Mahmudhoja Behbudi and Is Work "Qasdi Safar"

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Mahmudhoja Behbudi and Is Work INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ORANGE TECHNOLOGIES e- ISSN: 2615-8140|p-ISSN: 2615-7071 Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May 2021 Mahmudhoja Behbudi and is Work "Qasdi Safar" Dilafruz Rakhmatova. Lecturer at the Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages. Saodat Sattarova. Lecturer at the Department of Russian Language and Literature, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages. ------------------------------------------------------------------------***----------------------------------------------------------------- ABSTRACT in this very difficult period, laid the foundation The social, political, economic, cultural and stone of our independence today by promoting educational changes that took place in Turkestan in culture, education and enlightenment in the the late 19th and early 20th centuries were one of country. the first steps towards independence. Our Jadids, Mahmudhoja Behbudi was the leader of the especially Mahmudkhoja Behbudi, have shown Jadid movement in Turkestan, the founder of a new great interest in studying his life and work. type of school, the father of Uzbek drama, and a Mahmudhoja Behbudi was both a publisher, a publisher and journalist. In the name of national journalist, and the founder of Uzbek drama, not development and people's liberation, the selfless only a geographer, but also a skilled politician. In Jadids established new Usuli Savtiya schools in particular, in more than 300 articles he speaks about Samarkand and Tashkent. The Jadids undertook to language issues, social problems, our traditions, publish both religious and secular books and school life, which he did not overlook during his textbooks for these schools. Of course, this required travels to the Middle East, and the travels of funding. Mahmudhoja Behbudi's grandson, Turkestan pilgrims.’’ Qasdi Safar’’ is a unique contemporary Shahrukh Khan Behbudi, said that travelogue that has a place among created the his grandfather had a large garden in the Jambay memoirs in the East. area, and the profits from it covered school Keywords: Turkestan, Jadid, Bukhara expenses. In addition, the rich people of Samarkand Emirate, Kushbegi, Karshi Deserts, publisher, did not look. "Someone with money, someone with drama, "Оуina" magazine, mosque, madrasa, a shirt," he said. school, education, money changer, hotel worker, Main part otasharoba, osonsur, parakhod. Realizing the difficulty of thinking about Introduction freedom without educating the people, the Jadids The end of the 19th century was the result of the also turned their attention to the field of theater. The economic and political upheavals that took place in drama "Padarkush", written in 1911 and shown Turkestan in the beginning of the 20th century. only in 1913, is the first Uzbek play. The drama, Mahmudhoja Behbudi and his comrades, who lived which was widely acclaimed by the people, © 2021, IJOT | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) | Page 24 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ORANGE TECHNOLOGIES e- ISSN: 2615-8140|p-ISSN: 2615-7071 Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May 2021 portrayed the tragedies of the life of that time, such Kislovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Zheleznovodsk, Rostov, as ignorance, ignorance, greed for wealth, and Odessa, Istanbul, Adirna, Jerusalem, Beirut, Yofa, patriarchy. Khalil al-Rahman, Port Said, Includes Damascus cities. "Three or four hundred people (!) Returned because of the large number of people and the lack I would like to tell my dear reader that a hundred of space and space," the press at the time wrote. years after Behbudi's journey in the same direction, I also traveled. If you want, you can travel too. This By the way, the press. In the spring of 1913 the will help you to find information on the Internet. newspaper "Samarkand" was published. The For example, when Behbudi depicts the beautiful magazine "Mirror" is founded. “New literature has gardens of Istanbul, the Bosphorus or the holy appeared in Turkestan. This was what I expected… mosque in Damascus, the madrassas, the Holy The center of new literature is Samarkand. The Mosque of Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem, you can both find main inspiration of the young writers is the Mufti and read these places on the Internet enjoy of Samarkand Mahudkhoja Behbudi, ”wrote the watching. Turkic scholar, academician Alexander Nikolayevich Samoilovich. In order to enrich the The travelogue is very important both established newspapers and magazines with educationally and literary-aesthetically. They are a interesting articles, to study and apply new methods unique example of the traditional historical memoir of publishing, to purchase the necessary equipment, genre in our literature of the early twentieth Mahmudhoja Behbudi travels and describes his century. In the play, the author talks about the impressions of the trip in "Qasdi Safar". Each part customs and lifestyles of different ethnic groups. of the work is published in the magazine "Mirror". From