5 my version

By TapeJara

Submitted: January 30, 2008 Updated: April 18, 2008

The way I believe SAW 5 will go

Provided by Fanart Central. http://www.fanart-central.net/stories/user/TapeJara/51121/SAW-5-my-version

Chapter 1 - Birth of the name 2 Chapter 2 - Boiling Graveyard 3 Chapter 3 - Good news and Bad news 4 Chapter 4 - Engulfed in Hell 5 Chapter 5 - Message from the Dead 7 Chapter 6 - A lead 8 Chapter 7 - Escape 10 1 - Birth of the name Jigsaw

The beginning brings us zooming into a TV screen showing recorded black and white footage of a police investigation. The details become clearer and we can now tell that we're looking at Detective Kerry, Tapp and Sing investigating a trap first shown in SAW IV. It's the now shattered broken glass box that John had covered in a blanket, hiding it from Jill. The carcass of the victim is scattered all overthe room, but there's a noticeable torso and sliced neck visible in a corner,with a Jigsaw piece cut out of it. Kerry asks "looks familiar to you"? Tapp replies "Yeah, Jigsaw piece. Same one found on the remains of Cecil Adams". Kerry remarks "some vigilante is trying to make a name for himself". Then a flashback shows us the point of view of the victim. We see him trying to free himself, only ending up cutting his flesh due to the piano wire around his neck."He screams in terror as blood starts filling the bottom". His hands then find a mini tape recorder next to his leg, and he pulls it to his ears, pulling the string tied to a spring timer. He pushes play and listens:"Hello Joseph. I want to play a game. By hearing this tape, you have activated a bomb under this glass box. Don't get out just yet; the metal string around your neck is tightened to cut you open. To free yourself from your isolated world, use the glass around you to cut out the key implanted into your leg. {Joseph notices the large stitches on his leg} Then you can unlock yourself free and reach the first aid kit that will heal your wounds. Hurry up though; by now you have but one minute until the bomb underneath you goes off. Live or die Joseph, make your choice."(The police know of this recording from Jigsaw's recorder machine he left behind in another room of his workshop)Joseph screams in terror as he grabs a large glass and stabs his own leg. He places his fingers in the wound crying, looking for the key, but realizes it's not in that leg. "frack, Fuuuuck!" he yells. He moves on to his next leg, but the timer reaches 0, and we see the trap explode in a blazing fury of glass and flesh. We then see Jigsaw entering the room moment later, with a large knife like stamp shaped like a Jigsaw piece, and starts cutting into the remains. As blood leaks through, the title appears in the fading picture. 2 - Boiling Graveyard

We are now brought back to the Gideon Meat Packing Factory. Swat members are torching down a large metal door and burst through. Detective Strahm appears in the light and shows his badge. The lights turn on and all the corpses are revealed. Including the one of John Kramer, AKA Jigsaw. The swat members find themselves shocked, as if they have been part of a greyhound race and suddenly crashed into a brick wall. The Jigsaw killer that has been wanted for 3 years is dead. But then they turn their attention to Strahm, who is still armed. Later, the other bodies found further in the building are being sealed before brought in for their autopsy. That includes Judge Halden, the frozen Danica Scott, and the decapitated Timothy Young. Strahm is seated in the hallway being questioned by Detective Fisk. "Enough with those questions" he yells "I get the message. I'm now a suspect aren't I"? "I didn't say anything; nothing points to you at all". "Bullshoot" mumbles Strahm. He gets up and bumps into Fisk, moving back down the hallway where he came in. Fisk returns to the room where Jigsaw was found and looks under the hospital tray. There he finds a cassette player, and pushes play. As we rehear the message intended for Jeff, Fisk runs across the different crime scenes searching for the room Corbett is locked up in. Arriving in the one room yet to be investigated, he opens the door which turns on a TV. There, Billy the Puppet appears and speaks in an unfamiliar tone:

"Hello Jeff. If you are watching this, then that means you have remained calm enough for the detective to spare your life. Your daughter is in the chamber before you, but getting her out is now your final test. The basement beneath this room hides a lock linked to the door that seals her in. Can you get her out in time Jeff, before she is sealed forever? Or ask yourself this: will she recognise her father once his ugly side has been brought to the surface?"

