MATTHEW B. POPOSKY Her Truck in the Drive Editor-In-Chief Way
In and would be ' home when MATTHEW B. POPOSKY her truck in the drive Editor-in-Chief way. We thought she was on she wanted," Lawrence the phone, and I remember ColdonSr., father, said. A University of Missouri stepping out on the porch, The police, it turns out, - St. Louis student, Phoenix seeing her silhouette in were not helpful to the Coldon, junior, undeclared, the truck. You can see past Coldons. The officer taking disappeared from her home the front 'windows to the the report offered to run the on Sunday, December 18, end of the truck from our plates of Phoenix's truck, 2011. Since then, searches house. 1 remember peep but reported turning up no have occurred, flyers have ing off the porch and seeing responses. He also did not been posted and lines have her. I came back inside, and file a missing person's re been tied up with inquiries Lawrence saw her leave." port, citing his earlier men regarding the young stu Lawrence contin- tion of Phoenix's age. The dent's condition, whether ued the day's tran next day, another officer did she has been heard from scription at this point. come out :lnd say she would or seen, etc. What follo'ws "I saw Phoenix back file a report, although her is the account of Phoenix's out of the driveway and check of the truck's tags also disappearance and the pro pull off. That was the last came up empty. According cess followed since that time we saw her, at about to Lawrence, it was later day by her parents, Goldia 3 p.m.
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