The Steering Committee on the Environment and Forests Sector
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Report of THE STEERING COMMITTEE ON THE ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS SECTOR FOR THE ELEVENTH FIVE YEAR PLAN (2007-2012) Government of India Planning Commission New Delhi (March, 2007) CONTENTS Abbreviations (i) Executive Summary (v) Chapter 1: Introduction 1 At the Cross-roads Ground policies and programmes in scientific understanding Infuse a spirit of partnership throughout the spectrum of environmental management in the country Promote agricultural growth and support systems for farm economy Promote rural small scale enterprises Ensure convergence with NREGP to augment ecological resource base Promote synergies with JNNURM and Bharat Nirman Chapter 2: Present scenario 9 Environment Sector Air pollution Water Hazardous and biomedical waste Sustainable Development and International Commitments Biodiversity and conservation Rivers and Lakes Conservation Forests and Wildlife Reasons for Degradation Management and policy perspective Participatory Management or Joint Forest Management Forest and bio-diversity conservation – Policy and legal measures Forest Products and services Timber Fuel Wood Fodder Non Wood Forest Produce Social and Agro-forestry Investment in Forestry sector development Chapter 3: Review of Performance in Tenth Plan 19 Environment The National Environment Policy Air Pollution Water Pollution Solid Waste Management International Agreements and Conventions Information, R & D and Technology Environmental Education, Training and Information Centres of Excellence Energy conservation and climate change National River Conservation Plan Ganga River Who will pay? Examining the sewage question National Lake Conservation Plan Forestry and Wildlife Forest cover Joint Forest Management Greening India NWFP (NTFP), Tribals and Forest Villages Integrated Forest Protection and Management Forest Management, policy and law Wildlife and Biodiversity Conservation Development of National Parks and Sanctuaries Project Tiger (now converted into National Tiger Conservation Authority) Project Elephant Protection of Wildlife outside Protected Areas Research and Education Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute (IPIRTI) Wild Life Institute of India Indian Institute of Forest Management Forestry Training Forest Survey of India Resource assessment and information base Animal Welfare Chapter 4: Environment: Strategies, proposals and allocations for the Eleventh Five Year Plan 43 Environment and Development The regulatory challenge Strengthening the framework of governance Commission for Sustainable Development & District Paryavaran Vahinis Environmental impact appraisal, clearance including forest clearance Strengthening and repositioning the Central and State Pollution Control Boards as Environmental Protection Authorities International Agreements and Conventions Global climate change Pollution Abatement Air pollution management Water pollution Solid and hazardous waste Aquatic Ecosystems National River Conservation Plan Re-design river cleaning National Lake Conservation Plan Coastal Zone Management Environmental Education, Monitoring and Information Management Environmental Awareness and Education National Environmental Monitoring Programme Biodiversity Inventory and Monitoring, Forest cover monitoring Ecosystem Service Flows & Values (Hydrological regulation, soil conservation, carbon sequestration, pollination services of forests) Information Management and Dissemination Indian Institute of Forest Management Capacity Building in Forestry Sector Environmental Research and Development Botanical Survey of India and Zoological Survey of India Taxonomy Capacity Building Mountain Ecosystems Wild Life Institute of India Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education Indian Plywood Industries Research and Technology Institute Forest Survey of India Biodiversity, Wildlife, and Animal Welfare Conservation of Natural Resources and Ecosystems Conservation & Management of Wetlands, Mangroves and Coral Reefs Biosphere Reserves National Biodiversity Authority and State Biodiversity Boards Domesticated Biodiversity Agro-biodiversity and GMOs Strengthening Wildlife Management Central Zoo Authority Integrated Development of Wildlife habitats Landscape or ecoregional planning JPAM and community-owned or community-based eco-tourism: Pilot scale Support for Community Conserved Areas Urban biodiversity Critically endangered species & habitats National Tiger Conservation Authority Project Elephant Animal Welfare Forestry Afforestation, Ecorestoration and Forest Management Strengthening Forestry Division Increasing green cover and strengthening participatory processes National Afforestation, Ecorestoration and Eco-development Board National Afforestation, Ecorestoration and Village Forest Programme TFRA implementation Mission Village Forest