The screen faded and a counter starts at 3 minutes left. As Corbett's whimpering cries of help echoes in the room, Fisk realises there is no time to find the swat to open the door; he had to play Jigsaw's game. He rushed down the wooden steps leading to a small basement. But he slips on water and loses his footing. He plunges into boiling water heated by gas pipes. He emerges his skin already burnt, but his screams are interrupted by the squealing of a pig sitting on a platform. Painting on its hide is a question mark, and a large knife hangs above it. Fisk clumsily makes his way towards the platform and climbs aboard. As he reaches for the knife, the pig panics and bites Fisk in the leg. He screams as the sharp teeth dig into his flesh. His pain turns to anger as he assaults the animal and digs his organs for the key. He finds it a quickly places it in the lock. The chamber opens with seconds the spare, and Corbett climbs out in tears. She hears footsteps through water and then through the creaking stairway. At first she remains breathless, but shrieks in terror as Fisk appears disfigured and bloody. 3 - Good news and Bad news

Back at the Police Station, Strahm is sitting at his desk, with another Caucasian male before him. He was older, baldness was starting and he wore a tight jacket. It was commissioner Firmin. "How could you have shot the father of his child?" he asked. The guy was waving a gun at me, I had to defend myself!" said Strahm holding his forehead. "But his gun was not even loaded, and now we have an orphaned girl to deal with. You should've reasoned with him". "I did what I had to do!" He yelled, "Leave me alone I have papers to file." Firmin got up "Don't get up so quickly, you have a visitor". Agent Lindsey Perez entered the office, with her wounds almost completely healed. "Hey" is all that she could say at first. "Hi Linds, glad to see you made it". Firmin left the room. "I really wish I could say the same, but I've heard what happened". "Look, I can explain". "Strahm, we were too eager to solve this case. This is why it all backfired. Kerry had the right idea in the first place; we had to think like Jigsaw. You were warned that you would kill an innocent man." "Can we stop talking about all this? Put it this way, Kerry failed and I found Jigsaw dead. End of story". "You may have found his corpse, but Kerry was closer to finding Jigsaw than you." With that comment, the conversation was brought to a stop. Perez lowered her head, and left the room, leaving Strahm with paperwork in his hands.

Next week, at the St. Simon's Church, a funeral was arranged by all those who have lost a relative. Among the benches were the family Young, the Denlons, the Gordons, Tracy, Daniel Matthews among others, as well as close friends and anyone else involved in the Jigsaw cases. Father Sherman was up front, delivering his prayers. To his right was a basket full of charities that he side sighted several times. Strahm was among the back rows, almost not paying attention, as he was only here by force. He looked up for one moment, only to glance and the sculpture of Jesus Christ, hung up front. He looked back down in a sigh.

That night, Strahm was on his way to bed, when his phone rang. He picked it up "Strahm." "Hey, it's Perez. I got something for ya." "Oh no more, I'm tired." "Well do you at least remember what you said about John and Amanda having some extra hands?" "You found me a bucket of millipedes?" joked Strahm, hinting that he's been drinking. "I found several prints matching around the factory, as well as on the scale where Matthews was standing upon". "And?" "They were Hoffman's". "Bullshoot, Hoffman's dead, he was tied up as well". "His body was never found"… 4 - Engulfed in Hell

