Beneath the Reflections
Beneath the Reflections A user’s guide to the Fiordland (Te Moana o Atawhenua) Marine Area Acknowledgements This guide was prepared by the Fiordland Marine Guardians, the Ministry for the Environment, the Ministry for Primary Industries (formerly the Ministry of Fisheries and MAF Biosecurity New Zealand), the Department of Conservation, and Environment Southland. This guide would not have been possible without the assistance of a great many people who provided information, advice and photos. To each and everyone one of you we offer our sincere gratitude. We formally acknowledge Fiordland Cinema for the scenes from the film Ata Whenua and Land Information New Zealand for supplying navigational charts for generating anchorage maps. Cover photo kindly provided by Destination Fiordland. Credit: J. Vale Disclaimer While reasonable endeavours have been made to ensure this information is accurate and up to date, the New Zealand Government makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, completeness or use of any information that is available or referred to in this publication. The contents of this guide should not be construed as authoritative in any way and may be subject to change without notice. Those using the guide should seek specific and up to date information from an authoritative source in relation to: fishing, navigation, moorings, anchorages and radio communications in and around the fiords. Each page in this guide must be read in conjunction with this disclaimer and any other disclaimer that forms part of it. Those who ignore this disclaimer do so at their own risk.
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