HCpLAToR \ >a H2 .l <:Y^ r! I! >rl D lrl COINING TIIE NEW TESTAMENT NAMISMATIC WINDOWS INTO BIBLICAL NARRATIVES . TIIE TRIBATE PENNY DEBATE REVISITED . AJEWISH TEMPLE ON TIIE SELA OF BAR I{OI{IIBA: CONSTRUCTION ISSaES ANI) THE MIRACULOUS SITAMIR ~ ) Visit www.TomCederlind.com ... l SYRACUSE. c. 404-400 Be. Silver Dekadrachm, unsigned dies by Kimon . .. or call for a complimentary catalog .... TOM CEDERLIND NUMISMATICS & ANTIQUITIES PO Box 1963, Dept. C (5031228-2746 Portlond, OR 97207 Fox (5031228-8130 www.TomCederlind.com/[email protected] Vol. 20. No. 10 Inside The Celator® ... October 2006 Consecutive Issue No. 232 R FEATURES PubllsherlEdilOr K<nY-K~VeuasliOlll KenyO_.can 6 Coining the NewTestament: Numismatic Windows into Biblical Narratives _L_A"";-EdiIors by Susan Solway MIcbMl R. Mehplkk 22 The Tribute Penny Debate Revisited Page 6 by Re~ Peter R. Dunstan & Walter C. Holt ror __Fma A Jewish Temple on the Sela of Bar IlI87 to May U!I9_: 30 Wayne Sayles Kokhba: Construction Issues and the Wa)mO-.ac Miraculous Shamir by Paul Goldstein An: PameII N...... DEPARTMENTS Maps & Graphic An: Keomy Grocly 2 Editor's Note - Coming Next Month P.o._,0107 Wit I , PA171D1 4 Letters to the Editor 1WIFu: 717 llIlU7 People in the News - t)rofiLeU" in .flumiU"nllU'ius For FedEx & UPS deIlveries: 32 33 Art and the Market ......87 Aprtoot - Ave Leola. PI' 17540-1788 36 Coming Events www.caldcr.com The c.tafor (ISSN ,,048-0986) 38 The Internet Connection is an illdepelldent tournai pub.. by Kevin Barry & Zachary "Beast" Beasley lilhed on tile flm daly of each Page 30 monIh at 87 Apncot AII8, Leola, PA 17540-1 788. h Ie CircuIIIed In· 41 ANTlQ1IITIES by DavidUebert ternatlonally Ihrough l ubacrlp­ About the cover: The tiona and special dlltributlona. 42 <!Co ilts of tbr j§iblr by David Hendin Subscrlpllon ral •• , payable In Crucif ixi on of Christ U.S. lunde, are $30 peryear (Pe­ 45 Cfhrough the Cooking glass and th e suicide of Ju­ riodical rete) within the United das, Aome (?) , ca. 425 Statee; $36 10 Canedlll; $60 per by Wayne G. Sayles ~to II ott. addres8e8 (ISAL). AD. Courtesy of The AdveftIsIng and copy CSNdIIne II 46 Cartoon - Quotes From The Past British Museum. Pho· \he flrat WOItIday of each month. tos of a Shekel of Tyre UnsoIieIted articIH and ~8 reo 'eases are welcome, howev.r 46 On the Road - The Celator's $how & Club Schedule (courtesy of CNG , Inc .) publication cannot be guaran­ and a Tribute Penny teed. Unlesa 8Xpreaaly 1'.'ecI. 47 Professional Directory The Celatornelther endof8e8 nor (courtesy of Walter is responsible for the contenIl 01 Holt's Old Money). adYftrtisemenll, lette " -to-the­ 54 Club & Society Directory editor, Mlur•• rtl e .... regula, columns and press reIea8eB In ks 55 Classifieds - Index of Advertisers pages, including any opinions The Ce/ator office stated Ih&retn, and the accuracy will be closed from 01 any data provided by Il$ eon· October 21 --28t1'1, tRbuW)r$. PeriodIcal poatage paid (USPS 1006077) Lancaater, PA Check the "On the 11603 and additionIIl offieM. ~oaa action for """"",0 2006. _ tuft er de ils. Of­ Nlmismatics & Pt.dstW1g, Inc. fice h94 ~ re nor­ Postmaster: please send mally Noo to 6P¥ address changes to: EST. P<!ease keep i P.O. Box 10607 mi~ tbat-this· a Lancaster, PA 17605-0607 one-Reri§7busi­ ness wtien you'ra FOUNDED 1987 BY trying to reach me. WAYNE G. SAYLES Thank you! EDITOR'S ' . COMING NEXT '-- MONTH NOTE ~. IN THE CELATOR" I attended the Byzantine 101 - Part 3 Ameri can Numis­ By Prue Fitts matic Association's (ANA) annual convention held in Den­ Th e Bronze Coinage of ver, Colorado this past August. Although Denver is not known as a mecca for an­ Leontius I cient coin collectors. there was an ex­ Harl an J. Berk, Rollie Finner. Ron Guth. By Rasiel Suarez cellent represent ation of ancient and and Charles Browne, the ANA's Glenn world coin dealers in attend.mec at the Smedley Memorial Award. The ANA Coins and Icon s: convention. The bourse floor was con­ gives the Smedley Award to "those who So me Observations on tlte stantly busy, and there appeared 10 be a demonstmte the spirit of the late Glenn Connections between Coin s fair amount of busi ness being transact­ Smedley, a member of the ANA and hob­ (and Medallions) of the ed. Most of the dealers that [ spoke with by enthusiast who was known as a 'col­ Constantinian Era alld reported reasonab le sales. both whole­ lector's collector.'" It was a pleasure to sal e (lnd retai l. and I hctlrd very few com­ receive this award. especiall y in Ihe com­ Byza ntine Icons plaints overall. pany of gCKld friends and fin e colleagues. By Dr. Peter