Strahm was standing next to Jigsaw's autopsy, holding the tape recorder in his hand. It came to him that the message was not intended for him but to Detective Hoffman, who is still alive. Not only that, he's on the run. He was Jigsaw's partner, who supplied him with information about the police, about everyone, and captured several of them. Betrayed, Strahm ordered Hoffman's home to be searched, and if found, to have Hoffman arrested. All that was found however were blue prints of several contraptions and some raw material: the proof that Hoffman is involved in Jigsaw's games. As the swat was doing an investigation, a TV burrowed with paperwork turned on, with Billy the Puppet looking straight at Strahm. Hoffman's voice came from its devious mouth:"Hello Strahm. As you're watching this, I am certain you are now 100% sure that you think I am involved with Jigsaw's game. Well let me let you know, you are but 50% right. Now, I am Jigsaw. I will teach the world how to not take their lives for granted, and you are asked to stay out of my way. Send as many swat officers as you wish, but if you wish not to be tested on your anger, you will remain seated. All you can do, is pray that this will end.""Pray huh?" mumbled Strahm, "That son of a dog. I think I know where he will strike next. Send a group of my men to the St. Simon Church." A swat van raced through the highway and halted before the large stairway. Three men bashed through the large doorway while the others positioned themselves next to granite structures for shelter. Already in they heard Father Sherman's plea for help to the lord. The men rushed to his help but tripped on a wire. That wire led to the second floor attached to several shotguns hidden among Gargoyles on a balcony. Each were positioned where swat teams where expected to hide. Each member of the backup were shot directly in the head and killed instantly. Despite the shots outside, the three remaining swat rushed to Sherman. He was chained to a rewired parking meter, sitting next to a pyramid of gasoline tin cans leaking. The men rushed to him and surrounded him, asking him questions. One of them found the TV and rewound the tape, and played it again. Billy with Hoffman's voice appeared once more:"Hello Sherman. As a priest of a well known church, you have guided the lost and those in need towards the light. But was that light to you only the glitter of gold you received from those who attended this place? Does money really matter to you more than the path towards god? I will show you how to change your act. Next to you are jars loaded with quarters, which have been converted from all the money you collected over time; use them to keep the timer from reaching 0 long enough for an officer to give you the key that will release you. Don't worry about the barbel wires; they'll be a reminder that greed is one of the seven deadly sins. This is your game, do not let others interfere, or you might just be condemned to hell. Live or die Sherman, make your choice."In other words, if Sherman did not stall for time, a gun will be triggered and the oil barrels will go up in flames. He kept dropping the quarters into the slot, and rewinding the 10 minute timer, shedding blood drops from his hand and selfish tears from his eyes. Despite the warning, one of the swat found a hacksaw taped under one of the benches and started cutting through the parking meter. His partner tried to talk him out but it was too late. The officer cut through wires and was electrocuted. Sparks flew towards the tin cans and they blew up in a cloud of fire. Two of the swat were torched in the blast, while Sherman and the wisest swat caught fire. Sherman's torso and head were set ablaze and roasted, killing him. The last swat had his waist and legs burnt. He desperately tried to extinguish the flames by rolling on himself but the gas was too much. As he felt his flesh burning, he screamed in agony. He tried to crawl towards the exit for help but he was too slow, and left a trail of flames behind him. Looking up he saw Hoffman looking down with a dark cloak and sunglasses, along with pale makeup. The officer made a desperate attempt to fire, but Hoffman released a chain that dropped a chandelier on top of the swat member, keeping him down long enough for the flames to engulf him. As the church was being taken down by the flames, Hoffman stepped out slowly using the backdoor, wearing a dark hat and sunglasses to hide himself. 5 - Message from the Dead

Strahm's hand came down slamming onto the desk atop the newspaper. "Damn it! We've lost eight men at one crime scene! That bastard Hoffman!" Perez held her head in a corner "There's no need for this language Strahm, calm down." "Oh I am calm. Very calm; despite all that has happened" he replied! "Shut the frack up!" she yelled. Strahm stood silent, with other employees looking through the window at their desks. Slowly work returned to the station, and Strahm let out a sigh. "Sit down" Perez said calmly. "Now look. Prints that have been recovered at the scene confirm that this was all Hoffman's work. All we have to do now is track him down and this whole Jigsaw case will end once and for all". "Yeah, just might work" said Strahm "let's go".

