarian Coffee Cake,” as my 1 ½-2 cups ground walnuts ball-sized dumplings. However you do Austro-Hungarian Empire. I texted my great-grandmother called it. 1 ½-2 cups brown sugar it, roll your dumpling into a ball and father and sure enough he remembered Eventually it became known as mon- ¼ tsp kosher salt drop it into your bowl of melted butter. his grandmother, Bertha Stern, making key bread. There’s no definitive reason ¼ cup jam (some recipes call for apri Then drop your butter-coated dumpling him what she called Hungarian coffee why, but one of the more popular the- cot, but I used a mixed berry jam) into your cinnamon-sugar-walnut mix, cake, but what many call aranygaluska. ories is that the act of pulling the bread Directions covering it on all sides. Place the dump- Aranygaluska looks something like apart mimicked how a monkey picks 1. Put your yeast in a small bowl with ling into your pan and repeat, leaving a a Bundt cake without the doughnut something apart. 1 tsp sugar. Pour in a cup of warm milk little space between each one. hole and the splash of powdered sugar. Joan Nathan, the matriarch of Amer- or water and whisk together. Let it sit 7. After you complete the bottom lay- That’s because the goodness lies with- ican Ashkenazi cuisine, says she first for the next 5-10 minutes until it foams. er, place a dollop of jam on each dump- ling. Don’t overdo it with the jam or it’ll seep out of the sides of your springform pan, burn in the bottom of your oven and ooze out when you remove the spring. Considering purchasing a new home 8. Using a 9-inch pan, you’ll only have two layers of dumplings. After or reinancing your current one? you complete your second layer, coat Now is a great time to take advantage of the current rate environment. the dish with whatever butter you have left followed by the rest of your topping You could potentially eliminate years off of your mortgage mix. Throw it immediately into the oven and maintain a consistent monthly payment. for 35-40 minutes until golden. 9. Remove the aranygaluska from the oven and let it cool off for a good 15 minutes before removing the ring. HW

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Harriette Wimms heads the Jews of Color Mishpacha Project and organized the Jewish People of Color National Shabbaton that took place online May 14-16, 2021. Courtesy of Wimms While rockets rain on Israel, hundreds rally in Los Angeles By Esther D. Kustanowitz, growing. The upcoming Shabbaton, for Asaf Shalev example, is not a one-off event but part (JTA) – Across America, people of an ongoing commitment by Wimms to support Jewish state whose lives changed when George and others to come together as the Jews (Jewish Journal via JNS) – More than will support her until the end.” Floyd was killed are planning to mark of Color Mishpacha Project, an initiative 600 pro-Israel demonstrators gathered A group of students from Sinai Aki- the one-year anniversary of his death that uses the Hebrew word for family. on Wed., May 13 at the Federal Build- ba Academy was present, holding and this month. “The goal of JOC Mishpacha is to give ing in Los Angeles to show their support waving Israeli flags. “I just want to Floyd’s family is working to rebrand Jews of color the opportunity to be in for Israel in the midst of the worst Isra- support Israel. My family lives there, the date, May 25, as “Day of Enlight- community with one another and learn, el-Palestinian confrontation since 2014. my parents grew up there and it’s been enment” because of how many people build relationships and build a network The rally was one of 18 held simultane- really scary with my cousins stuck in were awakened to issues of racial injus- for folks to utilize as they need,” said ously across the United States. shelters,” said Tamar Koren, 11. “My tice by seeing video footage of Floyd Rachel Faulkner, a steering committee The rally drew people from all parts grandfather told me he was across the die under the knee of a Minneapolis po- member who lives in Washington, D.C. of Southern California who gathered to street when a bomb went off.” lice officer. Concerts and public events “There are Jews that practice, observe show their support for Israel and voice Echoing Tamar’s sentiments, fellow will honor his legacy. and identify in different ways, and racial concern for what many see as Israel un- student Ido Shalev, 12, said, “I am here And in a landmark gathering for Jews identity is one of the ways in which the der siege from Hamas in the Gaza Strip. to protest and stand with my country. of color being held last weekend, hun- community is diverse.” [As of May 13,] more than 1,300 rock- I don’t think what