Lewis [ was not able to spend as much time I would be remiss not to mention the on Ihe bourse floor as I would have liked. Ancient Coin Collectors Guild (ACCG) AND COMING SOON I was kepI ve ry busy as an exhibit judge, meeting held on Saturday aft ernoon dur­ attending meetings and "Numismati c ing the ANA conve ntion. This meeting Asklepios Temples on Theater" lectures. and catching up with marked Ihe end of my two-year term as Ancient Coins some of m y Denver areH friends, lTIlmy President of ACCG. and Wayne Sayles by Bekircan Tahberer & of whom I had not seen since the last presented "Dedicated Service Awards" Prof. Dr. liter Uzel Why Experimental "Last, bllt cenainly /lot least, the Numismlltic Literary Guild Archaeology is Importallt (NLG) presented two awards to The Celator at {h eir annual to Numismatics Awards Presentation at the ANA convention." by DiHu A Republican Foot-Note: Th e ANA conventi on he ld in Denver in to David Vagi and L David's term ex­ "P, SVLA," SAFRA " and 1996. The convention was held from pired on lhe ACCG board while I con­ "Mast and Sail" 'Aes' Coins Wednesday through Saturday this year tinue for another two ye<ll"s. - a departure from past ANA conven­ Last, but certainly not least, the Nu­ By Bruce R. Brace mismatic Literary Gui ld (N LG) present­ tions. The reason that there were not any The Old Testament & Coins Sund<lY <lctivit ies was so collectors <lnd ed two awards to The Celato,. at their dealers could visit the ANA headquar­ annual Awards Presentation at the ANA By Richard Plant ters in nearby Colorado Springs. The convention. Derek R. Smith was hon­ Faces of Empire - Part VIlI, ANA held a special dedication ceremo­ ored with a plaque for the "Best Coin ny on Sunday where the ANA Money Article in the World Commercial Nu­ False Faces, Renaissmlce Museum was officially named the Ed­ mi smatic Magazi nes" category for his Reworkings & Iconographic ward C. Rochelle Money Museum in article on ·'Aphrodite: Classical Greek Fantasies honor of the longtime past Executi ve Goddess of War" that appeared in the DireclOr and strong supporter of the January 2006 issue. The January 2006 by Cornelius Vermeule ANA. Ed is one of the "good guys" in issue was also named "Best Issue" in the Ninety Years of Roman this hobby, :md truly deserved the hon~ same category by the NLG. In addition or. Ku dos should be ex tended \0 CIi IT to Derek's article, other featured articles Republican Denarii Mishler and Chet Krause, who along in the January issue were "The' Arcuat­ - 211-121 BCE with another anonymous donor donated ed Lintel' on Ancient Coins" by Marvin by Russell C Hollingsworth $500,000 to fac ilitate the name change. Tameanko. and "An Accidental Collec­ I was also honored at this year's con­ tion: Thcssalian League Coinage" by The Tortoise of Aphrodite ventio n, albeit on a much smaller scale. Steve M. Benner. Congratulation to on Coins of Aigina but an honor thM I'm equally proud to these gentlemen and a ll of our regular have received. I W<l S given. along with contribu tors! by Joe Wihnyk ([he Celatoz is named tot and dedicated to the coin die-en'jMOe!S 0t antiquitV ,"hose azt !emains as po",eztul and appealin') todaV as in thei! o",n time. 2 The Celator Ponterio & Associates, Inc. is now accepting consignments for this important Public Auction to be h eld in conjunction with th e New York International Nurnis111atic Convention th January 12th-13 , 2007 th Consignment deadline: October 10 , 2006 For more information, please contact our office. PONTERIO & ASSOCIATES , ~ 1818 Robinson Ave., San Diego, CA 92103 ~PN·G 800-854-2888 or 619-299-0400 --­P.N.G. #308 Fax 619-299-{i952; E-mail: [email protected] www.ponterio.com Licensed Auction Company #968 IUIIUI Richard H. Ponterio - President l... M. 1I2163 October 2006 3 A Letter to David Hendin on lutely NOT true thai Romans did not the #Tribute Penny" Debate put images on coins struck under Ro­ man authority in the ancient Holy Land. Roman provincial coins struck in many Dear Mr. Hendin: cities of the ancient Holy Land have I have followed wilh interest your imperial portraits. There were no im­ discussions regarding the perpetually perial portraits used on the coins of the vexed question of whether the "Tribute Roman procurators, but at any rate, Penny" in Mark 12:14-17 is a denarius those were all bronze coins. (b) Abso­ of Augustus or Tiberius. Then I remem ­ lutely not true. Early Roman coins - as bered a letter in the December 2004 early as coins of Mark Antony forward Enjoyed article on Trajan Celator (pp.
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