INDEX. ABBA8. - ALEFIELD. -- I ABBAS PACHA, a fancier of fantailed pi- QFRICA, white bull from, i. 95; feral geons, i. 216. cattle in, i. 89 ; food-plants of savages ABBEY,Mr., on grafting, ii. 128, 129 ; of, i. 325 ; South, diversity of breeds on mignonette, ii. 223. of cattle in, i. 84; West, change in ABBOTT,Mr. Keith, on the Persian fleece of sheep in. i. 102. tumbler pigeon, i. 156. Agave viv@ara,seeding of, in poor soil, ABBREVIATIONof the facial bones, i. ii. 152. 76. AGE, changes in trees, dependent on, i. ABORTLCJNof organs, ii. 306-310, 392. 413. ABSORPT~ONof minority in crossed -, as bearing on pangenesis, ii. 384. races, ii. 65-67, 158. AGOUTI, fertility of, in captivity, ii. ABUTIMN, graft hybridisation of, i. 135. 418. AGRICULTURE,antiquity of, ii. 230. ACCLIMATISATION,ii. 295-305 ; of Agrostis, seeds of, used as food, i. 326. maize, 1. 341. AGUARA,i. 27. ACERBL,od the fertility of domestic AINSWORTK,Mr., on the change in animals in Lapland, ii. 90. the hair. of aninials at Angora, ii. AchatineZz, ii. 28. 268. Achillea millefolium, bud variation in, i. AKBAR KHAN, his fondness for pigeons, 4-40. i. 215: ii. 188. Aconitum mpellus, roots of, innocuous Alauda ahensis, ii. 137. in cold climates, ii. 264. ALEIN, on " Golden Hamburgh " fowls, Acorns calamus, sterility of, ii. 154. i. 259; figure of the hook-billed ACOSTA,on fowls in South America at duck, i. 291. its discovery, i. 249. ALBINISM, i. 114, 460. Acropcra, number of seeds in, ii. 373. ALBINO, negro, attacked by insects, ii.
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