United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,650,546 Chaudhari Et Al
USOO5650546A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 5,650,546 Chaudhari et al. 45 Date of Patent: Jul. 22, 1997 54) PROCESS FOR THE CATALYTIC OTHER PUBLICATIONS HYDROGENATION OF ORGANC Renaud et al., “Synthesis of a new family of water-soluble COMPOUNDS tertiary phosphine ligands and of their rhodium(I) com plexes; olefin hydrogenation in aqueous and biphasic (75) Inventors: Raghunath Vitthal Chaudhari; media”. Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 419 (1991) Bhalchandra Mahadeo Bhanage; 403-415. Sunil Sadashiv Divekar; Raj Smith et al., “Metal Carbonyl Derivatives of a Water Soluble Madhukar Deshpande, all of Phosphine". Inorganica Chimica Acta, 62 (1982) 135-139. Maharashtra, India Hablot et al., "Gas-Liquid-Liquid Reaction. Using Water Soluble Catalyst”, Chemical Engineering Science, vol. 47. 73 Assignee: Council of Scientific Industrial No. 9-11, pp. 2689-2694, 1992. Resear, New Delhi, India Bailey et al., “Immobilized Transition-Metal Carbonyls and Related Catalysts”. Chemical Reviews, vol. 81. No. 2, pp. 21 Appl. No.: 358,222 110-148, 1981. 22 Filed: Dec. 16, 1994 Kalck et al., “Use of Water-Soluble Ligands in Homoge neous Catalysis”. Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, 51 Int. Cl. ................. C07C 5/10; CO7C 29/14; vol. 34, pp. 219-284, 1992. CO7C 49/62 Primary Examiner-Glenn A. Caldarola 52 U.S. Cl. .......................... 585/269; 585/266:568/434; Assistant Examiner-Bekir L. Yildirim 568/462; 568/881 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Pennie & Edmonds LLP 58 Field of Search ......................... 524/709; 568/434, 568/451, 454, 462, 881: 556/15; 585/269, 57 ABSTRACT 266, 268 A process for the hydrogenation of organic compounds using water soluble catalyst in a biphasic media by: (A) 56 References Cited forming an organo-water dispersion of (i) an organic phase U.S.
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