WEBSITE What’s Inside The West Wind Issue 2 The Discovery Of Bruces— 8 Souls Of St Francis— 11 St Francis College — s15 Local Surfer Profile— 20 The Magic of our Nature Reserves— 28 LANGUAGE To Perform At St Francis Brewery — 35 TRAVEL— 36 St Francis Bootcamp— 42 Ike Forsyth and Farmers Cart— 44 Advertising & Editorial: Craig - 082 376 4443 -
[email protected] Colin - 082 554 0796 -
[email protected] Ok, Boomer. This digital magazine - The West Wind - came about as a result of COVID and the lockdown. As the world retreated into their houses and stayed indoors for weeks and months, so online traffic spiked and online media consumption increased dramatically. Everyone, it seems was on their screens, and always looking for something new. On top of this, up to 70% of the online traffic could be tracked to phones – people were reading everything, watching videos, hanging out on social media, all on their phones. It was time to get with the times. Instead of being told, ‘Ok Boomer’ to our faces, it was time to address needs and deliver what readers and advertisers actually wanted. The ‘Ok, Boomer’ phrase has become a catchall phrase for someone older who is close-minded and resistant to change. We hear it all the time. It’s more of a joke than anything else, almost like the digital equivalent of an eye roll. It happens when a Baby Boomer/old person says something outdated and incorrect, and a Millennial or Gen Z can’t be bothered to explain why it’s so wrong.