Record Ofcurrent Educationalpublications
Record ofCurrent EducationalPublications April1 4- June30 1931 ,/ Bulletin,1931, No.16 Office ofEducation,WilliamJohnCooper,Commissioner EL Departmentof theInterior,Ray LymanWilbur,Secretary 4 Edited byMartha R.McCabe United States e GovernmentPrinting Office Washington :1931 e a For saleby theSuperintendent a Documents, Washington,D. C. Prise 15cents CONTETS Letter oftransmittal rage I v Nursery-k.ndergarten-primaryeducation, EdnaDeap_ Baker,president, NationalCollege of Education,Evanston, Ill _ _ _ _ ______ Elementary 1 education,Ernest Horn,professor ofeducation,State Uni- versityof Iowa,Iowa City____ Secondary education,LeonardV. Koos,associate director,National Survey of SecondaryEducation,Washington, D.C Exceptiona) 13. children,Elise H.Martens,specialist ineducation ofexcep- ., tionalchildren,United StatesOffice ofEducation,Washington,D. C.._ 24. Educationalpsychology,M. E.Haggerty,dean, Collegeof Education, UniversityofMinnesota, _ _ _ Minneapolis_ _____ ______ _ JuniorColleges, 32 Walter C.Eons,associateprofessor ofeducation,Stanford University,Stanford,Calif__ Educationof 37 teachers, li.S. Evenden,associatedirector,NationalSurvey of theEducation cif Teachers,United StatesOffice ofEducation,Wash- ington,D. C _ _ _ 44 Colleges,universities,and graduateschools,Arthur J.Klein,professorof schooladministration,Ohio State University,Columbus__ _ _ _ 49 Public-schooladministration,Carter .Alexander,professorofeducatioi, TeachersCollege, ColumbiaUniversity,New YorkCity__ _ _ _ _ Adulteducation, _ _ 5Z, Alonzo G.Grace,assistantdirector,extensionteaching, UniversityofRochester,Rochester,N. Y Vocationaleducation MD ow 67 andguidance,Edwin A.Lee,professorofeducation, Universityof California,Berkeley Negroeducation, 68 Ambrose Caliver,specialist inNegroeducation,United StatesOfficeofEducation,Washington,D. C Foreign _ an= mm 74 education,James F.Abel, chief,foreign-schoolsystems United StatesOffice pfEducAtion,Washington,D. C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Proceedings, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 75 reports, andOffice ofEducationpublications,Martha McCabe,assistant R.
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