Russian women digging potatoes in Russia to As you read the travelogue, you will learn about the Osonsur (escalators) in developed countries. cultural life of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, politics, economics, the role of women Although hundreds of thousands of Muslims live in and men in society, the state of schools and Merv, he is surprised that there is a Russian church madrassas, newspapers, magazines and textbooks, without a mosque anywhere. The poverty of the the geographical structure of each country, trade Kazakhs in Red Arvod exceeds that of their and banking, the lives of Turkestan pilgrims during Turkmen brethren. Mahmudhoja Behbudi writes their travels, and many other topics. that if the Kazakh intelligentsia had come to the right conclusions about the changes taking place in On May 29, 1914, Mahmudkhoja Behbudi, the the world, the hard life of the people would have eldest son of Masudkhan, was appointed the head been a little easier. of the "Mirror" magazine, a skilled pedagogue, translator, and the well-known Samarkand The traveler is relieved that the people of Baku intellectual Sayid Rizo Alizoda. Haji Muinga, a are living a little richer writes about ti. "Just as we publicist, is appointed editor, and poet Mullo Turkestans spend what we earn on weddings, the Fakhriddin Roji is appointed secretary of the dead, and many others, most of these Muslim Library of Behbudiya. The scope of this second trip relatives kidnap their property and spend it on to the Middle East is wider, including Ashgabat, quarrels, killing each other, and then going to Krasnovodsk, Baku, Mineralnye Vody, court," he said. They will spend their lives in the © 2021, IJOT | Research Parks Publishing (IDEAS Lab) | Page 80 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ORANGE TECHNOLOGIES e- ISSN: 2615-8140|p-ISSN: 2615-7071 Volume: 03 Issue: 05 | May 2021 deserts of Siberia. ” Describing the lives of our with as little money as possible to protect Azerbaijani brothers, he criticized the high cost of themselves from thieves they might encounter on weddings, extravagance and customs in Turkestan. the road. However, at that time, steam locomotives and trains were available. It was possible to deposit Behbudi, who deserves to be called Pyatigorsk- money in the bank and withdraw it from any Beshtog-Zheleznovodsk-Temirsuyi, speaks of the country. “Some pilgrims, even if they are state- resorts built in the beautiful nature, surrounded by owned, prefer tabloids, filthy, filthy takya, or, majestic mountains "surrounded by turbans and finally, cheap, filthy lands. Pilgrims are often so tents." Established for the purpose of health and dirty that they don't even let us go to the right rehabilitation, these facilities are in fact a form of hotels. " Mahmudhoja Behbudi describes his wealth acquisition, and if the rich people of meeting with Ismailbek Gaspirali in Istanbul with Turkestan use this method, our country will take the great enthusiasm. His conversations with Ismailbek first new steps towards prosperity and health. Gaspirali, the leader of the Jadids in the park, about Wherever Mahmudhoja Behbudi goes, he a school, education, and the work of the new compares the lives of the local people: he seeks a government, are about a mile away from the solution to the cause and effect. He talks about famous Hagia Sophia. They are pleased that "the modern steamships, trams, escalators, renting a Turkestan brothers are giving children to place to live, the rich living in another country, government schools." ways to sell train tickets, bank sales and interest accounts, and publishing newspapers and Discussions magazines. Ismailbek Gaspirali, a Crimean Tatar from Kazan, He gives a lot of interesting information, has gone down in history as the "father" of the especially when he tells about the adventures of Jadids, who served to unite Muslims around the Turkestan pilgrims on the Hajj. In the early world and the scattered Turkic peoples in the spirit twentieth century, there were four takya in Turkey, of national spirit, culture and enlightenment. inhabited mainly by Turkestan merchants, Journalist Mirsharif Khojayev wrote in his book travelers, and pilgrims. Takya, translated from "Khodarvish wind" that one of his six children Persian-Tajik, means to lean. This means that there spent the last years of his life in poverty in are special rooms in the takyas for rest and Samarkand. The bitter winds of destiny scatter the relaxation, which are convenient for relieving road victims of politics in other countries under the label fatigue and buying food. It is also a guest for camels of "enemy of the people." Ismailbek Gaspirali and and horses of passengers. Mahmudhoja Behbudi, his comrades, who deeply understood that the who lived in one of these takyas for a few days, destiny of a nation is determined by enlightenment suffered from the ruins of the landing. Dozens of and enlightenment, fell victim to ignorance. During passengers were accommodated in one room with the trip, I would like to quote in full the their luggage, and it was unpleasant to eat the conversation that took place at a banquet with rich cheapest food.
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