Hamas is doing is dreds of Jews will tap into a millenni- Estimates of the number of Jews of ets have been launched by Hamas and right. They are firing rockets into the um-old tradition and recite the Mourn- color vary because of debate over the Palestinian Islamic Jihad into Israel. heart of Israel. I am here to assure that er’s Kaddish for Floyd. definition of the term and a shortage of “We need to be more proactive, not re- the United States stands by Israel as its According to the Hebrew calendar, surveys that ask Jews about their racial active. We should be showing up in every big brother.” Thursday is the one-year anniversary of and ethnic identities. The most compre- situation,” said Guy Bachar, chairman of Los Angeles resident Yehuda Jian, Floyd’s murder – the time when Jews hensive such survey was just published the IAC Los Angeles Council. “We can’t 20, added: “I am here to support Israel, typically observe the yahrzeit of a loved and found more diversity among young- be quiet because we won’t be able to where my parents grew up and where I one’s death by reciting the mourning er Jews, suggesting a shift in the U.S. walk down the street with a kippah. We want to live one day. We’re under attack prayer alongside a quorum of other Jews. Jewish population. An estimated 15% are here for Israel’s right to defend itself. and everybody needs to know that.” The quorum took place online during of Jews under 30 identify as Hispanic, We are here to say no to terror. We will Amid the cacophony of honking the Jewish People of Color National Black, Asian or multiracial, compared stand united in support of Israel.” horns, waving of Israeli and American Shabbaton, a groundbreaking conven- to 8% among Jews of all ages. Added Roz Rothstein, CEO of Stand- flags, loud Israeli music, dancing and ing for Jews of color at a time when Recognition of this growing diversi- WithUs, “Ever since Hamas took over singing, the crowd was united in its Jewish institutions and communities are ty is reflected, at least to some extent, they have used Gaza as a launching pad show of support and solidarity for Israel. grappling with how to make sure they in the behavior of major Jewish institu- to terrorize Israeli civilians and this has The crowd filled the front of the cor- are included. tions, which have been hiring diversity to stop. They are missing an opportunity ner of Wilshire Boulevard and Veteran The plan for the Shabbaton, a retreat officers and funding racial justice initia- to build a beautiful state. Instead, they Avenue, where the Federal Building that takes place over Shabbat, started be- tives, especially in the wake of Floyd’s have to destroy Israel.” is located. At one point a number of fore Floyd’s murder, but the tragic event murder. The UJA-Federation of New Demonstrators ranged widely in age, flag-waving protestors poured onto ad- made doing so all the more critical, ac- York and the Charles and Lynn Schus- with each expressing similar reasons for jacent corners but were soon escorted cording to the event’s lead organizer, terman Family Foundation donated to attending the rally. back to the Federal Building. No count- Harriette Wimms, an African-American support the Shabbaton. Funding also Galina Blank, 50, attended to “show er-protesters were seen or Palestinian psychologist who lives in Baltimore. came from the Jews of Color Initiative, my unwavering support for Israel … she flags waved from the many passing cars “We felt as Jews of color on this an- which itself has attracted more money [Israel] is not alone. We are with her and on Wilshire Blvd. HW niversary, it was important to lift up the and attention over the past year. racial justice work that’s being done It’s harder to track changes at the lo- across the country and to also lift up cal level, but conversations about the George Floyd’s memory,” said Wimms, need for inclusion and representation who goes by “Harriette Mevakeshet” in have been happening at many suburban, Largest Selection Jewish spaces and is a rising kohenet, largely white synagogues, according to or Hebrew priestess, studying at the Ko- Andy Miller, chair of the social justice henet Hebrew Priestess Institute. advocacy committee for Chizuk Amuno of Kosher Wines In addition to the commemoration rit- Congregation in Pikesville, Maryland, ual, the Shabbaton will feature a slate of and a professor at the University of community-building programs for Jews Maryland, Baltimore County. See Us for New Brands of color, their families and their support- “These conversations are just begin- and All Styles of Kosher Wines From ers. The agenda includes yoga, art, To- ning,” Miller said, “and the growth of rah