Coins of the Bible and Its Money Terms
DENARIUS OF TIBERIUS. "PENNY," A, D, 14-37, STATER. ANTIOCHUS IV, (EPIPHAJTES,) B, C, 175-164, STATER. ANTIOCHTJ3, (GETPUS.) B, C, 124-97. SHEKEL (MACCABEES,) About 145 B, C, DENARIUS. VESPASIAN, ("JUDEA DEVICTA") About A, D, 70, DENARIUS. VESPASIAN. ("JUDEA,") About A, D, 71-79, LEPTON. " MITE." POUND NEAE THE TEMPLE: CUEEEUT IN TIME OP CHRIST, THE COINS OF THE BIBLE, 7 AND ITS MONEY TERMS. BY JAMES BOSS SNOWDEN, A.M., AUTHOR OF "CoiNg OF ALL NATIONS," "MEDALLIC MEMORIALS OF WASHINGTON, NATIONAL MEDALS," &c., &c. ENLARGED EDITION. PHILADELPHIA: PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, No. 1334 CHESTNUT STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by THE TRUSTEES OF THE PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION, in the Clerk s Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. STEREOTYPED BY WESTCOTT & THOMSON. <e ADVERTISEMENT. A FEW years ago the writer made some remarks to a Sabbath-school with which he was connected, an-d exhibited specimens of some of the Coins mentioned in the Bible, namely, a denarius, or a "penny;" shekel, a silver st&ter, and a lepton, or "widow s mite." There was present on that occasion a clergyman, at whose request the writer prepared a series of articles on the same subject, which were published in the " JSallath-school Visitor" In compliance with the repeated request of the same gentleman, and other clergymen and laymen, the writer has arranged these articles, and with several additional chapters, and some introductory remarks, they are presented to the public in the present form.
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