Employment and Economic Development Office Entrepreneurship

The TE Office offers several services that support entrepreneurship; whether you are interested in entrepreneurship, starting a business, or already run your own business.

Information about business Vocational guidance and operations career planning Suomi.fi for companies is the most TE Services offers free career guidance (AVO) that comprehensive service for both helps to assess career choices and your suitability potential and current entrepreneurs. for entrepreneurship. You can make an You can obtain information on starting appointment for career guidance by phone, Mon- a business, financing, responsibilities, Thurs from 12-14, obligations and developing a business. Tel: 02950 41400. The online portal is at your disposal at www.suomi.fi/company.

Entrepreneur training Planning for a business When you already have a business idea See the ‘Planning and starting a in mind, you can seek training to develop your own business’ wizard at Suomi.fi and create your own entrepreneurial skills. You can find free workspace at My Enterprise to obtain entrepreneurship training courses by searching on information tailored to your needs. The workspace is the TE Services website. Use the search words the best place to draw up a business plan, which you "Entrepreneur" and "Uusimaa". will often need when applying for training events, www.te-palvelut.fi/koulutushaku A good level of Finnish funding or start-up grants. https://oma.yrityssuomi.fi/en language skills is often required for participation.

The Enterprise Finland telephone service offers Starting a business advice to start-ups and existing businesses and whilst unemployed offers guidance on starting up your own business. As a job seeker, you can get unemployment Mon-Fri, from 9 -16.15, Tel: 0295 020 500. benefit for four months even if you start a business. Receiving the benefit requires that the More info on entrepreneurship business was started whilst you were can also be found at unemployed. For more information, contact the www.perustamisopas.fi. TE office's unemployment benefit advice service Information is available in multiple languages! by phone Mon to Fri from 9-16 Tel: 02950 20701. Work try-outs You can test your suitability for entrepreneurship Personal business advice with a work try-out. Find an entrepreneur who Finnish Enterprise Agencies and can act as your mentor and then contact the TE development companies provide free advice office. You can get an expense allowance for the on how to found a company. Contact details: duration of your work try-out.

Local start-up and business advisory services Book an appointment to see your local business advisor: www.newcohelsinki.fi /Länsi-Uusimaa www.yritysvihti.fi www.yritysespoo.fi www.posintra.fi www.yritysvantaa.fi Askola, Myrskylä www.proagria.fi Hyvinkää www.yritysvoimala.fi Mäntsälä www.yrityskehitys.net , Raasepori/ www.novago.fi Keski-Uusimaa, www.keuke.fi Länsi-Uusimaa

Further information: http://www.te-palvelut.fi/te/en/employers/for_entrepreneurs/services_new_entrepreneurs/startup_grant/index.html Uusimaa Employment and Economic Development Office Start-up grant

The start-up grant is a TE service that provides financial support for new entrepreneurs aiming to engage in full-time entrepreneurship. Applications for start-up grant can be submitted by unemployed people, people planning to leave paid employment to start a business, or students, for example. All company types and industries are eligible.

Conditions for a start-up grant  The future business activities are, by nature, Duration and amounts for 2020 full-time and permanent. Start-up grants are awarded for 6 months at a  The applicant has sufficient skills, training time, usually in 1-2 periods. The grant amount is: and work experience in the field. €33,66 per day, or about €700 per month  Sufficient capabilities for becoming an A start-up grant is personal, taxable income that entrepreneur: experience or suitable training is paid for maximum 5 days per week. for entrepreneurship.  The business plan and the calculations are ready, and they have been estimated to be When you apply for a start-up grant profitable(by the nearest Enterprise Agency, 1. Don't register your business yet. for instance) Create your own workspace in the My Enterprise  Financing, business premises, permits and the Finland online service oma.yrityssuomi.fi. Get help equivalent are already known; the applicant must by phone, Tel: 0295 020 502. have all of the prerequisites for setting up a 2. Draw up a preliminary business plan (LTS) company and launching business operations. and profitability calculations in My Enterprise Finland. The Start-up grant will not be granted if 3. Book an appointment for personal business advice at the nearest  The applicant's full-time entrepreneurship Enterprise Agency, see previous has started before the decision on the start- page. up grant has been made. 4. Finalise your business plan and acquire other A business is considered to have started attachments for your application. when the following activities have begun; o Order your tax debt certificate production, sales, marketing (including www.vero.fi/verovelkatodistus and publishing a website), or the business is o if necessary, request a promise for a loan for registered for VAT, preliminary tax, or is in financing needs. the employers register. Securing business Negotiate a (pre) contract premises or conducting market research o are not considered as starting activities. for business premises. If you intend to expand your previous part- o Update your CV time business into a full-time entrepreneurial 5. If necessary, ask for more information from the TE activity, the start-up grant must be applied for office [email protected] and a decision must be made on it before the 6. Submit your start-up grant application activity becomes full-time. electronically, with attachments at the TE  The entrepreneurship provides a Services website at www.te-palvelut.fi E- reasonable livelihood straight away. The Services. financial risks are very low. 7. You will receive a decision approximately two weeks  You have other income, incl. after submitting the application and all of the requested enclosures. salary, student allowance, parental allowance, pensions. 8. After starting a business, you can apply to take part  Non-trivial tax debts or payment defaults. in a free coaching service Start Up Plus 2.0 to improve your sales and marketing skills. We will check your credit history.