study and facilitated conversations institutions created by Jews of color to Argentina, France, Australia, Chile, Italy about topics such as healing from trau- give them a stronger voice may help in ma, LGBTQ identity, and what white engaging the primarily white institu- and Israel allies and multiracial families can do to tions.” support Jews of color. Wimms said it’s still automatic for Participants will have a chance to hear many to assume that anyone who looks CASE DISCOUNT AVAILABLE from speakers who include longtime Black or Asian isn’t Jewish. Building up leaders Ilana Kaufman, executive direc- a diverse leadership with the Shabba- tor of the Jews of Color Initiative in San ton and other efforts, she said, will not Francisco, and Sabrina Sojourner, a can- only help Jews of color feel included, tor and educator from Rockville, Mary- but could also help decrease the level of land, as well as young organizers such bias in the wider community. as Yoshi Silverstein, a Chinese-Ameri- “We are part of the community, but Memphis and Germantown’s Wine and Liquor Superstore can Jew based in Cleveland. rarely have white-skinned Jews seen 6150 Poplar Avenue at Shady Grove (in Regalia) As the Jewish community reckons Jews of color leading services,” Wimms with racism and strives to make its in- said. “White allies need to witness Jews 901.682.1333 • [email protected] stitutions more inclusive, the infrastruc- of color davening, and leading and ture for serving the diversity of Jews is building spiritual space.” HW PAGE 10 | MAY 20, 2021 THE HEBREW WATCHMAN | A Prayer for Springtime

choose the dark – not the sunlight. life enhances our gratitude. Editor’s note: This story is being But nobody can accuse us of ignoring But unlike the pagans our ancestors Ted has a new reprinted in memory G-d’s handiwork. We Jews have prayers encountered in Canaan and the various of Ted Roberts in for everything from your backyard rose theologies we were exposed to after Si- revised book appreciation of his bush to the eye color of Zayde’s newest nai, we are careful to worship the Cre- 50% new stories longtime service grandchild. See your rabbi for a com- ator, not His creation. We understood as a newspaper columnist. plete catalogue. that the sun, moon, and throbbing sea The scribbler The good Jew, the appreciative Jew, are miraculous creations. Visual sym- reveling in the expanded Garden of bols of His invisible power. This was on The roof By Ted Roberts Eden G-d has given us to roam in, says our gift to the world, this understanding by Ted roberts You can learn a lot from your rabbi a prayer over nature’s beauty; the sunset, of an unimaginable, transcendental Cre- – you can also learn a lot from nature. the mountains, the loaf of Challah on the ator. Don’t pray to the Sycamore grove The best of Ted’s To watch a mama cat handle its young Shabbos table, the newly delivered in- that crowns the hill, but to He who puts work—a collection may be as informative as a chapter in fant. If he’s observant, he says the prop- life in lifeless wood. of stories designed Genesis. The “wired care” and affection er prayer. If he’s your run-of-the-mill As to Spring and the hope that it to make you laugh she exhibits is as strong a proof of a su- – semi-affiliated, gefilte fish eating,- Pe brought to the primitive human heart preme Creator as Genesis. She is a prime sach observant Israelite, maybe his heart (“Look, the tree was not lifeless. Buds and cry exhibit of the proof that somewhere, speaks in its own language. Maybe he and fruit decorate its limbs. Amazing, it $10.95 somehow a power started and maintains doesn’t know the proper words, but deep comes back every year.”) the ancients available at the engine of life we call the world. down inside there’s a murmur of thanks, had numerous myths involving their Put a potted bulb, say an amaryllis, in appreciation as he glimpses the miracle gods – the deliverers of Spring. Their a sunny window. When the warmth of even of his bodily functions, much less explanations were poetic if not accu- the sun radiates the green shoot from the blessing of sitting at the Shabbos ta- rate – usually a variation involving evil These myths of gods and goddesses, the earth, it seeks the sun. It leans into ble surrounded by loving family. And if Hades – the god of the underworld and who misbehaved like their human coun- the sun. And only by continuing to turn he doesn’t say, “Ha Motzi Lechem Min his capture of a beneficent goddess. Na- terparts, were prevalent at a time when it can you keep it straight. Oddly, this Ha Oretz,” still he thinks how gracious ture mourned her departure and the trees our prophets were explaining that an