Communities Based Panchayat Community Resource Programme: Panchayat Sasya Yojana Intensification of Forest Management (former Integrated Forest Protection Scheme) Forest Land Information System Economic and policy imperatives Tribals, NTFP and PESA Mobilization of resources for afforestation CAMPA Forest Plantations Agro-Forestry Development Private Forestry Initiatives Areas under shifting cultivation Ecotourism Recommended Outlays 93 Appendix 1 94 Appendix 2 98 Appendix 3 101 Appendix 4 104 Appendix 5 107 Appendix 6 110 Appendix 7 113 Appendix 8 115 Appendix 9 117 Appendix 10 119 Appendix 11 121 Appendix 12 123 Appendix 13 125 Appendix 14 127 ABBREVIATIONS AICOPTAX All India Coordinated Project on Taxonomy AICTE All India Council for Technical Education AWBI Animal Welfare Board of India BHS Biodiversity Heritage Sites BMC Biodiversity Management Committees BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand BSI Botanical Survey of India BTX Benzene Pollutants (benzene, toluene, xylenes) CAAP Clean Air Action Plan CAMPA Compensatory Afforestation Management Authority CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBF Central Board of Forestry CBWTF Common Bio-medical Waste Treatment Facilities CCA Community Conserved Areas CDM Clean Development Mechanism CETP Common Effluent Treatment Plants CITES Convention on International Trade on Endangered Species CPCB Central Pollution Control Board CPCSEA Committee for the Purpose of Supervision and Control of Experiments on Animals CREP Corporate Responsibility on Environmental Protection CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone CSD Commission on Sustainable Development CSFER Centre for Social Forestry and Eco-rehabilitation CSIR Council of Scientific & Industrial Research CSO Central Statistical Organisation CSS Centrally Sponsored Schemes CZA Central Zoo Authority DBT Department of Biotechnology DFE Directorate of Forest Education DLR Department of Land Resources DNA Designated National Authority DO Dissolved Oxygen DRDA District Rural Development Authority DSS Decision Support System DST Department of Science & Technology DWD Department of Wasteland Development EAC Expert Appraisal Committees EAP Externally Aided Project EIA Environmental Impact Assessment ENVIS Environmental Information System FAO Food and Agriculture FCA Forest Conservation Act FDA Forest Development Agencies (i) FLIS Forest Land Information System FREEP Forestry Research Education and Extension Project FRLHT Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions FSI Forest Survey of India GAP Ganga Action Plan GDP Gross Domestic Product GEF Global Environment Facility GHG Green House Gas GIS Geographic Information System GLOBE Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment GLORIA Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments GMEF Global Ministerial Environment Forum GMO Genetically Modified Organisms GPA Global Plan of Action GPS Global Positioning System IBIS Indian Biodiversity Information System ICAR Indian Council of Agriculture Research ICFRE Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education ICI Indigenous Community Institutions IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IFS Indian Forest Service IGNFA Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy IGNOU Indira Gandhi National Open University IIFM Indian Institute of Forest Management IMD India Meteorological Department IPCC Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change IPIRTI Indian Plywood Industries Research and Training Institute ITTA International Tropical Timber Agreement ITTO International Tropical Timber Organization IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature & Natural Resources IVRI Indian Veterinary Research Institute JFM Joint Forest Management JFMC Joint Forest Management Committees JNNURM Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission JPAM Joint Protected Area Management LMO Living Modified Organisms Lpcd Litres per person (capita) per day LRTAP Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution MFP Minor Forest Produce MLD Million Litres per Day MNES Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Sources MNRE Ministry of New and Renewable Energy MOA Ministry of Agriculture MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forests MOU Memorandum of Understanding MTA Mid Term Appraisal (ii) NAEB National Afforestation and Eco-development Board NAEEB National Afforestation, Ecorestoration and Eco-development Board NAP National Afforestation Programme NAQP National Air Quality Planning NCEPC National Committee on Environmental Planning and Coordination NCFR National Curriculum Framework Review NCT National Capital Territory NEAC National Environment Awareness Campaign NECA National Environment Clearance Authority NEMP National Environmental Monitoring Programme NEPED Nagaland Environmental Protection and Economic Development Project NFAP National Forestry