8482 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 6 May 18, 2010 with us today, perhaps he would revise ‘‘I declare American craft brewers provide Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. I urge support his famous statement where he said, flavorful and diverse American-made beers in of this resolution and yield back the ‘‘Beer is living proof that God loved us more than 100 distinct styles that have made balance of my time. and wants us to be happy.’’ He might the United States the envy of every beer- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The preface it with the words, ‘‘American drinking nation for the quality and variety of question is on the motion offered by craft.’’ beers brewed. I declare that beer made by the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. I ask my colleagues to support this American craft brewers helps to reduce de- DAVIS) that the House suspend the fine example of American entrepre- pendence on imported products and therefore rules and agree to the resolution, H. neurship, and I yield back the balance contributes to balanced trade, and . .’’ Res. 1297. of my time. ‘‘. the makers of these beers produce li- The question was taken; and (two- Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- bations of substance and soul that are sincere thirds being in the affirmative) the er, it looks like George Washington, and authentic, and the enjoyment of them is rules were suspended and the resolu- Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin all about savoring the gastronomic qualities in- tion was agreed to. had something in common in addition cluding flavor, aroma, body, and mouthfeel, A motion to reconsider was laid on to being the Founders of our country. while practicing responsible appreciation.’’ the table. They also liked their beer. I encourage my colleagues to support this f Ms. MARKEY of Colorado. Madam Speaker, resolution celebrating May 17 through 23 as HONORING ROBERT KELLY I rise today to ask my colleagues to join me American Craft Beer Week and I encourage SLATER ON SURFING ACHIEVE- in celebrating American Craft Beer Week, May responsible beer lovers everywhere to enjoy MENTS 17 through May 23, 2010. This is a week to one of the thousands of craft beers brewed celebrate the many accomplishments of craft across the United States. Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Madam Speak- brewers and home brewers across the nation. Mr. BLUMENAUER. Madam Speaker, er, I move to suspend the rules and After Prohibition destroyed local and re- America has a long and rich tradition with agree to the resolution (H. Res. 792) gional breweries around the United States, it beer. Many of America’s Founding Fathers— honoring Robert Kelly Slater for his took approximately half a century before the including Sam Adams, Thomas Jefferson, outstanding and unprecedented American craft beer industry grew to offer so Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and achievements in the world of surfing many distinct beer brands and styles. Until this James Madison—who attempted to establish a and for being an ambassador of the resurgence, beer lovers had few options to ‘‘Secretary of Beer’’ as part of the new na- sport and excellent role model, as choose from and even fewer options when tion—were all avid small brewers. Thomas amended. The Clerk read the title of the resolu- looking for American-made beer. Jefferson built a brewery in his kitchen at Today, American Craft Brewers are brewing tion. Monticello and Benjamin Franklin famously The text of the resolution is as fol- smaller batches of quality beers using tradi- wrote that ‘‘Beer is proof that God loves us lows: tional methods but innovative recipes. Craft and wants us to be happy.’’ H. RES. 792 brewers in this country create ales, lagers, I have the distinction of serving as a rep- and porters rivaling the best from around the resentative from the state of Oregon, which is Whereas Robert Kelly Slater was born on world. American craft beers have won many February 11, 1972, in Cocoa Beach, Florida; one of the most enlightened states when it Whereas Kelly Slater learned to surf in international taste and quality competitions. I comes to beer. Oregon craft beer represents Cocoa Beach, Florida, with his brothers, even know of one small brewer in my district 3.8 percent of the total volume of beer brewed Sean and Stephen; whose fastest growing export market is Bel- in the U.S. Whereas Kelly Slater was a perennial ama- gium, a nation well known for its own beer. Oregon is the second largest producer of teur champion in the 1980s, winning 6 East- Colorado’s Front Range is home to six of hops in the country and the birthplace of the ern Surfing Association titles and 4 national the country’s 50 largest brewers, a concentra- Willamette hop, giving us the IPA and now, titles; tion