in- plant – with no brain like us or even the of G-d to provide. shed their leaves like tears. All nature visible presence of goodness was driving cat – seeks its power source. In a way He even notices for the first time turned brown with grief and mourned nature. An ethical power whose greatest it has no independence. If it leans away that the tulip tree beside the dining her departure. Somehow she always hope for man is to see his children walk in from the sun – if it’s removed from the room window is displaying lavish pink escaped – at least temporarily. Nature the footsteps of their Creator. sun – it dies or is horribly distorted. blossoms of Spring. (Is there a special flared into life in wild exultation. The The syndicated humor of Ted, the Scrib- So is it with us with the exception prayer for a tulip tree in full bloom? I’m trees fruited and the lowly grape vine bler on the roof, has appeared in newspa- that sometimes we cannot find the sun only a scribbler – ask your rabbi.) The leafed and offered its fruit. We call it pers around the US, on National Public or since we are endowed with free will, renewal, the revival, the resuscitation of Spring. Radio, and numerous websites. HW 21 Jewish facts about ‘Friends’ you should know This article originally appeared in Kveller 2/26/2020. Green? Inquiring minds want to know! ish, as is , Kauffman and out any costumes available he resorted By Arielle Kaplan While Friends was created by a slew Crane didn’t write the characters as to inventing Santa’s Tex-Mex friend: the Let’s call it “The One Where the En- of Jewish creatives, the show itself is strongly affiliated with their religious Holiday Armadillo. Through the now tire Mishpacha Gets Back Together.” shy about leaning into Judaism. A Star identities. Given that so many cast and iconic costume, Ross tells the story of After 15 long years, Friends fans are of David necklace and Hanukkah men- crew members were Jewish, the obser- Hanukkah, and the episode ends with a finally getting the full-cast reunion epi- tion are sprinkled throughout the sea- vation is a curious one. candle-lighting ceremony. Fun! sode they’ve dreamed of. Last week, the sons, but the sitcom, in spite of having “When we were creating the show, we 10. The following season gave us a news broke that an “untitled, unscript- Jewish characters (more on that below!) were not thinking about Jewish charac- bigger glimpse into the Gellers’ Jew- ed” reunion will air on May 27, on the isn’t known for a deep or accurate por- ters,” Crane told JWeekly. “In the initial ish lives. While thwarting her brother’s streaming service HBO Max. trayal of modern Judaism. character breakdowns, we never men- plan to perform bagpipes at her wedding Since episode’s debut 25(!) Despite its ambiguity, we dug up a tioned religion. We wanted funny, car- to Chandler, Monica reveals that Ross years ago on NBC, Friends has cement- host of Jewish facts about the series. ing, and real characters with stories you performed a terrible rap at her bat mitz- ed itself as one of the most iconic sit- Given all the hours we’ve all spent, col- invest in. But a lot of it has to do with vah. It’s the thought that counts, right? coms of all time. Starring Jewish actors lectively, watching Friends, gathering the actors you cast.” (Well, to Monica, it didn’t.) and these Jewish tidbits together felt like the 6. Despite not “thinking about Jew- 11. As for Monica’s Jewishness, we – along with, of course, Jennifer Anis- least we could do. Here we go: ish characters,” Crane also said that in already know she had a bat mitzvah, ton, Courtney Cox, , and 1. Let’s start with the Jewish creators, the writers’ room, which was about half but as the series progressed her Juda- Matt LeBlanc, all of whom were virtu- shall we? Executive producer Marta Jewish, people told stories from their ism became less overt. In one season ally unknown – the series centered on Fran Kauffman, who has three children lives, which is how Ross’ Jewish back- she decorates a Christmas tree, and in a tight-knit group of 20-somethings in with her ex-Michael Skloff, was raised ground came about. “Ross emerged out season seven she searches for a Chris- Manhattan. An instant hit, Friends stole in a Conservative Jewish household in of a room where a lot of people had a tian minister to officiate her wedding to the hearts of viewers around the world. the Philadelphia suburbs. She went to Jewish background,” Crane said. “So, Chandler. (I guess Ross wasn’t available Despite their unrealistically enor- Jewish summer camp, visited Israel, and his Jewish plotline was probably in- to take the mic?) mous apartments and their absurdly kept kosher growing