The Role of Football in Spain
THE PHENOMENON OF FÚTBOL IN SPAIN: A STUDY OF FÚTBOL IN SPANISH POLITICS, LITERATURE AND FILM Dissertation Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Timothy Joseph Ashton, M.A. Graduate Program in Spanish & Portuguese The Ohio State University 2009 Dissertation Committee: Samuel Amell, Advisor Ignacio Corona Dionisio Viscarri Copyright by Timothy J. Ashton 2009 Abstract This investigation serves to demonstrate the multifaceted connection that the sport of fútbol has with certain aspects of Spanish society, namely, this cultural phenomenon’s long relationship with Spanish politics, literature and film. Since the formation of Spain’s very first club teams, the sport of fútbol has always demonstrated a strong connection with Spain’s historical socio-political disputes. These disputes have become essential elements in making up the very fabric of Spain and range from questions of nationhood, to questions of identity, culture, politics, ideologies and economy. Throughout this study, I address the dispute that has been taking place between the intellectual classes and the fútboling community and defend that although the relationship between intellectuals and fútbol has not been as public as fútbol’s relationship to politics, it has however existed throughout the entire history of the sport. Many intellectuals have deemed the sport of fútbol as an unsuitable topic for intellectual areas such as literature and artistic mediums like film. In this study, I uncover that some of Spain’s most highly praised literary figures had a passion for the sport which they alluded to, sometimes on numerous occasions, as central themes in their work.
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