36o &JLVERDALJ.t. . (KELLl'S

Simp1on .Alice Jane (~lrs.), midwife, United Velvet Cutters" Auociation Williams Thomas Olando, cab prlh IJl& High street Limited (workl) prietor, es Newcastle ilt~et Skerratt Annie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, Valco Goffredo, shopkpr: 3 Crown st Woodcock ...... , baker, Hi~rh street 21 Brook 11treet Wade Priscilla. (Mrs.), fried fish Woodvine- Mary (Mrs.), slropkeeper, Smith &; Morris, grocers, 65 High at dealer, 8o Victoria street 146 Church street Smith James, beer ret. 34 Church st Ward Alfred. plumber, 33 Church st Woodwiss Wm. 0. Sneyd Arma P.H Smith Jas. insur. agt. 33 Chapel st Ward John, painter, Y-68 High street Wrench Frederick William. pharma­ Smith James, mineral water manu- Weave!' George, builde:r, Cross 11treet ceutical chemist,52 a. 54 Church n facturer, see Wilkinson & Smith Webb Thos. iFonmonger, 43 High st Wright Oatherine (Mrs.),dresa maker. Smith Jn. ironmonger, u Church st Whalley Wm. ~hopkpr. 77 Church st 105 Ne'Wcastle street Stevenaon William Henry, insurance White & Co. bakers, ~8 Church st Wright Edwin, grocer, 92 Ohurch w agent, 6g Church atreet Whitmore Simeon, greengrocer, 27 Sumpter France a (Mrs.), tobacconist, Crown street CROSS HEATH. 190 High street Whitterance Sl.grngrcr. 13 Church st Blaikie John, Bridge house Sutton Herbert, insurance e.gent, 11 Wilcox Eliza. (Miss), midwife, 125 COMMERCIAL. Vale Pleasant Church street . Brayford Thoma:s, farmer Sutton Ralph, cycle repr. 2 High st Wiloox Eliza. (Mrs.)C.M.B. midwife, Hickman Olarrie (Mills), dresa maker Swinnerton Jaa.botcher,28 Church st 125 Church street Lovatt John, beer retailer Tanner Henry, laundry, g6 Church st Wilkinson &; Smith, mineral water Moore Prederick, shopkeeper-­ Taylor Alfred, grocer, 134 Church st manufacturers, Newcastle street Morris Thomas, attendance ()fficer to Taylor Alfred, shopkeepr. 30 High st Wilkinson Thomas, boot repairer, 101 Wolstanton United Urban District Taylar Alfred, jun. grocer, 3 High st Church street Education Committee Taylor Geo. beer retlr. 129 Church at Wilks Limited, drapers, Iai & 123 Murray A. & G. Ltd. cotton doublJ Telephone Call Office & Exchange Newcastle street Poole Willi.am, farmer (Miss A. Adams, in charge), 51 Willia.ms Blanche (Miss), dress Shenton George Thomas, shopkeeper Church atreet maker, 83 Newcastle street Silvester Harry, colliery engineer Trueman Daniel,beer ret.17 Chapel st Willia.ms Jsph. Vine inn, 130 High st Teague Charles, shopkeeper . SLINDON, Eccleshall. SXALL'.I'B:ORNE is a civil parish, formed under the URBAN DISTRICT OOUNOII .. provieion.s of tJhe .-Local GoTernment Act, 1894•" and Meeting day, wed. fourth week in each month at 6.30 u.mP by Local GovMnment Board Ordsr No. 31,940, and i 4 known as Smallthome Urban; it is one mile south-west Members. from Norton, adjoining Borslem, with a station called Chairman, Paul Henry Willatt. Ford Green and 8 tation on the Biddolph Vice-Chairman, John Frederick Hackney. l>ranch of the North Staffordshire railway, and is in the All retire April, 1913. North Western division of the county, Pirehill North bun- Smalltho.rne Ward. dred and petty sessional division, Leek onion, J. F. Hackney I John Ja.mes Offer county court district, rural deanery of Leek, archdea- R. Hill Samuel Robinson conry of Stoke-on-Trent and diocese of Lichfield. R. B. Kennedy 0. Skellern The "Local Government Act, x&s8," was adopted by the George MitchPll Richard Steele parish January 15th, 1864, and it was governed by a Local Joseph Monntford Board, but this has been superseded by an Urban Dis- • tri~t Council, established under the. "Local Government Chell Ward. Act, 1894" (56 &; 57 Vict. cap. 73). Joseph Brereton John Edwards By an Order of the County Council, dated Feb. xBt.h, Charles Clarke Thomas Gee 1894. the Urban District wa11 extended to include the Milton WMd. civil parishes of Chell and Milton. At the same date J. H. Frost John D. Sargeant the number of membel'l