up. formed by that.” 12. In a peculiar episode where Ross long breakfasts at Central Perk, the In a 2011 interview, Kauffman told 7. Speaking of Ross, the neurotic pa- gets a big ol’ crush on his cousin, Mon- sitcom was successful in drawing a the Jewish Telegraph that her moth- leontologist people hate to love and love ica and Joey discuss circumcision. You fine line between escapist fantasy and er, Dorothy-Rose, never told her how to hate, let’s talk about the Jewish actor see, a casting director explained to Joey reality. And while many sitcoms have proud she was of her accomplishments. who portrays him: David Schwimmer. that the role he was trying out for re- achieved a similar level success – Sein- “But I did find a scrapbook she kept that The Jewish dad initially rejected the role quired the actor to be “authentically, feld, The Big Bang Theory – the charac- had clippings from every article that had of Ross because he wanted more the- anatomically not Jewish.” Confused, ters’ development, and their polarizing ever been done on me.” Awww. Words atre experience, but eventually became the director tried to explain: “an Italian personalities (Ross, the pretentious one; of affirmation are presumably not her the first actor to be cast. Schwimmer’s Catholic immigrant at this time would Joey, the dumb one; Rachel, the Jewish love language. acting debut was when he starred as the not be…” to which Joey replied, “bar American Princess; Chandler, the class 2. Kauffman’s co-creator and real-life fairy godmother in a Jewish version of mitzvahed?” clown; Phoebe, the eccentric one; and friend from their days at Brandeis Uni- Cinderella at age 10. Adorably, his older 13. Here’s another Hanukkah ref- Monica, the type-A) are what resonated versity, , was also raised in sister’s name is Ellie. erence: In Phoebe’s iconic Christmas with audiences in the long run. a Jewish household. 8. Okay, back to Ross Geller, the most song, she includes a lyric for Monica: And now, at last, a highly anticipated 3. Kauffman’s ex, Michael Skloff, explicitly Jewish character on Friends. Monica, Monica, have a happy Hanuk- hour-long reunion episode will be di- played a role too: Before they separated, Father to Ben Geller (portrayed by twins kah. rected by Ben Winston, a British Jew. It the Jewish musician composed the mu- Dylan and ) from his first 14. Our last Jewish character is Ra- will be shot on Stage 24, the very same sic for the iconic Friends theme song. marriage, and Emma Geller-Green, chel Green, portrayed by America’s place all 236 episodes of Friends were 4. As for the theme song’s lyrics? whom he co-parents with the girl-next- sweetheart, . In the filmed throughout its 10-season run. Those were written by Jewish lyricist door Rachel Green, Ross maintained his pilot episode, Rachel joins the Central “Unscripted” is TV industry jargon for Alta Sherral Willis, who described “I’ll Jewish identity throughout Friends. In Perk gang after fleeing her wedding to documentary or reality TV, and there are Be There For You” as the “whitest song season three, Ross accidentally breaks a Barry Farber, a doctor. Rachel is the scant details about the episode as yet. I ever wrote.” The songwriter, artist, and young girl’s leg after hitting her with a only Jewish character whose parents are Who knows what, if any, burning ques- art director (a multi-faceted woman!) is tennis racket. To make up for it, he sells both Jewish, but aside from a Magen tions will be answered? Will the iconic best known for the Earth, Wind & Fire Brown Bird cookies for her, including David necklace that makes a cameo in Rachel Green and long-time beau Ross hits “September” and “Boogie Wonder- Hanukkah Menoreos. season three and referring to her grand- Geller still be together? What came of land.” (Sadly, Willis died in December 9. Hanukkah makes a second appear- mother as her bubbe, the Jewish mom’s ’s acting career? Are 2019 at age 72.) ance in the seventh season. Ross intends (see Friends page 12) and husband Chandler 5. While fictional characters Ross to surprise his son, Ben, by dressing up Bing’s kids friends with Emma Geller- Geller and his sister, Monica, are Jew- as Santa Claus for Christmas, but with- | THE HEBREW WATCHMAN MAY 20, 2021 | PAGE 11 Four things to know about risk Provided by Michael Stein Whether you’re already investing or 3. You should determine your are just thinking about it, you should un- tolerance. derstand risk and the role it can play in Your risk tolerance is simply how a portfolio. And although it may seem much risk you can comfortably live simple enough on the surface, risk can with in your portfolio. It sounds sim- be one of the most difficult concepts to ple enough, but determining your risk Changing jobs, switching grasp – especially for new investors. To tolerance can be challenging. 