A couple of police cars stopped in front of an old house. "This is where Hoffman grew up". Officers cautiously walked towards the front door and looked through the door window looking for hints of a trap. There was none. "Police, we have some questioning to do" called out officer Krahn. There was no reply. Both officers kicked down the door and rushed in armed. There was dust all over, a sign that the place remained uninhabited for a long time. Then Strahm entered with a gun in his hands, followed by Perez. "You think by now that you'd be avoiding these kinds of scenarios" whispered Strahm. "I don't let the mistakes of the past haunt me, I learn from them" she replied. After minutes, there was no sign of Hoffman or his parents. In fact, the whole house has been drained, there were hardly any furniture, books, and the fridge was empty. "Nothing" confirmed one of the officers. But Strahm noticed that one of the covered couches had a strange lump in it. He pulled off the sheet, and there stood Billy the puppet. Perez's eyes grew wide and she seemed to have stopped breathing. {Flashback of Perez's accident in SAW 4} She backed up dropped her weapon, and left the house covering her face. Billy tilted his face towards Strahm who starred back into its dark eyes swallowing his spit.

"Is that you Strahm? I warn you to stay away from Hoffman's work. If you interfere, then you will pay. Let him finish his work with his subjects, and I promise it will be all over soon. Think of everything you've learned".

Strahm looked puzzled "That was John Kramer's voice". 6 - A lead

Strahm and Perez are back once more at their desks, with a tired expression on their faces. "Couldn't sleep last night" asked Perez? "No" Strahm replied, "last night was too much of a waste of time". "Well, at least we now eliminated one of his possible whereabouts I mean…" Suddenly Officer Krahn ran into the office. "Hey guys. We have a tip!" All three of them got up and walked quickly through the door to the interrogation room.

There stood a young woman, with heavy make up but casual clothes. On her face rested an odd grin, which showed that she was waiting for something. Perez stood before her, and then got down to her level. "Alright you called us, what's up?" "I have good news, I happen to know a little about the bad boy you're after." Strahm was suddenly showing signs of interest "You mean you know where Hoffman is"? The woman's face switched to an awkward look "Uhh, I was like umm, thinking more on the Jigsaw scale sugar". "Same person" Strahm said quickly, "Where did you see him"? The woman crossed her legs "Near the hockey ring downtown. I saw the man with a pig mask dragging a lil' dude behind him inside". "When was that" asked Strahm. "Last night, around 10. I was waiting for a hunky player to give me a ride back to my apartment but…" "Last night" questioned Perez? "Why didn't you report it earlier" yelled Strahm? "Hey sugar it was late, I was tired, and after a long day I just wanted some rest. Come on, I reported it to you as soon as I could." Perez grabbed Strahm's arm and pulled it, telling him to go. "Come on; let's catch him before anything happens." As he was leaving the room, Strahm gave one last look at the woman. "I'm not done with you." He told to officer Krahn "Send some men at her house, keep and eye on her". And they left. *** Much later, Perez and Strahm are now in the parking lot of the Hockey Arena, sitting in their car. "What are we waiting for? Let's get in there and book him!" suggested Strahm. "We can't risk anymore wrong moves, we'll wait for reinforcements". "It's two against one this will be quick". "Do you remember what happened to those two officers, Tapp and Sing?" "Every second counts…" "Maybe you should sit this one out…" "I'm going in!" "Think like Kerry!" Strahm jumped out of the car, and locked it behind him. Perez came out of her door and yelled his name. She then raced after him. Strahm burst through the twin doors and looked around. Perez came shortly behind it, and instinctively called out "I'll check Arena A, you check B" and ran off again. Perez could do nothing but obey and they split up. He launched himself through the door that shut tight behind him. It was then that he realised how dark it was. As he searched for the lights, he noticed that the door locked itself behind him. He banged on it to try to call for Perez. But then all the lights flashed on and he was blinded for a second as his eyes adjusted. He felt a cold chill and rubbed his arms. He then gasped at what he feared the most. Inside the rink was a young man waking up. He was wearing a black gangster outfit with spikes. And atop his head a large structure of what looked like paper. It was arranged in such a way that it resembled a stick of marijuana. He started to breathe deep in fear, and his cold breath escaped his mouth. He spotted Strahm and yelled "What the frack? What do you want with me you fracker?" Agitated, Strahm replied in a calm attempt "calm down son. I'm a cop; I'm going to get you out of here. Can you stand up?" The young man clumsily got to his feet, his head tilting with the weight of the structure on his head. "Ok I did that, now let me out!" Suddenly, a widescreen lit and Billy's face appeared on it, looking down on them both. The young boy kneeled down in fear.

