Chromian Muscovite, Uvarovite, and Zincian Ghromite
1263 Thc Canad,ian M ine ralo g h t Vol. 33, pp. 1263-1284 (1995) CHROMIANMUSCOVITE, UVAROVITE, AND ZINCIANGHROMITE: PRODUCTSOF REGIONALMETASOMATISM IN NORTHWESTNELSON, NEW ZEALAND ALVA CHALLIS Institute of Geolngical and Nuclear Sciences Ltd., P.O. Box 30 368, Lower Hutt, New kaland RODNEY GRAPES ResearchSclwol of Eanh Sciences,Victoria Universityof Wellingtou P.O. Box 600, Wellingto4 New kaland KEN PALMER Analytical Facility, Vicnrin Universityof Wellingtotr.P.O. Box 600, Wellingtou New Tzalnnd ABsrRAsr Cbromian muscovite ('"fuchsite') with up to 8.5VoCrp3, uvarovite garnet (up to 83%oUv), zincian chromite (up to 13.7Vo7nO), and chromianrutile (up to 3.3VoCrrO3), are variously associatedwith chlorite, biotite, epidote, kyanite, and tourmaline,all Cr-bearing"in Lower Paleozoicquartzite, biotite schist,marble, and carbonatedultramafic rocks in Northwest Nelson,New Z,ealand.Sulfides and carbonatesassociated with the Cr-silicatesand oxides include pyrite, galena,gersdorffite, pentlandite,and calcite, siderite,cerussite, magnesite, dolomite, and ankerite.Chromium mineralization ofthe host rocks takes f1e fe16 ef thin seams,and broadzones tens of meterswide that parallel host-rockschistosity and exhibit varying intensitiesof greencoloration. All the Cr-rich localities occur within 3-4 hn of Early Cretaceousgranitic plutons and are close to, or lie within, major fault zones.Field relationships,mineral textures,rock associations,and compositionsindicate that the mineral paragenesisis metasomaticin origin, and the result of hy&othermal fluids
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