ar1anas• MICRONESIA'S LEADING NEWSPAPER SINCE 1972 ·:- .. ....v~I. ·. · 17..... No~'1s' ·........ ......-- -' --................._. ,·:. ....' ...........· ·.".... .. ..· o'~ece,m -~ " .. ber. ._ .. ·-,3: 'o :·;..·:g"··a·a·] . '. ·.. ·": Saipah,.MI:)'.... ·.. _ ... .~ ·1'5;':o";' ·_IA"-.:;-~-~ ·:.::.- . ©1988~arianasVariety _ . · .. "" . ·. ·· , -:~· . ·,. _., .. · . ._.,,.__: "'.".'Seritln~jtHeCNMl.for17years-'.· .., ..-:' .. ! .~-:;+~ • -... ., • ,. ~, • ~ • , • ., ~ .., , , .~ ~ t • • '"' • , • "•• • • • ' ,. , i , • , , , • , • ' ~ ~ , , _,. I ~ Power Rate Relief Sought By Senate By Tom Anderson Manglona and Juan Pan Guer increase in fact is not-as large as Senators looked for a way to Managing Editor rero went over the reasons why it should be as the figures are a offer a subsidy to CUC so that Members of the Senate .. and CUCneedstherateincreaseofll result of a-1986 study and are not the rate increase would .,.be Commonwealth Utility Corpora cents for residential customers up to date'. smaller than what it will become tion officials finally got together and 16 cents for government and "To meet full cost recovery Jan. 1. early this week and beside a few commercial customers with today," said Sasamoto, "We The efforts of the Senators attacks on CUC for poor service, CUC Executive Director Pedro would need to ch.arge 14 cents to was hampered by the interpreta the general tone of the meeting Sasamota, CUC Board Chairman residential customers and 19 tion of public law which man was one in which a way to help Jose1'aitano, CUC Board Mem cents to government and com dates cue to become self-suffi the utility corporation pay its bers Eloy Inos and Tom Picarro. mercial." cient by the year 1989. That bills and improve its service Sasamoto explained the rate However, the Senato~ said public law was closely scruti without a jump in utility rates, as hike was needed in order for the even the jump to 11 cents for nized by the Senators.
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