
1 History - Lesson 2


Word Search Can you find the following words:

era prehistory extinct g t w b f c o d t c k g h r a p m e b m d z o w e o d u m h l o u b r k g g t b z e s d a p i q w r o p g u y b t w n f p r e h i s t o r y y j e x t i n c t p p i e f i g i q y v f o s s i l s q x i

True or False? True False Dinosaurs are still alive

Fossils are the burried remains of things that once lived

Palaeontologists are scientists who research dinosaurs

SUMMERSUMMERPage 1 Year 1 History - Dinosaurs Year 1 History - Dinosaurs Lesson 2 What was the world like when dinosaurs existed? Types of

Palaeontologists are discovering more dinosaurs In this unit we are going to look at 2 particular than ever before and have found evidence of types of dinosaur, the Theropod and the Sauropod H H over 700 dinosaurs all over the world! who have the following things in common... H H

H H H H D D Bipedal: Walked on two feet

Mostly : Ate meat

The Earth today is split into seven continents. During the Period, instead of being separate Continents are big areas of land. areas of land, the continents were joined together to form one big super continent! This was called Pangaea and earth looked like this: THEROPOD (Means "wild beast" in ancient Greek)

Teeth: Sharp teeth with jagged edges The summers were very hot and the winters were very cold on Pangaea. The plants were green and leafy and the shape Feet: -like feet with three of the land varied between areas of flat big toes land, and mountainous regions.

WINTER Page 2 Page 3 Year 1 History - Dinosaurs Year 1 History - Dinosaurs


Quadrupedal: Walked on four feet

Mostly : Ate plants but some at meat

Long necks and small heads SAUROPOD (Means "lizzard foot" in ancient Greek) LENGTH = 23 METRES

Name: Brachiosaurus Dinosaur : Sauropod (also known as Girrafatitan) Diet: Feet: Had large flat back feet Fossils found: North America and three on their front and Tanzania Walked on: Four legs feet. Length: 23 metres long and grew up to the height of a 4 storey building!

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Name: Coloradisaurus Dinosaur Type: Sauropod LENGTH = 1 METRES Fossils found: Diet: Name: Eoraptor Dinosaur Type: Theropod Length: 4 metres Walked on: Four legs Fossils found: Argentina Diet: Carnivore

Length: 1 metres Walked on: Two legs

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LENGTH = 9 METRES LENGTH = 6.5 METRES Name: Stegosaurus Dinosaur Type: Armoured dinosaur Name: Irritator Dinosaur Type: Theropod Fossils found: Colorado, USA Diet: Herbivore Fossils found: Diet: Carnivore Length: 9 metres Walked on: Four legs Length: 6.5 metres Walked on: Two legs


The fossilized remains of the Stegosaurus were fascinating to scientists. It appeared DID YOU KNOW? that it had large plates running along its spine. Scientists think the plates may Only the of this dinosaur stood the have been there for one or more of the test of time. Scientists have built up an following reasons: image of what they think this dinosaur looked like. A) To recognise their own (could have the visual of two Stegosauruses waving to each other)

B) To protect themselves against predators

Page 8 C) To regulate their body temperaturePage 9 Year 1 History - Dinosaurs Year 1 History - Dinosaurs Lesson 2 TY-RAN-A-SAW-US WHAT HAVE YOUR LEARNT? TICK THE FOOTPRINT THAT BELONGS TO A THEROPOD:


Name: Tyrannosaurus or ‘Tyrant Lizard’ Dinosaur Type: Theropod

Fossils found: Mongolia Diet: Carnivore Match THE FOSSIL TO THE DINOSAUR: (THE FIRST ONE HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU

Length: 12 metres Walked on: Two legs





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