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Debbie Rosenthal LUXURY SPECIALIST 901.682.5600 901.300.3938 [email protected] Available 24/7 Licensed Insured Bonded /debbierosenthaldreamvacations PAGE 12 | MAY 20, 2021 THE HEBREW WATCHMAN | Friends French-Israeli (Continued from page 10) author wins France’s After 15 long top literary prize years, “Friends” fans are finally getting the full-cast reunion episode they’ve dreamed of. Last week, Shmuel T. Meyer the news broke (JNS) – A French-Israeli author has been awarded France’s most prestigious that an “untitled, literary honor, the Spring Goncourt unscripted” reunion Prize, reported Haaretz last Monday. will air in May on the Shmuel T. Meyer, 64, won the prize for Et la guerre est finie … (And the War streaming service Is Over … ) and will receive the award in HBO Max. a ceremony set to take place in June. He said about the honor: “It’s tremendously exciting, a once-in-a-lifetime thrill.” Image via The book, a trilogy of stories about (remember she had a daughter, Emma, with Monica, he went on a date with Au- into the fourth season of Friends, when three different people who live with with Ross?) cultural identity comes rora, a polyamorous former member of her character became a surrogate moth- emotional wounds related to war, won mainly from her portrayal as a quintes- the IDF. er for her younger brother and carried in the category of best novella. sential Jewish American Princess. 17. One of Chandler’s most famous his triplets. The first story, Les Grands Express Raised in Long Island by her cold and on-again off-again relationships was 19. After the series finale, Kauffman Européens (The Great European Ex- wealthy Jewish parents, Sandra Green and with Janice Hosenstein Litman Goral- shared that her rabbi once stopped her in press), takes place in post-war France; Dr. Leonard Green, Rachel encompassed nik, the loud, curly haired stereotypi- a parking lot to demand what became of the second story, Kibbutz, is tied to Isra- all the negative JAP stereotypes: teenage cally Jewish woman known for her loud Rachel and Ross’ relationship. Spoiler el’s War of Independence; and the third nose job; obsessed with shopping; doesn’t catchphrase, “OH MY GAWD.” Raised alert: Both Kauffman and Aniston think story The Great American Disaster, is do laundry; orthodontist fiancé. in a secular Jewish household in Man- the couple – as well as their daughter, set in New York with the protagonist a Rachel Green’s Jewishness was high- hattan, Chandler’s annoying nasal ex Emma – would all be in therapy. Very veteran of the Korean War. ly contested, however, because her re- was portrayed by Maggie Wheeler, who Jewish, if you ask us! Meyer found out about the win short- ligion was never confirmed until 2011. was raised in a secular Jewish home and 20. Friends welcomed a host of Jew- ly after arriving in Israel to visit family, “In our minds I guess she was Jewish,” now directs the Golden Bridge Commu- ish celebrity guest stars over its 10 sea- after being away for so long due to the Crane said. “You can’t create a charac- nity Choir in Los Angeles. sons, including Paul Rudd as Phoebe’s coronavirus pandemic. ter with the name ‘Rachel Green’ and 18. The eclectic Phoebe Buffet was boyfriend and husband; Hank Azaria as He was born in France in 1957 and not from the get-go make some charac- portrayed by Jewish mom and ac- a Ladino-speaking Sephardic Jew who raised in Switzerland. He told Haaretz, ter choices.” tress Lisa Kudrow. Raised in a Jewish played Phoebe’s other boyfriend, David “my culture is French, my heart is in 15. Ross and Rachel are one of the household in Los Angeles, Kudrow’s the scientist; Selma Blair as Chandler’s Switzerland, where I grew up, and I most iconic TV couples, ever. Which grandparents were Holocaust survivors, seductive co-worker; and Winona Ryder. miss the landscape there, but my soul is makes them the most iconic Jewish TV and she had a bat mitzvah. Married to 21. Who played Ross and Monica’s in Israel – I arrived in 1980 and lived couple there ever was! French advertising executive Michael Jewish father, Jack Geller? None other there until 2008. My soul is there.” 16. Chandler has a thing for Jewish Stern, Kudrow’s pregnancy with her than Elliot Gould, who shares a son with He has three daughters and five grand- girls, it seems. Before getting together son, Julian Murray Stern, was written his former wife, Barbra Streisand. HW children who live in Israel. HW

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