
ASSIGNMENT [ No. – 2 ] 2017– 2018 CLASS : VIII SUBJECT : SOCIAL SCIENCE Issue Date :______Submission Date :______Name: ______Roll No______Class______Sec______

POINTS TO REMEMBER-:  The English East Company defeated the other European Companies and economic power by1765 after the and Buxar.  The Battle of Plassey was fought between of ,Siraj-ud-Daulah and the in which the Nawab was defeated. It was the first major victory of the company in India.  The political control of the richest province of India, passed to the British in India.  The British began a series of political, administrative and economic policies to colonise India.  The of India recognize , socialism ,secularism and national integration or the primary goals of the nation.  The most striking features of the Indian Constitution is that it provides for a secure .


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Q.I. Define the following terms-

1. Farman: ______2. Confederacy:______3. Subservience:______4. Impeachment:______5. Coercion:______6. Intervene:______Q.II. Fill in the blanks with a suitable word or words:

1. 1.______means a business enterprise that makes profit primarily through trade , buying goods of cheap price and selling them at higher price. 2. The first English factory was setup on the bank of river______in ______. 3. In 1765, the East India Company got the______right of the province of Bengal. 4. was killed while defending his capital ______. 5. In February 2004, ______banned students from wearing any particular religious signs or symbols. 6. The cruel and unjust use of power or authority is known as ______. 7. ______refers to independent people. 8. ______was the President of . 9. ______refers to the separation of the religion from the state. 10. In the ______, neither the state nor religion can interfere in the affairs of one another.

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Q.III. Complete the following for important Battles /Wars - Battle Time Period Parties Involved 1. ______Siraj-ud-Daulah and The British 2. ______3.______1761 ______4. Carnatic war 1767-69 ______

5.______1817-19 ______

Q.IV. Complete the following statement based on the -

1. The Fundamental Rights are often called .

2. The constitution prohibits human trafficking under .

3. Citizens of India can move to court if .

4. The practice of has been abolished under _____.

5. Cultural and Educational Rights states .

Q.V. Answer the following questions- 1. How did Battle of Plassey get its name? ______2.Which title was given to Tipu Sultan? ______

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3.Why does a democratic country need a constitution? ______4.What is the rule of ? Write its two features. ______

Q.VI. HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill)

1. Why festivals are not celebrated in government schools? ______

2.The Battle of Plassey helped the English to gain a firm foothold in India. Explain. ______

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Q.VII. Pictures paint history: (a) Name the General in the picture. (1973-1785) ______

(b) What improvements were made by him in the judicial field? ______(c) What were the other administrative set ups associated with him? ______

Q.VIII. Mark the following places on the given Political Map of India. (a) Bombay (b) Madras (c) Calcutta (d) Mysore (e) (f) Jhansi (g) Awadh (h) Delhi

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 The Portuguese control over , ended only in 1961 when it became an Indian state after military showdown with India .

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