"Hello Yoann. I want to play a game. During your young energetic years you have been locked up in a world of drug abuse. You have thrown your life away bit by bit, smoke by smoke. To make matters worse, you have supplied us with the poisons that have endangered the life of other people… {Flashback of Scott giving a bag full of liquid to John Kramer, and receiving cannabis in return; this follows with flashes of Zepp, Mark and the house from SAW 2} Well why don't we just fast forward in time and reveal to you the results of your so called life? An officer might try to help you, but this is your fight. To free yourself from your addiction, you will have to reach the other end of the rink. But watch your step. Live or die Yoann, make your choice."

Scott had an expression of shock on his face. In terror he started to scratch at his face, trying to tear off the paper without success. Strahm tried to knock down one of the windows but they were too resistant. And the doorways were locked. But then he noticed that the wires from the widescreen led to the box seats above. And he glanced through and spotted a familiar face: Hoffman! 7 - Escape

At the sight of his nemesis standing above, Strahm ran up the seats holding hisgun next to his cheek. Yoann did not want to be left alone so he made an attempt to run to the window. Big mistake: he felt a rope snap behind him. And then a familiar smell: smoke. His move pulled the piano wire tied to a hand made lighter tied to his mask and it is lit. Slowly the fire devoured the paper and headed downwards towards his face. He started to panic and clumsily headed for the switch. Strahm looked back and realised what just happened. "Let him go Hoffman!" he yelled out. Hoffman only glimpsed at him and turned away. "Freeze" commanded Strahm, and then fired 3 bullets! No good,the box was surrounded by bullet-proof glass and Hoffman made his way through the door.Perez heard the gunshots and went back. She tried to open the rink's door but it was still locked. Strahm arrived at the door and spoke through the glass "go after Hoffman, I have my own hands full". Perez followed his hand and ran off. Strahm turned back and noticed Yoann making his way around the traps, with half the fuse already burnt. Strahm stood there motionless, as he thought that maybe he wouldn't be needed. However, Yoann slipped and fell on one of the traps, which closed itself on his leg. Blood started to drip down his leg as a banshee like scream echoed in the rink. He pulled at the trap's mouth and freed himself, tearing bits of flesh from his leg. Strahm watched in horror as Yoann got up and limped further, tainting the ice with his blood. He finally put his mind back straight and grabbed a metal pipe from a hockey net. With all his strength he tried to break open the windows, but the glass was for too strong for him. Yoann ignored the banging noises and limped onwards, only to slip again. This time he caught his elbow in a trap, and it was cut off completely.From the outside, the screams could be heard. Perez was holding her gun at eye level looking for Hoffman. She got to the door of her car in the parking lot and heard a roaring engine. She suddenly knew that Hoffman will make a mad dash for escape, so she turned on her engine and floored it. Hoffman drove passed the ticket booth and Perez followed. However Hoffman with his remote activated the road cleats as he just passed them, and Perez came to a shrieking stop as her tires popped."Damn" she muttered as she slammed her hands on the wheel.Now desperate, Strahm had to think quickly to save Yoann, who kept limping and bleeding towards the switch, which was now but a dozen metres away. Finally Strahm knew what to do, he used the pipe to lift open the door lock and break it free of the ice. The now paleYoann heard the rusty door opening and turned. He held his remaining handupwards and let out a dry "help me!" But he slipped and his head landed right into another bear trap which closed shut on his face, killing him. Strahm stood there, speechless. He fell to his knees on the ice that was covering with a sheet of blood.

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