of quality brewers that has led some to the Cascade IPA. The city I represent, Port- Whereas, in 1992, at the age of 20, Kelly dub the area the Napa Valley of Beer. These land, has 33 breweries, more per capita than Slater was the youngest surfer to win the As- small businesses have created brands well sociation of Surfing Professionals World any city in the world. These breweries provide Championship; known nationwide and highly sought after by an economic boost of over $2.3 billion to the Whereas, between 1992 and 2008, Kelly beer lovers across the globe. region, promote local agriculture and provide Slater was a 6-time winner of the Billabong In addition to creating quality beers, it is im- opportunities for social interaction within the Pipeline Masters, a competition held annu- portant to remember what craft brewers do for community. ally for the 45 top-ranked surfers by the As- our communities. Craft brewers work with part- Most importantly, the craft brew industry is sociation of Surfing Professionals at the ners to promote the safe consumption of their an engine of job creation. America has over Banzai Pipeline in Oahu, Hawaii; products. Many are involved in philanthropic 1500 small brewers. The small brewers in my Whereas, between 1994 and 1998, Kelly activities, helping to improve the communities state employ more than 4,700 individuals Slater won 5 consecutive Association of Surf- ing Professionals titles; around them. Further, many are pioneers in while struggling with the higher costs for pro- Whereas, in 1995 and 1998, Kelly Slater won the use of alternative energy and other sus- duction, raw materials, and packaging than the Triple Crown of Surfing, the Reef Hawai- tainable practices in their businesses, prac- their larger and in many cases foreign owned ian Pro at Haleiwa Ali’i Beach Park, the tices that are unique for a product otherwise competitors. They also operate in one of the O’Neill World Cup of Surfing at Sunset manufactured in large industrial breweries. most highly regulated business sectors. In Beach, and the Billabong Pipeline Masters at In celebration of the many contributions spite of this, they are important economic gen- the Banzai Pipeline; made by these small businesses, American erators in their local communities, avid pro- Whereas Kelly Slater was inducted into the Craft Beer Week is a wonderful time to bring moters of our agricultural economy, and tire- Surfers Hall of Fame in 2002; more focus to the craft brewing industry. less in communicating the history and tradi- Whereas, in 2002, Kelly Slater won the Quicksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau at Across the nation, celebrations of this week tions of brewing and the message of respon- Waimea Bay in Oahu, Hawaii, a competition are taking place in breweries, brewpubs, ale- sible enjoyment of their craft made lagers and that occurs only when waves reach a min- houses, and homes. ales. imum height of 20 feet; To sum up the importance of America’s craft I would be remiss if I did not use this time Whereas Kelly Slater was the 1st surfer brewers, I think it best to quote a few lines to urge my colleagues to join the Congres- ever to be awarded 2 perfect scores in the from the Brewers Association’s Declaration of sional Small Brewers Caucus. The caucus final heat of the Billabong Tahiti Pro Con- Beer Independence: meets regularly to not only celebrate the craft test under the Association of Surfing Profes- ‘‘I declare that these are historic times for beer industry, but to educate our colleagues sionals 2-wave scoring system; beer, with today’s beer lover having inalien- on the regulatory challenges these vital small Whereas Kelly Slater won an Association of Surfing Professionals World Title in 2005, able rights, among these life, liberty, and the businesses face every day. 7 years after his previous win in 1998; pursuit of hops and malt fermented from the I want to thank my colleagues for bringing Whereas, in 2007, Kelly Slater started the finest of U.S. small and independent craft this resolution to the floor and urge their sup- Kelly Slater Foundation to raise awareness brewers with more than 1400 of them brewing port of the resolution and of the craft brewers and financial support for socially and envi- today . .’’ in their district. ronmentally conscious charities; VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:38 Jul 01, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H18MY0.000 H18MY0 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD May 18, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 6 8483 Whereas, in 2008, at the age of 36, Kelly dedicated to raise awareness and finan- is unmatched, unparalleled in the Slater was the oldest surfer to win an Asso- cial support for a number of environ- world of surfing.
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