of the Urban Council was John Thomas Heaton P. H. Willatt increased from nine to eighteen. Edward Rhead The ecclesiastical parish was formed from Norton-in­ the-Moors parish, 27 Sept. 1859· St. Saviour's church, Officers. erected in x85o, is a building of rubble stone, in the Olerk, George Phillips, Council offices Early English style, consisting of chancel, nave, north and Treasurer, R. A. Pippett, Manchester & Liverpool Diatrict south aisles, north porch and a small western turret con­ Bank, Burslem taining a bells: in 1885 the church was enlarged, a new Medical Officer of Health, John Aspinall M.R.O.S.Eng. vestry and organ chamber erected on the north side, a Ford Green house, Norton-in-the-Moon new aouth aisle built and the flooring relaid at a cost of Surveyor, John William Deane, Norton Green, Norton• f.x,ooo, wholly defrayed by the late Robert Heath esq. in-the-Moors of Biddulph Grange: there are sittings for 36o persons. Sanitary Inspector, 'Edward Dutton, OouneU officea, The register dates from the year 1851. The living Smalltlhorne is a vicarage, net yearly value [,250, with residence, in Collecto.r, Alfred Walt&rs, Council offices, Smallthorne the gift of the rector of Norton-in-the-Moors, and held Registrar of Cemetery, Waiter Duncalf, Smallthorne 1i.B.ee 1908 by the BeT. David Jones. There is 8 Catholic ehapel, dedicated to .St. Ma.ry and served from Borslem ; PUBLIC ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS. al1o two We11leyan eh8pels, and Primitive Methodist and Attendance Officer, William Horst U:aited Methodist ohapels. A cemetery of ~ 8~s wa.11 Built in 188o, for ~56 boys, ~48 girls & 220 infants; epened January, 1879, and is under the control of the average attendance, 243 boys, 251 girls & 2o6 infants; Urban Dis.trict Council. There is a working men's club Richard Nation, master; Miss H. Rowley, mistress. and -reading -room, with about 70 members. The area Built in 1852, & now an infants' school for 128; average ef the eiTil parish is 555 acres; rateable value, attendancv, 100; Mrs. E. Nation, mistress £17,IB5; the population in 1901 was 6,26::1. Bradeley, built in Igoo, for 330 boys, 290 girls .t rso The area of the Urban District is 2,688 aere11 ; rate­ infants ; average attendance, 239 boys, 255 girls & 127 able valne, £4~.958; the population in I9II was 13,566. infants; A. A. Cheetham, master; Miss A. A. Owens, Pariib Clerk, Thom&s Tomkinson. girls' mistress; Miss M. Penn, infants' mistress Post, M. 0. & T. Office, 111 Leek road, Smallthorne.­ Catholic, for 8o boys & girls & 25 infants; average James Pedley, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive from attendance, 6o boys & girls & 40 infants; Miss O'Gor­ Stoke-on-Trent on week days only at 5.20 a.m. &u 3.40 man, mistress ; Mrs. McKeon, infants' mistress p.m. ; dispatched at 10.50 a.m. &; 2.45 & 8 p.m.; Police Station, Charles Owen, sergeant in charge sundays, 7 a.m. Telegraph office open on sundays Railway Station, Ford Green &; Smallthorne, Jame1 Wal­ from 8.30 to Io a.m ley, 1tation ma11ter Butters John, 36 Nettlebank Bailey Charles, fried fish dealer, 3 Bean Harry W. hosier, 105 & IO'f Jones Rev. David (vicar) Market street Leek road Nation Richd. 20 North West terrace Barnes Wm.Geo.bntcher, 69a,Leek rd Beech James, beer retailer, The Oroft COMMERCIAL. Barnett Wm. shopkpr. 21 The Croft Bentley Florence (Miss), dre111 maker, Adams Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 26 Baskeyfleld Albt.frmr.Chell Heath rd 32 North West tenace Chetwynd street Baskeyfield Ellen (Mrs.), butcher, 83 Berrisford Chu. farmer, New bayes Alcock Henry, butcher, 51 Leek road Leek road Bickley William Henry, fried fish Alcock Wm. shopkpr. 2 Wed!{Wood st Baskeyfield Wm. fsrmer, Chell heath dealer, 172 Leek road Askey Arthur,fishmonger,67a,Leek rd Bate Bernard, shopkeepeT, 61 Unwin Bloor Fred, jun. butcher,I2I Leek rd B11iley S. & A. 11tationers, 109 Leek rd street, Bradeley Bloor William, butcher, 61 Leek mad